Presentation on the topic of child aggression.


Software security

Fatherland gatherings
Aggression of children.

Reasons and advances.

Aggression (Latin) - means “attack”, “attack”.
psychological dictionary Aggression is a behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules of the birth of people in marriage, which brings physical or moral harm to people. This is behavior that causes damage to objects, people or groups of people.

This is a way to express anger and protest.
It stems from dissatisfaction with human needs for love and the needs of other people.

types of aggression
Verbal - expresses itself in verbal form(Images; threats) Expressive - menacing grimaces;

shake your fist; finger;
a lot of profanity.

The desire is of great importance:
In a word, with a look, with a gesture, with a gesture

It is even more significant for people and punishment, as:
There is a trace of wrongdoing;

Explained child Vono suvore, ale not zhorstoky; It is the child’s actions that he values, not his human bones. When punished, it is necessary to be patient, calm and vigilant.
One day, a young village woman came to the sage and asked: “Teacher, how should you guide me: in kindness or in severity?

What is more important?" “Wonder, woman, at the grapevine,” said the sage, “if you do not prune it, you will not pity the vines and leaves, the vine is healthy, and you, having lost control over its growth, looking forward to the good ones and sweet berries.
sleepy exchanges

And if you don’t water it thoroughly with warm water every day, it will completely wither away.
And only with a reasonable combination of one and the other, you will be able to eat the fruits of the fruit. »

Parable about the grapevine.
The mind behind aggressive behavior:
The power of the fathers in relation to themselves and in relation to the powerful child;

The father, who is strong enough to understand, will never allow his child to take away from him those things that he himself did not have in his child.
Fathers are to blame for remembering:
Power is not tyranny.

Tyranny breeds tyranny.
Strength must be reasonable and kind.
What kind of people do you consider aggressive?

Types of aggressive children: Mom, dad, why they stink, bark, fight.
Types of non-aggressive children: Indians, bandits, mischievous children, because they kill people and creatures.

How did you fix it, how did you get involved with the aggressive child?: Types of aggressive children: - Starting to fight;

Hitting b; The topic of children's aggressiveness is not unusual.

Over the past decade, the current world has seen an increase in violent acts, resulting from particular cruelty, vandalism and abuse of people.

Today we are faced with rampant aggression not only in the marriage, but also in the family.

Such socially unsafe manifestations are associated with the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness and cause serious restlessness.
I will show aggression now, obviously younger. Aggression is manifested not only by youngsters and adults, as is commonly believed. Aggression is also shown by babies.
Why is this connected?

How to deal with the manifestation of child aggression? Vantage:. Gordon Neufeld http: // When we bachimo the irritated, embarrassed child, our urge is to help youmu. On the right, if we are a little aggressive egoist, rude, cruel, powerful.
So our primary task is to create frustration in aggression. Gordon Neufeld http: // A person has a nature of love, and because he cannot know the stagnation of his nature of love, he has a nature of hatred, include aggression and cruelty.
In this way, the wine is cured as a result of intense mental pain. Erich Fromm http: // Research inflow of medical care
family wear
on the development of aggressive behavior in children showed that there is “a direct relationship between punishments, dogs, desires, on the one hand, and Father’s attitudes towards hostility to children as a whole, on the other.”
A. Bandura, 1998 Psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children / T.P.
- Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2005. - 145С.

The word “aggressiveness” is derived from the Latin aggressio - attack.
Aggression manifests itself through harming people or objects.
on the development of aggressive behavior in children showed that there is “a direct relationship between punishments, dogs, desires, on the one hand, and Father’s attitudes towards hostility to children as a whole, on the other.”
Aggression is a form of emotion, and emotion is something that we feel regardless of our everyday life.

Often children hear from their fathers: “Stop being angry!”, “Stop shouting!”
on the development of aggressive behavior in children showed that there is “a direct relationship between punishments, dogs, desires, on the one hand, and Father’s attitudes towards hostility to children as a whole, on the other.”
The child rejects the message, which is bad.
Now you will try to stifle your anger and anger, and if you don’t, you will feel guilty for experiencing natural feelings.http: //

What is aggression?
Show aggression in children. What can happen next?
Different options.
Let's help the child get into trouble with aggression1.
It is important that there are clear rules in this family and that all children who are adults are encouraged to follow the rules.

