Sabina Ramp: biography and special life. Sabina's haircut Ramp - photo of the comb from all sides Profiler for real

Sabina Ramp's haircut does not suit the skin, it goes without saying, and the mirror brings out a joyful laugh with a wonderful sense of style. This girl is a psychologist, the idea is foreign to her, and criticism is taken indirectly, not put on the spot. Every person has the right to choose what is beautiful on his head. And the combing axis of Sabina Ramp is stylish and very effective.

Features of the Sabini Ramp

There are a lot of people who want to know the name of Sabina Ramp. There are those who criticize, but understand that a good woman may not have long hair, but short hair, if she wants her wife to have a woman’s strength.

The haircut at the back looks like a man, but from this Sabin Ramp looks even more extravagant. Blonde-style hair can be combined with darkened roots, but it is fashionable; not all colors are suitable for everyone. Sabina made her choice, thus emphasizing beauty and gentleness.

A short haircut needs to be carefully styled, but long hair requires fiddling with the hair, cutting it more often and putting it in a bun or ponytail, as it takes a lot of time to trim.

Punk combing Ramp Sabini to work with a girl as a wife and gives sexuality, in the world of hair growth it is also necessary to look at it and for those who love themselves is not a problem.

Sabina's haircut Ramp - what is it called

Biography of Sabina Ramp, like her haircut, even unpretentious, psychological illumination allows you to be a wonderful guide in the choice of professionals, lead coaches, trained polygraph examiners further expand the possibilities of professional work. Reality.

In real life, a girl also easily reinforces lies and lies. The television show “Naspravdi” made Sabina even more popular, and you can recognize a lot of fun from the program.

Almost nothing is known about children's birth; Sabina was born in Baku, after which she moved to Novosibirsk and in 2004 destroyed the capital. This nationality is the subject of the super-echelons of shanuvalniks, and Sabina Ramp’s nutrition itself is important not to comment on.

An asymmetrical haircut like that of Sabina Ramp allows the woman to look young and gain the respect of those who are absent. The girl's appearance and professional qualities will never be satisfied. For the whole hour there are a lot of photos, where Sabina Ramp's haircuts are presented in different versions, they vary in color from blonde to brunette, sometimes just drastic. You need to know that the girl’s experiments are clearly going on.

The haircut is spectacular, it’s ultra-short, it looks wonderful on the head. If the hair is styled correctly, the haircut is completely harmless. Pixie in 2018 is one of the fashionable haircuts in the whole world.

With a very attractive personality, Sabina Pantus is a psychologist and polygraph examiner. Strimano confesses about himself, and rightly so. She was born near the capital of Sonya Azerbaijan, but she didn’t live there, she moved with her father to Russia. Baku has lost its relatives, and it is even rare to visit them.

The investigation of nonsense began at the International Academy and became a professional counterfeiter for this galuzia. Through her activities, Sabina Pantus helps people get better nutrition at work and in particular problems. It is easy to recognize lies and the truth when combined with people.

Over the years, Sabina Pantus has radically changed her image and with her light hair she looks young and attractive. Vaughn has two blues of twelve and eight rocks. Wanting to be deprived of the dungeon forever, the young woman is 33-35 years old.

Sabina Pantus is a psychologist, polygraph examiner and profiler. Beautiful, young, singing, she will take part in the new project “Naspravdi” (guide Dmitro Shepelev). Through facial expressions, gestures and other means, the program analyzes the behavior of the hero, indicating how truthful he is.

Sabina was born in sleepy Baku, but she practically never lived there. Afterwards, the family moved to Russia.

There is no special information about Sabin Pantus, no matter how many years he lives, who he is. There are friends and there are two blue ones in it, Danilo and Mikita, the eldest is 12 years old, the youngest is 8 years old in leaf fall.

The nickname Pantus is not a pseudonym. Shvidshe for all the nickname of the man.

Sabina Pantus here 32-34 rocks.

Sabina Pantus is a true person and often appears on various talk shows as an expert. If you believe the presenters, it is simply impossible to fool a woman, they understand that there is a gap in the person behind facial expressions, gestures and other signs that are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Sabina comes from Baku, where she was born in 1982. Friendly, the woman will not tell about the person. The bet has two blues. Sabina is often asked about her biography, because the woman published the following photo on her profile:

I first got to know Sabina Pantus on the “Naspravda” program. This whole woman was impressed by the woman, so she looked organically within the framework of this program. She is less than 35 years old, but she looks like a woman who has already learned to live with joy.

