How many fates befell Vronsky and Karenina.


Only the dead have not written about the new film adaptation of “Anni Karenina.”

And my pulse is still racing.

I’ll tell you about “Karenina” by Sergiy Solovyov.

I didn’t realize that this was not worthy.

The costumes are a shame and a shame.

The selection of actors - in line with the novel by Leo Tolstoy - is a clear step up to old age.

Emotions are unnatural, monologues are simply read and not understood, look – they are wooden, the vibes are zero.

Throughout the entire film, I have not adopted the same personality, sympathy, or dislike for each character.

As it seems, ignoring is the worst thing.

Chi did not touch a single brain, not a soul.

This is my special thought.

It may be that Drubich is knowingly and inadvertently trying to justify the choice of director Sergiy Solovyov, who himself is a 45-year-old actress, having adored his Hannah.

Well, the film adaptation is always an interpretation: each of us has his own Anna, and Vronsky is his own.

Zrestha, Oleg Yankovsky, who brilliantly and very convincingly played Karenin, looking like a senior for his 44-year-old book character.
And yet, it is not so important to recognize the century of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (Drubych disputes this very fact).

In truth, the novel has no direct mysteries.

But there are more less obvious clues.

I'm going crazy until I die. In the fourth part of the novel, Stiva talks to Anna:

- You can’t build your camp like I do. Let me tell you my thoughts in full. - Once again, I carefully chuckled with my instantaneous chuckle. - I’ll start from the beginning: you married a man, who is twenty years older than you. You got married without.

kohannya chi don’t know kohannya, tse bula pardon, acceptable.

- It's a greedy meal!

- said Hanna.
(L.N. Tolstoy. Ganna Karenina. Part four)

Well, Karenin is almost forty years old, and Hanna Rokiv is twenty (plus or minus a river or two - it doesn’t matter) younger in person.

Well, she's 25-26 years old.

No more!

Not 30, not 35, and definitely not 40. What kind of “unclarity” can we talk about?



On the other hand, for the 70s of the 19th century, 26-year-old Hanna was considered a completely mature woman, and her man (I guess, I’m only 44 years old) was “much older.”

1. The century of Mother Juliet is counted by the descendants in one phrase:

"Before me - your fate has long been
I swear at your bula"

Shakespeare also has a riddle about Juliet’s age:

"Well, it's day and night for the Petrovs
And mine is fourteen years old."

It turns out that Lord Capulet could have lived 28 years, or even less.

Why should we be surprised that we are aware of the history of the marriage of a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy?

Who is deeply worried about not becoming a father to 14 people?

2. The Age of Maria Gavrilivna from “Zaviryukha” by Alexander Sergeyovich Pushkin. There is one riddle in the story about the age of the heroine:“Like 1811, in the era we remember, the kind Gavrilo Gavrilovich R** was alive in his motherland. He was famous throughout the area for hospitality and hospitality; buy five kopecks from boston with his squad, and actions in order to marvel at her daughter, Maria Gavrilivna, string, blida and

girl of seventeen


Vaughn was respected by her rich betrothed, and many prophesied for herself and for the Blues.”

There were many rocks before the wedding, and the explanation with Burmin became more than three rocks later.

Tom can't go on the 20th river.

3. Balzacian century.

This expression became popular after the 1834 release of “The Woman of Thirty” by Honore de Balzac.

And it is certain that the “Balzacian century” can truly be respected for 30 years.

It is not clear to anyone else why this woman has such a meek, at most disrespectful and quarrelsome character?

Adje Balzac describes not an old woman who no longer knows where to go, but a woman in the blossoming of her beauty and strength.

4. Century of Ivan Susanin.

Thanks to the unknown heirloom investigators who put a mark on the age-old super-chats about the age of Susanin.

I didn’t find out any riddles about the age of Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Karenin from the novel.

Alas, the most widespread version seems to be that Karenin was 44 years old, and not 48 but 46. And that’s why we can’t even count Annie’s staggering 28 years.

7. Century of Richelieu.

Well, well, not Richelieu, but Richelieu.

The obloga of La Rochelle covered an entire river from the spring of 1627 to the early part of 1628. At the time of the beginning, Cardinal Richelieu was 42 years old, but would you like to respect his old age?

Why should we marvel at his age?

I don't understand.

8. 30-river Karazmin and 16-rive Pushkin.

Just holy ignorance.

Just a few things: historical and mathematical.
I'm guessing both.
Now it’s clear: Pushkin had 16 births in 1815, and Karamzin, apparently, had about 49 births, but not thirty.
Oh, Pushkin!

Three years before his birth, he gave Karamzin a boost, and also deprived him of the record, adding the 16-digit one.
9. I hear about Karamzin.

Respecting everything, respectful Yuri Mikolaovich Tinyanov is a writer and literary scholar.

Well, do you still believe Merezha’s facts?

The stink will come to you!

:)) I really don’t know what to start with.

I’ll try to systematize the chaos that appears in my head after watching the “cute screen adaptation.” Plot

. I understand that it is difficult within the framework of a two-year film to contain everything that L.M. wrote about. Tolstoy in “Anna Karenina”, but did not lead to transforming the old Russian novel into a comic book. Everything is in place - the same lines, the key phrases behind the book, and the fortune-telling of the characters, but there is no integrity.

The action flares up in theatrical scenery, sometimes on the theatrical stage, in a nasty mise-en-scène - you can guess in them the handwriting of playwright Tom Stopard, who wrote the script for the film.

The transition between scenes is reduced to a minimum.
“Anna... in black, low-cut oxamite cloth, which had curves like an old ivory tassel, the upper shoulders and chest and rounded arms with a thin crochet pencil. The whole cloth was lined with Venetian guipure on her head, in black hair , without a home, there was a small garland of brothers and also on a black stripe of a belt between white hemlines.
Otherwise, Lev Mikolayovich wrote a verbal portrait from this painting, right?

