A sedentary way of life often causes suffering. The legacy of a sedentary way of life for people is their uniform. Increased financial expenses

According to statistics, approximately 20% of the Earth's population suffers from the inherited way of life. Most of them want to stay active – even if they are busy with work all day, most of them have important tasks. Sometimes it’s true.

However, they do not at all allow sufficient physical exercise, since all the stinks occur, especially in a sitting position. A low-impact way of living is another risk factor for various illnesses after smoking.

The following aspects that are unfavorable for health can be brought to light:

    weakening of the tone of skeletal muscles and venous vessels - leading to slagging of the body, sinus swelling;

    reduced efficiency of the work of the cardiovascular and vascular systems. Hypodynamia increases blood flow. When you are exhausted during a sedentary period, blood thickening may develop in the deep veins of the legs;

    decreased activity of etching organs;

    negative changes in the central robot nervous system, sensitivity to stress, decreased response to change dovkilla;

    decreased speech metabolism and immunity;

    increase in meteorological sensitivity.

    With such a mortgage you will be able to select the tools necessary to restore the function of the joints and spine and successfully eliminate the inheritance of the way of life that led to illness.

    Sealed by sun

    Preparation procedures are directly aimed at refining your body, leading to the partial elimination of the inheritance of an unhealthy way of life. The use of sedative baths is one of the types of preparation.

    Sun exposure leads to a positive change in many physiological functions:

    • Body temperature rises;

      Dihana becomes more frequent and worsens;

      blood vessels expand;

      sweating will occur;

      speech exchange is activated;

      the functional state of the nervous system improves;

      resistance to solar radiation increases

    It is necessary, however. Remember that the evils of sleepy baths can cause serious damage to the body. Such as insufficient blood, impaired speech exchange and other serious health problems.

    Make sleepy baths better summer period France, if the sun has not yet reached the zenith. As a rule, this hour is before 11 o'clock.

    In the spring and autumn seasons, the shortest period will be from 11 to 14 years. With whom it is better to be in a place protected from the wind.

    The prepared sun correctly adheres to the principle of progression and consistency, with greater difficulty of reversal.

    Symptoms of withdrawal from an overdose of radiation will include weakness, loss of sleep and appetite. Before the procedures to avoid, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How many years a day do you spend in a sedentary position? Based on the results, the average person sits for 7.7 years a day, while most people manage to stay on the chair/sofa/chair for as long as 15 years! Fakhivts are inspired by this trend, leaving behind the legacy of hypodynamia they simply lament: moving pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression and other illnesses. However, that's not all. The rest of the investigation to show that a sedentary way of life really speeds up the aging body, and on the tissue level.

A sedentary way of life is a sure way to the present day

Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer and immediate death are far from new bloom problems associated with hypodynamia. People who lead a sedentary way of life will quickly speed up on the agricultural plain. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Medical School of the University of California at San Diego.

The study involved 1,500 women aged 64 to 95 years, who were taught about the amount of physical activity they had to do every day in a sitting position. After this, the results of the experiment were consistent with the longevity of the volunteers.

As it turned out, in women who spent more than 10 years a day in a sedentary position and less than 30 days devoted to moderate or intense physical activity, their telomire gain is significantly less, and their lower assets are greater. they are the same age.

Telomeres are the terminal sections of DNA, which are visually represented by the pins on shoelaces and protect genetic information from damage. When telomeres shorten in the skin, they need to be used to restore biological significance. Over time, the telomeres become so short that the cell can more divide and die. For these reasons, telomere inodes can also be traced back to the scorching note of the bomb.

From a biological point of view, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are, on average, 8 years older than their physically active peers.

In women who were sitting for 10 or more years today, the shortening of telomeres was equivalent to eight years ago. In other words, a sedentary way of life speeds up the aging process by about 8 years. Also, short telomeres are associated with the following chronic illnesses:

  • illness of the heart;
  • diabetes

It is also true that the women, who were entitled to at least 30 drinks per day, regardless of the sitting time, the daily wage did not change. Therefore, the authors of the study developed a study that can be used as a natural anti-age, which helps neutralize the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary way of life and chicken: what is better for health?

Dr. Kelly Starrett, in her book Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World, drew on the results of a study conducted by Dr. James Levine: one year spent sedentary shortened life by 2 years.