Sabina is originally from Baku. Vaughn works as a psychologist. She is friends and has two blue ones. The article below contains information about her biography.

Sabina’s nickname is Pantus, a lot of people respect that she’s a Latvian, but she herself will lock up this information. She was born 35 years ago in Baku, then moved to Novosibirsk and Moscow. Sabina's marriage began. Her business is focused on psychodiagnostics, psychology, profiling, and neuroprogramming. This woman became visible because she began to work as an expert polygraph examiner in the studio of Shepelev’s “Naspravda” program. Sabina is successful, young, friendly and has two boys. It’s hard to believe that there is a romance between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev, but this has not yet been confirmed by anything.

Sabina Pantus always takes part in the TV show “Naspravdi”. Yonder stands there as an expert. Sabina was born in 1982. near the city of Baku. Recently my family moved to Novosibirsk. Sabina talks about her fathers, ancestors, heritage and nationality. Through the nickname - Pantus, this is the same nickname, as well as the very appearance of the inhabitants of the present day, it is assumed that they originate from the Baltic states.

The girl graduated from the Moscow Humanitarian University with a degree in psychology. There is not much evidence of the work in the field of personnel selection for various companies. Of course, you won’t be able to impress TV viewers - we have all the workers in the fields, and there’s a real fairy tale on TV. That’s why Sabina shocks the people with the terrible word “EN EL P”, saying and speaking to her. This is a technology to stimulate sales of goods, but not to these ignorant people who can believe that this is the newest version of hypnosis with elements of voodoo magic.

For the first time, viewers noticed this stunning blonde in the 2017 broadcast of “Naspravda” as Dmitro Shepelev’s supervising partner.

Sabina Pantus Born in 1982, according to the horoscope of Von Ribi, in 2017 she was born in 35 years. Most people claim that she was born in Baku.

Sabina is a coach and polygraph examiner. There is a professional psychologist, according to human behavior, to speak the truth or lies, and not vicariously and additionally, for example, a polygraph.

Sabina conducted thousands of psychological checks, and before her, law enforcement agencies and organizations involved in personnel selection were also deployed.

Nina is procrastinating near Moscow.

Dmitro Dibrov (under the hour of the program “Who wants to become a millionaire”) admitted that Pantus is of Baltic or Norwegian origin.

The girl's height is 165 centimeters. The nickname Pantus is correct.

Sabina Pantus or Ramp, 1982 rock - now we see a young woman, a polygraph examiner and profiler, a coach (in simple words, a psychologist), and the girl was born 26 years old, it is known among rich people that Sabina’s childhood was spent in Baku, her nationality is definitely not in sight , yak And there are a lot of other facts about Sabina’s biography, people assume that she is of Norwegian or Baltic origin. Sabina herself does not confirm this information simply, but she cannot confirm it yet.

Please note that the nickname is not specified, the document is not indicated anywhere.

Sabina's zodiac sign is Leo.

In 2018, Sabina's rock will be 36 rocks.

It became known after the broadcast of the show with Dmitry Shepelev, and it got a lot of attention.

Sabina Pantus is on Instagram, here.

This beautiful young woman Sabina Pantus adds her energy and independence. Russian TV viewers are familiar with the broadcast of the first channel “Naspravda”. Extremely adding value, she inspires everyone with her assertiveness and inner rightness. There are only 35 rocks, but there is a fundamental understanding of this practice in the sphere of inter-social relations.

The facts of this particular biography are small. Originally from Azerbaijan. She lived near Novosibirsk, and then near Moscow. Vikhov two blue ones. I confirm that the nickname is correct, and it’s not Latvian.

She looks amazingly stylish. A good haircut and make-up clearly distinguishes them from today's fashionistas.

24 June 2017 on the First Channel starting a show project "Right". Issue of bouv assignments to the actor Oleksia Panina This is an unforgivable family relationship. Leading Dmitro Shepelev

As a permanent expert, this scandalous program took its fate Sabina Pantus(polygraph profiler, psychologist), who gives professional comments in assessing the credibility of the participants’ behavior with verbal and non-verbal signs of nonsense.

