Sanitary burial ground near Yaroslavl. Mongol-Tatari Batiya or guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible? What about the Mongol-Tatar yoke? Results of Vivcheniya Strilka Yaroslavl

Where is the burial place of the Mongols, Zin?

I didn’t want to be brutalized by all those, otherwise our alternatives are constantly trying to demonstrate to them the worship of the Mongols and Russia. I think that this material will help to understand one of the sides of the life of the Mongolians in the Mongol Empire.

Start from Wikipedia (translation of texts from today's area with Google and without combing

Heavenly burial (Tibetan: བྱ་ གཏོར་, Wylie: bya gtor, lit. “scattered by a bird”) is a funeral practice in which a human corpse is placed on the top of the mountain, so that it can be laid out when the creatures flow in. This is a special type of zagal practice of living. It is practiced in the Chinese provinces and autonomous regions of Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and Inner Mongolia, as well as in Mongolia, Bhutan and other parts of India, such as Sikkim and Zanskar. The place of preparation and worship of the sky is understood in the Buddhist traditions of the Vajrayana as a vulgar place. Ancient practices, partly of Zoroastrian worship, involve the infusion of elements and flying birds onto stone structures called Dahma. Such places continue to function today through religious marginalization, urbanization, and the decline of vulture populations.

I think that everyone knows a lot about the old war.

The Abkhazians and Adigs also practiced this method of worship:

The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most beautiful rites of the Abkhaz-Adiz paganism, the cult of the “spiritual” worship. historical achievements right up to the middle of the 19th century. The culturological approach, adopted by the investigator, allowed us to identify a typology of the ritual of “revelation”, meaning its stable and mobile, underground and local elements.” Zvidsi

Well, how did the Mongols eat their dead:

The underground burial place of the Mongols is simply heaven

view Heike Michel

After the revolution of 1921, the Mongols began to change their funeral rites.

Atheists such as Suksbaatar and other representatives of the Communist Party, and even the “heroes” of the new generation were worshiped in his name altan olgiï(golden wheel) near the downhill part of Ulaanbaatar.

After the revolution, especially in the 1930s, a strong campaign against traditional beliefs and zaboboniv. I couldn’t find out the decree, the law or anything else that protected the traditional so-called “under the open sky” worship, but it was not allowed. Only very old people, important in rural locality, were secretly worshiped in the traditional way remains of the 60s.

Piece by piece, the European practice of burial, the process, was accelerated by the Radian influx. One of the legacies of the change to socialism was the serious intrusion of nomadic life. The form of sleep became more and more important, and in the step it was established great places. This is one of the main reasons, through the richness of nomadic traditions, which was spent, including the sacrifice of the sky, as I will immediately discuss in the report.

The funeral of simply the sky, or the funeral of “raiding” - even ancient among the nomads of Asia; He had already become a victor only a century before our era. These are what we know from Cicero and other old writers. This is a quote from Henning Haslund's book "The Mongolian Road".

Other funerals, such as cremation, embalming, and “water worship,” are another form of simply sky worship.

The choice of one of these funeral procedures is based on social status, cause of death and geographic location.

Mostly people who were embalmed were known as the “Reincarnation of Buddha” and other high-society Lamaistic churches. Such bodies were worshiped in trunions in a sitting position, like in prayer.

The nobles were also buried in truns, and during the reign of Lamaist dignitaries, truns were buried with additional items, such as armor, horses, food and other speeches, which would help them in the coming world. i - in the kingdom of Erlik-Hans. Erlik Khan is the god of death. The renovation of the nobleman's tomb was kept secret to ensure peace.

When people died from infectious diseases, they were cremated to reduce the severity of the epidemic.

Sometimes Lamy's corpses were also cremated to allow his spirit to ascend directly to heaven without any desecration of the spirit. This is why Mongolian people respect that fire cleanses everything.

The Mongols are planning to slaughter their children in order to welcome their children until the age of 3, so that their souls are considered innocent and pure.

Just like the stench wafted across the bodies of suffering people.

Today is not the topic of my newspaper. I want to tell you more about the “viganaya” or “sacrifice of the sky.”

It is not easy to transfer Mongolian terminology to English language, therefore we have no sound, no evidence for it in Europe. Mongolian has a lot of different meanings, for example, “ilä orusiGulxu” in Inner Mongolia and “sul’a orusiGulxu” in Outer Mongolia. Apparently, to European understanding, “possession” means to place a body in the ground, not as used by the Mongols, but rather as described in Mongolian terms.

"Ilä" or "sul"a" can mean open, free, unoccupied or visible.

"Ködägäläkü", another expression for the same procedure, means "to hand over a corpse to the steppe."

It must be said that Mongolian funeral rites were under the influence of crooked shamanic sacrifices, such as killing horses, animals and killing people, first placing them at the graves of nobles.

In the 16th century, when Altan Khan (1543-83) established Lamaism in Mongolia as the official state religion, the following decision was praised (so-called Ärdäniïn Tobci):

“The great Mongol power allowed the slaughter of widows, warriors, servants, horses and other creatures. Now it is your responsibility to give such creatures to needy people.

Do not blame the life of other living things if one is dying. If people continue to kill people, as before, they are guilty of wasting the power of life.

If people continue to slaughter horses and other creatures, all of them may be confiscated.”

As A. Sarkozy wrote, “they themselves were celebrated with these ceremonies, and without them such a ceremony would have been incredible.” The significance of how many lamas were called for direct worship lies in the social situation. In other words, the richer the family, the more lamas they could afford. The first thing you need to do for the lama is to confirm the required day and hour for worship. Such days began on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Vіn is also guilty of confirming directly, from whom the funeral process may deprive the yurt and from whom directly may turn around after depositing the corpse at the steppe. Lamy took this information from a special book called “Altan Pobachiv”.

The Mongols believed that the soul of a dead person could return. In this manner, the lamas had such duties: to pray, direct the spirit to heaven and taste the skin (either milk or dairy herbs and meat), incense on fire and perform other speeches in order to seize the family that was lost without happiness and illness , the spirit or other evil spirits can take over the family.

The Mongolians placed black stones in one or two places for a long time, and if they died, they left them there for three days, so as not to allow evil spirits to follow lightly.

After death, the corpse was covered with a white cloth, which is “long stitching of a seam or other fabric, specially cut... for a sign of a special purpose.”

The Mongolian addition to this is “in life it covers your special parts, in death it exposes you” (amidaa nuucaa, öwäl nüürää).

He was not allowed to marvel at anyone and not to reveal the corpse’s appearance, and he was not allowed to scratch the corpse, especially the corpse. Since the eyes and mouth were not flattened, only the closed relative of the chi lama was allowed to close them.

According to a very old tradition, the corpse had to be stretched out in order to restore the camp of the people. The only person who was allowed to touch the corpse and prepare it before the funeral was the “jasu bari cu”, “grave maker”, one of the children of the deceased or a relative of the human being, who was born under the same sign of the 12th chny cycle. “You can pull your cap back and fold the caps, the chest and sleeves in the middle, the seam of your dean and tuck in your waist. For other people it was so sinful to wear a coat like this.”

At first, this person, with the title of “gravekeeper”, needs to run his hand along the shoulder blade so that other people cannot help him. It was forbidden for wives to assist this robot and take part in the funeral ceremony.

The human corpses were placed on the right-hand side of the yurt, called the female side, with the right hands under their heads. The women's corpses were placed on the left side of the yurt, on the human side, with their left hands under their heads.

The Mongols respect that in the new world everything was brutalized back, and therefore they place the corpses on the side of the yurt, which is indicative of a bedridden state.

A few days before, as they “moved” the dead body, the family of the dead burned incense and oil lamps and guarded the corpse. More detailed information about these days, about those that occurred and were worked on, can be found in the articles, for example, by Pozneva, Heisig, Haslund, Sarkozy, Bartold and others.

On the day before the corpse was laid on the steppes, all the dogs in the gardens were “tied up so as not to allow them to fall on the body until the required hour.”

When the hour came, the corpse was placed on a cart (tärgä), drawn by a horse or a cow. Then the nebezhs and their families went directly to pay their respects to the clan or family, which was a deserted territory next to the areas where nomads were conquering. These places were sacred and were reserved especially for funerals.

In other areas, especially in Pivdennya Mongolia, the corpse was placed on the back of a horse and, before the funeral took place, the horses began to gallop until the corpse was thrown off.

Some stones were placed in order from the head, so that later we could learn about the burial place. Then the fire was crushed in order to sacrifice the cut pieces of meat (lamb) and white herbs (cagaan idää).

The corpse was brought to the steppes to be sacrificed to the living creatures. Together with the Mongols, this is the only noble rank that can defeat a people. This idea is much older than Lamaism and demonstrates a truly strong shamanic element of spiritual thought.

If the creatures, such as vultures and wild dogs, or the body, there were no other creatures that could live a little longer. If the creature quickly ate the corpse, it meant that the soul was innocent and pure and had reached heaven, and a star could be born again. Once the spirit has quickly placed a new body, the world of people has become clean and clean.

Why did people have a chance to look at the corpse three days later to verify that the soul had ascended to heaven? The other possible dates were the 7th, 14th, 21st and 49th days after the funeral.

If it lost the appearance of a corpse, this meant that the soul was not allowed into heaven, it was still respected by the corpse and therefore could not find a new body. This meant turning our heads to read more prayers about the dead and show the spiritual path to heaven.

Let's go back to the funeral ceremony itself:

The funeral ceremony will begin early on the day, praised by the Lama.

Similar to the Mongolian tradition, it was not allowed to carry the body across the threshold of the yurt. When the death of an old and sick person was realized, the stench brought her to the “dobun-gar” - a special yurt for dying and dead people - chi namet.

