Talent and intelligence: How to identify a genius.


In literature devoted to esotericism, and simply in mass media, there are two, often mutually exclusive, positions dedicated to the development of various esoteric, closely transmitted features.

The first position is a talent that is passed on from downturns or talents from the heat, and without serious success, mastered practices are impossible.

Another thing is that all people have the rudiments of potentialities that lie in the sphere of amalgamation with “subtle plans”, and despite the need and diligence in their development to lay the final result.

It seems to me that the offensive approach is tainted by categoricalness.

The truth, as always, lies here in the middle.

It is impossible to perceive the obviousness in certain people of natural abilities and inclinations, even downright esotericism (in the sense of the term).

I believe that in esotericism everything is the same as in other areas, in which the result can be mysticism or craft.

Talent gives a head start at the start, but only from time to develop, if from such development, commitment and perseverance lie down, you will become a person who is a competent Master, you will lose the equal of a craftsman, some helpless people, otherwise you will not rise again for the future. Evening of the “talented amateur”, Verkhivkov.

Before speaking, the revelation of talent does not mean anything to a person.

That's how music is - you can have absolute pitch, but if you don't want to take up music, you won't be able to take up music for the rest of your life.


Of course, we are not at risk in this type of situation if a person is encouraged to develop esoteric talents, such as the so-called butt.

"Shaman's illness."

However, these differences are still special, and we are talking about the free choice and special importance of developing other abilities and mastering other practices.

The broadest explanation for visible success is a natural gift.

Moreover, as Jeff Colvin writes, the best thing about this explanation is that we can get rid of the idea of ​​the miracle of conquest robots.

If we have such a natural gift, then we would already know about it, but if we don’t have it, then we shouldn’t bother.

The author proposes to reconsider the role of innate talents, based on the fact that “talents themselves are less significant, as we would like to think,” and how innate talents emerge, but people still doubt it , then success is not created by them.

Unusual abilities such as intelligence and memory were not so important.

“The research shows that in many areas the interaction between intelligence and the strength of the advanced robot is weak or weak,” writes Jeff Colvin. , Jeff Colvin brings respect to organizations that they want to be successful.

“The best organizations entrust people with work in the same way that sports coaches and music teachers entrust the rights for their students,” he writes.

“We strive to take them beyond their capabilities and desire to develop important skills.” Establishing the principles of successful work is not easy, but companies that want to survive have no choice.

Well, the price of great success is extremely high, but the most significant and exciting news, as the facts tell us, is this: success is not a lesser share than others.

"Vin accessible to all."
Jeff Colvin

The results are significant.
Talent doesn't matter!

- M. .
Who achieves more success, more popularity, more money?

The one who has great talent or the one who admires great efficiency?
Talent is amazing.
Tse Mozart.

Salieri, of course, sacrifices himself.

Too much pre-training.
Ale... Through my profession I have met many artists, musicians, fashion designers, poets, and writers.

In short, in order to achieve success, it is not obligatory to think to yourself: “I am a great talent!
I am those, I am the axis!

Don’t let the readers evaluate the level of your talent, they know better.
It’s best to think of yourself as a good professional, someone who is constantly improving and ready to grow steadily.

This profession requires a lot of subjugation, and it also respects those who are easy-going and practical. And talents, like God, never reach the finish line. It’s too early to leave the distance, I warned you more than once.

The bar for awakening has been raised, the accumulation of powerful talent, wealth, inability to cope with difficulties, stress, alcoholism... The result is unfulfillment.

Post of writings with traces of a conversation with friend Galina Vrublevskaya


With her they guessed the fates of students (their own skin), and came to Rozmova about talent and intelligence, about her nourished interest in her further creative life.


Zhanara Rakhmetova preached “Stepa” about how talent really shows itself.

There is an idea that talent is an innate kindness.

If a person masterfully plays a musical instrument or has records in sports, it usually seems that he has a natural gift.

Based on the recordings of these rocks, many historians believe that even before the 6 rocks, Mozart spent nearly 3500 years in the development of music.

The records that have been preserved show that Mozart, having begun to write music in a very early age, his first works were not particularly interested in originality, but were based on the works of other composers of that time.

The whole thing became clearer, even though I still understood it.

Mozart wrote his first serious compositions when he was already 15-16 years old, so at that time more than ten years had passed since the beginning of his beginnings.

It turns out that it is true that Mozart was not a genius musician.

He became a father's father.

Laszlo Polgar's experiment

In the 60s, the Ugric psychologist Laszlo Polgar studied hundreds of people who were considered geniuses in various countries.

Based on his research, Polgar is active in his mind, so that any child can become a genius in any sphere for singing encouragement and occupy.

