Why do you need to drink in the spring? How to dress up on the persha bachennya. More beautiful than varto

The axis and the beginning of this writhing and tremulous moment. First of all, get along with the lad as you should. In addition, how successful will be the first education, lay down your further hundreds. How to prepare for the first day? What should you wear, how should you behave, what should you say, and what do girls need to know so that the first relationship with a handsome man goes as expected?

After the first treatment, it is possible and another, and a third, and... in the future of your man, you will need to admire, we express your respect for the most sexual women's clothing on the thoughts of men.

Rules for successful first-time education

First, what needs to be taken into account, this is your meta on the side. What do you want? Are you looking for light flirting, sex without goiters, or aiming for serious cravings? Since the first two purposes do not require special preparation, for long-line entries you will have to work on your image.

Woman's image

Do not lure the person into wearing colorful jewelry, bare body or bright makeup with you. Do you want me to look into your special someone? To help you with this: your current look may be feminine and natural.

For rich people, the idea of ​​a girl forms in the first place and “fixes” already on the first page. This dress will require special respect.

What is the story about the woman and her clothes?

  1. What is the lady's aesthetic taste?
  2. Who's that woman?
  3. How can a woman emphasize the merits of her position?

If you don’t know where the boy asked you, ask him about it. If you want to pass by a cafe or cinema, put on a cloth (for your day - a little below the knee), low-cut shoes and bring a small handbag (clutch).

Why can’t you wear it?

If you like a lad, then taboos for the first ladies are short trousers, tracksuits, trousers, jeans, leggings and business suits. Otherwise, the person will think that you are easily accessible, too squeezed or concentrated on the career.

Is it warm outside? Dress up a light, romantic cloth or knitted shirt with a blouse. If you are outdoors in open air (for example, near an amusement park), you may want to wear heavy clothing. Golovne - don’t forget to shout out your feminism.

Vzuttya for the first time

This part of the image is to blame for the situation and place where there is likely to be a problem.

Makeup and haircut

The best option is naturalness. It costs everything: makeup, manicure, clothing, pedicure. Light and delicate shades are the best option for the first batch.

Taboos: red lipstick, stilettos, bright tones in clothes, makeup, variety of jewelry.

Rules of behavior at first party

  • If you have read the dissertation of an English scientist in the original or know 10 foreign languages, do not squeeze a person with your erudition and intellect;
  • come to the party promptly;
  • be natural, indifferent, indulge in “crazy” phrases and pathos;
  • don’t develop the topic of speech, because you don’t care;
  • do not pretend to be a leader among the rosemists, allow the boys to take initiative in everyone;
  • Don’t tell everything about yourself at once;
  • What is there to praise a guy for, here's what: people love compliments.

Why can’t you work on your first job?

  • deceive or pretend to “beautify” the facts for yourself;
  • flamboyant and vulgar clothes, wear bright makeup;
  • boast about the great number of shamans.

Behavior: rules of a healthy tone

Do you have problems? Throw them overboard. Pershe pobachennya is not a place for skargs, I’m sorry. Focus your attention on the positive aspects. Be kind, considerate, calm. Since you, by your nature, are a very sensitive person, the lad takes one of your “lungs” into account. Ale, don’t deceive him with sympathy. Otherwise, there will be no other sustra.

How can I calm down?

Sports, malt and meditation are some of the most effective ways to relieve stress before exercise. As soon as you get ready in the evening, head to the gym that day. And a year or two before the ceremony, try meditation: it will calm your nervous system, give you a sense of calm and improve your self-esteem. What is needed for meditation: a peaceful, quiet place, calm music (there are a lot of different melodies for meditative practices on the Internet), 15-20 minutes of your time.

What about balakati? Rozmova on the first day

There is no need to make special jokes about topics for understanding. Golovne, so that the topic is useful for both. To get the boy up to speed, you can focus on your successes in life: people love, talk to themselves about their achievements. Especially if you have something to write with.

Topics that are taboo for the first time: politics, religion, violence, illnesses.

