Hurry up properly, having said the meaning. Glossary of Latin virazivs. Hurry is not required

Hurry up

Viraz tse, as conveyed by Svetonii, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, 63 BC - 14 AD). The French poet and classicist theorist Boileau (1636-1711) introduced this aphorism into his own theme (1674) "Poetic Art" (1, 171). Often quoted in Latin: "Festina lente".

  • - crooked. sl. Viraz tse, as Svetoniy conveys, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus. The French sings that the theoretician of classicism, Boileau, introduced this aphorism in his own poem "Poetic art".
  • - crooked. sl. Viraz tse povіlno kvapsya, as Suetonіy conveys, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus. The French sings that the theoretician of classicism, Boileau, introduced this aphorism in his own poem "Poetic art".

    Universal dodatkovy practical cloudy glossary I. Mostytsky

    Mikhelson's Tlumach-phraseological dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Viraz tse, as Svetoniy conveys, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus. The French sings and the theoretician of classicism, Boileau, introduced this aphorism in his own poem "Poetic Art".
  • - From Latin: Festina lente. According to the Roman historian Suetonius, who often repeated the Roman emperor Augustus, who was introduced by his nephew Gaius Julius Caesar.

    Dictionary of winged words and viraziv

  • - It's time to work on the right to do it promptly, but without fuss, as only one cares about robots ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

    Tlumach-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - div. Don't be a dick...
  • - Div. TALK -...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Div. TIME - MEASURE -...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Soon the good will not be born.

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Hurry up on the beat, she hurry on the chase ...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - adverb, a lot of synonyms: 4 festina lente

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - adverb, a lot of synonyms: 15 it's not yet an hour early don't drive horses don't race don't boil don't boil don't hurry don't knock your hoards wait a minute fast this time around...

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - give me a speck, merrily, shvidko, steal, turn around, quap, shvidko, pidday, break in, one foot is here, and the other is there, quicker, break in, one foot is here, and the other is there, shvidko, ...

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - adverb, a lot of synonyms: 4 festina lente hurry up, don’t hurry quickly, hurry up properly ...

    Glossary of synonyms

"Completely hurry [squawk]" in books

Tell a friend. Hurry up

From books author Heiko Leonid Dmitrovich

Tell a friend. Hurry up. Hurry up. Zlitno-posadkova smuga (WFP) for pilots, so the road itself, like a spaceport for astronauts. On our planet there is a lot of it, and the stink of different things. Some have modern lighting and electronic equipment. Your precision landing systems

Quest 11 "Don't hurry with your tongue"

From books Without rose marks Shchodennik 1974-1994 author Borisov Oleg Ivanovich

April 11 "Don't hurry with your tongue" Do not understand more than words. At the cinema, in which there is a close-up, you can not repeat a long monologue. With a good actor, everything can be understood. That's better

Rule 4: Don't rush

Book 70 of the Rules of Zahisny Vodinnya author Schaller Robert

Rule 4: Don't hurry while driving a car on a moving speed, these risks will change: first, change the hour needed for the response, and in another way, increase the amount of kinetic energy (the one that changes the hour). You are guilty of virishiti for

1.3.11. Don't hurry

From the book Rozmove with your daughter [Help for the Heavenly Fathers] author Kashkarov Andriy Petrovich

1.3.11. Number of words is a universal recommendation. We started all the more hurry up. First call. Fortune knocks softly for an hour. Ale on the other side. And don't be afraid of children. “Don’t say gop until you overstretch” - you miraculously know the order.

Don't hurry

From the book Karmic lessons of the share author Seklitova Larisa Oleksandrivna

"Hurry up to your confession"

From the books of Mark Aurelius author Fontaine Francois

“Hurry until your confession” “After the death of Faustini, Fabia reported all her efforts to marry Marcus Aurelius, ale wines, without worrying about leaving such a large number of children with her stepmother, taking the daughter of the clerk Faustina from the concubine.”

