Social control yogo sphere ta vidi. Methods of social control. The urgently needed social control

External social control is a collection of forms, methods of action that guarantee social norms Behaviors. There are two types of external control – formal and informal.

Formal social control, on official grounds praised and condemned, is acted upon by the authorities sovereign power, political and social organizations, the system of information, methods of mass information and activities on the territory of the entire region, based on written norms - laws, decrees, regulations, orders and instructions. The same ideology that dominates matrimony can also be applied to formal social control. Speaking about formal social control, they are meant to respect us in front of the action, aimed at encouraging people to respect law and order with the help of representatives of government bodies. Such control is especially effective in large social groups.

Informal social control, reasons for praised or condemned relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, huge thoughts, is expressed through traditions, such as forms of information. Agents of informal social control are also social institutions like family, school, religion. This type of control is especially effective in small social groups.

In the process of social control, the violation of some social norms leads to even weaker punishment, for example, lack of praise, an unkind look, a smile. Violation of other social norms will result in severe punishment - punishment is mortal, wilting, driven out of the country. The worst punishment is for breaking taboos and legal laws, hiring - around the world group navichok, zokrema family.

Internal social control- Independent regulation by an individual of his social behavior in marriage. In the process of self-control, the individual independently regulates his social behavior in accordance with generally accepted norms. This view control manifests itself, on the one hand, in perceived guilt, emotional worries, “pressed conscience” for social actions, and on the other hand, in the form of reflection of the individual in driving his or her social behavior.

Self-control of an individual over power social behavior is formed in the process of his socialization and the formation of socio-psychological mechanisms of his internal self-regulation. The main elements of self-control are knowledge, conscience and will.

People's knowledge - This is an individual form of mental representation of activity in the form of a formalized and subjective model in more light than the form of verbal, understandable and sensory images. Knowledge allows an individual to rationalize his social behavior.

Conscience- the ability to independently formulate powerful moral obligations and enforce them for oneself, as well as conduct self-assessment of actions and actions. Conscience does not allow the individual to destroy the attitudes that have formed into the new principles, which, obviously, determine what kind of social behavior they have.

Will- complete regulation of a person’s behavior and activities, expressed in the intelligent handling of external and internal difficulties in the implementation of direct actions and actions. The will helps the individual to fulfill his internal needs and needs in order to fulfill his needs in marriage consistently until his end.

Social control, in essence, is a process, in addition to any partnership, outside of its sphere, control system, subsystem, social unit, to determine whether their actions are correct, their decisions are correct, and they require corrective action.

Forms of social control[ed. edit wiki text]

Social control can exist in institutional and non-institutional forms.

1. Institutional form Social control is carried out with the help of a special apparatus that specializes in the control activities of the apparatus, which is a set of state and large organizations (bodies, installations and associations).

2. Non-institutional form social control is a special type of self-regulation that governs various community systems, control over the behavior of people from the side of mass media.
Its functioning is based importantly on the action of moral and psychological mechanisms that develop from the continuous monitoring of the behavior of other people and assessments of the type of social order and environment. A person realizes that he is wary of other members of the marriage (organization, group, marriage), who are constantly establishing themselves from it, having acquired new norms of behavior in the process of socialization. Marriage cannot be realized without mental reactions and mutual assessments. Through mutual contacts, people learn social values, develop social awareness and develop positive behavior.

A type of institutional social control is power control. Among the types of sovereign control are: political, administrative and judicial.

· Political control It is carried out by those bodies and persons who implement the functions of the supreme power. This is dependent on the political-power structure - parliament, regional and local election bodies. Political control can be effectively exercised by political parties that have taken away the support of the majority of the people, especially those represented in government.

· Administrative control appears viconic authorities Master all the girls. Here, as a rule, control of things is realized townspeople Inspection and supervisory bodies are created to monitor the actions of the authorities, which analyze the laws, regulations, management decisions, and determine the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative activities. .

· Ship control The following courts are in force: civil courts, military courts, arbitration courts and constitutional courts.

