Arrivals on earth Mars.



Cooking Astronomers scanned the image taken by Curiosity and noted that the new image showed an alien. Surely the same thing is depicted there?

Or is it just a deception?

Of course, discussions about this drive have started on the Internet, and such statements have been banned.

The photo was taken as ambiguous.

There is no more recent confirmation, however, some fahians have previously stated that they were able to detect objects on the surface of Mars that would confirm the presence of aliens there. For example, ufologists noted the mummified remains of a resident there a few months ago. After this information, the Chinese snakes began to actively discuss this discovery.

Ufologists, relying on visual evidence, have voiced their conclusions that the alien body is very well preserved, and even on the new one there are excess hairs, ends and apples.

In this case, part of the body is immured under a stone shaving, and this can speak of some sort of catastrophe. Given the assumptions of ufologists, it is entirely possible that you will arrive after dying in an accident, in which you will suffer the fate of a UFO. over our planet.

These statements were determined by both skeptics and people who called the organization from the information obtained.

But, without a doubt, at NASA, one of the priority areas of activity is the very desire to live on the Earth. The most likely specialists of this organization are not to tell people everything they need to know. What the stink is about is a mystery.

Of course, there are all sorts of sensational statements on the Internet all over the place about something else. In the field of ufology, the plan is particularly prone to new developments. Now the information is becoming more and more fantastic.

It is quite certain that most of those who provide such information to the congregation are less interested in their fame.

Still, UFOs haunted people all over the planet.

Infection great quantity Confirmation of the detection of unknown objects in photos and videos. The footage from the NASA organization itself appears to be more realistic, and there is a hint of alien traces in them. It is also important to note that through those we are likely to spend in the organization of such a great endeavor of human, mental and material resources, we can say that this has some kind of sense. Science and technology are developing rapidly, so, most likely, people are soon learning the whole truth about the newcomers, about living on Earth and about space in general. on the surface it is close to -50 ° C, although at the equator it reaches +20 °.

The dark, cold, unfriendly desert, like every now and then a tornado sweeps past.

It’s not a big deal at all, but those who passed the Red Planet are in the dark, and many more will tie up the emergence of earthly civilization with the great power of the bastards.

The death of Martian civilization

It is not excluded that if Mars was completely different - with an atmosphere rich in sourness, with rivers and seas and inhabitants who had reached a world-class level of development.

But everything changed immediately.

It is important that about 14,000 years ago, from the depths of space to the Sonic system, one or a handful of celestial bodies escaped and rammed the planet Phaeton (Tiamat), which was not far from Mars, crushing it to pieces.

In 1984, people in Antarctica discovered an ancient meteorite that may have a Martian origin.

The new one showed traces of organic layout.

This means that there was life on Mars, and much earlier on earth. So far, there are still a lot of mysteries, there are still more to come. Atlanti - alien sites What happened to the people of the Red Planet? Life on Mars began earlier than on Earth, and this alien civilization is much older than ours.

Therefore, there was no reason for the Martians to fly to Earth even before the catastrophe and bring the earthlings up to their standards.

How much confirmation of the Earth’s presence is counterintuitive.

For example, many ufologists respect that long before the disaster, a Martian landing party landed on Earth, in the same part where the legendary Atlantis was located. In exchange for the kopalini, the immigrants, whom the Atlanteans revered as gods, taught the local inhabitants space navigation and showed how to work lethal equipment


Atlantis was overwhelmed by new technologies and became the most
Before speaking, in Arizona (USA) there is an Indian tribe called Hopi.

People want to respect that the Mayans used to live in Mexico.

And even earlier, on an island in the Pacific Ocean, the stars flew to New America on the airplanes they were given... Readers from the Red Planet - kachina. Did the Martians conduct research on people? Incredibly, prote, despite everything, the aliens kept track of people. Ufologists confirm that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are the fruits of genetic engineering

immigrants from the Red Planet.

The appearance of ancient people had already changed sharply, even if they were bred on purpose.

Now let's guess the ancient Sumerians.

Such enmity that the civilization found on Earth lasted 6000 years for nothing.

No one knows who the stinks and the stars came. The Sumerians were able to develop the vikorist and trike system, they knew the golden span and the Fibonacci numerical sequence. The smells were miraculously understood in the former Sonic system, and on their map of the bright sky there was a mysterious planet located between Mars and Jupiter.

According to Sumerian manuscripts, the wandering planet was called Nibiru and, in a highly oriented orbit, crossed the Sonya system once every 3600 years.

Were Sumerians not influenced by the teachings of aliens from Mars?

What are the landings of the Atlanteans?

It’s also unusual to see images of a disk with wings on the bas-reliefs of their temples.