At the same time, a skinny cigarette shortens your life by 11 hours. That’s why there are many fakhivts who confirm that a sedentary way of life is worse for health, but worse.

Kelly Starrett, in her book, also reported on a study that found that Turkish office workers were healthier than their non-smoking colleagues for the amount of time they stood up and walked to the smoking room. . Ideally, the site recommends kneading the skin areas without getting into the skin.

Another study showed that the trival seat promotes the development of the rhizic:

  • raku legen by 54%;
  • uterine cancer by 66%;
  • colon cancer by 30%.

To what extent are you harming your sedentary way of life: “Sit down and stand up” test (N3)

There is one very simple test that allows you to determine how much a sedentary way of life is harmful to your body. This test of the inventions of Brazilian scientists for the purpose of determining the shortage of the economy is likely to lead to atrophy of the muscles, so it becomes increasingly important to save the ruins of the economy.

A test called the “sitting-rising test” (SRT) will tell you what you need:

  • From standing, sit completely on the support, lowering yourself at the intersection of your legs;
  • without burying your hands in the frame, let yourself down (marvelous picture below).

If you were able to create a miracle without falling, using your hands, knees, give yourself 10 points and continue to maintain your body in a wonderful shape!

Give 1 point each if you happened to go up or down (amazing picture below):

  • stink on 1 valley;
  • shit on 1 knee;
  • crouch on 1 front;
  • touch one hand on the knee;
  • Sit on the outer surface of 1 leg.

According to Brazilian scientists, if you have scored fewer points, then you have less chances in life. However, don’t rush to get discouraged – it’s never too late to practice physical activity as part of your life!

How to minimize the legacy of a sedentary lifestyle: simple ways

Many people, aware of all the doubts of the legacy of a sedentary way of life, believe that it is impossible to change it: the office of a robot, the lack of time for the gym, the lack of strength in one’s own abilities - the reasons that often encourage us to change our life to more beautiful.

Treat your skin by being active: get up, walk, squat, stretch, walk in the fresh air.

It's much easier to add physical activity to your schedule, as it turns out. For whom it is not at all obligatory to go to the gym and hire a personal trainer. Read from step-by-step changes:

  • set an alarm clock and skin conditions get up from your chair to stretch, walk, drink water;
  • try to increase the hour of walking to your work place (for example, get off the bus one step earlier, lower the speed);
  • go up and down using the same steps (you can start from a pair of surfaces, gradually increasing the number of steps);
  • walk with friends/loved people/music with headphones;
  • get a dog so that you have an incentive to go for a walk several times a day;
  • start doing some work in the city or in the flower beds;
  • play active games with friends and/or children (badminton, basketball, tennis, whatever);
  • start skipping;
  • stretch;
  • try just right;
  • master the bar (cheap, fast, effective).

    A sedentary way of life has become a common occurrence. With the development of digital technologies and the emergence of a large number of home-based professions, which require more than a computer or the Internet, the phrase “a low-impact way of living” has become a common phrase among thousands of remote workers. Office plantings are no less unsafe for this plan. How does lack of durability affect our health? How can we get rid of the legacy of a sedentary way of life, when it becomes impossible to think of anything else? The evidence for this is different, no less important food, you will find in our statistics.

    What way of life is respected by the weak?

    Low hearing or hypodynamia – impairment of the body’s functioning through lack of physical activity or lack of activity.

    The problem of a sedentary way of life has arisen as a result of scientific and technological progress, urbanization, and the expansion of communication technologies, which have simplified our life and replaced active views aftercare (walks, rough games).

    This means that you lead a “ruly” or less-ruly way of life very simply. If you are not actively collapsing as the day goes on, you would like to have a good day, but you are respected for being less fragile. Active movements include walking, running, and physical movements.

    Tidying up and cleaning up essential household chores is not included in the activity. Under the hour of death, the need for attention to the flesh of the body is not created. While working around the house, we take the wrong positions, which leaves many groups of problems unattended.

    What is the point of a sedentary way of life, why is it unsafe?

    The legacy of a sedentary way of life is very unsafe, no one thinks. This is the loss of the bitterness of life and the shortening of your triviality.

    If you spend every day sitting at work for 8 years and instead of walking to the office, you commute by car, you risk living 15-17 years less than those who sit for less than 3 years for a day and begins to actively collapse.

