FitCurves food: recipes.

Technologies Hello, dear friends! Today we will look at one of the important topics for the future proper weight loss- tse vedennya shodennik food.

You will find out why a food document is needed, how to store it correctly and you can easily download a template from Excel format and add a food book “The Way to

ideal figure » in PDF format. Based on my practical knowledge of the work of eating food, I recognize:

First of all, I want to mean that the success of a thin and beautiful figure lies 70% in your food, 25% in your training, and 5% in looking after your body with the help of other people.

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, such as: sauna, lazne, massage, dehydration.

If you want to lose weight or gain meat mass, you will need food right away. This will allow you to consume a number of calories throughout the day and eat a variety of foods. As a result of such control, a garne figure and a garne of self-esteem.

How do you mean what you wear? Let's be clear about the reasons why you are gaining extra pounds. Adje lishe after the appointment of the dzherela

zavoi vaga

You can start choosing a method of losing weight (adjusting your food regimen, balancing your diet, necessary physical activity, etc.).
It’s impossible to figure out the cost of your war, after any child or month to take


You will turn to your comfortable way of living.

And the kilograms that you worked so hard on will return to you again, bringing with them a few dear friends.

In order to understand what you deserve, you need to enter the last 3 actions:

Our task is for you to work competently and not be like everyone else.

Moreover, before you begin to lose weight, you need to patiently analyze your actions, find solutions and correct them.

Those who can’t bear to go joke about “charming walks and miraculous cats,” buy them from three roads, and transfer all the responsibility for their life to them.

2. Be careful and fix them in food

The grub maker will immediately replace your nutritionist, and you will admire your grub on the side and you may immediately find your blessings.

Someday, someone else will flatten your eyes on the chest of your precious kilograms.

Learn discipline and self-analysis.

3. Analyze the captured information

Once you have saved the life template, go to the next step to analyze the information.

Adje, the correct food needs to be understood more clearly.

For one, this means not eating after 6 pm, for another, not eating at McDonald's and KFS, for the third, there are no products that need to be rubbed/cured/salt, etc. Why waste your time on grub? Food preparation is necessary for people with heavy weights and for people who want to gain weight and build up meat mass.

What are you typing?

save in kilograms

, then there are a lot of reasons for this, and most likely, they lie in the wrong food and excess calories.

If you don’t want to lose weight, but build up muscle mass, then with the help of a food processor you will find a beautifully toned, sculpted body.

The main function of the food manager is to accurately show what products you have consumed throughout the day.

And then, if you write down everything you eat at the designated time, it can easily be converted into calories.

This will help to control the vagina and maintain the food regime.

It’s difficult to understand correctly while you’re on the move, and you want something.

You may think that you eat nothing or eat little as the day goes on, and you gain weight.

Example from practice

This happened with one of my clients.

Zhіnka, 40 years old, housewife.

Zrіst 150, vaga 65.

She has always respected that she eats well, correctly, does not overeat, watches her food and drinks herbal infusions instead of tea.

Zvidki ziva vaga?

I asked: “Sira, did you want to go out with the whole pack?”

Client: “I lost a small piece of clothing, 30-40 grams.
I'm in shock, I didn't think what they were wearing.
Another salad of tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper and herbs with sour cream, here's a kilo.
Just a shock! ((("

Client: "The infection is the ability to sleep."

Me: “Good sleep.”

After such a lot of life, you naturally want to sleep.

Client: “Wow, how much have I gotten?”

I just. What are you working on if you have one?

Client: “I’m amazed at the TV.”

Dear friends, this is the story of my practice, it shows how people have mercy, seemingly that they eat correctly, but they don’t go.

Vaga goes only if the food is under control, and for whom the food is needed.

Once you start to remember your food pattern, from the first few days you learn not only about how much or how little you eat, but also about the balance in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Perhaps your main focus is on foods rich in fat, but you don’t get enough protein.

How to bring bark food when you have lost weight/gained your vagina?

The food template is like debit/credit for an accountant, your income and expenses.

You bring in all the waste that has been removed from your body by the long haul of the day, and the waste is not what you thought about, but physical activity (walking, exercise).

You act as your accountant and manage the account.

Only instead of accounting transactions, you will have the names of products indicated, and instead of penny sums, the amount of KBJU (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

How to run a food shop correctly?

Our axis was given to the most practical section - how to conduct food efficiently.

I will tell you how to run a grocery store for my clients, I will send you a template in Excel format and I will tell you how you can color it.

Since you’ve never done food before, you can start with a surprising and laborious process, but I’ll tell you how to do it more simply and not waste a lot of time and energy on food.

Please understand that you now want to analyze your current situation. There is no need to change your default eating routine for the coming day., control over the regime or the quality of food).

Indicate a specific viral meta.

For example, lose 6 kg in 2 months.

What to write down, you will need to lose weight.

