Cause me to look further away from life.



Nowadays, it is easier for people to choose, decide, and choose what they want.

The marriage has accustomed us to the point of being ready to replace a copy that is in good order, instantly, without repairing, without being especially careful.

If anything, it can be replaced with more updates, reductions, and modernization options.

It’s not just the material world that matters, but also spiritual matters, it’s not clear.

Every time you try to maintain the status quo, women are offended by the unknown about their lives alone.

The situation has changed - now you need to make a choice.

Either one of them delivered an ultimatum, or the squad found out about the super girl, and confronted her with the fact that she had to comply.

Now it has become more difficult to praise the decision, to take credit for it.

Otherwise, there will be a constant movement - from the squad to the boss, then finally - important for all participants in this game.

Therefore, without being at all a wretch, having separated, after being separated from the squad of pishov to the farmhouse in the sight of his past, from home.

  • You also call those places where people procrastinate, and not those who have begun to live with a hut.
  • You realize your guilt in front of the colossal amount of self-pity.

You are confident that you will not be in control of dealing with a new woman, and even after separation from her, you will try to deal with control calmly and without conflicts.

  • You need to be patient.
  • If you come across speeches that you haven’t heard before from your friend, you will be patient with them.
  • The new wife may know a lot about what is important to you, since she knew so much about your shortcomings and weaknesses.
  • She doesn’t know your peculiarities, your signal is so kind, as it will be necessary for constant encouragement, you will need to study it from afar.
  • It is necessary to make contact with your family and friends, with your friends.
  • Give it time to drink with them, accept them.
  • To put up with various inconveniences in everyday life that have already been polished.
  • Perhaps you will have a chance to think about financial matters: go to a restaurant, as you did before, or dine on some home-cooked food that is necessary for your home.

And a friend, as before, can wear a fur coat and a trip to the Maldives.

Have to get home.

Before we talk about gifts: even often, friends receive gifts that are much more precious, more precious, less friends.

Spend your nights wondering “how you live there”, “why is that so”, and for an hour bring a wonderful pretext to the point of nervousness or even worse.

Without trying to overdo it, let’s make a “correct diagnosis” right away, in terms of the incident that affected us.

  • The reason is always closer, we think – it’s in ourselves.
  • Apply blame from the side of the woman’s article:
  • images, dissatisfaction, abandonment - everything was gathered by fate and decisions splashed out.

Guess what, even the man managed to get away without provoking scandals;

the appearance is overlooked, the make-up is too much, the robe is tight - but it has become shabby and cannot be changed in any way.

  • They stopped thinking about him as a man, and now, naturally, about you as a woman who needs to be won;
  • The need for financial independence and careers came to the fore, and the blessed one lived on manufactured goods, without sex, and had children - that’s all.
  • If there were at least one of three reasons in life, then the food “why chose the khan” is no longer as unreasonable as it seemed before.
  • But the most widespread officials are still impersonal.
  • The man is going to hell not only because of your fault, but also for other reasons:
  • sprague of novelty - you are thoughtful and want to conquer and feel excitement;

freedom - it feels like a tight whore; , inferiority complex - sexual claims will be corrected, but not with you;

nudga - constant over-determination, opika, khanya on the side of the squad is also oppressive, even a little bit of masochism, and I want different things;

incentive - if a man does not care for the squad of reasons for his further development, he is looking for something new;

I feel the bitterness of the new ones.

  • Tim more than a man pishov is not even close to the khanka
  • and for many months there will be either rocks, the final moment or the woman’s residual capitulation.
  • open up to everything new (opportunities and dreams) that were previously on the fence because you didn’t have time;
  • Expand your circle with new friends. . Get to know each other, flirt and enjoy the respect of your pre-painful status

A great man has made friends with the Kohanka, and now he has clear complaints about the late evening and the unironed shirt.

And this malice turns like a boomerang.

Provide yourself with food: how much did you spend while leaving home?

Realize yourself in your unsatisfied area and become more powerful for all the reasons.

  1. Do you feel that you will not be able to live peacefully without knowing the reason for leaving?
  2. You keep thinking how things turned out right after the separation, let’s be clear.
  3. How to turn a person back to his homeland
  4. "You can't turn around and let go."
  5. To whom, you should blame yourself.
  6. If you put it right after the first “turn” - proceed!
  7. In war, as in war all things are good, since the khan took the man away from the family nest, do the same.
  8. People after separation are amiable, free, kind, and not without difficulties, victorious and cunning.
  9. Live specific actions before adding a person to the family:
  10. Be sure to always dress up, don’t hesitate to apply makeup;

bring order to the house and thoughts;

Conduct yourself well, without showing your hopelessness.

Take care of yourself, take care of your appearance, do some fitness to keep yourself in shape.

Unsurprisingly, since it was a really short-term affair, the nobleman rushes in at full speed, happily wins over him, and then the trump cards are already in his hands and you choose: “stratit” or “have mercy.”

What will happen to the man?

Of course, it’s better to look at the pink whore from the woman’s side.

The Kokhanka is the loser, the squad is the victim, and who is the man?

How do people feel after separation?

Another unfortunate situation in the life of a man who does not praise the decision of the day.

A.38 rocks: “I love one, and I’ve been living with a friend for 20 rocks, she’s close to me in spirit, we have children, we know a lot of relatives.

The squad knows my connection, they know and hate each other.

I am ready to give up everything, just in front of this I want to see my squad together, so that they don’t look at me.

We’ve also been living for four years already.

I don’t want to ruin those who have been together for so long, plus children, full-time work and friends in one team.

I don’t want any gossip on the side of close friends, relatives or acquaintances.

The only hope is that the situation will resolve itself.

I'm flying! Meni 24 rocks.Є child 2 rocks. Before the start, I was put on edge and thought negatively. I'm healthy“, I never thought that I would shut up with this man. With the man at once for 6 years. family We are normal, but with sex everything is bad. We meet once a day, not more often... I am pretty, my dear, a man who is also a bad person, but I have no physical cravings, the worst thing is that I don’t care anymore. Just then, I met a man who is 35 years old, vin possible, insightful, new, but not the right thing to do)).

If you find these little packets in the store, feel free to prepare milk soup with them for the recipe with vermicelli.

Once you start showing me signs of respect, you know my phone number.