Then the child will have less chance of manipulating her aggressiveness, and you won’t be able to say that: “Mom is rotten because the TV doesn’t allow you to wonder, but if she’s good, she allows it.” 2.
THE PARABLE “About the Wise Men and the Snowstorm” This story began a long time ago in an ancient town, where a great sage lives.
The fame of his wisdom spread far and wide to his native place.
If there is a man at the place, what to do to protect his glory. And having decided to come up with such a diet, so that the sage would not commit something new.

And then he went to the meadow, caught a snowstorm, planted it among the closed valleys and thought: “Let me ask the sage: tell me, about the wise one, which snowstorm is in my hands - alive or dead?

If you say - alive, I will open the valleys, and the snowstorm will die, and if you say - dead, I will open the valleys and the snowstorm will fly.

Then everyone will understand who is the smart one among us.” That’s how it all happened.

He caught the evil snowstorm, planted it between the valleys and went to the sage.

And he asked him: “What kind of snowstorm is in my hands, about the wisest one, living or dead?”
Aggression can be directed at someone who respects the reach of the mark, at unnecessary objects, at those who are not guilty, or simply “under the arm,” or at oneself.

Acceptance, activity, easygoingness, self-defense, commitment to one’s duties and responsibilities may be the same behavior as disobedience, cruelty, stubbornness.

There is a constant need to fight, giving too much can develop the spirit of initiative and can also give rise to isolation and witchcraft, and can create a child who is willing or weak-willed. In order to want to develop the positive aspects of aggression and shift away from the appearance of negative ones, it is necessary to understand the nature and behavior of aggressive behavior. Are boys more aggressive? Most psychologists converge to the idea that high step

The aggressiveness of the boys is infused with the cultural and spiritual tradition. The behavioral models assigned to boys are significantly different from the behavioral models assigned to girls. Aggression is part of the human behavior pattern and is more likely to be felt and desired.
The differences in the behavior of boys and girls appear in another phase of life.
boy z early century It is your responsibility to be aware of the fact that you are in charge and want to deal with the crooks on your own.

The girl is judged for her activity, assertiveness, and desire to command.

The strongest manifestations of aggression are typical for children of young school age.
Children, madly, are more prone to anger, they are easy to fool or fool, so in most of the child’s episodes, the child’s aggressiveness is a reaction of struggle, so the child protests against the fences and boundaries that are imposed by adults.

It is time to encourage children to channel their aggressive feelings in the right direction and at the same time encourage them to engage in positive social behavior that will help them or their fate, they may end up with a lot of problems in their senior years.


There are a number of types of child aggression.

A child can show physical aggression, such as attacking strangers or verbally, and verbally - imitating strangers, barking. Also, his aggression can be directed at himself, but he becomes aware of the pain in which he feels frustration. Let's take a look at the causes and features of the skin of these types of child aggression.

The child is estranged

If you don’t react in any way to such things, then the child may mistake the praise for the language of praise.

It’s not easy to forcefully crush the baby until he subdues it, otherwise you can get even more lamati from him.

baby barks

  • Under verbal aggression we understand verbal threats and images of another person.
  • It’s not surprising that administrative punishment in the form of fines has been handed over to the world for unkindness in large towns.
  • These are so-called cute and obscene words appear early and late in a child’s vocabulary.

Some of these words in the vocabulary of children can include fathers themselves, other children, neighbors and, of course, TV characters.

Why are children so eager and accurately repeating bad expressions?
First of all, they are attracted by the emotionality with which these words convey a feeling of alienation.

The people’s bark is called “viprominu” by boundless self-satisfaction, whose gesture is even more expressive, just like the song of praise and tension.

Behind the guards of the fahivts, children, facing difficulties, direct their aggression on themselves.

There is a feeling of hostility that the child wants to win over herself or else protect herself.

Sometimes dads worry about how their little ones bang their heads against the wall of their stomach.

Older children tend to literally tear their hair out in a sensation, and in their late childhood, such children may have suicidal problems.

This is due to lack of confidence in oneself, resulting in a lack of father’s love, warmth and understanding from the side of those who are away, and may also be a sign of mental illness.
Aggressive children, no matter what the reason for such behavior, are trapped in a closed cell.

They do not see love and understanding from the side of those close to them, but through their behavior they smell of alienation, calling out their hostility, which, in its turn, strengthens the child’s aggressiveness.

It is the most unfriendly, the enemy of the distant ones, and not the internal difficulties to provoke the child, awakening in a new sense of fear and anger.

Punishment and aggression

On the one hand, this investigation points out to those who, if the child managed to get something for help from aggression, then they will push for her help even more and more.

If punishment is used to wean off aggression, it can also lead to increased child aggression.