2. Write your parameters (current figure, chest size, chest size, waist size).

For a more accurate overview of the results, you can write down the details of the problem areas: volume under the breasts, volume 10 cm above the navel, volume of the widest part of the leg, volume of the buttocks, etc.).

3. Add a new photo to your diet and photos of problem areas to improve your progress in losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

CROK #2 - Preparation

1. Bazhano, so that you have kitchen appliances.

Of course, you can do without them, but the data will no longer be so accurate.

If you don’t have any Teresis, and you don’t want to buy them, it’s not a problem.

Some great supermarket has cars.

If you are planning to make a salad or prepare some herbs for a friend, you will need to exercise control over the quality of the purchased products.

Divide the products into larger small bags.

For example, portions of peas that are sold on your diet can be found right in the store.
If you eat 10 peas a day, just say 10 peas on the terez, write it down in a notebook or remember it.
It can also be used with other products, such as whiskey.

We buy a lot of products in packages and cans.
If you enter data before " Product Analyzer", Select a warehouse for prepared products.
For example, oatmeal porridge on milk, or not oatmeal.

If you previously selected the product before preparing, choose oatmeal + milk.

Shchodennik Kharchuvannya - book pdf “The Path to the Ideal Figure”

The food template from the book “The Path to the Ideal Figure” will become your main aid in losing calories and losing weight.

Buy a book from a dietitian-nutritionist

“Schodennik tavern: The path to the ideal figure!”

for 999 rubles 299 rubles.

Buy a book for 299 rubles:

*To buy a book, press the “Add” button.

The book will arrive by mail, as you indicate when paying. Visnovok After 7-14 days of fasting, you will have an idea of ​​how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates you consume.

You are exceeding your calorie allowance or you end up undereating.

Having analyzed all the data, you can step by step begin to change your food

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There is no way to radically change your food program right away.
Set yourself one goal per day.

For example, if you realize that you live a lot of fat, set yourself the goal of reducing your fat loss by 20%.

And in the coming years, change the ratio of protein and carbohydrates.

In phase 1, it is normal to lose weight by 0.5-1.5 kilograms per kilogram of fat and water. Once you begin a weight loss program, your body will increasingly use carbohydrate reserves as a source of energy. These reserves appear as glycogen. Glycogen contains water, so if you decide to deplete glycogen reserves, the water will be removed. I explain this

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with a stretch of the first generation.

After the first season, your weight loss rate decreases, remember this important process so that you are not disappointed with the results. Lose body fat until you lose weight permanently, as long as it takes. Be patient.

Whoever wants to lose money in Phase 1 for more than a difficult hour, even if they stink, they waste their vagina.

If you stay in this phase, your metabolism will decrease.

After a 30-day combination in Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 gives your body the opportunity to recharge.

During this phase, you maintain your flow and give the body the opportunity to renew the exchange of speech.

The metabolic renewal period is two to four years long, and in the next section you will find a more detailed explanation of this important component of the Curves program. 30 day cycle You will continue this cycle until you reach your vagina.

After this, you will go to Phase 3 and complete it.

The third phase is the diet.

Vaughn conveys it normally

healthy food . Under the hour of Phase 3, you must follow your steps in order to get rid of the minor “tips” Phase 3 – no permanent results without constant diet – this may be a method for the skin!

Advantages of a 30-day cycle

The goal of working to lose weight is not easy;

FitCurves food program - vodguki. Advantages: kerubanya without heavy diets; Shortcomings: not detected; FitCare has developed a unique 30-day plan to control your vagina. Contraindicated before childhood.

As with any dietary food system, the 90-day diet is contraindicated, for obvious reasons the diet is covered for 90 days, including recipes that include overflow of permitted products.

Then our food specialists will help you with this.

With the unique Fetkervs food program, you will learn to control your vagina without dieting.

TanyaTKA Znavets (305), on the ballot 6 months ago. I read a lot about the Qiu system. I live behind the cordon and really want to switch to the food system.

After all, Fitkervs is not only a clear fitness center, in which professionals work in fitness and management, but also a team of like-minded people who provide support and demonstrate individual Goes to the skin client.

An undeniable advantage of the Fetkervs program is that the club is focused exclusively on women, and the training is focused on the development of all the characteristics of the female body.

Also, the representatives of the Galuzia Fitness Center have developed a special food program that helps women of any size and category to relieve anxiety and stress.

Fitkervs company: achievements

Fetker's training is similar to that which was developed to address the physical and psychological characteristics of women.

Finally, we came up with a unique system that includes a weight loss program and five fitness components that are absolutely safe for health.

Thirty years of training at the Fitkervs club replaces two years of training at any gym.

The exercise machines used under Fitkervs fitness are based on the principle of hydraulic support, which can be used by women with different levels of training.

In addition, the possession has a therapeutic effect and promotes renewal, improvement and improvement of the rich functions of the body.

Representatives of excellent status from 12 to 85 years of age can take part in sports, regardless of their health and physical fitness.

In addition, Fitness Fitness is available to women of any level of income and social status, since the availability of subscriptions remains low.

