Why extreme sports don’t build character. Sport and mood: truth and myth. We allow negativity to take time

“About sports, you are the world,” said the great Pierre De Coubertin. Is it true that people who regularly go in for sports are successful, and those who don’t want to do it? Sport is the center that forms a strong speciality, when you enter the platform of success: you receive a call, you feel important. These components, multiplied by great competition, will tempt us and ruin us. The role of sport in our life.

In our time, sport is an unknown part of the way of life for great amount the bastards of the earthly culture. There are many different types of toiletries that can get lost during the hour of bedtime. If you try to bring professional and amateur sports to a single standard, then in both situations you will strive to win. The key difference lies in significance: in the first case - the prestige of the country, the subject of the locality, With everything going on (material wealth, status, etc.); for the other - mood (if the “amateur” has achieved the result, then the amount of endorphins (happiness hormone) in the blood will be maximum). Golovne is a powerful meta!

Sport develops such important qualities in our skin as:


Patience is the main honesty of athletes. This very brightness is the basis on which success is based. Regardless of difficult training, pain, setbacks, defeats, criticism and success - the athlete patiently continues to work on the plan. There is no way to reduce the result, but in the midst of competition, luxury is not allowed.


The skin of an ambitious athlete (otherwise not) and the importance of being first, but the most beautiful, does not deprive even for a second. For which it is necessary to steadily improve your body's tone, we are ready to achieve our advantage in any way. I respect those who go in for sports to keep in shape, and those who strive to achieve greater results (without harm to their health), call me for burying.


One hundredth of a second can lead an athlete to success, one millimeter can change the result of a contest, one short can radically change a player’s fitness, one blow can change your life. Regardless of the situation, the athlete is responsible for maintaining concentration and collapsing into the snow.


The stereotype that sports do not require thinking evokes at least a chuckle from me. An athlete's skin is full of reflections and thoughts, apart from good physical preparation, it is important to choose the right tactics and steadily analyze the actions of your opponent during the fight, so that at the required (sometimes) moment to perform a maneuver , who can overcome;


Sometimes a situation goes beyond the limits of the plan and it is important to react promptly.

Feeling like control

Throughout the process of planning, it is necessary to keep in mind: the state of your body, tactful to the plan, and the role of your opponent. The addition of these components, and not without components, allows you to make emergency adjustments to your business;

Try to abstract yourself

During the training process, nothing else comes to light, only the task is set, everything else goes into the background.


It is the law for the strong to never harm the weak, and in a difficult situation, always extend a helping hand.

Sport builds character and helps nicer Sports Allows you to re-roll not only during greasing, but the filled containers allow special features to be realized everyday life: It is important to allow you not to give up in any situation, no matter how it appears.

Sport accepts us as we are and spoils us. It doesn’t matter whether you engage in professional or amateur sports, what matters is what you want to achieve, what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

Sport is a filter, which is a weak character, but if you have a grain of strength, then it is impossible to grow out of you a very strong character.

And we also have

On a sunny summer day in 2016, 16-year-old Danilo Yakhontov and his friend decided to take a walk to the Cheptsa River, which is located in the village of Balezino in the Udmurt Republic. Having carefully prepared the bathing area, the boys suddenly sensed a woman’s desperate cry. Without particularly thinking, the stinks quickly ran to the point where they called for help.

At first the stench sickened the girl, who was rushing about the bank in the heat, and then the man, who was drowning in the river. That was a young lad, whom a strong current was already forced to carry closer to the far bank. Yunak had clearly exhausted his remaining strength: his head went under the water more often than not. The girl said that she didn’t want to re-weave the Cap, but, obviously, she couldn’t get up and get out of the flow.

Danil immediately rushed to the water and, literally for a few seconds, ordered the drowning men. It turned out that this was Danil’s friend, and such a stench began at once in one school and was heard at the “Balesinsky children’s booth.” Danil huddled under his arms, raised his head above the water, and began to swim with him to the shore. The weakened lad, who had practically no longer shown a sign of life, the two lads pulled him to the shore, laid him on his side, and Danilo gave him an indirect massage of his heart.

Five minutes later, the “Swedish Help” car drove by, and the victim was hospitalized, and his friends escorted him until he was calm. The next day, young warriors came to see their hidden comrade and ask about his health. Fortunately, I felt good. That’s a lot of the reason behind Danila’s quick reaction, the young man was left alive and indestructible. For his husband’s work, Danil was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia “For the battle of those who trample on the waters.” The Bula medal was awarded on a significant day - the 18th of June 2017 - on the Day of Pratsivniki of the Ministry of Taxation.

