St. Michael's Cathedral in Izhevsk. This place is included in the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos and in its vicinity.

St. Michael's Cathedral, which is located in the very heart of Izhevsk, is the calling card of the place and the most important spiritual treasure of Udmurtia. The monastery itself attracts a lot of people: both local residents who have long loved the church territory, as a place for walking with children, and guests of the place who want to see one of the most beautiful churches in Russia.

What particularly stands out to me is the cathedral, which is particularly impressive - the rich iconostasis, the abundance of monuments on the territory of the temple, as well as the grandeur and pomp of St. Michael's Cathedral. What else can they do to injure and afflict us?


The history of St. Michael's Cathedral, built in the city, cannot be called calm. And even the share was not always pleasant to this spiritual monastery.

The Fatherland Council has little respect for the current cathedral wooden chapel, which was built at the highest point of the place in 1765. However, she was destined to serve only briefly, and even after the revolution she was impoverished I'll burn you terribly. The decision about the everyday life of the new life was adopted only at the end of the 19th century, when the townspeople began to make every effort to support the authorities and help the everyday life with money.

Until 1907, local residents could enjoy the beauty of the seventy-meter cathedral, and listen to the sounds of the local villages.

However, with the advent of the Radyan rule, the share of the church was lost under the food supply, but, unimportantly, the local administration tried to save the mistress’s bath - until 1932 the bells were removed, and for the river at the church they fell asleep Whose museum. But through several fates, the residents of Izhevsk still had a chance to say goodbye to a major spiritual dispute - in 1937, after the order that St. Michael’s Cathedral was dedicated from Moscow.

Today's spiritual monastery is a further prototype of this spore that was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, the work itself was not delayed - the church was built in 7 years, which is a record short term.

Today's St. Michael's Cathedral is not just a spiritual monument, but a religious and enlightenment center, which is home to hundreds of believers.

How to get away

St. Michael's Cathedral of the Rostashov at the address: town, st. Karl Marx, 222.


The cathedral is located on one of the central streets of the city, so don’t hesitate to walk to the next step. You can earn money by going down to Karl Marx Street from the central square and straight down. If you go straight for the whole hour and don’t go anywhere, then you’ll end up at the bottom of the church in just 7-10 minutes.

Hromadsky transport

Of course, those tourists don’t like to walk around or simply cannot overcome the fear of ruining themselves. For them, the option is to travel by tram.

To get to St. Michael's Cathedral, you also need to go down from the central square to Karl Marx Street, cross the road and take a tram that rushes down across the square. The fare is fixed, so regardless of the number of steps, you will have to pay 20 rubles for travel on public transport.

If you decide to plan your route in this way, then you only need to go just one step and get to the one called “Church”.

Cathedral territory

Having arrived at the foot of St. Michael's Cathedral, you will have to attend a sufficient number of gatherings, and the spiritual monastery stands at the highest point of the place. Having risen to the entrance to the church, food service is always available - should you get acquainted with the cathedral Maidan and immediately go to the temple? On one side, the pompous high building with glittering domes beckons in the middle, on the other side, the overlooked flower beds, Križan sculptures, bronze monuments and lava khanna turn the gaze of anitrokha no less. So where are you going to virulence on the cob?

Church area

I especially wanted to express my knowledge of the cathedral itself from the adjacent territory and did not harm it. The majestic Maidan is literally surrounded by bronze sculptures and other objects that acquire architectural and spiritual value.

One of the most famous is the monument to the holy noble Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. In addition, bets are made, children are younger, as they are often photographed and pose against their background.

In addition, on the territory of St. Michael’s Cathedral a chapel has been built up, which could be used by someone or a school, where they can begin to learn all the markings in the iconography. There you can also have mercy or get one from work.

In the summer period

The entire territory of the cathedral is literally surrounded by greenery - carefully decorated flower beds tall trees They are protected from the noise and noise that are literally located below, in the vicinity of hundreds of gatherings.

It's winter time

During the winter months, on the territory of St. Michael's Cathedral you can often see sculptures, stoves, castles or low waterfalls, which are created especially for parishioners with small children.

Interior design of the cathedral

After being greeted by the beauty of the surrounding area, I walked into the middle of the cathedral. Here it is immediately clear that, as a matter of fact, at St. Michael’s Cathedral there are all women of the guilty mother on the head of the hustka. Ale, as soon as some of the paraffians have forgotten about those who require you to come with your head covered, the cleaners at the entrance see the khustki bezkoshtovno, but for the washing, so that when you leave, you will turn it around.