    Why is the sedentary way of life unsafe? Judge for yourself!

  1. The first thing that suffers from hearing loss is the flesh of the heart. The presence of active physical activity and cardio stimulation weakens the heart and causes less productive shortening, which significantly reduces the tone of the walls of the vessels.
  2. Ridge. Sedentary, we are looking forward to twice as much more than the cost of walking.
  3. Reduced blood flow in the brain provokes confusion, noise in the ears, fatigue, and decreased productivity.
  4. Not working, the meat loses its tone. This leads to a slight physical fatigue, apathy, and a seemingly restless state.
  5. There is little looseness to bring up to . The blood is more likely to collapse in the body and the tissues are not sufficiently saturated with sour, living substances.
  6. Sitting on one place for a long time provokes stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvis, negatively affecting the intestines and sechostatic system.

How does a sedentary way of life affect the body from the middle?

Sitting in the office, near transport, at the living room table or on the sofa while watching TV negatively affects not only the tone of the body, but also provokes the development of a wide range of illnesses.

Ailments of the musculoskeletal system

Those whose work is closely tied to sitting in front of a computer suffer from transverse cervical osteochondrosis. Most often, the localization of cervical osteochondrosis is right-sided, the fragments of the right hand are handled with a computer mouse, writing, and other actions.

Also, “adherents” of a sedentary way of life often experience intercostal neuralgia, lumbago, radiculitis, confusion and headaches.

Ailments of the cardiovascular system

An increase in blood circulation provokes the development of venous insufficiency (varicose veins) and thrombosis. Without proper care, the heart suffers. The heart muscle “sounds” intensifies, destroying the vital stage of the circulatory system in the body, as a result of which all organs suffer. The incidence of strokes and heart attacks is increasing. The triviality of life fades away.

Zaiva vaga

Number of days of physical activity, lack of emphasis on principles healthy food Stress is a factor that leads to weight gain. Sitting in the office, we consume fewer calories, which is why we get “piggy” bellies, “breeches” in the thighs, and an increase in body weight.

According to the forecasts of the medical journal “The Lancet”, by 2025, 20% of the population of our planet will suffer from the supermundane disease, including through the way of living and sitting.

Constipation and hemorrhoids

Disruption of intestinal peristalsis, provoked by the laxity of the day, leads to chronic constipation. Constipation, in its turn, becomes the cause of another unpleasant illness - hemorrhoids.

If you change your mind before constipation, do not allow it to become chronic. Warm up, regularly change the position in which you are sitting, pump up your abs, give abdominal massage, eat food. This is important to reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids.

Legacies of a sedentary lifestyle

Always sit at your work table, on the sofa, or at the living table and do not bring the bark to anyone. Doctors share the legacy of a sedentary way of life for men and women.

For people

A sedentary way of life has a negative impact on the prostate. Decreased blood circulation and stagnation of blood flow and lymph in the pelvic organs leads to prostatitis, and in turn – to decreased potency. Even today there are a large number of infertile couples due to weak spermatozoa and prostatitis. In addition to state problems, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle often suffer from hemorrhoids.

For wives

The same reason - pelvic congestion - provokes damage to the uterine sphere in women and becomes the cause of uterine pathology (polyps, endometriosis), as well as poor menstruation.

The extreme depression of self-esteem and the fatigue of living a life with limited hearing and often stress lead to hormonal imbalances, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, and irregular menstrual cycles.

It’s very informative, it’s just clear about the price in the video:

How can we escape the legacy of a sedentary way of life?

It is clear that the situation is clear about those who have an unsafe sedentary way of life, you are unlikely to wake up. Shouldn’t we throw away a promising robot in a good office and clients who have received a lot of freelancing work? But not everyone is able to get to the point of work to compensate for the disadvantage of an eight-year seat.

Why bother? Zmenshiti negative influx Sitting at your work place will help you in the right direction, correcting your food habits and little tricks that you can use at your work place today.

Physical activity + rights that you can do right at work

Rub your skin 15-20 times, changing your body position. Most often, get up from the table to stretch, do a couple of kneeling exercises, and stretch your legs. So blood circulation in the body is normal.

