A reminder for classy kerіvniki z prevention of recklessness and lawlessness among children and librarians. Dosvіd work classy kerіvnik z profilakticheskoj prіlakticheskoj raboty z dysfunctional sіm'ami і dіtmi "grupi riziku" Org

DOVIDKA about the activity of high school graduates of the MBOU "Kyltsivskaya secondary school" on legal education and prevention of recklessness and law violations of the secondary school new review of learning and review of the law "On non-commissioned ones". Revision term: leaf fall 2016. Form and re-verify methods: thematic interviews with top-class ceremonies and teachings, re-verification and analysis of plans for the work of the university, analysis of the entries. The rechecking was carried out by a commission at the warehouse: Fadeeva M.V. - Intercessor of the Director of the Department of Internal Affairs, Andreeva I.A. - The intercessor of the director from BP. In accordance with the plan of the HSC, a re-examination of the effectiveness of the work of class academics was carried out for legal vihovannya and prevention of recklessness and law violations of the middle school. The revision established: 1. The work of legal education and the prevention of mischief and the recklessness of the middle of the school should be systematic in school. The work is carried out in the following directions: a) compiling data bases about different social categories of children and their families and planning individual work with them; b) control of success and performance take over learn; c) the study of students to a suspіlno significant and day-to-day activities; p) compliance with the Rules of Conduct for Students, the Statute of the School, aware of the laws of the Russian Federation; e) prevention of road traffic injuries; f) prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, propaganda healthy way life; g) joint work with TSSSSDM and PDN "Saksky". This food is given a lot of respect at the higher robotic school. Nutrition is needed for a healthy way of life, anti-drug, anti-alcohol propaganda, prevention of tyutyunopalinnya included in the plans of vikhovnoy activities of class kerivniki 1 - 11 classes. Zgіdno z plan vyhovnoї dіyalnostі the main emphasis on the nutrition of prevention shkidlivy zvichok Viroblyayetsya at Zhovtni pid hour of the month of legal vihovannya and prevention of law violations. Prote and іnshі terms in the plan of vihovnoї dіyalnostі kіrіvnіkіv 1 - 11 krіv included nurturance vyhovannya consumption in healthy lifestyles and prevention of shkіdlivih zvichok. Preventive work at school is carried out in such direct ways: to create a school situation in the midst of a situation that reduces drug abuse and reduces harm in their life; broadening of information about the causes, forms and consequences of drug abuse; shaping at pіdlіtkіv dоsvіdі analysis аnd critical assessment оіnformаtsiї, obtained about narcotics, аt vіnnya prіmatіt pіrіmnі rіshennia. Educational work is carried out for a short period of time, teaching children at school, beginning with the younger classes and continuing until graduation. And during the course of the program, the students hope for reliable information about drugs and their impact on the psychological, social, and economic well-being of people. Carried out so come in:

the information was updated in the legal boxes (for the high school and class) “Zakon i mi”, in the school library there was an exhibition of informational and explanatory literature on the legal topic “Laws of people and suspіlstva”; Kutok legal knowledge»; activated to work for the sake of prevention, narcological post; registration of the information box “Careful, drugs!”, as well as updated anti-drug information in legal boxes (legal side in class boxes); organized training of students, which will require special pedagogical respect at home at once from the practitioner of the CSSSSDM Seytvelieva E.S.; organized allowance for the duration of studies at the vacation hour; organized the work of a legal lecture for students "About the legal education of incompetent" (Andreeva I.A.); a lecture “Stop the drug!” from the distribution of booklets. Were damaged nutrition about the school of drug addiction, tyutyunopalinnya .; a legal lecture for fathers was held by class 7 11 class clerks “Legal power. Know and exercise your rights”; held individual and collective talks of class ceremonies with academics and fathers on the legal topic "Prevention of malice among young people"; conducted a survey by the inspector of the State Duma "Saksky" "Revealing the causes of childish malice"; the Single Day of Prevention of Law and Violence was held; organized and held talks, class anniversary, lectures, "round tables", Batkiv lectures within the framework of the month of legal knowledge (according to the okrem plan); a survey was conducted “Setting up the bells”; it was carried out to promote the level of work with students, as they require increased pedagogical respect (consultations of readers, the education of children of this category to cultural and mass work at school, that is, after-hours activities, and conversations with fathers from the prevention of law violations, education at home). The intercessor of the director from the spiritual work maє dobirku class year from legal education of studies, prevention of recklessness and law violations of the midst of irregularities, video materials from the rules of the road traffic, anti-drug propaganda, prevention of shkidlivih zvichok. On the cob of primary rock, a database of data on academics is being built up, as they are being transferred to internal school control, academics, as they require advanced pedagogical respect, disadvantaged sіm'ї. Classy kerіvniki work in the guise of studying primary school, explain the reasons for overshoots, get used to the necessary visits Visnovki and recommendations: 2. We would like to give thanks to the cerebrates during the organization, preparation and holding of the class year more often to win the media and video libraries with the method of increasing the quality and efficiency of entries. Obtain before the preparation of KMD batkiv uchniv. 3. Priznomanitniti form the work of the narcotics post. The intercessor of the director of VR I.A. Andreeva

from the prevention of recklessness and lawlessness among children and juveniles

1. Mozhlivostі class kerіvnik schodo uchnіv, yakі skip lessons without good reason; Methods and forms of interaction on learning from the plan for the prevention of recklessness

Activation of the activities of the class ceramics worker if the students skip the lessons.