As I walked into the back of the church, a wealth of decorations appeared in front of me - painted walls, carvings of the iconostasis right up to the stele, a majestic chandelier that illuminates the crypt, depicting the holy martyrs.

Passing far and wide, all those who catch their eye begin to think that they have gone not to the church, but to the religious museum. This seemed to accompany me with the length of my stay in life and went on even after I left it.

Ale here varto say, scho Great quantity The paraffians are attracted not only by the external beauty, but also by the impersonality of the shrines. At the cathedral you can bow before the miraculous icon, created in the 16th century. There, found in the cathedral, are parts of the relics of such holy apostles as Bartholomew, Luke, James, Matthew and Mark.

Basement on top

Having walked around the entire territory, taking in the interior parts of the church, I was about to go, but it turned out that the basement on top would be an opening for ordinary tourists. There was a room where the sacrament of baptism took place, an icon shop and an exhibition gallery.


As for the baptism, the St. Michael’s Cathedral moved to Izhevsk, taking the following position: the baptism must go through the door, and then go to the room, since you, of course, won’t give in. However, you can marvel at what she looks like in the photographs that are on the wall near the entrance.

There you can see a modest iconostasis, a small cupola and a table, where the founder of the church saw the happy fathers confirm that their child was baptized at St. Michael’s Cathedral.

Church shop and exhibition gallery

If we talk about a church shop, then it has a typical display window, where you can add a variety of spiritual literature, icons, consecrated decorations (rings, crosses, lances), as well as candles. In addition, you can get a note from the store with the names of your loved ones. On the coming day, these notes are handed over to the priests, as they conduct rituals of prayer for health.

After a while, you can visit the small exhibition gallery, where you can enjoy the works of the scientists who created the icons, and in a fitting way. It is noticeable that most of them are middle school students. However, without knowing this information, we can safely talk about those that the icon was created by professionals, since we can see the icon created at the meeting of the students and the icon created by the high school fachians for me to see moose is awkward.

Robot mode

St. Michael's Cathedral is open every day from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. The church service starts at 7:00 and ends at 10:00, so it is an evening service: if you want to spend money on it, you need to be at St. Michael’s Cathedral as early as 16:30.

Since I have been at St. Michael's Cathedral more than once, I can say that many people come to the rank and evening services. Regardless of whether it’s a weekday or a weekend, the church sometimes simply doesn’t get through. I would also please those who are going to the cathedral for the first time to simply enjoy the beauty and grandeur and visit the cathedral at the usual hour, approximately from 13:00 to 15:00. In these two years it is becoming more peaceful there, you can go and look at the icons and calmly admire the painted crypts.


The repairs in Adigea will bring satisfaction to the entire river. It's winter time and there's plenty to do here. Spend an hour peacefully, actively, cognitively, and with opportunity on the numerical monuments of the region. For example, to reveal new mysteries and the secret chamber of St. Michael's Athos human monastery.


Between the villages of Kamyanomistsky and Peremoga (closer to Peremoga) a marvelous tourist complex has been developed. It is located on Mount Fiziabgo, along and across it, cut by numerous underground passages and ovens.

This is the place to go, not only pilgrims, but also ordinary tourists, who want to enjoy the cultural program, in the process of which they admire monuments of architecture and history that are not entirely beautiful. Find out more about the region you are in. Before speaking, there is simply a miracle base on the territory of the monastery.

Zhitlo podobovo in these regions




Me and my retinue and friends lived at (a special tourist center with tasty snacks)

Features of the monastery

Many pilgrims equate the St. Michael's Monastery with the famous Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There are also a lot of underground passages under it, which previously had objects of significance for the Chens. Today they have lost little.

On the territory of everyday life, a lot of ancient spores were destroyed. New people have appeared in their place. Everything is as harmonious and beautiful as possible. The architectural composition is extraordinary, unique and truly special.

Among the old buildings there was the main building of the monastery, as well as the Refectory, besides which belonged to the ruler. The principle is to bring out new ideas from the old problems, to let people know how bad it is to know in everyday life.

Not far from the monastery there is the holy shrine of Panteleimon the Healer. Until then, a large number of tourists are waiting to gather water, which has healing power. Every citizen collects 5 to 7 five-liter bottles of “living water.” Here you can buy some jarel (even cold) water. Even though she wanted to get tired of it, she suffered from a lot of illness.

If you want a monastery and a human being, representatives of the women’s state can reveal him. At the entrance, they recommend covering their heads with a hustka, and tightening their trousers. Everything is absolutely free, even holy place. Before speaking, if you go to Dzherel, you will not miss the opportunity to have mercy on the great Girsky ridge. There is a path leading to the observation maidan, which turns to the left from the stitches to the dzherel.

