Analysis of the sounds of percussion vocals



In the word schoolboy:
1. 2 warehouses (schoolboy, schoolboy);
2. The voice falls on the 1st warehouse: schoolboy

  • First option

1 ) Transcription of the word “scholar”: [school l❜n❜ik].

w - [w] - acc., hard. (Unpaired) deaf.
(Parn.). - Before deaf voices, deaf boys have no substitute for sound (that is, the sound is how it is written and understood). - Lower than the diva. §§ 68, 106. before[before] acc., hard., (par.),, deaf., (Parn.)., Before the vocal sound there is no replacement of the vocal sound due to ringing/voicelessness. Before the writers
(par.), - A - O at
e - s - Guys in terms of hardness and softness will always be seen as firm. [O ]vowel, stressed;
lower than div. - [ ] - § 20.
l - [l❜] - Guys in terms of hardness and softness will always be seen as firm. zgl., m'yak.(par.),
і - [і] - jingle (Unpar.), Sonorno.
(Parn.). - Before deaf voices, deaf boys have no substitute for sound (that is, the sound is how it is written and understood). - Lower than the diva. §§ 68, 106. Do not ring in front of sonorant deaf people (div. Musatov V.M., p. 73).Lower than the diva. § 66, para.

8 1, 3 (butt). 7 b

no sound


§ 5


jingle і(Unpar.), Sonorno.

§ 20

The sound [n] is an unpaired sound, so it appears the same way as it is written.

§ 66

Lower than the diva. § 66, para. lower than div..

Porivn. top and top (displayed [top]), econom and econom (displayed [ekana]), hit and hit (displayed [ud]), letter and dagger (displayed [dec]). This is how the softness of these consonants is indicated in front of the consonants: a mound and a loam (visible [ugal❜ ka]), a jar and a jar (visible [ba n❜ ku]), rarely and a radish (visible [re ❜ къ]). acc., hard. The softness of these voices before the voices is indicated by the letters of the voices that follow them: letter (Parn.). This is how the softness of these consonants is indicated in front of the consonants: a mound and a loam (visible [ugal❜ ka]), a jar and a jar (visible [ba n❜ ku]), rarely and a radish (visible [re ❜ къ]). (par.), I (per administration) This is how the softness of these consonants is indicated in front of the consonants: a mound and a loam (visible [ugal❜ ka]), a jar and a jar (visible [ba n❜ ku]), rarely and a radish (visible [re ❜ къ]). deaf.) signifies voice [a] after soft voice; іі Before the vocal sound there is no replacement of the vocal sound due to ringing/voicelessness. por. Before the vocal sound there is no replacement of the vocal sound due to ringing/voicelessness. small and m'yal (visible [m❜ al]);


) signifies voice [o] after soft voice;


movlyav i kreida (visualized [m❜ ol]); letterer

) signifies voice [y] after soft voice;
tuk i bale (visible [t❜ uk]). This is approximately how the use of letters is divided into: lettera and gets used to after soft voices and on the beginning of the word, and lettera
after the solid voices that wow the soft steam;

gra, hut, clean, sewn, beer and fuse, dear and dear, fork and weave, thread and thread, wear and wear. Apply to the different types of hard and soft voices: top and top (visible [top❜ ]), vigorously and stegna (visible [b❜ o dr]), column and column (visible [graph❜ a ]), shaft and v' yal (visible [v❜al]), raft and flesh (visible [raft❜]), litter and rubbish (visible [litter❜ a]), wasp and all (visible [os❜]); thunderstorm and thunderstorms (visible [graz❜ a ]), velo i viv (visible [v❜ ol]), line and comb (visible [gr❜ op]), steel and steel (visible [steel❜ ]), nіs i nіs (shown as [n❜ os]), tsybula and hatch (shown as [l❜ uk]), girka and girko (shown as [hor ❜ k]). Didactic games with Ukrainian language, 1st grade. Chornousova Svetlana Oleksandrivna, teacher of cob classes of the State Educational Institution "Tula School for Those Who Start with Limited Health Capabilities No. 4", Arouses a keen interest among students before the learning process.
Some children want to experience significant challenges, exercise their strength, develop skills and intelligence.

It helps to develop whatever initial material you need, makes the students deeply satisfied, creates a happy working mood, and makes the process of acquiring knowledge easier. The development of cognitive activity and a positive emotional attitude towards the subject in children is more effective if they regularly teach educational, didactic and game material in the lessons.