Here's how you can work while sitting at a table:

  1. Lean back in your chair and straighten your legs. Bend and unbend your legs in knees 10-15 times each time.
  2. Straighten your leg, pull up the toe and draw circles with a nail-stop 10-15 times per skin leg.
  3. Wrap your head completely behind the anniversary arrow and in front of it 5 times.
  4. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is important not to hit the upper arms with your head. Be sure to stretch your arms to the sides and stretch your right hand to reach your left shoulder, placing your right hand behind your head. Do this 15-20 times with one hand and the other, and then 15-20 times with both hands at the same time. The crown of the head is pulled uphill. Try not to push your head forward.
  5. Do 10 shoulder wraps back and 10 forward.
  6. Stress and relax your muscles 20-25 times daily.
  7. When sitting on a chair, raise and lower to the right left hand 10-15 times.
  8. Place one shoulder against the other and forcefully press one on the other. Rub your thighs with tension once for 10-15 seconds.
  9. Squeeze and squeeze your fingers. Stretch your fingers around the lock.
  10. Lower your arms and shake your hands for a few seconds.
  11. Put the chair in, lean forward and squeeze your shoulder blades as much as possible at once. Repeat several times.
  12. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten and retract for a few seconds. Work at least 50 times.
  13. Dry the scrapers and five legs thoroughly.
  14. Raise your shoulders up while inhaling and sharply throw them down in front of you.
  15. Sit up on the table, straighten your legs and try to reach your noses as far as possible with your fingers.
  16. Take it out and roll some glue or other round stationery along the bottom.

Try to do this kind of warm-up with a “language program” every day. Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues at work. Remember that preventing the problem is worth fighting for it. Below is a video that will help you with a clearer statement about gymnastics right on the page:

Don't forget about morning gymnastics. May you become a faithful companion to your skin wound. Table with rights for rank charging:

Don't type zaiva vaga Always have full strength and energy, it is important not only to encourage rokhovaya activity, but also to follow the food. Sitting on a harsh diet is not an option: parts of the body are already suffering from a lack of activity and increased metabolism of speech;

Chotiri simple rules food with a low-grade way of life:

  1. Follow the schedule for the reception of Ezhi. The hedgehog instantly disciplines, helps to plan working hours Take a lunch break to ensure maximum absorption of food and vitamins from food. All food intake, snacking, and duties will be fixed within an hour.
  2. Eat in smaller portions. Get up from the table and be surprised that you haven’t finished eating. It’s easier to see that you’re hungry, which is good for your body. Dull your stomach with snacks: banana, peas, apple, cup of tea. Hedgehogs receive at least 5 meals per day.
  3. If you work in the office, don't forget to work at home. The snack is an important food for the body. By skipping yoga, you ruin the entire food regime.
  4. Include fast food from your diet. Pizza, burgers, buns, dough and other malts are contraindicated for a sedentary lifestyle. They already have a lot of calories, which you simply cannot spend while working on your keyboard throughout the day.

If it is impossible to give up on a sedentary way of life, talk about those that bring the least harm. Since you spend most of your time sitting at your desk at work, think about how you can maintain your physical activity while at work.

Three things for the sake of clearing up the work place:

  1. Take away any items that may cause you to stretch your legs under the table and lift them throughout the day.
  2. If possible, have a snack, tea or lunch not at your work place, but in a special designated area of ​​the office or kitchen. For this, at a minimum, you will get up from your chair and walk around, plus you can stand outside the window while you drink tea.
  3. Try to get out of your chair more often. Tell me how required documents And you have objects on your outstretched arm, do not walk up to them on the chair and do not ask your colleagues to pass them on, but stand up and pick them up yourself.


A sedentary way of life cannot be taken into account by itself. If you are worried about spending most of your time in the office, this does not at all guarantee that you will have obesity, hemorrhoids or problems with the cardiovascular system. This will not happen to you if you track your physical activity throughout the day and make it a rule to do exercises. Knowing what a sedentary way of life can lead to, you will not allow this to manifest itself everyday life Take care of your health.

In the age of technological progress, when new solutions allow people to simply simplify the lives of people who have developed this type of physical obsession, more and more often people spend their time at the computer or lie down in front of the TV. Nowadays, it is easier for children to see children on the children’s squares that play with the “Robber Cossacks”, and less likely to participate in sports sections, and more and more often as they grow up they forget about the presence of sports squares iv, stadiums and turnstiles. This activity is called a low-impact way of living and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.

