Test of matrimony. Specialness, its socialization and cultivation of a special sign of specialness


Humanity as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution

1. People are disturbed by the creatures because they are there

1) there are natural instincts

2) has the most thorough hearing

3) do not lie behind natural minds

4) speaks a member's language

2. Human beings are mocked by creatures

1) recovery of natural objects

2) make an effort to understand the excess world

3) pristosuvannya to the minds of the middle

4) instinct of self-preservation

3. People have three warehouses: biological, mental, social. Social warehouse includes

1) knowledge and memory

2) I feel the will

3) physical development

4) centuries-old features

4. Specific rices that control the singing individual (organism) through the combination of slump and swelling powers, lie down to characterization

1) people

2) individual

3) features

4) individuality

5. Which term is used in order to denote unique individuality, specific rice, powerful people?

1) individual

2) dyach

3) creator

4) individuality

6. The terms “uniqueness”, “distinctiveness”, “dissimilarity” are used when characterizing people

1) features

2) individual

3) individuality

4) hulk

7. The similarity of people and creatures is revealed in the fact that they smell

1) different varieties

2) member-podilovaya promotion

3) rational thoughts

4) opportunities for self-development

8. People are supposed to show up in front of the creatures

1) storage capacity from dovkilla

2) instinctive reactions to the infusion of fluid

3) genetic influence of behavior

4) being more critical of yourself

9. Why are you talking about people like this?

A. Lyudina is the essence of taking the fate of one’s own creation.

B. One person is enough to judge all people by it.

10. What kind of mercury is this?

A. People and creatures are concerned about the ability to create a sociocultural environment.

B. People from animals are disturbed by the need to work in bed.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

11. Read the instructions below the text, the skin positions of which are numbered.

“(1) Both people and creatures suffer nervous system, understand and take full advantage of this action. (2) In contrast to creatures, people have an abstract idea and purpose to understand the goals of their activities and communicate their results. (3) It can be stated that humans have finally risen above all living organisms and subjugated nature. (4) All these people are thought out and directed towards their position as the “king of nature”.

Know what the situation is

a) factual character

B) the nature of evaluative judgments

Consume the richness of people

1. Before the social needs of people there are needs

1) dihati

2) eat

3) sleep

4) get wet

2. How do powerful people and the daily life of creatures go about lowering their duties?

1) the ability to recognize the influx of the middle

2) the importance of reducing unnecessary activity

3) the responsibility to select and bear responsibility for a new responsibility

4) the ability to satisfy your needs

3. Before the sign of people and creatures, the building is visible

1) transfer the results of your activities

2) they are deliberately placed before the offspring are groomed

3) select the means of reaching the target

4) create genetically modified behavior patterns

4. Primary (biological, innate) needs, according to A. Maslow’s classification, are needs

1) prestigious

2) ideal

3) spiritual

4) existential

5. Before the needs of people who are planning to marry, the needs must be met in

1) labor activity

2) saving the family

3) self-saving

4) physical activity

6. Why are you saying this about the important things of people?

A. It is nature, not marriage, that robs a man of genius.

B. Rozumova’s talent is brightness, inspired by the biological nature of people.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

7. Write down the word missing from the diagram.


8. Lower terms are set lower. All the stench, except for one, is put under the concept of “biological needs of people.” Find and indicate the need that “falls out” from this series and bring it to a different concept.

Created by the family, kharchuvannya, dikhannya, rukh, spilkuvannya, vidpochinok

9. Replace the blank. The need of the created race is called ___________________________need.

10. Complete the phrase:“The human need that is experienced and recognized, that the body needs support and the development of specialness, is called _____________________.”

11. Read the text below that has missing words. Select from the selected list the words that need to be inserted in the place of overflow.

“In the real world, __________ (1) all sides of the psyche are formed and revealed.

