Family prosperity is the guarantee of a healthy child. Family well-being and factor, which is what they mean

It seems that any love union goes through happy periods and stages of crisis. There are no families who have not faced various problems and inconsistencies in specific situations, and this is not a fault of the rules: rather the rule. It’s just important to understand that in order to achieve family well-being, it is necessary to fight such crises as vigorously as there are harmonious forces in a romantic union. In this article, we will look at the main factors that create mutual understanding between friends and lovers.

Officials of family welfare

The first consideration of family well-being, naturally, is the behavior and friendliness of a friend. And the importance of such feelings in one’s diet is unlikely to be felt. At the same time, it should be noted that only people in love cannot get over it for the last three hours. Even though the mutual passion and romantic mood that characterizes the early pregnancy period, it doesn’t happen as much as we would like.

This is explained by the power of the call, since early and late a person calls to his partner and no longer fails to win his love with great force. Please note that at this stage it seems that the chaos is dying out and the chaos begins. Even in order to achieve family well-being, it is necessary to approach such a turn with reasonableness and precision that you will not be in the right place.

As soon as the friend of the rosary, who mutually bury the cob of wine and sew it up for a long, peaceful, happy life, they soon begin to doubt their decisions. And even a loving union means not only romantic walks in the evenings and garish meetings in the kitchen: the family shares the same sleepy life, and also troubles and problems. Those who are not prepared for this kind of testing, often get separated without having lived through a few fates at the same time.

The Fakhivtsi have identified the main factors of family well-being, which should be taken into consideration by everyone who is planning to leave their dorm life with a married person:

  • Straightness of the head;
  • Sympathy and trust;
  • Spilling without conflicts;
  • Porous;
  • sexual satisfaction;
  • Financially prosperous.

Directness to the individual is the most important factor in family well-being, as well as the basis of mutual understanding. Vaughn conveys a respectful attitude towards interests, likeness, the sign of a kokha people. Ideally, a friend can carry out her activities as long as she meets her needs and needs.

Sympathy and trust are also necessary factors for family well-being, and even if you don’t feel sympathy for the person you are going to live with, it is a recipe for failure. And if there is no trust in the waters, the business will gradually go down the drain, leaving its place occupied by eternal suspicion, jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Normal fusion without constant welding and conflicts may occur in every good family. People need to share their emotions, hostilities and experiences with loved ones; they need to create an atmosphere at home that will bring friends together to mutual agreement and trust.

Reasonably speaking, she is one of the most important minds of family well-being. In order to reach him, I need a friend to try him out for a few hours. But the key point here can be called gentleness and tolerance in one to one relationship, which are miraculous benefits for the creation of a social family.

Sexual satisfaction also often comes with the fates of a married life, and some partners are not immediately aware of the advantages of one: it takes time and effort. If people are strongly connected by feelings, almost all problems of a sexual nature appear to be problematic. This is intended by the strong efforts of both to bring satisfaction to their partner.

An important factor in family well-being is the financial security of the family. It’s no secret that financial difficulties, which may be chronic in nature, can quickly spill over into each other’s lives. Everyday problems that cannot be solved, the borgs and nervous stress, Wicklicans to all, we encourage people to satisfy their feelings and live in harmony. Adje left section Family conflicts are related to the topic of pennies.

Symbols of family well-being

In the last hour of widespread expansion, the popularity of Feng Shui has arisen, for the help of which many people call for material security, harmony in the waters and love for their home. For this you just need to know what the main symbols of family well-being are for your loved one:

  • Aquarium;
  • Turtle;
  • The Dragon;
  • Phoenix.

The aquarium is one of the main symbols of family well-being on the material plane. If you are adding pennies to the tank, it is best to place goldfish in it and, of course, do not forget to feed them regularly and clean the aquarium.

The turtle is also a symbol of material wealth and health, so it is a good idea to acquire a live aquatic turtle as if living in an aquarium: this combination can ensure a similar effect.

The dragon is a symbol of family well-being, success in the right and career growth. In addition, fakhivtsi appreciate that he infuses the merchants' everyday life with special energy, which develops such qualities as directness and vivacity.

The Phoenix acts as a counterpart to the dragon, which in Chinese mythology is respected by friends. He will ensure this family's glory, success and hundreds of hundreds of years. In addition, if you place a booth in the daytime part, then such a talisman will be protected by family members. influx of negative call

At the same time, we must remember that the greatest symbols of family well-being in front of us are love and mutual understanding in the love union.

« The family is prosperous » - this service is aimed at mutual understanding among married couples, awareness of mutual relations and the achievement of harmony between partners and close people. Sessions on “Family Well-Being” are conducted by a CCA specialist via Skype. During the session, the partners are at fault for being present.
If your couple has constant tensions and conflicts, daily confusion and you are tired due to stress, then the “Family Prosperity” service is the very thing your couple needs!

Passing sessions of “Family Well-being”, you can:


  • systematically super chicksі conflicts;
  • unreasonableі diversity in pairs;
  • The abundance of joyі satisfied type of centurions;
  • pictureі picture between partners;
  • almost sorryі soromu at the bottoms;
  • and other problems that matter to family well-being.

  • closenessі soulfulness from a partner;
  • zgodaі understanding in the homeland;
  • comfortі nasloda from each other's presence;
  • mutually Unityі zgoda;
  • harmoniousvіdnosini with close people.

You can find out about the sessions on Family Welfare Report by signing up for cost-free consultation(behindSkype, Viberor elseWhatsApp).