The collection of igors will be valuable to students of early classes, students of the long-term group, students of younger classes, and fathers.

Who knows the abet better?
Kozhen Gravets is responsible for correctly naming all the letters of the Russian language in order.

The class evaluates the work and means success.

Read it without hesitation!
There are 2 groups of vocal letters written on the board, the names of which indicate difficulties in children.

The graves go out to the school in pairs.
The first teaching is called letters from the 1st group, the other teaching is from the 2nd group.

The class evaluates the brightness of the testimonials.
Write down the words

Using the letters given on the slide, you need to form words.
Say a word for the first writers

The slides show objects.
It is necessary to take the first letters from the names of objects and compose their words.
The teaching that becomes the first to become the word is overturned.
The word YAKIR appears.
Find out all the letters depicted in the image.
Litera got lost The teacher tells the children how words are formed from letters. The words of the letter stand, like i in the alphabet, behind the song order.

However, it happens that the letter gets lost, and then the word changes, for example: budinok - dim, stil - stilets.
Then he reads the verse to the children: It is unknown how it happened, The letter just got lost,

Ran into someone's booth I rule in new things. Listen respectfully to these words and say how the letter got lost so much that it changed the word.
1. The blue sea is in front of us.

Fly m aiki over hvils.
2. In front of the children

h they're making painters. 3. Silly in lo

let's go,

We swim here and there.

4. Mom

went with eyepieces

On the way, I sat down.
The commandment of the wraiths - decipher and write down 3 words, the letters of which are designated by numbers after their place in the alphabet.

The student who is the first to decipher all three words (alphabet, primer, literacy) is valued as a peremozhets.

Bring the alphabet to life
For 5 minutes, you need to select one word per letter of the alphabet and write them down. The student who chooses words to the largest number

Letters to the alphabet.
Kto shvidshe zbere?
On the shelf there are mixed subject pictures with one-, two- and three-fold names of objects: WHALE, SOKOR, MIST, OLIY, BUS, CANCER, SAW, WAREHOUSE, DOVES, SPARROW, TIGER, KIN, FRAME, KULI, AN, , KURI, PAPOOGAI, ELEPHANT, SWEET, POPPY, LYALKA, LITAK, TEAPOT, RULER, BOW, BOOK, SPOON, MAGPIE.

One of them selects pictures with single-stored names of objects, the other – from double-stored ones, the third – from tri-stored ones. The class checks and evaluates the results of the work.

The pattern can be repeated by replacing the entire or partial stock of subject pictures.


The words are written on the back of the table by changing the order of the words.
It is necessary to write down the words in zoshit, having re-established the correct order of the warehouses.

He re-reads the lesson by writing all the words correctly.

Guess the secret
“Enchanted” words are written on the back, and a special warehouse is inserted into the skin.

It is necessary to “uncharm” the word by reading it correctly, without distortion.

Reads the skin word of the one who is the first to reveal the sacred warehouse.

How to transfer?
Kozhen Gravec of the team removes the card with a word, as he is guilty of recording on the doss, sharing the risks for transfer.
The team moves forward, as the first one correctly conquers the lost.


First of all, let’s go to the beginning of phonetic analysis with butts, we respect your respect for writing sounds in words - but not forever.

Literi- these are letters, graphic symbols, from which are transmitted instead of the text and notes taken by Rozmov.

Letters are used to visually convey a sense that we can understand.

The literature can be read.

If you read letters out loud, you create sounds - form words.

List of all letters - it’s just an alphabet

  • Every student knows how many letters there are in the Russian alphabet.
  • That's right, there are 33 in total. The Russian alphabet is called the Cyrillic alphabet.
  • Letters of the alphabet are arranged in song sequence:

Alphabet of Russian language:

The code of the Russian alphabet is vikorist:

21 letters for the appointment of speakers;

10 letters - vocal;

and two: ь (soft sign) and ъ (hard sign), which indicate power, but in themselves do not indicate any sound units.

  • You often pronounce the sounds in phrases differently than you write them on the sheet.
  • In addition, a word can be combined with more letters and fewer sounds.
  • For example, “childish” - the letters “T” and “S” merge into one phoneme [ts].
  • And by the way, the number of sounds in the word “black” is greater, which is why the letter “Yu” in this case is pronounced [yu].
  • What is phonetic analysis?

We understand the words by ear. Under the phonetic analysis of the word, the characteristics of the sound structure are important. In school programs, such analysis is often called “letter sound” analysis.