By nature, people are conquerors. It’s like you deserve a lad, don’t obliquely kiss him on the first day.

Taboo: the initiative of the first kiss may forever be in human hands. If you want to kiss you, then choose when it happens. Golovne - remember that a woman is not guilty of kissing a man first.

Sex in the first place: whether or not?

This is the most important taboo of the first romantic partner. Don’t forget about the human nature of the champion and conqueror. Most often, sex for the first time does not lead to serious tears. As long as you and your partner haven’t had sex, you can set dating rules and get to know each other. Acting psychologists are advised not to rush into sex for the entire 90 days. As the fahivtsi insist, such mortality has a lot of advantages. For example:

  • As you, dear people, you can go 90 days without sex;
  • In 90 days you will be able to cancel all of your days;
  • If a person has serious intentions, he should appreciate your rule.

Why is sex in the first place taboo?

  1. You know the man badly
  2. The man doesn't know you
  3. After sex, a person can sing if it’s fun
  4. After early sex, equal struggles arise: now everything is in jeopardy
  5. For most people, sex on the first day should not lead to serious cramps
  6. In 90 days you will be able to recognize the boy better. And if you don’t want to have sex with him, without sex it will be easier for you to separate from him

Important: it’s not the man, but the woman who is violating if the smell of first sex looms. A man can change you over to someone who will have sex with you together. Perhaps this is true. But you can only know one good thing without sex. Respect the person and motivate him to realize that this is your day.

What do you need to know about human psychology?

Human psychology is simpler than womanhood. The man’s basic plan is this: he doesn’t want sex. And I want to know what you need to earn in order to give up sex.

Serious jokes or just flirting?

The woman herself believes what hundred-year-olds will be like. And those, as a person is placed, also believe in you, and not in you. Already at first, the older man has the right mind, which you can become for the new one. In your hands you can create more enemies.

Who are you for a man: a woman for serious whining or flirting?

Woman for serious hunches

Woman for flirting and sex
Instills confidence, makes a person respectful Allows you to talk to her and do unimportant things with her
Sexy from the cloth to the knees Dressing up with a hood, screwed up
Doesn’t allow human “pats” on himself at the hour of the first meal Allows people to hug themselves the way they want
Do not give out your phone number right-handed or left-handed: this privilege must be earned When a person asks for her phone number, gives her mobile number, home number, work number, registration address, place of residence, promises to pay the way to her booth and her mobile phone.
Forever chanted at my place A person with a narrow number of interests is not impressed
A woman, if she wants to marry her, doesn’t like a man Woman, what are your plans for the next weekend?
Such a lady can be seen by friends, children and relatives, who call her their wife I don’t want this woman to be known any other way than in my name
Lively, generous, wife of the ruler Zarozumila, nervous, frowning, dissatisfied, grumpy, prim
Lady, as we can speak A woman, who makes it clear that a man’s everyday life should not be spent happy.
The woman is faithful A woman who loves richly and often flirts with different people
Woman, for which man is a leader A woman who doesn’t allow a man close to her and doesn’t allow him to make fun of himself
The woman who breathes on the man A woman, who belittles a man, jokes in a new place and blames his faults.

Tsikave on the website

Tell your friends!

Shirts, blouses, pants, shoes... - everything is flying uphill. You froze in front of the chef in search of the required speech. In a year I'll get better. But there is no intimidation! Short-long, loose-fitting, open-faced-modest... What should I put on my first sustrich? I so want serious hundreds, and not just one night’s worth. Do you know anything? Sing! Well then, I’ll take it easy on you. Let's find out what is happening to us.

According to statistics, only 32% of first-time cases lead to repeated attacks. A man's first impression about a woman is formed in a few seconds. It’s like her clothes: who she is, what her style is and what her character is. Manners and behavior helped to confirm the visual image. Until the end of the evening, he knows everything about the woman.

