Statistics of enterprises of various forms of power.


Treasure chest of ideas In a market economy, statistics will provide government bodies of all levels with information and analytical materials, based on which decisions are made in the sphere of functioning of the market; price policies are being adopted to stimulate the development of market stocks. The object of investigation will be the production of various forms of this substance. Business activity statistics are based on a vikory system of indicators, which includes the following main blocks:

  • displays of balance in the market
  • (yak
  • external factor
  • , which contributes to the development of entrepreneurship):

commodity proposition;

  • font;
  • Volume, saturation of the market;
  • market structure displays;
  • displays of goods sales and implementation of services:

displays of goods and sales of services;

  • indicators of the structure of commodity circulation;
  • displays of average per capita commodity turnover;
  • indicators of inventory and turnover;

Displays of prices (tariffs) for goods and services: price level indicators;

  • indicators of price structure;
  • indicators of the purchasing power of the ruble and the penny income of the population;

infrastructure displays

  • (material and technical basis):
  • fixed assets, number, warehouse, building capacity, size, technical equipment of enterprises;
  • numerical warehouse of labor resources for enterprise;
  • indicators of the socio-economic effect and effectiveness of commercial activities of enterprises:
  • indicators of income, profit, profitability of enterprises;

vitrat animal production and virobnitstva;

  • withdrawal of payment; satisfaction with the font; opodatkuvannya.
  • The types of information will traditionally be statistical data, accounting data, selective and monographic studies.
  • Statistics classifies information using the following signs:
  • by cloud robot participant (information on the product profile of the main features,
  • pennies worth
  • , tari);
  • management phases (planning, regional, analytical, prognostic);
  • in relation to the management process (which informs, controls);

Methods of business statistics are represented by a set of techniques and methods, subdivided by mathematical statistics, the basic theory of statistics and low Galuzian statistics.

In addition, you can name the statistics of caution, subject and grouping, average values, average values, indicators of variation, indicators of dynamic series, indices, etc. Before setting business statistics, you must: collect and process information about the state of business development; characteristics of market connections between enterprises;

study of the structure, level and dynamics of various indicators of business activity; The development of enterprise infrastructure and analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of enterprise functioning will be carried out. The assignments are carried out by statistical authorities together with the economic services of enterprises. Another warehouse statistics of business activity will be statistics of trade and commercial activities of enterprises. This includes the classification of purchase and sale activities as sellers, buyers, distributors and associates, as well as distributors and resellers. Statistics look at the following main categories: commodity turnover is a richly functional indicator that characterizes the process of exchanging goods for money, and thus the market. It is clear that the initial signs will be the presence of the goods and the final act of purchase and sale. The statistics are divided into wholesale, divisional, gross and net trade.

Don’t forget that gross trade characterizes the sum of all sales and the sum of all purchases during the current period. Wholesale goods the risky fate of resellers in the sale of goods. At the hour of vaccination, the drinking water is separated into individual and generic drinking water, drinking household items, and the cost of testing.

Last but not least, the differentiation statistics fall below the mark:

  • macropopit on the product group;
  • micropopit on the side of the product;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • satisfactions (realizations);
  • intensive (growing);
  • stable and falling;
  • what is molded onto new products that do not produce analogues;
  • unstable;
  • hard molding (thinking);
  • alternative (spontaneous);
  • basic (local residence);
  • migratory;
  • mobile

Market conditions are showing and Market capacity(characterizes the obligation to sell goods over the market due to the length of time), i.e., the quantity and price of goods that can sink the market, for any period of time.

The market's agility is determined by the formula

Market capacity = Commitment to national production + Commitment to import - Commitment to export.

It is also important to determine the market capacity of this product in order to determine the market capacity of this product as follows: Market vengeance = ?(number of i-th group of survivors x Survival coefficient (or standard) in the base period for

i-i groups) Elasticity coefficient of price and income + Coverage of normal insurance reserve for the product (Market saturation – Physical deterioration of the product – Moral deterioration of the product) – Alternative forms of consumer satisfaction to the market – Part of competitors over the market.

Market saturation - These are the goods that are already available from the companions, hidden in the domestic dominion. The market capacity is a thing that is less crowded, and however, in a world where the market is saturated with these goods, the market capacity is shortening.

As an indicator of market saturation, the average per capita population index is often used as one of the elements of market capacity.

It should be noted that the index of average per capita food production is stable, which serves as proof of the existence of prospects for real growth in the middle of life, i.e., based on population growth.- the category is socio-economic, governing all types of matrimonial development.

