Why do the flowers fall so sweetly?



A room for growing citrus fruits will require extra space on the side of the grower.

If your attention to them is limited to one more watering, then do not be surprised why the leaves of the lemon fall, although the sprouts are evergreen.

However, don’t worry, it’s easy to look after it, but the tree immediately responds to the turbo with a beautiful new appearance, flowers, and harvest.

Little things about citrus:

  1. Citrus, fruity, comes from the subtropics, with sultry summers and mild winters.
  2. The summer growing season for lemon means a lot of sun and moisture.
  3. In the spring, with the natural shortening of daylight hours, watering and fertilization changes.
  4. A period of calm for lemon due to lower average temperatures.
  5. Unfortunately, we will never be able to protect the good minds of winter lemons.
  6. Why can you throw off a part of the leaf, otherwise you might get some green mass.

It’s not so scary, if it’s been done, but in order not to bring our green vine to the point of leaf fall, we need to know why the tree dropped its leaves.

Well, homemade lemon sheds its leaves - what to do and how to avoid it?

Video about helping lemon

  • Below are the main reasons
  • Pogan lighting
  • Overworld watering

Insufficient watering

Insufficient watering will lead to drying out of the earthen layer, dying of roots, and failure to absorb living waters from the soil.

Sokorukh, as his inheritor, is rejoicing.

And also the process of saving radish in the lemon tree is turned on and most of the leaves are added.

Drying out of the earthen breast is extremely harmful for the growth and can lead to its death for an hour, since your lemon is no longer growing on a five-eight tree and the supply of moisture in the tree allows it to endure this torment for more than a month.

It’s also a waste of rapt watering after a long period of dryness.


The dry warmth of the scorching area suggests the microclimate of the salt desert.

  • Sakha's body is full of moisture.
  • The tip for cacti is that they like dry or cold winter weather, which will make their minds a little comfortable.
  • It’s not surprising that with such stressed minds, the lemon doesn’t fall into the ground – the leaves fall.

What to do if the apartment is too dry:

To start the cob, place the tree tray in front of the battery.

Suspend the radiator with a thick cover or gantry, as it is not possible to regulate the room temperature in any other way.

Brush the skin regularly.

Periodically vash the forest of souls.

It turns out that the lemon dropped its leaves for no reason.

What is there to do with such a time?

Turn it over, there is no homoza - the end of the gum on the bark.

Gomoz often becomes a legacy of other illnesses that weaken the growth.

You need to fight against them yourself.

Moreover, most often, including drugs, traditional methods are not very effective.
If illness is in front of us, it is not always easy, it is best to use complex drugs such as Antrakol, Quadris and others.

When my daughter brought me to try the pomelo, I was not at all pleased - well, a fruit is a fruit, but it’s just so exotic.

If I tried it, I tasted it like a grapefruit, but the pulp in the middle was too small, just like that.

The fruit completely kills viruses, which is considered to be an effective way to fight infections and to prevent flu.

Among the current ideas is that antioxidants, including lemon juice and vitamin A, present in pomelo, suppress the formation of cancer cells and thus prevent the development of plump lesions.

In China, none of the brooms are in special clothes, the inhabitants of the region are indebted to the fact that the health of the nation is preserved after the adoption of the broom.

Chinese doctors back up their statement with the results of fundamental research that has been conducted over twenty years.

Gently stabilizes arterial pressure, helps with asthma, and effectively fights atherosclerosis.

This exotic fruit is an excellent preventive remedy against the outbreak of viral illness epidemics and has become practically a popular remedy for curing colds.” (View from the Internet).

Of course, everything is nice and informative, not even about the culpable brownness of the fruit, but rather how to grow fruit at home on the windowsill, which can bear fruit at home and how to notice the fruit for a long time.

It turned out that this height reaches 15!

meters in height, and in the home minds the first fruits can be born in just 5-6 years for good minds, and I guess!

Now I’m thinking... Why did I have to wait so long (!) for the result?

Soon after, the plant began to grow in abundance among the grown-ups.

