Senior sergeant: pursuits, appropriation, peculiarities and general facts. The rank of senior sergeant in all of Russia, as to remove him. What does the guard prefix mean in the military rank?

The history of the first guard units of the Russian army dates back to the beginning of the imperial order. It is certain that the first such units were two and Preobrazhensky, which were founded during the reign of Peter I. Even then, these regiments showed great vitriol and heroism in battle. There were such jokes before Bolshovism came to rule Russia. Then there was an active struggle against the remnants of the tsarist regime, and the guard units were disbanded, the very concept was forgotten. However, at the hour of the Great War, the warriors became hungry for food, so it turned out that a large number of soldiers were fighting well against the overwhelming forces of the enemy. It was in this difficult hour that the sign “Guards of the SRSR” was born.

Regulations for the Guards

In 1941, Chervon's army experienced low defeats against the Wehrmacht and entered. The decision to instill a huge tradition among the Radyansky order came at the hour of one of the most important defensive battles - the Battle of Smolensk. In this battle, four divisions were especially important: 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st. And already in the spring of 1941, by order of the Supreme High Command, it was renamed to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards divisions From the assigned official rank. At each special warehouse, the “Guard” badge was awarded, as well as special salaries: for privates - double duty, for officers - one and a half times. Later, this sign began to be decorated in the same way as the ensigns of the children that were designated (since 1943).

During the war, the rank of guard was awarded to many units who showed courage and heroism in battles against the death camps. However, the history of military connections with the Red Army will not end there. The awarding of guard ranks was carried out during the hours of other violent conflicts. The stench persisted until the collapse of the USSR. Handing over the sign “Guard” to any recruit who has lost his part, but only after he has undergone combat baptism, and in such as the aviation and navy, we have become even more successful. Moreover, in this plan there was no difference between officers and ordinary soldiers.

Badge "Guard": description

There are a number of different types of this city: the hours of the BBB, military and current signs. The skin from them has its own merits, because over the years the design has been changed and the stinks have been produced at various factories. The butt of the 1942 rock release will be described below.

Well, this honorable city has a sign, which is in the form of a laurel wreath covered with gold enamel. The upper part is covered with flowers that develop, on which “Guard” is written in gold letters. The entire space in the middle of the wreath is covered with white enamel. Protruding from the center Radian army red color with gold trim. In exchange for the mirror, the ensign's shaft is threaded like a stitch. There are two cords coming out of it that hang onto the left neck of the wreath. At the bottom there is a cartouche with the inscription “SRSR” engraved on it.

When any part of the Guards rank was assigned, the emblem, which depicts a city, was applied to military equipment - tanks and aircraft.

The dimensions of the sign are 46 x 34 mm. The wine was prepared from tombak – an alloy of brass, copper and zinc. The authorities did not allow the city to rust. For fastening, a special pin and nut were added to the frame. Worn on the right side of the garment, level with the breasts.

The project was developed by S.I. Dmitriev. One of the variants of the Viconn may be a similar sign, but on the ensign there is a profile of Lenin. However, Stalin did not like the idea, and he ordered that the profile be replaced with the inscription “Guard”. So the city gained its residual vista.

Privilege and particularity

For those who wore the sign “Guards of the SRSR”, there were special privileges. The city took care of the people that it was taking away, supposedly because it lost its guard service. The same thing happened and the soldier was transferred to another unit. The hat was also worn during the final hour of the war. In 1951, in the SRSR, a law was passed that, after praising the timely need to hand over the “Guard” badge, there were no problems in the blame game. This order continued until 1961, when the Minister of Defense R. Ya. Malinovsky confirmed the order, according to which the right to wear the badge gained rank after serving in the Guards squadron. The participants of the BBB are not broadened.

Okremo varto guess about the presentation. It was carried out in a private manner, with everyone in bed at night, with ensigns blazing. Besides the fence itself, the fighter was also given a document containing additional information about the fence and confirming him. But then the presentation itself became a routine and lost its “ritual” meaning.


Now that the glory of the past has faded, it can arise from various private traders. The remains of one of the most popular cities are the “Guard” sign, the price of which is usually low. This depends on many features: the time and method of preparation, the history of the town, and also who sells it. The price starts at around 2000 rubles.


The “Guard” badge is testament to the heroism, military strength and valor of the person who wears it. At the hour of the founding of the USSR, units awarded the title of guards were respected as soldiers, and soldiers who served in such units were held in great esteem.

ASTANA. 29th quarter. KAZINFORM - AT "NC "Kazinform" has first begun to publish a list of "Books of memory about Kazakh soldiers who died on the territory of Austria in 1941-1945", a presentation of which was seen in Vya days.

