Diamond tattoo is significant.



Considering tattooing as an embellishment for the skin, it becomes clear why more and more people are now choosing images of related items for their sketches.

The most popular among this galusa has become a beautiful and great diamond, which has been priced for all hours like a royal stone.

Diamond tattoo for a classic look

Image history

Diamonds are special diamonds that have been given the correct shape, which most prominently enhances the shine of the stone.

The beginning of the transformation of diamonds into diamonds, so that they were cut, was even more remarkable: one of the edges of the stone was ground and polished.

The old masters began to cut the diamonds in such a way that the light would be folded into them in the most effective manner.

The primary and most popular type of round cut has 57 stitched edges and a unique one of the highest light levels.

The magical power of diamonds was in price at all hours.

It was believed that the stone gives success, helps women during the sunrise, protects against dark forces and illness, and connects with cosmic energy.

Queen Elizabeth used it as an amulet against the plague, and Christians believed that the devil should not tolerate the bright light that flows from a stone.

Diamond from blood

  • Famous diamonds Many people who choose images for tattooing base their choice not on an abstract image of a stone, but on a specific historical diamond.
  • Such wickedness has its own special history and significance.
  • Some of the most famous stones are called: Zeleny Dresdenets
  • .
  • A rare algae-like diamond of an apple-green hue, preserved in the Dresden treasury.
  • Such a powerful type of stone was removed through natural radioactivity. Hope Diamond.
  • This stone, of rare sapphire color and remarkably regular shape, is famous for the fact that it never brings harm to its rulers.
  • Zirka Africa


Previously, a barless diamond of 530 carats was highly valued in the world and adorned the scepter of Edward Somy.


The pale yellow drop-like diamond has a truly legendary history and is famous for bringing success to its rulers.

  • Tiffany.
  • A great and very correct stone that has gained worldwide popularity.
  • Mountain of Light
  • .
  • A legendary stone that survived the neglect of noble rulers, having visited India, Persia, Afghanistan and the Apostles at the crown of the English Queen Elizabeth.
  • Tuscany.

Lemon diamond emerald cut, which came under the power of the Medici and the Habsburgs and emerged after the Other World War.

Having tattooed images of diamonds on your hand, there are many reasons why you would like to draw a parallel between the munificence of the stone and its powerful character.

I respect that such a sketch is more suitable for men, women, and even the poor, where the inner strength of a person falls in love not with human animals and images of animals, but metaphorically.

All the Rajas will be amazed at the diamond.

Maxim, Ryazan

Diamond with anchor

Features of the image

A great stone, as a rule, is chosen by self-confident individuals, strong people with a strong character and willpower.

They don’t want to hide their beauty from other people’s eyes, so they depict them most often in the open areas of the skin:

Tattoo in the style of realism diamond

The tattoo is now clearly visible from the crowd.

And the deeds - to steal their nose.

Before such a talisman, apply a diamond tattoo.

  • To understand what the difference is between the designs of a diamond and a diamond, you need to know what the difference is in nature.
  • Diamond is a natural mineral that has undergone special processing, after which it becomes a diamond.
  • To the one, it seems to the master, that you want to get a tattoo of a diamond or a diamond - you have respect for yourself.
  • Meaning of diamond tattoo
  • At all times, the diamond has been revered as the king of the world's most valuable stones, one of the most popular decorations.

The Muslims of Persia valued the diamond stone, which relieves tension and confusion.

  • The Turks raised their spirits, marveling at the catastrophe.
  • Queen Elizabeth II of Britain wore diamonds as protection against pregnancy and illness.
  • Mary Stuart was so greedy for the mineral out of despair.
  • Charming power was attributed to the Diamonds.

Vin is impressed:

light symbol

human purity


  1. In the new culture of babies, the diamond symbolizes the incorruptibility of loyalty.
  2. In India, great tantric power was attributed to such images.
  3. In Asia, little diamonds infused the energy of God.

For Orthodoxy, crystal is a symbol of spirituality; it is not for nothing that diamond was the stone of bishops.

Many people respect this crystal as a symbol of loyalty, fidelity, and the diamond’s cores are attributed to boys’ diamond tattoos.

The meaning of tattoos for women

Diamond is important to classic popular tattoos.

  • Regardless of the wickedness, the diamond appears even more effectively on the girl’s body.
  • To ascribe the following meaning to such a little thing:
  • - Purity and innocence;
  • - secrecy;
  • - Plіdnіst;

- Spiritual cob;

- Symbol of fidelity.

You can focus on the dispersion of diamonds - but it is not respected by a woman's little one.

Talking about a mother’s depravity and snatching away her children in the womb is an unkind word and a negative one.

It is known that a tattoo helps in conceiving a child.

Young girls choose babies as a symbol of beauty and purity.

  • Rob them with the method of simply decorating the body with an expensive stone, without giving a tattoo to any sense.
  • Meanings of a diamond tattoo for people
  • Queen Elizabeth II of Britain wore diamonds as protection against pregnancy and illness.
  • The image of a diamond in humans is rarely seen.
  • For a long time, the diamond was credited with power, protection from illness and amulets in battle.

In this place, the diamond can also be tattooed on the head.

  • The baby symbolizes will and righteousness:
  • until victory
  • fortitude
  • sweetness

inability to fight.