All significant discoveries from the theory of “discovering signs of aliens” are revealed due to the numerical findings obtained from the Mars rovers and NASA satellites.

A video recently trending on YouTube effectively illustrates a mysterious anomaly on the surface of Mars that could actually be an alien ship that crashed.

The video describes the very clear light planted in extreme proximity to the cordon between the centers of two volcanic regions of Tarsis and Elysium, which were lost during hours of volcanic activity on Chervon 2nd planet.

– Before speaking, let me suggest the following words in connection with this:

“Recognize that two areas, Tarsis and Elysium, which contain volcanic creations, are also favorable places for furnaces,” Kai Williams from the US Space Agency’s tracking center told Rock in 2010.

Tsikavo, after the analysis of the lava caves as potential reservoirs gave the right to the descendants to allow the supply of water for the settlers (earthly, especially) to grow by 100 thousand rocks.

Marvel at the folding shape of the object, say ufologists, and take a closer look at the amazing landscape.

Obviously, what is important for us is the technological nature of the object. “We can’t have any doubts about what is a machine,” ufologists sing. However, skeptics, as always, insist that this is just another rock on Mars, an extraordinary piece of rock of a chimeric shape.

UFO believers confirm that this discovery is not a remaining proof of the founding of alien civilizations.

Martian artifacts speak of alien civilization and the living Mars even in these hours, when the planet was even more similar to Earth.

Long traces of a distant landing can be seen behind the ship.

“The smell shows that the ship’s accident went as smoothly as it could have been earned,” said UFO expert Scott Waring.

It looks like an underground base with doors, says another video commentator.

You see, boys, it was true that there was a terrible accident - skeptics mockingly respect, even the meteor "recognized the greedy catastrophe."

Tim, no less, does not care about the veracity of the version with a stone body, not all descendants have similar thoughts about this diet.

There are many and long-standing theories about the expansion of the Sonya system by the arrivals of the UFOs - the tricks of UFOs lying on Mars and on Earth.

What adds more intrigue to the discovery is the assertion that the materials were subject to censorship.

Some important details have been removed from the websites to keep the discovery secret.

NASA is no longer retouching images of Martian artifacts as before.

“If we find ourselves on Mars, as NASA and Elon Musk plan, then we will reject reports of Martian artifacts, these very spacecraft and Martian bases, in order to get the truth first-hand,” the Duma and skeptics say Khilniki ideas of ancient astronauts

Is it true that long ago aliens landed on Mars?

Is this image just another one of the unhealed images from Mars, which looks like something we know through those that our brains think up for us?

If you ask Dr. John Brandenburg, a senior NASA scientist, on Mars more for what they tell us, and UFO believers who claim the presence of artificial structures on Mars are not entirely divine. Dr. John Brandenburg, Fіzik, Yaki Dovgі Roki by the power of the power plasmi, rejecting the scum stim uc davis, I yaki, the b, the vidatnu Kar'yra Yak the teachings, the Marseileski Zhitty Zillemovani Zischeen was nuclear bombs;“The xenon of Mars is closely associated with a component in the Earth’s atmosphere created by the Earth’s nuclear defense programs, both from testing for a water bomb, and from the production of plutonium, which is associated with

in great quantities

near the liquid neutrons.

It has been revealed that Mars xenon can be approximately mixed with 70% nuclear xenon mixed with 30% natural Earth xenon, which indicates that Mars xenon was similar to Earth, but the nuclear power of the Earth has changed dramatically since then "

Prote, Albert “Burt” Newton Stubblebin III, General of the US Army, with a 32-year career in the US Army, also talking about Mars, and what really happens there.

Albert "Burt" Newton Stubblein is credited with redefining the intelligence architecture of the U.S. Army during his time as Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service.

Mars has visited earthlings since ancient times.

The Babylonians and Egyptians worshiped him, and the rest dedicated a statue of the Sphinx to the planet, painting it in a red color.

Later, before the transformation of the celestial body, Arabs and Indians were killed more than once. What attracts us so much to this unwelcome planet? At the 16th century after Vychennya Mars With the help of telescopes, volcanoes, craters, channels, and ice fields were discovered.

What else do you know about the planet?

It lasts a year longer than ours. The atmospheric pressure outweighs the earthly one 160 times, the water is daily, and even thought that it was earlier. Ale smut those who live Vychennya Mars Aliens on Mars

with greater confidence, lower on other cosmic bodies.

Could a civilization survive from Mars? I think that Mars used to be different - with bodies of water and an atmosphere that is sour. But then a catastrophe happened, as it changed everything in one minute.

Transferred, what in

heavenly body

crashed from space, changing its magnetic field.

As a result of Mars, great reservoirs were built, and the water dried up. Vychennya Mars live What's up?, paint and a lot more, and maybe continue to read...

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