At all times, achieving efficiency meant maximizing the results per unit of costs associated with the production, or ensuring the minimization of costs per unit of results.

The effectiveness of completely available material and labor resources must be assessed. Placing the achieved result (effect) before the use of resources shows the effectiveness of the implementation of the capabilities of the resources, the effectiveness of the alternative resources. Changing data in dynamics demonstrates an increase and decrease in the level of efficiency of expenditures and resources. Efficiency is assessed at all levels of activity of the company, exchange, trade enterprise regardless of the form of power, type of activity and belonging. There is a growing number of hidden methodological approaches to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of enterprises, based on established statistical indicators and methods.

The most important and important model for statistical assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of an enterprise includes an analysis and assessment of the financial and state structure of the enterprise. The feasibility of such an analysis will be ensured if it is carried out in the presence of a reliable management and accounting facility. Varto say, for whom do such forms of management and financial structure and publicity serve?

  • accounting information
  • , budgets, payment calendars, business plans, information about the cost structure, information about sales obligations, information about the inventory ratio, balance sheets werewolf costs, information - decryption of the debtors and creditors etc.
  • Objects
  • statistical analysis
  • The efficiency of the enterprise will be:
  • the level and dynamics of financial results of the enterprise’s activities;
  • Mainove ta
  • financial industry
  • enterprises;

business activity; managing the capital structure of the enterprise; capitalization (mental indicator), then a high part of the profit, directly on the accumulated funds, a high part of the undivided profit in the net profit, which is lost from the organized enterprises, indicating the possible growth OK with the enterprise and the growth of positive financial results in the future. The optimal dynamics of financial results can be judged on the basis of the growth of profitability (profitability) of capital and position capital, the growth of legal profit and profitability different species

activity, speed of capital turnover, etc.

When a decision is made about the capital structure in terms of optimizing the obligation of provisional financing, the property of the enterprise is insured and the debts are repaid from the amount of the withdrawn income (the sufficiency of the withdrawn profit), the amount of stability and forecasted cash flows.

Including, above all, the Galuzevs are responsible for the territorial and organizational structural features of the enterprise, its goals and strategy, the basic structure of capital and the planned growth rate.

To manage capital invested in fixed assets (fixed capital), the efficiency of the allocation of fixed assets is taken into account, which is characterized by indicators of capital return, capital productivity, profitability of fixed assets, capital savings of fixed assets. And as a result of an increase in capital output, an increase in the terms of service of personal services and others.

  • The effectiveness of working capital management is characterized by indicators of turnover, material efficiency, reduction of waste of production resources and others, the establishment of scientifically grounded methods for increasing the consumption of working capital, the continued establishment of standards, a larger share of assets with minimal and low investment risk.
  • A short statistical overview of the effectiveness of the functioning of the enterprise includes the analysis and assessment of the current underlying indicators: technical and organizational level of enterprise functioning; indicators of the effectiveness of vikoristan library resources: capital yield of basic production facilities, materiality of production of products, productivity of work, serviceability of products, expenditure of resources on production, advances for
  • sovereign activity
  • main and current assets, turnover of stocks and materials;

results of core and financial activities; product profitability, turnover and return on capital, financial ratio and payment capacity of the enterprise. conveys the identification of critical and most optimal values ​​of the listed indicators, their alignment with the actual values.

  • It is extremely important to assess changes in skin indicators during the analysis period, assess the structure of indicators and changes, assess the dynamics of indicators, identify factors and reasons for changes in indicators.
  • For example, at the boundaries of the analysis of profit it is even more important to note:
  • analysis and assessment of the level and dynamics of profit indicators;
  • factor analysis of profits from the sale of products (jobs, services);
  • analysis and assessment of the net profit margin;

analysis of the relationship between costs, production (sales) and profits;

  • analysis of the relationship between profits, the flow of working capital and the flow of assets.
  • In the analysis of business (state) activity and the effectiveness of enterprise activities, the following indicators will also be highlighted:
  • part of the active part of the main features, wear rate, vibration and renewal of the main features;
  • security of reserves with molding cylinders;

global indicator of liquidity, flow liquidity coefficient, line liquidity, absolute liquidity;

The level of payment must be made before accepting your payment requirements, the level of payment requirements must be submitted before entering into business.

Today's enterprises operate from market minds, where competition is fierce. Today, it is impossible to run a business without an active position of the organization.

This position itself conveys the clarity of the strategic direction of the functioning of the enterprise, which will be dynamic, effective and rational development.