The food is especially supplied as it is formed and consolidated in accordance with stable psychic power. Mental characteristics_______________(2) – their strengths and character traits – are formed during the course of life. The genesis of _______________ (3) the body is more than _____________ (4) - even richly significant, as they sum up, but do not mean, the mental power of a person. Behind the backdrop of these very inclinations, differences in power _____________ (5) and differences in character can develop in people depending on the course of their life and _____________ (6) as they appear and are formed. In work, we begin to develop and practice the skills of people; Character is formed and hardened in life’s situations and developments.”

The words in the list are given in the title form, alone. Choose one word after another, keeping your thoughts in mind and the skin gap. Return your attention to those who have more words in the list; you will need the following to fill in the overflows.

A) specialness E) inclinations

B) capacity G) spilkuvaniya

B) specialness H) activity

D) gra I) group

D) matrimony

Human activity, its main types

1. The concept of “human activity” is

1) dominance of biological needs

2) pristovalny character

3) directness of purpose

4) obov'yazkove vikoristannya znaryad

2. Indication of the powers of objects in the concepts attached to activity:

2) social-transformative

3) spiritual and practical

4) spiritual and theoretical

3. Students learn economic literature to create and utilize material resources of marriage. This is an example of activity

1) material-viral

2) initial-cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) social-transformative

4. The importance of possible changes in pension payments to socially disadvantaged citizens and effectiveness

1) practical

2) value-oriented

3) learn

4) prognostic

5. Human activity is disrupted by the behavioral reactions of the creature

1) creation of an ideal image and result

2) recovery of objects given by nature

3) complete activity

4) search for satisfaction of needs

6. Oceanologists conduct research on the lives of the seabed inhabitants. What type of activity is illustrated by this example?

1) material

2) spiritual

3) social

4) economical

7. The excavator clears the land using special equipment. The subject of this activity is

1) earth

2) technology

3) Viroshchuvana culture

4) digger

8. In contrast to the behavior of creatures, human activity depends on character

1) transformative

2) prestovalny

3) collective

4) harmatnium

9. The older children help the fathers at the dacha to cultivate the beds with cucumbers. The subject of this activity is

2) beds with orchards

3) older children

4) tools and garden equipment

10. Teach the college to do internships for businesses that require electronic installation. The activity of students and the butt of activity

1) material-viral

2) initial-cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

11. Handbooks, anthologies, collections of assignments and rights for students who begin at universities, and

1) objects of activity

2) subjects of activity

3) purposes of activity

4) by means of activity

12. The activity of a person, the direct creation of material and spiritual benefits beneficial to marriage, is

1) knowledge

2) working

3) spilkuvannya

4) forecasting

13. Gra, spіlkuvannya pіznanya – tse

1) types of human activity

2) stage of molding of particularity

3) types of behavior of all living things

4) forms of communication

14. Write down the word missing from the diagram.

Subject: ______________________________

15. Lower terms are set lower. All this stinks, except for one thing, to the concept of “structure of activity”. Find and indicate the term that “falls out” from this series and bring it to a different concept.

Subject, purpose, features, individual, object, result


16. Establish the relationship between the types of activities and characteristics: before the skin position given in the first section, select the corresponding position of the other section.



1) activity in obvious A) practice

situation B) situation

2) practical brownness U) gra

3) focus on acquiring knowledge

4) replacement of real objects with mental ones

5) re-creative directness

Activity and creativity

1. What do you call an activity whose characteristic feature is that as a result of which clearly new material and spiritual values ​​are created?

1) knowledge

2) creativity

3) spilkuvannya

4) navchannya

2. Specificity of creativity as a matter of view human activity serve

1) vikoristannya of natural speeches

2) satisfaction with biological needs

3) creation of something new that has no analogues in nature

4) vikoristannya znaryad pratsi

3. To serve the specificity of creativity as a type of human activity

1) satisfaction with social needs

2) the creation of something new that has no analogues in nature

3) acquisition of natural instincts

4) harmonic character

4. The makings of creative activity, the creation of a new spirit

1) especially people who have dedicated themselves to scientific activities

2) skin of people

3) children who were born to their fathers, who may be in search of light

4) especially children who lead children's cage that school

5. Obov'yazkova halal sign of the activity of an artist, writer, scientist

1) satisfaction with material needs

2) creative cob

3) selection of technical features

4) social praise of the results of activity

6. Find in the list below the rices that influence the results of lack of creative activity

1) availability for wiki

2) novelty is important

3) practical significance

4) expression creativity

5) uniqueness

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.