What can I say about it?
The image for the first sustricha is a club with two ends. The woman dressed up sexy - they want more and look less like a future squad. I grabbed everything that was possible and seemed inaccessible. Another option is taken by people as a sign of fidelity. The women themselves are whispering to us in advance. Therefore, if you want more hundreds of hundred-year-olds, at least for one night, go too far in the direction of innocence.

For most business people, a woman is a business card. And you need to work in such a way that after the first education, they will proudly want to show you off to their friends, partners, and dads. It’s better to choose a choice that doesn’t scream, and those that enhance your achievements and don’t attract much attention. And I will be your friend, zustrich.

Substitutable accents in bi-femininity
Choosing insults for the purpose, speak out on misogyny. Forget about unisex clothes and manly style: jeans, shirts, sweatshirts. Say “so” to fancy and charm.

You know which part of your body is most attractive: legs, breasts, butt. Develop an emphasis on why I am alone. There are only people in the world who will replace you with your curves and are likely to touch them.

Cloth is an ideal option!
Cloth embellishes the figure, but it also makes you sleepy. Find a style and fabric that will enhance your beautiful curves and hide your shortness. And most importantly, let people evaluate your “charming proportion” of waist and waist.

Do not put red cloth on your first wife or cloth with a very deep neckline. Otherwise, the person’s gaze will be straight just there, and your behavior will be like “fishing with live bait.” Calm colors, no need for deep makeup, neat makeup and loose hair to ensure confidence and harmony. Consider such a girlish man as a serious option.

Pants. Let's prop up the butt
Point to point – this is your other passport. Have you ironed your pants? Choose those that do not add to the stegon. Light fabric, no coarse seams or patches are an ideal option. Let your pants flow over your beautiful legs and create the effect of a light quill, not a flattened potato. Tight pants won't make you look sexy, but your sexuality will be reduced to zero.

Please be respectful: people look at the woman’s butt from the side and back. Get this and you! Marvel at yourself as a human being. And then you know, you should go out to someone’s house or change your clothes.

Zbroya in stiletto heels
Women, your shoes are a heavy burden, like a towel for a fool! The stench will make your legs tremble with strings, your figure will be tendinous and subdued. And if you can finely adjust the strap on your shoes or put your knees in place beautifully. Mmm. These are so much more polished than human nerves!

Which choice should you choose for your first bachelor? Thin! Too many massive selections are available for work and visits to girlfriends. Why don’t you want to look at the flat sole, why not? So, you don’t care about people’s thoughts. And you can smell the stink. Don’t be surprised that you don’t care.

Follow fashion?
People have little reason to fiddle with fashion trends! Then laugh, if you go in the same speeches “after the last squeak of fashion”, like a bastard. So don’t try to put on everything in the most fashionable way possible. The best way to find your powerful style. Then, in the simplest way, you look like a queen.

You won’t hesitate to dress up more expensively than you can really afford. It’s all the same that the man takes his car barefoot, but it looks like his own.

And smut...
Be in the woman's camp, be mellow, natural, increase your energy. Kindness, health, spontaneity, youth, literate language – these are the qualities that successful men love in their wives, regardless of their clothes.

A report about those who wear, say and work women, so that they act on people like a strong magnetic field you learn from my book

It will be the color of any woman - both married and married, separated, and those who are in the hundreds. What does a man check for his skin (as a result of initial spitting), what women will remember throughout their lives, who they want to help and give compliments, what you need to work for yourself - you know about this and a lot of other things keep up to date.

“They are chattering on their clothes...” - as if in sight. From the outside looking in, the first guy has a lot to hide in the underworld of hostility about people. At this important moment, the boy and the girl need to dress up unpreparedly, probably before there is a problem.

Important! Today it is even easier for anyone to take care of themselves and add a sense of freshness to anyone. Yak? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read more →

Next, think about the details of your image, such as looking at your nails, cutting your hair, so as not to keep thoughts to yourself. Choosing the right toilet will not only help to make a man or woman happy, but will also help you feel comfortable.

How to dress up for the first time with a lad?

It’s not a good idea for a girl to wear such a flashy and vulgar outfit, so as not to be too accessible.