Important: if you are planning to bring out the body of Panteleimon the healer, drop the yakmog here first. Otherwise, you will be stuck for a long time. There are a lot of people here. The charge is significantly less, but still. Everything is, of course, very good, but it’s no less interesting to call historical facts creation and development of the head memory of Adigea.

Development history

The planning of a complex for religious people in these regions dates back to 1864. There were a lot of Cossack villages here, believing people, but there were no financial capacity stay and build the temple. The rulers of the Stavropol diocese began to think about how to accommodate sectarians, Old Believers, etc. The residents of six villages and villages of the Girsky Smuga of Transkubanya decided to independently collect the necessary funds for the construction of a temple and a place of residence for the priest.

It was planned to pay the clergyman one hundred karbovantsi for help, and also urgently hire a messenger. Only in the seventy-fourth century of the last century, Bishop Herman tried to build the St. Michael's Monastery. Villager I. Pipe at the same time from the town from Kharkov I. The Bezverkhovs were asked to allow them to go to sleep in the Tsarskaya station and the desert of the Chents. These two people led spiritually, morally, and served the church. The stench drove away the ionic life, and they arrived as far as the Katerino-Labizhskaya desert.

At the same time, they were drawn like a magnet to the Caucasus Mountains, which immediately impressed them with their beauty and grandeur. The stench itself began to sing at the need to rebuild the monastery. At this point, truly great people realized that their food was not worth it. That's why they came to the villagers for additional help. Positive feedback was severely rejected.

People who lived on the territory of Dakhivskaya, Sevastopolskaya, Tsarskaya stanitsa and the village of Kamyanomistsky praised the donation of 270 acres of their lands. And the believers from Tsarskaya donated a prayer booth to the yet-to-be-built church. One of the main advantages of the donated lands was their high birth rate.

Preparation before the event took two whole days, but in the process it became clear that it was impossible to breed any species on these lands. Everything that was in the possession of the Volodin village residents could not be passed on to third parties. Even though people were already excited about the construction of the great temple, on the territory of which it was planned to open a school for local children. With pennies and materials, the villagers were ready to take an active part in everyday life.

However, the connection between the fence and the restoration of the shrine, the donation and the valuables had to be transferred to the funeral church of the Trukhmyansky bailiff. Regardless of Vidmova, the idea of ​​keeping the monastery alive did not go away. In the 77th century of the last century, a petition was again submitted to the priest of the Caucasus for the provision of 350 acres of land of the villagers (on Fiziabgo) for the establishment of a monastery.

In the spring, this fate was abandoned and in the spring, the life of the St. Michael's Monastery began. There were a little less than two rocks. It was completed in the spring of 1879. True, during this hour the first temple was named in honor of the Archangel Michael. For many hours he served as the monastery of the Chents and as the place where services were held.

Another temple, built in honor of A. Nevsky, was built in just three years. And through these rocks they built the largest and most magnificent temple - the Assumption Cathedral. It was so large that it could easily accommodate up to 1000 paraffins at one time.

This year, the elders began to build their cells in Shakhan. The monks built the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord at Cape Fiziabgo. And two of them, who thought they considered themselves sinful people, dug paths in the midst of the mountain. At about this hour the church school was opened. Here a turbulent activity flared up.

There was a farm and a cattle station, a sewing factory and a sewing factory, without even mentioning a laundry and a factory. There was also its own forge, medicine shop, weather station and alabaster distillery. The Chengs lived calmly and worked right up to huge war. After the land was completed, the equipment and disputes were confiscated.

At the beginning of the twenties of the last century, people built a new building, and then organized a commune. At the same time, people here could live until the 28th century of the last century. Afterwards, the monastery was officially closed, and all the merchants were released.

The VBB closed its military base, and this year they cleaned out the cabins of people with limited capabilities. In the forty-fourth century, Vlad Vzagali lived here to work in a child labor colony. Two years later, the Assumption Cathedral was destroyed, and the material that was lost was used for the initial mortgage. Whose fate was depleted and stored. Re-created.

In the sixties of the last century, the colony was cleaned up. And already on the 72nd, on the territory of the St. Michael’s Monastery, a base for tourists “Romantika” was opened. The struggle for the return of the land to the Orthodox Church began in the early nineties of the last century and spanned over ten years. The remaining transfer of the St. Michael's Monastery took place only at the beginning of the 20th century, 2003. From that hour, the renovation of the constructed objects, or rather the construction of new churches, began.