Low-impact way of living (hypodynamia)– this is one of the most acute problems in to the current world, which has a negative meaning in the human race, can become the cause of serious illness and death. It’s not enough for you to change your mind, start playing sports, and want to do exercises every day or go to work. As a result, physical activity today is transformed into a real feat, and more and more often on the street there are slouching silhouettes, harsh accusations, routine situations, and the sound of ruins. Among young people with skin disease, their thickness increases chronic illnesses, as previously it was mainly summer people who were ill. All these are the results of a negative influx of sedentary life everyday people. This article will look at how the unsustainable way of living affects people, what is the legacy of such evil spirits and how they arise.

If you often sit in a sitting position or lie on the sofa, this can have a very negative impact on your health, can lead to the emergence of various pathologies and the development of serious illnesses, and the fight against some of them will not bring results.


Being active and playing sports is bad for your figure and provokes an increase in body weight, so when there is a lack of activity, the exchange of speech in the body increases and the size decreases There are calories that are burned, the excess of which is stored in visible fat.

Therefore, the body loses its elasticity, and various illnesses appear:

  • ailments of the heart and judgment;
  • blood diabetes;
  • ailments of the sechostate system;
  • pathologies of cystic tissue;
  • mental disorders through low self-esteem and depression.

Either way, it will help you keep your vagina back to normal, keep your body in good shape, and prevent your depression.


The heart suffers most from a weak way of life, so in people who do not exercise much and do not play sports, there is an increased risk of developing diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system, for example, ischemic disease and hypertension.

Regain respect: The simplest wound exercise eliminates bleeding of the organs and systems of the body.

The result of decreased blood flow is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the salivation of fatty tissue and the accumulation of triglycerides in the bloodstream, which provokes the formation of fluid on the walls of blood vessels. This may cause the development of atherosclerosis and lead to a heart attack. Tilki active occupation Sports will help to improve the work of the heart and circulatory system and ultimately on the human body.

M'yazi and kistki

With insufficient mobility of a person, participation in sports and reduced activity, the body becomes weak, the flesh tissue atrophies, the brushes become weak, so for a person, who sits as a way of living, it becomes more necessary to lose basic procedures Let's make it more difficult.

In addition, a sedentary way of life and a constantly sitting body lead to serious back problems:

  • set up the ruins;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • delicacy of brushes

This is due to changes in meats that support the spine: the smell weakens and loses its elasticity.

Blood diabetes

Regular exercise of basic rights will help control the level of blood sugar.

Regain respect: As a person is not active in life and suffers from physical education and sports, this leads to swelling of the blood in the blood, to increased production of insulin and the development of blood diabetes.

Therefore, an unruly way of living is not safe for living with a zhalom. The high amount of corn also leads to a strong influx on the herbal organs. Therefore, people who spend most of their lives sedentary suffer from cancer of the intestine, colon and rectum.

Acceleration of the old process

At the ends of human chromosomes there are so-called telomeres, which shorten the oldest parts of the body in the world. And with the increasing presence of any kind of frailty, people’s chromosomal segments are becoming shorter at a faster rate than with an active way of life, which results in the appearance of age-old signs and the immediate appearance of old-age symptoms.

Mental disorders

Chantly, the most unacceptable legacy of an unruly way of living for the body is the destruction of the mental state. So, with decreased activity of a person and the absence of physical demands in their life, body weight increases, the elasticity of the muscles is lost, forms spread, people begin to become self-conscious and become unprepared. I whine in myself.

This is the result:

  • depression develops;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • intellectual abilities decrease;
  • Memory gets worse.

And being engaged in sports is more active in refining one’s from the outside looking in will help you improve your self-esteem and believe in your strength.

Disturbance in sleep patterns

This is a low-impact way of living for people, so they can fall asleep and fall asleep. On the right is that the body practically does not perceive the need for relaxation and recovery. Only a low-impact way of living and regular exercise of sports rights will help normalize sleep and insomnia will be eliminated.

Please! Don't do exercises right before you go to bed, because your body will become invigorated and you simply won't be able to sleep.

Increased financial expenses

Number of days of physical activity required great amount pennies for regular check-ups and treatment of illness, for the supply of medications, for rehabilitation and renewal. In this case, illness or obesity, which has developed through an unsustainable way of life, can interfere with work activity, which can lead to unemployment and financial difficulties.