  • Biography of Sabina Pantus

About the peculiarities of life, Sabina’s biography, it is clear that fact-history Internet resources may not convey the truth at all.

Sabina was born in 1982 r. Baku(Azerbaijan). Zodiac sign is Pisces. I lived in Novosibirsk for such an hour. 2004 Roku moved to Moscow. Sabina has two children (blues - Mikita, Danilo).

  • Light, career, professional activity

Sabina Pantus is a certified expert polygraph examiner, profiler, member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners, included in the Unified Register of Polygraph Examiners of Russia (?).

Sabina Pantus trained: at the Academy of Business Security, the Korovin Center for Applied Psychophysiology, and the Moscow Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov, at the International Academy for the Investigation of Nonsense, Moscow Center for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, American International Institute of Polygraph

Currently, Sabina is active in research (International Center for Fraud Detection and Profiling - video, Korovin School of Fraud Detection) and professional activities (CIBP, computer polygraph distributor "Energy" that hardware and software complex "Meister", Screening upon hiring and working personnel, private and investigative services).

Sabina Ramp- the media personality is asked to be a permanent expert on various channels ( "First Channel", "NTV", TV Center) central television station for participation in television programs and projects.

A report on Sabini’s lifestyle can be found on this page on Instagram and on the You-Tube channel

  • The information is published based on materials from various Internet sites. If there are inaccuracies and smells far from the truth, I’ll ask again

Psychologist Sabina Pantus and TV presenter Dmitro Shepelev met during the filming of a new scandalous project on Channel One “Naspravda”. The show was already criticized by the viewers, and the participating viewers called the creators at the stand.

It seems that the creators of the show “Naspravdi”, who tried out the lie detector, have already recruited the singer Danko, the singer Aziza, the son of the late Igor Talkov and the friend actor couple Natalia and Ivan Krasko. Having spoken, food is not given correctly, all the smells are aimed at outrageousness and scandal.

Viewers have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the show's psychologist Sabina Pantus, who, in contrast to her colleagues, does not require technology to recognize the lies behind the hero's gestures, phrases and philosophies.

The host of the program “Who Wants to Become a Millionaire”, Dmitro Dibrov, contacted him and asked Sabina and Dmitry Shepelev to come to the studio. I realized that I had never met such people. And having tried myself, I learned something about Pantus’s adventures.

According to Dibrov, she comes from the Baltic States and Norway. However, Sabina did not indicate her nationality, but rather indicated that she was born and lived part of her life in Baku. Dmitro Shepelev noted that he had already visited the capital of Azerbaijan several times, and he deserved it.

Viewers of this show noted that between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev there are hundreds of hundreds of poses in the Naspravda studio. During the broadcast of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” he kept calling the girl “V,” and hour after hour she tried to touch his arm and shoulder.

Sabina Pantus, before everything else, put a siege against Dmitr Shepelev’s defense against his scandalous dispute with Rusfond and a pittance to Zhanni Friske:

“My thought is that Dmitr Shepelev should be called at his address. I am not a fan of giving such comments, but I should often ask about this (distal, to be completely honest), and so much has been thrown at Dmitr undeservedly. I respect the call at Dmitry’s address. absolutely "unsupported. A lot of Rusfond's pennies are vinous. She is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son so much. I have everything! This post of insurance coverage is for those who want to understand that it happened for real, and not just like that, without “parsing it out...”.

#vіdpovіdeypopular nutrition My thought should be Dmitr Shepelev and call at your address. I’m not a fan of giving such comments, but I don’t often ask about it (to be honest), but it’s too rich???? the blame on Dmitry is undeserved. I respect the call to Dmitry’s address as absolutely unaccountable. Much more than Rusfond’s pennies are worth it. She is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son so much. I have everything! This area is insured for those who want to understand that it was for real, and not just like that, indiscriminately???? #my opinion #Dmitro Shepelev #SabinaPantus #dosit for today

Sabina Pantus is a woman with a very unique professional biography. An expert psychologist, Sabina easily navigates the responsibilities of a coach, a personnel selection specialist, and a profiler and polygraph examiner, the people who professionally reinforce the truth from lies. Sabina Pantus became popular thanks to the TV show “Naspravdi”.

