Recipe for preparing jam for agrus.


beauty and health

The middle of my preparations for the winter is always jam for agar.

It's amazingly more delicious and aromatic, without even seeming bark.

There are no methods for preparing arusa jam, but there are less for you, both a simple recipe for arusa jam and a complex (labor-intensive) one.

We need:

1 kg aґrusu

1 kg cucru

Varennya for agurus - a simple recipe to prepare: 1). The method is very simple and quick.

For the cob, we sort out the berries, removing all the tails and stems. I'll call the vikorist for this knife.

The variety of arus does not matter, we take the one you have. Agrus fruits for jam varto are firm (underripe).



Rinse with water and grind the berries in a blender (it’s very smooth and easy), if you don’t have a blender, then use a meat grinder.


Then we fall asleep

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

The ball is arusu – the ball is tsukru and so is the number of balls.

Leave it like this for the whole night in a cold place or at room temperature.

Tsukor for this hour Roztane.

4). Yakshcho

Promit and squabble and throw it onto the drushlyak so that all the water is collected.

Using a toothpick or a bare toothpick, split the skin of the berry in a few places so that the skin does not crack during the cooking time, and the boiled berries are rendered useless.

Next, we place the agrus in a saucepan, add the zuccor and let it cook for 8 years.

After the indicated hour, you need to pour water into the pan and stir the masa.

Place the saucepan on the stove and cook the syrup over low heat until all the zukor is gone.

Then remove from the stove and set aside, and add 20 minutes to the lemon syrup.

Then we put the mass back into the fire and let it boil.

  1. As soon as they appear on the surface of the bulb, we immediately remove and distribute the jam into jars.
  2. Cover with lids, twist, and put the jars in a cold or otherwise cold place.
  3. Good morning, gentlemen and gentlemen!
  4. Here you will find the most popular recipes and important recommendations that will help you prepare agar jam.
  5. From the simplest and traditional, to the embellished royal and emerald.
  6. The thickness of the peel can be adjusted depending on the skin condition.

If the berries are stronger than licorice, the cucumber, of course, can be added less.

  • We need to prepare ingredients for traditional arusa berry jam
  • Two kilograms of agrus
  • Two kilograms of tsukru

Drive 100ml.

  1. Yak gotuvati varennya
  2. Harvest the berries, sort them, trim the tails.
  3. Place in an enamel saucepan or bowl.
  4. Add water.
  5. Add the sugar to the masa and stir with a wooden spatula.
  6. Put it on the outside fire.
  7. Bring to a boil with frequent stirring.
  8. Don’t forget about the kick, it needs to be removed
  9. Cook the khvilins on low heat for 50 minutes. Then start checking the readiness of the khvilins after 30-35.

Pour hot into sterile jars, roll up and twist the lids.
Cool at room temperature, then transfer to a storage place.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 2.5 liters of the finished product will be obtained.

So, without further ado, you can prepare the most delicious dessert.

Recipe for jam for aґrusu p'yatikhvilinka

Fruits of purpose.

  • Refreshing taste.
  • It smells like flying.
  • This is how you can briefly characterize the speed of glia.

Its advantage lies in the fact that the berries do not need to be boiled, but rather simmered in hot syrup for 5 minutes.

We need a toothpick at the assistant's office.

We pierce the skin with it.

This is necessary to ensure that the berries do not burst during the heat treatment.

Don't skimp on this procedure.

It’s not that long, and it’s not at all awkward.

The jam will be flavored with delicious savory fruits, a unique appearance and aroma.

  • Prepared ingredients
  • Agrusu berries – 1 kg
  • Cucumber sand – 1 kg

Water – 250 ml.

Varimo Varennya
Citrus notes can be enhanced by adding a little lemon.

Yogo is also twisted with zest.

The taste of the jam will become even richer.

Recipe for preparing Tsar's or emerald jam for aґrusa

This new name was given to the jam for its distinct taste, its unusual color, and its historical origin.

  • An old legend seems to be that Katerina Druga presented the cook with an emerald ring for the most delicious agrus jam of green color.
  • As if it wasn’t there, but the jam is just gone.
  • Why shouldn’t we bring the Tsar’s chastisement to the household?
  • Why do we need it?