Features, socialization and education

1. The main sign of the concept of “specialness” is its presence in a person

1) emotional-feeling reactions to the environment

2) responsibility for their actions and their inheritances

3) the influence of behavior due to genetic characteristics

4) instincts of self-preservation and concern for offspring

2. The dominant fact of socialization of specialness is

1) natural middle

2) the nature of the person

3) spilkuvannya with estranged

4) specificity social norms

3. A stable system of socially significant authorities that characterize a representative of one or another marriage, extends to the characteristics

1) people

2) individual

3) individuality

4) features

4. The essential sign of the concept of “specialness” is (is)

1) articulate language

2) the presence of physical needs

3) the status of the brothers and the responsibility for themselves

4) knowledge and mislennya

5. What kind of merchandising is this?

A. Golovnym’s characteristic features social reality.

B. Novonarogena people are special.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

6. What are the characteristics of this kind of molding?

A. Spadkov, innate, individual power of people infuses the formation of their personality.

B. The formation of a person’s specialness is connected inclusively with social interactions.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

7. All forms of influx of marriage on people, as a result of such a stench, arise a living remorse - this

1) adaptation

2) illumination

3) medicinal room

4) socialization

8. Preparation for mastering various social roles, attaining the dominant value standards of the marriage and the main warehouse

1) social mobility at the marriage

2) socialization of the younger generation

3) inflated social status

4) self-realization of the specialness of the group

9. The acquisition by an individual of behavioral patterns, psychological mechanisms, and values ​​necessary for successful success in his marriage is called

1) self-realization

2) building

3) self-knowledge

4) socialization

10. The primary socialization of the individual, in the process of which he acquires norms and expressions of behavior, develops

1) a long way of life for people

2) in the period of maturity

3) in front of the child

4) after completing school work

11. Do you believe this kind of talk about socialization?

A. During socialization, the individual acquires social information.

B. In the course of socialization, the individual’s entry into the social environment and continuation thereafter is ensured.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

12. The terms “self-esteem”, “self-realization”, “self-realization” are related to the characteristics of a person

1) individual

2) features

3) physical person

4) biological individual

13. Complete the phrase:“The process of an individual acquiring behavioral, social and spiritual values ​​is called ________________________________.”

14 .


1) a person who actively masters A) individual

and the purpose directly transforms B) individuality

nature, matrimony to oneself B) specialness

2) about taking the representative

of every human race

3) people in a complex of unique

unique authorities

4) people, known and confirmed

work select

Write down the selected letter in the table, and then transfer the sequence of letters that came out to the testimonial form (without spaces or other characters)

Buttya people

1. Biggest I understand What does it mean that a person has a different personality in all its manifestations?

1) Svedomist

2) creativity

3) socialization

4) buttya


1. What kind of worldliness are there based on people’s behavior?

1) The behavior of a person in a marriage is entirely influenced by the external circumstances and lies under the influence of her will.

2) The behavior of a person in marriage is completely ordered by the will and desires of other people, above the interests of power

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

2. To regulate the level of water in rivers, beavers will row. When using this tree, the stench is generated by the leakage and leads the metal decks to the place of awakening. What does this mean to these creatures as they work in everyday rowing, as people know? Act as companions of these creatures

1) motives

2) instincts

3) skills

4) possiblity

The inner light of a person

1. Which of these sciences is the inner spiritual light of a person?

1) ethics

2) psychology

3) philosophy

4) aesthetics

2. Do you believe this about the inner light of a person?

A. The inner spiritual light of a person is formed by feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences associated with life and experiences in the social environment.