  • Then, with phonetic analysis, you simply describe the power of sounds, their characteristics lie in the precise and warehouse structure of a phrase, united by an obscene verbal voice.
  • Phonetic transcription
  • For sound-letter analysis, use a special transcription in square arms.
  • For example, the correct spelling is:
  • black -> [ch"horny"]
  • apple -> [yablaka]

Below are the reporting rules for spelling, lettering and phonetic and parsing words from butts online, similar to the formal school norms of modern Russian language.

For professional linguists, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is divided into accents and other symbols with additional acoustic signs of voiceless and vowel phonemes.

How to perform a phonetic analysis of a word?

  • Here is a diagram to help you carry out a literary analysis:
  • Write down the required word and say it out loud several times.
  • Enjoy how many voice and vowel letters there are in the new one.
  • Designate the strike warehouse.
  • (The voice behind the additional intensity (energy) is seen in the song as a phoneme of low, uniform sound units.)
  • Separate the phonetic word by word and show its literal quantity.
  • Please remember that the warehouse section is subject to transfer rules.
  • A number of warehouses will always be combined with a number of voice letters.
    • From the transcription, figure out the word by sounds.
    • Write letters from phrases in the column.
  • Opposite the skin lettering on the square arms, indicate the sound meaning (as it is felt).

Remember that sounds in words are not identical to letters.

The letters “ь” and “ъ” do not make the same sounds.

The letters “e”, “e”, “yu”, “ya”, “i” can represent 2 sounds at once.

Analyze the skin phoneme about the meaning of power through coma:

for a vocal one, it is indicated by the characteristic: vocal sound;

Now you know how to perform sound-letter analysis yourself.

The following is a classification of sound units of Russian language, their interconnection and rules of transcription for sound-letter parsing.

Phonetics and sounds in Russian language

What sounds are there?

All sound units are divided into voices and voices.

The vocal sounds, in their own way, are percussive and unvoiced.

The common sound in Russian words is: firm - soft, dzvink - deaf, hissing, sonorant. How many live Russian sounds are there? The correct answer is 42.

Robly phonetic analysis online, you will see that in the word work there are 36 vowel sounds and 6 voicings.

  • The rich have a reason to eat poorly, why is there such a strange disadvantage?
  • Why bother?

hidden number

sounds and letters, both after the vowel and after the last one?

Everything was easy to understand. A number of letters within the word structure can indicate 2 sounds.

For example, a bet based on softness and hardness:

[b] - badory and [b'] - squirrel;

or [d]-[d']: domestic – timid. And the deeds do not bet, for example, [h'] will be soft in the future. If you have doubts, try to say it firmly and get over the impossibility of it: string, pack, spoon, black, chegevara, cotton, rabbit, wild garlic, bjoli.

Because of such a practical solution, our alphabet does not reach immense scales, and the sound units are optimally supplemented, sounding one after another.

The main phonemic feature of Russian language is the clear pronunciation of vocal phonemes in accented structures. Stressed structures in Russian phonetics are enhanced by the strength of their appearance, by the increased triviality of their sound and appear to be uncreated. Remnants of stench are visible clearly and distinctly; sound analysis of deposits with stressed vocal phonemes is much simpler to carry out. A situation in which the sound does not recognize changes and preserves the main appearance is called

  • strong position.
  • This position can be occupied either by a percussive sound or a warehouse.

Unvoiced phonemes and phrases are in flux

Analysis of the sounds of percussion vocals

in a weak position.

Golosny in the shock warehouse will always be in a strong position, so that it becomes clearer, with the greatest strength and travail. The voice of a naked person is in a weak position, so it can be expressed with less strength and is more pronounced. In Russian language, the invariable phonetic power retains only one phoneme “U”: corn, plank, learn, u lov, - in all positions the won are expressed clearly as [u].

This means that the voice “U” cannot be clearly reduced.

Please note: on the sheet the phoneme [y] can also be indicated by another letter “U”: muesli [m'u 'sl'i], key [kl'u 'h'] etc.

  • The vocal phoneme [o] is more pronounced in the strong position (under the voice).
  • In such cases, “O” cannot be reduced: cat [ko't'ik], dzvinochok [kalako' l'ch'ik], milk [malako'], vesim [vo' zim'], poshukova [paisko' vaya], govir [go' var], autumn [o' s'in'].

The blame from the rule of a strong position for “O”, if it is not spoken [o] is also evident, represent only deeds Private words: cocoa [kaka"o], patio [pa"tio], radio [ra"dio], boa [bo a"] and a number of service units, for example, the union ale.