Most people look for a romantic and feminine look: sweatshirts, cloths, blouses, coats.

The best option for makeup is naturalness. Light and delicate colors will give the appearance freshness and a creamy appearance.

How to ask a guy to go for a walk

Wardrobe for home decoration

Girls, in order to know how to dress themselves, then ask the boy where he asks. Type of toilet:

  1. 1. At the cafe. In this case, you need to wear a cloth or a sweatshirt with a blouse. Decorate must be selected according to the image. It is important to choose a small selection, or more manually.
  2. 2. To the restaurant. Dress up your evening cloth and high-heeled shoes. If it is cold outside, stylish ballet dancers are allowed.
  3. 3. Go for a walk. You should wear a comfortable, or women's, outfit, for example, jeans and a beautiful light. You will need to choose ballet flats or booties.
  4. 4. At the cinema. And here the first place is handiness. You will have to sit for two years, and in order to figure out when it’s time to put on your clothes, you need to sit in something new and change clothes, which is comfortable in these speeches.

How to behave in the first place

What should be dragged into the massacre at the hands of fate?

The clothes are chosen for the ceremony and it is appropriate until the time of fate:

  1. 1. Winter. During the cold season, it’s better to get dressed and warm. It’s better to go to bed in warm jeans and sophisticated light or a warm sweater. If you want to go to a cafe, such an external appearance will indicate the situation. For embellishment, choose the most important ones. Here you can be comfortable and adapt to the weather.
  2. 2. Autumn and spring. If the weather is good outside, you should dress up for a walk - perhaps the couple will spend the whole day walking in nature. If it’s cold and rainy outside, and it’s possible to wake up in a closed area, you need to dress appropriately before you pass.
  3. 3. Summer. I'm not sure how to dress myself up. It is recommended to choose a cloth or knee-length blouse. Ballet flats or platform sandals will go well here.

Additional nuances

When getting started on the first step, you must not be limited by the selection and accessories. It is important to refresh your manicure so that your hands feel fresh and smooth. It is necessary to style your hair, but it is not recommended to apply too much hairspray.

If you want to look sexy at first glance, you need to try not to turn the image into a vulgar one. To avoid this, just select one part. If the backrest has a slit, the top is closed. However, if you need to reveal the décolleté area, then grab your legs. The “zbroya” - panchokhi - is strong. The stench is quite befitting of boys. Golovne - just pick up some cloth for them.

Why do you want to get involved in the first place with a girl?

Guys also need to diligently prepare before the first step and know what to do. Even an elegant coat not only enhances a person’s advantages, but also bestows self-esteem. In addition, choosing the right clothes is a great thing for girls who have spent more than one year in front of the mirror.

Mіstse pobachennya

This point is no less important for men than for women:

  1. 1. In nature. Don't wear a classic suit. Whose style is better than jeans or a T-shirt in warm weather or a jacket when it’s cold. The next step is to pick it up by hand, for example, moccasins or sneakers.
  2. 2. At the cafe. This type can be worn with classic jeans or a shirt in a casual style. Moccasins or shoes are worn.
  3. 3. To the restaurant. Here you need a classic suit and classic shoes. No less important are the cufflinks, the anniversary date, and the belt. It’s important not to overdo it with gold, the girls do it well.


It’s not good to experiment with hair in advance, singly, it’s not clear to what extent this can lead. It’s better to just comb your hair or go to your regular routine.

First of all... Just the thought of this new one makes my heart beat twice as fast. Choosing an outfit is one of the biggest problems faced by boys and girls who are trying to get big. By planning ahead and having enough time to prepare, you can dress up in the first place with proper rank. After reading this article, you will pick up a number of universal tips that will help you look great on your first partner and cope with your enmity with your companion.


Part 1


    Find out the details related to the treatment. Regardless of who is the initiator of the training, or the person with whom you plan to spend an hour, ask where your first meeting will go. I know, it will be easier for you to choose your choice. So tell me, let’s pass your first priority. So you can choose a casual outfit without any problems.