Most often, the first results from sessions of the “Family Prosperity” service are visible even after the first session. Next, the pair analyzes the data over a period of time and determines at what frequency the participation of an OS specialist is necessary.
The cost of one full-time session of Family Well-being on average becomes 40 to 90 hours.

If the family is in constant discord, and the partners may need to achieve a high level of awareness, then one session may be sufficient. If the conflicts are deep and troublesome, a number of sessions may be needed, in addition to treatment with the skin (or with one of the partners) to “Calm down from anxiety” and periodically support “Family well-being” why.”

Variety to borrow from “Family Welfare” - $60 per year (activities are carried out in the morning: a specialist with OSV and a family couple).

You can get acquainted with all the benefits of OS clients in the section “

Umovi creation of a new family union

The problem of the well-being of the family occupies a central place in the consideration of love affairs. The brains behind the well-being of Svidomosti's family are: mutual understanding between friends, securing an apartment, financial well-being, children and a husband, a highly paid job as a friend. True, the order of values ​​among men and women is very different. Practical people, first and foremost, want to ensure that their apartment is well-off financially, and then be careful with their friends, children, and work. The women gave first half their minds, their children, and then an apartment, material well-being, and a good job.

V. Matthews and K. Mikhanovich have the result of studying a wide range of realities family life revealed ten most important differences between happy and unhappy families. It turned out that the unfortunate family had friends:

· Do not think too much about the abundance of food and problems.

· It’s bad to think otherwise.

· Speak words that threaten someone else.

· Often feel unloved.

· Do not lose respect for others.

· They sense dissatisfaction with the needs of trust.

· See the need for people you can trust.

· It’s rare to give compliments to one another.

· Victims often give in to the idea of ​​something else.

· There are more kohannya.

There are two reasons behind the dissatisfaction with each other: the myths about the ideal lover and the inconsistency of these myths with the realities of life. Among American friendship couples, the following exchanges are widespread:

· For a happy lover, romantic love is always troubling.

· My partner is responsible for understanding what I want and need without words.

· Good sex can be spontaneous and trigger a storm of emotions.

· If my partner (affiliate) is less suitable to help me get away from my sense of inferiority.

· My partner will always be on my side in any conflict or conflict.

· Since our sexual life does not satisfy us, it must be concluded that there is no strong desire for mutual relations.

· A good lover has friends who never disagree with each other.

· The goal is to significantly brighten my life without spending money, spending money and worrying on my side.

As a result of incorrect thinking based on these myths, one of the friends is categorically disadvantaged before the other. Anxiety stems from such thoughts:

· It is not his fault to do this, and it is greedy, since he continues to act in the same way,

· I can’t stop anyone if the situation doesn’t change

· It’s bad because you’re hoping to change. Zazvichay this mislennya is accepted as a reconciliation for Milk’s sake. Unfortunately, such a mentality deprives one of a partner who, most likely, will be able to fix it on its own.

Rational - mislyacha lyudina recognizes the complexity of her feelings and respects her partner. It’s not advisable to elevate your bullshit to the rank of vimog, but to recreate it on punishment. Having placed undue pressure on a partner, later people tend to become more susceptible to irrational anger. If resentment partners in anger call each other for all sorts of sins, the anxiety will become stronger and will stop completely.

In happy lovers, girlfriends carefully develop such a philosophy of family mutualism, which allows them to calmly communicate with their partner, appreciate him, with whom they determine their power needs in particular. grow.

According to American psychologists, fortunately, it is necessary to interrogate the complex of psychological minds. Tse:

· normally conflict-free sputtering;

· Confidence and empathy (being willing to listen to others);

· Porozminnya one of one;

· Normal intimate life;

· The presence of a day-to-day life (which can be taken into account due to the difficulties of life);

From these observations, songs can be formulated think of family happiness: prevention to the elimination of possible frictions, the ability to marvel at the appearance and situation from the position of another, a high culture of drinking, the steady appearance of the views and thoughts of another, an spontaneous demonstration of love, justice I will trust one to one, high rhubarb Mutual mutual understanding, mutual accumulation and mutual flow.

Next, an important component of the strength of a boat is its durability. Assessing the durability and value of a property is one of the most important parameters of family life. V.A. Sisenko first defines the concept of “stability of the pipeline” and “stability of the pipeline”.

The stability of a relationship is seen as the “resilience of the system of interaction between friends, the efficiency and effectiveness of their joint activities, direct to the achievements of both each other and individuals.” dual goals friend."

A whole series of works are dedicated to the problems of young families. They have seen the factors of instability of a young family: the short duration of a friendly acquaintance with a friend, early (before the 21st century) friendship, a negative attitude towards a friend, the failure of the father’s love of one or both friends, up to loving vaginess, different thoughts, friends for food, but and permission in.

Officials of family welfare

Officials of the well-being of this family are divided into two poles: external-internal, objective-subjective.

Stability is brought to external objective standards social system, To what extent is included the family (the prerogative of the state), and the material minds and life.

Subjective external factors include factors social control: legal and cultural norms, national and cultural traditions, understanding and the possibility of meaningful differentiation.

For a daily family, subjective values ​​are more important internal parts stability: mutual feelings of family members (love, companionship, obligations and respect).

Let's look at khannya as a factor of family well-being.

Kohannya and family well-being

The theme of love has haunted humanity throughout history. Love was both evil and good; and happiness and suffering; I am both confused and happy. Never before has it been worthless and unneeded to people.