As a matter of fact, the Curves company sees over 4 million dollars in research and development in health and health, the results of which are officially published on the company’s websites.

  • The unofficial motto of the company is the phrase: “No men, no mirrors, no makeup.”
  • Misia Fetkervs is in charge of helping women to reveal their true significance.
  • Shoulder presses and deadlifts will ensure the work of the trapezius and deltoids of the shoulders, as well as the widest muscles of the back;
  • Pres that back - vantage the muscles of the back and pres;
  • Spreading and spreading of the legs – straightening the adductor and lateral muscles to the work;
  • Chest and back – will ensure the work of large chest muscles, diamond-shaped and large back muscles;
  • Squats – work on the head, situs and club muscles, as well as the hamstrings.

The monopositive Fitkervs “Leg Press” exercise machine works on the muscles of the posterior part of the thigh, the head, the situs and the respiratory muscles.

Among the Fitkervs fitness equipment there are all kinds of exercise stations, where after treatment of the muscles you can either run or walk, at the rate of which the pulse is maintained throughout the entire workout.

A group of women go through a number of exercise machines every day, those who stop working out lose their cola, and the new arrivals take the place they left, so they can join in before class at any time.

Before Fitkervs training, there is a short warm-up, and after a few minutes - stretching.

Besides, Fetkervs is also great for stay-at-home moms and new mothers who can’t stay out of bed for long.

Fetkervs food program

  • In addition to effective fitness programs, Fetkervs distributors have also created a special food program, which is divided into three phases, the first of which is the day.
  • During this period of weight loss, there is a constant need to lose fat and water, women lose on average 1 to 1.5 kg.

You are allowed to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day in 3 meals and two snacks.

After the first phase, weight loss begins to decrease, the woman chooses a dietary option for phase 2:

With high protein instead; High in carbohydrates. become less than 450 g in 7 days, it is necessary to move to the onset phase.

The duration of the third phase of the Fetkervs nutrition system becomes 2 to 4 phases, during which renewal of metabolism occurs. During this period, the woman’s body is able to recover from a severe decrease in vaginal discharge. The distributors of the Fetkervs food system did not allow calorie reduction at this stage, the main rule is to keep up sacred principles

proper food . If at this stage the giblets are ready for delivery, it is necessary to return to the first stage for 2-3 days.

Beyond the results, the Fitkervs system has helped in many ways to preserve the achieved results.

Many women these days are dreaming about a tight and toned body, not for an hour, not for a long time

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on itself, unfortunately, it doesn’t matter.

Fetkervs fitness centers are directly aimed at working with this category of people, the number of subscriptions at this club is lower, lower than in analogues, and training takes up more than half a day.

The activity of the Fetkervs company is aimed not only at helping women in the process of losing weight, but also at helping them create internal harmony and discover their essential values.

Girl, I went through the “food school” for weight loss and weight loss at the FitCurves club, a range of which is distributed throughout Ukraine and other countries. One time I decided to do a photo show about how I eat, to show what a “strict diet” is and to show that losing weight can be easy, tasty and healthy. The essence of the program is to become your own nutritionist, but I often work with girls who don’t have the time or imagination to create their own menu. - this is a 3-phase food system, the basis of which lies on the renewal of metabolism.

Let me help you overcome the need to be on a diet. And if you reach your goal, then you will know exactly how to eliminate normal vagina. Lots of wives are trying to lose kilograms of weight by subsisting on diets of lots of rocks.

If children are more likely to misbehave, they will not help - they will increase the exchange of speech, related to the never-ending cycle of fighting against

with a wagon .

According to statistics, up to 95% of diets are not able to support your vagina after completion. With the FitCurves food program, you will learn to control your vagina!

The food program is simple and practical!

You simply choose three snacks from two recommended lists. The plan is laid out in such a way that you can easily replace or add to your diet the very things you need.

with a stretch of the first generation.

Phase 1

Most people will progress to phase 3 after 30 days, but you may lose more weight in phase 2 if your metabolism is high enough to lose more than 450 grams per day.

If you are losing less weight, less than 450 grams per day, or not losing weight in the future, you need to immediately move to phase 3 and increase the amount of calories you burn. You may think that more calories are a good way to achieve healthy gluten, but there is no need to say otherwise.

Phase 3

- This includes 2 to 4 stages of metabolic renewal. After a 30-day combination in Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 gives your body the opportunity to recharge.

During this phase, you maintain your flow and give the body the opportunity to renew the exchange of speech.

  • The period of metabolic renewal becomes two to four years.
  • The third phase is the transition to normal and healthy food. 30 day cycle

- Follow this cycle until you reach your vagina.

The revolutionary FitCurves nutrition program is based on the phase system of life and offers two options: low carb


(depending on your constitution and the characteristics of your body)

In 2002, a new laboratory for the study of sports and physical rights at the American Baylor University began to study the effectiveness of Curves fitness programs and school management.