    • If you are going to have lunch or spend an hour at the cinema, wear beautiful and fashionable clothes. Don’t forget to discuss your meals so that your meal will be completed. You can clearly see the signs of this.
    • If you are planning a long hiking excursion, casual jeans, a T-shirt or a tracksuit are a wonderful option for such an adventure!
  1. Go shopping. There is nothing wrong with if you are updating your wardrobe for the first time, especially if you are planning to do something unimportant, and you do not have the necessary clothes for it.

    • Although you don’t want to have to change your wardrobe at all, by putting on a new piece of clothing for the evening, you will show that you have reported to your friends in order to prepare for something new.
  2. Take a look at the number of options. First of all, consider what you will wear for your wedding, look at the number of options. Perhaps, having dressed the selected items in your clothes, you will realize that the stench is disgusting to eat among yourself. So you may have an alternative option ready.

    • If, at the hour of the first ceremony, you are moving around a lot - perhaps you are dancing or riding horses - change your clothes so that you can freely and comfortably change your shoes in a fitted robe.
  3. Lighten your handy coat. As a rule, the first step is always associated with a great number of experiences. If you don’t want to make yourself even more anxious, don’t choose soft clothing items that are tight fitting and show through. Also wear a robe with a great visor.

    Choose an outfit that enhances your individuality. Kozhen wants to look recklessly at the first person. If you are not planning to celebrate Halloween, make sure that your choice does not match the image of anyone else present. Choose clothing items that enhance your individuality.

    • You feel more calm, and the person who is accompanying you is not satisfied with sleeping with you.
  4. Tell me about cleaning your clothes. It’s not at all obligatory for you to wear a completely new wedding or an expensive outfit in order to fight off your enmity with people, as you should. First of all, your clothes must be clean, neat and in good condition. Bring your clothes back to the front.

    • If you decided to put on a new garment for the day, you must remove the price tag and similar items. It’s unlikely that you want the person who asked you for an apprenticeship to find such a find on your item of clothing.
    • If your coat is not clean and tidy at all times, store it, as well as additional accessories, in your wardrobe in a coat cover.
  5. Get in touch with the groomer and practice it later. It is important that if you intend to carry out your first cleaning, choose the appropriate cleaning. A few days before the due date, practice your styling. Whatever you can do, your hairstyle will match your clothes. You probably won’t want to rush around getting your hair done in the rest of the day before going to work.

    • If you plan to wear makeup, be sure to try to do it a few days before your appointment. You need to be clear about what you want and how your makeup will go with your extravagant appearance.
  6. Enjoy yourself in front of the pobachennyam. As you are a young man, your companion is obliged to smear your freshly-haired face on the sidelines. If you are a girl, wax your shavings a few days before the wedding, so that the young woman does not burn the burnt area of ​​her shavings. The bosses look at you blindly.

    • Although you want to take extra care of yourself, you shouldn’t give yourself up to unsafe procedures for the sake of self-care. If you think that your outward appearance is all that people can look at, believe me, it doesn’t suit you. You deserve to be loved by such a person as you are!

Part 2

  1. Guys, turn the weather around. First, get dressed, guys, change the weather. If you plan to spend most of the hour indoors, you will still have to spend time on the street getting to the destination. Your clothes need to stay dry and clean.

    • Take a raincoat before you go, or consider putting on a long-sleeve shirt and pants, as it’s busy outside.
    • If there is a street on the street, you can take an additional pair from the street. In one you will get to the place of appointment, and in the other pair you can get up before the ceremony.
    • If you know the size of your companion's or companion's clothes, take extra light, a parasol or a raincoat, if the weather outside is bad and other people forget to take with them the necessary speeches. Your companion will be hostile to your plans and will be pleased that you have thought through everything in advance.
  2. Take a shower. If you take part in a marathon on your first birthday, you will be pleased that the smell of freshness and cleanliness comes out of you, as long as you get along with people.

