The problem of the purity of the Russian argument. The problem of saving Russian (Arguments ЄДІ). Problems with diction

This problem is destroyed by M. Zoshchenko in his source “Mavpa Mova”. The author polemicizes: heroes “play” in foreign words absolutely not understanding their meaning. At first glance, intelligent people are not at all up to the task of transforming Russian language into foreign words in their language. The author notes about the share of the language: it is necessary to preserve its purity and not blindly follow fashion, and this can also lead to confusion about what was found in the evidence.

In addition, A. Knishev talks about this problem in his sarcastic interview “On Air News”, the epigraph of which was the phrase “About the great and powerful new Russian language!” Obviously, the subject of confusion has become the misuse of foreign words in the current world of serpents. The crooked week of 1905 rock becomes a “blood weekend”, TV viewers become watchers, lookers and viewers.

The whole story is brought to the point of absurdity, but the author is ahead of us: the fashion for adopting foreign words from Russian language will lead to such a result, although they can easily find the Russian equivalent.

Updated: 2017-06-11

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Zakhist, saving the Russian language


In T. Tolstoy's novel "Pussy" People have been praising the Russian language so much that no one can recognize too much fluency anymore. The stinks “throw” words at which they are not at all correct. After reading such books, I want to preserve and protect our language from jargon and slang.

D.S. Likhachov “Leaves about the good and the beautiful.” Unhappyness in Odyaz is not disrespectful to the people who live away from you, but it is not disrespectful to yourself. How can we evaluate the production to the language we are talking about? I can, with even greater peace, attest to the relish of people, to the utmost light, to myself. A truly strong, healthy, self-confident person will not speak loudly without need, bark, and use sweet and slang words. Aje vin chants, scho yogo word y so vagome. Our language is the most important part of our cultural behavior in life. Because of this, as human beings, we can easily judge those with whom we are right. Squeeze the garnish, spockey, izonteligent molennia of Treba, I respect it, our mova is the nyvazhlivish part of the Nachshiyki, and the nashi, our souls, rosum, nashu buildings do not go to the fuel of the Federal Service.

I.S. Turgenev:“To take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this burden, passed on to us by our predecessors.”

A. Kuprin:“Mova is a history for the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, learning and saving the Russian language will not allow employment to take the place of anything other than real necessity.”

Journalistic article by S. Kaznacheva. The literary scholar breaks down the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language, the development of the words and symbols that lie foreign languages And this is the most supernatural vikoristanny that can lead to the extinction of the Russian language. The author of the article writes about the fact that today our language is filled with various jargons, colloquial and foreign words, and now Russian words are gradually forgotten. And the Russian people should be aware of this. Even now, the younger generation is no longer appreciating the merits of such people as Cyril and Methodius, who gave us the alphabet, V. Dahl, who gave the Russian language his entire life. And it is unlikely that any of those who are alive in the 21st century have thought about the price at which their merits were given to these people. The author of the reconsideration of the fact that "slipe" vikoristannya today will lead to the destruction of the alphabet, the ruination of Russian words, the destruction of the functioning of language, the loss of cultural traditions.

A. Akhmatova’s verses about language:
Rusting gold and smoldering steel, Marmur is crumbling. Everything is ready for death. All this is worth on earth - sum and dogovichniy - the royal word.
It's not scary to lie down under dead bags,
Don’t lose yourself without fear over your head, -
And we will save you, Russian language,
Great Russian word.
The future of the Batkivshchina, you may think, will lie down in the integrity of the language.

  • The Russian language is about our bedsteads, which need to be taken care of
  • Why have people forgotten about the value of native language?
  • Internet spilkuvaniya – seriously tested for Russian language
  • Love to one’s language is manifested in careful use of words, learning the rules of language and the peculiarities of their expression
  • The conflict has a negative impact on the development of the Russian language and saving resources
  • There is a lot to be said about the people after the fact that they put themselves up to their own language


T. Tovsta "Kis". People have given rise to great misfortune with their hopelessness. A lot of beauty and carelessness have been wasted, even though everyone just “throws” words without thinking about the inheritance. The wrong language ruins the beauty of the language. It prompts you to think about the legacy of such a production before the movie. After reading the book, I want to steal and preserve my native language by turning off the slang and jargon.

D.S. Likhachov “Leaves about the good and the beautiful.” Rising about the wealth of Russian language and the position of people before it, Dmitro Sergeyovich Likhachov seems that language allows you to evaluate a person at the first meeting with her. Mova gives the opportunity to learn about the situation of someone to the fullest light and to oneself. A sensible, knowledgeable, intelligent person will not needlessly speak loudly, emotionally, and live out inappropriate and inappropriate words. It’s not easy to learn smart, intelligent, competent language. It is important to remember that because language is the basis of human behavior, then why one can judge it first and foremost. These thoughts of Dmitry Sergiyovich Likhachov are even more accurate. The stench is relevant now and will be so sure because of a lot of fate.