Their investigations showed the difference between the love power and love orientation of young people. So, for the data of V.T. Lisovsky, up to 72.9 percent of young people’s life plans have increased in the “sharpness of the farmer” and only 38.9 have “create a family”, young men and girls are far from being in the skin partner for their future companion in life, bulo confirmed by S.I. Hunger. We discovered that among the possible motives of intimate love affairs, the “love” motivation clearly takes precedence over the “love” one: both men and women at one point were mutually engaged in love, and at the other time they were spending time together. On the third, wives have an orientation towards whores, men have an intense desire for satisfaction, and then an orientation towards whores.

As you can see, there can be a love without a love, and a love without a love. Between love and love there is no new escape, no new dignity, and throughout the troubling historical period the stench has been persistent. IN great number The fallout of marriage is a factor that overshadows the savings of the family union. There are a bunch of reasons here:

· In impatient love, we look not for the man, but for the dog.

· Under the romantic cover of love, we often forget about family everyday life and everyday family affairs.

· Fetishization of kohannya: in the minds of those who are passionate about kohannya, we take it for kohannya, which is not at all similar to it.

Laws of madness

Madness is one of the most complex phenomena of social-psychological science and family psychology. Insanity creates a hierarchy of peers, the bottom of which also experiences a psychophysiological insanity of temperaments, favoring sensorimotor acts. Advent rhubarb creates the convenience of functional-role orientations. Great rhubarb group value includes value-oriented unity. It is an indicator of group cohesion, which reflects the level or stage of development of thoughts, assessments, attitudes and positions of group members in relation to any objects. The family is a small group, and the laws of madness extend to it.

A person and a team can experience different things and express their family life in different ways. When these manifestations are no longer avoided, the family is less concerned, the more it is blamed for the most unsafe situation for itself. The system of our love-family relationships is even more complex and the reasons for separation arise even more often. Two main reasons can be seen:

1. Our statements about sex and family become more and more nuanced, filled with details, while this family is less and less consistent with the patterns of role functioning that have developed over centuries. The growth of material wealth allows us to explore more diverse models. family wear.

2. The conflict between a young friend can become complicated and aggravate through even weak knowledge of one another. First of all, the fact that during the period of pre-love stagnation, the stink of enviable persistence is respected to discuss as quickly as possible with those other than the family hundred-year-olds. In other words, with even a short personal acquaintance, it is even more problematic to understand the manifestations of one.

Functional-role conflicts in family life can appear in three areas of family life.

Persha sphere - dozvillya, good hour making friends. The reason for the bitterness in this area of ​​family life is still clear: the more we check our time, the less we avoid our statements about those who are following us.

Another sphere – government-economic issues in the homeland. Vigil stereotypes of family affairs are gradually becoming an “apple for brotherhood” between friends.

Third sphere- intimate moments. The same sex that gave birth to the myth about sexual harmony as the most important mind of a happy whore.

Psychologists who study the laws of madness have come to the conclusion that individual psychological and special characteristics of a friend do not mean the stability and madness of a friend. There is still a statement here about the goals of the love union. As for the psychological characteristics of romantic partners, the most important are those that signify the partners’ ability to understand and understand other people, convey their behavior, and treat them with respect and kindness. Varto means that the friend in the future has a real opportunity to increase the level of mutual value for the spirit of self-esteem, the closeness of love-family relationships, and high culture in return.

“Good day! I would like to thank Anatoly Oleksandrovich, Sergius, Natalia for a weekly consultation. I was surprised by everything, because through the letter in another place, but after marveling at the repetition and confirmation of my request, I noticed a bunch of emotions, tears, lived it all again food tasks The participant brought a lot of goodies and necessities for herself. With a big heart to Dyakuyu Anatoly Oleksandrovich, for the words, the evidence that penetrated to the depths of the Soul and somehow lost their charm, so that I responded to the situations that took place in my life before , revealed emotions that were not entirely good, then after the video, after the words, phrases of Anatoly Oleksandrovich, you marvel at everything, you react with awareness, Wisely, calmly, with Love! You are beginning to understand even more and let us know! And here’s the beginning and the first consultation! !🙏🙏🏻🙏🏻🌈💞🤗"

Yulia K.,

“In the process of beginning, my life is actively changing: awareness, honesty, depth, joy, Love in all manifestations and such changes in life that I don’t know how tomorrow will look ❤. Let me inform you that tomorrow my life will be more beautiful and happier than today’s 😃, only in happiness will other facets appear 😲 and a different life... A new stage has sprung from the beginning of this fate at... Consultation with Anatoly Oleksandrovich and training on the course "It's HAPPY to change my life to happiness and, at the same time, Love ❤🙏...
...My mother called me dearly and said Happy Daughter’s Day😃😊!!! I didn’t know what was so sacred 🤔, but I smelled it on the radio. And the most important and discouraging words for me were: “You love us so much! We are happy that we have you! You are the most beautiful daughter of the World!” My mother suddenly began to miss the words of love addressed to me, except those that she regards me as a miracle daughter... she never said that to me...❤ I often heard words... of a different character...
...Dyakuyu 🙏❤! After a consultation with Anatoly Oleksandrovich, and then after starting the “SB” course, everything began to improve dramatically! I'm so Happy!

Yulia D.,
student of the course “Family Prosperity” 1-2018

The real value of life is the people around you. I am flying this day and praying wisely, happily, to occupy my future plans and idleness. May this family forever be a precious skeleton, a refuge from troubles and a joy from troubles. Kohannya, beauty, good future, prosperity and healthy development!

Today, International Family Day, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let your family fire never burn and give you warmth. With understanding and encouragement, patience, strength, love and prosperous days.