B. The inner world of a person’s intelligence is based on natural inclinations and abilities, peculiarities of temperament, mentality, and memory.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

3. Do you believe this about people?

A. You can be a spiritually rich person and still deal with evil.

B. Spiritual wealth does not allow a person to dull his sleep.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

Svidomo and nesvidomo

1. What's wrong with the overinsurance and the evidence?

1) the existence of people will definitely create activity in the world

2) sadness, sadness, worry, which people have to know themselves

3) dreaming, guarding, stretching

4) uncontrolled processes, functions, systems

2. Why are you saying this about the unknown?

A. Unknown to people, only a few early stage development of specialness.

B. During the period of the formation of the first civilization, unknown impulses were the main regulator of people’s behavior.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

3. Why are you saying this about information?

A. Knowledge itself allows people to set goals without being influenced by biological nature.

B. The arthritic language influenced the appearance of information in people and became its change of mind.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true


1. Understand self-knowledge

1) the formation of a person’s views about himself, his needs, possibilities, interests

2) look at the world, look at the world, look at the nature of people

3) adoption of human norms and signs of positive social behavior

4) formation of principles and rules of behavior of people in a small group

2. What is the name of the process in which a person perceives the essence of his “I”?

1) self-illumination

2) self-knowledge

3) self-saving

4) narcissism

3. The result of self-knowledge, education, e

1) accumulated knowledge about people and nature

2) learning the values ​​of marriage

3) adoption of social norms

4) declarations about your wealth

4. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. As a result of self-knowledge, a “I-image” is formed.

B. Understanding your “I” is impossible without conducting psychological experiments

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

5. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. The ideal “I” is a statement about those who I want to be.

B. The invisible part of self-knowledge is self-esteem.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

6. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. The ideal “I” is a statement about those that a person would like to be.

B. “I am an image” - this is a statement that was made about people who are absent.”

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

7. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. A person forms self-esteem by equating herself with others.

B. People with low self-esteem compare with others only to achieve success.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

8. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. Concentrating on other things helps improve self-esteem.

B. The greater the real self-esteem of specialness approaches “I am the ideal,” the lower the self-esteem of specialness.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

9. What kind of self-knowledge is this?

A. People with high self-esteem are more likely to succumb to intoxication.

B. People with low self-esteem are more likely to cope with easy problems.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

10. People form knowledge about themselves, their needs, wants and waste in the process

1) self-knowledge

2) self-love

3) self-control

4) self-propulsion

11. People determine their capabilities and needs in the process

1) self-knowledge

2) self-love

3) self-control

4) self-propulsion

12 . Establish consistency between the concepts and characteristics: before the skin position given in the first section, select the corresponding position of the other section.


1) Nabuttya know the way A) Self-illumination

to occupy independently without help B) Self-knowledge

Vykladach B) Self-realization

2) Contemplation of life that is meaningful to

people of goals, plans, ideas, projects

3) Knowing the specialness of your superiors

possibilities, viciousness

Write down the selected letter in the table, and then transfer the sequence of letters that came out to the testimonial form (without spaces or other characters)

Freedom and diversity of specialness

1. How do you restore the freedom of people?

A. The freedom of the people is expressed inclusively in the decisions of those in power and further actions.

B. The freedom of a person is only possible as a result of the rules imposed by marriage.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

2. How do you restore the freedom of people?

A. Human freedom is manifested in the variety of sub-nationalities.

B. Freedom of a person lies at the basis of behavior, directly directed including the removal of people.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

3. Do you believe this about the freedom of people?

A. Freedom conveys the choice for the availability of alternatives.

B. The expansion of the field of freedom advances the level of specialization.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

4. What kind of merchandising is there to ensure consistency of speciality?

A. Moral integrity conveys free will.

B. Moral integrity is revealed by a person’s behavior.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

5. Do you believe this kind of rhetoric about freedom and human dignity?

A. The freedom of a person in marriage conveys the possibility of choosing and accepting responsibility for someone else.

B. The more freedom a person takes away from marriage, the more responsibility it bears.

1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

6. Complete the phrase:“The freedom of a person is closely linked to the need to make independent decisions and bear responsibility for them ________________________________.”