Childhood and youth

Little is known about the children of the bright red beauty. Sabina was born on March 4, 1982 near Baku, and lived near Novosibirsk for many hours. In 2004, Pantus moved to Moscow. The nationality of the girl, as well as the date of her birth, became the subject of dispute between spies and rogues. They admit that Sabina Pantus has Baltic roots, and others believe that the popular psychologist is Russian. Sabina herself doesn’t comment on her high-spirited manner.

Information about Sabin’s training is also not publicized, it is also clear that Pantus studied profiling, psychodiagnostics and polygraphology, and neurolinguistic programming. In addition, the professional treasurer Sabini was recently renewed with certificates and diplomas from the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Printing Institute, the Academy of Business Security, and the International Academy and investigation of lies at the Moscow Humanitarian University.


This opposing list of specializations is not lacking only theoretically: Sabina Pantus practices as a special business coach, helping people achieve success and make the right decisions. In addition, the woman helps great companies select employees and resolve internal problems among the team.

Pantus also works with the Central Investigative Bureau of Psychotechnologies, contributes to the hearing officers of Valery Korovin’s school of nonsense detection, and also conducts special consultations.

Sabina Pantus transferred her talent as a polygraph examiner to her development – ​​polygraphs under the name “Energy”. Sabina confirms that this device shows even more accurate results and can help not only personnel officers and recruiters, but also criminalists.

Sabina Pantus does not fail to respect the psychology of relationships between people. The girl provides professional advice to those who want to get along with their parents, brighten up the daytime weather, increase self-esteem and simply enjoy the feelings of power.

Show "Naspravdi"

The popularity of Sabina Pantus came from television: in early 2017, the woman began hosting the “Naspravdi” program on Channel One simultaneously. This unconventional show was a delight for the spectators. The project helps people who are in the middle of another conflict to make peace and learn one another.

Sabina Pantus insists that the only way to overcome such problems is to learn to speak the truth. The lie itself most often becomes the cause of disagreements and tragedies in people’s lives. Telling the truth, as well as accepting it from another’s word of mouth, is not an easy task, which Sabina and Dmitry help the participants in the program to overcome.

The heroes of the show are people who are close, who have gotten into a fight, or who have been separated. The presenters are proud to say in an interview that it is impossible to ignore at the “Naspravda” studio, and it becomes obvious in the eyes of millions of observers. The mission of Sabina Pantus is to become a hero and, as it is necessary, to bring the participants to clean water.

The hero of the first episode of the show became an actor. The man is going through a difficult period in his life: a trial against a large group, Yulia Yudintseva, for custody of his daughter Anya. This series of “Naspravdi” turned out to be scandalous - the girl looked like a huge bastard and was not prepared for reconciliation. How many times have we seen them, not caring about the report of the husilla, and have not been able to restore peace between the participants.

Another series of broadcasts has ruined the belief of persistent watchers. The heroes were the team members from the huge squad Natalia Ustyumenko. A tragedy befell the couple's life. Donka Agata is seriously ill, the little girl cannot walk, and she is also suffering from hearing loss. It was clear that Spivak did not sing that Agatha was his daughter. Danko called Natalya from Zrada, a DNA test and a polygraph helped to find out that the woman was honest with the doctor. The friends went to the broadcast studio at once.

Over the course of an hour on air, the heroes of the show were the people of the past, and the news. Many of the most important features were revealed in secret, which brought new and new viewers to the screens.

The thoughts of the show's participants were divided. It is important that leading professionals bring heroes to light. Others respect that the methods of Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are harsh and straightforward. The program's ratings are growing steadily.

Special life

About the power of life, Sabina Pantus respects the fact that it’s better not to expand. Apparently, the woman has two blues, Danilo and Mikita. And the axis of Sabin’s man keeps moving until he remains a prison for journalists and shady people.

Not long ago, in Merezhi, rumors began to spread about those who had crossed the professional line between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. People sing that their colleagues have a special sympathy.

The suspicions of the rogues are confirmed by the fact that Sabina Pantus in one of her social networks posted a text that was kidnapping Dmitry. On the right is that Shepelev is called by the favored finances of his lost squad. Sabina Pantus said that such attempts are baseless, and Dmitro is an honest person.

Sabini’s professional skills, as we know, are often respected in everyday life. The girl emphasizes that Mitta recognizes the lies of the blue and close people, which sometimes becomes the cause of super-eyes.