There is no more value in the land of the union, but a happy and friendly family. This is the beginning of a new life, and the continuation of a beautiful family, and the veneration of the holiness of tradition. Family is the greatest happiness that people can create themselves. Today, on International Family Day, I would like to say: let children’s laughter roam everywhere, and your family will be a faithful support. May you never again be warmed by the warmth of the khanna. I hope your homeland will be knit, friendly and gurtated. Good luck to everyone in the family!

Happy International Day this year! I wish for great family happiness, sincerity, love, tenderness, passion and respect. Let the feeling of happiness and greetings always warm you up, whatever the weather, whatever the fate. Take care of each other and be happy!

Without exaggeration we can say: family is the most important thing in which a person is rich. Support, support, encouragement, understanding. Today, let everyone know about your family and friends, call, write, say hello, and be happy for what treasures he has. Happy International Family Day, dears!

Happy International Family Day to everyone! My family may greater significance for skin people. I wish for the skin family a lot of “burning”, the most important thing - love, warmth, trust, faith, patience, wisdom, forgiveness, love, encouragement. Take care of one, live in harmony!

Our family is our pride, our greatest value in life! Let go from today and beyond, your family will be happy, happy, no matter what the troubles! This is a special day, I hope everyone has a quiet family day and a lot of goodness!

It is sacred, on which day it is customary to glorify family and family values. We hope that your home becomes a place of warmth, prosperity and peace, that your homeland is peaceful and happy, may the bonds between generations be unbreakable, may joy not deprive you.

In whose world there is nothing important for the unity of souls. Let this sacredly remind you of the importance of family ties. May your skin receive endless happiness from love, devotion, adventure and wisdom. Please don’t be distracted by anxiety, frustration and self-esteem. From now on, be a part of the sleepy, indescribably bright and warm word “homeland.” Take care of one another, every day and value your loved ones and lovers. For the saint!

It’s no secret that this family is the most important thing in the world. It is necessary to respect your family and loved ones carefully and give them your love and respect. I wish you many faithful hundreds, so that you feel like in a movie: “One for all, and all for one!” Let's take you away from this International Day!

Dear guys, dads, readers! It flows with the beginning of a new beginning and reveals the side of the family, family values ​​and tradition. Here you can post materials about your family, traditions, holy burials and fathers! Please ask before the birth.

Some notes on the topic of the family will be marveled at by the social network of the population.

For an angel... named MOM!

Mom is the child’s first teacher and closest friend. Once again, you will understand, simmer, help with twisted meat, protect, protect from harm. There is nothing in the world that is worthless for her business. There are no people in the world like those close to your mother. Children are dearest to her. The happiness of the mother is the happiness of the children.

It’s important to greet your mothers, not everyone knows how to greet them. To learn how to speak gentle and kind words, you need to learn from your childhood. Especially nowadays, in connection with the employment of fathers and children, if you recognize your own tenderness, try to take pride in “your own”.

Uchni 4 A class " Secondary school number 33 of Volodymyr’s place” together with the best pottery maker Chermenskaya Nataliya Volodymyrivna prepared the dish sacredly for their mothers. Everything that only a child is given to love, checks for them in the remaining week of leaf fall. The five-year-olds have the same diligent behavior. and gifts, made with one’s own hands, syncwines and verses of the Lord’s creation. Musical and dance numbers for those who are the most expensive in the world. Guys classy kerivnik We have been preparing for this holy day for a long time, and the result of this great project is the gift of the name “Angel in the Name of Mother,” to which all the creative works of fourth-graders will go.

Our dear mothers, accept this life as sacred, be loved and healthy again, remember that there is nothing better for your call. Know that your children are for you for everything!

Vitannya with New Rock 2013 Rock!

Cheerful sound like ice.

The smile of the bright ones is like Burshtin,

I'm as healthy as it's cold today.

Let this river shine with a happy sparkle

Go into family peace,

With old rock the querulous

Let the bastards all go away!

Photos about the event can be seen here.

Family well-being / congratulations no matter what happens

I would like to wish you family well-being. May each of you have a powerful home be a fort, may each of you be the only support and encouragement for everyone, may your children please you, and may they not!

I love to be in this little booth for the one who, as soon as the sun begins to shine, enters this little booth happily, for the one in whose little booth you live in peace, for the one who has a slightly joyful laughter in the evenings, for the one in whose little booth you live, my love. friends! And I would like to wish you family well-being. And let happiness never come to your home, and let love take care of you in the face of troubles and misfortunes, and let all your dreams, born under the blessing of this little house, come true again!

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Hello ALSO Games for adults Games for children Pranks Funny SMS Riddles Scenarios Toasts Tricks Saints Lyrics songs


Let's set it on fire! family is holy.


Jubilees Parties Gifts Vitanna

We love everything holy. No one would be tempted to add a few bright farbs to everyday life. Life without saints and cheerful evenings would be unbearably boring, gray and frowning. And as the children grow up, they wait impatiently for their families family is holy.

Do not wait until you want to ask you to sacredly, the requirement to take and organize your own power, the most important and most sacred. Let your sacred family be the most cheerful, fiery, and fulfill the need to know awkward rules about those how to still inspire guests on the holy day.

There are plenty of reasons for Christmas Eve – your father’s day, Mother’s Day, New River, 8 Pregnancy and, of course, the Day of the skin member of your family. And you can also enjoy the Holy surprises and garish mood, Grandmother's and Grandfather's Day, the Day of the Oustr with a favorite clearing or tree, the Holy of spring and the first flower, the Day of the Snowman. And I really want to hire the youngest home family sacred I'll remember it forever!

And we’ve already had boring get-togethers, when in the future you already know who and what to say and get done. I just desperately want something new, cool, so that I can organize a caroling party. Why, darling, why not try it yourself?