However, some powers react poorly to the lack of social influences and can lead to intensified social conflicts, which destructively influence the nature of married life. For which purpose is it necessary to demonstrate an effective the call of the bell, which will ensure the fate of the citizens governing power, an important element which way huge control. So, in order state control, A special form of control is represented by colossal control - colossal control from the side of the partnership on a particular community, around other communities, social organizations and rukhiv, huge thoughts. The current democratic partnership has enormous control - the activity comes first for all formed institutions huge marriage, formal and informal participation in them of several communities and their association

Social wine towns, which are expressed in chuckles, nods of praise and other manifestations (for example, seating), serve to encourage conformity and indirectly condemn deviance.

Pokarannya- dissatisfied looks, critical respect and the threat of physical violence - are strictly directed against deviant leaders and ensure that they are defeated.

Perekonannya- Another way to join the deviants. A coach can change the baseball game when he misses practice if he needs to maintain his fitness.

reassessment of standards- in which case the behavior that was respected by a deviant is assessed as normal. For example, in the past, when a person lost his home, finished his housework and looked after the children, when the team went to work, such behavior was considered unexpected and even deviant. At this time (the main reason for this is the struggle of women for their rights) the roles in the family are gradually being redistributed, and domestic work has ceased to be considered dirty and harmful for a person.

Tipi formal control

Parsons (1951) analyzed three methods of social control.

Isolation Confused about the method of separating the deviant from others, she is now passing on rehabilitation trials. This is how the liaisons themselves get rid of evil plots.

Reinforcement transfers the exchange of contacts between the deviant and other people, rather than complete isolation type of marriage. This allows deviants to turn to marriage if they are ready to break this norm. We talk about such methods, if, for example, a person is placed in a psychiatric hospital in the same term.

rehabilitation Deviants can prepare to return to a normal life and resume their roles in the marriage.

Table 7-2. Theories of deviation

Explanation type


Main idea


Physical rices are tied with evil hairs.

The song of the body, which is most often heard among deviants


Physical characteristics are the cause of deviation


Psychoanalytic theory

Conflicts, power peculiarities, give rise to deviation



Social disorganization


Cultural theories

Theory stigmatization (branding)

Radical criminology


The Tha McKay Show

Celine, Miller, Sutherland,

Claward and Oulin

Turk, Quinn, Taylor, Walton and Young

Deviation, beyond self-destruction, is a legacy of the breakdown and absence of clear social norms

Deviation many species are blamed for these episodes, if cultural values, normie and social bonds crumble, weaken and become hyper-sensitive

Deviation grows when there is a gap between the values ​​that are celebrated in a given culture and the social means of achieving them

The cause of deviation is the conflict between the norms of the subculture and the dominant culture

Deviation- a brand of its own, like groups that are in power, to put fewer stolen groups on the line

Deviation This is the result of opposition to the norms of capitalist partnership

William H. Sheldon (1940), a prominent American psychologist and physician, spoke about the importance of the body. It is important to note that dogs of all breeds have a knack for achieving vocal behavior. Also, in humans, the sound of the body means the presence of characteristic features. . Endomorph(People of great plumpness with soft and slightly rounded bodies) have comradeship in power, get along well with people and honor their dreams. Mesomorph(whose body is bursting with strength and stringency) reveals a subtlety to the point of restlessness, he is active and even sensitive. І rest, ectomorph, which reveals the subtlety and crunchiness of the body, sensitive to self-analysis, endowment with hypersensitivity and nervousness.

Concentrating on monitoring the behavior of two hundred young people at the rehabilitation center, Sheldon has made a study that is most similar to the deviation of mesomorphy, although they will not always become evil.

  • 3. Features deviant behavior in Russia
  • 1. The existence of a single value system that is shared among the population is a fragmentation of the world.
  • 2. Criminalization of marriage- This is a form of deviation in which the very possibility of different socially positive and negative behavior and actions is erased. The evil social light is no longer present in social Uzbekistan, but in the forefront of married life, flowing into all boundaries
  • 3. Right as a value, the regulator of behavior is increasingly being replaced by svavils, group dominance, loses its fun.
  • 4. Drinking is not at all deviant in Russia. More precisely, apparently, it is recognized as such on a formal or institutional level.