Cream of hearts, shanuvalniks discuss haircut and image of Sabina Pantus. Just now, “Instagram” and other social networks have been booming with Sabina’s photo and the comments of the correspondents – the girl changed her hairstyle and hair color, causing a flurry of discussion.

Sabina Pantus at once

In the meantime, Sabina Pantus will continue her television career.

Also, behind the scenes, watchers are learning about a new project with the participation of a leading psychologist.

Im: Sabina Pantus

Date of birth: 26.07.1982

Vik: 37 rocks

Mіstse narodzhennia: Moscow location, Russia

Activity: polygraph examiner, profiler, coach

Family camp: unmarried

Polygraph examiner, coach and business trainer Sabina Pantus became known after training with the Naspravda program. There, together with Dmitry Shepelev, he lifts the curtain on the secrets of the private lives of celebrities. Read our article to learn more about Sabina Pantus’s biography and personal life.

Biographical information

A biographical account of Sabin Pantus is available to Internet users, and people doubt its veracity. The dzherelah available for viewing shows a different age of girlhood. Without any resources to converge on the Duma, Sabina Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku. Okremi dzherela refers to those who were born in the Baltic states. Sabina has a lot of unique names and nicknames. Pantus is an atypical nickname for Russia, but it is known for everything as a foreign name.

The girl does not look like an Azerbaijani. There is a lot to know about her Estonian identity. As a matter of fact, Sabina Pantus is still Russian by nationality, but perhaps not purebred.

Recently the girl radically changed her image - she was re-painted in a different color. TV viewers praised how Sabina began to look significantly younger.

The popularity of Sabina Pantus was brought about by her employment with the “Naspravda” program. Apparently, before the girl rejected her request to take part as Dmitry Shepelev’s spy, she had carried out more than three thousand printing checks.

In addition, there may be evidence of the recruiter’s work. The girl assisted various companies in searching for coronavirus workers based on their descriptions. Sabina Pantus helped various organizations conduct investigations into their spies.


With respect to Sabina’s biography, Pantus deserves credit for her illumination (see below for information about the girl’s particular life). It is unknown to what fate Sabina lost her first diploma. Since she was born in the 1982s, then, after all, VNZ ended up in the early 2000s.

Sabina Pantus advanced her qualifications in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

Sabina Pantus professional polygraph examiner

Between the initial deposits, de Pantus issued certificates that confirm her qualifications, such as:

  1. Academy of Business Security.
  2. Center for Applied Psychophysiology.
  3. Moscow Humanitarian University
  4. International Academy of Nonsense.
  5. Center for linguistic neuroprogramming.
  6. American International Printing Institute

Certificates issued by various institutes and universities helped Sabina find herself as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business trainer and special coach.

Sabina at her work place

Personal life of a private polygraph examiner

The particular life of polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus is kept secret by the girl herself, as is her biography.

Apparently, there are two blue ones. The eldest is 12 years old, the youngest is 7 years old (along with the Dzherela it is indicated that the younger child Sabina is 8 years old). The boys' names are Mikita and Danilo.

Sabina confirms that her desire to “read” people has a detrimental impact on families with children. She knows in advance whether the boys are lying and when they are telling the truth. The syns never dare to get her. Sabina will bring them out into the open again. Of course, the polygraph at home is not a good idea. It is enough to watch out for the verbal and non-verbal communication of the boys in order to succeed in their honesty and, in fact, in their lies.

Sabina reveals her special way of life

Due to the presence of a man or a young man in the life of Sabina Pantus, the girl talks about it. It’s unknown what’s coming out of nowhere. It is possible that if the special life of Sabina had a woman, the result of the relationship would be the birth of children. It’s clear that there are differences among the boys among the fathers. The press did not dare to put pressure on these people, who could appear as fathers of the blue Sabini Pantus.

Having become a well-known person, Sabina does not want to find herself at the center of a scandal and therefore makes it a point not to reveal the facts of her special life. Having learned how the public reacts to the secrets of the eyes of the “Naspravdi” show, the polygraph examiner is in no hurry to reveal himself to the public.

Viewers of the TV show “Naspravdi” sing that romantic moments are developing between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. The TV presenter and polygraph examiner have not yet confirmed this speculation.

What do you know about Sabina Pantus’s professional activities?

There is much more information about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus in her biography, but not about the particular life of the girl and the man. Sabina is a ceramic worker at the Central Pre-Investigation Bureau of Psychotechnology. In addition, she works as a depositor at the Korovin School of Printing.