    • If you need extra time to wash and dry your hair, tell me about what you need.
  3. There's enough time to get dressed. If you are under stress or in a hurry, you may end up doing something bad. Something might happen: a buzzer might come loose, a lock would break, or a streak might come out on your tights. Once you are ready for the day ahead, you will be able to deal with an unpleasant situation and escape the hustle and bustle. Check back and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

  4. Prepare and pack a change of everyday clothes. Whether you are planning to have dinner at a luxury hotel or go to the theater, be prepared before your plans may change. For example, you will have so much fun for an hour that you will want to take a walk and soak in the frost, and all night long you will endlessly marvel at old and good films.

    • Take it by hand so that you can calmly enjoy the drink for an hour at a time!
  5. Turn the doors over so that you have everything you need. Check that you have everything you need. This can be a gamanets, a water dance or similar speeches.

    • Make sure your mobile phone has sufficient charge in case of emergency.
    • It is important to take extra pennies in case your dinner does not end the way you would like, and you will be embarrassed to get home on your own, because your companion does not want to pay for your additional dessert.

This article is dedicated to girls who are about to spoil their first relationship with a boy in their lives. The main dilemma every time is choosing an outfit. As the style icon Coco Chanel said before the world: “You don’t have another chance to overcome your first enemy.” How to dress up on the persha bachennya?

They cling, as you can see from their clothes, the more people love them. No, obviously, you plan to please him with your wisdom and sense of humor, otherwise you will be embarrassed, as, for example, a girl of easy behavior, the gentleman will hardly accept all your attempts to conduct intellectually and talk. It is important that your inner self matches your outer appearance. In your ode for duty and guilt, you feel like you are singing, beautifully and handily.

Oh dear, everything is in order.

Damn the weather!

Many girls forget about this important point, and in the bitter cold they put on thin nylon tights for forty days, and in the ice they put on stiletto heels. Of course, you will be perfect in this image, otherwise you simply won’t be able to get enough space. How can you get involved in the bribe? For rich people, the winter time is a significant factor in the lifestyle. Although you might look cute in someone, you shouldn’t be afraid to put on your hat because it’s really cold outside. Marvel at the photo, isn’t it a wonderful stench to be seen in the upper garment with the headdress? Feel free to inherit their butt!

Still from the film “Terrible Girl”. A blue coat with a belt and a blue beret. Bottom image, isn't it?
Still from the film “The Oath”. Down jacket and knitted caps. Combing the shape of the braid gives the winter look additional charm. A still from the film “Like Only People”, a brown coat, a scarf and a beret go harmoniously with a bag over the shoulder.
Still from the film “Just Friends.” A green down jacket and a red hat with pompoms can look even cute.

Good, with the outer garment everything has become clear - a coat, a down jacket, a fur coat, everything should be stored so that you yourself give the advantage. What should you wear underneath them? There are no options here. You can choose a knitted or knitted cloth with tight tights and boots (not too tight on high rises). Or give the advantage of a tunic with leggings paired with a cardigan.

If you are a knitted fabric, then it is not a good idea to choose a knitted garment with coarse knits; the best option is rich sphericity. Moreover, the lower ball has dark shades, and the upper one has light shades. This trick will visually enhance your silhouette. Do not press into the horizontal print, as you know, it adds a lot of volume.

How to dress up for the first time

Of course, the girl will now look more comfortable with the cloth. This wardrobe element reinforces femininity. You can create either a romantic or a fatal image (wonder what kind of enemy you plan to create).

If you wear a dress with a voluminous spaghetti straps on thin straps, or a flowy dress in retro style, you will look romantic. If you give the advantage to the red cloth, which is tight, then there will be another force. Don't overdo it with the dovzhin. A little more for the knee is the best option. A too short style may create the wrong impression on you.

All the girls are afraid to wear short cloth, lest their pale skin be disgraced. At this time, you may be pleased to choose jeans or light-colored pants with some kind of women's top and jacket. Sandals are perfect for your feet.

Or you can inherit Emmy Stone’s butt from the movie “La La Land” and still wear a bright cloth and a white skin. So what? Not everyone will smile after sleep. Possibly, you yourself deserve your companion.