Hurry up properly

From the book Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and viraziv author Serov Vadim Vasilovich

Hurry up from Latin: Festina lente [festival tape]. According to the Roman historian Suetonius (block 70 - block 140), who often repeated the Roman emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD), which was brought up by his grand-nephew Gaius Julius Caesar. The clerk tells me what is bula

Hurry up properly

From the book of Dumka, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management author Dushenko Kostyantin Vasilovich

Thoropis rightly Thoropis rightly. The order of the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD) was loved. suddenly rob one on the right, that one grasps who

Hurry, do not hurry

From the book I'm happy, yakby not ... author Freidman Oleg

How can you avoid the development of depression, and then, get rid of the risk, turn again to the introduction of drugs, or to other staleness? Such a way. Milton Erikson, in his book, described the new arc in a convoluted way, describing how far away you

Hurry up properly

From the book Healthy people. Philosophy, physiology, prevention author Shatalova Galina Sergiivna

Hurry up properly I already guessed that a person is programmed to save vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, cereals, yagid, natural herbs, nasіnnya, horіhіv, honey, for nemovlyat - mother's milk. In the period of transition to healthy eating, sometimes dodatkovo

Day 14

From the book Antidieti. Live more to care less the author Denziger Lucy

Day 14. Fairly-completely To turn on the bad luck for the hamburger buffet competition, then we can say, sing-songly: the only thing you win as a result of the swedish platter is the same, you save calories. On those shchob the slug signaled

Razdіl VI

From the book Psychology of victory [Secrets of training Olympic champions and successful businessmen, or 24 years for your retribution] author Kutova Olena Ivanivna

Split VI Hurry up properly, or Quieter here - farther away you will be ... in the month of administration

Hurry up to do good

From the book of Besid with the Russian people author Shakhovsky John

Hurry up to do good. Woe to the people of our days for those who are out of order, always hurry up, often stupidly and fruitlessly. People turn over, burn your energy, create and destroy the city in a short term. Ale, as we marvel at the energy of rich people

1. Do not hurry with your tongue, and do not hurry your heart to make a word before God; for God is in heaven, and you are on earth; so your words will not be rich.

From the book of Tlumachna Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Oleksandr

1. Do not hurry with your tongue, and do not hurry your heart to make a word before God; for God is in heaven, and you are on earth; so your words will not be rich. Vіn zastorіgaє chitacha vіd quavering that batomova prayer. The glory of the greatness of God, who live in heaven, that

22. Kvapsya, rush there, because I can’t do it right, docks, you won’t come there. That is why the place is named: Sigor. 23. The sun has risen over the earth, and Lot has come to Segor,

From the book of Tlumachna Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Oleksandr

22. Kvapsya, rush there, because I can’t do it right, docks, you won’t come there. That is why the place is named: Sigor. 23. The sun has sunk over the earth, and Lot has come to Segor, "For this is the name of the place: Segor."

Parable: Hurry up

To the teacher, why don't you give me more money, just like others take away the next day? - Having slept the teacher of the Teacher.

I swear to you, but not at once. Now let's eat.

Learn to wait, tim more, scho vin buv hungry.

Just allow me to please you yourself?

I learned that it was wondrous, but after a while, thinking that so the Teacher shows more respect, lower to other teachers.

They brought a chastovannya. Vchitel typing a spoonful of savory, fragrant and juicy pilaf and pidnis її to the company of learning, as if with an appetite, taking up the kazkov grass. With satisfaction, shaking his head, flattening his eyes and wanting to grab him, praise the cook for the present, and just like a little wine, he opened his mouth to say: “Wai, wai, like a marvelous thing,” like a black spoon slumped in the new one’s mouth. Vіn having begun to rezhovuvat, ale, not catching up to chew, yogo mouth popovnivshis with one spoonful of the miraculous dish. The wine chewed all the more and more, and, without regard for the price, the spoon with the pilaf more and more often stumbled in the mouth to wind the first, lower the wine, grabbing the chew in front.

Nareshti learned not to be seen and with an open mouth to wigg:
- Mi scho, where can we hurry? Why do you remind me of my mouth, first of all, I get to chew and enjoy the relish of this wonderful pilaf? Why can't you hurry, for a reception conversation?

You can, but you should be like that, - the teacher said.

Meni? What's up? Who told you?

You yourself pіvgodini to that.

I? - Zdivovano having slept the student.

Well, I’m not asking you to give you new lessons, if you haven’t experienced enough and won’t be mastered by you. Give you new tasks, first lower you win and understand ahead, all the same, to remind you of your new mouth. Do not hurry to collect a lot of tasks and do not hurry to win them.