Well, why not hold a fiery party for the cob on your National Day or hold a surprise for some of your loved ones or friends on their Birthday or National Day, holding a holy surprise for them? Just need to remember about the firebrand, so homely sacred To be fun and memorable, it needs to be properly organized, as there will be very few guests.

This, of course, is an important task: to think about how to convey excitement to guests, to prepare necessary items for competitions, to choose a song, to prepare requests, to cry again, again, again. Alas, all this effort will pay off with the good mood of all those present at the holy day and warm wishes not only for you, but also for all the guests.

You will find all the ways to work sacredly unforgettable and unique on the other side of this site.

You can pay for your food even on a family evening, whatever the occasion,

who will become a miraculous substitute for friends and acquaintances who have asked for him.

And when we are happy,

then why not create such a sacred family tradition? It has already been verified by more than one generation that the traditions of family saints feed all members of the family from young to old, which is very beneficial in the weather at home.

If you've had some banal get-togethers and want something

new, original - this site is for you.


Family toasts - toasts - greetings with people, merry people, saints

One ruler was asked:

How do you preserve peace and tranquility in your country?

I in vidpov:

If I am angry, then my people are calm. When the stench rots, I am calm. In other words, if I

I’m angry, the stench will calm me down, and if the stench is angry, I’ll calm them down.

The family is a miniature power.

My toast to those who may thus preserve peace and tranquility in our families!

Family greetings - the best kindness and greetings :)

In one old house there were two brothers and two daughters-in-law. The daughters-in-law were treated poorly by their mothers-in-law and they moved them to the basement. One day the old woman called her young daughter-in-law and said: “I have one secret place. And take care of it, don’t tell anyone. If I die and you notice forty days, then you can hear about these people. I buried belongings under our cherry tree. After my death, dig it up and take it with you.” After a few days, the old woman called her eldest daughter-in-law and told her the same.

The daughters-in-law began to look at their mother-in-law, grab her, and dress her. The two sides were welded together: the skin kept insisting that it was all about the mother-in-law.

After a few fates, the mother-in-law died. When forty days were marked, the offended couples met at night under the cherry trees. they started digging under the tree. They said: what you find - divide equally. They started digging and found the rig of a buffalo, the inner empty space of which was carefully walled up. When the rig was opened, a small vulture got drunk in a new one, a different vulk in a new one, and another one in the next one... And in the tenth vulk they found a note: “Don’t let this rig get stuck in the eye of someone who speaks badly about his mother-in-law.”

We thank you for those who, in our happiness, do not forget those to whom we always live!

Family history - youtube

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I would like to thank you that your health will remain as precious as a rock, forever, like human faith, and become immutable, like the sun over your head!

* * *

On this day and on this day, I would like to bless you, my dears, with good health. And although human beings are weak by nature, they are healthy and can be deprived of their health, so that it would be easier for them to withstand the difficulties that confront them on their life’s path, so that it would not be so important for them to experience their life’s troubles!


Decorating placements in connection with these and other professional saints, the main emphasis in the natural decor is on the symbol of the profession. For example, a model of a car on a motorist’s day, a pen and a paper cover on a journalist’s day, etc. This item should be placed in a separate place and decorated with quotations.

In one village in Girsk there are countless, but rich, people alive. Many people in the area have kept the residents of that village safe. The activists, having succumbed to their fears, began raiding the new one. However, unimportant in the ruined raids, the meshkans quickly renewed their life, established the rule and again began to live in abundance.

Since that time, many fates have passed, a lot has been lost in the history of the life of that people. Let’s not forget the secret of their well-being and prosperity. And the secret is simple: all the village residents care about their health. They even knew that only a healthy and strong-willed person could overcome all the troubles that plague every person’s life.

So, I would like to thank you so that you never forget about the secret of well-being and prosperity, so that your health is important!

I would like to wish you good health. Because health is the guarantee of your success in life, because success is the source of your joy, because without joy human life would not have any value.

I wish you good health! If you don’t have health, you won’t have any work, if you don’t have work, you won’t have money, you won’t have money, you won’t even have anything. Oh dear, I wish you good health because you want to eat again!


Before tea, at any professional occasion, you can serve apple pie. If you add a dash of apple juice to the dough, your pie will taste extra special.

What can we give to people who dream about happiness, love and prosperity? Well, I'm healthy. Because only a healthy person can be strong enough to rejoice in the happiness that is on his mind, only those who healthy people While they may have the strength to survive the end of one business and the beginning of another, only healthy people can have the strength to earn all the pennies in the world.

* * *

If, my friend, you cook the shortbread with your soup, if you don’t take out your spoons until lunch, and your neighbor’s cat comes in to buy a sandwich, then my preference will be literal. So I wish you good luck!

* * *
If the grass doesn't grow on the lawn,
If you can’t go on a robot,
When the Gamanets pulled on the tram,
And the squad went to see their mother,
Your friends won't help you,
Only VON can help you!
I want her to come to you in a heartbeat.
Who's there? Luck is yours!
* * *

So that the money doesn’t run out, so that the plans are successfully implemented, so that the sandwich doesn’t fall into butter on the base, I wish you good luck!

* * *

I want, my dear friend, for you to be passionate about her alone, your lady. So that she doesn’t leave you, so she doesn’t bring trouble on you. Who is that lady? Your savior and guardian is lady luck!

* * *

Dear friend! So that your nails don’t break, so that your picks don’t fall off at the end of the day, so that arrows don’t appear on your tights when you hurry to the bottom, so that your life doesn’t end up with misfortunes and misfortunes, I wish you success!