  • The sound [o] in writing can be represented by another letter “e” - [o]: turn [t'o'rn], rich [kas't'o'r].
  • Vikonati sorts out by the sounds of four voices that have been lost, in a position under the voice one cannot detect the folds.
  • Unvoiced voice letters and sounds in the words of Russian language

Similar changes in voiceless warehouses are called reduction. Kolkisna, if the triviality of the sound changes.

І a clear reduction, if the characteristic of the cob sound changes.

  • One and the same unvoiced voice letter can change the phonetic characteristic in position depending on the position:
  • right in front of the shock warehouse;
  • on the absolute cob or, for example, words;
  • in unsecured warehouses (with less than one warehouse);

about the influx of judicial signs (ь, ъ) and vocal. Yes, it’s annoying First stage of reduction

  • .
  • They agree:
  • voices at the first forward warehouse;

uncritical warehouse on the cob itself;

repeated voices.

  • Note: In order to perform a sound-letter analysis, the first pre-chewing warehouse is identified as emerging not from the “head” of the phonetic word, but in relation to the stressed warehouse: the first evil one from the new one.
  • In principle, they can be the same thing in front: not-comfortable [n'iz'd'e'sh'niy].

(non-critical warehouse) + (2-3 front warehouse) + 1st front warehouse ← Shock warehouse → back-shock warehouse (+2/3 behind-the-shock warehouse)

  • forward -di [fp'ir'i d'i'];
  • e -st-stvo-no [йі с'т'е'с'т'в'ін: а];
  • All other front warehouses and all impact warehouses during sound analysis are brought to the 2nd stage reduction.
  • This is also called the “weak position of the other step.”

kiss [pa-tsi-la-va't']; modellyuvati [ma-di-l'i'-ra-vat']; lastivka [la'-sta-ch'ka]; gasovy [k'i-ra-s'i'-na-viy]. The reduction of voices in a weak position is so divided by the gatherings: another, third (after hard and soft years. - not beyond the boundaries

  • initial programs
  • ): read [uch'і'ts:a], zatsіpenіti [acip'in'e't'], nadiya [hope'zhda].
  • During literary analysis, it is quite insignificant to detect a reduction in the voice in a weak position in the terminal
  • indoor warehouse

(= At the absolute end of the word):



with songs; change.

  • Sound of letters: jot sounds
    • Phonetically, the letters E - [ye], E - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often mean two sounds at once.
    • Have you noticed that in all these cases the additional phoneme is “Y”?
  • on the cob the words “E” and “I” only under a loud voice *:
    • - yalina [ye'l'], izhju [ye' w:u], eger [ye' g'ir'], evnukh [ye' vnukh];
    • - yacht [ya' hta], yakir [ya' kar'], yaki [ya' ki], apple [ya' blaka];
    • (*to determine the sound-letter analysis of the unvoiced vocal “E” and “I”, another phonetic transcription is used, below);
  • at the beginning immediately after the voiced “E” and “Yu” forever.
    • And the axis “E” and “I” are in the shock and non-stressed warehouses, in addition to the drops, if the letters are designated to be rotated behind the vocal one in the 1st forward warehouse or in the 1st, 2nd post-impact warehouse in the middle of the lines.
    • Phonetic analysis online and applications from the indicated options:
  • - receiver [pr'ійо'м'ік], sleeps [payo't], pecks (k'uyo 't);
  • -ayu rveda [ayu r'v'e'da], I sleep t [payu 't], tanut [ta'yu t], cabin [kayu 'ta],

after the separate hard “Ъ” sign “E” and “Yu” - always, and “E” and “I” only under the voice or at the absolute end of the words: - volume [ab yo'm], seizure [zyomka], adjutant [adyu "ta'nt]

after the separate soft “b” sign “E” and “Yu” - forever, and “E” and “I” under the voice or at the absolute end of the word: - interv'yu [interv'yu'], tree [d' ір'е' в'я ], druz [druz'ya´], brothers [bra´t'ya], mavpa [ab'іz'ya´ na], zaviryuha [v'yu´ ha], sіm'ya [ s'em'ya´ ] As you know, the phonemic system of the Russian voices may have greater significance.