"Hurry up," they said for a long time, so as not to waste your life. Beat them out of joy and diligence, and not out of quarrelsomeness. Do not turn life into persecution. Enjoy the taste of life and enjoy it!

Parable by Sergiy Shepel

Before the speech, the axis is about the qiu phrase in the dictionary of winged viraziv:

Hurry up properly
From Latin: Festina lente (festival tape).
According to the Roman historian Suetonius (block 70 - block 140), who often repeated the Roman emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD), who was brought up by his nephew Gaius Julius Caesar. The letter tells what the order was walnut trip(at least in the Latin version): “Having nothing in the greater world irrelevant for the commander, low speed and neobachnist.
To this yogo, we will fall in love with the following phrases: "Hurry up in good time."
Sense of wisdom: you can hurry up (necessarily), but with the help of deliberation, understanding.

Overworld swedishness confuses you to miss important tricks, just like the stench can destroy everything. Hurry up properly, collapse to the point of being right and wrong. Give respect to everything, do not hurry, and you will become a winner.

Tlumachennya law

The skin of a person pricked in any situation, the words of the old ones: “Be quieter, you will be farther away.” "Look at me", - add wine and smile, wanting and knowing that "It is good to laugh at the one who laughs at the rest."

But at the skin in life, situations were heard, if I praised the decision, all the good went to sleep. Yes, all options are viable, all ways are reversed, but in truth - all people only get it. As soon as I made a decision, calmed down and proceeded to yogo vikonannya, I clearly see myself as the other, simpler and efficient way decision, otherwise the situation is changing in such a way that it becomes possible now that it was closed earlier. It took more than a little bit more.

The building of the capital, do not squander it, the check of the necessary result is equal to the napoleglivist, if the person with all the forces of the right is set, and does not accept the daily propositions to replace the one who checks out. I can’t do anything safe with no compromise. It is reasonable tolerance, the building of the middle of the strongest people to look at their mettle and the ability to reach її.

The one who does not have time to accept a letter, but who can show patience, enough indulgence, obligatoryly takes away those that are necessary for you, the very ones, for the sake of which you have reported zusil. This is a kind of test of the share of the motherhood of a person: why do you want it so much, having declared what you are ready to sacrifice, to take it away, what you are ready to do if you want to at your own time. І the share of the wine-maker of the patient, quiet, who, having shown to do the wine-glasses, that zmіg will get a friendly hour for himself.

After all, a lot of people do not reach success, not to the one who did not get knowledge, mind, talent, abilities, or more, that the stench was respected more respectfully, but to the one who did not have the patience to get the results they need. And it’s important not only to accept a bold decision, but even more building to go to the yogo zdijsnennya, not brutally respecting the crossings, building at all crossings of the bachiti is less than a stage on the path to the reach of meti and bachiti bazhan metu reached.

However, even though the person was still able to grow up, but success didn’t come to her, luck showed him a turning point - a shock, what should you work in that mood? Lyudina is small, she was stubborn, but everything is bulo marno - the whole bіy vіn prog. If a person lied like that, then it would be so true, the share would not get into the back and put it in the back, and give a thumbs up, so that it fell out more strongly.

But really, it’s more than a friend a series of її test. Hі, the share is not opposed to the people in particular, it’s just that it’s not yet impressed with the strength of the її bajannya, at the її zdatnost’ of the check and more than once proponing this way. If you remember the history of a successful business, then you can understand that no one can achieve success from the first, try, but be patient, the building of that moment, if a person becomes a good bazhan, sufficient patience. led to a result. Those who wanted to have a moment, stumbled on the first crossing, but they could not rise again.


Illya Muromets is a bilinear hero, who has lain on the stove for 30 years and 3 years, checking his dawn year. Once upon a time, it seemed to him the opportunity to stand out, to show his strength, but it was not the method of his life. Vіn getting up less then, if it is true that vikla is needed by yogo strength. If the most favorable situation has arisen in order to help your supporters. Vіn not vytrachav their ability to dribnitsy, not rushing into one of the right to іnshої, vіn lying, accumulating strength, thinking and check.

Prove to the law

History - our main judge and guide - means facts, if the lack of a window dressing led to astonishment, gave away the bad results, allowed people the opportunity to enjoy them.