At the Book of Memory, a list of names and tributes of 1000 warriors was published by the Kazakh German language. Kazinform translates this text into Russian language. We present a transfer of the names of military ranks, military units, archives, and transfers from the text.

Shortened military service

row. - private

guards row - guard private

Efr. - Corporal

gv.efr. - Guard Corporal

ml.s-t. - junior sergeant

Guards ml.s-t. - Guard junior sergeant

s-t. - Sergeant

guards s-t. guard sergeant

Art. s-t. - staff Sergeant

Guards Art. s-t. - Guard Art. sergeant

st-na - foreman - guard sergeant major

ml.l-t. - junior lieutenant

Guards - Guard junior lieutenant

l-t. - Lieutenant

guards l-t. - Guard Lieutenant

Art. l-t. - senior lieutenant

guards st.l.t. - Guard senior lieutenant

kn - captain

Guards Captain - Guards Captain

mr – major

guards mr. - Guard Major

p/p-do - lieutenant colonel

gv.p/p-k - lieutenant colonel of the guard

p-k - colonel

guards p-do. - Guard Colonel

Brief names of military units

Chervona Armiya - Chervona Armiya

GTArmiya - Guards Tank Army

Corp - Corps

Gcorp - Guards Corps

Scorp - Striletsky Corps

GAKorp - Guards Rifle Corps

mechCorp - Mechanization Corps

GmekhKorp - Guards Mechanization Corps

TKorp - Tank Corps

GTKorp - Guards Tank Corps

D - Division

GD - Guards Division

SD - Striletsk division

GSD - Guards Streltsy Division

PD - Infantry Division

GPD - Guards Infantry Division

VDD - Airborne Division

GVDD - Guards Airborne Division

KavD - Cavalry Division

GKAVD - Guards Cavalry Division

ArtD - Artillery Division

GARTD - Guards Artillery Division

mechArtD - Mechanized artillery division

GmekhArtD - Guards Mechanized Artillery Division

Br - Brigade

GBR - Guards Brigade

TBR - Tank Brigade

GTBr - Guards Tank Brigade

MekhBr - Mechanized brigade

GmehBr - Guards Mechanized Brigade

ArtBr - Artillery Brigade

GArtBr - Guards Artillery Brigade

motArtBr - Motorized artillery brigade

GmotArtBr - Guards Motorized Artillery Brigade

mekhArtBr - Mechanized artillery brigade

GmekhArtBr - Guards Mechanized Artillery Brigade

mekhsbr - Mechanized rifle brigade

GmekhABr - Guards Mechanized Rifle Brigade

motABr - Motorized rifle brigade

GmotABr - Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade

SapBr - Saperna brigade

GSAPBr - Guards Sapper Brigade

GP - Guards Regiment

SP - Striletsky Regiment

GAP - Guards Streltsy Regiment

ArtP - Artillery Regiment

GARTP - Guards Artillery Regiment

mekhArtP - Mechanized artillery regiment

GmekhArtP - Guards Mechanized Artillery Regiment

VDP - Airborne Regiment

GVDP - Guards Airborne Regiment

PP - Infantry Regiment

GPP - Guards Infantry Regiment

TP - Tank Regiment

GTP - Guards Tank Regiment

motP - Motorized Regiment

GmotP - Guards Motorized Regiment

Kavp - Cavalry Regiment

GKavP - Guards Cavalry Regiment

ShP - Penal Regiment

Bath - Battalion

motBat - Motorized battalion

SapBat - Sapper Battalion

GSapBat - Guards Sapper Battalion

MedSanBat - Medical sanitary battalion

SR - Strelkova company

GSR - Guards Streltsy Company

TR - Tank company

GTR - Guards Tank Company

mechR - Mechanized company

GmekhR - Guards Mechanized Company

SR - Shtrafna Rota

Polova Posta - Polova Posta

VP - Viyskovopoloneniy

Z – Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense

RGVA – Russian Sovereign Military Archive

Radyansky re-possession in Austria 1949. - Radyansky re-possession in Austria 1949 r.

VA RK - Military Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Akmola region - list of those killed in Akmola region

To get acquainted with the list, you need to click on the banner “List of Kazakh soldiers in Austria who fought and died,” which is posted on the main page of the website www..kazsite

Who is a senior sergeant? What kind of chase is it like? How can I get rid of the call? These other foods are consistent with the statistics. Senior sergeant is a military rank in the army of the Russian Federation and other countries, above the rank of sergeant and senior sergeant.


What are the special features of a senior sergeant? Before the army ranks of a boy who does military service with a military guards unit on a guards schooner, the word “guards” is added.