It turned out that he was kidnapping people, and it was important that he would overcome the spirit of the yurt in order to reach the coming light.

Therefore, the Mongols have a special tradition of carrying corpses from the yurt, and not through the threshold. They lifted the right-hand section of the wall from the door of the yurt and pulled the corpse through the opening. As the stench lingered in the hut, the stench wafted the corpse through the window. As if the windows were too high for him, as in daily awakenings, the stinks placed small heads, like willows, on the threshold and carried the body over them. When the stench overtook the little needles, the stench corrupted them, so that the spirit could be taken away from the houses without any additional changes.

The corpse was covered in a white robe, placed on a high horse and - followed by relatives, neighbors and friends - brought to the final place.

On the way the lama prayed. After reaching the “coffee” place, the lama lowered the corpse and laid it on the ground. The head is too small to point out, and the Mongols let in the oncoming light. This faith is much older than Lamaism and stems from ancient Mongolian and other Central Asian mythologies. Therefore, the body was placed on his left side, with his left hand under his head, and his right hand in front of the face, which flattened the eyes, nose and mouth. This is called the “left position” (arslangyn chewlelt), as it is important. Everything is connected with the long-standing belief that the right side of the body was black (bad or evil), and the left side was white (good or brown).

In this case, with another version of the “left position”, the left hand was placed under the front, and the right hand was under the back and the legs were bent on knees. Sometimes the corpse was located in the camp, similar to a child before the people.

In some places, stones were placed under the head of a corpse like a pillow.

As I have already said, in some places the “discovery” was in remote, uninhabited areas. The wild creatures of these regions began to ring out before these funeral rites. Haslund described this even more vividly: “... the wild birds gathered above our heads in the fires, which became fatter and fatter, and the wild dogs dared to get close to a distance of a hundred yards, the signs were hanging, the stench was lived during the preparation process.”

After the corpse was delivered to the steppe, the funeral procession turned home. The funeral wagon was not carefully turned to the village. Vіn having lost the position of the aylom, having spread over and only after seven days turning back and again vikorstav yogo. The creature, which carried the weight, was also not victorious with the pull of life.

When the funeral procession turned home, she happened to walk between two fires, burning opposite the entrance to the yurt of the deceased. It was important that they would bring forth evil spirits from the participants in the process and their creatures.

Since the fire bombardment was not successful, the Mongols were aware that epidemics and other misfortunes might occur.

Here is a very short description of the funeral rite of the Mongolians.

The old traditions and Lamaistic religion have become even more popular in Outer Mongolia in the last five years. I told you that the stench is disgusting. I don’t know how ritual rites will develop in the future, but nutrition is important, and I hope to respectfully follow it.

Haslund, H.: Mongolian Journey, London 1949, p. 172

Lessing, F. D.: Mongolian-English Dictionary, Bloomington 1973, p. 477

S. Püräwjaw: Mongol dax" sharyn shashny xuraanguï tüü, Ulaanbaatar 1987, p.30

Sárközi, A.: Bon funeral rite in lamaist Mongolia, in: Synkretismus in den Religionen Zentralasiens, Wiesbaden 1987, p. 120

Lessing, F. D.: op. cit., 902

Mongolyn dsan aalyn tojm, Liaoning 1990, p. 324

Mongolyn yos zanshlyn ix taïlbar tol", Ulaanbaatar 1992, p. 460

Mongolyn zan aalyn toïm, op. cit., 327

Haslund, H.: op.cit., 167

Haslund, H.: op. cit., 173

I think that after this rich supply of food is about to disappear.

The chroniclers affirm that having taken the Russian places, Baty burns them down. The population is in poverty and is being driven to fullness. In short, everyone is trying to bring the earth to the point of unavailability. How can the Danish “brothers” now gather, since there is no thinness, no crops, no people? Even after the plunder, I would go to the steppe. The steppe has no fruits or vegetables. Climate control is important. There is no way to get caught in the wind and snow. Rick is not enough. Be bold here too. Let us explain: these are such people. I have more fun with jerboas. Loving is no big deal. Coming out, the crops were trampled, the warm, hand-held buildings burned and soon flowed into the hungry, cold steppe. The population was taken away from them. Those who were not taken were quietly killed. In the presence of this, those who had lost money (obviously corpses) were surrounded with tribute. I would like to shout, like Stanislavsky: “I don’t believe it!”

Of course, since you are worried about guessing the combat actions, and this hot bet is not going to stop, it is not surprising to confuse the “burying of territory” with the “punitive expedition”. The chroniclers themselves describe the punitive expedition, at the same time presenting Batius as a prisoner. For sure, Batya does not need a punitive expedition. Otochennya is the elder Chingizidi, that is. blue of Chingiz Khan. Adje Batii - lishe yogo onuk. They do not need the glory of the conqueror Batius. I don't give a damn about her. Never mind. I hate the stench. Through the glory of Batia, the stinks disappeared into the shadows, and became people of another gatunku. There is nothing further for us to do with Batiy. Every Chingizid wants his mother's rich ulus (region), where he sits as a small, independent king. This happened in all similar countries. There are now happily no Chingizidi there.

According to the testimony of the historian Ala ad-Din, Ata-Malik, having recaptured the ulus, the Mongol ruler revoked the title of Sabbn and after that he no longer went to war. You feel so good now.

Ask us to reconfigure that the Mongolian army is humbly leaving buried Russian territory and humbly moving on to collect dry horse cakes for heating the yurts. How much will Mongolian affairs change if Russia is fussing on the right? Moreover, these Mongols, who do not stick with Russia, have lost a lot of money. And in Russia, the Mongols are not at all similar to the Mongols. Why don’t historians dedicate us to these secret incarnations?

The only one who tried to explain the reason for Batia’s rapt entry into the steppe before the onset of spring, was the successor, General M.I. Ivanin. It is clear that when the succulent grass of the middle smudge grows green in the spring, the Mongolian horses are immediately at risk of dying. The stench sounded like a thin, steppe sound. And the grass from the Russian onions is juicy for them to cut off for kshtalt. The only thing is that Batya’s wife will be in the steppe until the coming of spring, this is Batka’s turbot about horses. We, of course, do not eat such thin kin food. I tse tverzhennya M.I. Ivanina puts us in a blind corner. It would be nice to blow the Mongolian horse with the succulent grass and wonder if he would die? Ale for anyone from Mongolia you need to write. It's expensive to go out. Why don’t you die by rapt? Where will we go next? Mi on version 11 is alive.

We can’t say anything about the firmness, but we feel about such a phenomenon in the first place.

What do official officials say about Batia’s campaign:
“Breastfeeding costs 1237 rubles. Baty invaded Russian lands... The Ryazan people gained serious support: the stench could have brought out three more than five thousand warriors. There were many more Mongols. Russian chronicles talk about “the indestructible army.” On the right is that the leather Mongol warrior has no less than three horses - riding, pack and fighting. It was not easy to keep such a large number of creatures alive in a foreign land... Only 14 places were taken in the fierce winter, including settlements and towns.”

Oh dear, dense foxes. Number of roads. Breast. Winter is near the rose. The frost is crackling. Maybe at night it can reach 40. Snow, knee-deep, waist-deep. On top there is a pick of hard crust. Batia's army enters the Russian forest. Here it is necessary to do some tricks to make it clearer about the number of military Mongols. According to many historians, the army of Batia consisted of 400 thousand people. This confirms the phenomenon “about the untreated multiplicity.” Apparently there are three times more horses, then. 1200000 (one million two hundred thousand). Well, let's understand these numbers.

Well, 400 thousand warriors and 1 million 200 thousand horses reached the forests. There are no roads. Yak buti? Although the lamati nast is guilty in front, the line behind him is: Mongol, kin, kin, kin, Mongol, kin, kin, kin, Mongol... Otherwise, no way. Whether you want to go by the river or through the forest.

How can you get out of the dovzhina lanzyuzhka? For example, a leather horse is given three meters. That is 3 meters, multiplied by 1 million 200 thousand horses, you get 3 million 600 thousand meters. Simply put, 3600 km. Not without the Mongols themselves. Revealed? If the people in front of them are barking at the Swede, the Swede is walking approximately 5 km/year, then the rest will only appear in 720 years there, where the first one stood. You can only walk through the forest every day. Short winter day 10:00. Come on, the Mongols will need 72 days to switch to the lower standard. Whenever we talk about horses or people, the “head-whack” effect arises. The entire thread needs to be pulled through the eye of the head, winding it for about 3600 km. And no sooner.

Coming from the instructions of the rozrahunki, the splendor of Batia’s combat actions is surprising - the fierce one has only 14 places. For such a fierce cavalcade it is impossible to simply carry out 14 places. The Romans, at the expense of the Mongols, climbed through the forests of Germany at a speed of 5 kilometers per day, although they had to fly in and without horses.

It is necessary to understand that the army of Batia was constantly undergoing marches, storms, etc. We spent the night peacefully with the fox.

And in these places the frost at night reaches 40 degrees. We were shown instructions on how the taigovik needs to make a seal from the open side, and from the open side, stir the deck until it melts. It is warm and dangerous from the attack of wild animals. In this position you can spend the night in 40-degree frost and not freeze. If you realize that instead of the taigovik there will be a Mongol from three knights, there is no way out. The food is not empty: “How did the Mongols survive winter in the forest?”

How do you keep the horses warm in the fox? Shvidshe for everything, nothing. And 1 million 200 thousand horses produce approximately 6000 tons of feed for their kill. The next day I call for 6000 tons. Then I’ll call again. I’m renewing food without evidence: “How can you keep so many horses dry during the Russian winter?”