Rozmov's best stoneworker to learn individually, and to inspire in the class year.

Actively trained to take up sports sections, art teams, supportive class life.

Self-information of the fathers of these scientists (telephone call, note through the suvid, home visit).

Lucky for the Batkiv Committee to work with such a child.

Rozmov psychologist from cim teaching.

Rozmov social teacher from a truant.

Viklik of a truant from fathers at a meeting for the sake of school prevention.

Viklik to the pedagogical council of the school.

Viklik at the meeting of the commission on the right of the non-partisans.

2. Form that method of work with sim'єyu z prevention of law violations

Familiarize students with the rules of student behavior.

The unity was able to help the pedagogical team and the father how to keep the rules of conduct.

Advising students on the rules of conduct in the community during the hour of excursions, discos, theaters and others.

Propaganda of a healthy way of life (practice regimen and recovery regimen, eating regimen, hygiene, physical education and sports, prevention of ill health).

Trained to a supple life of the class of that school.

Enlightenment talks with the fathers about the evidence of the evidence from the educated fahivtsiv: the inspector on the right side of the minors, the secretary of the commission on the right of the minors.

A thematic class yearbook about the recognition of litigation for the violation of the law from the education of a social teacher and fahivtsiv: the inspector on the right side of the minor, the senior secretary of the commission on the right of the minor.

Vykoristannya opportunities of the service of the school's protection (the death before the protection at the time of the law-enforcement of the school under the hour of the lesson of the change).

Organization of the work of the Batkiv Committee of Okremi Families.

Watching at home at the same time from the police.

Statement on the inner school appearance.

The request of the fathers for a meeting for the sake of preventing the school, a small bugger, a big bugger, for a commission on the right of non-executives.

Caution, reconciliation, presentation of vimog, concern and other methods.

3. Efficiency of the work and teaching staff to promote equal culture of students (good looks, language, behavior at the lesson and change, saving the school lane). Methods and forms of work.

Familiarity of students with the rules of conduct at school.

The presentation of the only ones could help the students from the side of the pedagogical team to look good, wash, conduct the hour of the lesson and change, to save the school's lane.

Rozrobka and conducted thematic class years, talks, lectures on those ethics and morality.

Strengthening the role of the teacher in terms of the inadmissibility of lihosliv'ya, the special butt of the teacher in culture mov and splintering.

Systematic control over the conservation of the lane of the school and the order in the її territory, the detection of submersibles (plumbing, walls, door plates, tables, desks and other furniture and plumbing equipment).

Creation of repair brigades for the renovation of zipped furniture.

Organization of cherguvannya for class and school.

Organization of general cleaning of classes, recreation, school territory.

Inclusion to the plan of educational work in museums, theaters, local libraries.

Successful students to participate in festivals, competitions, sports events.

Vykoristannya shkіlnoї maisternі for demonstrating models of business style clothes.

4. Children of the teacher of schodo uchniv, marked by tutyun-hens and drinking alcoholic drinks.

Prevention of sickness, drug addiction, substance abuse.

Enlightenment work of middle school and father about the school of chickens, alcohol and drug speeches from the lectures of fahivtsiv narcologists (batkiv lecture, the system of the class year, revisiting the video films from the discussions in the class, the release of a real friend, etc. preparation of abstracts by students on given topics, etc.) .

Presentation was able to control the child’s way of life at the after-hours hour (college, inadmissibility of rebuking on the street at the age of 22, control over the presence and variance of intestinal pennies, respect for the child’s clothes and in.).

Individual rozmova with teachings, noted in the drinking of alcohol chicken.

Information for the fathers of the school.

Obstezhennya narcologist's education.

Return to the social and psychological service of any student.

Winning the possibilities of the health-improving medical complex of the school.

Referral of students for consultation to the center of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children and children.

Vykoristannya opportunities of ODN and KDN in virishenny tsієї problems.

Prevention of a healthy life, promotion of equal culture of learning.

Showing families, obmezhenyh at material zasobah.

Dopomoga tsim sіm'yam at staging on oblіk at the service of social protection of the population.

Organization of cost-free meals at school for children from their families.

Provision of costless assistants.

Help for appointed students at summer health tabir at school.

Dopomoga at pracevlashtuvanni pіdlіtkіv during the period of summer holidays.

