Why did the new economic policy flare up in the USSR?


It is important to note that on the 21st of March 1921, our country switched to a new form of commodity-economic supply: on that very day a decree was signed, which punishes people from leaving the food supply and moving on to collecting food donations.

That's how I got upset myself NEP.

  • The Bolsheviks realized the need for economical cooperation, since the tactics of military communism and terrorism gave even more negative effects, while the strengthened separatist movements around the young republic ki, that’s just there.
  • When introducing a new economic policy, the Bolsheviks reconsidered a number of low economic and political goals:
  • Relieve tension in the marriage, increase the authority of the young ruler.
  • Renew the dominion of the land, largely built on the legacy of the First World War and the great wars.

Lay the foundation for the creation of an effective planned economy.

By the way, it was very important to convey to the “civilized” world the adequacy and legitimacy of the new government, since at that time the USSR had found itself in international isolation.

Today we will talk about the essence of the new policy in the order of the USSR, and we will discuss the main principles of the UN.

The topic is fundamentally important, and there are a number of rocks of the new economic course that largely imply the political and economic structure of the region for ten years to come.

However, it is far from what the creators and founders of this phenomenon would have wanted.

As for the political side of nutrition, the Bolsheviks were a classic autocracy, for which any dissent in this sphere was harshly strangled.

  • Let’s face it, the Party definitely didn’t care about the “central line”.
  • At the same time, in the economical mind we are careful to achieve a chimeric fusion of elements of administrative and market methods of government:
  • The state retained complete control over all transport flows, great and middle industries.
  • The private sector had great freedom.
  • So the townsfolk could rent land and hire priests.
  • The development of private capitalism was allowed in certain areas of the economy.
  • At that very hour, the legislator galvanized about the rich initiative of this capitalism, which in their minds made the whole idea foolish.
  • The lease of enterprises that belonged to the powers was allowed.
  • Trade has become remarkably free.
  • This explains the equally positive results of NEP.
  • At the same time, trade relations were expanding between the town and the village, the legacy of which can still be seen: industrial centers provided tools and equipment, for which people had to pay “live” pennies, since the place ran out of food, as rivers I'm working for a food donation.

Over time, this led to actual enslavement of the villagers.

The industrial sector is bound by the state insurance agencies.

Financial reform was carried out, which greatly improved the economy.

So, in the spring of 1920, the government decided that it would be easier to organize direct trade exchange between towns and villages, simply by exchanging equipment and other industrial production products for food and other goods such as waste comfort in the countryside.

To put it simply, NEP in Russia was initially conceived as another form of food subsidy, in which villagers were allowed to sell surpluses that were lost from them.

Thus, Vlada encouraged the villagers to increase sowings.

However, if we take these dates into account from the history of Russia, we begin to understand the complete failure of such a policy.

People at that time respected the horde of small townspeople for the most part, not giving up their tiredness.

It was not possible to transfer the embittered villagers: even before the end of fate it became clear that no more grain could be transferred.

Even though the hours were not wasting, there were desperate needs.

Food crisis

  • As a result, a terrible famine began before winter, sweeping through regions where at least 30 million people lived.
  • About 5.5 million people died of hunger.
  • There are over two million orphans in the country.
  • In order to supply the industrial centers with bread, no less than 400 million poods would be needed, and there was simply no supply.
  • The leaders of the Bolshevik ranks learned that the NEP in the USSR could be truly capitalist, allowing them to improve the economic system of the region for the rate of effective commodity-penny, rather than natural, turnover of assets.

In order to ensure the normal security of commodity-penny transactions, the Derzhbank was created in 1921, openly for the payment of benefits and acceptance of benefits, as well as obligatory payment for travel on public transport, utility services and the telegraph.

The tax system has been completely updated.

In order to save and replenish the state’s budget, a lot of expenditure items were raised from it.

All further financial reform was aimed at strengthening the national currency.

Thus, in 1922, the issue of a special currency, the Radyansky chervints, was issued.

In fact, there was an equal price (including in place of gold) to replace the imperial ten.

This approach has already shown a positive impact on the trust to the ruble, which has inevitably taken away the recognition behind the cordon.

Already before 1922, Lenin declared that further actions of the capitalists would be completely blamed, since the hours of NEPU had passed.

Reality squashed this sorrow.

Already in 1925, the maximum number of hired workers allowed in rural dominions was increased to one hundred people (previously - a little more than 20).

It was legalized by the Kurkul cooperation, landowners could rent out their land for up to 12 rocks.

The protection of the creation of credit partnerships was concerned, and the exit from communal dominions (viruby) was completely allowed.

Already in 1926, the Bolsheviks took a course towards politics, the method of which was the throat of NEP.

A lot of permissions, which the people rejected as a result, were completely affected.