Assessing the stage of completion of this task will be the subject of statistical analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the subjects of market deposits.

Statistics of fixed assets Basic funds(OPF) – the whole part of the enterprise’s virtual funds, which are materially invested in the business; transport personal, budіvli, sporudi then)

Basic non-viral funds- These are objects of everyday and cultural significance that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Please note that the stinks will be objects of dry, non-viral vikoristan, which retain their natural form and gradually lose their virility.

Before them lie the funds of the housing and communal government, science, health protection, etc. These funds do not create sustainable prices.

According to the stage of participation in the production process, the main production funds are divided into active and passive (both active and spontaneous)і The relationship between different groups of OPFs in the outer world, especially in different groups, forms the structure of OPFs. The growth of the active part of the OPF characterizes the progression of the structure of the OPF.

Varto note that to characterize the main collection funds, various displays are used.

I'll show off

dynamics of the main industrial funds It’s easy to say that external statements about the availability and fluctuations of the PF give their balance, which contains data about the availability of fixed assets from various sources and about their fluctuations for various reasons. The balance may be for all fixed assets, as well as for other types of them.

Balances are emerging for galuzahs, enterprises and the people's dominion. The balance of fixed assets at the new top level looks like:

Fk = Fn + V, de Fk - zalishkova vartіst funds for the end of fate;

Fn – zalishkova vartіst funds cob rock;

P – the acquisition of fixed assets for an excessive amount of time;

In – the fluctuation of fixed assets due to the excess of the primary varity of the fate. The intensity of the collapse of fixed assets and their

of several types calculated according to the following coefficients: The PF demonstrates part of the unworn part of the fixed assets.

In connection with this, you can use another option for the breakdown of the coefficient of attribution: Indicators of the visibility and structure of the main production funds.

The availability of fixed assets at the end of each month is determined by the balance sheet data, and the average river value is determined as the chronological average of monthly data on its availability. Indicators of the vikoristannya of the OPF and the fund formation of the market. Serve as an out-of-state exhibitor for the Vikoristannya OPF fund giving

- The ratio of production generated in a given period (O) to the average for the period of production of OPF (F): The capital return shows how many products are generated during this period per 1 ruble. Variety of fixed assets


(Return value) characterizes the value of the OPF, which falls on 1 ruble. virobled products: With a reduced capital ratio, the savings of the amount included in the fixed assets that take part in

at the plant.

The indicator shows the value of capital return and capital productivity

stock reserves of the market

(Fv) Yogo get the formula de - Average number of workers.

  • The indicator of stock availability is used to characterize the level of equipment of the workers.
  • With a rational allocation of the main production funds, an increase in the production of the collateral product and national income, savings in living expenses and regulated waste is avoided, which leads to a reduction in the total costs per unit of production .
  • The economic effect of the increase in the level of investment in fixed assets will be an increase in the overall productivity of the business.
  • As the rate of decline in fixed capital assets moves forward, the productivity of the economy is expected to increase.
  • Working capital statistics
  • Revolving Funds
  • spare parts for repair;
  • containers and container materials;
  • low-value and worn-out items that last less than one year (about 10% of all working capital);
  • unfinished production - all products are printed and still completed in one production cycle (about 19%)

It is important that the territorial diversity of enterprises and the ruler’s independence require that milk and materials be available for production in the form of industrial reserves.

  • Please note that they are necessary for the uninterrupted operation of a business, as you can see in a number of ways:

    Veronica reserves - this is raw material, this is all materials. will be in the warehouses of the enterprise, places and intended for production, and have already entered the production process;

    precise reserves that uninterruptedly satisfy the current demand for the production of material resources between the two cherries of these resources;

    insurance reserves that are created in times of emergency;

    seasonal stocks that are created at enterprises that are stored due to cheese, production or supply of any kind that may be seasonal in nature (fish, agricultural products, etc.);

    stocks of unfinished production and stocks of finished products in warehouses of enterprises.

  • These types of reserves can smoothly flow from one type to another.

    Varto respect that the stench is even more rotten.

  • This is to say about the uninterrupted, uninterrupted progress of production and growth. It can be said that to characterize the turnover rate of stocks of various material resources, a number of mutually related indicators are used.

    shows how many times during the voluminous period the stock of this type of working capital was renewed (the higher the coefficient, the better for the enterprise): de pro - Average surplus of material resources;

    TP – commercial products. Another prominent indicator characterizes and the relevant period (T) to the turnover ratio:

  • The amount of waste of raw materials, materials, and burning shows the average waste of this type of working capital.