Activation of vocational education work among professionals

Tamara Sannikova
Pedrada "The system of robotic teaching staff of the school for the prevention of law violations among juniors"

Plan for the preparation of pedagogical owls eta

"The system of work and teaching staff for the prevention of law violations among juniors"

Target: conducting a systematic analysis of the work and laying the groundwork for the prevention of recklessness, law enforcement and mischief in the midst of minors.

tasks ta:

1. Identification of problematic directives in robotics for the prevention of recklessness and non-compliance with the law.

2. Appointment of the sphere of interdependence of the school with services and institutions for the prevention of recklessness and non-commissioned offences.

3. A choice of different forms and acceptances of work with scientists, yak recognized as such that they perebuvayut at a socially unsafe camp, those legal representatives.

4. Formation of the exercise with the mutual exchange of effective pedagogical knowledge and encouragement to learn from the teachings of those fathers with the improvement of a special-oriented approach.

Scoring result at:

a concoction of minds for methodological and technological modeling of various types of activity, directing to a decrease in the growth of the law, mischief;

The formation of a critical thought of all participants in the illuminating process is completely knowledgeable, the beginning of practical action, directed at reducing the growth of law enforcement and malice.

Form of pedagogical sake: round st ol.

See the activity

1. Organization of a methodical exhibition "Effective methods for the prevention of law violations and mischief in minors"

2. Preparation before the group work of teachers with the problem “Important child - who won?” The intercessor of the director of VR Sannikova T.V.

3. Compilation and implementation of the plan of the Decade of legal knowledge “Mi that law” Deputy director from BP Sannikova T.V.

4. Carrying out and analysis of the questionnaire on the problems of forming the lawful behavior of irregularities Deputy director from BP

Sannikova T.V.

5. Analysis will become a preventive work and lay the foundation for enlightenment Deputy director from BP

Sannikova T.V.

Revealing effective methods of preventive work with children, as if they were recognized as such that they stay at a socially unsafe camp, and they are legal representatives (employment of a rehabilitation group, the club "Pidlitok") Kerivnik MO Bakshtay O. P.

Putting together the project for the pedagogical sake Deputy director from BP

Sannikova T.V.

Robot plan

meeting for pedagogical purposes

"The system of work and teaching staff for the prevention of law violations among juniors"

1. Introduction to the topic for pedagogical purposes. The choice of the most accurate designation "Vaska child - who's out?"

Group work. Director Izobova I. M.

2. Analysis will become a preventive work and lay the foundation for enlightenment

3. Wash up for constructive rehabilitation of students and their further effective development.

4. Analysis of the effectiveness of the work of the rehabilitation group, the club "Pidlitok".

Information of the teacher of the social Dzvinkovo ​​T. N., the certifier of the club "Pidlitok" Sazonova O. M.

5. Analysis of the questionnaire "Law and mi" about the problem of forming a law-enhancing behavior.

Information of the intercessor of the director of VR Sannikova T.V.

5. Remembrance of the organization of individual and collective preventive work with non-complete

Group work. Bakshtay O.P.

6. Pіdbitya pіdbagіv. Negotiated that decision.

Information of the director of the school Izobova I. M.

Keeping the topic pedagogical for the sake of

"Vazka child - who's out?"

Izobova I. M.

The younger generation is going through an important social and psychological situation. They are not prepared until the end of stressful situations that grow up and suffer from possible negative consequences. That is why teachers are given great recognition for the development of special features from a socially active position.

And now I will tell you the answer to the question "Who do we call an important pidlet?"

For whom you have on the tables small leaves of green color, 4 for the skin member of the team. Take them by the hand. And now think about writing down for one yakistyu "Vaska child" on a skin leaflet. So that the wickedness is not repeated, first write down your guilty voice, so that the members of your team know that your “luckyness” is already taken.

At once, out of 16 cards, you should deprive yourself of 9, as it is more accurate to go to the appointment of the “baby's cuff”.

Lay out the cards behind each other at 3 columns, 3 cards per skin. Dali, vikoristovuyuchi 3 cards diagonally, chi horizontally, chi vertically, fold the proposition "Important child - tse ...". Take sheet yellow color and write yoga. Give the proposition to your group members and choose the best one. And number 3 is usim to voice.

"About the system of robotic teaching staff

from the prevention of wrongdoing among the minors"

Sannikova T. V., intercessor of the director of the university

In the system of preventive activities, there are two directly visible: go to the general prevention, which will ensure the education of all the students in the life of the school, and go in to the special prevention, as if they are going to the indicated students, if they require a special teacher honorable respect, that work carried out with them on an individual basis . To achieve preventive goals, there is an effective system of methods and methods that contribute to the specialization of a law-breaker.

The work of legal vihovannya and prevention of law violations and mischief in the midst of irregularities in the mortgage of enlightenment should be of a systematic nature and carried out directly:

a) preventive work;

b) organization of permitted activities;

c) work with legal representatives;

e) organization of core employment and active work for school during the holidays;

f) work with children of deviant behavior;

The school implements a complex of approaches, directing them towards the improvement of the social and legal status of the family, the psychological and pedagogical competence of the fathers, the formation of their svіdomo and vodpovidalny setting up to vikonnannya their obov'yazkіv shodo vyhovannya, utrimannya that navchannya their children.