The term “Internet addiction” was first popularized by the English psychologist M.A. Shotton in 1989, a very special group of people who were engaged in the development of computer technology and software Kuznetsova Yu.M., Chudova N.V. Psychology of Internet bastards. M.: LKI, 2008. P. 75. The beginnings of the development of Internet addiction were laid in 1994 in the United States, when a group of American scientists (clinical psychologist Kimberly Young (K. Young) and psychiatrist Eivan Goldberg (I. Goldberg)), Having developed a laboratory to identify Internet addicts, they posted it on the Internet and conducted their first investigation. Born in 1996 E. Goldberg (I. Goldberg), officially coined the term “Internet-addiction” among the scientific community to describe the incessant abuse of the Internet, which causes disastrous consequences for everyday, primary, social and psychology personal spheres of activity.

Internet surfing is one of the forms of deviant behavior, the essence of which lies at the exit from reality by the way of piece change I will become for the help of a permanent fixation of respect for activities on the Internet with development and support of low singing emotions

U Vietnamese literature In the works, the sign of hemorrhage was introduced by psychologist A. E. Voyskunovsky Skorodumov. ABOUT. Virtual specialness and freedom // VMSU. Series 7. Philosophy. 2004. No. 2. P.84-85.

unrealisticness and unnecessary urge to work on the Internet for a short hour;

the appearance of a feeling of annoyance and annoyance at the intimidation of the Internet;

think obsessively about the Internet;

Spend more time working on the Internet and it is impossible to plan the end time of a specific work session;

Spontaneously spend more and more pennies on secure work on the Internet, without hesitation before spending money that is reserved for other purposes, or borrowed from the borgs;

readiness to lie to friends and family members, using triviality and frequency of work on the Internet;

the importance and difficulty of forgetting when surfing the Internet about household inquiries, homework and home services, important personalities and business affairs, unsatisfactory occupations and careers;

Anger and stress arise during an hour of work on the Internet due to the feeling of guilt or hopelessness that arose earlier, due to anxiety or depression, due to the feeling of emotional distress and some euphoria;

it is unnecessary to accept criticism of such a way of life from the side of loved ones and superiors, the willingness to come to terms with the ruin of the family, the loss of friends and the colaness of work on the Internet;

ill health, shortness of breath, rapid loss of sleep due to systematic work on the Internet in the early hours;

a decrease in physical activity or a decrease in speed, due to the need for a new terminological work associated with the stagnation of the Internet;

the act of “forgetting” about the hedgehog, the readiness to satisfy the hunger with the occasional and one-time hedgehog that feeds irregularly and does not appear on the computer;

addiction to such and other tonic means;

selecting, reviewing and reading special literature about new Internet products, discussing them with others.

Based on the symptoms of diagnosis, the scientific literature describes 5 different types of Internet addiction Kuznetsova Yu.M., Chudova N.V. Psychology of Internet bastards. M.: LKI, 2008. P. 46-48.

5) Web surfing - endless travel on the Internet, searching for information, lack of publication, and bordering on the search for information. Withdrawal of information means less motivation for being present at the meeting.

In this category, which operationalizes the search behavior of the customer, the depth of interest of the customer is the number of hours spent by the customer on the site during the hour of the session, and the number of pages the customer looks at on the site and at the hour of the session Kuznetsova Yu. M., Chudova N. V. Psychology of the poor Internet. M.: LKI, 2008. P. 46.