On June 1, 2017, Danilo entered the Sarapul Industrial Technical School for the specialty “electrician repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.”

Now he is a first-year student. Danilo had an active way of life, he was a wonderful athlete and he overcame a great deal of the city. Thus, Vin is a rich prize-winner in shooting from the Buryat national culture, in mini-football tournaments, and in mastering the techniques of traveling through tourism. Danil took part in the inter-district competition “Forward, cadet!”, in the first place elections in the 60-meter race, in the winter tournament “Football without Cordons”, in the “Osinny Cross” and the sports festival “Young Dynamite”.

Danil knows that the sport itself has hardened his character. And so the sports beginners decided to earn a lot of money - to spoil their peers and friends with each other.

Yakhontov Danilo Mikhailovich

Born 2001 rock
Nagorodzheniya in 2018
Village Balezine, Udmurt Republic

The tennis season itself has already blossomed: Wimbledon has just recently ended, and the US Open will soon begin. Fans of this sport often sing to something that even overcomes the vicissitudes. human life. In addition to other, more important individual sports, such as running, swimming, cycling, diving, the essence of tennis is not to reach the very end or to perfect the technique of training, but to to continuously analyze your game , which resembles the action of a supernik.

So, just like in any other sphere, in order to achieve success in tennis, we first need perseverance and fortitude. Talent and success, of course, are important, but the most important thing is not to give up when you think you are going to the bottom, and to steadily work on your weaknesses. Playing in Tennis helps you discover a lot about yourself: your inner strength, discipline, commitment and concern with emotions. It all comes down to how important you are ready to work in order to become successful and rewind.

1. You are responsible for the results

Tennis is not an individual sport, but the gravel is completely responsible for its actions. There is no one to blame for your misfortunes; all the blame, as in life, is only on you. You cannot allow the weather or your emotions to carry you away from your task: win a point, a game, a set, a match. While groping in the shade, you are surrounded by yourself. You are constantly learning how to hit the ball better, how to place the ball more accurately, how to use cunning tactical techniques, how to paint your legs. This is your work on the court. As soon as you try to blame your problems on someone else - a coach, a competitor or a referee - you will only manage the damage of your game, assigning your role to the achieved result.

2. You must be very aware of your feelings and actions

Successful tennis players, as professionals, constantly conduct active internal work: analyze their strengths and weaknesses and try to regulate their game carefully, taking into account the competition, the characteristics of their opponents, the weather and other minds . You have to spend the whole hour checking and thoroughly checking all the storage equipment: from winding the racket to working the legs. And through many fates it now becomes an instinct. During matches, you try to overcome your shortcomings, and during training, you work tirelessly to turn them into your advantages.

You should also be aware of your emotions and thoughts, understand what can confuse and distract you and learn to control your situation. What is perhaps more important is that improved technique will improve your physical form. You can self-destruct by succumbing to negative emotions or a defective attitude. Be careful with your inner self, lose peace of mind and work effectively under high vice, at critical moments it can become crucial for the match and career.

3. You often fail

The sport of awakening on millions of great and small chances to recognize failures. You can lose a point, game, set, match or tournament. The match is not completed until you have won two (for women) or three (for men) sets. Alongside these games, in which you won, you lost. You will spend hundreds of points, dozens of games and you can play a set or two in a match that you can win. In this case, you don’t have enough time to celebrate the holiday and mourn the defeat, because a new point, game, set or match is coming up that you need to win. Great athletes do not lose heart after the hour of the match, they wait until the end of the game to allow their emotions to come out. “Starting before the shocks” and the quickness and experiencing them without spending are the ones on which there will be success, and what will thrive with the knowledge of the great number of programs. Sports fans have gone through a great number of losses and failures, but we can remember with reverence all the moments of their success. Defeats are broken in the past, and people forget how many times champions had to fall to the podium.

4. You can’t rest on your laurels

If you won so many points and games – it’s a miracle. The match is not over until you take two or three nets. The situation can change in a moment: your opponent is working on fine-tuning his game, just like you, in order to know the most effective tactics. As you begin to lose respect, the enemy equals the ranks, and you turn to the first square, sizing up, as you again gain advantage. You must always concentrate on the game; it does not matter how far you have gone forward. You can’t transfer anything if you set up a rapt that starts to form on your skin: the supernik is more effective, you’ll start drinking, it’ll become too hot or too hot, etc. There are no factors that can influence the outcome of the match, and nothing is finished until the remaining point is played. Therefore, it is impossible to relax and rest on your laurels.