With the method of early manifestation of deviant behavior and social disadvantage in families, correction of the behavior of children, correction of children's and father's faults, conversations are held with class cerivniki, with teachers of that kind my fathers. Meetings are to be held for the sake of prevention of recklessness and wrongdoing of non-commissioned persons. The main method is a thorough system of training of one’s own and qualified assistance to children, children, and (or) their families, as they ate at the folding social, family, pedagogical and other situations; prevention of illegal behavior of school students; prevention of shkіdlivih fallows, implantation of toxic and narcotic speeches; prevention of injuries, immoral behavior of fathers and scientists; activation of the spiritual position of legal representatives.

In total for the 2016 calendar year, twelve scheduled meetings were held for the Radi, of which 2 (10/24/2016, 05/25/2016) were held for the sake of establishing awareness "Yanovichskaya middle school Vitebsky District” for the prevention of recklessness and law enforcement of non-executive crimes and for the sake of the community point of protection and order at the Yanovichi Silsky Vikonavchy Committee.

The dynamics will become right with their families, children of exile such that they stay at a socially unsafe camp, with their families, deviate children, as if they are on internal control, on appearance in the inspection at the right-handed incompetent in the OVS Vitebsk Rai vikonkom, staring at meetings For the sake of establishing enlightenment.

As an indicator of the effectiveness of preventive work, I will lay the foundation for illuminating the number of offenses and evils that have been learned.

Tochilenko Vladislav, Tochilenko Stanislav, Yupatov Sergiy were put on the preventive appearance in the IDN of the Vitebsk RVVS on 10.06.2016. For the period from 10 March to 10 December 2016, these legal representatives carried out preventive work with them.

The school organized the work of the club "Pidlіtok" under the ceramics of Sazonova. N., to conduct a lot of activities for the rehabilitation group with daytime rehab of children (social teacher Dzvinkova T. M.). On Saturday, the members of the rehabilitation group were educated to high school visits.

With the method of ensuring the core employment of non-essential different species, classes are held with interests, extracurricular activities, cultural and mass visits on the sixth day of school.

Optional activities and activities supplementary education they represent 100% of schoolchildren, like they change in all types of appearance.

One of the effective methods of preventive injection is the placement of children with deviant behavior on internal control.

For a long time, the number of children, as if they were tested on internal school control, periodically changed and zapped on the numbers two.

Napolegly shodna vyhovna robot, spilni zusillya vsogo pedagogical collective, school, sіm'ї, zaluchennya community organizations, the goal is to direct the work of a social educator to give the best possible positive results

As part of the work on the prevention of recklessness and the violation of law, a judiciary was organized by the assistant to the prosecutor of the Vitebsk region Osipenko O. V., the intercessor of the KDN Adamovich Є. S. "Criminal and administrative cases of non-compliance".

The teacher-psychologist of the Educational Establishment “SPC of the Vitebsk District” Gana Valeriyivna conducted individual correction classes from the “Conflicts and their manifestations” studies.

Visnovok: in the installation of education, the goal-directed work was organized for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 24.11.2006. No. 18 "About dodatkovі go schodo sovereign zahistu children from dysfunctional families", the Law on the Prevention of Law Violence and Recklessness of the Incompetent

1. Carry out the work away from the timely manifestation of family problems and the negative impact of the family on the development of a child

2. Take a look at the Chergovy Radis of prevention of recklessness and law violations of incompetent mortgages, illuminating nutrition about the promotion of viability for the early manifestation of family problems in the middle of preschool children at the Yanovitsky nursery / nursery school in Vitebsky district, UZ – unorganized preschool children (from 0 to 3 years)

3. In connection with the fact that the preventive work with the teachings of those families did not lead to a complete stabilization of family well-being, it is necessary to thoroughly improve the work of the SPPS through a complex of entries:

3.1. Strengthen the rehabilitation of practitioners of the DUO "Yanovitsky nursery-kindergarten", UZ for the early manifestation of a sign of the present unfavorable situation and notification about the new one before laying the foundation for emergency response

3.2. Hear at the meetings of the Joint Venture a lot of great ceremonies who work with this child

3.3. Vymogy vmogi to conduct documentation of special certificates of the SOP, HSC, IDN at the methodical joint class of academics until September 5, 2017. Kerivnik MO Bakshtay O. P.

3.4. Turn on the formal undertaking of a robot with a child, known to a socially unsafe setting, that її with the side of classy ceramics Rodulevich D. O., Savenka N. A.

3.5. Hourly draw up required documents for the help of opiate authorities and pikluvannya, RVVS, IDN

3.6. To the social pedagogue to inform the administration of the UO about the camp of documentation on the conduct of special certificates of the SOP, IDN, HSC schomisyachno

3.7. In preventive work with dysfunctional families, the algorithm of mutual modality of all clogged structures should be constantly

Wash for constructive rehabilitation of students of that remote effective developmentgroup robot with teachers

Bakshtay O.P.