  • The greatest reduction can be achieved in unused warehouses.
    • It is possible to continue the sound of the literary analysis of the words that have been lost, and it is surprising how they can still change the characteristics in the placement of words.
    • Unvoiced voices
    • “E” and “I” signify two sounds i in phonetic transcription and are written as [І]:
  • at the very beginning of the word:
    • - ednannya [yi d'in'e'n'i'ye], ashberry [yol'viy], ozina [yizhiv'i'ka], yogo [yivo'], yogoza [yigaza'], Enisey [yin'is 'e'y], Egypt [yig'i'p'it];
    • bark [la´yі t'], pendulum [ma´yі tn'ik], bunny [za´yі c], belt [po´yі s], declare [zayі v'і´t'], will reveal [praї in 'l'u']
  • after a separate hard “Ъ” or a soft “b” sign: - p'yanit [p'yi n'i't], vyyaviti [izyi v'i't'], stunned [abyi vl'e'n' ійе], natural [sідівный].

Note: The St. Petersburg phonological school is characterized by “ekannya”, and the Moscow school is characterized by “ikannya”.

Previously, “Yo” was used with more emphasis on “ye”.

From now on, the capital, based on sound-letter analysis, adheres to Moscow norms in orthopedics.

Some people in the Swedish industry express a vocal “I”, however, in warehouses from a strong and weak position.

This kind of language is concerned with dialect and not with literature.

Remember, the vocal “I” with and without a voice is voiced differently: fairs [ya 'marka], ale egg [yi ytso'].

  • Important:
    • The letter “I” after the soft sign “b” also represents 2 sounds - [І] in sound-letter analysis.
    • (This rule is relevant for warehouses in both strong and weak positions).
    • Let's conduct an online analysis of sound-letter words: - nightingales [salav'yi'], on chicken legs [on chicken legs], rabbits [kro'l'ich'yi], no family [sem' 'yi'], judges [su'd'yi], nochii [n'ich'yi'], strumki [rukh'yi'], foxes [li's'yi] Ale: Holosna “O” after The soft sign “b” is transcribed as an apostrophe of the soft ['] of the front vowel i [O], although with the voiced phonemes one can hear the jot: broth [bul'on], pavilyo n [pav'il'o'n ], similar: leaf stalk, champignon, chignon, companion, medallion, battalion, guillotine, carmagnola, mignon and others.
    Phonetic analysis of words, if the voices “Yu” “E” “E” “I” make 1 sound
  • According to the rules of phonetics of the Russian language, when the song is placed in words, the designated letters give one sound, if: The sound units “E” “Yu” “E” are found under the voice after the unpaired voice for hardness: zh, sh, ts. Todi voni signify phonemes:
    • e - [o],
    • her],
    • I – [a]: kittens [kat'a' ta], m'yako [m'a' hka], oath [kl'a' tva], uzav [vz'a' l], mattress [t'u f 'a ' before], swan [lib'yazh];
    • yu - [y]: dziob [kl'u' f], people [l'u' d'am], gateway [shl'u' s], tulle [t'u' l'], suit [kas't 'mind].
    • Note: in other words, the stressed voice “E” always signals the softness of the front voice.
  • This positional attenuation ceased to be a linguistic norm in Russian phonetics until the 20th century. In such situations, if you perform phonetic analysis behind the warehouse, such a vocal sound is transcribed as [e] without a leading apostrophe: gotel [ate'l'], strap [br'ite'l'ka], test [te' st], tennis [te´n:is], cafe [cafe´], puree [p'ure´], amber [amber´], delta [de´l'ta], tender [tender], masterpiece [ shede´ vr], tablet [tablet]. Respect!

After soft voices

at the warehouses ahead of the chewers

The voices “E” and “I” are subject to clear reduction and transformed into the sound [i] (on for [ts], [zh], [sh]).

Apply phonetic analysis of words with similar phonemes: - grain [z'ї rno'], earth [z'ї ml'a'], cheerful [v'ї s'o'liy], zvinit [z'v 'i n 'i't], forest [l'i snow'y], blizzard [m'i t'e'l'itsya], feather [p'i ro'], brought [pr'in'i sla´], v'ya zati [v'і z´t'], lay [l'i g´t'], heel [p'і t'o´rka] Phonetic analysis: vocal sounds of Russian language The Russian language has an absolute majority of them. When a vocal sound is detected, the flow of the wind becomes sharper. They are created by the organs of articulation: teeth, tongue, palate, vocal cords, lips.

The noise, hiss, whistling and clanking is to blame for the sound in his voice.

How many vocal sounds does Russian language have?