If a gift can be given when everyone is seated at the table or at the hour of rinsing the vital liquids, then the cards are usually given to those who have opened the door for you.

Dear friend! So that your cool car doesn’t get hit with a car, so that your rights don’t lie in DAI, so that your car is not turned off, so that you don’t get a call from your work, I wish you good luck!

I would like to wish you good luck. What's the matter? So that you don’t have to worry about holding out unpaid documents, so that your life is richer, so that the joy in your life becomes more frequent. Once again I wish you good luck!

I want to wish you good luck! Because there is no happiness in life, there is no love and joy in life, because there is no luck in it. Pass promotions in the service of the poz, because on the day of distribution of plantings you did not spend on work through those who were your mother-in-law at the time of death. The beautiful woman married not you, but your friend, just like for the evening, you could have gotten together, but you didn’t come to the one who started burning in your bed. You will not laugh heartily at the heroes of a cheerful comedy, as if you accidentally wasted your ticket at the cinema. So, let me tell you the truth and there will be good luck in the future!

Are you looking forward to winning the jackpot? Please don’t let me come to you. Let him bestow your respect, let him not deprive you of your doubts, let him show you the right decision. Don't let the evil go through you and there will be good luck in the future!

Oskolki, my dear friend, I can’t be with you for twenty four years, because I can’t put a guard on you, because I can’t give evidence on all your food, because I can’t spare you all the misfortunes and have mercy in life I want to tell you good luck. Let me be with you forever and ever. And then, as the day goes on, nothing will happen to you, or at night you won’t have a nightmare, then at a difficult moment the correct conclusion will come to you on its own, then you may have no mercy. Then, singly, you will become the happiest person in the world!

How I would like this day to bring you in the valleys the weight of the world, the memories of joy and love! Alas, I am neither a charmer nor a magician. And I wish you good luck with a big heart, so that one beautiful wound over there will make you laugh. And then, perhaps, both happiness and unearthly love will come to your life for powerful pleasures, your fate will end, and your days will be filled with happiness again!

Family well-being

* * *

I would like to promote family well-being. May each of you have a powerful home be a fort, may each of you be the only support and encouragement for everyone, may your children please you, and may they not!


On National Day, you can decorate the area, where it is sacred, with portraits in different formats. These can be both artistic photographs and funny moments of life, recorded on camera. Most importantly, there will be pictures of different fates - from the childhood of the birthday boy to the present day.

I love to be in this little booth for the one who, as soon as the sun begins to shine, enters this little booth happily, for the one in whose little booth you live in peace, for the one who has a slightly joyful laughter in the evenings, for the one in whose little booth you live, my love. friends! And I would like to wish you family well-being. And let happiness never come to your home, and let love take care of you in the face of troubles and misfortunes, and let all your dreams, born under the blessing of this little house, come true again!

I would like to wish you family well-being. May you help the love that is alive in your heart to find family happiness, may you help your cheerful character transform everyday life into a kaleidoscope of joy and cheerfulness!

I would like for your home to always be filled with joy. Because without joy there will be no happiness, I would like for there to be a farmer living in your home forever, because without a farmer you cannot live in this world. I would like for everything to be safe in your homeland. Because people cannot perceive joy when there is grief in this world, because love has left a home in which there is an unhappy family.

So that the sun shines brighter, so that joy comes to you all, so that luck does not pass you by, so that the wheel of luck does not crush you, so that Cupid does not fly by, I wish you all family well-being! Just the happiness and joy of knowing who is alive in this happy family!

I want to bless you, my dear friend, with family well-being, for happy are those whose home is a fort, whose squad is support, whose children are hope!


While you are preparing for something holy, try to do something new, savory and original. And remember that the simplest herbs can be made especially tasty and beautiful.

I wish you what family prosperity means: joy and happiness, intelligence and love!

May joy never leave you, may love never be with you, may your children be happy, may everything be with you, and may your family’s happiness not come and stay in your home!

I would like, my friends, to give you family well-being, because I want to continue to make you as happy, because I want to know that you are one and the same, because I still want to see your joyful laughter!

I want to bless you with family well-being, because there is nothing on earth as important for a person as your family, because there is nothing on earth that would be at once as precious and as loud as this one. I, because there is nothing in the world that could make a person the happiest in the world, except for her family, in which she loves and appreciates!


* * *

I want to celebrate this day of great wealth. Don’t let the money in the store run out, don’t let the shells grow in the banks, don’t let the gold embellish you, don’t let people increase their wealth!

* * *

I want to thank you so that you get money for banquets and accommodation for friends, for everyday life for friends and children, for Hawaiian resorts, for Swiss anniversary, For Japanese cars, for wicked diamonds, in a word, for everything. I wish you wealth and prosperity!

* * *

Dear friend, I am not at all opposed to one fine day becoming a new Russian or English lord, or a Swiss banker, or an American naphtha tycoon. In a word, becoming rich. Live to your satisfaction, work, be rich and don’t forget your friends!

* * *

How I will marvel at your squad - beauty, how I will marvel at your children - wise women, and what is already in you at work - knowledge and shana. This means that you are a loving friend, a loved one, and a happy one, with whom one can be happy. So now become a great rich man!


Do not forget that gentlemen can bestow a living room on a man, and gentlemen can bestow a wife. Blame, of course, it’s a coincidence that you’ll come to your own devices.

I want, my friends, to bless you with all the wealth. So that you have plenty of food on the table, so that you don’t get stuck in traffic jams, you rush along the streets in expensive cars, so that, without straining yourself at work, you earn a decent salary, so that you are not afraid to go out to dinner in a cafe or restaurant. , let's have your booth words of beautiful speeches. I want, my friends, to give you riches!