Human pathologies

Lack of activity threatens both girls and representatives of the stronger half of humanity. So, in addition to over-insurance problems, a person’s low-maintenance way of life provokes the development of erectile dysfunction and inflammation of the periphery. What to do before wasting human strength and becoming infertile.

The infusion of a low-impact way of living on a child’s body

For both adults and children, a lack of physical activity and sports is unsafe for health.

You can provoke Vaughn:

  • disruption of the metabolism of speech in the body, which leads to increased pain;
  • enhancing the development of the child’s body;
  • impaired motor skills of the ends and impaired coordination of the arm;
  • ridge curvature;
  • short story meat mass and storage of fats;
  • crispness of brushes;
  • the destruction of the robot’s heart and vessel;
  • pathologies in the central nervous system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with vision.

Therefore, if you notice in your child symptoms of apathy and drowsiness, increased body weight and fatigue, to the point of adopting a low-stress way of living, you may want to change your way of living if you start to get sick often, introduce yoga to sports, show your butt. And then you can save your child from even greater health problems and save her life!

Hypodynamia is one of the main problems of everyday life. The greater number of people gives the advantage to a sedentary job, which means more prestige, special transport, and so on. There is little concern about those that working in an office for 12 years today can be very disposable and unsafe for the job of an employer.

First heritage

During a sedentary job, the entire body suffers. The first signs that a sedentary way of life has begun to take its toll on the body are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic voma;
  • weakness of muscles and brushes;
  • set the pogrіrshenya;
  • the emergence of problems due to etching;
  • pain in the back and in the corners.

About an hour after the treatment is detected, problems with sleep will appear. The truth is that it is due to untreated anxiety, which gradually develops into depression. As a result, the entire body begins to suffer: vision decreases, headaches, memory deteriorates, and the functioning of all internal organs is destroyed.

Pathologies that result from a sedentary lifestyle

Problems with with a wagon
. A person who leads a low-maintenance way of life creates a little bitch, and it can finish early life. The place where fat is deposited is the omentum near the intestines. It’s practically impossible to get excited about something new.

Fat in men has a greater impact on health than in women. Soon your heart will begin to hurt, you will begin to sweat, and you will experience pain in your backside.

Problems with the cardiovascular system. Through lack of rustiness and lack of sourness, the work of the heart and vessel is destroyed over the years:

  • the tone of the heart muscle decreases;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension develop;
  • The activity of enzymes that burn fats decreases, plaque builds up in the blood vessels, which reduces the development of atherosclerosis.

ridge. With physical inactivity, illness of the ridge is inevitable. The transverse part suffers the most, where osteochondrosis gradually develops. The right side of the body suffers most often. If you choose the wrong furniture, scoliosis can develop - a curvature of the ridge. It is difficult to get sick, often impossible, because in the position of sitting, the position on the ridge is 40% higher, lower than standing.

Increased potency. Osteochondrosis is associated with the development of prostatitis and decreased potency, which is due to blood stagnation in the small pelvis. As a result, the person suffers from pain during the hour of the liver in the perineum, the erection becomes weaker, and the erection becomes shorter. As soon as the way of living changes, the end result is impotence.

Destroyed etching. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis ignition process in the frontal area, it causes constipation and the development of hemorrhoids. The most unfavorable variant of this development is colon cancer.

Disruption of the exchange of speeches. Stagnant processes occur in the pelvis, and throughout the entire body. The exchange of speech increases, which causes a decrease in the tone of the muscles and the body. Fewer calories are burned, more fat is stored, and blood sugar increases, which causes diabetes to develop.

How to deal with the problem

The most important task is to compensate the weak robot with physical rights. It’s not difficult to go to a fitness club - often complete morning exercises and evening jogging. Directions for exercise can be the simplest: leaning, squatting, swinging your arms and legs. If the robot is not too far away, it is easier for pawns to move on it, and it is also better to get out of the elevator.

On the robot, it is necessary to interrupt and move to the right. The simplest thing: squat, lean forward and to the side, wrapping your pelvis. If you don’t want to go out, you need to try to raise your arms and legs while sitting to speed up blood flow.

To fight against constipation, you can use foods that are carried away, and to fight prostatitis - by having sex regularly. Pray for your health and enjoy each day!

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