It’s difficult to do: multiply the quantity of feed by the number of horses. It is clear from this that historians are not familiar with the arithmetic of the cob school, and we are guilty of respecting them as serious people! General M.I. Ivanin admits that the size of the Mongol army reached 600,000 people. It’s easier to guess about the number of horses. Similar words from Ivanin suddenly lead to the thought: why didn’t the general’s nickname of the Frenchman fall into deceit?

Cheap stories about how horses, in a 30-degree frost, can see with their hoofs the dead grass from under a meter-long ball of snow and eat until the fall, at the very least - for goodness sake. You can't get a horse through the winter in the Moscow region on grass alone. This weight is absolutely necessary. I am rich. In warm climates, the horses on the grass will last until spring. And in cold weather the energy in her is lost. Also, the “father’s” horses would not have lived to see the “victory”. This is a note to academic historians who consider themselves biologists. Considering such “science” of research in historical contexts, I want to hiss: “The Lighthouse of the Blue Mare!” Ale is not possible. This is very impressive for a male dog! Siva's mare would never have wandered into the Russian forest all winter. And no Mongol would do such a thing. His name was Siviy Baty. The Mongols on horses understand, scold them and miraculously know what they can and cannot do.

Only historians could have guessed this, whose madder, obviously, is primarily a camp.

The simplest nutrition: “Did Baty burn when he took the horses?” Do not ride horses through the forest. Around the bush and overgrowth. It’s winter now and you can’t even walk a kilometer. You'll just hurt your legs. Reconnaissance on horseback near the fox is not carried out, pursuits are not carried out. You won’t be able to ride the fox on a horse, you’ll run into a twig.

How can you defeat the horses before storming the fort? It’s important not to let horses climb on the walls of the windows. Only people will shit out of fear under the fortress walls. During the storming of the fort, the horses marched. Even though the fort itself was taken, it provided all the significance of Batius’s campaign, and nothing else. What's the news about this Kin's epic?

Axis at the steppe, so. The steppe has a unique way of living. This is a way of living. You're good to go on the steppe anyway. It’s impossible without her. Pechenigs, Polovtsians, Scythians, Kipchaks, Mongols and other steppe inhabitants were engaged in breeding horses. Moreover, nothing else. Naturally, it is inconceivable to fight on such terrain without a horse. The whole thing is more complicated than cinematography. There had never been any spirits there. And it’s not because the whole Mongolian army is on horseback that they’re smart. And to the one who step.

Near Kiev there are forests and steppes. In the steppes, the Polovtsians and Pechenigs “graze,” and the Kiev princes have the same activity, although it is innumerable. And completely different places on the right - Moscow, Kolomna, Tver, Torzhok, etc. There are no movies there among the princes! Well, don't ride horses there! Nowhere! Choven there head zasib resuvannya. Chovna, monoxyl, single-shaft. That same Rurik did not support Rus' on horseback, but on horseback.

German officials sometimes vikorized horses. But their great wraps in the horse's quarters played the role of armored rams, then. current tanks. And especially if it was possible to deliver them to the place of confession. It was impossible to talk about the daily cavalry attacks in the forests. The main evenings of the week were quiet. And not to those who are stupid. And to the one who thinks so well there. There were no roads neither for those on horseback nor for those on foot. I would like to know the feat of Ivan Susanin. How about the Poles at the forest and ambetz! Chi don't vibrate again. We are talking about the 17th century, if civilization is around. What about the 13th? The road is closed. Let's say the least.

Those that Baty led the winter through the Russian forests with millions of wild horses are seen by chroniclers as a mountain of military mysticism. Even though some of the chroniclers never served in the army, they cannot understand that from a military point of view this is insanity. It is impossible for a commander in the world to have killed such fools, including Batia.

It seems that historians have forgotten about one more creature, which was the main draft force of the Mongol army, the camel. Kinnota is for the offensive. And the vantazhi were pulled by camels. Read the details of similar mandrivniks. Just now, with satisfaction, they describe how the whole Batya rode on thousands of camels to the Volga from the Karakum. People complain about the difficulty of transporting camels across the Volga. Even the stench themselves cannot swim. And then one day... and the camels in the warehouse disappeared from the horizons of history. The share of poor creatures on another birch of a mighty river is being cut off. The connection between this and historians comes from the question: “WHERE DO THE CAMELS GO?”

We were convinced that the population of the Russian towns, having learned about the approach of the enemy, spread out into the huts and began to check for the Mongols. Why did the population rise up to defend their land at the hour of the resolution of the numerical wars? The princes settled down among themselves and sent out an army. The overcrowded population lost their homes, hung out in the forests and became partisans. And even during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the entire population was inveterately eager to die before the Mongols stormed their native place. Can you explain how to show mass love before housekeeping?
Now let's talk about the storming of Batiyem Mist - a fort. When the time comes for the assault on the fort, the attackers realize the great losses, and in the face of the assault they are tempted to disappear. The attackers will use all sorts of tricks to take over the place without storming. In Europe, for example, the main method of burying a fort is the central oblog. The inhabitants of the fort were starved and thirsty, and the docks did not surrender. Another variety is a subterranean, or quietly" This method ensures a lot of caution, but also allows for the reduction of numerical costs. As if there was no way to take the fort, they simply gave up and walked away. There's even more motor movement on the right - the forts are brothers.

At the end of Batiy, we are more likely to take whatever fort. Why does genius have such a striking effect?

Some sources report the presence of stone-throwing and ramming machines among the Mongols, as some intelligence reports immediately after the arrival of the Mongols before the assault. It is impossible to stretch them through the forest. On the ice of frozen rivers. The stench is important, the cry is to break through. It takes an hour to vibrate on the spot. But there are 14 places per month, brothers, which means there’s not enough time to spare. Is there a strong stench? And how should we believe this? You need any substitute.

Other historians, obviously understanding the absurdity of the situation, talk about cars taxes. However, the strength of taking the fort cannot be reduced. How can you “brother” a place with such brilliance? The fall is unique. There are no analogues in history. Zhoden, the conqueror of the world, was not able to repeat the “feat of Batia.”
“The Genius of Batia,” obviously, may form the basis for the teaching of tactics of all military academies, but the report of the military academy had no idea about Batia’s tactics. Why do historians prefer them over the military ones?

The main reason for the success of the Mongol army is called its discipline. Discipline is subject to the severity of punishment. For the “unheard” warrior with his head he testifies to a dozen, then. all comrades with whom you “serve” can be citizens mortal punishment. The relatives of the person who has been “fined” may also suffer. It suddenly dawned on me. Why believe that the Mongols themselves had less than 30% of the Mongols, and 70% became a nomadic ford, what kind of discipline can we talk about? The Pechenigs, Polovtsians and other Kipchaks are primary shepherds. Everyday there are dozens of them in life without breaking anyone up. They haven’t heard anything about the regular army yet. It was not fitting for him to ignite his horse and listen to the wind in an open field. You won’t find either this or that. Well, before the speech, the stench was demonstrated more than once. In other wars, nomads cheered their partners for the smallest troubles, or simply switched to the enemy’s side for a small wine town. They went one by one and in whole tribes.

Golovne in the psychology of a nomad - to live. The stench does not stink from the Batkivshchyna, in the sense of the designated territory. Apparently they never managed to kidnap her, revealing miracles of heroism. Heroism is a completely foreign concept to them. A person who risks his life in their eyes appears not as a hero, but rather as an idiot. Pile up a bunch of things to grab and run away with. It was just this scheme that the nomads fought for. News about how the newly arrived Kipchak proudly shouted: “For Batkivshchyna, for Baty!” And they climb onto the wall of the window, quietly knocking their crooked legs at spontaneous gatherings, and do not form into a single image. Vin is also guilty of covering his comrades with his breasts from enemy arrows. With this, the Kipchak miraculously understands that no one will be rolled into a wheelchair later. And no one gets a pension for an injured person. And then climb up to the heights along tricky descents out of sight. I also boil resin for the sake of the world. In this case, believe that the steppe nomad is more likely to get behind a horse without ever climbing anywhere. Climbing at heights along tricky descents is such a shock for someone, like a haircut with a parachute. Would you like to try to reach the top level up to the fourth? Then you will partially understand the experiences of the steppe people.

Storming the walls of the forts is the most complex military mysticism. The devices are also very specific, foldable and ready-made. The one who attacks must know his place and avoid difficult obligations. The goodness of the child may be brought to automaticity. There is no way to figure out who is trimming, who is lying, who is covering up, who is replacing whom. The mastery of such assaults was demonstrated by fate. During the hour of preparation before the assault, in normal armies there were changes identical to those of today. There they trained the soldiers to the point of automaticity and then proceeded immediately to the assault. For taking the fortress, count titles, marshal titles, lands, and castles were given. Personalized medals were awarded in honor of successful assaults. Capturing the forts is the pride of the skin army, which is also part of history.

And then they cheerfully tell us that they transferred the nomad from a horse to an assault weapon, without noticing the difference. He storms two forts a day, the decision is difficult to achieve. A nomad will not leave his horse for any gingerbread! He fights, always ready to surrender, and relies on his horse rather than on himself to fight. Zhodni Mongols are not a decree here. The common discipline and nomadic wildness shared by the military Batia is a concept that mutually includes one another. In the life of a stepovian, I can’t keep thinking about climbing onto the river. As such, the Great Wall of China became an inescapable obstacle to the growth of nomads. In fact, so many people and money were wasted on it. Everything paid off again. And the one who, having planned the life of the Chinese wall, knew that it would pay off. And from the fact that our historians were in the new radniks, they began to talk about nomads, who are better at climbing on fortnight walls for all sorts of wars, and have heard them well. Without ever building the Great Wall of China. And there wouldn’t be such a “Wonder of the World” in the world. Well, it is to the credit of the Russian-Russian historians that the Great Wall of China was built that they had not yet been born. Glory to them for this! And all kinds of Chinese.