How great was the bazhannya of Peter I, let the cordoni out of Moscow, turn the Russian lands calmly! Ale until 1700 Russia was not ready to bula until the war with Sweden. The army was weak and insufficiently informed, but the fleet, for a moment, was supported by military forces.

As a result, the battle ended in a great defeat, a shambles, mayzhe to the lower ranks of the Russian army and, more importantly, to distant results on the old fates. For two decades, the country has been at the camp of an inhospitable state, which is constantly threatening with war. Until 1721, the panuvannya of Russia on the Baltic Sea was residually fixed.

The second example is from the history of the Russian naval wars. On the eve of the Russian-Turkish war for the right of the Russian mother fleet to the Black Sea, the Crimea was conquered, and the first Black Sea squadron was fixed there. It’s not a fleet anymore, but rather a small squadron, which was formed from a dozen ships of the line and a dozen small ships.

Unsurprisingly, Turechchina voiced Russia about its misfortune with the minds of a peace treaty, signed for the first Russian-Turkish war. The Black Sea squadron sailed near the sea for the Turkish flotilla. The Baltic Fleet was sent to the rescue of the term.

The Black Sea squadron swooped down at the Chesmensky Bay, invisible from the sea, looked at the most important positions sea ​​way, for which the Turkish flotilla was to blame for the collapse of the Baltic Fleet, when there were no new signs, the Turkish fleet was already clearly looking back at the horizon. Vіn revisiting the Russian squadron in a rich number of times for the numbers and defences.

The small Russian squadron, not having reached the Baltics, having scurried through the dark night, storm, lack of support and praise of its attack, flowed in half-hired Turkish flotilla, but the squadron itself perished. Everything that was called the Black Sea Fleet was destroyed. The war was over.

Not less yaskravy butt є Napoleon. After the flight from the island of Elba, they began to pick up people under their ensigns. Vіn hastened to build your camp, turn the great glory. Mayuchi divided the military deputy of the hard regular army, founded on the overturned old guard, Napoleon rozrakhovuvav more, lower the moment. Yomu needed an hour, but yogo didn’t have a new one.

Even a lot of European lands united against - and the battle of Waterloo on 18 chervnya 1815 ended in a summation of the blind king of the world. And it didn’t last for more than an hour. After this shock, Napoleon rose up at his lot and recovered. At the hour of the yog'yaznennia on the island of St. Elijah, yogo was prepared for the abdication of that revival on the throne, but not having lived up to that moment, he died.

Who doesn’t want to become rich without reporting the daily zusil for whom? From old, long ago, fairy tales, legends, retellings and tales of dreams about treasures, taemnichi ovens, filled with wealth.

And everything seemed to be not a marvelous vision: nature really gave people such a marvelous cave. For example, in the 19th century, in Alaska, in the area of ​​the Klondike river, the richest gold mine appeared. Yogo can be taken with bare hands. A gold rush has begun. Only the wise did not go to the Klondike to seek wealth and happiness.

Chi became stench rich and happy? The axis of the story of one American recession farmer. Otrimavshi from the recesses in the father's farm. nebagatu, ale zdatnu produvati sіm'yu, the American behind the butt of the father took up the state. At the first river, a sarana attacked the yogo village and plundered everything to the last blade of grass. The farmer was not embarrassed, having taken his own protection, having bought a new one for sowing and advancing fate, re-sowing the field. Ale yogo I’ll renew the check of roses. The river is dry, so that the farmer did not dare to take a sack, to bring up the family.

The same happened on the third and on the fourth river - and the farmer was angry with his brothers, before that the Borg grew steadily, and wine did not show their ability to grow. Todi sold the farm and went to the Klondike to find his gold. Then the youma was spared - you know the vein of the rich. Having set up a delyanka, having bought the necessary equipment for gold mining, and proceeding to the development of their lives.

Aleone vanished so very raptly, as if she started. Vіn digging and digging, vyymav rock z-pіd zemlі і shukav his vtrata, but all yogo zusilla were marnimi - they lived for the first time no bulo. Worried about knowing, selling the vineyard all at once for the possessions, picking up everything that was left in the new, and went. Kudi vin poїhav, what happened to him, and how many more such wicked people know history, it’s unknown.