  1. Kilogram arus (it is better to choose great berries of green color)
  2. Tsukor – kilogram and two hundred grams
  3. Cherry leaves - a pair of seeds (20 grams per bunch)
  4. Water – 400 ml.
  5. As soon as possible, trim your ponytails.
  6. Make a cut on the side of the skin of the buttock.
  7. Then put the hairpin in the assistant and remove it from the berries.
  8. For jam, the stench will not become worse in the future, but the axis of the compote can be identified.
  9. Place half a leaf.
  10. The stench will be needed a little later.
  11. Rashtu lista vimiti.
  12. Fill a saucepan with water, tear off the leaves, and bring to a boil.
  13. Change the vogon, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  14. Make sure it is a green color.
  15. Now you need to pour the hot liquid from the leaves into our prepared berries.

Cool the masa, leave in a cold place for 10 -12 years, or at night.

Pour the cold brew into a warm bowl, remove the leaves, and throw the berries onto the tray.

Add the zukor to the boiler, stir, and bring to a boil.

The jam will be flavored with delicious savory fruits, a unique appearance and aroma.

  • Place the berries in boiling syrup and add the leaves.
  • Varity 15-18 hvilin.
  • Agrus is guilty of becoming clear-eyed.
  • After that, as soon as we become clear-sighted, the fire needs to be turned on.

And immediately put the water in the krizhanu pan directly.

  1. This is necessary in order to preserve the original color.
  2. Spread the cooled jam into sterile jars and roll up.
  3. Not jam, but relish!
  4. Stuff the berries with pieces of peas.
  5. Make syrup.
  6. Pour water into a saucepan, add zukor, and bring to a boil.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes until the tsukru is completely destroyed.
  8. Pour hot syrup over the filled berries.
  9. Bring the masa to a boil, boil for five minutes.
  10. Leave until completely cooled down.

In an hour it could be nothing, or 9-10 years.

Put it on fire.

Cook over low heat until done, when you can check for additional jam drops.

Vaughn is about to bloom.

  • Place the hot jam in a sterile jar and seal with the slimy lids.
  • We prepared miracle jam.
  • Respect to you!
  • Recipe for agrus jam with oranges and lemons without jam

This is a perfect gift for lazy people.

  1. The taste of our native agrus is complemented and enriched by citrus fruits.
  2. The duration of thermal processing transforms the jam into a vitamin bomb.
  3. We have a set of products ready
  4. Three kilograms of berries
  5. Two lemons
  6. Three oranges
  7. Five kilograms of cucumber.
  8. How to prepare jam

Wash the agrus, trim the tails, dry the berries.

Oranges and lemons must be thoroughly soaked in hot water and wiped with a paper towel.

Cut the citrus fruits into pieces, remove the stems.

  • Slice the zest at once.
  • Twist agrus and citrus fruits in minced meat.

Place the masa in an enamel saucepan and cover with cucrum.

  1. Stir the jam well.
  2. Leave for about ten hours and check for the broken corn.
  3. Stir occasionally to speed up the process.
  4. Place the finished product in sterile jars and cover with a nylon lid.
  5. Save in a cold place.
  6. How to prepare jam for arusa in a multicooker
  7. Now we switch to the “Gasinnya” mode for 30 minutes.
  8. This regime transfers the progressive breakdown of the system.
  9. The jam of khvilin boils after 10. An important nuance - do not close the lid of the multicooker, otherwise the licorice will overflow.
  10. We know the foam, it will actively appear as soon as the jam boils.
  11. Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  12. When the appliance is turned on, remove the bowl, place it on the table, and let the jam cool in the same bowl.
  13. The cooled jam is placed in the multicooker on the same “Gasinnya”, and 15 minutes are added in just an hour.

Let it cool down, put it back on the “Gasinnya” program, hour 15 minutes.

In this manner, we cook the jam in three batches - once 30 khvilins, two times 15 khvilins.