  • In the alphabet, their designations are vikorized 21 writers.
    • However, at the end of the sound-letter analysis, you will see what is in Russian phonetics
    • phony sounds
    • more, and she herself is 36.
    • Sound-literal analysis: what are the sounds of today?
    • Our favorite words include:
    • solids – soft
    • and create similar bets:
    • [b] - [b']: b anan - yalinka,
    • [v] - [v']: height - in youth,
    • [g] - [g']: place - g herzog,
    • [d] - [d']: dacha - delfin,
    • [z] - [z']: z out - z efіr,
    • [k] - [k']: to onfetu - to enguru,
    • [l] - [l']: boat - l yuks,
    • [m] - [m']: magic - mrіi,
  • [n] - [n']: new - nector,
    • sounds [zh], [ts], [sh] - forever hard (zh izn, ts ikl, misha);
    • [h'], [w'] and [y'] - forever myaki (daughter, more often, yours).
  • The sounds [zh], [ch'], [sh], [sh'] in our language are called sibilant.

Here you can be deaf and deaf, and also sonornim ta galaslivim.

This means ringing-dullness and sonority of the voice-voice can be equal to the noise-voice.

  • These characteristics vary depending on the method of studying the parts of the organs of articulation.
  • Sonorants (l, m, n, r, th) are the most common phonemes, in them you can hear a maximum of voice and a few noises: lion, rai, zero.
  • As soon as you hear a word, both the voice and the noise become clear, which means you have a ringing vowel (g, b, s, etc.): factory, b people, life. When voicing voiceless vowels (p, s, t and others) vocal cords

not stressed, only noise can be seen: a firebox, a fireplace, a costume, a circus, sew up.

Note: In phonetics, glottal sound units also have a main division based on the nature of illumination: bow (b, p, d, t) - gap (g, w, h, s) and method of articulation: labio-labial (b, p, m) , labial-dental (f, v), anterior (t, d, h, s, c, g, w, sch, year, n, l, r), middle (th), posterior (k, g, x) .

Name the data coming from the organs of articulation, which take part from the sound creation.

Tip: As you begin to practice phonetically spelling words, try pressing down to your ears to identify the phoneme.

If you almost hear a voice, then the following sound is a ringing voice, but if you hear noise, it is dull.

Hint: For an associative connection, remember the phrases: “Oh, we didn’t forget our friend.”

- this proposition contains absolutely the entire set of vocal vowels (without resolving the softness-hardness pairs).

  • “Stepko, do you want to eat some soup?
  • before the deaf voices: forget-me-not [n'izabu't ka], go around [apkh vat'i't'], Tuesday [ft o'rnik], pipe [corpse].
  • If you notice the sound of the letters in the analysis online, you will notice that there is a dull boyish voice that stands before the jingle (krim [y'], [v] - [v'], [l] - [l'], [m] - [m' ], [n] - [n'], [p] - [p']) also rings, then is replaced by its ringing pair: building [zda'ch'a], mowing [kaz'ba'], threshing [young 'ba'], prokhannya [pro'z'ba], vidgadati [adgada't'].

In Russian phonetics, the dull gallant voices do not go together with the advancing booming jingle, except for the sounds [v] - [v']: with broken tops.

However, transcription as phonemes [z], i [s] is acceptable.

When analyzing the sounds of the words: razoma, sogodni, sogodniy and etc., the letter “G” is replaced by the phoneme [v]. According to the rules of sound-letter analysis, in the endings of the “-ого”, “-його” adjectives, dієєєnіnіvі and substitute vowels “Г” is transcribed as the sound [в]: red [kra'snava], blue [s'і'n'іva], white [b'e'lava], gostrogo, povnogo, kolishny, the one whom. If, after assimilation, two vowels of the same type are created, they become separated.

In the school program for phonetics, this process is called the addition of vowels: vodokremiti [ad:'il'i't'] → letters “T” and “D” are reduced into sounds [d'd'], bezgluzdny [b'ish: u ´ opinion].

When sorting through a warehouse in a row of words, sound-letter analysis is guarded against disimilation - a process of reverse simplification.

  • Which way the sign of the two of them changes?
  • stand guard
  • voicings: podnannya “GK” sounds like [xk] (instead of the standard [kk]): light [l'o'kh'k'y], soft [m'a'kh'k'y].
  • What's good in the Russian language
  • The letters “N”, “K”, “R” during phonetic analysis behind the warehouse can soften before the soft sounds [ch'], [sch']: glass [staka'n'ch'ik], changer [cm 'e 'n'sch'ik], donut [po'n'ch'ik], kam'yanik [kam'e'n'sch'ik], boulevard [bul'va'r'sh'ina], borscht [ borsch'];
  • often the sounds [z], [s], [r], [n] before soft voices are recognized as assimilation for hardness and softness: wall [s't'e'nka], life [zhiz'n'], here [z'd'es'];
  • In order to correctly identify the sound-letter selection, add the words “exclusion” if the [r] before soft dental and labial ones, as well as before [h'], [h'] appears firmly: artil, godovati, cornet, samovar;

Note: the letter “b” after the glottal unpaired for hardness/softness in certain word forms has a grammatical function and does not impose phonetic emphasis: vchichisya, nich, misha, zhito tosho.