Before the military title, a citizen who is in the reserve has a regional-military profession of a medical or legal profile, and the military service comes to the word “ medical service» chi «justice».

Before the military planting of a citizen who is in stock with the representative, the words “with the representative” and “in stock” are added. In the category of military ship structure of the Russian Navy, the rank of senior sergeant is confirmed by the title of chief petty officer. Regular rank - assistant to the platoon commander.


What if the senior sergeant started to wear chases? This attribute of the military uniform was adopted by the Russian Tsar Peter I. The chases were invented in order to make the bag with cartridges easier to carry, so that the belt would not be recognized. After about an hour the chases began to slow down in order to separate the military ranks.

Signs of dignity

What kind of chase does a senior sergeant wear? Apparently, there are twenty ranks, of which many rise from private (lowest) to marshal (highest). These are the titles given to fighters for specific merits.

Assignment procedure

What is the procedure for assigning the first army rank? The first military titles to be respected are “foremen, soldiers, sergeants, sailors” - foreman of the 1st rank, private, sergeant, sailor. To perform military service in military ranks, the senior sergeant and chief sergeant are placed on three positions.

To renew the reserves of these military ranks, the term three fates is established.

How to get rid of it?

Well, you already know how a senior sergeant wears shoulder straps. Stand between the mirrors here, no one is dying, because there simply aren’t any of them, which we have written about more often. Apparently, the title of senior sergeant is given to the intercessor of the platoon commander. Officers with this title have the utmost level of security among their colleagues. An officer like this is called to the platoon.

Kozhen senior sergeant appoints the guards of warrant officers and other officers. Such people know everything about their skin, they also need to know their weaknesses and strengths, bring talent to the point of sterility, punish their employees for their needs.

Who can say so much, what? in the best possible way Reaching the rank of senior sergeant means training. For this, it is necessary to spend up to the initial deposit in which the sergeants are trained. The boy will be awarded the rank of young sergeant in 3-4 months, after which the graduates may be divided into parts. Otherwise, your new employee may lose his job in the future. Far from the goodness of any locality, for example, 23 fierce, you can already give a sergeant. And then, before demobilization, you can defeat the senior.

It seems to many people that their acquaintances graduated from their initial jobs as senior sergeants to such a rank.

And having completed your service, it is advisable to state at the draft committee that you want to continue the family slaughter - during the hour of conscript service, rise to the rank of senior sergeant and ask that you be promoted to the leading battalion. (school for young commanders).

Wait a minute, senior police sergeant sound proud! Tim is no lesser, many soldiers doubt that they are actually senior for demobilization.

Yak tse?

How did you become a sergeant? The command seat is appropriate and not suitable for everyone, and even so, you pay for your favors. If you want to three times organize, then the number of Vikonians is no longer significant. In any village, the honor of the mother must be deprived of the people, so they must be respected.

To revoke the rank of senior sergeant, you must prove yourself in military service after being drafted. The role played by the general publicity, and the visibility or presence of criminal records or any criminal charges. People also need their mother’s charisma (leadership inclinations), good health and exercise. Even if other warriors are more advanced, we take stock from this one.

And it is also necessary to take command, so that this people I was respectful to the team, and since there is such kindness, then you can safely surrender your rights to the rank of sergeant.

Now, you just need to serve honestly, not violate discipline, obey the orders of your commanders, and obey your right. Well, of course, keep in mind to encourage your employees to serve with the same attitude.

Military rank

1. Article 46 of the Federal Law establishes the following military service positions and military ranks:

Military service warehouses

Military rank



Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen


junior sergeant

staff Sergeant


senior sailor

foreman 2 statti

foreman 1st statti

chief foreman

chief sergeant major

Ensigns and midshipmen


Senior Warrant Officer

senior midshipman

young officers

junior lieutenant


senior lieutenant

junior lieutenant


senior lieutenant


senior officers

lieutenant colonel


captain 3 ranks

captain 2nd rank

captain 1st rank

other officers

major general

lieutenant general

Colonel General

army general

rear admiral

Vice Admiral

admiral of the fleet

Marshal Russian Federation

2. Before the military ranks of a military service member who is undergoing military service in a Guards military unit, on a Guards ship, the word “Guards” is added.

Before the military rank, a military service member or citizen who is in the reserves has a military-regional specialty in the legal or medical profile, which is similar to the words “justice” or “medical service”.

Before the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or is in the military service, the words “reserve” or “in the military service” are added.

3. The seniority of military ranks and military service depots is determined by the sequence of their reorganization under Article 46 of the Federal Law: from the military rank “crosser” (“sailor”) to the highest and depot “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen" to the greatest.

All military and naval ranks are respected by equals.