I will propagate you to exchange thoughts, ideas on how to organize a system of activity for working with important children. For whom to take an arch of a black color and write down 5 ideas - propositions about how to organize work with important children, for which you are given 5 credits, they wrote down - they set the boundary.

And at once, get up across your desk, shove your desks, find a couple with a colleague from another group, exchange ideas and write down your own new ones, set a boundary, for which you are given 2 credits.

Now sit down at the table with your team and exchange ideas and write down the day.

What team can have the most number of ideas?

The team will read out, decide on the already voiced ideas and then add on.

Ideas are written down on boards.

About the work of the rehabilitation group of day care

at the DUO "Yanovitska secondary school of the Vitebsk district"

Social teacher Zvonkova T. M.

On the basis of the mortgage, I will study another rіk pracciuє rehabilitation of the day group.

The activities of the rehabilitation group are regulated by regulations approved by the director of education. Carrying out and rehabilitating children to the rehabilitation group to be carried out on the basis of statements of legal representatives of minors, is issued by order of the clerk to the mortgage of enlightenment.

Incompletely consider the rehabilitation group of girls for the day by stretching the initial fate.

Rehabilitation work with children is carried out by specialists of the SPPS, class teachers, subject teachers, librarians, teachers to take additional education and elective classes. At four - to conduct a social teacher Zvonkova T. N.; on Saturday - class teachers, subject teachers, librarians, teachers to take additional education and electives to take a work plan.

Meta robotic rehabilitation group:

Nadannya to help those incompetent families, as if they stumbled in an important life situation.

Head of the rehabilitation group:

prevention of social orphanhood;

psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of incompetent;

nagodzhennya that zmіtsnennya child-batkivsky vіdnosin;

help in stabilizing the situation with the family;

development of skills in the cultural behavior of minors;

priyannya nepovnolіtnіnі podannі difficulties іn navchanі;

the busyness of children at the afterschool hour.

Forms of rehabilitation work with children are picked up depending on the problems, the need for resources and the lack of resources.

One-hour occupation of the group is divided into 2 parts: at the first part of the occupation, a correction of the robot with non-full-time ones is carried out (training with elements of training, the right to relieve psycho-emotional stress, role-playing games, discussions).

At the other part of the lesson, interactive forms of work are held, quizzes, games, sports, and practical activities are held. The most important activities of the rehabilitation group in the 1st and 2nd quarters were on the offensive: publishing leaflets "I am against smoking", training "My school", creative sounding "My holidays", the year of the meeting "Dovira", the "Portrait of the team", the psychological ymovirna more expensive."

About the work of the Pidlitok club

on the basis of the DUO "Yanovitska secondary school of the Vitebsk district"

Kerіvnik club "Pіdlіtok" Sazonova O.M.

Club manager:

The defender of the rights and legitimate interests of non-relevant ones, as if they are trying to change the twisted life situation;

Familiarity with new forms of behavior;

Navchannya podlitkiv effective strategies that way of behavior;

The creation of a carefree medium for approbation of new forms of behavior and self-realization of specialness;

Acquaintance with a friend from oneself;

Advancement of equal knowledge of knowledge about the power of the human psyche and special features, mechanisms of psychoactive speech, social and psychological laws of the functioning of people in society;

humanization of the system of values ​​of the child;

molding of a double-deployment setting to special selections;

The development of the skills of communication, which are learned, in different life situations with an orientation towards the non-violent model of behavior.

Classes at the club are held 2 times a month; subject to take vіdpovіdaє scheduling.

Priority directives to the activity of the club

Organization and conduction of visits for direct

activities of the club;

Organization of sm_stovny dosvіllya and splkuvannya uchnіv;

Activities at the club are for children for the most part 9-14 years old.

As a method of organizing a sleepover for all members of the club, club days are regularly held (thematic evenings, holy days, games and competitive programs).

Analysis of the questioning about the problems and the formation of the legally hearing behavior of the irregularities

To understand the specifics of the behavior of children and children, we carried out a further investigation about the law-abiding behavior and the possible prevention of molding. The result is stated so.

1) Children and lads, their fathers, are single-handedly asserting that the formation of a law-abiding behavior is necessary in order to:

a) Buv order at the edge;

b) life was carefree;

2) From the laws he knows, which protect the rights of children, they call us before:

1st place: Constitution of the Republic of Belarus;

2nd place: Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Education”;

3rd place: Statute of the school.

3) Children and mentors, telling them about the rules of behavior, can rarely formulate their own specific rules (krim - do not drink, do not smoke, do not be rude to elders). At to the best they call such a rule as being disciplined. Fathers care what the most important ruleє "respect elders".

4) It’s important for them to name those rules, which stinks are ready to be heard. Most often it sounds like: “I don’t know”, “everything is in power”.