There are plenty of fakhivts to reassure: if you want to get to know the child better, watch out for his game.
In the game, the child reveals those veins in which the child is alive, in the game the fears and deaths of the child are revealed. Many children want to take on the roles of clearly negative characters and are more respected than their positive ones. On the one hand, this is connected with the fact that many negative characters in cartoons (especially bad ones) are more successful, more powerful, and therefore more beneficial for the child.

The stench is now more active, there is a lot of smell coming out of it, and the stench is now in the thick of it.

Nowadays, professional actors know that the most important roles are played.

On the other hand, for rich children, the role of a negative character in a game means they can try to be nasty, disobedient, angry, aggressive and thereby avoid such behavior in life.

However, the child will always take precedence over the role of villains, and its behavior in the game is in no way different from the behavior in

The dangers that are presented to children are reasonable, and they need to be stressed on them, clearly giving the children an understanding of what they are expecting.
A trace of the absence of unjustified pressure and threats to control the behavior of children. The fallacy of such attacks on children creates a similar behavior in them and may be the reason for the appearance in their character of such unacceptable characteristics as anger, bitterness and stubbornness. It is important to help your child learn to control himself and develop a sense of control.
Children need to know about the possible consequences of their products and how their products may be adopted by others.

Before that, they must first be able to discuss

fresh food
with your fathers and explain to them the reasons for your behavior - this will give you a sense of responsibility for your behavior.
The wonderful Czech psychologist Zdenek Matejczyk said: “Just as a boy lacks the ability to grab a ball, he will screw other children.”

Children need to be given more opportunities to discharge accumulated energy.

  • Even active and aggressive children should create their minds to allow them to satisfy their needs in Russia, and also begin to bully them with the right.
  • For example, you can get them involved in sports clubs, take part in events or staging plays, organize different games for them, exciting walks or hikes.
  • The task of adults is to teach children how to properly guide and show their feelings.
  • Let the child be alone in the room and trace everything that has accumulated to the address of the one who has torn him.
  • Propose a youma if you find it difficult to stream, beat a special pillow with your feet and hands, tear up a newspaper, crumple up a papier, break a tin can or a ball, run around a booth, write all the words you want to say in the rot.

Give the child joy: at the moment of irritation, the first thing to do is to say or work, take a deep breath several times or wait until ten.

  • This helps to calm down.
  • You can also listen to music, sleep loudly, or scream to it.
  • You can ask the child to paint a hint of rot.
  • That aggression will find a way out in creativity.
  • Fathers can learn to manage the behavior of their aggressive children, for this purpose:

show special respect for the child’s games. In games, children express their dreams, fantasies and fears; your children.
In television programs, which provide children with intense information, physical violence is shown on average five to six times per year. The aggression of television and computer characters is often celebrated, and positive characters can be as aggressive as villains. Psychologists believe that television violence especially increases the severity of aggressive reactions in those who are already sensitive to aggression.

There is no need to try to completely protect the child from negative experiences.


everyday life

It is impossible to lose the anger, the image of zіtkneniya with cruelty.

It is important to teach children to stand up to aggressors so as not to become like them.

The child must remember to say “no”, not succumb to the provocations of strangers, humorously face failures and know that it is better to involve adults in their problems, rather than deal with them on their own..

However, just as fathers love to admire the films of horrors and action films, children will also love them. And if you beat a dog in front of a child, there is no reason to wonder that in just a few hours you will continue to torment creatures, and then people.

Children of maximalism, who have learned a lesson in cynicism in childhood, will not begin to worry about what their victim perceives when they grow up.

Only a special butt, which develops in children, is the ability to develop a child’s sense of sleep, anxiety, and anguish to help those who are weaker in resisting severe aggression, overwhelming children from TV screens, computer monitors and websites. Market of popular newspapers and magazines. Shanovnye dad and moms!

Today's listener I would like to start talking about the problem of child aggression. .

Aggression can manifest itself physically (hitting) and verbally (violation of another person’s rights without physical abuse: threats, shouting, liking). Slide 5.In psychology, there are two types of aggression:

instrumental and sorcery.

Instrumental aggression is revealed by humans to reach the song mark.

This is even more common in young children (I want to take away a toy, object, etc.).

In older people, that is, in our children, aggression is more manifested, aimed at attracting more people.

Even often, when they show aggression, they confuse it with easygoingness and assertiveness.

How do you respect, are the nuts of equal value?

(Views of fathers).

What will please you more in your child: assertiveness or aggressiveness?