    - This is the amount of materials spent on the production of one unit of product: de - Amount of wastage of materials (kg, m, pcs.); Q

    Revolving funds include that portion of production funds that produce household items.

    Working capital, which includes production stocks, unfinished products, and waste.

    During the current period, the normalized portion of the working capital will be established.

    • Expenses during the upcoming period are expenses associated with the promising preparation for the production of new types of products and their implications.
      The mechanisms for the formation of working capital, therefore, and working capital are: statutory fund, profits, stable liabilities, short-term bank positions, received funds from other organizations, and budgetary allocations, etc.
    • The value of existing working capital is depleted from the sale of products overnight.
    • This makes it possible to re-accumulate them for a new cycle of reproduction.

    The main functions of working capital among the main ones:

    Items that are included in the fixed assets warehouse are not included in the creation of the product.

    • Varto points out that the main funds take their share from the bottom of the production cycles.
    • Working capital is constantly accumulated within one production cycle and is converted into a finished product;
    • working capital always transfers its value throughout one production cycle, just as the value of fixed assets is partly transferred to the value of the created product;

    After the sale of products, the property of fixed assets is decoded in that part, spiraling into the normative level of their depreciation, and the property of working capital is decoded simultaneously in the process of product sales tsii. Statistics of sales of goods and services

    Statistics on the value of goods and services are based on the data of the accounting department, the tasks of which will be the breakdown of the total amount of expenses, grouping them by type and the value of the value of a single product.- These are direct expenses incurred during the production and sale of certain types of goods and services.

    • Compatibility of goods and services with you:
    • spend on materials;
    • spend on labor force; significant expenses: material expenses

    , depreciation of basic expenses, wages of basic and auxiliary personnel, overhead expenses directly related to the production and sale of goods and services. It’s easy to say that skin care is lost during the production of goods and services. The amount of all expenses in penny terms associated with the production and sale of products becomes

    • vitrati virobnitstva.
    • Classification of expenses by elements:
    • Sirovina and materials;
    • purchased parts, manufactured products and components;
    • additional materials; that energy is burning from the side;
    • salary
    • (basic, additional);

    depreciation of fixed assets;

    other pennies spent. There are two types of approaches for the classification of expenditures from expenditure items. For purposeful wikis: direct expenses of one type (all salaries, all materials, etc.) and indirect expenses for maintenance of the property.

    Behind the character

    steady and changeable.

  • Not to lie permanently in the process of production, but to lie permanently.

    A small amount of production acts as product consistency, as indicated by the calculation items.

    Warehouse prices, which are part of the cooperation with products, are established by law, i.e., regulated by the state. Varying the statistics of comparability, identifying the reasons for the deterioration of actual comparability from the normative one, and focusing on possible ways of changing the vigor of one unit of commercial products vibrating from stagnation Suvannya index method. which stagnate in many production cycles, gradually wear out and transfer their strength to the product in parts over the course of its service, without losing its natural form.

    The main production assets consist of machines and installations, transmission devices, transport devices, equipment, equipment, etc.:

    Typical structure of fixed assets

    2. sporudi

    3. transmission devices

    4. car and equipment


    power machines and equipment


    work machines and equipment

    5. transport arrangements

    6. tool

    7. manufacturing inventory

    8. Gospodar's inventory

    9. thinness is productive and productive

    10. rich plantings

    11. capital investment in land cultivation

    12. Other fixed assets However, the main viral funds are included in a constant relationship with the cost of the process, even if they are products of the suspense process, they may be dangerous. However, not every river that has the potential and, due to its natural form of production, enters the warehouse of the main production funds.

    For example, machines that are laid out in warehouses and ready-made products for sale are included above fixed assets and circulation funds. Therefore, the production capital funds take part from the material production and the world wears out their ability to transfer their production to other products. Along with them, the people's dominion functions and

    main non-viral funds

    - Objects of a dry, non-viral vikoristan that retain their natural form and gradually lose their potency. Before them lie the foundations of the living-communal government, the organization of culture, science, health protection, etc. The main non-viral funds take part in the created favorable prices.
    The type of fixed assets will be increased
    werewolf funds,
    What to include such items as milk, basic and auxiliary materials, firewood, containers, etc.
    - Excessive varity with harmonious wear (excessive varity).