If you think that I posted a still from another movie, have mercy.
This is an episode from "Anna Karenina", which symbolizes the suffering of the unfortunate.

The cigarette, perhaps, brings on a deep darkness.

I understand that the similarity cannot be hundreds of hundred, but the type, in my opinion, is guilty of description.
The character is still the same - in Tolstoy he both understands and disrespects Karenina at the same time. Keira Knightley's Anna came out flat, simple, lyalkova.

Oleksiy Kirilovich Vronsky

The prototype of Vronsky is Oleksiy Kostyantinovich Tolstoy.

Do you remember the romance “In the Middle of a Noisy Ball”? This is what Oleksiy Kostyantinovich wrote to the future squad of S.A. Miller-Bakhmetyev, who deprived his family of a man for the sake of someone else.

In the film Karenin, Jude Law plays.

I’m good enough to be an actor, except for such characters as it’s too early for me to lose money.

The book's Karenin is a deep person: at times dry and callous, but with a noble and kind soul.
The film has such a soft, boring saint that you can rub your feet about it.

How a person with such a character could fly through career gatherings is beyond comprehension.

Kostyantin Levin

It was Levin who impressed me the most.

Before speaking, call it incorrectly to pronounce the nickname Levin through “e”, correctly through “e” (Levin). Well, well, this village fool, Ivanushka, and the nobleman Kostyantin Levin.
Apparently, its prototype is L.N. Tolstoy himself.

The story of Levin and Kitty, and people who have never read “Anna Karenina”, looks very surprising, it is important to understand that these heroes began to work with the film.

Stiva Arkadiyovich Oblonsky

The only character that fits the description of the character is Stiva - loose, easy-going and exuberant.
There is a middle ground between M. Mikhalkov and O. Menshikov. Entourage


You know, I can understand that the Russian mentality is difficult to understand.

I can understand that learning about the Russian soul, about the currents of communism, about the villagers, history, and Russian life is important for a foreigner.

How do you identify literary heroes?

Having grown up, they have experienced a lot, they develop complex moral nutrition, change their own and other people’s shares.

Why are you trying to figure out how many fates there are for these people?

It turns out that many of them are still young behind these days.
"Anna Karenina"
Anna – 25–26 years

There is no information about the exact life of Anna Karenina in the novel, but from the quotes of the heroes themselves, you can work out some ideas.

Well, at the time of the beginning of the novel with Vronsky, Anna was already friends with all the fates:

“Olexiy Oleksandrovich chuckled coldly with just his lips, hopefully showing her the firmness of his determination;
Ale tsya hot zakhist, although I didn’t hurt him, I felt sorry for his wound.

There is no information about the exact life of Anna Karenina in the novel, but from the quotes of the heroes themselves, you can work out some ideas.

He spoke to the great congratulations.

- It’s really important to have mercy if the squad itself is talking about that man.

It’s shocking that all the fates of life and sins are all in vain and that you want to live for the first time,” he said angrily, sniffling.
As if in the spring, my mother was making honey jam at the vital place, and I, licking my lips, marveled at the boiling fruit.
Father White has read the Court Calendar, which he urgently rejects.
This book has always had a strong impact on everyone: without re-reading it without any special interest, and reading it has always been a marvelous exaggeration.
Mother, who knew how to remember all the signs and signals, always tried to put the unfortunate book away, and in this way the court calendar was not wasted on my eyes for months at a time.

Then, when he suddenly knew him, he would not let go of his hands for whole years.

Well, father, having read the Court Calendar, he lowered his shoulders and repeated in a low voice: “Lieutenant General!.. He was a sergeant in my company!.. Knight of both Russian orders! calendar on the sofa and abandoned my thoughts, but I didn’t feel anything good.

He immediately turned to his mother: “Avdotya Vasilievno, how many fates are there for Petrusha?”

“That axis of the seventeenth rivers,” said the mother.

- Petrusha was born to the fate that little Nastasya Garasimivna gave birth to, and when...

In the song “Faring from the Mind”, Sofia is already a grown girl, seventeen years old - a century apart, but we know that they knew Chatsky earlier, moreover, they were one in the same.

And again, Yuri Lotman admits that until the beginning of the story of Sophia, who was lost behind the scenes, there could not have been more than fourteen.
“... Chatsky was born three days a day, having been buried in her [Sofia], when she was 14 years old, and perhaps even earlier, fragments of the text show that before the release, he went beyond the cordon after serving in the army for an hour The singing period is alive in St. Petersburg (“Tetyana Yurievna told us now, / Turning from St. Petersburg, / To the ministers about your connection...” - III, 3).
Well, Sophia was 12-14 years old when the hour had come for her and Chatsky.
Quiet feelings, quiet hearts in both of us,
The distance has not cooled me down,

No daring, no change of place.

Dikhav lives with them, being constantly busy!”

Yuri Lotman.

Roman A.S.

Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".


"Bidna Liza"

Liza – 17 years

“The guest’s daughter was already straightening the cloth, eagerly looking at her mother, as a rush from the next room seemed to run to the doors of many men and women, the sound of a capped and fallen floor, and into the room in A thirteen-year-old girl ran away, her short muslin sweatshirt wrapped around her, and huddled in the middle of the room .
Obviously, she inadvertently, from an uninsurable run, jumped so far.

A student with a crimson hair, a guards officer, a girl of fifteen years of age, and a fat, ruddy boy with a childish jacket appeared at the door of the same woman.

The Count huddled and walked away, spreading his arms wide towards the girl who had flown in.