Insanely, effortlessly.

Before aggression, the smarter boys are more likely to be aggressive.

It is part of the human stereotype that is cultivated in the homeland and the mass media.

Most often, young schoolchildren analyze the elements of their character from the position of adults. If fathers are constantly trying to emphasize the virtues of their child not only in front of other people, but first of all in their own home, then, incredibly, the child will be tempted to show the same virtuousness that fathers are strengthening in the new one.If parents constantly demonstrate the vile cruelty of their child, especially in front of strangers, then the child will no longer waste anything in the area of ​​irritability and the appearance of hemlines, and can then continue to repeat the filthy work.

Once you analyze the reasons for the manifestation of negative emotions and feelings, then the stench is primarily connected with the family.

The constant welding of the fathers, the physical violence of the fathers in a one-to-one relationship, the rudeness and rudeness of the shabby spilkuvanie, belittlement, sarcasm and irony, the shame of constantly mixing one in one trash and strengthening the whole - a school of aggression in which a child is molded and learns the lessons of mastery in manifestation aggression.

How do you think about how you can fight child aggression?

Slide 6.

In education, you can see two pairs of important signs that have a positive or negative impact on the development of a child’s aggressiveness:

It is unacceptable for a child to bring such illness to the manifestation, like child hospitalism. What's this? Autonomy, daily life of the bazaars

different people , The presence in this family of traditions, principles, laws.

Slide 7.

The most important desire for enslaved children is: how can we want our children?

in a word, a look, a gesture, a deed.

It is very significant for people and punishment, punishment is necessary:

a) there’s a trace of the filling;

b) explained to the child;

c) won’t be Suvore, but not Zhorstoky;

d) He values ​​these children, not his human bones.

When punishing a child, fathers and mothers show patience, calmness and vibrancy.

diagnosticsI ask you to find out in the course of filling out the diagnostic table how susceptible your child is to aggression?

Fathers fill out the table “Criteria for identifying the aggressiveness of a child”, count the points, and make notes.

It was also said that the causes of aggression are often related to family.

I encourage you to check with yourself: what kind of dad are you?

Conducting test-gris “What kind of father are you?”

The fathers write down the numbers on the screen, like vikorysts in spilkuvanniya with their child (slide 8), put points on the key stand (slide 9), protect the amount of points, read the original.

Another test is often rare Supply of pouches.

  1. Our sustrich is reaching its end.

I would like for her to appear like a cinnamon tree for you, to cry out in thought, and to reciprocate with her homeland in a new way.

Your father’s schodennik will be updated with today’s new rules, which will help you, I assure you, your adopted child.

These are the “Golden Rules of Learning” (slide 10) and “Memo to Prevent Child Aggression.”

  1. Fathers get to know the “golden” rules on the screen and select other copies of the memos in Father’s Schedennik
  1. slide 11
  1. .
  1. Let's report to our peers and help our children turn away from aggression.
  1. Criteria for identifying aggressiveness of a child
  1. ditina
  1. often
  1. rarely

Hate and bark with older adults

Losing control over oneself Blames others for their pardons

Zadrisny, vengeful - You are inconsistent with the baby.

He respects you, and wants to see you again.

Captions before slides:

Causes and consequences of child aggression

Niccolò Machiavellian volition can turn out to be beneficial, but it can bring with it both evil and good

Aggression is a reaction to any activity, plans, pressure, defense or uncontrollable difficulties.

Aggression is a behavior that causes harm to an object or objects, a person or a group of people.

Aggression can be manifested physically (beats) verbally (threats, huskies, screams)

Types of aggression instrumental witchcraft To reach the mark To capture people's pain

1 – 2 2 – 1 3 – 1 4 – 1 5 – 1 6 – 2 7 – 2 8 – 1 9 – 2 10 – 2 11 – 1 12 – 1 13 – 2 14 – 1

with a word, with a glance, with a gesture, I want to Pokarannya The trace of the filling Explained to the child Suvore, but not the zhorstok Evaluates the action, the child, and not his yakostі

1. How many times do I repeat you!

Please me, be kind.

I don’t know what I would do without you?!

The main causes of child aggression are mother’s negativity (alienation, prejudice, persistent criticism);

further setting, ignoring aggressive manifestations of children in relation to other children and adults (actually the desire for aggressive behavior);

severity of disciplinary actions (physical punishment, psychological pressure, humiliation).

How can you help a child turn away from aggression?

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It is important that there are clear rules in the family and that children are encouraged to do so.