4. Military ranks are assigned to military servicemen personally.

The military title may be first and foremost.

5. The form and form of submission, forms of other documents and orders before the assignment of military ranks, as well as the procedure for their execution and submission (at the discretion of the general officers) are established by the ceremonial officer federal body viconic ruler or federal sovereign body, from whom the military service was transferred.

The procedure for assigning the first military rank

1. The first military ranks are respected:

a) for the warehouse "officers" - junior lieutenant, lieutenant;

b) for the warehouse “ensigns and midshipmen” - warrant officer, midshipman;

c) for the warehouse “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen” - private, sailor, sergeant, foreman 1 statti.

2. The military rank of lieutenant will be awarded to:

a) military service, which does not have the military rank of an officer, or military service, which has the military rank of a young lieutenant, regardless of the term military service in tsyomu military called, which has completed the highest or middle military-initial mortgage, - after the completion of the assigned initial mortgage;

a.1) a citizen who has completed the federal state educational organization with extensive knowledge and progress in the military training program in the initial military center at this educational organization, - on the day following the day of the issued order about the completion of the designated lighting organization;

b) a citizen who has successfully completed the military training program for reserve officers military department in the case of a federal government lighting organization, extensive coverage and completion of the designated lighting organization - when secured to reserve;

c) a citizen (military service officer), who does not have the military rank of an officer, who does things are illuminated, disputed with the military-regional specialty, which is expected for military service under a contract for the military settlement, to which the state transferred the military rank of the officer, - if assigned to the military in Iyskov Posad;

d) a military service officer who does not have a military rank of an officer who is undergoing military service under a contract that may seek exposure, matched with a branch military-regional specialty, and assigned to military service kovu posad, for which the state has transferred the military rank of an officer, - if recognized as an official ;

e) a citizen who is in the reserve, who does not have a military rank of officer, who may be looking for light - after the completion of military training and after the completion of security checks;

e) a military officer who does not have a military rank as an officer who is performing military service under a contract with the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service and the protection of the Russian Federation or the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation, - in accordance with the order established by the officials designated authorities, after completing training for the program, begin at the warehouse of the initial group or immediately after entering military service for further training during the first period of service.

3. The military rank of young lieutenant will be awarded to:

a) a military service member who has completed a course for training young officers, who is in the middle Zagalna osvita, - after completion of the assigned initial mortgage;

b) a citizen (military service officer), who does not have the military rank of an officer, who has the middle professional education, disputed with the military-regional specialty, which is expected for military service under a contract for the military settlement, to which the state transferred the military rank of the officer, - if assigned to the military in Iyskov Posad;

c) a military service officer, who does not have the military rank of an officer, who is undergoing military service under a contract, which has an average professional knowledge, comparable with the military-regional specialization, that is to him in the military settlement, for which the state has transferred the military rank of officer, - if recognized on appearance;

d) a citizen who is in the reserves, who does not have a military rank as an officer, who has average professional knowledge, - after the completion of military training and after the release of police patrols;

e) a military officer who does not have a military rank as an officer who is performing military service under a contract with the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service Defense of the Russian Federation or the Head Office of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation, - according to the order established by the officials designated authorities, after completing training for the program, begin at the warehouse of the initial group or immediately after entering military service for further training during the first period of service.

4. The military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) is assigned to:

a) military service, which has completed the military-initial assignment, which is the ongoing training of military service officers from military-regional specialties, warrant officers (midshipman), which may be in the middle of training here, - after the completion of the assigned initial mortgage;

b) a citizen (military serviceman), who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), but seeks or has average professional knowledge, compatible with the military-regional specialty, and entered for the military service for a contract for the military settlement, for which the state transferred the military rank of ensign ( ), - if assigned to a military post;

c) a military service member who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), to undergo military service under a contract, which is required or average professional knowledge, matched with a military-regional special service stu, and appointments to the military settlement, for which the state transferred the military rank of ensign ( - when assigned to a military post;

d) a military service member who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is performing military service under a contract with the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal military service national guard of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Head Office of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation, - in the order established by the senior officials of the designated bodies, after completion of the preparation for the program began at the warehouse of the initial group or immediately upon entry into military service for further training throughout the first years services

4.1. The military rank of sergeant (senior sergeant 1st rank) is awarded to:

a) a citizen who has successfully completed the military training program for sergeants, senior officers in the reserve at the military department at the federal state educational organization and has graduated from the federal state lighting organization of high lighting, - when stored in stock;

b) a citizen who has successfully completed the military training program for sergeants and reserve sergeants from the military intelligence organization and has completed the federal military training organization what to illuminate - when stored in stock.