    In the accounting department, any inventory item is assessed based on the actual expenditures on its activities (which includes for the objects of daily expenses the costs and expenditures that must be coded by the contracting organization for cost) or accessory (for cars and equipment - wholesale price, For what kind of object is added, you will spend on delivery, saving and installation). This assessment is called with full first-rate virtuosity

    object During the process of operation, the elements of fixed assets wear out and, as a result, part of their primary value is lost. . The amount of depreciation of fixed assets is determined by the amount of depreciation in pennies. Taking into account the new initial value of the object, the amount of its depreciation at the given moment is deducted

    zalishkovu primordial vartіst (primary vartіst for virakhuvannym wear) The greater the term of functioning of this type of fixed assets, the less the value of the primary investment in depreciation. Objects that have been worn out cease to function and are removed from the fixed assets warehouse.

    Zalishkovu vartіst funds, which vibrate as a result of depreciation, are usually called

    liquidation varity.

    Technological progress, increasing productivity of sustainable work and low other factors lead to the fact that the productivity of similar fixed assets objects becomes less constant in the hour.

    The completion of the same object of fixed assets in the current minds of its addition (everyday life) and putting into operation is called<1).

    with renewed vigor

    . In other words, there is an ever-increasing amount of money, which means a lot of money that would have to be spent on the acquisition of fixed assets in the first place based on current prices.

    Every type of valuation of fixed assets is important.

    Absolutely primary control is necessary both for the appearance of the assets invested in the fixed assets, and for the statistical appearance of the fixed assets in terms of this term of their functioning.

    The primary focus is on depreciation and amortization, profitability and other indicators.

    This assessment is not suitable for characterizing the level of depreciation of fixed assets, which has driven the development of dynamics, since the same objects themselves, added to the hour, can result in a different price. The exchange rate is more suitable for characterizing the dynamics of fixed assets through those that, however, according to their constructive data, objects are valued in the same sums.

    Valuable value is determined on the basis of the inventory of fixed assets by the way of their revaluation, dated before the due date.

    This is a complex statistical work that involves earning a lot of fakes and takes a lot of time.

    Types of valuation of fixed assets

    Fixed assets

    - these viral assets, part of the national lane, were created in a quick process, as the time has passed, repeatedly or steadily in an unchanged natural-speech form, vikorist in the economy, gradually transferring its virtuousness to the goods and services that I create huddle.

    Before them, there are objects that serve no less than rock and value, which is determined according to the dynamics of prices for the products of fund-creating companies.

    At this time, the current statistics have a standard classification of material assets:

    · Budinki (cream zhytla);

    · Sporudi;

    · Machinery and installation;

    This assessment is not suitable for characterizing the level of depreciation of fixed assets, which has driven the development of dynamics, since the same objects themselves, added to the hour, can result in a different price.· personal transport; · Tools, industrial and government equipment;і · Working and productive thinness;.

    Today's enterprises operate from market minds, where competition is fierce.· Bagatory plantings;

    The significance is that the products that function in the plant are transferred to the fixed assets.

    Therefore, for example, they cannot be added to the fixed assets of the production plant that are in the warehouse of finished products at the distillery plant; The land and wild forests, rivers, fragments of stench are not fixed assets; they are not the products of suspense. At the same time, capital investments in land, tree plantings, individually distributed with water, etc. will go to the warehouse of fixed assets.і Massacres seen.

    Fixed funds play a different role in the manufacturing process. In connection with this wide expansion, the classification of the main production funds into active

    Statistics of fixed assets passive The totality of the main financial funds that directly invest in household items (machines, equipment, tools, etc.) is called

    active part of the main working capital ..

    Active fixed assets are the most significant and mobile part of them.

    In the course of scientific and technological progress, the supply of active fixed assets increases, their composition and structure change, and change through moral wear and tear accelerates.

    passive part of fixed assets

    fixed assets will be provided to ensure the supply of resources for the normal transition of the production process (whether or not, etc.)

    The penny view of the physical and moral wear and tear of fixed assets is called by statistics

    depreciation Vaughn characterizes the share of the main fermentation funds that are spent in the fermentation process and transferred to the fermentation product.

    The wear and tear of the OPF (depreciation) is calculated through the depreciation system, which is turned on until the product becomes available. During the sale of products, penny sums, which indicate the wear and tear of fixed assets, accumulate in the so-called depreciation fund, which ensures the continuous renewal (renovation) of fixed assets.):

    In addition, depreciation and amortization can provide frequent updates to major repairs and modernization. The actual amount of depreciation expenses:

    de – average primary value of fixed assets; N a- Depreciation rate.