Chim Tsikavy Monastir today

The most popular place is the Holy Trinity Church (which has survived all the descriptions of history) – it is one of the greatest beaus. Varto also includes the temples of the Assumption and the Archangel Michael. Another local monument is the mass grave of people with limited abilities killed by the fascists.

Of no less interest are the residual updates of the sporudi: hr. Dormition, St. Alexandra, a refectory and a hut that receives mandrivniks. A lot of tourists, especially eagerly, are eager to visit the crypt of Archimandrite Martyrius.

There are also plenty of things to do on the outskirts of St. Michael's Monastery. There are horse walks, and a stove, along the path to Mount Fiziabgo. Let's go up the mountain and enjoy the panorama. Those tourists, who spend enough time, often end up as far as the Fars River, famous for its canyon.

Before the speech, a hotel with 80 rooms has been transferred for pilgrims, although, according to certain data, temporary accommodation in a new place is impossible. Nowadays, the pilgrimage center organizes excursions to the ovens, created by human hands, to the black lakes, the Assumption cells and to the chapel of Tsar Alexander II.

How to get to St. Michael's Monastery

From the beginning you need to get to the village of Peremoga. You can get there by bus, which goes from Krasnodar, through the village of Kam'yanomistske. By car you can get to the St. Michael's Monastery through Maykop, at the Kamyanomistsky bay. At the entrance to the village you will be directed towards the holy place. It’s also unlikely that you’ll get lost. Tim more if you follow the coordinates. The exact coordinates are on the map at the bottom of the page.

Addresses: Maykop district, Peremoga village, Vesely village, Dzherelna street 5.

It is also possible to contact Father Varlaam by phone: 8 928 2682660 or Father Mikhail at 8 928 4660358.


St. Michael's Athos Monastery is truly the main monument of Adigea. I would recommend every tourist to spend an hour near Kamyanomistsky village and around it. And if you have already been here, please your readers by describing your evidence in the comments.

St. Michael's Monastery, or simply St. Michael's Monastery, as it is called in Adigea, next to Hadzhokh - the Kamianomist village.

This is one of the main important monuments of Kamyanomistky. Pilgrims and tourists flock to the St. Michael's Monastery and the Holy Jere from all over the country.

St. Michael the Athos Monastery

St. Michael the Athos Monastery is the highest monastery in our region, and one of the most mysterious. On the right is that the monastery stands on Mount Fiziabgo, and the entire mountain under the monastery is lined with secret passages and hidden ovens. Whenever the Chens had under the ground icon painting masters and rich libraries, as well as a sanctuary of holy relics.

A lot of passages have been filled up and a lot of writing has been found. The monastir itself, founded in 1877, was destroyed in 1928. A lot of budinki were destroyed.

But the deeds of sporudi, like living dosi, were lost - the refectory, the main building of the monastery, the deeds of the ruler's sporudi. Other things will happen in our hour. Old and new species can be easily distinguished from each other.

Both men and women are allowed into the territory of the St. Michael Athos Monastery. In front of the entrance, women see spednitsa and hustkas. Everything is costless, original, this is a temple.

Holy Dzherelo of Panteleimon the healer

You cannot go through the monastir to dzherel. You need to go through the gate and follow the arrows and go uphill. The holy place of Panteleimon the healer is located at the top of the mountain. The road to Dzherel is laid by a brook, wide and level, and there are often benches where you can see it.

Not reaching a few meters to the dzherela and font, where the stitches go to the left. This is the road to the vista Maidan, the stars overlook the edge of the Caucasus Range.

We walked to the dzherel. There are so many people there. Also, it’s impossible for the bastard to stand in the desert, rather than to come before the yak.

Tse dzherelo, where you can collect holy water. People collected a lot of people in five-liter dances, about 5-10 of these dances. Finally, I don’t see too much holy water.

This is what I bought. The water there is bitter and even colder. It is important to note that there is still water there and if you plunge into the bath, you will get sick. Perhaps, so be it. I wouldn’t dare go swimming there.

Monastery addresses:

  • Republic of Adigea, Maykop district, village. Peremoga, p/o Vesely, st. Dzherelna, 5

In the very center of the Caucasus, edged by the sea and mountains, lies old land- Adigea. A long time ago there was a fortress on the top of Fiziabgo. The masonry that was lost is dated by historians to the “ancient” hour. In the 19th century there was a temple here. And not far away, the St. Michael’s Monastery of Athos was in full swing.