5. The military rank of private is assigned to:

a) a citizen who does not have a military rank, called for military service - when leaving the military commissariat before the place of military service;

b) a citizen who does not have a military rank and is not insured to the reserve - if he is insured to the reserve;

c) a citizen who does not have a military rank and hopes for military service under a contract - when registered in the special warehouse of a military unit;

d) a citizen who does not have a military title, insured up to the initial military mortgage - when insured up to the designated initial mortgage;

d) a citizen, having successfully completed the program of military training for reserve soldiers at the military department at the Federal State Educational Organization of Higher Education and having completed the Federal State Education New organization of a wide range of information, - when stored in reserve;

e) a citizen who has successfully completed the program of military training for reserve soldiers at the military intelligence organization and completed the federal military training organization. ї illuminate, - when stored in stock.

6. The military rank of a sailor is assigned to:

a) a military service member called up for military service - when registered in the special warehouse of the military unit, where the state has transferred the military rank of a sailor;

b) a citizen who is looking for military service under a contract, who does not have a military rank, - when registered in the special warehouse of a military unit, where the state has transferred the military rank of a sailor;

c) a citizen who does not have a military rank, insured up to the initial military collateral, - when insured up to the assigned initial collateral, where the state has transferred the military rank of a sailor;

d) a citizen, having successfully completed the program of military training for reserve sailors at the military department at the Federal State Educational Organization of Higher Education and having completed the Federal State Education I would like to organize a wide range of information, - when stored in reserve;

e) a citizen, having successfully completed the program of military training for reserve sailors at the military intelligence organization and having completed the federal military training organization. illuminate, - when stored in reserve.

7. When entering military service, a citizen who is serving or serving in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies, prosecutorial authorities of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation This is because the federal police service has a special rank (class rank of prosecutor’s officer), You may be assigned a military rank that is older than your special rank ( class rank prosecutor's officer), in the order of re-certification (attestation), which is designated as a ceremonial officer to the federal body of the British government or the federal sovereign body to which the military service is transferred.

The procedure for granting military military service

1. The military rank of the former military rank is assigned to a military service member on the day of completion of his military service to the forward military rank that covers the military settlement (posad), to which the state transferred the military rank. rank, equal or more important, lower military rank, which is assigned to a military service member.

1.1. The Chergov military service rank is not assigned to military servicemen:

a) what is known to the ordered commander (chief);

b) from the time of obtaining the accused from the criminal law or the destruction of the criminal law - before the criminal re-investigation;

c) during the period of investigation into the fact of gross disciplinary offense committed by him - until he is suspended before the military service disciplinary restrictions;

d) during the period of carrying out a thorough verification of the reliability and completeness of statements about income, expenses, military service and taxation of a mine nature, until the time of service - until the cessation of military service contraction;

e) submitted before the pre-service discharge from the military service from the stations referred to in subparagraphs “e” - “h”, “l”, “m” of paragraph 1 and subparagraphs “c” - “e.2”, “h” - “l” paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law;

f) until the end of the term, the length of any line is respected in such a way that it may:

  • disciplinary tightening in front of the line about non-duty service, reduction in military rank, reduction in military rank by one slab, reduction in military rank by one slab and reduction in Iyskovy Posad;
  • disciplinary restrictions, suspended for committing gross disciplinary offences;

g) until the completion of his criminal punishment in the form of military service or arrest;

h) until the expiration of his criminal record;

i) before the end of the probation period, I will enter military service under a contract;

j) military service is assigned to anyone.

1.2. Once a military service member has the right to rehabilitation according to the procedure established by the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, or if a disciplinary restriction is established before the military service, assigned to subsection and "e" clause 1.1 of this article, it was touched (behind the line, as after touching the commander (chief) of the assigned disciplinary charge has established other disciplinary charges from the number of assignments in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1.1 of this article), or as soon as after a review or verification of the assignments in subparagraph " in" or "d" paragraph 1.1 of this article, not was extended to the level of military service, the military rank is assigned to the military serviceman from the day of completion of his term of military service with the previous military rank.

1.3. If the disciplinary restriction specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1.1 of this article is removed or the conviction is cleared or expunged, the military rank of the military service is assigned from the day the disciplinary restriction is lifted or expunged. because the criminal record has been expunged.

1.4. In the military service lines, the assigned military rank does not insure the hour of criminal punishment in the form of a military service assignment or arrest, as well as the hour (periods), which, in accordance with the Federal Law, is not insured in the military service lines. Military service (at the test lines upon entry into military service) contract service).