    River depreciation rate (


    The greatest external indication of the presence and dynamics (supply and volatility) of fixed assets is given by the balance of fixed assets. This balance is consistent with data on the availability of fixed assets for the beginning ( F n ) and the end ( F to

    ) During this period, we will provide data about their occurrence (P) from various sources and about their occurrence (B) for various reasons:

    The main costs are taken into account for the acts of bringing the object into operation, stock and conservation. Objects of the main interests are removed from enterprises (firms) for a variety of reasons: through old age and wear and tear, the implementation of the object by another legal entity physical person

    , free transfer.

    In addition, machines, equipment, fittings, transport facilities, etc. may be transferred by the owners to a long-term lease with the right and without the right to purchase.

    Based on data on the presence, wear and tear of the main features, indicators are developed that may be important for assessing the global potential of the enterprise.

    Statistics show the following indicators (coefficients) that characterize the state of creation of fixed assets:

    Supply coefficient (introduced)

    It shows the proportion of all fixed assets that were found during the great period, in their total balance at the end of the period.

    Renewal coefficient:

    Vibutt coefficient:

    The coefficients of innovation and the fluctuation of fixed assets show a significant characteristic of innovations or the fluctuation of fixed assets for the river or another period that is in progress.

    For the highest level of depreciation and accessory of fixed assets, the coefficient of depreciation and accessory is insured (both at the beginning and at the end of the fate):

    Attachment factor:

    To analyze the dynamics of the creation of fixed assets, the coefficient of the intensity of renewal of fixed assets is used.

    Renewal intensity coefficient:

    The yield of capital assets that have been lost through old age and innovations, as well as the constant yield of ready-made fixed assets, is taken into account as a balance sheet for that same period. Indicators of the effectiveness of vicoristic treatment methods

    capital return shows how many products are taken from the ruble invested in fixed assets;

    The more quickly the fixed assets are analyzed, the better the indicator of the capital's return. The advanced stage of the reduction of fixed assets is an important step in increasing production and saving capital expenditures. About products can be seenі tvir funds value of fixed assets (per varity)


    Therefore, a change in the production of goods is expected to follow the change in the proportion of fixed assets (capital donation) and their values:

    Since not all types of fixed assets, however, take part in the production of products, then the indicator of capital return lies in the structure of fixed assets: the type of input from their active parts and the output from the remaining machine and installation .

    On a macroeconomic level, capital returns are calculated on the basis of gross national income; in the fields of material production and in enterprises - on the basis of commercial and pure products.:

    The effect of the expansion of fixed assets can be measured using the index method. The change in the value of fixed assets (per hour at constant prices) characterizes

    global fund return index

    Stockability of products

    (Indicator of return funds) allows you to judge the value of the main return funds.

    The capital capacity of the products is covered by the average investment of the main production funds for the investment of the products that have been destroyed over time:

    This indicator characterizes the volume of the main production funds, which falls on 1 carbovanets of recovered products.

    Vіn allows you to calculate the need for fixed assets for the production of the following products:

    A decrease in capital intensity means saving money allocated to fixed assets in production. With the increased dynamics of indicators of capital return and capital cost for the expansion of the remaining products and fixed assets, they may be assessed at constant prices (equalized). The dynamics of the growth rate of the main financial assets is characterized by indices of overinsurance indicators.

    For other enterprises, the dynamics of capital return is characterized by additional

    Individual fund return indices

    , insurance as a ratio of the level of capital yield of the light period to the base:

    When selecting funds, factor analysis is carried out: 1. The increase in production is calculated for the increase in capital return (intensive factor):

    Products (often pure) are taken from constant (equal) prices, and fixed assets at the time of their revaluation are taken from the new currency, and then from the new balance sheet.

    Fund development of the business– a general indicator that characterizes the equipment of the enterprises and galuzes with fixed assets, and it is insured as the average river value of fixed assets up to the average number of tsivnikiv or robotnikiv:

    In economic-statistical analysis, the indicator of capital formation may appear as a result of the interaction:

    a) capital stock and productivity performance and the additional indicators of these indicators:

    b) the productivity of the process and the return of funds and is reflected in the settings of these indicators:

    de W - productivity of production (production per unit)


    Fund yield and capital formation of the business are factors for increasing the productivity of the business:

    All indicators of the growth of the main production funds depend on the progressive dynamics.

    A positive trend is an increase in capital productivity, capital formation and a decrease in capital productivity.

    About Fixed assets are vibrating assets created in the process of vibrating, which are constantly and repeatedly in an unchangeable natural speech form used for goods and services, gradually wasting their resources.