  1. Place the hot jam into the container and roll it up with a slimy lid.
  2. Varennya is going to be a great success!

It's not enough, though, just a half-liter jar and a few trinkets to try.

Who cares about us preparing another portion?

What would you like to please?

  1. Do not move too many ingredients.
  2. When the water is boiling, it may leak and cause the mixture to form.
  3. You can cook it in one step, setting the Cooking program for an hour.
  4. If you take it at three o’clock, as on me, the jam will come out better, and the berries won’t boil as well.

Enjoy your troubles!

  • Agrus is famous for its coarse authorities and the great purchase of valuable enzymes.
  • Cucumber sand – 1.4 kg.
  • pure water – 480 ml.
  • burner - for the fact
  1. From now on, harvest the fruits by placing them in the garden.
  2. Then use manicure scissors and remove the stem from the berry.
  3. Wash again, dry, pierce in 2-3 places.
  4. Place the prepared mixture in a bowl and spray with a spray bottle.
  5. Place in the freezer overnight, then refrigerate for 8 years.
  6. After the allotted hour is over, mix water with lemon juice and prepare the licorice base.
  7. Steadily stir the syrup until the granules are completely dissolved.

  • After this, add the mixture to the licorice mass and the bulbs will appear.
  • Do not stir, just shake the container for the brew a little.
  • When it starts to boil, turn down the burner.
  • Cool the dishes, filter the berries using a sieve or colander.
  1. Bring the syrup to a boil again, add the berries and prepare the jam for 7 khvilins.
  2. After repeated thermal treatment, allow it to cool frequently.
  3. Carry out the third boil over medium-high heat, stretched over the surface.
  4. Check readiness by dropping syrup on a saucer.
  5. Since the masa did not spread after cooling, the chastuvanna is ready.

In a hot pot, pour the yogurt into sterile containers and cover immediately with a sheet.

  • Turn upside down and let cool.
  • orange – 450 gr.
  • aґrus - 900 gr.
  • tsukor – 950 gr.
  • burner – 25 gr.
  1. First of all, we need to sort the berries.
  2. Take away all zipped copies.
  3. Place healthy fruits in a bowl and rinse.
  4. Pour off the rind to drain, then discard the tails.
  5. Get ready with a sewing needle, make 2 openings each.

Pour water over the berries and leave for 8 years.

  • Then enjoy your homeland and sizzle the cherry sand.
  • Mix the ingredients by hand and bake 30 khvilins.
  • During this hour, wash and dry the cherry leaves and mother.
  • Add ingredients to sauce.
  1. Place the cooking utensils on the stove and wait for the bulbs to appear.
  2. Then turn on the stove and wait for 5 years.
  3. Through this term, strain the mixture and bring to a boil again.
  4. Pour hot syrup over the fruits and perform another heat treatment.

  • Cool to room temperature, pour into clean jars.
  • Seal with parchment paper and string.
  • Varennya for arusa and half
  1. Half berries (fresh) – 475-500 gr.
  2. nutritious water – 70 ml.
  3. Agrusu fruit – 480 gr.
  4. tsukor-pisok – 730 gr.
  5. After preparing the dish, it is necessary to remove it from the cold.

For whom it is better to quickly use a darkened closet, a vestibule, a loch or the lower part of the refrigerator.

  • Varennya for aґrusu and plum
  • zlivu – 600 gr.
  • aґrus chervoniy (underachieved) - 550 gr.
  1. Cucumber sand – 750 gr.
  2. Clean the arus from the mouth and throat, rinse in a dry bowl, and let dry.
  3. Rinse the drain to remove the white residue.
  4. Chop the leather plaid in half and remove the tassel.
  5. Divide the entire volume of the arus into 2 sections, mix the first part with the plum.

Add a little water so that it hangs 4 cm above the bottom. Place on the stove and simmer until soft.