I didn’t have a chance to formulate this, because I was so disgusted with myself.


1. Broom - with a voice on E. With a voice on O, Baba Yaga with a broom appears.

2. It is the largest citrus fruit in terms of size.

The variety is usually stubby, pear-shaped or slightly flattened in appearance.

Its skin can be light green, dark green or yellow.

3. Respect when choosing - the fruit must be three rubles soft on the dot, and the aroma must be clearly expressed.

4. The broom is best kept at room temperature for a month.

A place under the sun

The potter from the broom stands on the loggia on the sliding side.

Roslina gives preference to the bright, rosy light, which I prefer before lunch to the direct sleepy changes.

I transfer the winter to the upstairs room.

I am adding additional lighting - for whom a daylight lamp is sufficient.

Watering and squeezing

Watering in the spring and inlet means dry soil.

I charge about once a week.

Here the smut is important for the balance, the fragments of the dry soil and, likewise, the excess of the soil are poorly designated by the self-seeing growth.

In the face of the dry wind in the room, which is harmful to the broom, I cover the radiator with a thick carpet and immediately change the temperature on the windows.

However, I still can’t cope with the cold winter of my family, and only stay within 17-20 degrees.

Moment of truth

In the cruel year of 2015, in my third year of life, my broom began to bloom for the first time.

There were a lot of kvitkas, but, unfortunately, the grim tie was not resolved.

I, of course, was embarrassed, because I had been watching for flowers for a long time and was determined to pick off the fruits.

For my wonder, there was no border when the broom blossomed again - literally in a month, near the birch tree.

The color, however, did not appear so clear.

To be more precise, there were only three rounds, two of which later turned over.

The sawing was carried out from the same cells.

A month later, one ovary fell, and one still lost its weight.

  • Before fruitfulness, I bravely avoided the buried places, where it calmed and warmed my soul.
  • The fruit began to develop, gradually increasing in size and becoming more rounded in shape.

In the morning, when the days became short, I decided to grab the blanket.

  • Although it is not yet fully ripe, I am ahead of the harvest so that the young growth does not become depressed and does not waste energy on feeding the fruit. And the axis of vin is the moment at which I saw more than three fates! I hold a broomstick-shaped broom in my hands, with green, fragrant skin!
  • And its pulp, despite its early harvest, turned out to be very juicy, sour and licoricey. Great hopes As my convalescence progresses, my health is strengthening and gaining strength.
  • Over-drying or re-reclaiming Grunti watering with harsh, not standing water.
  • In winter, the climate changes, depending on the growth phase of the indoor plant and the microclimate of the house. Nestacha or too much lifelong speeches
  • at Grunti. We know that the correct mode of cultivation means a lot for the growth of home colors. My special idea is better not to be indignant, but not to give the room growth too much.

Before speaking, before watering, I do the same thing.

Too small

miner . When the roots hit the walls and all the living substances are washed out of the ground, problems begin.

And one of them is the wilting of leaves.

As a rule, it starts from the very beginning! What is it? Knowing the reasons for the appearance of dry leaf ends, it is important to determine what caused the problem in your plant.

  • Most often, such a search is carried out by the way of exclusion.
  • Through
  • dry air

In the area, plants that grow in the form of erectile tissue, for example, anthuriums, spathiphyllums, azaleas, dracaenas, cyperusas, dieffenbachias, especially suffer.

And especially during winter, when scorching is carried out, the wind moisture content often drops below 40, or even 30%. And the plants in the natural middle began to dominate the forest not only through the roots, but also through the leaves. If there is no such capacity, their ends begin to dry out.

Turn it over rіven vologosti near the room and let us know about the wealth of your Roslins.

If the problem itself is in the region itself, there are a number of ways to improve it: place containers with water in the room (to evaporate, to promote moisture); for Roslin.

If a root emerges from the drainage openings, this is a signal that a transplant is necessary.

Think about your diet and mix and shuffle the cards.

Otherwise, the fruit will not grow anywhere, and it will begin to wither.