Diamond is the most valuable stone.

And young people, getting tattoos, put in the sense, not embellishment, but meaning:



  • durability
  • All of our lives have a breakdown.
  • One of the most depressing symbolism of the old American culture is that the diamond is revered as a sign of tough character, fortitude, and strength.
  • On the human body, tattoo designs are often sharpened, not just individually, but as one of the elements and signs of the composition.

Place of application

You can get tattoos on a woman’s head that appear on visible parts of the body – on the hand (hands and wrists), phalanges of the fingers, forearm.

This image symbolizes betrothals, and carries the sense of vows that are given upon entering into a romantic union:


  • between breasts
  • lower abdomen
  • pubic area

This is the place to apply the baby for women as soon as possible.

People get tattoos on their shoulders, chest areas, and back.

Stone images are sharpened on the neck and legs (feet, head, face).

Tattoo compositions with diamonds

Diamond tattoos are often decorated with eyepieces, eyepieces and marks.

Often there is a diamond from the dark areas - such a tattoo is filled with the method of strengthening the stone, to protect itself from accidents.

The boys choose compositions that depict creatures or birds that are touched by their father, like precious stones in their paws.

These are great designs, in style, that are printed on the chests, sides and back.

Diamant can be used in a tattoo as an additional attribute.

A crown tattoo decorated with diamonds means Vlad, pennies.

The diamond emerges from the writings and depicts stylized little ones, for example, a heart that looks like a diamond with clear edges.

We speak about individuality, if you want to give a tattoo to individuality, remember, you must see.

Diamond is often called the “king of stones.”

There is another no less useful name - “eagle stone”.

From one of the legends, the diamond pluckers figured out a trick that would help them find a stone that would be richer.

So the stench covered the eagle’s nest.

And in the nest there was a little bird.

Bird could not reach his nest through the slope.

Then the eagle brought the diamond and broke the slope for him.

In those days, there were actually many different ways to produce diamonds.

One of them was described in the book about the mandarin Sindbad.

  • So the gorge was strewn with diamonds.
  • It was indeed not easy to get there and get a pine stone.
  • The main concern of locality is greedy, disgusting snakes.
  • Those brave people guessed the trick.

The stinkers threw raw meat into the gorge, which the eagles picked up and took from their nests.

And the diamonds stuck to the meat.

Such a sweet little one can distinguish the innocence and purity of a young lady.

Talking about a mother’s depravity and snatching away her children in the womb is an unkind word and a negative one.

If women want a diamond tattoo every day, men often choose it.

  • fortitude
  • The image of a diamond in humans is rarely seen.
  • Such a little thing on an athletic human body looks no less impressive, which means:
  • willpower


Long ago, warriors believed that a diamond would help them survive and remain steadfast in any battle.

For a modern person, tattooing with images of an expensive stone emphasizes fortitude, humility, resilience and pride.

Such real-life images are ideal for portraying people with strong character.

Which little one should you choose from a diamond? Heading into the studio, it’s easy to marvel at the photo of the diamond tattoo from behind. Color tattoos look harmonious on both the human and female body.

Tattoo in the style of realism diamond

You can choose the watercolor technique. In this situation, your tattoo will be especially colorful and unforgettable.

The beauty of the image is enhanced by the baby's size.

The heroine of Chekhov's song Sofia says: “We see the sky in diamonds.”

The phrase goes to the bottom of both, addressed to Uncle Vanya, after whom the tvir is named. More than a century has passed since I was written, but the sky in diamonds has never been seen in such a way. Then people in diamonds began to appear on the streets.

The language is not about catastrophes, but about their artistic copies. The image of a stone is a popular theme for tattoos., which is often chosen by those who are drawn to food and their way of living.

The connection with the clear stone, which also flows into the broken light, is recognized as a sign of purity. At times tattoo looks like a diamond

The purity of thoughts and intentions is respected.

Apparently, the baby can become a symbol of honesty and fidelity. The diamonds are also tied to the fact that the crystals of the mineral decorate the ring richly. Well, the diamond is especially good and well-kept.

Religious interpretation

Diamond tattoo.

What does it mean Diamond for Buddhists?

The testimony is the concentration of divine energy.

The diamond itself is a Buddha stone, a symbol of spiritual development.

The “king” stone is associated with various astrological signs. Thus, diamond is considered a talisman for Aries. Crystal and Levam came up. Nuances of applying the “Diamond” tattoo Photo

Tattoos with diamonds show off arms, legs, arms, and backs.

The beauty of diamonds lies in their simplicity and clear geometry.

These boxes allow you to place images on any part of the body.

One by one, the crystal looked at each other, touching the fingers, or the urine of the ear.

“Diamond” tattoo was done by Jamie KingPo.

Actor wears a baby on her wrist. Crystal of additional peaks. The image was drawn in 2005.

Perhaps the tattoo fell on Jamie like that, so from that hour more tattoos appeared on his body.

Cholovikiv-zirok on the list of rulers

Diamond tattoo on neck

, wrist, or deinde, dumb.

Diamonds are admired by women.

It’s not for nothing that crystals are called the closest friends of girls, not boys.

The choice of thoughts as associations with beauty, splendor, refinement.

The role is played by parallels with specific diamonds from the works of literature and films.