In such words, during letter analysis, a [-] dash is placed in the square arms opposite the letter “b”.

Positional changes in boyish voiceless voices before sibilant voices and their transcription in sound-letter analysis

  • To determine the number of sounds in a word, it is necessary to adjust their positional changes.

Guys dzvinki-deaf: [d-t] or [z-s] before sibilants (zh, sh, sch, h) phonetically replace with a sibilant vowel. Literal analysis and application of words with hissing sounds: prizhdzhiy [pr'ijezh y], skhedzhenya [your e'st'iye], zzh elta [і'zhzh elta], zzhalitsya [zhzh a'l'іts: a]. Apparition, if there are two

  • different letters
  • They are seen as one, called complete assimilation behind all signs.
  • Due to the sound-letter analysis of the word, one of the sounds that are repeated is to be designated in the transcription as a symbol of longevity [:].
  • The letters with the sibilant “szh” - “zzh” are seen as a subviyny hard voice [zh:], and “ssh” - “zsh” - like [sh:]: squeezed, sewn, without a tire, that fit.
  • The added “zh”, “zh” in the middle of the root during sound-letter analysis is written in transcription as a long vowel [zh:]: izhzhu, squeal, later, vezhki, drizhdzhi, palya.

The addition of “сч”, “зч” to the stick of the root and suffix/prefix appears as a long soft [ш':]: rakhunok [ш': о´т], perepuvach, zamovnik.

  • сч → [ш':]: happiness [ш': а´с'т'ye], pіschanik [п'іш': а´н'ік], retailer [різно´ш': ik], timber parts, rozrakhunki, vicherpati, clear;
  • zch → [sch':]: rіzbyar [r'e'sch': ik], vantazhnik [gru´sch': ik], opovіdacha [raska´sch': ik];
  • zhch → [ш':]: perebezhchik [pir'ibe' sh': ik], man [mush': і'na];
  • шч [ш':] : lastovity [в'існу′ш': ity];
  • stch → [sch':]: zhorstkіshe [zho'sch': e], fluffy, rigging;
  • zdch → [ш':]: ob'їznik [abye'sch': ik], borozen parts [baro'sch': ity];
  • сш → [ш':]: split [rash': іп'і'т'], being generous [rash': e'dr'ils'a];
  • tsch → [h'sh']: vdshepiti [ach'sh' ip'i′t'], vіdshtovkhuvati [ach'sh' o'lk'ivat'], marno [ch'sh' ethna], retelno [h' sch' at'el'na];
  • tch → [h':] : sound [ach': o't], vitchizna [ach': i'zna], participatory [р'іс'н'і'ч': і'тий];
  • dch → [h':] : uplift [pach': o'rk'ivat'], padcherka [pach': ir'itsa];
  • szh → [zh:]: squeeze [zh: a 't'];
  • zzh → [zh:]: live [Izh: y´t’], broke up [rіzh: ik], їhati [uyizh: a´t’];
  • сш → [ш:]: brought [pr'ін'о′ш: й], rozshiti [rash: ы´тий];
  • zsh → [sh:]: lower [n'ish: y'y]
  • th → [pcs], in word forms with “shcho” and yogo similar, sound letter analysis, we write [pcs]: shchob [sht o’bi], dumb for scho [n'e′ zasht a], sho-something [ sht o n'ibut'], descho;
  • th → [h't] in other types of letter analysis: mrіynik [m'ich't a't'il'], posta [po'ch't a], perevaga [pr'іtpach't 'e'n' ie] i tp;
  • chn → [shn] in inclusion words: urgently [kan'e'shn a′], tedious [skuk'shn a′], bakery, bakery, egg, dribnichna, shpakivnya, girl's evening, girchichnik, ganchyrkovy, and so on itself in father’s wives, which end in “-ichna”: Illivna, Mikitichna, Kuzmivna then;
  • chn → [ch'n] - literal analysis for all other variants: Kazkov [ska'zach'ny], dacha [da'ch'ny], Sunichny [z'im'l'in'i'ch'n y] , throw up, gloomy, sleepy and so on;
  • !zhd → houses of the literary connexion “zhd” is permissible in a unique way and transcription [sch’] chi [pcs’] in the word dosh i in the word forms created in the form of: doshkovy, doshkovy.