Also, based on the results of the sound activity, the investigators saw three groups of patients:

Those who follow a passive search strategy surf the Internet often, give preference to popular websites (especially commercial portals), and review texts with my own. When selecting information, the stinks are marked direct relationship before asking. They trust simple and sensible interfaces. For this reason, it is important to note that Merezha does not have such information;

How to choose a selection strategy is the most common type on the Internet. Call the stench to the website, if you already know what to eat from your diet. Looking at the results of the search, you take into account the number of alternatives, and then manual navigation. By selecting places, they ensure the transfer of information, presentation in a sensible and informative form. They are looking for sites where you can find comprehensive information about familiar subjects;

How to pursue a dynamic strategy, the Internet offers a wide range of possibilities. The technical competence of such correspondents allows them to expand to various websites, without fail. Knowing more about the subject of the search helps to select relevant information from an effective mode. Looking at the results of the search, you will consider such parameters as the number of alternatives, hour and speed, victorious languages, and the possibility of vikoristan native language and ease of use of the interface. When selecting insurance, all relevant officials are taken into account: reliability, confidentiality, reliability of information, simplicity and clarity of form and reliability of the place. Such koristuvachs reach best results in search of information Kuznetsova Yu.M., Chudova N.V. Psychology of Internet bastards. M.: LKI, 2008. P. 49.

6) Cybersexual addiction - an obsessive desire to access porn sites and engage in cybersex. This type has given rise directly to the previously studied phenomenon of Internet addiction, giving it a new meaning as Internet sex addiction (Cybersexual Addiction). Internet addiction has been equated with drug addiction and alcoholism. URL: http://PsychologyOnLine.Net.

In general, people who engage in cybersex can be mentally divided into groups similar to the research of M. M. Naritsin:

“Soromlivy” feel the need to “shake the nerve of your libido” before being hesitant to buy a cassette or a book of erotic violence.

“the people in masks” are trying to realize their secret fantasies, connected, for example, with transsexual love affairs or the frustration of real sexual veins, making them feel funny and resolute.

“fighters from the outside world”, the problem that the boss faces is that none of them are at all concerned, since they are aware that their external partners are different and in real life they are not on love.

“wonderful people” from the table to non-standard tanks in the world, so that with the alien stench it’s practically impossible to find sleeping language so he should go to virtual world Naritsin N.M. About “Skoda computers”. URL:

7) Addiction to virtual sharing and virtual acquaintances - a great obligation is leafing, constant participation in chats, web forums, the supernatural nature of acquaintances and friends.

Among the reasons for the growth of the Internet as a tool for socialization is dissatisfaction with everyday life: dissatisfaction with real social identity and the consequences of life; the possibility of realizing the characteristics of individuality, playing roles, experiencing emotions, for these and other reasons, is unattainable in life. Domina, the addition of different types of Internet resources for virtual gathering is also connected with the fact that, in essence, it is a form of self-realization of individuality.

1. There is a pressing financial need – participation in online gambling games, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

Gambling - gaming hoarding - obsessively hoarding of computer games in the middle

You can say that, by the way, the koristuvacha in the virtual game adds:

  • 1. The presence of powerful intimate light, where no one has access except oneself;
  • 2. Substance availability;
  • 3. Realism of processes and outside abstraction from too much light;
  • 4. The ability to correct any problem in the event of a large repetition;
  • 5. The ability to independently make any decisions within the framework of the game, regardless of the extent to which they may lead.
  • 5. Social interactions (peculiarity, socialization, groups, gender, conflicts)

Social interaction - be it the behavior of a person or a social group that is significant for other people now and in the future. This includes the transmission of information, the abstraction, reaction to it, processing and rotation, as well as the reaction to new information from the first individual. It is indicated by social statuses and roles of specialness and social groups. Social interaction has both objective and subjective sides:

  • · Objective side- factors that are independent from mutual interactions, but also influence them.
  • · Subjective side- awareness of the relationship of individuals to each other in the process of interaction, the basis of mutual awareness.


Particularity is indicated by self-knowledge. Self-awareness is the manifestation of specialness about oneself and evaluation of oneself. Self-awareness of specialness consists of such components as:

Really I am Self-sufficient

Ideal self - self-esteem

Mirror I am self-important because the way you think about me is different.

And it is perceived as a function of the identification of the impersonal roles of a particular person.