In connection with the history of Russia, it can be noted that at the same time, lending to small industries was increasingly introduced, which led to negative consequences in the economic sector.

These visits were carried out throughout the entire region, in some places reaching the point of absurdity.

In 1928-1929 pp.

The great dominions began to grapple with production, sales of goods, inventory and machines.

The blow was given to the great dominions for political purposes to demonstrate the futility of maintaining a one-sided dominion, undermining the foundations of productive forces in the agricultural sector of the country.


Well, what are the reasons for NEP’s throat?

This was the secret of deep inner secrets in the leadership of the young state, which were emphasized during attempts to stimulate the economic development of the SRSR in basic, but ineffective ways.

As a result of the reforms, the villagers were deprived of the right to obtain a form of land ownership: it was possible to rent out land and hire laborers.

There was decentralization of industry management, and enterprises were transferred to the government's system.

Private persons were allowed to reveal their ambitions or take them for rent.

Enterprises with up to 20 workers were recognized by nationalization.

It is characteristic that the strength was growing even after the defeat of P.M.

Wrangel, if the immediate threat to the Radian government from the side of the Whites had already been eliminated.

For example, from 1920 to the beginning of 1921, the approach to the collapse of the commodity-penny system was lived out, which practically meant the loss of pennies.

The population of the village was “rewarded” by paying for services from the supply of food and clothing, supply of transport, fuel, medicines and living expenses.

Come on, the army has risen, an anti-Bolshevik spike has risen near Kronstadt - under the red flags and with the sign: “For the sake of no communists!”

Obviously, at the final stage of the Gromadian War, the Bolsheviks had a desire to promote mobilization during the wartime period with the aim of transitioning to the heated everyday life of the foundations of communism.

Insanely, partly, military communism began to actively cry out to the need, but soon this need began to be accepted as the possibility of large-scale transformations.

Criticism of NEP

Kerivnitstvo realized the mercy of this course, and the spirit of “military communism” had already begun to seep into the pro-“mass” of communists.

They have already become accustomed to the harsh methods of “communist life.”

Mass dissatisfaction with the NEP prompted the Central Committee to call an emergency All-Russian Party Conference in 1921.

At this meeting, Lenin urged the delegates to discuss the need for new supplies, explaining the policy of carivism.

Although many party members were irreconcilable, the stench was in the midst of the bureaucracy, which appears to be a logical legacy of the “Radyansky” bureaucracy that emerged in the “Military-communist” era.

There were a lot of radical currents that were active in secret: “The year of 1921 gave rise to a handful of small Bolshevik Kronstadts,” writes M. Magid.

The insecurity of the “capitalist restoration” was talked about a lot on the left flank, and in the mid-1920s the “new opposition” (G.Y. Zinov’ev, L.B. Kamenev) and “Trotskyist-Zinov’s anti party bloc."

One of these leaders will be the head of the Financial Committee of the Central Committee and for the People's Commissars (RNA) E.A.

Preobrazhensky, who already in early 1921 raised alarm about the development of “farmer-Kurkul” dominions.

And in the birch of 1922, this extremely wise comrade presented his theses to the Central Committee, in which he tried a detailed analysis of what was happening in the country.

The summary was summarized as follows: “The process of smoothing out class differences in the villages has begun... The process of differentiation has resumed with new force, and it is most pronounced where the renewal of the rural dominion is most successful And where the area is increasing, which is being plowed... In the minds of the extreme suddenness of the rural The growth of the rural bourgeoisie will continue in the Zagalnogo dominion and the Zagalnogo Zubozhinya village.”

Under Trotsky, such wire guards entered the DCC warehouse as the intercessor of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs M.M.

Litvinov, acting chairman A.A.

Ioffe, protector of the head of the VRNG SRSR G.L.

The robot workers protested against exploitation by the “Vichizny” and foreign capitalists, and the majority of the shares of the diggings belonged to the rulers of “Lena”.

І axis, in the spring of 1925 the company was given a concession for the development of Lena mines.

GKK was even more generous - the incoming bankers took away the territory that stretched from Yakutia to the Ural Mountains.

The company could mine, besides gold, copper, gold, and lead.

It has put a lot of metallurgical enterprises in order - the Bisertsky, Siversky, Revda metallurgical plants, the Zyuzel and Degtyarsky mines, the Revdinsky salivary mines and others. The share of SRSR in the species of metals became less than 7%.

Natomist Mittevo is a sign of possible prosharks of private contractors – “nepmans”.

Not only did they manage to make money, they managed to enter into very significant and far from legitimate connections with the control apparatus.

I was pleased with the decentralization of industry.

The same and closely connected one with one enterprises were united in a trust (of which only 40% were in the central subordination, the others were subordinated to local authorities).

They were transferred to the state health department and given great independence.

Doslednik S.V.

Bogdanov, referring to these and other facts of the “unconventional” crime, says: “The shabbiness among government officials during the NEP period was a specific form of attachment to the socio-economic realities of marriage, which radically changed nilsya.

The salaries of the rank service workers, who were not included in the nomenklatura lists, were even low, and, in terms of social predilection, their position was unenviable.

There was even more opportunity to improve one’s financial situation for the sake of the pleasures of the Nepmans.

To this fact, it is necessary to add to the numerical reorganization of the apparatus of state administration, which has been permanently carried out during the current period of its establishment and, insanely, not only contributed to the confusion, but also generated the wrongs of several officials and get some rapt wine for yourself.”

(“NEP: criminal enterprise of Vlad” // Rusarticles.Com).

Thus, the reforms led to a revitalization of the economy and a rise in living standards.

However, it was very difficult and super polite.

Especially for Stolitt

Dissatisfaction spread to the army.

1 Bereznya fate sailors and Red Army soldiers of the Kronstadt garrison under the cry “For the sake of freedom without communists!”

required the removal of all representatives of the socialist parties, the holding of re-elections of the Rada, as a result of the gas, the exclusion of all communists from them, the granting of freedom of speech, elections and membership to all parties, ensuring freedom of trade, allowing villagers to freely own their land and dispose of the products of their dominion , to eliminate the dross.

Having become overwhelmed by the impossibility of dealing with the rebels, the government launched an assault on Kronstadt.

With heavy artillery shelling and infantry, Kronstadt was captured until the 18th;

Some of the rebels perished, others went to Finland and surrendered.

As early as the spring of 1921, it became obvious that the underlying dissatisfaction of the lower classes and their fierce pressure could lead to the collapse of the Rad government and the communists.

That’s why Lenin decided to take action to save power.

Hide the development of NEP

Vote for NEPU

Cooperation of all forms and types developed rapidly.

The credit system has been revived.

The Derzhbank of the SRSR was created, which began lending to industry and trade on a commercial basis.

In 1922-1925 years.

a whole series of specialized banks were created: shareholders, whose shareholders were Derzhbank, syndicates, cooperatives, private and generally foreign ones, for lending to the surrounding areas of the state and regions of the country;

cooperative - for lending to cooperative cooperatives;

In parallel with the change in the formation of the party in the country, there was also a rebirth of the party itself.

Obviously, there will be more people willing to join the ruling party in the future, than the underground party, membership in which cannot give any other privileges, except for the nasty ones or the loops on our necks.

At the same time, the party, which became the ruling party, began to demand an increase in its numbers in order to fill the sovereign posts of all rivals.

This led to a rapid increase in the number of the Communist Party after the revolution.

The processes of bureaucratization of the party and centralization of power took place at the expense of a sharp decline in Lenin’s health.

Vlasna, the river of destruction of NEPU became for him the remaining fate of a full-fledged life.

Having suffered the first blow to his fate - having suffered a brain injury, that mighty hopeless Lenin was given an even more lenient work schedule.

But the leaves before the departure reached the rank-and-file participants only in the mornings, and the leaf, which comrades-in-arms were given special characteristics, did not show the party as clearly as possible.

They agreed among themselves that Stalin promised to get better, and so it ended.

Even before Lenin’s physical death, as fate would have it, a struggle began between his “declineists,” or, more precisely, the suppression of Trotsky against kerma.

Already in 1925, the maximum number of hired workers allowed in rural dominions was increased to one hundred people (previously - a little more than 20).

In the spring of fate, the struggle arose out of character.

As a result of these approaches, the unification in the collective state society actually became widespread, which led Stalin in the fall of 1929 to make a statement about the fact that the middle peasants were at the mercy of the collective government.

Stalin’s article was called “The Great Turning Point.”

Immediately after this article, the recent plenum of the Central Committee praised the new advances and acceleration of the plans for collectivization and industrialization.

Visnovki and visnovki

The unparalleled success was the renewal of the established economy, and, if we take into account that after the revolution Russia lost highly qualified personnel (economists, managers, manufacturers), the success of the new Ladi becomes “overcoming the devastation.”

In addition, there were spontaneous deformations and the penetration of administrative-command methods among many members of the state.

All trade was in the hands of the state, which set prices.

Independence and state security were allowed only on the level of trusts, and not enterprises.

In addition, I would like to conclude that it would include elements of the market system of state rule, which was not at all included in the plans of the Bolsheviks.

Regardless of those in the rural dominion, the light and grub industry was immediately allowed to enter the private sector, while the remaining sovereign sector was preserved and the control system of the people's dominion was centralized.

Freedom of economic activity was complemented by democratic changes in the life of a married couple.

It would be better if the rank-and-file communists accepted it as an approach to the ideals of socialism.

Internal party struggle

The 20th century became a period of light changes in Russia.

For the residual defeat of the ideological rival, the additional amount of plundered treasure began with the mass destruction of church values.

Spring 1922 r. The communities were ready to accept American food aid.

Robotniks were allowed to work in private enterprises.

Trade was legalized in the localities, which left the population starving.

In 1921-1922 pp.

The ideological pressure was weakened, and large non-communist organizations were allowed.

Recently Lenin spoke about the possibility of turning politics back to terror.

In 1922 He praises the plan to reduce the opposition.

The OGPU begins to fabricate reports, twisting the insubstantial underground organizations into incomplete crimes against the Radyan government.- the policy of the Radyan government, when all enterprises of one industry were subordinated to a single central governing body - the head committee (head office).

Changed the policy of “military communism”.

The transition from “military communism” to the non-voting of the Russian Communist Party in Berezny 1921. Pochatkov’s idea of ​​the transition was formulated in the works of V. I. Lenina 1921-1923: Kintseva Met Kolishnyoya - Socialism, Ale of the Stay of Rosy, Pisly Glumadyanco, Vinyi Dictate, to the “reformist” method of the Korinnnyws of the Yekonomichny Budіvnitvva.

For its development, the NEP required the decentralization of government administration, and in the spring of 1921. The Rada of Defense (STO) adopted a resolution to reorganize the head office system, in which all enterprises of one branch of the industry were subordinated to a single central governing body - the head committee (head).

A number of the Galuzian chapters were cut short, and in the hands of the state, much of the industry and basic resources of the state were lost.

Partial abstinence of power, privatization of rich previously nationalized enterprises, a system of economic management based on government regulation, competition, promotion of the sale of private enterprises - these are the characteristic features of the NEP.

At the same time, these “capitalist” economic elements were united with the Primus approaches, usurped into the rocks of “military communism”.

NEP calls for a Swedish economy.

Radyanska and, to a large extent, post-graduate historiography, the leading reasons for the burning of NEPU to the point of economic factors, allowed itself to openly reveal its protirichch - between the means of normal functioning of the economics and political priorities of the party leadership, directly at the outset, and then externally.


The Kerivnitstvo’s interpretation of the dictatorship of the proletariat as the strangulation of all those who are not fit for it, as well as giving in to the “military-communist” views acquired from the rocks of the huge war, which has been preserved among most and the personnel structure of the party, they represented to the authorities and communists their relentless efforts to achieve their ideological guidelines.

In this case, the strategic meta-party (socialism) became unchangeable, and the NEP was seen as a temporary retreat from the achievements of “military communism.”

Everything was done to prevent NEP from crossing boundaries that were unsafe for this world.

Market methods of regulating the economy of non-Soviet Russia were combined with economic and administrative measures.

1. To ensure proper and calm government on the basis of greater disposal of the farmer’s products in his own way, for the improvement of the rural government and raising its productivity, as well as by accurately establishing the decline of the sovereign goiters, laying out, as a method of the sovereign food supplies, cheese and fodder, are replaced by natural donations.

2. This contribution is subject to the lesser amount, the lower one is imposed by the way of distribution of the contribution.

The amount of the donation will be calculated in such a way as to cover the most urgent needs of the army, local workers and the non-farming population.

The legal amount of the tax was constantly changed, in order to improve transport and industry to allow the Radyansky government to extract the products of the rural state in exchange for factory and handicraft products.

3. The tax is accumulated in the form of a hundred-dollar or share-based recovery from the products generated by the state, resulting from the appearance of a crop, the number of consumers in the state and the obviousness of thinness in the new.

4. The tax may be progressive;

The amount of health care for the kingdoms of the middle peasants, low-powered rulers, and for the kingdoms of small labor workers may be reduced.

The dominions of the poorest villagers can be obtained from certain types of donations, and from all types of natural donations.

9. These farmers, who are deprived of the surplus that will be lost from them after the conquest, are asked to give in to the powers, in exchange for the surplus that is voluntarily given, they are obliged to give items of widespread use and agricultural equipment.

And this creates a permanent national supply of agricultural equipment and widely used items, both from the products of domestic production and from products purchased there.

For the rest, a part of the sovereign gold fund and a part of the harvested cheese are visible.

10. Recruitment of the largest rural population is carried out under special rules.

11. On the development of this Law, the All-Russian Central Vikonavich Committee promulgates to the People's Commissars a special reporting position later than the month's term.

Head of the All-Russian Central Vikonavchy Committee

But let’s not be boring about psychology, the Hvilian nature of thoughts, knowledge, etc.

M. Kalinin