I.S. Turgenev "Russian language". The rows of this top in prose are visible to everyone else at school. It’s amazing how accurately in just a few rows the writer assessed the strength and power of the Russian. For I.S. Turgeneva’s real language is “support and support.” All the world, no matter how small or small, is almost like pride. The writer evaluates Russian language with due dignity.

V.G. Korolenka "Without movie". The author affirms that without language, our skin is “like a blind child.” People who cannot speak and write and speak competently and beautifully will notice the language, thereby causing their own wrongful harm. Ridna language It is necessary to evaluate it properly, and take care of it, and try to save it. It is possible that the Russians will remain away from people.

Date of publication: 04/17/2017

The problem of preserving the culture of the Russian language (the problem of suppressed language) - ready-made arguments

Possible points:

  1. Changes of the great and possible are necessary, regardless of those that bring insecurity to people.
  2. The change in Russian language is especially noticeable in the lives of the older generation
  3. Through the emergence of new words, the language may cause confusion among the Russian spivozmovnik.
  4. The Russian language is not in danger of perishing, there is a little bitch that can hold on until any changes
  5. To be honest, we can do without prefixed words, because their supernatural life makes for a more complex understanding of the text (speech)
  6. Vikoristovuyuchi fashionable words people will notice their own language, which complicates the conversation between people.
  7. The above world vikoristannya of the posted words will notice the language

In the book “Russian language between the nerves” by Maxim Krongauz, talking about those that our world is changing and therefore the appearance of new words, new ones, is a normal phenomenon. If your language does not change, you will stop violating your functions. The linguist is pointing his gun: global warming has led to the fact that the Eskimos did not have enough language to give names to the creatures that migrate to the polar regions of the earth's coolers.

M. Krongauz popular science book “Russian language on the border of a nerve”

In the book “Russian language on the borders of a nerve”, Maxim Krongauz has learned that significant changes in our language are taking place even older than the generation. There are a lot of new words, and the stench spreads between the literary language, targeting the people who came before it.

M. Krongauz popular science book “Russian language on the border of a nerve”

This problem has not been ignored and M. Krongauz. The linguist notes that you are concerned about the Russian language, but at the same time notes that the rapidity of change complicates the gathering of people, especially since the stench carries on to different generations.

M. Krongauz popular science book “Russian language on the border of a nerve”

Linguist M. Krongauz does not pose a threat to the Russian language, reading that he is not afraid of the flow of language and jargon, nor the changes that are emerging in the new language. The Russian language is to “digest” everything that has been saved and thrown up, to create new norms, and in place of chaos will come stability.

A. Knisheva “On air news”

A. Knishev does not invite an ironic statement to those who are discussing. On the application of the report “On the Air News”, where the leading new writer Vikoristova is important to put the words in order to make his promotion extremely foolish, he shows what will become of the Russian language, as we are overpowered by his “foreign words” "

A. Knisheva “On air news”

In a small interview, A. Knishev sees people as vikoryists, it is important to use words in order to demonstrate their “judgment.” As a leader of novels, a monologue that is difficult to read and practically impossible to understand, the satirical writer shows how foolishly people can sound when they follow the fashion of words.

A. Knisheva “On air news”

According to A. Knishev’s “On Air News”, a wired broadcast, it is impossible to understand that some of his language is oversaturated with fixed words. It’s important, despite the tiny image of the everyday speaker, the writer blatantly overstates the humorous text to once again prove that people are more difficult to understand who to say, since Vikoristova has too many words in place.

An example from life

The appearance of new ones, closed ones, and new ones are necessary. “Computer”, “smartphone”, “multi-cooker” alarmed and bent people, but today we use the words more often, even more often the Russian “well” or “kalach”. It’s even easier to understand that for Russians “car” and “TV” were common sense, without even talking about “potatoes”. The world is changing, and people are trying to come together so that people can understand one another.

At buildings ЄДІ(Russian language) problems for students can be different. This is important due to the difficulties in elaborating on these and other aspects that were established before writing the topics. The statistics will look further get used to it correctly different arguments.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

There are many difficulties in the study of the wiki, but the student has little knowledge on the topic. Despite everything, we cannot really handle the obvious information in a proper manner. Therefore, the required hardening is not completely grounded or not in the way that is required in order to successfully get out of trouble. Firstly, it is necessary to form the hardening, and then the subsequent priming before them - problems and arguments. Russian language is even richer. All the hardening and priming may carry the song of meaning of navantazhenya. Further, the statistics will look at different arguments.

The problem of Russian language

Saving vocabulary is the knowledge of every person. The problems of Russia are revealed in various works. The discussion on this topic can be found both in the classical and in everyday prose. The author's works have arguments. The problem of the Russian language, for example, is revealed by Knishev’s work. This author uses a humorous form to talk about amateurs of zapozhenichnyh words. Yogo tvir “About the great and powerful Russian stupidity of language, oversaturated with these elements. M. Krongauz discusses a similar topic. your point of view The name of the work speaks for itself: “Russian language on the borders of the nerves.”

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