… …





Activity structure


1. The status of a woman in an industrial marriage has been increased by such a position as
child care
Home gospodarka
political leader
worker at the production plant

2. The caste system of social stratification has developed
in India
from the Russian Empire
in Ancient Greece
at Ancient Rome

3. The essential sign of the concept of “specialness” is (is)
articulating language
presence of physical needs
brotherhood credentials on yourself
knowledge and mislennya

4. The social pole of specialness is
model of adaptation, which is characterized by the fact that specialness takes the purposes of matrimony, rather than achieving them in unpraised ways
social type that corresponds to a given culture and adapts to it
a form of behavior that is inspired by, which is directly related to active resistance to the norms and rules of matrimony
The totality of knowledge allows people to function freely in their social environment without shocking alienation

5. Before the needs of people who are planning to marry, the needs must be met in
labor activity
saving the family
physical activity

6. The type of peculiarity that the average harvested rice has, the dominant dominant culture, ethnicity, fertility, is indicated as

7. Zagalny characteristic prophets, leaders, demagogues – all

8. The similarity of people and creatures is revealed in the fact that they smell
with different varieties
self-development opportunities
with my penis
rational thoughts

9. The totality of biological and social factors that differentiate one individual from another is called

10. Marginal specialness – this
socialization of an individual who often loses social power as a result of trauma or calamities
socialization of an individual, including assimilation into a foreign culture
socialization of an individual who has sunk to the “social bottom”
socialization of an individual who occupies an intermediate position

12. Subjects may be
people and creatures that can defeat a robot
people use tools (machines, tools, mechanisms)
people, creatures that can defeat a robot, they will work

13. “ethnomethodology” – tse
a sociological concept that recognizes people and their social activities as the single basis of the social
the principle of social hierarchy, which results from the continuation of the elements of matrimony to the social significance
sociological theory of the middle level
an interpretive paradigm that affirms that the social world is constructed in the middle by the individuals themselves

14. Highly injected molding gives specialness
natural middle
social center
innate instinct

15. Indicate the most important criterion that indicates the status of an adult person
take care of yourself in your own way
mother your family
dispose of pennies independently from others


Basic rhubarb

Viconnian hour – 40th century.

Option 1.

1. The concept of “supposition” includes

1) natural dowkill 3) the principle of immutability of elements

2) forms of connecting people 4) extra light

2. The main sign of the concept of “specialness” is:

1) articulate language 3) presence of physical needs

2) recognition and respect for yourself 4) knowledge and thought

3. What kind of peace is there to ensure the interconnection of the spheres of life?

O. Creations may be subject to agreements with state authorities

B. The introduction of censorship among snakes illustrates the connections between the political and spiritual spheres of life


2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

4. In cognitive activity, the meta lies in the substitution of other types of activity.

1) removal of reliable knowledge 3) re-creation of unnecessary world

2) fused with extra light 4) ratings of extra effectiveness

5 What function of science is illustrated by the development of new features to protect people from unauthorized invasion?

1) informative 3) explain

2) prognostic 4) social

6. Sprinyatta – tse

1) form of rational knowledge 3) way of explaining the world

2) only the human psyche has power 4) a form of empathetic knowledge


7 .І moral norms, і legal norms

1) express themselves in official form 3) regulate suspense notes

2) to be created by the power 4) to be secured by the power of the power

8. The production of products is important for moisture production, which is not typical

for the economy

1) market 3) mixed

2) traditional 4) team

9. Negative legacy of the market economy lies ahead

1) better pricing 3) competition

2) inequality in the distribution of goods 4) unemployment

10 .The political regime, which clearly has power, a rich party system, guarantees of freedoms for citizens, is called regular elections

1) totalitarian 3) democratic

11 .To the visible sign of a legal power,

1) implementation of the principle of sub-ownership 3) establishment and reduction of taxes

2) acceptance of legal observances for 4) adherence to the principle of supremacy

population decision of the sovereign power

Chastina St.