Where is St. Michael's Monastery located on the map?

The map shows it to us in the central part of the Maikopsky district of Adigea, near the village of Peremoga. A number of streams flow nearby, most commonly known as Shushuk and Kameluk. In the slightly distant view of the Transkuban Desert, as it is also called, one can see the Poroshkov Pecha, the Monastic Hill and the Holy Dzherelo of the Great Martyr and the Healer Panteleimon.

St. Michael-Athos Transkubanskaya kestel and its history

By the providence of God, in Greece, on St. Athos, a union of two tribes arose. Monk Vitaly arrived there as a pilgrim from Russia, and Hieromonk Martyria labored there for the time being. They looked at the monastery, and already in 1877, with the blessing of the Athonite elders, the stench wreaked havoc in the Caucasus. The local Cossacks, who were loitering at the station, had previously tried to raid the monastery at the Girsky winds, but nothing came of it. After the arrival of the Chens, who rejected the blessing of the ruling bishop, they began to fuss about finding land for development.

Grand Duke Mikhailo Mikolayovich Romanov was the ktitor of the monastery. Archangel Mikhailo is the patron saint of the prince, to his honor the first church was built at the spring of 1877. A small number of people from Athos come here, so the monastery was given the name “Afonska” because the first people came from Athos themselves. Maybutary parishioners donated money for the work. Martyr's contribution is 55 thousand. rub. In 1883 The remaining information here is the rank of archimandrite (rector).

Services and massacres were held at this church from the very beginning. Here, through the marriage of cells, the brethren lived. Then the black corps was formed - there were already about 200 servants, arriving for government purposes and a hotel for pilgrims. In 1885 there will be a church in honor of the Holy Dormition Holy Mother of God, which could accommodate up to 2000 paraffians.

Temples and Rozkvit

In total, 5 temples were created:

  • in honor of Archangel Michael;
  • in the name of Rev. St. Alexandra;
  • Uspensky;
  • in the name of the Holy Trinity (preserved until today);
  • dedication to the Transfiguration of the Lord (Preobrazhensky), on Phiziabgo.

Mount Physiabgo is a small steep slope - it was impossible to bring stones for the foundation of the church, so they wanted to help bring them, planks and blocks by hand. With such efforts the Church of the Transfiguration was founded, which could accommodate nearly 500 worshipers. There were workshops in various fields - icon painting, sewing and kravetska, turning, metalworking. That forge was working on the territory. They set up a small Tsegelny plant for their needs. A parish school was opened for the village residents.

The life of the monastery flourished. They had their own pasika, a cheese factory, and they organized a small monastery for the breeding of fish. You need a lot of Chentsi. The stench brought food to the taverns not only for themselves, but also for those who came, the mandrivniks. For them, borscht was prepared at the refectory, and bread was baked in the bakery. U great post The object was carrying close to 5000 oscillators. Parathians were written by the monastery. Everything took place under the sensitive supervision of the archim. Martyria, what kind of varto can I say in more detail?

Archimandrite Martyriy

Archim. Martyriy was originally from Kherson. His father is a formidable Cossack and a formidable bourgeois – Vasil Ostrovikh. Martin (his name in the world) was sent to attend a parish school. In order to continue his career, Father Vіn established his trade craft. The boy’s religious pursuits began due to his illness. Having been in bed for two years, reading spiritual literature and praying to the Queen of Heaven, asking for healing and vowing to dedicate my life after worship to the monk.

After an hour, the boy got dressed and forgot about his home. Being a mature boy, he decided to make friends and before the ceremony went to pray at the Kiev shrines. In the conversation, we learned about the many fates of the prisoner and vowed to vacate him. After arriving home, the relatives tried their best to help the boy - even though his illness had taken a toll on him. Martin first served at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, then went to Athos, where he brought monks and took monastic vows from the name of Martyria. From Athos he arrived to Chernigov, where he became a hieromonk. Then, in many cases, we again went to Greece and then went to the Caucasus. Here, at the created monastery, the decision of my life passed.

The life of the archimandrite ended tragically. The winter of 1917, after turning home, the wagon that I had gone to, and then the departure of the Vovkas. The horses turned wildly from the road, and she crashed against a tree. On the territory of the monastery there is a grave in which lie the remains of its founder - the archim. Martyria, anyone who wants to can pray in it and take shelter.

Important events and revival of the human monastery in Adigea

During the Radian God-fighting period, the St. Michael's Monastery in Adigea was about to be razed from the ground. Everything was confiscated: land, housing, valuables. They immediately organized a repair booth. 1928 r. Having become tragic for someone else, they simply closed him down.