Roger Federer won Wimbledon 2017 / Photo: AELTC

5. It's all in your head

In contrast to many other sports, strength, fluidity and technicality do not qualify you as a top tennis player. Of course, they play an important role, and if they become champions for the shell of other jabs, then remember, first of all, it is cunning and difficult for the opponent to place the ball in the court, exploit their strengths and weaknesses of the opponent, and also control the area your inner state. Your self-esteem may be innocent, even if you lost a point, a game or a set. Staying calm and not succumbing to negative emotions during the match can be critical to your results. You can win more from your opponent high level Just for the sake of ensuring that you do not fall into despair and will continue to play to the maximum of your abilities. There is nothing like an adversary who does not lose the presence of mind and the readiness to fight, being present in the very stalemate of the situation.

6. NikoliNotgive up

As it was said, tension exerts both physical and internal strength. Therefore, in order to prevail in the match, it is important not to give up at all. To be a great tennis player in singing means to be great in everything. Alemov is not about giftedness, genius or unique athletic form, but about fighting until the end and winning even if your situation is no longer hopeless. You must be prepared to end up in a situation of complete failure and waste a point, game, set or match. The stamina and strength of giving up without a fight can be radically changed, it would seem that the match has already been surpassed. And that’s why it’s important to try tennis for those who are so squeamish - to be careful in real time behind the internal struggle of the athlete and how he overcomes himself. Sometimes you end up at the top simply because you didn’t throw away the white ensign in the middle of the road. Tennis lovers can guess the sizzling three- or five-setters, when one of the players finishes a set or two, and then gathers his strength and wins the entire match. Such great players as Serena Williams and Roger Federer periodically appear in situations where they lose 40-15 or 40-0, or take three points later and win the game. If you're still with one point after a defeat, you don't give up, because you know that if you don't give up, you'll immediately lose.

To realize your dream in sports, you need to be committed to health. Sport is not only good for the body, but even better for the development of moral values. Before that, you need to train to give your body a sleek and toned look.

As most experts value, sports builders develop character, invigorating willpower in us and making us difficult and singing in ourselves. One shortest types sports include mixed MMA fights.

If this sport itself hooked you, then you certainly made the right choice.

MMA fights today train people to stay alert, develop reflexes, courage, good reactions, willpower, psychological alertness before blows, and, finally, you will be able to stand up for yourself and for your loved ones at the same time, if your life can axis I feel like threatening.

In mixed martial arts, just like in any other sport, there are several benefits that can help you become a successful fighter:

  • The skin is responsible for understanding the song elements and combinations;
  • They need to be thoroughly trained, and then gradually trimmed and folded;
  • Before starting the next exercise, be sure to spend an hour on the exercises that you have practiced previously. This is necessary for the improvement of previously swollen areas. After this, you can begin to master new techniques.

It is possible that after all the joys of overindulging in food, you have mastered the basic techniques and put you as a rival.

Now, the time has come to talk about your equipment. There are many types of equipment for an athlete for this type of martial arts: bandages, chest guards, boxing mitts, mouth guards, dry boots, etc. Let's take a look at the most important ones.

It’s better to rospochat without the middle with boxing mittens. For skin training, you need mittens to wash great woman. This is for eliminating minor injuries. The stench ideally covers the accusation and softens the blow. Pershe zavdannya uchnya – sparring without injuries. Small mittens are already an injury. They hit me hard and broke my nose. The main focus of training is to learn tactics and techniques, and not to injure one another. It is recommended for a beginner to choose gloves from great quantity ounce, and not more in size. An ounce is a value, not a size.

The drops are used to protect the cracks, there are two types of stinks: a single-slit mouth (is placed on the upper crack) and a double-slit mouth, but it is necessary to note that it is more important to breathe through it. Zahisny sholom vikorists in the process of training for conducting sparring. It has a closed design with a strong protective agent for facial brushes, chin and hair.

It is important to remember that bad moods, boredom and tension can be overcome by no longer occupying yourself with something. Most people see this as an invitation to spend an hour lying on the sofa, with their heads in a good movie or book, and people are engrossed in their work. Let’s try to think about the impact that sports can have on our mood.

How to take advantage of what is good for the body and drive away negative thoughts, which is bad not only for the soul, but also for the body? There is only one answer – you need to go in for sports!