Incredible vocal sounds in the words of Russian language

When you find a whole phonetic word with a lance, the impersonality of different vowel letters can lead to the loss of one or another sound.

As a result, in the spellings of words there are letters that reduce the sound value, so called invisible vowels.

  • In order to correctly identify phonetic analysis online, unusual vowels should not be reflected in the transcription.
    • stn → [sn]: mіsceviy [m'e'sny], outline [tras'n 'i'k].
    • Following the analogy, you can find a phonetic analysis of the words skhid, chesny, vidomy, joyful, sumny, participant, vesnik, nenastinny, lyuty and others;
    • stl → [sl]: happy [sh':asl 'i'viy"], happy, conscientious, boastful (exclusion words: kustlyaviy and postlati, in them the letter “T” appears);
    • ntsk → [nsk]: gigantskiy [g'iga'nskiy], agentskiy, presidential;
    • sts → [s:]: six in [s: o´t], v'istis I [take's: a], swear I [kl'a's: a];
    • sts → [s:]: tourist [tur'ї's: k'іy], maximalist [max'imalі's: k'іy], racist [ras'ї's: k'іy], bestseller, propaganda, expressionist, Hindu, careerist;
    • ntg → [ng]: x-ray en [r'eng 'e'n];
    • “-is”, “-tisya” → [ts:] in literal endings: laugh [grin: a], mitisya [mi’ts: a], look, come in handy, bow down, golitsya, suit;
    • ts → [ts] in appendages in poednannyas on the stem of the root and suffix: childish [d'e'ts k'ii], fraternal [brotherly];
    • ts → [ts:] / [tss]: athlete [sparts: m'e'n], vіdsilati [atss ilat]];
  • tts → [ts:] on the stick of morphemes during phonetic analysis online is written as a long “ts”: bratz a [bra'ts: a], father epit [ats: ip'i´t'], before father u [k atz: y'];
    • “D” - when analyzing sounds from advancing letters:
    • zdn → [zn]: pіznіy [po'z'n'yy], zoryany [z'v'oz'nyy], holy [pra′z'n'ik], free [b'izvazm' e′zn y] ;
    • ndsh → [nsh]: mundsh tuk [munsh tu'k], landsh aft [lansh aft];
    • ndsk → [nsk] : Dutch [Gala'nsk 'iy], Thai [Taila'nsk 'iy], Norman [Narma'nsk 'iy];
    • zdts → [ss]: p_d bridle [pad ustsi '];
    • ndc → [nts]: Dutch [galantz];
    • rdc → [rts]: heart [s'e'rts e], core [s'irts iv'i'na];
    • rdch → [rch"]: heart ishko [s'erch 'ishka];
    • dts → [ts:] on the stick of morphemes, sometimes in the root, are visible and when sounding the word is written as a subordinate [ts]: subc epit [pats: yp'i't'], twenty [dva'ts: it'];
  • ds → [ts]: factory [zavatskaya], kinship [rac tvo], means tvo [sr'e'ts tva], Kislovods do [k'islavo'ts k];
    • “L” - in the following:
  • lnts → [nts]: son [sonce], soncestoyanya;
    • “B” - in the following:

vstv → [stv] literary analysis of words: hello [healthy departure], feeling about [feelings], sensitivity [feelings 'inas't'], emptiness about [balst about'] , non-borrowing [d'e'stv'in:y].

  • Two identical letters after the stressed voice are transcribed during letter analysis as a single sound and a symbol of longevity: class, bath, masa, group, program.
  • The sub-voices in the pre-chewing warehouses are indicated in the transcription and are identified as one sound: tunnel [tanel], terrace, apparatus.

If you cannot find the phonetic analysis of a word online according to the established rules, or you have an ambiguous analysis of the word being followed, quickly seek the help of a dictionary-doctor.

Literary norms of spelling are regulated by the following: “Russian literary vimova and nagolos.

  • The dictionary is a witness.”
  • M. 1959 r.
  • Wikorystan literature:
  • Litnevska O.I.
  • Ukrainian language: a short theoretical course for schoolchildren.

- MDU, M.: 2000

Panov M.V.

Russian phonetics.