Under the Great The Great Patriotic War The monastery became the site of a children's educational colony. With fate came the ruination, and in 1946. They tore up the Assumption Church. Born in 1952 for the future there will be a necessary stone and a legacy of which - the stones of the Transfiguration Church on the mountain. Nina Monastir saves only photos that depict the current appearance of the complex.

Much of the territory became overdeveloped, firstly the State Administration, then the Tourist Committee, and the tourist center were located here. People came here with confidence, but no one suspected that once there was a monastery here, for 70 years, its history would be erased from memory.

Rebirth and modernity

Born in 1992 The first attempts to turn the monastery began. The locals collected signatures from the beasts before the President of Adigea about the restoration of Christian shrines. On the stove, on the spot in front of the temple of the Archangel Michael, the Cossacks and their families prayed and read akathists. U 2001 r. Some of the monastery buildings were turned away, but the activities were still occupied mostly by tourists. In the spring of 2003 I decided to turn the St. Michael-Afonska desert to the outside. From that time on, divine services were held here, religious services were carried out, and religious work was carried out.

In Adigea, the St. Michael's Monastery is today the main one, visited by pilgrims and tourists. There were many shrines here:

  • a bunch of reliquary arks with parts of relics (over 50 saints);
  • part of Troni St. Feodosia (Caucasian);
  • two icons (lists), brought from Athos – the Mother of God “Blessing” and the “Cathedral of the Archangels”;
  • miraculously exposing Tsar Mikoli II “Nadimska”.

The peculiarities are empty in the fact that there are Athonite (Byzantine) traditions here. External look brothers - a hood with a cape and a walnut-cut cassock. Also, part of the divine services are served according to the statute of Athonite monasteries. Today there is a chronicler here - the monk Procopius, who gives tours for visitors and tells the history of the Orthodox monument.

The monuments are empty

It’s almost time to say something about the local shrine – the shrine of St. Panteleimon on Physiobago, which is famous for its many cures from various ailments. Here you can drink water and take some water for home. For those who want to drink water, a purchase of water has been provided. Many people have lost the information about healing and relief from illness after washing. On the 19th of today, on Holy Vodokhreshcha, the rite of the great consecration of water is celebrated here.

On the skhila there are stoves that were lost from the ancient Byzantine monastery. Previously, there were a lot of long marches - almost 3 km long, which brought together the temples built on different hills. It is important to know that under the earth there is a mass of ancient brushes (the remains of the Chinese in the underground grottoes). At the same time, you can find a lot of people from the cells of the Chents, who lived here, in excess of the chapel. Respecting those who kept the dungeon alive during the Christian hours, most of it is under rubble, and in the oven you can go through one entrance to the mountain.

How to get there?

You can get to Peremoga by regular bus from Krasnodar, which passes through Khadzhokh (Kamyanomistsky). Vіn destroys two for the sake of it.

By car, you can independently get to the Zakubanskaya Pustela from Maykop in the following manner:

Contact details

  • Addresses: Dzherelna street, 5, Peremoga settlement, Maykop district, Adigea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.290754, 40.318029.
  • Phone: 8-928-466-03-58.
  • Official website:

The skin of the St. Michael's Monastery feels like a piece of spiritual light. Having been in these temples, pecheras and white dzherela, the soul is filled with grace. The beauty of the landscapes drowns the spirit, but nature, clean air and quietly help you escape from the daily noise and turbo traffic. We finally present the video tour after the description above, welcome watching!


Coordinates: N44 17.4 E40 19.104.

History of the creation of St. Michael's Monastery

Until 1864, a lot of Cossack villages appeared in the city of Zakubannya. The inhabitants of most of them were poor and could not afford the everyday life and darkness of the temple. The situation that arose in the new villages evoked the restlessness of the Stavropol diocese, a fragment among the Cossack villagers there were many representatives of the Old Believers and a number of sectarians, once in Zaku baths and minds, necessary accommodation of values ​​and spirituality. Everything changed his mind, so that the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos appeared near Adigea.

In the situation that arose, the residents of the villages of Barakaevskaya, Tsarskaya, Abadzekhskaya, Psemenskaya, the villages of Bagovsky and Sevastopol decided to collect money for the vigil of the temple and the shack of the parish priest, the care of spirits tions in their own way, quickly pay the parish priest assistance in the amount of 100 rubles, and also quickly on nope. messenger priest.

In 1874, Bishop Herman made his first attempt to sleep in the Orthodox St. Michael's Monastery near Zakubanya.

In the winter of 1874, the powerful peasant Isidor Trubin and the townsman from Kharkov and Ilya Bezverkhov filed a complaint about sleeping near the village of Sakhrayskaya (Tsarskaya) Chernechoya Desert. Resentments from small fates felt a desire for a moral, spiritual life, served in churches and, following the call of their hearts, arrived at the Katerino-Labizhsky desert, where they could be more satisfied with their desire to live a black life. However, the unknown seemed to beckon them to the Caucasus Mountains, to the place where the Tsar’s station was settled. The great towns impressed the people with their beauty and grandeur. Having stayed here for a good hour, they resented the need for the daily life of the monastery itself in this place, realizing that thoughts alone would not be enough, they turned for help to the Cossack villagers and withdrew support. Residents of the nearby villages: Dakhivskaya, Sevastopolskaya, Tsarskaya and Kamyanomistskaya donated 270 acres of community land to the future church, and the Cossacks of the Tsarskaya village donated an additional amount to the upcoming St. Michael's Athos To this human monastery there is a prayer booth of the old Sakh. The land that the Cossacks donated to the monastery was rejoiced by the family, there was plenty of berries and forest fruits, everything that spoke of the prosperity of the economical life of the future monastery.

Resolutely everyone was calm, Illya Bezverkhov and Isidor Trubin believed that the life and security of the monastery could be achieved without the help of the state, as well as the necessary materials for the creation of monastic buildings in the future statu, and the town’s residents were ready to take their part from the living robots.

Isidor Trubin and Illya Bezverkhov respected that the foundation of the St. Michael's Athos Monastery could be used both by the native inhabitants and by the Cossack settlers; on the basis of the human monastery it would be possible to open a school for children tey stanichniks.

Having prepared the ground for the establishment of the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos in Adigea, Illya Bezverkhov and Isidor Trubin returned to Bishop Herman for blessings in order to begin wake-up robots. Following the orders of Bishop German Bezverkhov and Trubin, they were immediately transferred to the Katerino-Lebyazka desert, where they needed to remove the monastery chips, and German himself immediately began to collect information about the site of the restoration of the upcoming monastery and donate for your daily life. During the course of Bishop Herman's requests until 1876, it became clear that the transfer of land by the villagers under the establishment of the St. Michael's Athos Monastery had no small legal force, since the communal land could not leave the village of Volodya, and even more transfer the power of other people.

The fragments of the administration of the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos were not allowed, Herman transferred the donations of valuables collected for the monastery's vigil to the funeral church of the Trukhmyansky bailiff.

In this manner, the first attempt to build a monastery in the village of Tsarskaya was not realized, but the idea of ​​​​building a monastery here continued to live.

In 1877 The Cossacks of the stanitsa suddenly began to cry out to the priest of the Caucasus to allow him to see 350 dessiatines from the stanitsa lands to establish an Orthodox monastery on Mount Fiziabgo.

In the same year, in 1877, permission to build the St. Michael's Athos Monastery in Adigea was revoked. And in the spring of 1877, the life of the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos began. Until the beginning of 1879, the life of the first temple in honor of the funeral angel of the brother of Emperor Alexander II, Grand Duke Mikhail Mikolayovich, Archangel Michael, ended, from the beginning this temple was built both for services and for the life of the people. The construction of another temple in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky ended in 1881. And through these fates, the largest church of St. Michael's Athos human desert was built - the Assumption Cathedral, which housed up to 1000 parishioners within its walls.

On the proposal of Martyria, the hopes that led to the St. Michael's Athonite Monastery took their part in its further improvement. Kozhen is a pilgrim who arrives at the St. Michael’s Athos Monastery, bringing with him a stone for the vigil.

Chentsi, who lived in the monastery, lived in prayer. The day began on the 2nd night, when the divine service began, as it was time to celebrate. After this there was a meal and work. About the 12th anniversary of the church bell, the bell rang until noon. From the end of the daily service to the beginning of the evening service, the time has come for the disciples to finish. Those who disrupted order were punished by additional robots. Constantly on the territory of the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos, chergovs were identified as calling for jobs. Parathians and pilgrims were also obliged to comply with the established order.

Martyria brought great respect to the development of eldership. The elders of the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos were on Mount Shakhan Keliya, where they prayed and practiced extensively. The priests of the St. Michael's Monastery together with the elders built the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Physiabgo, and two elders, who considered themselves sinners, dug underground passages in the mountain.

With the participation of Martyria at the St. Michael's Athonite Monastery, they opened a parish school for the villagers, of which Monk Vakulin became the clergyman.