The results of the Polgar family's experiment clearly demonstrated that with enough training, any child can turn into a child prodigy.

From this experiment, other studies were carried out, which showed that genius does not equate to talent.

Zokrema, no single combination of genes has been identified that would account for human success in one or another sphere.

At the same time, a large number of experiments and investigations were carried out, which clearly demonstrate that any person can become a first-class master in any galuz, having reached such a sufficiently long time.

So how does this process work?

How does talent develop?

With the development of new technologies, people have the opportunity to look under the hood and understand what is in our heads as we develop skills and lose knowledge.

Since 2005, research has shown that there is a direct proportional relationship between training and development of skills, as well as the thickness and density of white speech in the human brain.

For example, the connections were made between many hours, which were spent practicing pianism, and the strength of the white speech in their head.

In other words, the more occupied, the more powerful the pianists’ speech was in their brains. White rivets provide conductive layers, which are covered with myelin - white adipose tissue.

Other element- Focus on the process.

It is necessary to turn it on steadily for an hour, so that the process of starting can be informed, but not automatic. It is difficult to maintain a high level of respect without interruption.

Therefore, experts are encouraged to start with more short-term activities and increase their discomfort step by step. Third element

purposeful practice of directing to those in order to break up the progress in the warehouse and work on these warehouses through. Experts also recommend training such warehouses with different fluidity, more and more quickly Fourth element

- This is a repeat.

It is necessary to exercise more often, especially as you age.

If you don’t exercise often, at some point it will lead to the ball of white fatty tissue (myelin) becoming thin and a high level of training will be wasted.

І rest,

fifth element

The secret of prudence without doubt.

If you marvel at a successful person, then you only see a ceremonial picture, and who was the path to this peak?

If you have already made a decision and thought about everything, then do not waste your resource!

Get rid of all the filthy thoughts and all the “paradniks”.

Your success is only as it appears.
This is how successful people are.

Regardless of the chosen path, you will have to work and achieve success on your own.

Don’t believe that a robot can earn anything for you.

You can get fakers, but also earn money from those that you entrust to them.
And bring the reality of your world’s dreams to reality by super-fakists and even initiative spies, all the same, and then you’ll have to make independent decisions: and the idea until the end of the picture is a success, as you planned, but it looks like something new.

Successful people are not workaholics, but robotic ones

Regardless of the scope of activity, .

How does it happen in our lives that there is nothing left but joy and contentment?

And also those who can immediately be called upon, if fear, annoyance, doubt and anger screamed.

So it was at the cob stage, if there were no beginners or understanding.
So, successful people will immediately get together and leave their important and unloved job in order to achieve the goal.

Stinks avidly to train.

Without important and systemic efforts, you will not be able to succeed in obtaining insurance.

And all the food is for that one, so as not to be confused!
Those who stumbled at the top did not fall from heaven!
Marcus Wasling
How do you die like this: success is achievable and that’s all... A truly cheerful, contented and empty time!
Unfortunately, I will disappoint you: it is impossible to earn success once and again.

The most successful people are the most powerful “race lovers”!

They won’t deprive themselves of their work, but if they bring to mind those who are absent, they could still be on the merits of their jobs.

However, it is the prudence of successful people that gives them the opportunity to remain at the pinnacle of success for a long time.So it is clear that the cost is like a subscription fee for the right to stay in the territory of success and it is impossible to pay once and again.
Don't let your soul get lazy!

Don’t pour water at the mortar,

The soul is guilty of practicing

Every day, every day, every day, every day!

How many years-days-months-years will it take to prepare for this successful performance?

And here feeding talent is not so relevant.Michelangelo, recognized as a genius for painting, few people know that his genius gave priority not to talent, but to prudence.
As if people knew how I worked to achieve mastery,

They wouldn’t respect my creativity so miraculously.

Michelangelo Buonarroti
You can be very talented and not achieve success.

To achieve the goal, we know, to achieve knowledge, you need to practice a lot.

Behind the brilliant five-armed protrusion of the athlete on the ground there is a small number of rocks and easy steps.

And since by nature you are not blessed with any special talents, you have a great chance of success, as you are ambitious!
Water sharpens stones.

Folk wisdom

  1. My life, I think, like yours, is full of friends, acquaintances and relatives who showed great hope in childhood and youth.
  2. And now the stench is the main butt of the younger generation, as they can quickly waste their talents by not being practical.
  3. American basketball player Michael Jordan began his career by relying so much on his talent and being so lazy that his coach took him away from the team.

Practicality is the secret component of success.

Vin is often lost behind the scenes.

It’s not customary to talk about anyone, except for “behind the minds” you can.

Anyway, reprogram your intelligence and understand that it is necessary to cultivate and develop your intelligence throughout your life.

Just then – success is inevitable!