So that your mother-in-law doesn’t call you a scoundrel, so that your squad doesn’t call you a fool, so that your children respect you, so that your colleagues don’t mess with you in public, so that all the joys of this world are available to you, and start getting rich right away! I want you to achieve success and a lot of wealth!

Dear friend, may you have as many friends as you amuse, may all the stinks praise your generosity, may all the stinks squeal with the joy of owning your expensive car, may they not be annoying in front of your majestic apartment. Dear friend, don’t let everything be the same if you are rich, otherwise you won’t get pennies for an apartment or a car, gifts for the road, luxury treats. Be rich and happy!

Dear friend, because you wanted to get involved in feminism, because you wanted to show off your position in marriage and your independence, you can’t do without ANYTHING. And I want to thank you so that it comes to you and falls on your head! VONO is your wealth.

I would like to hope that on this day all problems would be eliminated: so that it would be possible to get the car repaired, so that the squad could find a fur coat, so that a baby could be put into the spruce nursery, so that it would be possible to buy from the mother-in-law, so that And any guests could come to your booth. I would like to increase your wealth to relieve you from any troubles in life!

Because you, my dear friend, are allergic to the cheap and sweet, because you can only sleep on seam stretchers, because the old cars make you sick, because the sun of our day can’t be quieted by you, but to be quieted by the only Mallorca, which means you need you will inevitably burn your wealth. So that you may be content and happy, so that you may be healthy in body and spirit, I wish you riches!

* * *
Love first, love everywhere,
Love in thick and thin!


Confetti, boards, and garlands can be used to decorate the place until New Year's Eve. The stench looks miraculous both on National Day and on Holy Day 8 Birth or professional day.

What should I give you today: wealth, happiness, beauty?
Better yet, you will love each other in life!
Take everything you can from life,
What is miraculous and bright about it,
We cannot multiply life by life,
But the two were not destined to live!

I crave joy and laughter
Plus I have health and success,
Don’t face grief and don’t be frowning,
Smile more often, and always be a good girl!

Each person has distinct life goals: for some, health plays a major role, for some, wealth, for others, power. I want to encourage you to put Lyubov at the forefront of your life!

Kohannya is even more magnificent. Love lives in us, lives in us. I hope that your hearts never fade away!

Our dear mother! We love you so much! You little sunshine is in the house. Be young at heart, healthy and happy in life! We wish you good health, great happiness and family well-being!

Dear sister! I wish that you will always be granted happiness, happiness and laughter!

I hope you watch out for your great bastard!

To live means to get stuck. I bless you, pure, yak sloza!


When handing over the cards, you should say a few vital, if not broken, words, say that after whom you will once again say that the saint is guilty and give him the main gift.

There is a variety of loves: love for mom or dad, love for sister or brother, love for friends or people, love for grandma or grandfather, love for aunt or uncle, love for creatures, for nature, for mysticism. I hope that your heart has a place for everyone!

I want to please you, kohannya,
May the sun shine joyfully and brightly upon us,
So that it seems to have softened and grown,
And you saved this from your soul!

May your life have a smooth road,
Don’t let worries pass you by,
Do not bury any sorrows or misfortunes,
I don’t want you to quit your business
If they could divide into parts,
I want the Trojans to bloom in your heart
How about happiness?

I want your life not to have three speeches: food, because no one knows anything, health, because you need to improve, and finances, because you need to earn money!


* * *

Live in this world for a hundred years! What's the matter? To add all the beauty to the world, to change more than one apartment, to raise a dozen children, to drink the cup of love to the end. I wish you, my dear friend, to live long enough!

* * *

Dear friend, you are already rich and happy, and under the command of a human being, then why should you care? And I encourage you to live long enough. May you still be alive in the world and enjoy the successes you have achieved!

* * *

I wish you the same longevity that happy people hope to live on this earth with plenty of happiness and joy and make their presence felt by people who are far away!


The placements can be created in a variety of ways, for the purpose of creating new toys. They are detailed, then on the selected sheet of whatman paper for decoration, apply a ball of “Moment” glue and apply tricks to the animal. After the glue has dried, you can decorate the walls of the area with such sheets.

What a joyful and wonderful day I want to wish you a long life. Because it is good for people to walk this earth for a long time, because good person I have to pay attention to everything that belongs to this light, and looking at the light reminders will require a lot of hours!

I want to bless you, my dear friend, for a long time. What's the matter? Therefore, so that every day in your long life there is little opportunity to marvel in the mirror and enjoy your beauty, so that you are little able to indulge in love and give love, so that every day you find a reason for joy, then, May you be happy!

I want to wish my friend a long life. And let us not pass the days of our long life without hanging out with good people, without joy and love!

You are greedy for life, my friend! You want to get the hang of everything in life, but you are afraid that the days allotted to you for such an incredible robbery are too few. So that you are not tormented by nightmares at night, so that you are not afraid to leave life, so that you are not immersed in all the riches of the world, I hope you live long enough!

Why are you not having fun on such a beautiful day, my friend? You were already encouraged to be healthy, you didn’t forget to tell fortunes about those who, having become happy, prophesied riches, you foretold great wealth... Why your doubtful look, my friend? Maybe you don’t know where to take the time to get rid of everything that has been given to you? So rejoice, dear friend, I wish you long life, I wish you long and joyful days!

It seems that a person can learn and go through everything in his life. So oh, I wish you a long life. I hope you live long enough. And may not your eyes become a part of this world, and may your soul be open to the joys of this world, and may your heart not know the love of this world!