Ale nevdovzі novy lord fermi pіd an hour of oranges on the ground hard, which respected the plow to protrude forward. Digging up the field with a shovel, the farmer blew a great stone and wanted to carry it out into the fields, but then he turned his respect, shoveled the stone and blew it to show it to the fahivtsyu. The stone turned into a diamond. The field, which did not yield grain, was rich in diamonds.

And what happened to the mine? The new ruler, having asked for engineers from the gold-bearing veins, the stench looked at each other, roared and explained that that persha lived a bula of pardon, ale, as often happens, she showed that the ore was de-ripped more than a rich gold ore. I bula won on the second quarter of the meter from that month, when the work ended.

Authoritative thought

Stronger for all - the one who will be self-sufficient.

Be careful and take care of the cold-bloodedness. Mother's cold head is so necessary, like a hot heart.

/J. Lubbock/

Herself high rіven human wisdom - it’s worth it to stick to the surroundings and save the calm and supernatural thunderstorms.

Richly calm rivers start with gushing waterfalls, but one does not jump and do not kick right up to the sea. Ale cei calm is often a sign of great, wanting strength: fullness and depth of feelings and thoughts do not allow crazy twists.

/M. Y. Lermontov/

Zvorotny bek to the law

So, do not take quick decisions, but how long do you need to think? One on the right, as it is clearly seen that not all facts are taken, thought over, accepted to the point of respect. I zovsіm іnshe, yakscho the person still didn’t swear the rest, but why should I take care of it? Otzhe, not varto rogue sensible incompetence from indiscretion.

Lyudina, as if you are too late to make your decisions, you can pretend to be a star. If a person seems to say: “I’ll finish school, and then I ...” Then it’s more likely that you won’t say more often: “I’ll finish college, and then I ...” There are many such reasons; if a person knows no less than five of them and, according to their ability to corrode with them, it means that the star has moved into the middle of character and can go far into indistinctness, since nothing else can explain and tell the truth.

Inconsistency, which has become rice to character, with the skin day, everything is given and given to a person in view of its goals, and if the goal has not yet been formulated, then - in view of the adoption of specific solutions. There is an unacceptable thought about such a subject in the midst of nostalgic yoga people. Companions cease to stare to the new, to find out about one’s thought, one’s distance and distance from real actions, and as a result, one marvels at the life of one’s side, in fact, not taking part in it.

The second minus of an untrue call is that a person can simply outperform his competitors or make friends, as they are far from friendly feelings. Lyudina, obviously, it is recognized that she is a friend of the garni, but how will you be able to use a wide range of possibilities?

Not only people, but for an hour you can play against people, as if you were already checking for a long time. Folk wisdom seems to be: "Catch success for the tail," but remember that the tail may appear too short, it will change. Spodіvayuchis comprehended to know about all sides of the food, analyze them and take an important decision, even more respectfully step by the hour, in order to catch the most pleasant moment for the vikonannya conceived.


As if before the wealthy planter-master, a little girl came - the daughter of one of the yogi-coloured ancestors. The planter was a fierce man of majestic growth. Yogo was afraid to bring in suzidi-planters, not seeming already about robotics. The girl was small, slender and sullen, like all children on the plantations.

Vaughn went up to the master and squeaked in a thin, but firm voice:

- Mom said I told you to give me 50 cents.

- Get in, I won't give you anything.

- Yeah, - but the girl did not ruin the mission. The owner grew angry, having gathered up a field, but the girl stood there - and only her eyes widened in jahu. Schosekundi could become greedy, the girl squealed piercingly:

- Mom will need your 50 cents!

The gospodar's golomshcheny lowered the polyno, delivered 50 cents from the intestines, stretched out the girls, not seeming to say the right word. She yapped a little and ran in.

Hurry up properly

Hurry up properly
From Latin: Festina lente (festival tape).
According to the Roman historian Suetonius (block 70 - block 140), who often repeated the Roman emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD), who was brought up by his nephew Gaius Julius Caesar. The letter indicates what the order of the Greek expedition was for (in the house, only in the Latin version): To this yogo, we will fall in love with the following phrases: "Hurry up in good time."
Sense of wisdom: you can hurry up (necessarily), but with the help of deliberation, understanding.

Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and viraziv. - M: Locky-Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Wonder what is "Hurry up in good time" in other dictionaries:

    Glossary of synonyms

    Adverb, kіl in synonyms: 4 festina lente (4) do not work hastily (4) hurry up properly (4) ... Glossary of synonyms

    Viraz tse, as conveyed by Svetonii, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, 63 BC - 14 AD). The French poet and the theoretician of classicism Boileau (1636-1711) introduced this aphorism in his own way (1674).

    Hurry up

    Hurry up- crooked. sl. Hurry up (quote) Viraz tse, as Suetonius conveys, often repeating the Roman emperor Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, 63 BC 14 BC). The French poet and theoretician of classicism Boileau (1636–1711) introduced the… Universal supplementary practical glossary dictionary I. Mostytsky

    Adverb, kіl in synonyms: 4 festina lente (4) quap properly (4) do not work in a hurry (4) ... Glossary of synonyms

    Div Hurry up properly. Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and viraziv. M.: "Lokid Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and viraziv

    Hurry up properly. Porivn. Too swift arrives as tardy, as to slow. Hurry up too late, just like that, as if you were mushing. Shakesp. Romeo and Juliet. 2, 6. Lorenzo. Porivn. La trop grande hâte est cause de retardement. Porivn. Spesso la tardità ti toglie l occasione… Michelson's Great Rational Phraseological Dictionary

Fac fideli sis fidelis.(FAC FIDELI SIS FIDELIS).
Be true to the one who is true

Faciant meliora potentes(FACIANT MELIOR POTENTES).
Let's kill it faster, who can.

facta loquuntur.(FACT LOKVUNTUR).
Spell (actually) wobble.

factum est factum.(FAKTUM EATS FAKTUM).
Fact becomes fact; what is broken is broken.

Fama volat.(FAMA VOLYAT).
Lita's voice.
Porivn. Russian: The earth will rebound a little.

Fas est et ab hoste doceri.(FAS EST ET AB HOST DOCERI).
It is necessary to read at the enemy.
Z Ovid.

Fata viam Invenient(FATA VIAM INVENTION).
You won’t flow into the share.

Ferae naturae(FERE NATURE).
Wild character (about a person, unstriking for character).

Fervet opus(FERVET OPUS).
Work to boil.
From Virgil.

Festina lente(FESTINA LENTE).
Hurry up properly.
The Latin translation of the Greek order, like Svetoniy to direct as one of the most important orders of the emperor Augustus: "Having nothing in the greater world that is not necessary for the commander, lower haste and neobachnist. To that yogo, we love the adjectives:" Hurry in peace.
Porivn. Russian: Quieter you will be farther away.

Fiat juctitia et pereat mundus.(FIAT JUSTICIA ET PEREAT MUNDUS).
Let it become a justice and let the world die. Abo: Let's go to justice, if we want to destroy the world.
Motto of the German Emperor Ferdinand I (1556-1564).

Fiat lux!(FIAT LUX!)
Let it be light!
Book But I, 1, 3: "I said God: let there be light. I became light."

fiat voluntas tua(FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA).
Let thy will be done.
Gospel of Matthew, 6, 10: "Pray like this: Father us, who is in heaven! Do not let yourself be holy!" your name; Hai come Thy kingdom; let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” From Nagіrnoi sermon of Christ.

Fide, sed. cui, vide.(FIDE, SED KUI, VIDE).
Trust, but wonder who.

Finis coronat opus.(FINIS CORONAT OPUS).
Kіnets vіnchaє on the right; kіnets - right vinets.

Flamma fumo est proxima.(FLYAMA FUMO EATS PROXIMA).
De smoke, there is fire.
І s Plav t a. Porivn. Russian: There is no fire without fire.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.(FORTUNAM SUAM QISQUE PARAT).
Kozhen himself know his happiness.

Frontis Nulla Fides.(FRONTIS OF ZERO FIDES).
Trust the old times, tobto. callousness is tempting.
To Juvenal: "I can't trust the appearances, - all our streets are fraught with gloomy rasputniks ..."

Fugit irreparable tempus.(FUGIT IRREPARABILE TEMPUS).
Flying endless hours.
From Virgil.

Functus officio(FUNCTUS OFFICIO).
Zrobiv his right (no longer needed).

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