From now on we will continue not only until the campaign of Batiya, but also until the entire period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. A wealth of perspectives can be appreciated by looking at the entire historical period.

It turned out that not only Rus' suffers from the lack of information about the invasion of the Mongols. Batia's campaign against Europe is also not recorded anywhere in Europe itself. Historian Erenzhen Khaara-Davan speaks about it this way: “About the Mongols among the western peoples, who do not care about those who have become familiar with them, there may be no one else who has less ground historical facts, besides the description of the mandrivniki before Mon goals of Plano Carpini, Rubruka and Marco Polo." In other words, a description of Mongolia, and a description of the Mongol invasion of Europe during the day.

“This is explained by this,” Erenzhen writes further, “that the still young Western Europe stood at the lowest level of development, the younger Asia, in all its faults, both in spiritual and material culture.”
Protein memorably describes the European affairs of the Mongols. Describes the capture of Budapest. True, it is faintly evident that at that time Buda was a fort, standing on a steep hill, edged by mountains, on a birch along the Danube. And Pest is a village across the river.

At Erenzhen’s thought, Baty shouted: “This will not pass from my hands!”, if they believe that the Ukrainian-Croatian army has left Budapest, as previously hoped. Did the news come out all right? As from Pest, then the village, there is the village. You could have covered them there. And if you are from Budi, then there is only the Danube, then. get out of the water. It’s unlikely that the soldiers would have gone there. How can we understand what “withdrawal of the army from Budapest” means?
In the description of the benefits of Batius to Europe, there is the presence of faceless barvy fractions of an unknown movement, which somehow calls out to reinforce the reality of what was said. However, when looked at carefully, the stench does reinforce the veracity of such stories.

The reason for the Mongol campaign against Europe is amazing. The Batiyas called out to the people as far as Mongolia. And without Batya, is it even possible to go out?

Erenzhen memorably describes the campaigns of Chingizid Nogai, deprived of the keruvat of the buried part of Europe. In the descriptions, a lot of respect is given to Nogai’s control of the Mongol armies: “The numerous Mongol army in the Danube river united with the Bulgarian and went to Byzantium. The Bulgarian Tsar Kostyantin and Prince Nogai stood on the side of the army. becomes especially aggressive. PID Yogo Vlad was poisoned by Tirnov's Kingdom, Vidіnska Tu Branichivskka of the Principality, Serbian Korolovstvo ... 1285 Rotsі Mongolska Kinnota Nogai Rilov ritored that Bulgaria, and he fed the adips with the Macedonia. ”

We report to describe the actions of the Mongolian armies under the command of Nogai in the Balkans. A little later, the Golden Horde prince Tokhta punishes the separatist-corrected Nogai. The vine is broken by Nogaya under Kaganlik.

Do you know the reason for Yerenzhen’s attack? You won’t believe it right away. The reason is this: there was no hot Mongol at the military warehouse! It was important for that disciplined Mongolian army Tokhti to break up the army of Nogay, which was emerging from any kind of ford.

Yak tse mozhe buti? Yerenzhen warmly praises the Mongolian cinema under the command of Nogai. He reveals how many Mongols were born by Khan Berke. And on this page it is confirmed that there were no Mongols in the Mongolian cinema. It turns out that the Kinota Leg was formed entirely from other tribes.

Reading historical facts, it is inevitable that Nogai, and also Mamai, were not Mongols, but Crimean Tatars. Historians, against their will, simply describe the military campaigns of the Crimean Khans, as they do not have anything to do with the Mongols. The story of Nogaya with Tokhta in the 13th century and Mamaia with Tokhtashish in the 14th century can only be adjusted to such a version. We don’t know who the nationality was: Tokhta and Tokhtamish, and Nogai and Mamaim were clearly Crimean Tatars. Tim no less, without being surprised by the bitter struggle of Nogay and Mamaia against the Golden Horde, historians easily continue to call them the hordes themselves. Perhaps this is what I really want.

Let's move like this until it's hammered in. For such masquerading battles, the death of a great number of their participants is inevitable. Where are these thousands of thousands of funerals? Where are the Mongolian monuments in honor of the warriors who “died for the right of Batia”? What data do archaeologists have about the Mongolian provinces? The Acheulians and Mousterians were found, but the Mongolians were not. What kind of mystery is nature?

Well, since the Mongols already lived in the great European territories, the entire expanse is filled with stationary towns and settlements. Oh, melodiously, easily heard through Mongolian Muslim mosques? Praise to the academicians, who confirm that history is a serious science: “See, be kind, before I look.” I would like to look at the presence of the many thousands of Mongolian tsvintars, to admire the specific ornament of Mongolian Muslim mosques.

When planning a military campaign, an important place is occupied by the choice of fate. This is of particular importance when the campaign is carried out in countries with cold climates.

Having started Hitler's war against Russia at the end of a rabble, it began to spread completely. It was possible to capture Moscow for the winter. And that’s it, complete failure! Priyshov, how they grilled Radian soldiers, General Moroz, and fight with him is easy. German military theorists said: “It’s just that during the battle for Moscow the frosts were stronger, and that’s why we suffered bad luck.” And the Russian military reasonably corroborates them: How, boys, can the frosts be avoided during the planned war? If there were no frosts, then it would not be Russia, then it would be Africa. Where did you go to war?”

Unrelated problems arose among Hitler's armies through the Russian frosts. This means starting the war at the end of summer.

Perche the Frenchman Napoleon went to Rus'. Having defeated the Russian troops at Borodino, having entered Moscow, and then... winter, frost. I didn’t even wake up. There is nothing to do with winter transport in Russia. The insurmountable French army collapsed due to hunger and cold itself, without being surprised at the forward march. Subsisting on dead horse meat and the occasional blink of an eye, the French fled Russia, still unable to catch up with their comrades.

Do historians know these titanic butts? Perfect. Do we have enough of these butts to understand: “It is impossible to conquer narrow Rus'!”? Probably not.

In my opinion, attack Rus' as easily as possible. And Baty, at his request, plans to conduct his own campaign. Historians cannot tell the same rules of military strategy. It’s easy to make sense while sitting with your professorial backside in a warm chair. Bring these wise men to the military assemblies in Sichny, so that they can sleep at the tents, dig up the frozen ground, and crawl on their bellies in the snow. You see, other thoughts would have started to flow through the professor’s heads. Perhaps Baty also began planning his military campaigns in a different way.

There are a lot of unreasonable facts connected with the assertions of historians about the influence of the Mongols before Mohammedanism (Islam). Today's official religion in Mongolia is Buddhism. And there is a small part of the Mongols who give preference to shamanism. They can be recognized by the presence of scary masks near the yurts. Another official religion is Buddhism.

Buddhism has largely flowed into the Karakorum (the Mongolian place that later became the capital) and China. Even in the 5th century BC Taoism began to infuse China. But today China has a great number of followers of Buddhism. Logic dictates that the Mongols also had a strong affinity for Buddhism. Ale historians insist - no. In my opinion, until the 14th century, the Mongols were pagans and worshiped the one God Suldi, although the concepts of “paganism” and “one god” include one another. Then in 1320 (the dates vary) Islam was discovered. And today the Mongols appear to be Buddhists.

What if they became Buddhists? Why did they abandon Islam? Who has a hundred? In what way? Who is the initiator? How was the transition accomplished? Who's against it? What have you encountered on the religious ground? There's nothing anywhere! You won't find the best one by any stretch of the imagination. Why doesn’t academic science provide evidence for such simple ideas?

Or maybe it’s not the historians who are at fault? Maybe the Mongols themselves should become bureaucratic? To continue to convert to Islam until this day, you understand! As for historians, what should we take? The stench of the Mongols has already been converted to Islam. Your own task, so bi move, vikonali. Damn it, the Mongols won’t listen to them. What's wrong with you?

The only representatives of the Mongols in Europe are the Kalmiki, who will be Buddhist khuruli today. Moreover, there are no Muslim mosques on the territory of Kalmikia. And there are no ruins of mosques. Moreover, the Kalmiki are not just Buddhists, but Buddhist-Lamaists themselves, just like those of modern Mongolia.

Why come out? They didn’t tell Kirsana Ilyumzhinov that he was a Muslim? The hundredth anniversary has already passed! And the Kalmik people still think that it stinks of Buddhism. So, wine historians! Why should we marvel? A whole people, in spite of historical science, supports an entirely different religion. Why don't you bother with the reach of science? Not only that, the Mongolian Mongols don’t know what the Muslims stink, but are the Russian Mongols there?! It's a mess with these Mongols everywhere!

Vinny historians. It's fucking wine. And then what? Everything became clear about the Tatars. They used to be Muslims, and now Muslims, whether Crimean or Kazan, feed on food. However, the Islamic period of the Mongols is poorly described by historians. And the smell of these descriptions of defilement gives something seemingly stale.

The great and at the same time dark part of history is between religion and power. Religion - which is so presented and innocent, practically has no earthly significance. Alas, you can wrest the royal crown from the hands of the Pope of Rome. You will see that you can become friends or separate. The Crusade of the Cross will grow as soon as it can be voiced. It’s just not safe to fart, because the blessing has not been taken away in advance.
These are illegal rules. Let us show clearly that the Christianization of other countries is not without merit. It’s the same with other religions on the right. Whoever has “religion” in his hands is the one who rules, whoever is the king. Everything just became clearer. To be honest, how much good was exported from Russia to Byzantium, until the Russian Orthodox Church became autocephalous, singly, with this little money you can buy two such Byzantines.

Religious expansions are an unknown part of history. So much blood has been shed for this right! As a result, people in entire places and lands went into poverty. The end of these wars is still not in sight.

The consolidation of church and sovereign power in the same hands in Byzantium rejected the name “Caesarapapism.” The following descriptions of the period of Caesarepapism:

“Caesarapapism practically paralyzed the spiritual strength of the church and may have reduced its real social significance. The Church has completely dissociated itself from the worldly right, serving the needs of the rulers of the state. As a result of the great Faith in God, spiritual lives began to be lived autonomously, surrounded by monastery walls. The Church has practically closed itself off, allowing the world to take its own course.”

And yet it is not clear why the head of the Byzantine church does not crown the Kiev princes as kings? Tse yogo obov'yazok. Why are these Mongols “conquering”? More precisely, you can see the “labels” on the Grand Duchy. And the food is more important, who knows? All the powers conquered by the Mongols were to install a noble Chingizid. Moreover, the Chingizids are trying to get rid of the “fat stuff”. They bark through it, and lick it from the biyku. As soon as Russia got stuck, Chingizidi will no longer be able to cook. Nobody wants their mother’s estate (ulus) anymore. It’s no longer possible to put Chingizid on the map in Russia. Put it in Russian now. What's the reason? How can historians explain this? We didn’t know such explanations. The authorities trust people of non-Mongolian nationality, but they want to fully understand the statements about the Mongols. In China, for example, the Mongols established their Mongol dynasty of emperors. What made him want to start his own dynasty of Great Russian princes? It may be that the roots of the Mongol khans have misunderstood the trust of the Russian princes.

It’s amazing how welcoming the Muslim Mongols were before Christian Church. The stench is releasing heavy taxes on the church. During the hour of the yoke, the great number of Christian churches in Russia was revealed. Golovne, churches will be located near the Horde itself. And if you believe that the Christian Christians are stuck in the pits because of hunger, then who will build churches in the Horde?
The Mongols, according to the descriptions of these historians themselves, are terrible, bloodthirsty savages. To live in your own way. To love gluttony. Skinning living people, steaming the bellies of female wives. For them there are no basic moral standards other than the Christian Church. Here the Mongols charmingly pretend to be “fluffy bunnies.”

The axis of data from the official “research” of historians: “However, the main part of the influx of the Mongol yoke onto Russia lies in the sphere of spiritual connections. It can be said without exaggeration that the Orthodox Church quietly died down during the Panic of the Mongols. The Khans gave gold labels to the Russian metropolitans, which placed the church in a position independent of the princely rule. The court, the revenues - everything was subject to the authority of the metropolitan, and the church, which was not torn apart by strife, was not collected by princes, quickly gained material wealth and land power, and the brand, so important in the state, could, for example, allow itself to show the advantage lock to the numerous people, what a joke. she has a passion for the princely Svaville...
At 1270 rub. Khan Mengu-Timur having seen the offensive decree: “In Russia, do not dare to dare to disgrace the churches and represent metropolitans and their subordinate archimandrites, archpriests, Jews, etc.

May their places, regions, villages, lands, clearings, valleys, bows, foxes, cities, gardens, milk and dairy dominions be free from all these tributes...”

Khan Uzbek expanded the privileges of the church: “All rites Orthodox Church And all the points are directed not only to the court of the Orthodox Metropolitan, but also to the officials of the Horde and the princely court. Anyone who robs a spiritual person may pay him back. Whoever dares to follow the Orthodox faith or to represent a church, a monastery, a chapel, is subject to death without difference, a Russian or a Mongol.”

With its historical role of Gold, the Horde became not only a patron, but a henchman of Russian Orthodoxy. The influence of the Mongols - pagans and Muslims - did not destroy the soul of the Russian people, whose Orthodox faith, but saved it.

Even at the centenary of the Tatar revolution, Russia established itself among Orthodoxy and transformed itself into “Holy Rus',” the land of “numbered churches and unfathomable ringing.” (Foundation “Light of Lev Gumilyov”. Moscow, “DI-DIK”, 1993. Erenzhen Khara-Davan. “Chingis Khan as a commander and his downfall.” Pages. 236-237. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as initial helper for additional coverage). NO COMMENTS.

These names were borne by the Mongolian khans, as represented by our historians - Timur, Uzbek, Ulu-Muhammad. For the sake of consistency, we will list a number of common Mongolian names: Natsagin, Sanzhachin, Nambarin, Badamtsetseg, Gurragcha. Feel the difference.

Unconfirmed information about the history of Mongolia is presented in the encyclopedia:
“No records have been saved about the ancient history of Mongolia.” End of quote.

O.Yu. Kubyakin, E.O. Kubyakin “Crime as the basis of the approach of the Russian state and three falsifications of a thousand years”


The greatest experience for our people was the Mongol-Tatar invasion of 1237-1240. The nomads, in the words of the chronicler, “came to the point of being unhealed, like prues (unhealed, like saran. - Ed.)”, deprived of ruins of quaint places and deserted villages, and “no place, no weight n, nі sil dances rarely , and it’s not even a war yet (maybe the town of the town sat down, where the war passed. - Ed.).” “Who,” the chronicler wails bitterly, “has God granted such permission on the whole Rusty land, and not on the shoulder? The scale of the dare is not too great here! No. And this was confirmed with utmost reliability by archaeological excavations. ,

In Russia they knew about the danger that was threatening, and they prepared to fight the enemy. The gloom became especially thick after the defeat by the Tatars in 1236. similar susida of Russia - Volzka Bulgaria. Archaeologists have established that in a small town on the Volzia under the threat of Gorodets, after their arrival, they hastily began to build a new line of defense - a river wall with a fortified wall. However, they did not reach the end of everyday life: in 1238 r. The place was taken by storm and destroyed.

Ryazan was one of the first to recognize the influx. Excavations revealed a tragic picture of the destruction and impoverishment of the place. With the emergence of the military Batiya (Vatu), residents hastily baked their food in the oven or oven pits, under floorboards and gatherings of lyokhi, and their most valuable speeches, including family traditions, were buried in the ground. But no one dared to turn around to take possession of the goods. Archaeologists have already discovered 13 such treasures. The most prominent of them are the first, discovered in 1822, and the rest, which dates back to the excavations in 1992. The first treasure did not have the famous Ryazan barmy - rich shoulder pads with sacred images for the ancient clothes of princes and church dignitaries. Another has thirteen pieces of women's headdress, which are crafted with masterly carving techniques and made from gold of the highest purity. The price for this price was 240.8 rubles.

Not across the Oka River, in a pit buried in the frozen ground, archaeologists have discovered the graves of victims of the Mongolian invasion. The remains of 143 people were discovered, buried after the exit of the Tatars, the remaining days of the chest 1237 r. People lay in tight rows, in places on two or three tiers. The conquerors did not spare anyone - many human and female remains were found. One of the women was holding a small baby on her breasts. On the skeletons there are signs of violent death: traces of saber blows, severed hands with arrowheads stuck in the hands.

Treasures, hidden graves, ruined lives, skeletons of people, great ruins - all this bear witness to the terrible catastrophe that befell Rus'.

At the small Upper Volzhsky town of Torzhok, a fire pit 1238 was filled with a ball of soybean 60 cm thick.

During the excavations of two places on the Vyatichi land (div. “Skhidnі slovyanі. The settlement before the 9th century”) – Servisna and Boldizha – the tricks of the bells were revealed, which were invitingly buzzing before the hour of assault and afterward. Due to the intense heat, the stench was roasted, melted and, falling to the ground, shattered.

As the research of archaeologists has shown, such places of Pivdennaya Russia as Izyaslavl and Raikovetske settlement have been recognized on the surface. The fortifications, the huts and the ruler's buildings were completely destroyed, but the homemade stuff was completely gone. Hundreds of deserted places and their enemies lay there, before they fell in battle, sometimes in their hands; women and children faced death in their asses. Because of the great quantity of bronze, buy different brushes. Thousands of people have died in Izyaslav.

The picture of the ruins of Kiev is depressing. When the Tatars rushed into the place and the fire began, two girls, pressed closely together, hid in the oven. Tim knew death: the stench suffocated in front of the Dima. On the ruins of another burnt vein lay the countless skeletons of the inhabitants of the place, who perished in hand-to-hand combat with the enemies. The remaining pillar of the kiyan is the Church of the Tithes. At the hour of excavation, there was an open pit with a depth of 5 m. At the bottom of it, a number of skeletons were discovered. On the side were a sword and a shoe, fragments of rich textiles, six silver medallions, as well as 37 liqueur forms that belonged to a craftsman in the name of Maxim. Trying to get out of the way, he ran to the church from the canteen, which was located nearby, and brought with him his most valuable speeches—drink molds. At the very bottom of the hut, an unfinished underground excavation began, extending just over 1 m. There were also two large wooden shovels with a slimy frame for excavation work, a tread, a sap, a wooden bucket with a slimy bow, and Silk bundle of wicker face motuzok. People who were dying in the face of death hid in the church, which until then had served as a depository of church values. The stench wanted to burrow deep under the ground from the church to the monastery. Ale Khrem was called under the blows of the Tatars’ pounding machines, which hugged him. The buildings collapsed, the walls began to fall asleep, and the people who were there perished. .

Archaeologists confirmed that from 74 places they conquered, which lay before the period of the pre-Mongol invasion, 49 were devastated by Batiyem; 14 of them never got up. Another 15 were not able to realize their enormous significance by turning into a village. “They killed (killed - Ed.) all from the human field to the female, the entire Jewish rank and the Chornoriz (that is, priests and clerics. - Ed.)”, too much in the place, not a single one is alive, all of them died and one I am writing to the mercy of death” - this chronicler’s information does not exaggerate. Yesterday, hundreds of tragic fates of extraordinary, transversal people became fleeting testimonies. The stench began to infest the eyes of his companions - children and adults, who passionately wished to live; the eyes of people who miraculously survived and came to the ashes of burnt places and the ruins of ruined shrines. Until now, a century has passed since that hour... And today’s descendants recognize the shock, revealing new and new terrible pictures of Bati’s ruin.

Nashestya Batia. Traditional version

In 1234, the “Mongol” armies completed the subjugation of Pivnichny to China. In 1235, on the banks of the Onon, the nobility was gathered, and it was decided to order the Great Closing March, to go “to the rest of the sea.” At the gathering, the cordons of the empire were washed by the Pacific Ocean. Mav will reach the same cordon on approach. The military army assigned the campaign the title of Genghis Khan's leader - Batu. A number of khans were sent with him, as well as their own military corps.

The size of the army still costs food - various descendants cite figures ranging from 30 to 500 thousand. warriors Perhaps, those who appreciate that the “Mongol-Tatar” core of 30-50 thousand were dominant in the army. warriors, as well as a significant number of smaller militias from the vassal, subordinate tribes of the “Ulusu Juchi”. A significant part were representatives of the Turkic tribes, Turkmen, Karakalpaks, Kipchaks, as well as Tajiks, warriors of the Siberian peoples. There was a significant number of robbers, adventurers, volunteers of all stripes who flocked to the happy conquerors. Among them were the Knights Templar (in a very simple line).

In 1236, an avalanche crossed the barrier from the Bashkirs and Mansi, who had already waged a border war with enemy corrals for 13 years. Part of their broken pens was also included until the military Batia. Then the disease reached the Volga Bulgaria. The Bulgarian-Bulgarians defeated the corps of Jebe and Subedei after the battle on the Kalka River. Now this “borg” will be rallied from hundreds of thousands. The Bulgarians had a lot of trading places and small towns, which they built incessantly, but one by one they were destroyed. The capital of the state, the Great Bolgar (Biliar), was also buried. All the Bulgarians fled to the forests and showed up in Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov and Volodymyr.

Grand Duke Yuri II of Volodymyr knew that the “Mongols” had little reason to make war with the Bulgarians. And from Volodymyr Russia there was no stench, there were no visible leads for the fortuneteller. Interceding for someone else’s and often soothsaying of the land did not happen. Mstislav Udalov already stood up for the Polovtsian friends, but it turned out very badly. It became clear that the pogrom of the ruling power was an alarming signal. Ale Rus' has long been small on the right side of the “steppe”. Eventually, everything was done with raids on the border areas, and less stable things were established, such as trade, dynastic affairs, twinning of princes with steppe leaders.

The Empire of Genghis Khan at the hour of his death.

From the very beginning I thought it would be like this. Having defeated Volzka Bulgaria, the army of Batia went out on the day, and part of it gathered with the Polovtsians. It is necessary to say that the war with the Polovtsians is going on without a few fatalities, until further defeat. Then part of the Polovtsians reached Europe, Transcaucasia and Asia Minor. Most of the Polovtsians will be organized into the main population of the Golden Horde. View of the Bulgarians, merchants, who hunted the Russian Batyas by collecting information about the Russian principalities, places, roads. In the darkest hour For the blow, they knew winter, if it was possible, behind the butt of the Russians, to cross the beds of frozen rivers.

Rose of Ryazan land

Until that moment, the Russian princes had a really bad time with intelligence. The hours have long since passed since the Bogatir outposts stood in the steppe. So, in Ryazan they learned about the approach of the enemy’s army from the “Tatar” ambassadors themselves - two Khan officials and some “enchantress friends”. After calmly informing Batiya, he had expressed his resignation to the khan, and began to pay “tithe”, which included at least a tenth of wealth, thinness, horses, and people - warriors, slaves. The Ryazan princes naturally thought: “If none of us are alive, then everything will be yours.” Proudly, but hardly reasonable. If the reconnaissance had gone well, the princes would have had little idea about their share of the commonwealth. Tithes, which were obviously paid to the church, but the ruin of all the land, the ruin of places and thousands of dead and stolen for sale to slavery, the power of death. What's more beautiful?

The Ryazan rulers are not weak in their strength to resist the army of Batya. The “Tatar” messages were not sealed, they were allowed to pass as far as Volodymyr. The people of Ryazan began searching for help. The Ryazan prince Ingvar Ingvarevich together with the boyar Yevpatiy Kolovrat went to Chernigov for help. Prince of Kolomna Roman Ingvarevich went to ask for military support to Volodymyr. However, the Prince of Volodymyr at this time simply could not see enough forces to help Ryazan - his entire regiments marched with Yaroslav in 1236 to the Dnieper and fought with the Chernigivians for Galich. At some point, Yuri may have realized that it would be better to sit behind the walls of the place and fort. The enemy destroys the surrounding area, maybe taking one or two small places, puts the heavy Russian places under cover and leaves the steppe.

The Grand Duke of Ryazan Yuri Igorovich began to form an army. The people of Ryazan had great pride in the fight against the Polovtsians, and they respected that the “Tatars” were steppe warriors. They decided to bring the squads to the vicinity of the enemy and the date of the battle. The feet began to scream and did not withstand the blows of the miraculously formed and trained squads. Yuri Ryazansky, his son Fedir Yuriyovich, Oleg Ingvarevich Chervony, Roman Ingvarevich, and the regiments of the Murom princes entered from the squads. Yuri tried again to open negotiations with the enemy and sent an embassy from his son Fedor. However, Baty judged that the hour for roses had ended. Fedor was killed. A battle raged on the border river Voronezh. Some princely squads fought until the end, while others, the bachachi, who were more numerous, all their enemies, tried to enter. Oleg Ingvarevich has lost more than 1252 years. Murom princes Yuri Davidovich and Oleg Yuriyovich perished. After this battle, the “Tatars” easily buried the places of the Ryazan land that they lost without their inhabitants - Pronsk, Belgorod, Izheslavets, Voronezh, Dedoslavl.

Yuriy Ryazansky managed to break through with the surplus of his squad and galloped to his place, organizing the defense. Roman Ingvarevich led his warriors to fight with the Volodymyr army. However, the walls of the heavy forts were not a problem for the “Mongol-Tatars”. Complete and auxiliary military operations were carried out by engineering robots, palisade builders for attaching forks, sinking rivers, ready-made tax machines, and ramming equipment. The army has a contingent of engineers for tax work. Immediately, other armies, such as the Bulgars, Bashkirs, Turkmens, and others, came to attack. Her death was not considered a great loss. The great size of the army made it possible to handle one attack after another, and the ranks of the soldiers were steadily melting away, and there was no replacement for them. On the sixth day of oblogia, 21 breasts 1237 Ryazan fell. Prince Yuri died in battle. From Ryazan, the army of Batia destroyed the Oka River across the ice to Colomia.

At that time, near Chernigov, the Ryazan prince Ingvar was also not given any help - the Chernigovites at that time were fighting with the regiments of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich for Kiev and Galich. The prince flew back. In front is the boyar Yevpatiy Kolovrat. The picture of the completely ruined and devastated Ryazan angered him, and with a small squad of Ryazans and Chernigiv volunteers rushed to harass the enemy’s army. On the way, he was replaced by local residents. Evpatiya caught up with the enemy in the Suzdal land and, with a rapt blow, struck a number of heavy strikes: “And Evpatiya beat them so mercilessly that their swords were dulled, and took away the Tatar swords and with them.” Surprised by an unsatisfactory blow, Batiy sent against Evpatiya Shaleny a thorough hunt against the rich man Khostovrul. However, this resulted in poverty, and Khostovrul was killed by the hand of Evpatiya Kolovrat. The Russian warriors endured their blows and the Ryazan knight “beating a lot of famous warriors here, the Batievs...”. For instructions, the envoy of Batia sent to the negotiations, asking Evpatiya - “What do you want?” And having given up the answer – “Dead!” Baty was afraid to direct the main forces with a commando force, and thus the Russian squad was driven away. The Russian heroes fought hard, blaming most of the hundreds of Batius, which according to legend, the “Tatars” had to stagnate their stone throwers. Baty, having valued strong opponents and respectfully the humble humility and military memory of Kolovrat, deprived the living remaining defenders of the body of a rich man and allowed them to seize it.

Battle of Kolomna. Rose of Volodymyr land

At this time, Yuri II began to gather forces and put his son Vsevolod in charge of them with the commander Eremey Glibovich, sending them to help the Ryazans. The stench was stinking, and in Kolomyia they were surrounded by the squad of Prince Roman Ingvarevich. While the princes were young and brave, the Russian tradition was to attack, not defend, behind the walls of the place. Therefore, princes Vsevolod, Roman and military leader Erem Glibovich led the troops to swim the Moskva River onto the river ice and on the 1st of June 1238 they hit the enemy’s vanguard.

Russian important troops broke through the enemy’s front, and many noble “Tatars” fell into battle, including Genghis Khan’s young son Kulkan. I was busy and wasted for three days. Having pulled up the main forces, the Russian regiments were hesitant to reach the walls of the place and into the fortress itself. Prince Roman and voivode Yeremey laid their heads in battle. Vsevolod with a small squad managed to break through from the isolation and approached Volodymyr.