1 .

Applications of social skills created under the signs of _______________: children, youngsters, young people, summer ones.

2. Name the original concept for this series or combine this series and write it down in the paragraph.

Family, state, church, ZMI, professional colleges

3. Establish the relationship between the legal lines and the rules to regulate them: to the skin position in the first step, select the corresponding position

at another station.


1) hulk bulo accepted practice A) labor law

mechanic B) family law

2) the court established guardianship over the minor B) criminal law

3) the court found out what the crime was done

at the station of essential defense

4) the giant was given a harsh release

5) giant buv viznany vinnim and judgments

until the will is relieved

Write down the sequence of letters in the table, and then transfer them to the text.

Chastina S.

knowledge, daily got it marriage of knowledge,

as well as facts dosvid.

"Sim'ya-tse crystal of marriage." V. Hugo


for the course of marriage for 11th grade

Basic rhubarb

Viconnian hour – 40th century.

Option 2.

Part A. Choose the correct answer.

1 .Before the characteristics of the marriage system,

1) immutability of the hour 3) part of nature

2) ways of interaction and form 4) material light in the whole

connecting people

2. The people in the vicinity of the creature are born

1) perform basic activities 3) show emotions

2) make your own obsolete beforehand 4) worry about your offspring


3. What are the verities of the world that characterize the elite and mass media?


Elitar culture can

A.Be a source of ideas, adoptions and images for mass culture

B. Funded for the profit taken from the sphere of mass culture

1) true only A 3) true insult to judgement

2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

4 .Practia for change in knowledge

1) be goal-directing in nature

2) transfers obligatory technology

4) feels less human

5 .This function of science is illustrated by the creation of piecemeal carcinoma substitutes for

People who suffer during the massacre and fall ill?

1) cognitive 3) social

2) prognostic 4) explanatory

6. Indicate the form of rational knowledge

1) spriinyattya 3) manifestation

2) understand 4) memory

7. The rule of conduct, established and supported by the power, is

1) political norm 3) legal norm

2) moral norm 4) religious norm

8. Signs of the market economy

1) respect for sovereign power

2) regulation of prices by the sovereign economic management body

3) the establishment of state plans that are binding on producers

4) the presence of planned regulation by the state of a number of products

9. Spozhivach tse toy, hto

1) indicates the quality of the product; 3) affects the availability of the product.

2) adds a premium to the price of the product 4) adds a premium to the price of the product

10 . The family has a new function to replace other social institutions

1) spirituality 3) emotional-psychological

2) reproductive 4) social status

11 .The characteristic feature of totalitarian supremacy is

1) the presence of legal electoral rights and free elections

2) competition among the struggle for power of different parties

3) respect for the law of the rights of minorities

4) closure of ownership of the marriage, availability of relevant information about their activities

Chastina St.

1 .Write down the word missing from the diagram .


Legal precedent Legal act Natural law

2 . A number of terms are listed below. All stench, except one, characterize the concept

"signs of power". Find and write down the “drop-down” term:

Territory, taxes, republic, sovereignty, public power

Version: ______________________________

3 .Establish consistency between the criterion of social status and this type: to the skin

positions given in the first section, select a corresponding position in another section.


1) nationality A) reach

2) profession B) punishment

4) illumination

5) social behavior

Write down the sequence of letters in the table, and then in the answer.

Chastina S.

Open the space below and put your thought on the page provided by the author. Vikorist at tsyomu knowledge, daily got it marriage of knowledge,

as well as facts happy life, noble life dosvid.

"Laws are guilty for all mothers, however, sense."

Key to entrance control work for 11th grade

basic rhubarb

Option 1.

Chastina A.

Chastina St.

For correct skin condition – 1 point


2. social institutions

3. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c

Chastina S.

All maximum – 5 points


Bali 20-23 - late

15-19 balіv – good

12-14 points – satisfied includes V to myself variously elements- yak natural, ... natural minds and resources Mal. 36. Interdisciplinary nature of the problem " Suspicionі too much Wednesday» everything to the world, about rhubarb forms... change in the middle accommodation of people. So...