I hope you live long enough. May your days be happy, may your fates be happy, may you be in love and rich, may your life have no troubles!


Before presenting a gift, it is obligatory to remove the price tag. And there is no need to remove company labels. It would be better if I could tell you about the price and value of the speech given.

I want you to understand everything in your life, and I hope you live long enough!

Dear friend, you are so beloved by me, I value you so much, that I would like for an indelible number of fatalities to live in this world!


* * *

Well, what should I say to you, my dear friend? Having thought up: so that you are never deprived of the same kindness, so that you are not nervous and twitchy, so that your friend does not turn out on you, so that the stomach in you is never empty, I wish you success in your work!

* * *

Dear friend, today I would like to wish you success in your work. So that you could become independent, so that you could earn enough pennies so that you could force the ruin of your friend, so that you could earn great capital investments from cosmetic companies that buy their products!

* * *

I wish you, dear friend, success in your work so that you can stop restless sleep, so that you can repair your car, so that you move to a spacious apartment, so that your photo is placed on the covers of the most popular magazines!


To decorate the room and create a warm atmosphere, you can use photo wallpapers, and make them with your own hands. For this purpose, glue together a number of sheets of whatman paper and depict the idea on them. Then attach the leaves to the trellis.

I want to wish you success in your work. May your bosses be kind, may your employees be good-natured, may your work be done at 100%, may your bankroll grow!

After everything that was given to you, you lost one thing: success at work. Let the working day be short, let there be an endless daily break, let the boss never show up at his work place, let him be the chief assistant, let him be a great secretary and let him wear out your bones in order to about achieving success in your difficult field!

If there are no pennies in the cascade, if there is no meat for lunch, if the squad marvels at Baba Yaga, the time has come to fight for the right. And so that the right comes out smoothly, so that the gold rings in the cauldron, I wish you success in your work!

It seems that God invented something right for people, and from that moment all people work in this white world. And I wish you success in your work!

If you want to be rich and happy, go for it. If you want to be famous, then do your best. If you want it to work well, accept my compliments. And I wish you success in your work!

I wish you success in your work! Don’t let brilliant ideas pop up in your head more often than your colleagues, don’t let your bosses be amazed at your creativity, don’t let the financial department waste pennies on the implementation of your projects, don’t let you have troubles with Here you go with joy!

I wish you success in your work!
Let the easy way appear to the top of success,
Please don’t get caught up in any bad people,
Let it be given to you for your merits,
Let your squad write about you!


When presenting a gift, do not try to quietly snatch it into the hands of the person to whom it belongs.

So that your mother-in-law doesn’t scream, so that your squad respects you, so that the children are happy with the gifts, I wish you success in your work. Be easy and patient, catch your luck and bring a bonus to the house more often.

I wish you success with your work. Let your colleagues respect you, let your bosses respect you, let accountants see bonuses more often. Live richly for the joy of yourself and your army!

* * *

Today is such a wonderful day! On a day like this, you want everything to be good, for the sun to shine brightly above your head, for the grass under your feet to be like emerald, for the birds to chirp merrily. On days like these, you want happiness! So today I wish you happiness!

* * *

Why don't people fly like birds? Really, why? Even then it would be possible to fly in the same sky with the bird, happiness and catch it! I hope that the birds of happiness will fly into your everyday life, and you will try to kill him!

* * *

Well, what can we say to people, since everything is possible? Golovne - no one is healthy, but you can easily buy everything else. Why should you please? Let's give you happiness. And don’t let me, happily, like in the song, go into the shroanka before the next day!

* * *

Men was hot, they didn’t get in your house with your home, Men was hot, I didn’t take a shirt of the head of the TV profession, Men would have been hot, Shchob Kohannya did not leave for you. I would like to...

I would like to thank you a lot, or even like you required words? Yes, I know! I wish you happiness! If a person is happy, that means she has everything she dreamed about.

* * *

Dear friend! I want to give you happiness. What does happiness mean for a woman? The wife's happiness is a lovely order. So, I would like to encourage you not to be separated from your loved ones!


In an embellished manner, please ensure that these masterpieces of design mystique do not interfere with the conduct of the saint. Therefore, do not place tendentious or cumbersome speeches in the middle of the room. It’s not good to put such speeches on the path of guests’ passing.

Dear friend! Today I would like to bring you happiness. May your farm not lose money, may there be no problems in your service, may your friend not go to your friend’s side. Be happy, love!

“If you don’t know what to eat, do it happily,” said one wise man. So, today I decided to listen to your words. I encourage you to be happy, and you, my dear friend, encourage yourself to give you happiness!

Happiness - if you can understand. That’s why I would like to thank you, so that your words reach the very hearts of people, so that people who are stupid or weak-sounding don’t get in your way!

I want to give you happiness. Become happy, and then you will find the strength to laugh at your image in the mirror with a frown, and then you will find warm words in your heart for a loved one, and then you will solve the problem There is a way to make people happy. Become happy!

Ladies and gentlemen! Being in such a blissful marriage, it would be a shameful mercy not to honor the guilt of the purity of something supernatural. And I want to honor the one who would darken this day, and the one who could illuminate the paths of the dark night, I want to honor the one who is so barviso and wonderful, like the joy that appears after a terrible thunderstorm, I want I want to thank you for the death of both adults and children. I want to give you happiness!

Be happy and in love!
Be sure to share your savings in the future!
May you never have important days!
May you have no sleepless nights!
May you be happy and in love!
Share with friends or save for yourself:
