Pineapple salad. Fruit salad with yogurt is a sweet treat and an easy dessert for the whole homeland! Tender appetizer with added siru

Salad with pineapple has long ceased to be considered exotic or unusual for Russian state gifts. They stink of the guests at both the Christmas and everyday tables. Fresh or canned fruit can add originality to a variety of appetizers.

Product storage: 320 g of canned fruit, the same amount of chicken fillet, 240 g of solid cheese, 2 large eggs, sauce, 70-80 g of peas, salt.

The pineapple salad has a very original taste.

  1. Boil the meat until cooked and crumbled into small pieces. Broth, if you run out of it, don’t cook it. Suitable for cooking dietary soups, as well as gravies and sauces.
  2. Pineapples are crushed in the same way as meat.
  3. Hard-boiled eggs are cut into cubes.
  4. The hard cheese is trimmed with a sheepskin.
  5. Warehouses of first four crumbs are poured into a salad bowl in order.
  6. After mixing the salad with chicken and pineapples, generously pour the sauce over it and add salt. You can also use traditional mayonnaise.

The appetizer is decorated with chopped peas.

With crab sticks

Product storage: 5-6 crab sticks, 160 g of peeled shrimp, mayonnaise and ketchup, 70 g of solid cheese, 3 “rounds” of canned fruit, 70 g of fresh white cabbage, 5-6 tbsp. l. cinnamon corn, salt|salt|.

  1. Submitted original salad at the tall, wide kelikhs. At the bottom of the skin hangs thinly shaken fresh cabbage, lightly squashed with your hands. It is salted and coated with sauce, which consists of ketchup and mayonnaise.
  2. Next, grains of peeled corn and small cubes of fruit are distributed.
  3. The kelikhas stopped growing pieces of crab sticks and later boiled seafood in salted water (3.5-4 khvilini). Warehouses are poured with sauce.

Garnish the salad with pineapple and crab sticks by grating it with hard cheese.

Salad with pineapple and smoked chicken

Product storage: 2 rings of canned fruit, great salt, 1 smoked steak, 3 large eggs, 80 g of solid cheese, fresh parsley, mayonnaise.

Eating smoked chicken meat and juicy pineapple is a treasure for a gourmet!
  1. The chicken meat is carefully cut from the brush and crushed into cubes.
  2. This is how you cut the fruit and syrup.
  3. Boil the eggs until hard in the middle, and then rub them together.
  4. The sir needs to know how to use a grater with the largest openings.
  5. There is a salad with pineapple and smoked chicken balls.
  6. You can experiment with them for the sweet taste. The smut, so that the meat goes first, and the remaining ones are egg shavings.

Salt the balls vibirkovo and coat them with thick mayonnaise. The appetizer is garnished with fresh parsley.

Tender appetizer with added siru

Product warehouse: 330 g of canned fruit, 170 g of salty solid syrup, fresh juice for relish, thick mayonnaise.

  1. Pineapple pieces are placed on a drushlyak. All the raspberry syrup can be drained from the fruit. A little bit of radish can be added to the mayonnaise at once. Allow the sauce to become aromatic.
  2. The sirok rubs against each other, and the watchmaker chokes at the foot. Its quantity can be adjusted to suit the taste of everyone at home. Ale would like to minimum strength The chasnik obov'yazkovo may be present at the salad.
  3. Cut the fruit into small cubes.
  4. Before preparing the ingredients, combine them in a saucepan. Generously season with sauce, scho viyshov.

Add some grated siru varto to embellish the finished chastuvannya.

Salad with chicken, pineapples and corn

Food storage: standard can of canned fruit, 4 large eggs (boiled until hard in the middle), standard can of corn, large chicken breast, salt, sauce.

The salad has an extraordinary taste, which allows you to indulge in popular herbs for a long time.
  1. Cook the chicken until completely done. You can add salt right away. Then the meat is torn into fibers and poured into a bowl in which the herbs are served. The top is coated with sauce, such as chasnikovo-vershkovo or homemade mayonnaise.
  2. Then small cubes of boiled eggs and sweet corn kernels are drizzled. I'll add the mesh to the sauce again. You can add salt|salt|.
  3. The rest is pineapple, cut into medium slices. The wine is covered with a ball of sauce.

You can simply mix all the ingredients to make a salad with chicken, pineapple and corn.

How to prepare a salad with mushrooms?

Product storage: 230 g of canned fruit, 340 g of fresh liver and chicken, half of the great cibulin, 90 ml boiled water, 1 small tablespoon otstu, 5 large eggs, 160 g siru, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Now you need to get started with thermal processing of products. They serve eggs, chicken and mushrooms. Boil the peppers until the center is firm. Meat can be prepared in any manual way - boiled, greased, baked. Mushrooms are cut into slices and brushed on olive oil until ready.
  2. Place chicken fibers in a bowl with the first ball. The mushrooms are growing further. Mayonnaise is added.
  3. The cibul is first cut into thin slices, filled with water and left for 12 minutes. After this, the wine hangs on top of the stove.
  4. Miniature cubes of eggs and mayonnaise are added on top. Then - grated cheese.

Finally, middle pieces of fruit without syrup are placed on top of the salad with pineapple, chicken and syrup.

With pineapples and shrimps

Product storage: miniature fresh pineapple, medium sour apple, 380 g of white long rice, spritz of large shrimp, a full bottle of fatty tops, half a bottle of canned pineapple syrup, 30-40 g of tops of oil, fresh by the pincer.

This salad is a must-have for lovers of unusual, sweet culinary experiments.
  1. For the cob, you need to thoroughly wash the white grain and boil it until ready. Next, the rice is thrown onto the drushlyak and washed thoroughly with cold water.
  2. The pineapple is peeled and cut into small cubes.
  3. On the melted top oil get yourself dirty with a couple of clothes exotic fruit and then placed on a plate. The procedure is repeated using apple cubes. Using the resulting mixture, cook the frozen seafood with butter and fruit juice until golden brown.
  4. The tops wiggle around the stewpan. They add syrup, salt to taste, and spices. The masa must go out in the open fire.
  5. Products prepared in the first three crusts are combined in a salad bowl and seasoned with sauce.

You can decorate the finished snack with unsweetened coconut flakes.

Thai fruit salad "Bangkok"

Product storage: fresh pineapple, 2 sour and licorice apples, pear, licorice mango, peach, small grapes, 40 g raspberries, 30 g each of cashews, hazelnuts and almonds, 60 g cane cucumber.

  1. The top of a large pineapple is removed from the cob, then the core is removed from it. You need to cut the licorice into medium cubes and place it in a prepared deep bowl.
  2. The peeled apples are peeled and thoroughly trimmed. Half of the shmatochki is baked in a microchicken oven until soft. Fruit bowls that are left out are coated in a dry frying pan. Let the fruits dry until fresh raspberries drip before them. This is the sauce for future salad.
  3. The step will detail all the instructions for the pea recipe.
  4. All fruits are peeled, washed and cut into cubes. Drizzle the grapes in halves. To be sure, remove the brush from the residue.
  5. Freshly picked fruits are placed in a container with pineapple cubes. This is where the softened apple is placed from the micro-oven oven.
  6. The original licorice snack is seasoned with sauce from a frying pan.

They decorate themselves with pea cream.

With sire and chasnik

Product storage: 280 g of solid cheese, 330 g of canned fruit, light mayonnaise, fresh juice for relish, 130 g of arugula, spinach, any spices for relish, salt.

This appetizing salad is juicy and very tasty.
  1. Finally, the hard cheese is prepared using a medium-sized grater with a medium-sized opening. Then the wine is transferred to a deep salad bowl.
  2. The canned fruit produces syrup. The skin of the pineapple is dried with paper cutlets, and then placed on a flat piece of grass so that the finished appetizer does not have any rawness.
  3. When ready, the fruit is cut into small cubes and simmered in a container of hardened cheese.
  4. The appetizer is seasoned with mayonnaise, chasnik, and salt. Warehouses are well maintained.

Salad with canned pineapples is a bright and unexpected solution for your evening. Most of the herbs, although they have become beloved celebrants at holy tables, have already come into being and do not attract any special attention. And salads that contain pineapple ingredients have recently begun to gain popularity. The bright appearance and sweet taste of this fruit will win the heart of any gourmet at your Christmas table!

Pineapple appeared in our region recently, but has now become one of the most important guests on the table for both adults and children. It is used for decoration, in desserts, to add juices, baked with meat and chicken, to add strains and fruit salads. There are no methods for preparing salads with canned pineapples due to the variety of ingredients: meat, cabbage, shrimp. Season these salads with special sauce, mayonnaise or olive oil.

I would like to note that light salads with canned pineapples are also low in calories and contain a lot of vitamins from group B. This view Vitamins help cope with infections and colds. If you want to lose weight, benefit your body and lose weight, then you should increase your respect for this product. And not just for the holy day, but for the daily menu.

How to prepare a salad with canned pineapples - 15 varieties.

Lovers of warm salads can prepare salad with chicken, pineapple and greased mushrooms. This garna, Yuletide herb will not only become a wonderful addition to your table, but it will delight your guests with its lightness, and even the calorie content of the herb becomes less than 350 Kcal.


  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • 150 g canned pineapples
  • 200g pecheritsa
  • 1 cibulin
  • 1 spoon olive oil
  • sour cream with relish
  • salt for relish


We boil the chicken fillet and cut it into small cubes.

The cibul and mushrooms are cut and coated in olive oil.

You can be victorious for consumption Roslynna Oliya However, the calorie content of the finished product can be increased.

The pineapples are crooked and thrown onto the stove so that all the syrup is poured out. If the pineapples are already cut, then we move on to the next stage, if the pineapples are cut into rings - cut into cubes.

I'll scrape off the masa that has reduced to a bit, mix it with chicken fillet and pineapples, salt, and season with sour cream.

The salad is ready!

Every person would like to eat fruit salad once in their life. The main dish is a mixture of fruit, topped with tops and yogurt. This recipe will undoubtedly delight you and your guests.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 large oranges
  • 100 g ginger
  • 1 tsp. rice otstu
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 75ml vershkov
  • salt for relish


The biggest problem with this recipe is that the ginger needs to be marinated ahead of time. To do this, you need to peel the ginger root, carefully grate it with semolina and leave it for one night. The next day, rinse and cut into thin layers. Place it in a jar, add a spoonful of otstu, two tablespoons of water and a spoonful of sukra. Leave at room temperature for a week and then store in the refrigerator.

Pineapple, oranges and tomatoes need to be cut, place ginger behind the preparations, add zuccor and salt. Make money from the tops and lemon juice. Season the salad with some sauce.

The taste comes out incredibly unpretentious, ginger adds piquant spicy notes.

Although this recipe is called a Lady's Whim, it has become very popular among the human half of the population for its original taste and ease of preparation. In fact, this salad can be prepared for 20 hvilins.


  • 200 g chicken fillet
  • 150g solid syru
  • 1 clove chasnik
  • greens for eggplants


Boil the fillet, cut into long strips.

Cut the pineapple into cubes.

The chasnik can be cut into pieces or crushed into the chasnik.

Grate hard cheese on a large third.

Mix everything, season with your favorite chi sauce, mayonnaise, and decorate with greens.

For the best version, the chicken fillet can not be boiled, but placed in a microchicken oven for 5 rounds at maximum pressure. In just one hour, the trigger will be ready to boil.

to his from the outside looking in The Pineapple salad will definitely please you, and you will be happy if you try it. The taste of pineapple and apple creates unexpected, savory notes, and the shreds and potatoes will not let the most hungry eaters go hungry.


  • 2 potatoes
  • 300g shank
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cans of canned pineapples
  • 1 apple
  • 1 head of cybul
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • pepper for relish
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • 100g hairy peas
  • 1 bunch of green cibul


Boil the potatoes and eggs. Clear. Grate the apple, potato and eggs into thirds of different sizes.

It’s better to peel the apple first, remove the skin, and then relish it.

Cut the pineapple into small cubes or strips.

Cut the cibul into small cubes and pour in dill, twist for 5-10 minutes. Let's not allow the bitterness to be consumed.

Take a large flat piece of grass and add the ingredients into balls, creating an oval shape.

Potatoes sprinkled with pepper - mayonnaise - tsibula with pepper and sillyu - shanka - mayonnaise - apple - eggs with pepper - mayonnaise - pineapple - potatoes with pepper. Place the balls in this manner until you run out of ingredients.

The pineapple, which is completely formed, is decorated. hairy peas And we use a green ponytail.

We cover the salad and put it in the refrigerator for 10 years.


The most popular salad on the Russian table is Radyanska Shuba with seledets, but this recipe does not compromise on classicity and will captivate you with its originality and beauty of presentation.


  • 2 chicken fillets
  • 100g prunes
  • 0.5 cans of canned pineapples
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 150 g solid syru
  • 1 head of cybul
  • mayonnaise to taste


Boil the chicken fillet. Cut finely. I sing the form of vitrimuvati neobo'yazkovo.

Steam the prunes in advance for 15 minutes|minutes| And also cut.

Grate the cheese with a fine grater.

Boil the eggs and grate thoroughly.

Cut the tsibul finely, sprinkle with dill (so that the girkota comes out).

Take a bike, a flat piece of grass.

Vykladati balls Onion-Chicken fillet-Pineapple cubes-Prunes-Syr-Eggs-Mayonnaise.

Garnish with grated beetroot, greens and other vegetables. Everything is left to your imagination.

Inexpensive and very easy salad to decorate like yours Saint's table So I can make you happy today.


  • 5 pcs boiled chicken eggs
  • 5 round pieces of canned pineapple
  • 200 g siru
  • 2 cloves chasnik


Cream three eggs, grate 3 whites, cheese and chasnik into separate thirds and place in separate plates.

Cut the pineapple into cubes.

Place balls of Bilki-Pineapple-Sir-Garlic on a flat surface. Coat the ball with mayonnaise.

If you have lost two eggs, you can make a bear for decoration.

Apply the ground chews to the animal and place the bear on the spot.

Dietic, as simple as possible cinnamon salad will keep your body in shape and calm down with wonderful relish.


  • 100 g canned pineapple
  • 100 g celery
  • 1 large apple
  • 50 g hairy peas
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Olive Oliya
  • Salt and pepper for the relish


Peel the celery root and grate it.

Grate the apple on this third, sparing the mixture first.

Slice the pineapple into slices.

Finely chop or grind the pea hairs soaked in hot water in a food processor.

Mix everything, add|add| salt|salt| and pepper and season with olive oil.

If Oliya is not to your liking, you can season it with natural yoghurt, it will be crispier.

When serving, place lettuce leaves and the salad itself on a plate, it will be even more beautiful!

For those who want to watch their diet, but still love to eat deliciously, this recipe will be a godsend. It’s even better for chicken meat, but at the same time it’s low in calories, because they don’t add mayonnaise.


  • 0.5 large bunch of lettuce or Chinese cabbage
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 sweet bell pepper (you can use two halves in different colors, it will look more fun)
  • 0.5 cans canned corn
  • 1 can of olives
  • 500 g canned pineapples
  • 1 lemon
  • Curry
  • Black chalk pepper
  • Olive Oliya


Tear the leaves of the cabbage salad with your hands. It is important not to grind too much.

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, sprinkle with curry seasoning, let sit for 15 minutes and coat in a hot frying pan. Do not add Olya.

Cut the pepper and pepper into cubes, throw them on top of the corn so that it is not too thin.

Cut the olives into halves, and divide the pineapple into thin slices.

Mix everything, add chilled chicken, season with olive oil and lemon juice. Before serving, add salt and pepper.


You can’t get around to cooking I'll savor the evening If you really want to nourish your family, then this express salad is specially for you!


  • 300 g siru
  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 3 cloves chasnik
  • mayonnaise or natural yogurt for dressing
  • salt and pepper for relish


Grate the syre on a large grater.

It’s good to make pineapples so that the syrup doesn’t turn your salad into soup. If they smell like pieces, cut them into cubes.

Pass the watchmaker through the watchmaker.

Mix everything, add seasoning to taste and season with mayonnaise or yogurt.

The salad is ready!

This version of the Pineapple salad is avoided with peppers in part of the form. Otherwise, the stench is not at all similar, the other option is simpler and takes less than an hour to prepare. You can decorate your Christmas table with this salad or you can earn it for the family supper.


  • 2 halves of chicken fillet
  • 1 can canned corn
  • 1 can of canned pineapple (pieces)
  • 300 g solid syru
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • salt and pepper for relish
  • mayonnaise


The chicken fillet is boiled and lightly brushed. It's hard to cut with a knife, it's not easy to trim the shape.

We pour corn. Rub the hard-boiled eggs and cheese into a large third.

Everything is mixed with mayonnaise and seasonings.

Place on a plate.

We boil the pineapples and let them drain well, otherwise we won’t be able to add garni to the slices on our salad. After the pineapple is dry, we cut it into three-piece pieces.

We decorate the salad with pineapple slices.


Vіzavi in ​​Russian translation means “on the spot.” I call this salad taking into account the fact that it is even more romantic and encourages partners to enjoy their love and emotions. This is full of sweet, piquant relish. Prepare this salad for a romantic evening, and it will become unforgettable.


  • 200 g boiled and peeled shrimp
  • 1 orange
  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 1 pack of cherry jelly
  • 50 ml cherry liqueur
  • 4 tbsp. processed siru (for example, President)
  • 4 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • liqueur cherry (for decoration)


Now the jelly is ready. You can use it more naturally, or you can take a special amount from the package. Dilute it in half of the indicated water, heat it, add gelatin and pour into molds for cooling (for added romance, you can find molds that look like hearts).

Peel and cut the orange into cubes.

Prepare a flat plate, take a baking dish, put in an orange and spread the ball with melted cheese.

Use a ball to place the cut pineapple and also coat with the cheese.

Place shrimp and cherries on top for decoration.

Take the shape and put the heart in the jelly.

Have a wonderful evening and enjoy your appetite!

Sorry, nice and tasty salad. As soon as the guests arrived without delay and you have nothing on hand - you will have to get to the store and prepare a delicious and irreplaceable snack that is worth appreciating.


  • 3 pieces of boiled potatoes
  • 1 can of canned pineapple (in pieces)
  • 3 cloves chasnik
  • 200-300 g syru
  • mayonnaise


We peel the boiled potatoes and grate them into a large grater.

The same goes for cheese.

The pineapples are thrown onto the drushlyak so that the stench is removed from all the juice and syrup.

The watchmaker is passed through a time press or cut into pieces. Mixed with mayonnaise.

You can serve it and make your loved ones happy!

Minimum ingredients - maximum result. You will never need to be more powerful in order to win over those who are alienated. This exotic recipe from French cuisine will prove that the most inconvenient products, at first glance, give a miraculous result. This recipe will also become indispensable for those who want to lose weight.


  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 300 g fresh pecheritsa
  • 2 large grapefruits
  • 50 g pine peas or peeled pine nuts


Peel the grapefruit, remove the skin, divide into slices and cut into cubes.

The pineapple gets angry by stealing some of the juice from the jar.

Wash and peel the pecheritsa thoroughly and cut into thin slices.

Mix all ingredients, adding a few if necessary pineapple juice from banks.

Let the dates sit, sip the pots and serve.

It’s best to prepare this salad later, so that it sits in the refrigerator for 6-8 years.

After an important, special evening, it is simply necessary to revitalize your body and please it with something light and fresh. The recipe for this salad is obscenely simple, but very rich and effective.


  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 2 red grapefruits
  • 2 tbsp. brown cherry piska
  • 1 bunch of fresh mint


Cut the pineapple into pieces of any shape.

Peel the grapefruit, divide it into slices, remove the liquid (give the bitterness), remove the stems and divide the skin into three parts.

Place the fruit on a flat surface and pour over the juice as it appears.

At the foot, separate the mint leaves, add the zukor there and add them all at once.

It is better to prepare mint zukor immediately before serving, the mint is slightly darker and can be frozen in appearance.

Stir together the ingredients and enjoy the extremely fresh taste!

Incredibly light bottom salad for special, Yuletide occasions. You can serve it as a savoury, as an appetizer with light alcohol, or add your favorite side dish to it.


  • 500 g peeled boiled shrimp
  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 bell pepper, sweet pepper
  • 2 cloves chasnik
  • 1 tsp. apple otstu
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • Strength behind the relish
  • Black chalk pepper with relish


Cut the pineapples into cubes. Cut the pepper into long strips.

In a baked frying pan, coat the shrimp, gradually adding pepper and pineapple to them. We respect you. We throw the finely cut clock. Once again respectful.

Stir apple cetus and soy sauce.

Finally, add the sauce to a frying pan.

For relish, we throw in salt and pepper.

Prepare the ingredients.

Rinse the pineapples with water and dry.

Porada 1. Instead of small baby pineapples, you can take one large pineapple.

Porada 2. For stuffing, you can use any seasonal fruits and berries (pears, apples, bananas, plums, peaches, grapes, cherries, raspberries, half-fruit, etc.).

Cut the pineapple into two halves.

Using a knife, carefully cut the pulp from the middle of the pineapple, leaving the sides 5-6 mm thick.

Virizati kachan.

Vibrate the pulp with a spoon.

Cut the pineapple pulp into small pieces or cubes.
Drain the grapes, dry them and cut them into halves.
Mash, peel and cut into small pieces.
Peel the bananas, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken.
Eat and cut kumquati into rings.

Porada. To give the kumquats more flavor, you can prepare cherry syrup and briefly soak the kumquats in the syrup. To do this, mix 20 ml of water and 30 g of zukru in a casserole, bring to a boil and boil 3 hvilin. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the syrup to room temperature and add half a teaspoon of vanilla extract or 1-2 teaspoons of orange liqueur. Place in kumquati syrup for 10 minutes. The syrup can be used as a dressing for fruit salad.

Mix and squeeze orange with new juice (for salad dressing).
Half of the pineapples have pieces of fruit.
Garnish with pomegranate seeds and crushed leaves (you can sprinkle some coconut flakes behind the eggplants).
Drizzle the salad with orange juice (after the eggplant, you can add a dash of flavored cinnamon syrup to the juice).
Place in the refrigerator and let sit for 30-60 minutes.

Enjoy your appetite and look forward to the future!

Calorie content: Not specified
Preparation time: 15 minutes

Fruit salad- The most beloved and beautiful affectionate children and adults. It’s a simple fact that you can’t do without a fruit dessert. And that’s right, even with fresh fruits great quantity vitamins and microelements so necessary for the functioning of the body. Today I want to give you a recipe for a very tasty dessert. This is a fruit salad with pineapple. We often prepare such a salad for children, because children really love eating fruit and yogurt, and even instead of the usual salad bowl, we use pineapple or something to grab! We recommend checking out the recipe for another delicious fruit salad.

- whole pineapple;
- 2 stigli bananas;
- 3-4 pieces of tangerine (or clementine) without brushes;
- 1 kiwi;
- 1 apple, variety "Grushivka";
- peeled peas (hazelnuts, hair);
- sugar powder;
- Fruit yoghurt or frozen “Plombir”.

Pokrovy recipe from photo:

We take all the ingredients for preparing fruit salad.

If you find a pineapple that you can’t get hold of, put it on the counter and let it ripen for three days. Since it doesn’t last long, then remove the core when preparing the salad. So, carefully cut the pineapple into two parts.

Using a knife and a special spoon, remove the entire core, removing a small ball of pulp (about 1 cm) around the edges. We're pouring it out now that it's done. We don’t throw away the yakush, we need it for preparing the salad.

Well, the “salad bowl” in which our “fruit extravaganza” will be presented is ready. Now let's start preparing the salad. Cut the pineapple and banana pulp into small cubes.

We clean the mandarini (clementini). If necessary, remove the brushes. Divide into pieces. You can not cut them, but add them to the salad in this form.

We clean it using the skins. It's very shaky. Add to the salad. The apple can also be peeled. Cut into cubes.

Peas are cleaned easily, turning them into crushed flour.

Sizzle with sugar powder until it tastes good. Season the salad with yoghurt and frosting. Mix thoroughly.

We transfer the fruit salad to the pineapple. Delicious!

Sometimes you want to pamper your loved ones with a light dessert. Fruit salad - the simplest one Swedish way Tse zrobiti. The addition of bright relishes and the unpretentious serving of pineapples in soup pots will help to keep the farmers healthy. on holy to the child such a salad will definitely become one of the main characters of the table, and if you add a drizzle of sweet sparkling wine as a dressing, it can become an even tasty addition to a romantic evening or a treat for Valentine’s Day.

Author of the publication

  • Author of the recipe: Natalia Vinogradova
  • After cooking you remove 2
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes


  • 1 PC. a pineapple
  • 1 PC. banana
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 2 pcs. mandarin
  • 100 gr. half-faced
  • 1 PC. mango

Method of preparation

    Prepare the salad no more than 40 minutes before serving - 1 year before serving. Rinse fruits, including pineapple, under hot running water to remove excess wax and other contaminants.

    Cut the pineapple with a wide knife, removing the leaves.

    Make two “cups” from pineapple halves. To do this, scrape along the inner perimeter of the mound and scoop out the core with a spoon (use a round frosting spoon to scoop it by hand).

    Cut the pineapple core into cubes. From taking away the cups, anger the sik.

    Peel the banana, cut it into slices and cut into slices. To prevent the banana from darkening, sprinkle it with lemon juice.

    Peel the tangerine, divide into pieces and cut into slices.

    Halfway through, firm up the fruit stems and cut into pieces.

    Peel the mango, remove the skin and remove the brush. With large segments, a mold for baking a bunch of figures. Cut the mango pulp into cubes.

    At this point, carefully mix all the prepared fruits and pour them into pineapple bowls, decorate them with mango figures, half-bottoms, or any other thematic decor.

    Fruit salad is ready!


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