The influx of the monastery into the nearby Adigean villages was great, the majority of the people embraced the ideas of Orthodoxy, and constantly fought against the legacy of the schism, which was especially evident in this locality. Dissenters lived in nearby villages and actively attacked the local residents. The Chentsy intensified their preaching activities to combat dissenters.

The leaders of Martyria at the monastery created a local dominion: the Chens developed technical cultures, took up animal husbandry, and cows, horses, oxen, and camels grazed on the monastery pastures. On the lands of the monastery there were a lot of hospodar's buildings: a farm, a cattle station, a sewing workshop, a bakery, a blacksmith's shop, a smelter and a farbov's shop. The monastery had an alabaster factory, a meteorological station and a doctor's shop.

After the end of the huge war, the monastery lands were confiscated, and with them the military premises, agricultural equipment and possessions. In 1926, the people on the lands of the huge St. Michael’s Monastery erected a small shack, and across the river, near the walls of the monastery, they placed the “Vladilen” commune. Regardless of the change, who married the monastery, life in the monastery lasted until 1928, when the monastery was officially closed and the residents were released.

At the beginning of the Great German War, the huts were closed and on its basis the huts for disabled people were created. In 1944, after the liberation of Adigea, a child labor colony was founded by the ruler on the territory of the St. Michael’s Monastery.

1946 The fate of the colonists was torn down the Assumption Cathedral, built like a stone new school. After the ruin of the cathedral, other monasteries were allocated to collect material for the daily life of the colonists. Also in 1946, on Mount Fiziabgo, the colonists destroyed the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

In the 1960s, the children's colony was reformed, and the newly rebuilt monastery was transferred to the Kamyanomist Fruit Union State. In 1972, the territory of the St. Michael's Monastery and the surplus from the construction were transferred to the regional Committee of the City of Krasnodar for Tourism, and there, where there was an old monastic monastery, a tourist base “Romantika” was opened.

In 1992, Orthodox activism in Adigea began the fight for the transfer of the St. Michael the Monastery. Orthodox Church. The struggle lasted for twelve years, and as recently as 2001, part of the monastic disputes and lands were turned over to the churches. From this hour begins the revival of black life at the walls of the St. Michael's Monastery. However, most of the monastery, as before, was occupied by a tourist center. In the spring of 2003, the final transfer of the monastery to the Orthodox Church took place.

After the conversion of the monastery and its lands to the Orthodox Church, Hieromonk Martyria became its first rector, who held this position until 2004. For his part, divine services were improved, repair work was carried out on the Trinity Church and the cell building, and the St. Michael's Monastery (Adigea) acquired its own equipment and power. After Martyria, Hieromonk Pimen became the new rector. With the new elaboration and development of the monastery, the number of members of the monastery increased to 20 people.

The rector of the monastery is Hieromonk Gerasim, appointed in 2006. In an hour, on the site of the old temple, the temple of the Archangel Michael was erected, which was dedicated to the sickle of 2008. The popularity of the monastery is growing due to the tragedy, the number of pilgrims and sufferers is increasing dramatically.

This place is included in the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos and in its vicinity.

As a rule, tourists and pilgrims begin their familiarity with the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos with the Holy Trinity Church, the largest church on the territory of the monastery.

At the center of the restoration is the Assumption Church.

Another temple is the Church of the Archangel Michael.

Among other important monuments on the territory of the St. Michael's Monastery (Adigea), one can count the mass grave of disabled people killed by the German fascists and not yet until the end of the renovation of the dispute: the Church of St. Alexander, a house for living room, refectory. The same is true for the work on the renovation of the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God. There is a sports square.

Nearby you can see the crypt of Archimandrite Martiry.

Many tourists appreciate the extremely tasty monastery tea, pies and breads with endless fillings.

Outside the territory of the monastery in the nearby surroundings there is a herd where tourist rides on horseback are organized.

Also, having arrived at the St. Michael's Monastery of Athos (Adigea), go straight to the side of Mount Fiziabgo, go up the road to the stove, and also climb to the top of the mountain and drink water from the Holy Dzherel. From the top of the mountain a marvelous view of the outskirts opens up, however, those who are not able to climb to the top of Physiabgo can be satisfied with the panorama that appears from the observation tower, arrived at the Church of the Holy living trinity. If you have enough time, take a walk to the Fars River and its canyon.

Photo: Pavlo Panko, Distance X, O.V. Makarova, albertino-mourico, Tetyana Ledovska, Katerina Sviridova

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