  • “Hundreds and thousands of times have declared materialism to be simple, and a hundred and a thousand times more will continue to be simple until now.”


    Ecological authorities too much in the middle are saved.”2 In nature got it « natural resources" includes V to myself that land is over, roslinna is that creature world, forest...

  • The history and share of geopolitics as science is paradoxical. On the one hand, as you understand, it seems that it has become a priority and is actively victorious against current politics. Bagato


    ... . Suspicion regulated by Tradition. Into the fire element symbolizes pure spirit. Transcendent principle. Unipolar world geopolitical... too much to the world okremikh of people practice properly in your profession. Meshkanets of the great place to think sobi world ...

  • Methodological materials for graduate students rgufxit Moscow 2010

    Basic course

    ... element instability, instability to the world and equally important element durability, immutability ... got it « too much Wednesday" The nature of this mutual relationship is indicated, on the one hand, natural...groupie partnership includes V to myself also social...

  • Subject: Features, socialization and education

    1. The main sign of the concept of “specialness” is its presence in a person

    1) emotional-feeling reactions to the environment

    2) responsibility for their actions and their inheritances

    3) the influence of behavior due to genetic characteristics

    4) instincts of self-preservation and concern for offspring

    2. The dominant fact of socialization of specialness is

    1) natural middle

    2) the nature of the person

    3) spilkuvannya with estranged

    4) specificity of social norms

    3. A stable system of socially significant authorities that characterize a representative of one or another marriage, extends to the characteristics

    1) people

    2) individual

    3) individuality

    4) features

    4. The essential sign of the concept of “specialness” is (is)

    1) articulate language

    2) the presence of physical needs

    3) the status of the brothers and the responsibility for themselves

    4) knowledge and mislennya

    5. What kind of merchandising is this?

    A. Golovnym, the characteristic of specialness has a social essence.

    B. Novonarogena people are special.

    6. What are the characteristics of this kind of molding?

    A. Spadkov, innate, individual power of people infuses the formation of their personality.

    B. The formation of a person’s specialness is connected inclusively with social interactions.

    1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

    2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

    7. All forms of influx of marriage on people, as a result of such a stench, arise a living remorse - this

    1) adaptation

    2) illumination

    3) medicinal room

    4) socialization

    8. Preparation for mastering various social roles, attaining the dominant value standards of the marriage and the main warehouse

    1) social mobility in marriage

    2) socialization of the younger generation

    3) inflated social status

    4) self-realization of the specialness of the group

    9. The acquisition by an individual of behavioral patterns, psychological mechanisms, and values ​​necessary for successful success in his marriage is called

    1) self-realization

    2) building

    3) self-knowledge

    4) socialization

    10. The primary socialization of the individual, in the process of which he acquires norms and expressions of behavior, develops

    1) a long way of life for people

    2) in the period of maturity

    3) in front of the child

    4) after completing school work

    11. Do you believe this kind of talk about socialization?

    A. During socialization, the individual acquires social information.

    B. In the course of socialization, the individual’s entry into the social environment and continuation thereafter is ensured.

    1) only A is true 3) A and B are true

    2) it’s true only B 4) insulting judgement is not true

    12. The terms “self-esteem”, “self-realization”, “self-realization” are related to the characteristics of a person

    1) individual

    2) features

    3) physical person

    4) biological individual

    13. Complete the phrase:“The process of an individual acquiring behavioral, social and spiritual values ​​is called ________________________________.”

    14 .Establish consistency between the concepts and characteristics: before the skin position given in the first section, select the corresponding position of the other section.


    1) a person who actively masters A) individual

    and the purpose directly transforms B) individuality

    nature, matrimony to oneself B) specialness

    2) about taking the representative

    of every human race

    3) people in a complex of unique

    unique authorities

    4) people, known and confirmed

    work select

    Write down the selected letter in the table, and then transfer the sequence of letters that came out to the testimonial form (without spaces or other characters)

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