About the professional activity of Sabina Pantus, it is also known that she is a member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners. Don't forget about Pantus and Russia. Here Sabini’s nickname is included in the Unified Register of Polygraph Examiners.

With other experts on the Naspravda program

Another girl provides consultation services on the basis of the International Academy for Lies Investigation, where she works as a trainer. Sabina contributed her knowledge in the field of printing to the development and optimization of the polygraph, released under the name “Energy”. For those who may want to undergo an interview with a polygraph test, Pantus has released an effective training.

For those who want to normalize sex with the other half and understand how to approach your Kohana Lyudina, Sabina Pantus will conduct courses and Master Classes. I also conduct webinars that specialize in developing self-esteem to the required level.

Beginning in 2017, Sabina Pantus became known with Dmitry Shepelev on the show “Naspravdi”. The girl analyzes the behavior of the participants and gives them professional comments. Depending on Sabina’s participation in the program, TV viewers may be able to find out whether their idol is telling the truth. The polygraph examiner often criticizes those surveyors who try to grab some facts from a particular life, for which they, in their own way, are interpreted very negatively.

Sabina Pantus at home speciality

Some TV viewers support their lovers who came to the show and criticize the hosts of the “Naspravda” program. They respect that media persons are under pressure to reveal intimate details of their biography and special life. It is natural that Sabina Pantus will put pressure on them first, as she quietly reveals the secrets of celebrities.

Another part of TV viewers, however, is really impressed by Sabina’s robot. They respect that there is a rightfully qualified fakhivets who helps to convey the truth about the life of popular Russian television. It would be nice for anyone to be aware of the fact that the media personalities of Russian television are not as ideal as they are imagined by the press. Even more, on the show “Naspravdi” the stench is revealed in a real way.

Scandal around the Naspravda program

During the hour of the “Naspravdi” show, viewers began to criticize him more than once. The participants will become dissatisfied. The heroes of the program respect that Dmitro Shepelev provokes them with his incorrect diet in order to reject new facts about their life. The remains will soon become scandalous tombs of enormity.

Of course, in the above-mentioned show “Naspravda” one cannot do without negative comments on Sabina Pantus, including on her biography and special life.

TV viewers appreciate the undeniable fact that Sabina is a secretive person who is not ready to openly tell journalists about her life. Vaughn herself stands out from the heroes of the “Naspravda” program as a result of dark power supply.

Varto remembers that certain people have already begun to comment on their fate in the “Nas Pravda” investigations in a negative way. The media have been reconfigured so that the nutrition is set incorrectly. The mission of Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus is to bring them out into the open, drawing on the intimate details of their special lives and biographies.

In which basins are found Pantus and Shepelev

Sabina Pantus and Dmitro Shepelev are colleagues and friends of the show “Naspravdi”. TV viewers appreciate that dating between celebrities is more than just a comparison within the same program. Sabina Pantus is going to discuss her biography and the special life behind the mystery of Dmitry Shepelev. The girl is becoming more and more prominent in the world of Russian television. It is possible that we will soon start asking for other popular programs.

The viewers said that during the hour of the show “Who Wants to Become a Millionaire” Dmitro specially called his colleague “V”. The girl responded to his “reciprocity.” During the hour, she was tempted to bump into Dmitry’s shoulders and hands more often.

Sabina Pantus and Dmitra Shepelev are knitted with romantic shirts

In addition, Sabina Pantus reacted to Shepelev’s scandalous law, connected with Rusfond and Zhanni Friske’s money. The girl decided to write and publish a whole message at the address of her colleague. So Sabina says that the name is undeserved. She appreciates that Dmitro is an absolutely honest person, who doesn’t care about Rusfond’s pennies. He is a wonderful and loving father. She sings that everyone is called without support. This means that Dmitro is not guilty of anything.

TV viewers of the show “Naspravdi” sang that the colleagues of this significant Maidan activist – Sabin Pantus and Dmitro Shepelev – feel more and more like a robot. Perhaps young people came to mingle and began to mingle closely.

Shepelev’s shags do not exclude the fact that a more romantic feeling will arise between colleagues. Dmitra is not suing anyone. After the death of Jeannie Friske, quite an hour passed for people to start thinking about the new hundred-year-old.

Material prepared by the editors of the site

Published 11/08/2017
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