From specific rules, depending on the stench, the officers are ready to name the school uniform and the curfew.

Fathers of children and pidlіtkіv are ready to fight against injustice, violence and zhorstokostі at suspіlstvі.

5) About the rules, in the light of such modern children, and the lads would not have been instructed, we should not talk about such specific rules as “do not drive in”, “do not rob”, “do not belittle children”, “do not be rude to elders”. At one time, there were a lot of children and fools, honestly, who didn’t know the truth.

The fathers clearly set their priorities here: orderliness and punctuality (come and go to work at the hour; do everything at the hour).

6) For food, as the rules are supplemented by their friends, find a better answer - tse “mayzhe all” or “nіyaki”. Of the hymns, the most often sounded “do not break the harmony. Get to grips with the rules of the community.” Their fathers set such important rules: “do not imitate and do not imitate people”, “defend your rights”, “respect elders”.

7) Nutrition. why do children and fools break the rules and laws, they stink:

a) there is nothing to do;

b) grown up show the butt;

c) do not respect the rules and norms of the court, laws mean nothing to them;

d) I want to show myself, stand out;

e) respect marriage.

The fathers are one-sided here:

a) children and fools waste their rights, forgetting about the bindings;

b) the presence of a positive butt of grown-ups;

c) not to think and not to know about the consequences;

d) decrease in moral standards in ZMI;

e) to steal from the filthy company.

8) For the children themselves, that pidlіtkіv, the idea that the law needs to be done, turns into an attack:

a) shards of stench conform to traditions and norms of suspense;

b) oskіlki through nedotrimannya law can punish;

c) independent from the surroundings;

d) if the stench zbіgayutsya z vlastnymi rules and perekonannyami;

d) don't know

9) Dosit tsіkavo rozpod_lilis vіdpovіdі about the time of the day of children and pіdlіtkіv. Your stable interests:

Walk with friends;

Vіdpochivati ​​at home chi take care of the booth;

Sports and work lessons.

For fathers free hour their children look like those that their child is walking with friends or helping around the house. Vtіm, rich fathers mean that these children practically do not have a free hour.

10) Views of children and jokes about those who would like to take care of them at the free time, few people worry about what the stinks are really doing. I call the stench again: walk, walk, spend an hour with friends. Old men add that they just want to “hang out” and play computer games.

11) For meals about those, before which the ob'єdnanny come in today's children and pіdlіtki, the stench is most likely to say: -BRSM, BRPO.

In this way, today children spend most of their free time at home, surrounding the possibilities of their social development.

12) What can robiti grow up, so that children learn the rules and laws:

Wihove your children;

vivchati laws and rules.


individual and collective work with problem children

Bakshtay O.P.

And now we move on to practical work. Vikoristovuyuchi ideas, like me hung with you, for 10 khvilin you owe:

1st team - "Memo to the class clerk" The system of preventive work with "important children".

Team 2 - Booklet for fathers "The system of preventive work from "important children".

Team 3 – Poster for students How can I help?

Presentation of memos, booklets, posters.


to the class kerіvnik

on work with problem children

1. Start a watchdog.

2. Today, the stitches for the help should be filled with sacks.

3. Together with subject teachers, constantly monitor the nutritional success of students.

4. Tell the fathers about the passes to take the same day.

5. Suvoro stitch for grading students.

6. Let's change the employment of the girls.

7. Today you are stunned by cuddlers.

8. A quarter of the time to hear the pidlіtkіv and їhnіh batkіv, yakі importantly wriggle, at the meetings of the class batkіv committees. For consumption, ask for the Council of Prevention.

9. Don't gossip about faults, goof off on positive butts.

10. Do not beat morality. At the perekhovannі virishalnym є osobystiy butt of the teacher, respect for the child, for the sake of the success of the child.

11. Get to the labor activity, serious rights, vikonannya hromadskih doruchen.

12. Forgive the ability of wrong children.

13. Organize life cycle team, in which "important" is taught.

14. Teach children self-imaging techniques.

15. Normalization of the family situation, neutralization shkidlivy infusion Batkiv.

16. Individual patronage.

17. Obtaining podlitkiv to gurtkiv, sections, control of their inspection.

18. Luchennya batkіvskogo zagalu.

19. Keep a close connection with the IDN.

Explanatory note

The protection of the health and life of children is the most important task of fathers, and of those of other pedagogical practitioners. At the link with the cym, there is a food for the prevention of child injuries during the organization lighting activity. Through training, that vihovannia can speed up a number of unfortunate fluctuations with children and save them from injury. Divine functions the mustache of pedagogical practitioners wins at the global educational organization. Prote the key role of the virishennі zavdan vyhovannya belong to the best kerіvnik.

Classy ker_vnik and yogo confession

A classy kerivnik is a teacher of the school, the function of the organizer of a child's life, created for the protection and improvement of the health of children, the development of mutually intelligible students, their fathers, teachers and other participants in education activities.