Behind Kolomna came the reign of Moscow, who kidnapped the young son of Volodymyr Prince Yuri Volodymyr and voivode Philip Nyanka. On September 20, 1238, after a 5-day debacle, the fort fell. Along the Yauza and Klyazma, the Batiya Empire was destroyed to the capital of the Grand Duchy. Grand Duke Yuri II stopped at the folding camp. Having sent all the preparations from Vsevolod to the Ryazants, the collection of a new militia would require an hour like no other. Messengers were sent to the Novgorodians, and to Kiev to brother Yaroslav. Ale Novgorod and Kiev are far away, and the warriors’ shelves were collapsing rapidly. As a result, having deprived the blues of Vsevolod and Mstislav, they could seize the great city, and, having destroyed the Upper Volga, they would gather regiments. The zagalom plan is not bad. Such a maneuver could have brought success, as if Volodymyr had survived the war. At this hour, the Grand Duke could gather into a fist the warriors, militias from the towns and cities, and withdraw reinforcements. Vinikla would pose a serious threat to the forces of Batia's army, so that there would be a threat to remove him from the obloga. However, for this purpose, Volodymyr tried to get up.

On February 2, Volodymyr’s “Tatar” pens appeared, which showed the townspeople Prince Volodymyr, who had been captured in Moscow. They didn’t immediately go for the assault; they surrounded the place with mud. There was confusion and destruction at the place. Vsevolod and Mstislav, then wanted to go beyond the walls and die “with honor”, ​​they were especially eager to fight, if Volodymyr Yuriyovich was killed in front of his mother and brothers, then they asked Bishop Mitrofan to tonsure them from the squads and boyars under the schema. Voivode Petro Oslyadyukovich saw them out of the fort, urging them to fight against the walls. There was no single firm hand that could organize the helplessness of people who had crowded into the place. Although they were on the wall, ready to fight until the end, others only prayed and counted for the end.

The “Mongolian” command, having realized that there was a fierce battle here, as it was impossible to watch the walls of Kolomna, calmed down. Baty sent part of the army to the brothers Suzdal to replenish supplies. Suzdal having fallen quickly, the stars drove the great horse. Volodymyr was taken for the very same order as in Ryazan. From the very beginning they were in the vicinity of the city, then they seized the tax vehicles, and on the sixth day the underground assault began. Vsevolod and Mstislav with their special squads tried to break through, but the ring was thick, they all perished (after others, they tried to negotiate and were killed at Batya’s headquarters). 7 The fierce “Tatars” made it to the spot and set it on fire. Volodymyr fell and the Grand Duke’s homeland perished. Behind the other dzherel, the enemy had broken through the first line of defense, and the fighting at the site reached 10 fierce.

After the fall of Volodymyr, Batiy established himself in the Duma, which was broken. The army was divided, so it was easier to dry out the warriors and horses. One corps marched along the Volga to Gorodets, Galich, the other marched to Pereyaslavl, the third to Rostov. The 14th place was occupied by the fierce one. Perhaps all the stinks were taken without a fight. The people scattered among the forests. The operation was repaired only in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. In addition, two residents of Torzhok fought, and the locals were still looking for help from Veliky Novgorod. The locals repelled attacks and forged forks. The Novgorodians, who had recently voted for Torzhok for war against the Prince of Volodymyr, now acted differently. Collected veche. They discussed the situation, disagreed, and decided that they couldn’t force the soldiers, they had to prepare to defend Novgorod itself. Before that, more food, when the enemy reaches Veliky Novgorod. 5 Bereznya 1238 fate heroic Torzhok fell.

The day before his fall, on the 4th of February, at the Battle of the River City, the army of Yuri Vsevolodovich was reduced. Vin settled the tabir near the Volzhsky forests on the river. City (daylight sunset of the Yaroslavl region). In response to his call came the brother Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich from Yurevo-Polsky, the Yaroslavl prince Vsevolod Kostyantinovich, the nephews of Vasilko and Volodymyr Kostyantinovich, the rulers of Rostov and Uglich. Burundai's corps was defeated with a rapt blow Russian army. Yuri Vsevolodovich and Vsevolod Kostyantinovich fell into battle, Vasilko was in captivity and full of suffering. Svyatoslav and Volodymyr were able to sing.

This is a very important fact. Dii Batiya clearly supersedes the myth about the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion. We were instilled in school to love to show and artistic creations, on the basis of the popular works of U. Yan, that the brutal “Mongols” went through the Rus with fire and sword, all knowing their way. All Russians who were not killed were naturally brutalized into slavery, and then sold. All Russian places were destroyed and burned. Such are the esesses and the Sonderkommando of the 13th century. However, it is more important to be surprised before the invasion. Then you can show respect for those who have survived in so many ways. Zokrema, the rich and rich people of Rostov, Yaroslavl, Uglich and other places have begun negotiations with the “Mongols”. Talk to those who have lost everything on their own way! They paid the required tribute, gave food, fodder, horses, people in the carts, and left. Even the situation would have turned out better if the Ryazan princes and Yuri Vsevolodovich behaved less proudly.

Another fact about the total “terror” on the side of the “Tatar-Mongol armies” - an hour before the collapse (Batiy’s army turned back, not having reached Novgorod 100 versts), the Khan’s soldiers attacked the “evil place” - Kozelsk. By the hour, the taxes of Kozelsk had fenced off the ruins of many villages, in order to be merciful to the common people, taking away provisions and fodder. Before the speech, the obloga of Kozelska, that Torzhok is also more some facts, which destroy the “string” of the picture of the omnipotent, as they all sweep away the “Mongolian” hordes. The capitals of the great dukes - Ryazan and Volodymyr - took a few days, and small places, large villages and fortifications loomed, fought for days.

The behavior of other princes is also very sad at this grave hour. It seemed that at such an hour there was an invasion of invisible “Tatars”, who were sweeping everything away in their own way, they were forced to forget all the heavy welding, pool their strength, and actively prepare for the battle with the firemen. "Rise up, majestic land, rise up for the mortal battle?" No way! Everything was done this way, no matter what Pivnichno-Skhidna Rus They don't stick around. The reaction was similar to the initial princely strife, and not the invasion of an unknown enemy.

Moreover, there was no reaction to the invading army of Batia. The Russian princes at this hour continued to fight one after another! The “Tatar” influx was not for them to come out, so why go beyond the boundaries of the traditional policy for the region?! Mikhailo Chernigovsky, as before, lived in Galicia. To withstand the onslaught of Yaroslav, he formed an alliance with the Ugric king Bila IV. Having secured Rostislav's son with the daughter of the Ugric monarch. Danilo, who was more powerful, had instigated Yuri II and Yaroslav in the war with the Prince of Chernigov, turning out to be an unimportant and unreliable ally. Once they realized that the Volodymyr regiments did not attack the Chernigov prince Mikhail and did not dare to give up Galich, Danilo entered into negotiations with the enemy. The Prince of Volyn hoped for a separate world, seizing Peremyshl for it. Now Mikhailo Chernigovsky will concentrate all his forces in order to defeat Kiev and Chernigov. Galicia deprived Rostislav of his wine.

Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was preparing to become the ruler of the Chernigov Vladyka. However, important and confusing news arrived that the “Tatars” were trampling the places of Volodymyr Rus. The revelations were grim and unclear, and might even strike anyone. The powerful and richly populated Volodymyr Rus fell literally within a month. Yaroslav called down the shelves and destroyed the Batkivshchina. Mikhailo Chernigovsky triumphantly occupied Kiev. Having accepted the title of Grand Duke of Kiev. Transferring the Chernihiv wine to his cousin Mstislav Glibovich. His son Rostislav immediately spit on the agreement with Danil and buried Przemysl at his place. Ale welding with Danil was a very unusual result. When Rostislav Pishov marched against the Lithuanian tribes, Danilo Raptovo showed up at Galich. The simple people, unimpressed by the boyars, immediately recognized him as their prince and opened the gates. The nobility did not lose anything, as they went up the hill to the prince. I was overjoyed to watch the crowd again. Rostislav rushed to ask for help in Ugorshchina.

There will be further...

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It has long been no secret that there was no “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, and the Tatars and Mongols did not subjugate Rus'. Who and why falsified history? What was captured behind the Tatar-Mongol yoke? The Christianization of Russia is crooked.

...a masterpiece of Russian mysticism of the mid-17th century

A fragment of this icon has driven historians away. The Russian armies are under the ensign with the face of Christ, the right-handed are the “Tatar-Mongols”... in such sholomah and obladunkas with Jesus on the ensign!

It is clear that there are a great number of facts, so that it is not only possible to unambiguously state the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but to talk about those in which history was twisted haphazardly, and that it worked in a completely melodic manner... What have you done to create history? What kind of real stench did they want to capture, and why?

Once we analyze the historical facts, it becomes obvious that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to capture the inheritance of the “christening” of Kievan Rus. And this religion was imposed in a far from peaceful way... During the process of “christening”, most of the population of the Kiev princedom was deprived! It definitely becomes clear that those forces that were behind the imposed religion went on to fabricate history, falsifying historical facts for themselves and their own purposes.

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are secretly accessible, and everyone can easily find them on the Internet. Omitting the scientific research and investigations that have already been widely described, we assume the basic facts that simply explain the great lie about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

1. Genghis Khan

Previously, in Russia there were 2 individuals responsible for ruling the state: the Prince and the Khan. The prince took responsibility for governing the state at a time of peace. Khan, the “prince of the army”, took the kermo on himself during the hour of war, and in the peaceful hour, the responsibility for forming the horde (army) and keeping it in combat readiness lay on his shoulders.

Chinggis Khan is not a name, but the title of "prince of the army", which, in to the current world, close to the headquarters of the Chief of the Army. And people, as such a title meant, was a sprat. The most prominent of them was Timur, if you talk about Chinggis Khan.

In historical documents that have been preserved, this people is described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, white skin, thick ruddy hair and a thick beard. Which clearly corresponds to the characteristics of a representative of the Mongoloid race, but generally fits the description of the Slavic people (L. M. Gumilyov - “ Ancient Rus' i Great Step".