  • Then, while warm, grind the masa with a blender (meat grinder, food processor) or rub through a sieve.
  • Place the puree in a saucepan, add some of the agrus.
  • Return to the warehouse to cook, continue simmering at low pressure for 7-10 minutes.
  1. At this point, begin to introduce the sand in portions, stirring it at once.
  2. Continue to chew the thermal processing until you make the jelly again.
  3. Once the desired consistency is reached, pour in the lasso and close.
  4. Varennya z aґrusu and malini

  • raspberries – 350 gr.
  • Cucumber sand – 580 gr.
  • aґrus - 850-900 gr.
  • Sort through the raspberries and rinse under the tap.
  • Dry on a dry rack, then mix with the zukr and put on fire.
  1. Cook over low heat until the grains melt.
  2. If the raspberries are not juicy, add a little water.
  3. For this purpose, prepare the fruit, you will need to pick up the tails and remove the fruits.

Varennya for arusa and currants

  • tsukor-pisok – 1.45 kg.
  • Chervona currants – 350 gr.
  • black currants – 400 gr.
  • water – 0.5 l.
  • aґrus - 650 gr.
  1. The preparation of jam begins with syrup.
  2. Mix the pulp with water, place the saucepan on the stove and wait until it boils.
  3. Reduce heat on the stove and cook until the grains are softened.
  4. Then rinse the two types of currants and pour into a strainer.
  5. Take away the holes, leaves, bruises and copies that have burst.

Now wash and clean the arus, cut the skin berry in half.

Mix all the fruits, add|add| Add boiling cherry syrup and crumbs to them, shake the cooking utensils.

Leave for 5 years, then bring to a boil, remove the foam.

After the bulbs appear, cook the mixture for another 8-12 minutes, until you reach a buttery consistency.

Sterilize the jars for twisting in advance, and do the same with the lids.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • When the jam is ready, pack it in a hot pot.
  • Don’t rush to seal the bottle, keep it cool.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

To enjoy all the ingredients of the arus jam, carry out thermal processing in several stages.

Don't forget to cool the storage after skin languish.

To add extra flavor, add raspberries, currants, banana, orange, and plum to the bowl.

3. In the morning, put the saucepan with the berries on the stove and bring to a boil.

Cook for 5 minutes|minutes|, and then remove from heat.

4. Then, over a period of 2-3 days and evenings, you will need to boil the pan for 5 minutes.

And then pour everything into clean, sterile jars and seal with metal caps.

5. Store in a dark, cool place.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • Recipe for jam with orange and lemon for the winter
  • And to enhance the dessert, you can add additional components, for example, citrus fruits.
  • The aroma and taste will be unique.
  • Berries – 1.5 kg;

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

Lemon - 1 pc.;

Orange - 1 pc.;

Tsukor – 1.5 kg.

1. Wash the fruits, remove the cream and trim the tails with scissors.

Wash the citrus fruits and cut them into slices using the skin, remove the stems.

2. Pass the prepared berries and fruits through a meat grinder or blender.

You can add a little cucumber.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • 3. Place the removed masa in a saucepan, add the zukor and stir.
  • Place on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Boil 15 pieces of beef together.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

To make the jam, you need to heat an enamel saucepan or casserole with a thick bottom so that it doesn’t burn.

4. Hot parts need to be rolled up in sterile jars.

Cooking jam from frozen arusa

The axis itself for such a situation is a special production technology.

So take note of the upcoming photo recipe!

Aґrus – 500 gr.;

Tsukor - 500 gr.;

Water - 100 ml.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • 1. Trim the tails on both sides of frozen berries.
  • There is no need to freeze the arus beforehand.
  • 2. Boil the curd syrup in a saucepan: pour water, add the zukor and bring to a boil until the zukor dissolves.
  • You need to pour the boiling syrup over the prepared berries, cover with a lid and leave for a few years.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

3. If instead of chilling, you need to bring it to a boil and cook for 20-25 pieces over medium heat.

2. Wash the berries and shake the tails.

Then carefully pierce the skin with a needle.

Prepare the fruit in hot cherry infusion.

Now turn the pan several times, using a slotted spoon or a spoon.

Cover the top of the workpiece with clean cherry leaves.

The more cherry leaves you put in, the richer the emerald color of the jam will be.