The Institute of Classroom Curriculum at the Russian School has its own history. Until 1917, at the gymnasiums and other middle primary pledges Russian Empire established the appointment of a class teacher, as staff members were appointed, they gave training to students and supervised their behavior. It was also founded the planting of an assistant of a class mentor, or a class illustrator, who followed the behavior of the students at the class by the school (on the streets, near theaters, in private apartments, then). At the development of the Russian school, the Institute of Classy Ceramics, for a long time, the most important field was given, but the most classy ceramics should play the role of shaping and becoming the specialty of a child, developing self-sufficiency, vibrancy and potential opportunities, have interests in yoga. There are over 130 years of classy ceramics in Russia. Over the course of an hour, not only the functions of the binding of the classy stonework have changed, but the very understanding of the classy stonework at the school.

The main direct professional activity of the current class stone worker is the job of a job, the middle of which sees such priority directives, like:

The creation of a century-old approach to the process of creating a friendly middle ground;

Significance of spiritual contacts between a classy ceremonial worker and scholars in the course of spivpratsi at the right side of the hall and a special setting before her;

Postiyne sponukannya people to save and improve health, self-improvement and self-enlightenment.

Molding safe behavior uchniv

A classy ker_vnik takes part in the molding in the participants in the lighting activities of the stable beginners of the safe behavior at the beginning of the hour, after-hours and labor activities.

A classy ceramics specialist needs to know that the causes of child injuries can be divided into three groups:

Behavior of the child itself (low level of coordination of handicaps, inability to move with one’s own body, as well as the lack of knowledge of the child’s behavior; lack of knowledge about the lack of safety, about the possible consequences of those days; injuries in the aftermath vtomi, emotional awakening, gaming excitement and other psychophysiological states);

Dії navkolishnіh odnoletkіv;

Children of grown-ups, who will alienate the child (the greatest oversight of children, the presence of control over their behavior).

Children are often injured, who may be high up to risik, ruffled galvanized, awake, emotionally unstable, shy up to partial changes in mood, yak inadequately behaved in stressful situations. As a rule, such children are not self-critical, often overestimate their own vivacity and ability.

In the age-related aspect, the most traumatized are from 6 to 12 years, which is connected with the increased emotionality of children in this period and the lack of development in them to self-control.

Children aged 8–10 and 14–15 are most often injured. Children of the first age group - schoolchildren of the younger classes - are excited by high activity. Tse do not sit, it is important to sit on the mist. The stench loves to play games, to get excited, to jump, to shoot, to ride on the railings, etc. Often, injuries result in one after another, if they stumble and fall not far away.

Pіdlitki (children of another age category) are often injured during the hour of a bіyok, a little thing, or, for example, if one puts another bіyok, shtovkhaє, b'є with a hard object, etc.

Children in this city already can see the legacy of their children, prote znevazhayut carelessness, shy thoughtless vchinki, flocking victims of bravado, bazhannya in front of fellows.

There is a large number of injuries in critical age periods: 3 years, 7 and 11–12 years. In this period, children and children become shrill, drastic, often enter into conflicts and become irritated. They can form a hostile attitude, which they previously viciously vied with, to reach the vpertosti and negativism, to lead to the destruction of the rules of behavior and, as a result, to injuries.

Wash away traumatized students

Indicators of schilnostі to otrimannya injuries є emotsіynі power and yakostі temperament of a child.

Shilnostі to unfortunate vipadkіv spriyat:

Low level of respect

Lack of sensorimotor coordination

Small caution (obachnist),

low vitrivity,

Overworldly high (or low) schilnist to risik.

Stresovі become learn to zmushuyut yogo navmisne robiti rizikovanі dії, yakі, like vіn vvazhaє, help to relieve stress. In such moments, it is important for a person to collapse emotions, and not reason.

It has been established that 60% of the students are characterized by weakness of the nervous processes, which is due to the extreme practicality of the reason for the emotional instability. Emotionally unstable, impulsive children are more likely to get rid of injuries, less calm and emotional of the same age.

At to the current world A serious problem for those who are trained in the minds of the promoted intellectual ambition in the lighting organizations is hypokinesia. Vіd її naslіdkіv (put damage, dawn, promotion arterial vice, supra-world vaga, etc.) suffer up to 70% of students. Such children are also often injured through unresolved coordination and poor orientation in space.

Listed psychological causes of traumatism are due to rehabilitate at the hour of the organization’s advances in order to prevent child injuries. It is necessary to sort out the skin type of injury either in an individual conversation or in a class. An hourly discussion of the types of injuries, an analysis of their causes should be carried out by the pedagogical team.

Organization of preventive work by a class ceramics worker

A classy clerk of calls to be an organizer of a child's life, a proofreader of international specialties and a defender of his class in important minds and psychological conflicts of high school life, carry out the work of avoiding unfortunate fluctuations and trauma among students of his class su. Tsyu work vikonu not alone, but at the same time from the teaching class, their fathers, teachers, as they practice in this class.