Today’s “Mongolia” does not have the same folk biography, which would say that this land has long subjugated all of Eurasia, just like it has nothing about the great conqueror Chinggis Khan... (N.V. Levashov “ Visible and invisible genocide").

Reconstruction of the throne of Genghis Khan with the ancestral tamga and swastika.

2. Mongolia

The power of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when before the nomads who lived near the deserted Gobi, the Bolsheviks arrived and told them that the stinks were the land of the great Mongols, and their “spirits” "Ichiznik" having created the Great Empire in his time, which caused the stinks to rise but they were happy. The word "Mogul" may be walnut walk, and means “Great”. This is the word the Greeks called our ancestors – the Slovenians. There is no thirst for the name of any people (N.V. Levashov “Visible and Invisible Genocide”).

3. Warehouse of the “Tatar-Mongolian” army

70-80% of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols” were Russians, and the other 20-30% were other small peoples of Russia, in power, as they are now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of Sergius Radonezky “Battle of Kuliki”. It is clearly visible that the two warriors are fighting on both sides. And this is more like a huge war, less like a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. How did the “Tatar-Mongols” look?

Bring respect to the small tomb of Henry II the Pious, which was built on the Legnica field.

Inscription of the offensive: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, is placed on the grave in Breslau of the prince killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lignica on the 9th quarter of 1241 r.” As we know, this “Tatar” has a completely Russian appearance, I’ll wear it again. The current image shows “the Khan’s palace near the capital of the Mongol Empire, Khanbalik” (it is important to note that Khanbalik is the same as Beijing).

What is “Mongolian” and what is “Chinese” here? I know that when we entered the tomb of Henry II, the people in front of us clearly looked Slovenian. Russian kaptans, Streltsy koppaks, the same thick beards, the same characteristic forests of the shabel under the name “Yelman”. Dakh levoruch is a practically exact copy of the dakhs of old Russian chambers... (A. Bushkov, “Russia as it never was”).

5. Genetic examination

Based on the remaining data, obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians share very close genetics. Likewise, the differences between the genetics of Russians and Tatars and the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (maybe European) and Mongolian (maybe Central Asian) truly great – these are two different worlds...” (

6. Documents under the hour of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the period of the establishment of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the treasured document of the Tatar or Mongolian Empire was not preserved. There are no documents at this time in Russian language.

7. The amount of objective evidence that supports the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongol yoke

At the moment, there are no originals of any historical documents that could objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. There are still a lot of people who are calling to take us back to the old solution called the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” The axis is one of these parts. This text is called “The Word about the Death of the Russian Land” and in every publication it is said to be “a lesson from the poetic work that has not come before us... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion”:

“Oh, the land of Ruska is bright and beautifully decorated! Bagatma is famous for its beauty: it is famous for its lakes, rivers and mountainous rivers, mountains, steep hills, high forests, clean fields, wondrous animals, varied birds, untouched great places, glorious villages, monastery gardens kimi, temples of God, nobles rich. You are blessed to all, land of Ruska, oh Orthodox faith Christian!..”

Whose entire text does not point to the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” But in this “old” document there is the following line: “To all, land of Russia, O Orthodox Christian faith!”

Before Nikon’s church reform, carried out in the mid-17th century, Christianity in Russia was called “orthodox.” It began to be called Orthodox only after this reform... However, this document was written no earlier than the mid-17th century and did not date back to the era of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”...

On all maps seen before 1772 and beyond they were not corrected, it is possible to obtain the same picture.

The western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartary... This other part of Russia is ruled by the Romanov dynasty. For the rest of the 18th century, the Moscow Tsar was called the ruler of Moscow Tartary and the Duke (Prince) of Moscow. The reshta of Russia, which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia at the time of the meeting with Moscow, was called Tartary or the Russian Empire (magnificent map).

The first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771 writes about this part of Russia as follows:

“Tartaria, a great land in the lower part of Asia, which borders Siberia at the end of the day: which is called Great Tartaria. These Tartars, who live daily from Moscow and Siberia, are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan Tartars, who live daily from the Caspian Sea, are called Kalmyk Tartars and occupy the territory of between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; The Uzbek Tartars and the Mongols, who linger on the day before Persia and India, and the Tibetans, who linger on the day before China...” (div. site “Izha RA”) ...

The stars were named Tartary

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real order of the world, life, people. Ale, as soon as, the development of a person’s skin is not the same at that hour. People who, in their development, went significantly further than others, and who could master space and matter (carry the weather, heal illnesses, and most likely) were called Magi. Those of the Magi, who reigned vastness on the planetary level, were called Gods.

The meaning of the word God among our ancestors was completely different from what it already is. Gods were people who went far in their development, but most people are not important. For ordinary people, their abilities seemed incredible, the gods were also people, and the capabilities of the skin god were limited.

Our ancestors had patrons - God Tarkh, who was also called Dazhdbog (what God gives) and his sister - Goddess Tara. These Gods helped people with such problems that our ancestors could not solve on their own. So, the gods Tarkh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build everyday life, cultivate the earth, write a letter and a lot of other things that were necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and later renew civilization.

Moreover, not long ago, our ancestors said to strangers “We are the children of Tarkh and Tari...”. They said this because at their development, they were actually children born before Tarhu and Tara, which means they went into development. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors “Tarkhtars”, and then, through the colloquialism of Vimov, they called them “Tartars”. The names of the region are similar and similar - Tartaria...

Khreshchennia of Rus'

What is the point of the baptism of Russia? - can drink deeds. As it turned out, who knows what. Even the baptism was carried out in a far from peaceful way... Before the baptism, people in Russia were sanctified, practically everyone was able to read, write, appreciate (the marvelous article “Russian culture is older than European”). Let’s remember the history of the school program and I would like to see the same “Birch bark letters” - leaves that were written by one villager on birch bark from one village to another.

Our ancestors had the Vedic light-gazing, as I already wrote, but it was not a religion. The essence of any religion is reduced to a blind acceptance of certain dogmas and rules, without any deep understanding of why it needs to work one way or another. The Vedic light gave people the very understanding of the real laws of nature, the understanding of what is good and what is bad, like the ruling world.

People believed that it would happen after the “baptism” of the neighboring countries, if under the influx of religion the country was successful, the country with its sanctified population was highly corrupted, and the fate of the treatment threw into ignorance that chaos, where read that Only representatives of the aristocracy were asked to write, and not all of them...

Everyone miraculously realized that the “Greek Religion” was in themselves, as Prince Volodymyr Krivaviy, who was standing behind him, was going to baptize Kievan Rus. Therefore, none of the philistines of the current Kievan Principality (the province that split off from Great Tartary) did not accept this religion. There were great forces behind Volodymyr, and they were not too small for us to attack.

In the process of “baptism” over 12 years of forced Christianity, almost all of the population of Kievan Rus was depleted, with rare exceptions. Therefore, such a “belief” could only be imposed on foolish children, who, through their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion was taught to them by slaves, both in the physical and in the spiritual sense of the word. Everyone who was hoping to accept the new “faith” was killed. These are confirmed by the facts that have come down to us. Since before the “Christening” on the territory of Kievan Rus there were 300 places and 12 million people lived, then after the “Christening” more than 30 places and 3 million people were lost! 270 places were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Volodymyr, “Rus is Orthodox before the adoption of Christianity and after”).

Although they do not care about those who practically all the population of Kievan Rus was deprived of the holy patrons, the Vedic tradition did not exist. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dualism arose. The majority of the population formally recognized the imposed religion of the slaves, and continued to live by the Vedic tradition, although without flaunting it. This phenomenon was observed among the people's masses, and among part of the ruling elite. And such a style of speeches was preserved right up to the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who saw how everyone could be fooled.

The ancient Slovenian-Aryan Empire (Great Tartaria) could not calmly marvel at the approaches of its enemies, who had destroyed three-quarters of the population of the Kiev Principality. Only these events could not be militias, due to the fact that the army of the Great Tartaria was occupied with conflicts in its distant cordons. All these ancient Vedic empires were developed and advanced into current history At the same time, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar, the hordes of Khan Baty were pouring into Kievan Rus.

Until the summer of 1223, the Vedic Empire appeared on the Kaltsa River. And the united Polovtsians and Russian princes were defeated. This is what they taught us in history lessons, and no one could explain until the end why the Russian princes fought the “enemies” so poorly, and who of them went over to blame the “Mongols”?

The reason for this misunderstanding was that the Russian princes, who had adopted a foreign religion, miraculously knew who and what was coming.

So, from the long Mongol-Tatar invasion that yoke did not come, but from the rebellion of the provinces under the wing of the metropolis, the renewal of the integrity of the state. Khan Batya was about to turn his kingdom under the wing of the Vedic empire, the advancing European provincial powers, and bring the invasion of Christians to Rus'. However, the strong support of the active princes, who sensed the relish of the already demarcated, even greater power of the princedoms of Kievan Rus, and the new heist at the distant cordon, did not allow these plans to be completed (M. V. Levashov “Rus” I am in crooked mirrors”, Volume 2).


In fact, after the baptism of the Kievan Principality, only the children and even a small part of the adult population who had accepted the Greek religion were lost alive - 3 million people from a population of 12 million before the baptism. The principality was completely devastated, most places, villages and villages were plundered and burned. Even though this is the very picture that the authors of the version about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” paint for us, the only significant thing is that these zhorstok were working there as “Tatar-Mongols”!

As in the past, you can write history. And it becomes obvious that in order to capture all the cruelty with which the Kievan princedom was christened, and in order to absorb all possible food, the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented. Children were raised from the traditions of the Greek religion (the cult of Dionysus, and later Christianity), which rewrote history, where all the cruelty was blamed on the “wild nomads”...

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