Socialization features: minds, stages, types, agents of socialization

Socialization - the process of forming social skills (different knowledge, skills, values) This is the acquisition by an individual of social intelligence, which creates a specific characteristic. The need for socialization is due to the fact that social benefits not transmitted during recessions. The stench is acquired, vibrated by the individual at the time of the external to a passive object.

Minds of socialization:

Subject-spacious middle ground ( natural mind; huge, everyday interiors; settlement planning and architecture).

Social news (family, friends, community)

Socially significant information (the nature of everyday, literary, scientific, aesthetic, religious information about the world available to and mastered by an individual).

1. Primary socialization is associated with the acquisition of foreign cultural knowledge, with the development of basic views on the world and the nature of people’s relationships.

The phenomenon of feral people(Lat. homo ferus- people of the Vovka) - people who, for these and other reasons, emerged from childhood, the reduction of human breeding and the infestation of animals. After 7 - 9 years, such children still lose the ability to recognize human reason and are once again deprived of creatures.

2.Secondary socialization - this hot preparation The individual has had a long life until the end of his life. This is due to the development of special knowledge and skills, the social contacts of the individual are expanded, the range of social roles is expanded, and the individual is included in the system of social work. Here adaptation from the professional subculture is transferred, and affiliation is transferred to other subcultures.

Social group concept. Typology of social groups.

Social group This means the absence of individuals who regularly interact one with another, and share the same sign.

power of a social group:

visibility of internal structure

durability of cordons in time and space

heterogeneity, uniformity of warehouse

types: large and small social groups, quasi-groups

Great social groups- this group is based on different type social connections that convey special contacts (place, nation, audience, party).

Malia social groups small for a large number of groups, obov'yazkova mind - immediate interaction between skin and skin, the consistency of group norms, awareness of one's belonging to the group.

Small groups begin as a dyad (2 individuals) and are characterized by high emotions and conflict.

Phase development of small groups:

the orientation phase is the period of formation, formation of the group.

The conflict phase is a process in a subdivision that creates emotional tension.

development of grouping - conflict management, fixation of a set of norms of behavior in the group.

phase of consensus and encouragement - the functioning of the group as a single organism.

A quasi-group is a small, informal collection of people that has an unimportant structure, a system of values ​​and norms.

Quasi-groups can be divided into the following types: audience;

fan group - an association of people based on fanatical affection for a sports team, rock band or religious cult;

natov - timely gatherings of people united by any interest or idea.

The main authorities of the quasi-group are:

anonymity. The individual feels unknown and unresponsive to others, does not feel social control and respectability;

naviyuvanist. Members of a quasi-group are more likely to be outside the boundaries;

social contamination of the quasi-group. Vaughn lies in the rapid transmission of emotions, moods, as well as in the rapid transfer of emotions;

lack of knowledge of the quasi-group. Individuals, however, “dissent” from the crowd and “leave out” with collective unknown instincts, their activities in the quasi-group flow more from the public, less from the public, and may Irrational and non-transferable character.

types of small social groups: formal, informal, primary, secondary, referent.

Formal groups are those whose structure was previously defined, for example, in Western countries.

Informal groups establish themselves spontaneously. Social connections And the containers are formed in them under the influx of this sociocultural medium, in the process of the activities of their members before reaching the goal. Moreover, the meta in an informal group is often not known to all its members. N

Pervinna group, Small, very tightly knitted, all its members know each other well. For example, a family, a group of friends, a school class.

The secondary group is larger in number and can be composed of two or more primary ones, the smaller group is equal to the primary one, the stage of infusion of the skin member is smaller. The example of the second group could be a school team, a course at a university, a university department starting from management and supervision.

Concept reference group was introduced into science by Herbert Hymon in his work “Archives of Psychology” in 1942. reference group, such as an individual for equal assessment your powerful development and behavior.

Social control- this is an activity that directly supports the normal behavior of an individual, a group or a household in various ways of social integration. It is important to ensure that labor behavior conforms to generally accepted social norms.