    The value of fixed assets is transferred to the creation of tangible and intangible goods in the form of depreciation expenses.

    In the statistical view, there is a typical natural-speech classification of fixed assets:

      Budinki (cream zhytla)


    1. Machine and installation

      Transport personal

      Manufacturing tools and government equipment

      Working and productive thinness

      Bagatory plantings

      Other fixed assets

    This classification is specified based on the skin conditions of the economy.

    In connection with the important functions of the OF, there are a number of types of assessment of their performance:

      The highest quality of PKS is the value of fixed assets at the time of their creation and putting into operation.

      For this price, fixed assets must be taken until the end.

      This is the basis for the calculation of depreciation.

      Zalishkova varty (OS) is part of the varost of the OF, which is lost at the time of recovery after a certain period of their recovery.

      Liquidation value is the value of fixed assets at the time of their expiration through old age and depreciation.

    Methods for assessing fixed assets are related to the concepts of depreciation and depreciation.

    The norms for accounting for depreciation and amortization alone, but also the indicators may have a different economic sense.

    Znos - characterizes the state of major fixed assets.

    Depreciation- Inhibits the process of accumulating funds that can be used to replace worn-out funds.

    Depreciation of fixed assets is worth a penny's worth of wear and tear of the PF, transferred to the production site.

    Depreciation is the main purpose of financing renewal and support for the working capital of active fixed assets.

    The depreciation rate is calculated using the following formula:

    The actual amount of depreciation is insured using the following formula:


    Verstat processed 10 rocks.

    The cost of a major overhaul was 2.1 million rubles.

    Short depreciation and amortization services – 1.5 million rubles.

    Verstat buv sales yak brucht for 200 thousand. rub.

    The significance of PPP and depreciation rate (

    Introductory lecture 6

    The following concepts must be understood before the methods of economic statistics: 6

    Up to the main departments of economic statistics: 7

    The importance of replacing indicators and methods of replacing them is called the methodology of indicators, which includes stages: 7

    Population statistics.


    Population as an object of statistical data.


    Indicators of the number and distribution of the population.


    Indicators of the population's warehouse.


    Indicators of natural and mechanical dynamics of the population.


    Absolute displays of mechanical roc: 17

    Mortality tables 17

    Pratsi statistics.


    Work force 19

    Number and supply of labor force.


    Labor resources.


    Scheme for the balance of labor resources 25

    Indicators of the Rukh's work force.


    Indicators of the level and dynamics of productivity.


    Indicators of the level and dynamics of payments.


    Statistics of national wealth.


    The concept of the value of wealth is sacred.

    Statistics of fixed assets.


    Statistics of working capital.


    Types of economic activity.


    Rakhunok illuminate income 84

    Rakhunok division of primary income 85

    Rakhunok to the division of primary income.


    Rakhunok secondary division of income.


    Rakhunok goods and services.


    Directly from resources.


    Rozrakhunok GDP 87

    To characterize the creation of the PF over a period of an hour (usually per day), there will be balances of the PF based on the full and excess versatility.

    The balance of fixed assets may be shown in one table (behind the first and the excess value at the same time) and in two tables (behind the first and the excess amount).


    By region there are data: Availability of fixed assets to the cob of rock with full vartosti = 600 million rubles, depreciation of the OF cob of rock = 120 million rubles. During the period, a PF was put into operation for the amount of = 60 million rubles, and a PF was put into operation for = 20 million rubles.

      The depreciation of fixed assets by the end of the year became = 115.2 million rubles.

    Reversal: 4 = 2 * 3

    Directly from resources.

      For characteristics I'll become and the ruins of fixed assets based on the balance sheet, the following indicators:

    Directly from resources.

    Indicators will become fixed assets - these are momentary indicators that calculate the beginning and end of the rock, before them there are 2 coefficients: Among these exhibitors: Showcases


    fixed assets - these are indicators that will be insured over a period of time, it is reported to them:

    I will begin to count the demonstrators in the Russian Federation


    Directly from resources.


    Capital return – characterizes the amount of products released per unit of investment value

    Using the additional indicator of the growth of fixed assets (capital return), you can evaluate the change in output during the current period in line with the base for the scale of other factors.In addition, the number for the rack changes:)

    The change in the dynamics of the indicators of the vicoristic OP statistics is influenced by additional indices, usually by a change in the steady state and the influx of structural damage.Another prominent indicator characterizes)

    The following data are available for two enterprises (thousand rubles)


    The following data are available for two enterprises (thousand rubles)


    Middle Eastern Vartity (


      Product release (

    Basis prov.