You can experiment (but don't overdo it) with different colors and speeches. It’s amazing how you can combine colors with colors. For example, a red blouse, an orange sweatshirt and gold shoes. Or you can do like the heroine from the film “Three meters above the level of the sky-2”, who wore a leather jacket over a woman’s shiny cloth. Before speaking, a rough leather jacket looks great with romantic styles in bright colors. All this will help you create a unique and unique image.

For girls who want to show off their love, you can choose long cloth in dark colors (for example, green or purple), hanging on the belt at the waist. Or wear a blouse with a blouse, or combine the colors correctly. The blouse will therefore have a light, pastel color (for example, soft russet, blanc, vanilla), and the back will have a contrasting color (and not just black, you can give preference to blue or emerald). We will not notice that you will wear a brown white under your clothes, in order to smooth out all the unevenness that has strengthened your figure.

Dear people in the community!

This is an important official. If you are asked to go to an expensive restaurant, then replace jeans with a top there with a richer-looking little black cloth. For cinema, wearing pants or a blouse is perfect. If the boy asked you to go to the club, then he will choose the right one. It’s important not to overdo it here, otherwise you risk looking like a newbie Yalinka.

The same can be said about a picnic in nature. Wait, the evening cloth will absolutely not fit into your decor. Before that, your fellow will come in light pants and a T-shirt. Before speaking, this very important official should harmonize his clothes with the lad’s clothes. Since it gives preference to the classic look (a suit with a bed), it means that your T-shirt and jeans will look, at a minimum, wonderfully well with it. It is therefore important to discuss where the training will take place, but it is important in order to select the correct choice.

Don't forget about accessories

It’s amazing, it’s wonderful to add to the image, but it’s also necessary for the world to know. Otherwise, your whole image will look more attractive. Correctly choosing the decoration of your guilt will be unnoticeable to the eye, so that you don’t get the feeling that you have hung on yourself everything that you found in the screenshot. Garneau looks at the darkness of the earrings and carnations. Or (option for a restaurant) long earrings with a high polish. When you put on a bracelet, it’s better to do without a ring. And just like that.

Hairdressers with beautiful shapes are not allowed to wear a little embellishment, so that you look better that way. Great earrings or sparkle - whatever you need.

And, of course, don’t forget a small handbag or clutch.
The ever-presentness of any bag pulls on those that you didn’t take a penny from you. Of course, it’s customary for people to pay for the ceremonies, but we still won’t be insured. Before that, in your clutches you will put a mirror and the necessary cosmetics with a comb.

Original accessories are also available. For example, instead of a standard lanyard, you can wear a short nasto (choker) with a bow, as the heroine of the film “On the Road to the Ground” created. Or, if you're on a picnic, pull a hairpin on your hair and look like a knit. It will be tender and unique to marvel at.

  • A lot of cosmetics is a blessing. Still, the boy wants to take a look at your denunciation. The emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips, which is a safe option.
  • Don't forget about perfume. The aroma may be light and fresh, and your lover will surely be disappointed that you have taken the whole bottle for yourself.
  • It is better to give middle combings to loose curls. Don’t overdo it with curling, your hair will look natural and not frizzy. You can create a tail by securing it with a beautiful gum.
  • Don't forget about manicure! And if you are wearing sandals, then talk about a pedicure. Nothing could be more irritating to other, less overlooked nails.
  • There is no need to dress the clothes of a shabby look (for example, an old jacket with ripples or worn-out jeans), it seems like you are in love with the river. Odyag is guilty of looking carefully and carefully. Sometimes it’s better to splurge on new cloth than the one you’ve already worn for five years.
  • Remember - we clean everything! Looks like hair up to the brim. The same chestnut looks, the same spots on the jacket, the same spots on the tights. Rot to the bottomless image!

And the rest, but the greatest joy. The color of your clothes, hairstyles and accessories is important, revealing your expression. So laugh to give yourself even more charm! Believe me, no person can stand up to a positive attitude and a wide smile. Good luck to you!

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