Playing sports is a spoiler of a healthy mood

Physical attractions seamlessly flow into the psycho-emotional frame of a person. You can quilt such interconnections at client's equal. As soon as we engage in sports, we begin to actively collapse, blood flow increases, and death occurs more often. Before the client gets more sour, the feeling of drowsiness disappears.

This fact explains those who early rocks we are given knowledge about those that may become immutable attribute wound awakening people. It helps not only to remove the flesh and keep oneself in shape, but also to drive away excess sleep and prepare a person for the start of a new day.

Everything is missing 15 hvilin basic physical rights under the hour of rank exercises and I know the negative. What can we say about additional sports activities?

Any kind of sport (regardless of the level of importance, as well as being occupied) trains not only the body, but also the brain. Doing sports - Immediate prevention of various illnesses, including nervous system .

Devotionally I want to two to three years per week active physical rights, it is possible to protect yourself from neuroses and mental disorders, stress and depression, and this is a huge contribution to yours!

The vulnerability to emotional and psychological problems in physically strong people is sharply reduced, and the chances of falling into depression and not surviving life's ups and downs are minimal.

Sports against tightness and selfishness

In addition, sport is a wonderful way to make new acquaintances. Whether group activities bring people closer together. Fitness and aerobics, engaging in combat missions in a group and going on long hikes in the mountains (don’t forget and can’t be seen in Okremiy Viglyad sports) will become not only a preventative measure for a bad mood, but also a method of expanding your horizons, taking advantage of the common and diverse features.

Do you want to learn how to get along with people and make friends? Sport is a wonderful blessing to work hard on yourself. In addition, when working in a group, you can serve as a guide to perfection, and even self-tightening is often difficult to practice effectively. As a rule, people who give priority to group sports see themselves as parts of one whole and give moral encouragement to one another. To know a person who is close to the spirit is a difficult task, but after reaching the mark, you feel a sense of selfhood and will hardly know your life again.

Sport acts as a miraculous tool not only for the prevention of health, but also helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress. Depending on your mood, you need to select the one you need at the moment to occupy.

So, remove aggression that kind of endurance will help such sports as boxing, Martial arts, kickboxing and others, if intense emotions literally flow into force.

Learn to learn control the flow of emotions I'll help you yoga. In this way, sports, which involve different mechanisms of action, can produce up to one result. Yoga is aimed at creating mental harmony and peace, fighting negativity and stress, protecting people from bad emotions.

Whipplenuti negative, what you have accumulated, you can under an hour keep dancing. Dancing also makes the body flexible and flexible. By engaging in sports dancing, you can completely relax in music, forget about the problems that have accumulated during the day, gain self-esteem and psychologically unwind.

Get encouraged and brighten your mood Possible at an hour runs, bike ridesі roller skating, Kovzanah. In addition, running improves blood flow and tone of the muscles, combined with wonderful landscapes, fresh morning winds (or, for example, a warm day) can provide a boost of vitality for the whole day or relaxation and relaxation That's why after the important day.

Water sports can also give a positive mood: swimming, aqua aerobics or water sports. Extreme sports provide an adrenaline boost: powerlifting, diving, parachuting, parkour, mountaineering, etc.

We allow negativity to take time

When choosing a sport Varto orient, in pershu chergu, to the camp of your health Type of contraindications(for example, thick brushes do not allow you to engage in extreme sports; under the pressure of haircuts and desires, you will have to limit them as well). Another important criterion when choosing a sport is the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Playing sports discipline and increase self-esteem, confidence in your abilities and confidence in achieving more. The joy of living seems to be an hour to take in the fresh air: mountaineering and diving, cycling and jogging give the opportunity to be alone with nature, see all the negativity, pour out in an hour physical requirements and enjoy the beauty of the extra world.

By playing sports, you can strengthen your nervous system, prepare yourself mentally and physically, bring your thoughts into harmony, develop willpower and straightness of purpose. The hormone of happiness helps to let go of negative emotions, the vibration of which increases during the hour of intense physical stimulation. In addition, the stringiness and burning relief of the body have never put anyone in a mood!

In such a manner sport contributes positively not just for physical fitness and the beauty of the body, and on people's mood. A surge of strength, positive emotions and a fighting spirit are just a few of the things you experience with a person after the stress of a short workout.

Don't put off your regular sports activities this coming Monday!
Friends with sports and good mood for you!

Video: How to motivate women to go in for sports

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