      Sound Prov. Together by group of enterprises

    The most important indicators of statistics of the main features:


      stan (coefficient of attribution and attribution);

      ruhi (coefficient of renewal, vibutya);

      vikorystannya (fund giving, fund management).

    The main vibrational funds in the process of functioning wear out, transferring their heat to the generated products.

    Depreciation – This is a penny-wise exchange rate for the depreciation of fixed assets transferred by production.

    There will be a share of the product, and the rest will remain as a waste of fixed assets for the production of products.

    There are a number of methods for calculating depreciation.

    The traditional method of our economy is the linear method.

    With this method, the actual amount of depreciation depreciation is calculated on the basis of the full premium (full value) value of the object of the main features and the depreciation rate calculated from the operating line uatatsiya (korisnogo vikoristannya) of this object.Indicators of the availability of the main production funds.

    See their ratings Statistical information provides information about the availability of fixed assets in the country at the beginning and end of the world and about the average availability of fixed assets.. The availability of fixed assets at the end of each month is determined by the balance sheet data, and the average river value is determined as the chronological average of monthly data on its availability.

    Performances will become and dynamics main production funds

    The greatest external information about the presence and dynamics (approach and volatility) of fixed assets is given by balance of fixed assets The basis of the balance of fixed assets for the constant first-rate management is the following:

    F to = F n + P - V

    These data include indicators that characterize the intensity, Rukh of fixed assets

    and all kinds of them.

    Supply coefficient

    shows the share of all funds received (P) during this period of fixed assets in their legal obligation at the end of this period (F k):

    P – the acquisition of fixed assets for excess capital (or new funds for increased capital) over time;

    B - the fluctuation of fixed assets due to the excessive first-rate varity of the fate;

    A r – depreciation for renovation.

    Wear rate calculated on the current date (at the beginning or the end of the rock) as it is expressed in the hundreds of ratios of the amount of depreciation of fixed assets (I) to their full release (F): K out =

    The difference between 100% and the depreciation coefficient gives the value calculated according to the following coefficients: fixed assets, which represents a portion of the unworn part of fixed assets.

    You can use another option for the breakdown of the coefficient of attribution: Before river =Indicators of vikoristannya main

    global funds and capital formation of the market Serve as an out-of-state exhibitor for the Vikoristannya OPF - Usual indicator of the vikoristan of the main virobnichesk funds є

    ratio of production generated in a given period of production (O) to the average for this period of production of fixed production funds (F): F o =

    The capital return shows how many products (in vartisan terms) are generated during this period per 1 ruble. The yield of fixed assets The more quickly the fixed assets are traded, the greater the indicator of capital gains.. The return value of the fund's contribution -

    fondomism virobled products: The won characterizes the value of the main investment funds, which falls on 1 ruble.

    viroblened products: F e = A great influx in the value of capital return and capital intensity is indicated(Ф в), which is covered by the formula: Ф в =, where Т is the average number of workers., This indicator is used to characterize the level of equipment of the workers.

    Capital-labor ratio and capital output are linked to each other through the indicator


    praci pratsi

    indicated by the formula: PT - O/T.

    Let’s rework the formula for funds: F o =

    Foreign exchange for products: ∆Q=Q 1 -Q 0 =Фо 1 Ф 1 -Фо 0 Ф 0

    Change in production volumes with an additional increase in fixed assets:

    ∆Q(Ф) = Ф 0 (Ф 1 -Ф 0);

    Change of product liability for the reduction of fixed assets:

    ∆Q (Фо) =(Фо 1 - Фо 0) Ф 1

    A thorough influx of both factors leads to a change in product coverage,

    in the pouch:∆Q=∆Q (F) + ∆Q (Fo)

    or I 0 =I f I f

    The influx of the level of disbursement of fixed assets for the out-of-pocket need for them can be calculated from the staleness (F = About Fe).

    When selecting funds, factor analysis is carried out:: ∆Ф =Ф 1 -Ф 0 =О 1 Fe 1 -О 0 Fe 0

    For the rakhunok of the best vikoristan:

    ∆Ф (Fe) = (Fe 1 -Fe 0)O 1;

    For the price, change the product:

    ∆F (Fo) = Fe 0 (O 1 - O 0)

    Combined infusion of two factors

    in the pouch:∆Ф =∆Ф (Fe) + ∆Ф (О)

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