2. For military service, the following lines are inserted in the upcoming military ranks:

  • private, sailor - five months;
  • junior sergeant, foreman 2 statti - one rik;
  • sergeant, foreman 1 statti - two rocks;
  • senior sergeant, chief foreman - three rocks;
  • ensign, midshipman - three rocks;
  • junior lieutenant - two rocks;
  • lieutenant - three rocks;
  • senior lieutenant - three rocks;
  • captain, captain-lieutenant - chotiri roki;
  • major, captain 3 ranks – chotiri roki;
  • lieutenant colonel, captain 2 ranks – five rocks.

3. The military rank of a high-ranking officer can be assigned to a military service member after completing at least two years of military service with the front-ranking military officer and at least one term in the posad (posad), then to be replaced by senior officers.

The terms of military service for the military rank of colonel general (admiral) and army general (admiral of the fleet) are not established.

4. Lines of military service with the military rank of lieutenant for military servicemen who are undergoing military service under a contract, who have completed their military-initial duty in full-time education from the pentametric terms and more , two rocks are installed.

5. The military service lines of military service members of the assigned military rank are calculated from the day the military rank was assigned.

6. In the military service lines, the assigned military rank includes an hour of service in the military service.

The meanings of the term are covered by:

a) an hour's break from the military service in case of unregulated attraction of the military service to criminal status, illegal transfer of the military service from the military service and further renewal of the military service Ice Service;

b) hour of military service;

c) an hour of restocking.

7. If the military service is recognized for the military post (posad) immediately, and if one-hour registration is not possible - from the day of recognition for the military posad (posad), it is assigned the military rank as soon as the term ends of his service to the former military commander, for his intelligence, that for this military planting (posad) the state has transferred the military rank, or, above all, the lower military rank, which is assigned to the military service.

With which military rank the high-ranking officer is required to comply with paragraph 3 of this article.

8. Military service, which is the military rank of an officer and successfully begins full-time training at the military-initial position, graduate school, military doctoral studies, the current military rank before the end colonel, captain 2nd rank inclusively assigned on the day of completion of the military service of the military planting ( plant), having reached the entrance to the designated initial mortgage, graduate school, military doctorate.

9. Military service, which has the military rank of an officer, who has taken up the military rank of colonel, captain, 1st wound before joining the military-initial pledge, adjunct, military doctoral studies in the military posad (posad), to which the state transferred the military rank of colonel, captain 1st wound gu or high officer, Chergove 1st rank inclusively assigned prior to borrowing prior to entry to the assigned initial mortgage, adjunct, military doctorate in military position (posada) after completion of the term of service for the assigned military rank .

10. The military rank of a military serviceman can be awarded in advance for special merits, but not for the military rank transferred by the staff for the military planting (planting) occupied by him.

11. Military service, the term of military service which ends with the assigned military rank, for special merits a military rank may be assigned one level higher than the military rank transferred by the staff for employment He has a military post, and not higher than the military rank of major or captain 3rd rank, military service , what is the eternal stage and (or) eternal calling that envelops the village pedagogical practitioner from the military professional educational organization or the military educational organization, or a scientific practitioner from the military professional educational organization izatsiya, military educational organization of great enlightenment or scientific organization, - not more than for the military rank of colonel or captain of the 1st rank.

12. The military rank of corporal (senior sailor) can be assigned in recognition of the special merits of the military service member who covers the military post to which the state has transferred the military rank of private (sailor).

13. The military rank of a young sergeant (senior sergeant 2nd statti) is assigned to a private (sailor) who replaces the military rank, to which the state transferred the military rank of a young sergeant (sergeant major 2nd statti) and above, after the end of the line in military service at the front military service officer, who having successfully completed the training program for sergeants (foremen) at the military commander's unit.

Rights of townspeople before conferring military ranks

1. Military ranks are assigned to military servicemen:

a) senior officers - by the President of the Russian Federation for taxes to the federal body of the Royal government or the federal sovereign body to which the military service is transferred;

b) colonel, captain 1st rank - a military officer of the federal body of the military service or the federal sovereign body to which the military service is transferred;

c) other military ranks - by townspeople, appointed by the minister to the federal body of the military service, from which the military service is transferred.

The military commissar assigns the rank of private to the civilians who enlist in military service, and the military rank of private, and to the civilians who are in the reserve - from private (sailor) to senior warrant officer (senior warrant officer) inclusive.

The new importance of the positions of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation prior to the assignment of military ranks, in addition to the military ranks of general officers, is established by the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

1.1. The new importance of the city officials of the military prosecutor's office and the military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation when assigning military ranks is established by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" cii" and Federal Law dated 28 April 2010. N 403-FZ "About the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation".

2. Landlords have the right to assign military ranks to military servicemen who are under their direct subordination.

Vishcha posadov is entitled to all the rights to assign military ranks, which are granted to lower-ranking commanders (chiefs).