Before with prominent signs Social control includes orderliness, formalization, categoricalness, which can be applied to the individual, their normativity, and the provision of both formal and informal sanctions.

Social control is difficult structure, How to add up three mutually related processes:

Caution of behavior;

Assessment of behavior in terms of social norms;

Reaction to behavior in the form of a sanction.

Most often, the basis for the division of social control in different species is the subjectivity of its activity.

It is important to separate the subject from such types of social control:

1. Administrative control. Representatives of the administration of the enterprise, ceremonies of various levels act in accordance with regulatory documents. This type of control is also called external, as long as its subject is not included in the fully controlled system of input and activity that is part of this system.

The lack of administrative control is revealed in those who can be comprehensive and efficient; This lack of objectivity is completely obvious.

2. Suspension control. It operates within the boundaries of large organizations that are subject to statutes and regulations about their status. The effectiveness of community control is determined by the organization, structure and consistency of various community organizations.

3.Group control. This is mutual control of team members. Group control is divided into formal (working meetings and conferences, public meetings) and informal (secret thoughts in the team, collective mood).

Among the advantages of mutual control is the simplicity of the mechanism, since it is normal or the behavior that is monitored is strictly guarded against. The mutual control may also be limited. We are faced with subjectivism: since it is important for people to have power competition, super-naughtiness, all the stinks, it is natural, rather unfair to attribute one to one as a violation of discipline, it is too early to evaluate the organizational and labor behavior of one alone.

4. Self-control. This represents the regulation of personal work behavior based on self-assessments and assessments of compliance with essential functions and standards. The main advantage of self-control is the elimination of the need for special control activities on the part of the administration. Self-control has two main shortcomings: the individual, in assessing his own behavior, is prone to underestimate social-normative influences, more liberal than himself, less so than others; Depending on the nature of the sanctions, social control is of two types: economical (desire, constraint) and moral (ignorance, desire).

On the level rubbish The idea that marriage has “little order” has become even more widespread. In sociology everyday Nowadays, the term “social order” is most useful. Social order This is a system that includes the individuals themselves, interconnection between them, zvichki and zvichai, that it is impossible to operate and hide a variety of different types of activities, necessary for successful functioning given system.

Fixing this and other aspects of social order in a marriage, one cannot help but note that Thus, the social system functions: Millions of people go to work, the city's transport is used too. What is wrong with the functioning of the social system? Language go about social control , tobto. ways itself regulation systems that will ensure mutual relations are ordered warehouse items for additional assistance normative (legal) regulation.

Stabilizing function systems of social control lie V created panicking about the type of commonwealths, social (group, class, power) structures.

Social control includes two main elements :

· Sanctions.

Normie are themselves attributions Togo, as required behave correctly in marriage.

Sanctions – tse take care of yourself and punish you, It makes it difficult for people to comply with social norms.

Added to the language all those that are one way or another are transferred is priced marriage Human life age, promotion to elders, collective symbols, religious rituals, laws of the state to become those who rob us of marriage, that one especially It is valued and protected.

Social control exists formal і informal.

Formal control live organization. For whom are they created? special bodies і the rules are breaking down. For example, criminal law. On the level community organization Law enforcement is responsible for such bodies.

Sleep as little as possible three main methods of formal social control:

· isolation,

· Reinforcement,

· Rehabilitation.

Isolation Confused about the method of separating individuals from others without transferring them to a rehabilitation trial. Vaughn to get special, been involved several times zlochini ( let's drag it out zlochintsy).

Reinforcement allows exchange of contacts deviant with other people, lest I return to isolation type of marriage. Transferred Possibility of turning over to a spouse quiet, who is ready to achieve this norm. This, for example, is an arrest and delusion into psychiatric medicine on the general term.

Rehabilitation conveys preparing people before turning back before normal life and the formation of social roles in the marriage. This could be a group of “alcoholics anonymous” or drug addicts. Our goal is to help deviants find their place in life.

Informal control – tse kind of vice, characteristic for small groups that appear in forms ostracism (psychological suppression), critics or else gluzuvannya, What are the consequences of deviant behavior?

See Here are the main types of informal control:

· Social wine towns,

· Pokarannya,

· Perekonannya,

· Re-evaluation of norms.

Social wine towns express themselves in ridicule, laudatory looks, as well as others manifestations of praise.

Pokarannya appears in form dissatisfied I'll see, hostry critical vislovlyuvannya, threats physical violence or physical infusion.

Perekonannya - also one ways to escape deviant behavior.

Zreshta, reassessment of standards – this is a complex type of informal social control, in which behavior considered deviant can be assessed it's already normal.

Social control is in effect in singing ways. Tse, thank you for everything, social control through socialization . People are obliged to do things in a way that is necessary for marriage. As a result of socialization, people begin to lose some of their social roles Unbeknownst to you. behind the zvichka. qi zvichki are formed in the process of socialization. Whether there is a decision that goes against this, acquired during socialization, seems incomprehensible, illegal, careless.

Social control through a group vice considerations of the individual’s inclusion in social groups. The mentality of its inclusion is the conformity of its behavior to group norms, and the enforcement of these norms leads to sanctions. Group pressure lies with rich officials: the status of the individual, the strength of the group. For example, if the group density is high, the level of group pressure moves up. Or, for example, the high status of an individual lowers the level of group pressure on him, in other words, it reduces group loyalty to a high-status participant (“Caesar’s squad is under suspicion!”).

Social control is a system of social regulation of the behavior of buyers, without any support to public order.

There are two main forms of social control: internalі external control. Internal control transfers the regulation of one’s own behavior by the individual himself. The official of internal control is conscience. External control is a set of institutions that guarantee the adherence to legally accepted rules of behavior.

The system of social control includes two main elements: norms and sanctions. Social norms – These are orders, duties, rules, the initial boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in a marriage.

Social norms dictate the following functions in marriage:

? regulate ignorant interruption of socialization;

? integrate specialness in social isolation;

? serve as eyes, standards of appropriate behavior;

? control behavior that is exhilarating.

It is important to establish the norms of your functions depending on how bad you show yourself - as standard behavior(obov'yazykas, rules) otherwise behavioral awareness(Reaction of other people). For example, the protection of the honor and goodness of family members becomes a burden on the skin of the individual. Here we talk about the norm as a standard of proper behavior. This standard is evidenced by the very specific assessment of family members, the hope that their honor and worthiness will be stolen.

Social sanctions – This comes with a desire for punishment, stimulating people to adhere to the norms and rules of behavior. There are several types of sanctions:

? formal positive sanctions – public praise from the side of the government, official installations and organizations (district awards, state awards, advancement in the service, assignment of higher levels and titles);

? informal positive sanctions – public praise, which is similar to informal praise, either from relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. (friendly praise, compliments, kind words, recognition of leadership qualities, positive behavior, etc.);

? formal negative sanctions – This means punishment through legal laws, official decrees, administrative instructions and orders (fine, reduced imprisonment, exoneration, arrest, imprisonment, reduction of civil rights and others.);

? informal negative sanctions – punishment, not transferred to the legal system of marriage (respect, condemnation, due to dissatisfaction, tearing of friendly wines, unkind behavior, etc.).

The establishment of legal sanctions will be ensured by the sovereign primus, moral force of moral influx from the side of marriage, church or social group. Massacres seen Social sanctions are mutually related and complementary to each other. This is one of the reasons for improving the effectiveness of their work. Thus, since legal sanctions are based on moral standards and benefits of marriage, then their activity is greatly advanced.

Thus, the importance of social control lies primarily in the fact that it regulates the behavior of people and maintains a marital harmony, thereby promoting integration and stabilization of the marital relationship. Functioning on the basis of the universally accepted values ​​and norms of the culture of a given marriage, social control of clicks guarantees the conformity of people's behavior with these values ​​and norms. The role of social control is especially evident in the practice of abandoned deviant behavior (5.7).

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