3. Carefully remove the berries with a slotted spoon, and add the zukor to the infusion.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • Bring to a boil, slowly stirring the syrup until the zukor has broken down.
  • 1. Trim the tails on both sides of frozen berries.
  • Then carefully add the berries and cook on low heat for 20 minutes.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

5. Keep in a cold place.

Everything is so tasty and beautiful to look at.

Prepared dessert with berries and orange

The next method of preparation is suitable for those who have not reached the hour of fertilization and have already passed the age.

A meat grinder or blender will come to your aid, since the integrity of the berries can no longer be preserved, and the sweet jam can be extracted.

Oranges – 2-3 pcs.;

Tsukor – 2 kg.

1. Rinse the tails of the berries, then rinse the fruits and dry the thirds.

2. Wash the oranges and cut them into slices, remove the stems.

3. Grind the fruits and citrus fruits through a meat grinder.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • 4. Sprinkle the masa with the sugar and stir.
  • Leave for 15-20 hvilins, so that the tsukor can be broken up.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

5. Your chat is ready.

Pour the yogurt into jars and cover with cracks.

Store best in the refrigerator.

By preparing this recipe, you will save all the vitamins of berries and fruits.

Video about how to make royal jam for arusa

And finally, I want to tell you to prepare fresh ruby ​​jam.

details with cucumber squeaking balls.

  • 1. Trim the tails on both sides of frozen berries.
  • The recipe is simple and everything is easy to work out; a cook of any kind will cope with it.

Then cover with nylon and leave in the cold.

Tsukor – 1 kg.

1. Cover the berries with cold water for about a year.

Take the cream and shake the tails.

3. Transfer the resulting masa into a saucepan and reduce the heat.

Bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 20 pieces of beef, then stir so that nothing burns.

4. Now fry the zukor and cook until thick, 25 pieces.

5. Pour into sterile jars and seal with sterile caps.

Turn the workpieces upside down and soak in this position until completely cooled. Then keep in a cool and dark place.

Since more often than not we ourselves have not prepared jam for arusa, then the time has come to correct ourselves and start before the jam, especially since I wrote everything down meticulously and clearly.

The recipes are all twisted and give a tasty, beautiful and brown result.

I wish you all the wonderful culinary creativity and intensity!

Jam in syrup of whole fruits

Boil the syrup with two bottles of clean water and a kilogram of zucchini.

At the boil of 5 hvilins, the basis is laid with a kilogram of red agar.

Boil the berries for 5 minutes, then simmer.

The kilogram is collected according to the scheme designated above.

Place the fruits in boiling cherry syrup (1.2 kilograms of cherry and 3 bottles of water).

Boil the masa on a small stove for 5 minutes.

Then remove the jam from the fire and cover it with a clean cotton cloth.

In this case, I will prepare to deprive it for at least 10 years.

Agrus is guilty of good syrup leaking.

After the end of the hour, return the berries to the stove again.

I’ll prepare to boil 5 khvilins again, and then immediately put them in jars.

With cherry leaves

For kilograms of dried cherry fruits, take 10 leaves of cherry tree, 1.3 kilograms of cherry fruit and 2 bottles of water.

Peel the berries and cut them in half.

Sprinkle the slices with cucumber and add cherry greens.

Gently mix the masa and leave for 2-3 years.

Before the boil, the cherry leaves are visible, the stench has given off its aroma.

Boil the jam for 15 minutes, gradually stirring and removing the lumps from the surface.

When the arus jam is ready, pack it in jars and wrap it with scalded sprinkles.

For cooking, choose heat-resistant dishes with high sides.

She has 200 g of dried berries and the same amount of zucchini.

Add 150 ml of clean water to the main products and cover the container with a lid to allow steam to escape.

Boil the jam for 20 khvilins on medium heat in a microwave oven.

During this hour, mix the dessert three times.

When the herb is ready, transfer it to a sterile jar to save for the winter.

The simplicity of preparing the dessert in a microchicken oven has its drawbacks.

The main one is the inability to cook jam under great circumstances.

From frozen arusa

Boil syrup in a saucepan.

To prepare it, mix 200 ml of water with 600 grams of cucumber.

After boiling and breaking up all the crystals, lay the frozen red arus (500 grams) as the basis.