3. Assignment of the first military rank of an officer, the military rank of a pre-line officer, one step higher than the military rank transferred by the staff for the occupied military plant, as well as the military rank of military services, as and successfully begin full-time training at the military-initial mortgage, adjunctura, Adjunct, up to colonel (captain 1st rank), including being a military officer of the federal body of the Royal government or the federal sovereign body to which the military service is transferred.

Assignment of the first military rank of private (sailor) or sergeant (senior sergeant 1st rank) to citizens who have successfully completed advanced military training programs at military departments under the federal state educational authorities At the same time, the military lighting organizations have received a lot of information and graduated from the federal powers lighting organizations To enlighten you a lot, to be seen as a military commissar when enlisted in reserve.

4. Assignment of military ranks to warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foreign officers) in advance, as well as assignment of military ranks to one level higher than the military rank transferred to the regular military rank: warrant officers (midshipmen) - no higher than the military rank of senior warrant officer (), sergeants (to the foremen) - it is not possible for the military rank of the foreman (the head of the ship's foreman), - to be dealt with by the court officials, who have the right to assign the military rank.

Lines of renewal for military ranks, the rights of townspeople before assigning military ranks and the procedure for assigning military ranks to citizens who are in reserve

1. Citizens who are in the reserves may be assigned the first and fourth military ranks, but not more than the military ranks of colonel or captain 1st rank.

2. To a citizen who is in the reserve, a military rank can be assigned, as a result of assignments to a citizen of assignments or perhaps assignments to a military unit (recognitions or assignments in a special form) for conscription into military service from a mobile phone. izatsiya on posad, as a military staff the military rank is transferred to the next or higher, lower military rank, which is assigned to the citizen who is in reserve, and the military rank, in addition, after completion installed term experience with the former military rank. In case of a citizen who is in the reserves, military rank can be assigned after he has completed military training and the delivery of military tests or in the attestation order.

3. To restock the reserves of the upcoming military ranks, the following lines are inserted:

a) private or sailor – five months;

b) junior sergeant and foreman 2 statti - one rik;

c) sergeant or foreman 1 statti – two rocks;

d) senior sergeant or chief foreman - three rocks;

e) ensign and midshipman - three rocks;

f) junior lieutenant - two rocks;

g) lieutenant - three rocks;

h) senior lieutenant - three rocks;

i) captain or captain-lieutenant - whatever the fate;

j) major and captain 3rd rank – five rocks;

l) lieutenant colonel or captain 2nd rank - six roles.

4. According to the decisions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) the citizen who is in reserve, from you with such professional training and great proof of work for the specialty that is established in the military service, which may be in the military An officer's rank, the term for a military rank may be shortened.

5. A citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for evidence of work for a specialty that is disputed by the military-regional, the first military rank of officer may be awarded to the Ministry Department of Defense of the Russian Federation in the certification order:

a) may be looking for light - lieutenant;

b) has intermediate professional education - a young lieutenant.

6. The Chergov military rank of a citizen, which is in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, can be assigned to:

a) soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer and midshipman:

  • up to and including the head sergeant major - military commissar;
  • up to senior warrant officer and senior midshipman inclusive - military commissar;

b) to an officer:

  • paragraph having lost the importance of November 29, 2009. - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2009 N 1363;
  • up to colonel and captain 1st rank inclusive - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

7. The rank of the Chergov army can be assigned to a giant who is in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

a) up to and including senior lieutenant - with positive certification;

b) from captain or captain-lieutenant to colonel or captain of the 1st rank inclusive - when he has completed military training for planting, which is indicative of military rank, and has served in military patrols or attestation to a different order for the evidence of work for a specialty assigned to the military service for in the official officer's positions).

8. The procedure for conducting certification for assigning military ranks to civilians who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

9. A citizen who has been relieved of his military rank is given the military rank of private by the military commissar immediately upon his appointment to the military branch.

10. Citizens who are in the reserves of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are assigned military ranks in accordance with the certification procedure. m the possibility of their distant vikoristan in the military suburbs.

The rights of townspeople from the assignment of military ranks, the procedure for assigning military ranks and the certification of appointments of citizens are determined separately by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the director of the Federal security services of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for updating military rank

1. The citizen, who has been relieved of his military rank, after the removal and expungement of his criminal record, may be reinstated in the entire military rank by a posadist, who has the right to give his military rank, to the complaint of the citizen for the evidence of a positive response. not to the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation and the decision of the commission of the military commissariat.

2. The citizen’s application for renewal of his military title is reviewed by the military commissar no later than one month from the day of his appointment to the military commissar.

If there is a case for the renewal of a citizen at a certain military rank, the military commissar will issue a notification about the renewal of the citizen at a military rank.

The renewal of a citizen with a military rank can sometimes be limited by order posadovaya individual, which has the right to give this military title, in accordance with the order of its assignment.

3. A citizen, who was relieved of his military rank due to illegal judgments, is reinstated in his military rank after the decision has been made about his rehabilitation from the day of his military rank being relieved calling.

The citizen, who has been given a military title, is rewarded with the rights and benefits established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, up to the updated military rank.

Senior sergeant (rank) is assigned to the platoon commander's intercessor. You can call the posada the most suitable among the soldiers. Companies will have as many such officers as there are as many platoons.

All senior sergeants are assistants to warrant officers and other officers. It is important that the stinks become especially familiar with their skin, know their strengths and weaknesses, and treat them as needed.

The senior sergeant has a wide corner on the chase.

Secret information

Senior sergeant (also known as other sergeants). Promoted to rank, he is promoted below senior sergeant, or above sergeant. I want all this to be placed on top of the officer's warehouse.

Sometimes the senior sergeant speaks in different words. Everything should be laid aside before you have to serve:

  1. Senior sergeant of the guard, either an officer in a military unit or serving on a guard ship.
  2. Senior sergeant of the medical service/justice, since the officer is in the reserve, but has training in medicine or law.
  3. The senior sergeant is in the reserve at the military service, if the officer does not continue to serve in the unit.

At the Russian warehouse, other categories are being guarded. Here the senior sergeant takes away the rank of chief sergeant. Otherwise, the stock in the regular warehouse becomes permanent. The service officer wraps the platoon commander's intercessor's bonds.

Service lines for a young care warehouse

All titles are assigned to athletes of various organs depending on several parameters: planting, lighting, qualification and other factors that are specified in this Regulation. Those that are oriented towards the young bosses are appropriated by the kerivniks, as they stand more behind the service.

The following terms are established in these Regulations:

  • private - one rik;
  • junior sergeant - one rank;
  • sergeant - two rocks;
  • senior sergeant - three rocks;
  • ensign – five rocks;

Sergeant major (rank after senior sergeant) has no special term for service. He is expected to receive a promotion due to his special appointment prior to service, qualifications, and various service achievements. So deal with it yourself as a senior warrant officer.

Title awarded to Dostrokov

Speaking about those from sergeant to senior sergeant, one cannot help but honor the assigned rank before the line. The standard version will last two years. Any title can be added before the term is completed. There are a few rules:

  1. Anyone who is assigned a new rank ahead of time is likely to be seen during the service process, earn high results, cope with obligations perfectly, and be expected to show excellent behavior.
  2. The one to whom the title is assigned can earn a living by entering at the guardhouse and quickly becoming aware of the actions.

Dostrov's calling is hoped for great care at all times until all points of this Regulation are finalized. Likewise, we cannot become known to people “over our heads.” Then a sergeant could become a senior sergeant. If you are sequential, then such a pre-line advancement in wines cannot be undone.

In such cases, a pre-line rank will not be assigned. For example, people need to go through basic training and learn specific skills (senior sergeant of justice, etc.).

Zatrimka chi zabavlennya zvannya

The senior sergeant after his service cannot be denied. There are many reasons:

  • The presence of written disciplinary actions.
  • Beware of breaking the law, through which the criminal right is being broken.
  • An inspection is being carried out to ensure that service damage is identified.

Sometimes a new rank is not assigned until the examination is completed, or the officer is completely relieved. This falls under the category of destruction.

There is a reduction in the name if there is disciplinary action. Sometimes bosses decide to make such a decision because they want to find someone better for a regular position, in the event of unannounced service duties, a considerable amount of time before service. Also, they can completely spare being called for crimes against the army and Russia.

Awarded title

The senior sergeant's rank is ranked ahead of the sergeant major. In order to achieve this, you will need to take special courses in the training program for regular full-time military personnel of the service unit. This person is clearly distinguished, for example, from an ordinary corporal. Apparently, this rank is not assigned to the order of choice, and regardless of the rank of the higher rank.

If seniors have earned their rank, they can send a soldier to a sergeant training course. You have no right to earn money on your own. Otherwise, all the rank-and-file corporals would have long since become sergeants.

The minimum path from a young sergeant to a senior sergeant is new. During this period, the officer can be seen and gain a reputation before the greater authorities.


With this rank, senior sergeant is a transfer of rank (the remaining sergeant major), as you can become a high-ranking soldier without graduating from college. It is enough to go through a number of courses, activities from them are carried out directly at the unit. To obtain further promotions, if an officer decides to leave the army, he will need to undergo training.

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