Functions of a class ceramics worker, to ensure the possibility of carrying out preventive work with children:

- cognitive-diagnostic function(in lag. cognitio - knowledge, recognition; in Greek. diagnosis - identification) - due to the necessary universal development of the features of the development and behavior of the learners and the recognition of the level of their differences with the method of appearance of these features in the process from class-by-class work and from an individual approach to їх navchannya that vihovannu. It is necessary for a classy kerіvnik to know the camp of a healthy student that physical development, wash home vihovannia, international contacts and the fate of the organization of activities, which show strength, fluctuations and interests;

- organizational and stimulating function. Vaughn is deluded by him, that the fate of the schoolchildren in the after-class robots is a singing world and a good-natured right. There is no need for a primus stove, no need for harsh regulation of the activities of scientists, a smut - for a classy ceramics worker to organize a job in such a rank, so that she will cry for a high quality, diversity and freshness of forms , postynym search for new approaches to the її conducted;

- joint function. p align="justify"> The driving factor is the formation of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the class, comrade splintering, turbota one about one, injecting the student team. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the appearance of a class grouping with negative directivity, creating minds for the hoary sleepiness of children;

- coordinating function. In the class of practitioners there are a lot of teachers-subjects, blame for their pedagogical knowledge of the training and development of students, coordination of their activities and a single approach to children. Like a robot it is necessary to carry out the same from the fathers of the students and to get them to the sleeping school of the work of the universities.

Vikhovna's work of a classy ker_vnik is carried out according to the plan. The plan of the work of a classy ceramics worker is a concrete reflection of the future course of the spiritual work in the most important strategic directions and the most important details. Zvіdsi - dotsіlnіst organіnіnі dnіnіnіnі vіdnіnіnі vіdnіnіnі vіdnіnі vіdnіnі vіhovnoї ї ї ї ї і planіnі іn concrete vyhovnіh zakhodіv. More shortly, if a classy stoneworker can have a long-term plan for the work and the entire initial work, then it will gradually expand the detailed plans for the initial period.

When planning a congenial work for the direct "Prevention of child injuries", a class worker is guilty of following the following provisions:

a) at the plan, it is necessary to transfer various people to come in and see the robots, as if they had learned the lesson of safe behavior at school, at home, and on the street;

b) the plan is responsible for transferring the inclusion of schoolchildren to education and sports and health activities;

c) the system of school-by-school work can be sub-ordered by the organization, the development and development of the student team, the formation of international associations;

d) the plan is guilty of vengeance come in, directing to the use of the supreme zusils of the class cerivnik, vchitelіv, like practicing with the class of fathers (legitimate representatives).

Planning for the prevention of child injury

Come in to prevent child injuries to be included in the plans of the psychic and lighting work. For young schoolchildren dotsilno vlastovuvat wounds zdorov'ya, rіznі vіktorini, zmagannya. Children of the middle and senior school years already know how to prevent injuries. Pratsyyuchi z tsієyu vіkovoї slud zvіd vіdnuti uvágu to molding the correct setting to possible nebezpek.

With the method of preventing child injuries and unfortunate fluctuations from the teaching class, you can plan like this:

Chat with the fathers at the Batkiv camps and with the teachings for the class year about the need to keep the rules of conduct at school, and you could dress up to the dress of the learners;

Designated schedule for drawing students to the class;

Systematic individual work of a teacher-psychologist and a class clerk with disciplinary officers.

For the effectiveness of the planned plan, the robotic class worker is guilty of competently picking up the forms of work with the teachings of nutrition for the prevention of injuries and the prevention of unfortunate fluctuations. Below you can see a list of robotic forms with teachings:

For types of activities - vocational, labor, sports, mystetsky and others;

Behind the method of the teacher's injection - bezpersednі and osredkovanі;

For an hour spent - short, trival, traditional;

For an hour of preparation - form a robot, as it is carried out with studies without including them in the front preparation, that form, which is transferred in front of the robot, training of students;

For the subject of the organization - the organizers of the children are teachers, fathers and others grown up; the activity of children is organized with the improvement of sportsmanship; the initiative and її implementation should be given to children;

Behind the result - forms, the result of which may be an information exchange, the generation of a joint solution (thought), a significantly significant product;

For the number of participants - individual, group, mass.

Class ker_vniki on the cob of primary rock before skin holidays, as well as before hikes, excursions, and visits, conduct instructions with class teachers for such directives:

Rules of safe behavior on the roads, transport, rules of road traffic;

Dotrimannya zahodіv sekpeki pіd hour of carrying out sports zahodіv, ekskursіy, turistskih trips, nahodzhennya on sportmaydanchiku;

Safe behavior on the water, white water basins, by the pool, on the ice;

Prevention negative situations at the yard, yard, budinka, at the public places;

Rules of conduct for the hour of perebuvannya vibuhonotbezpechnyh objects;

Rules for dealing with vibuho-non-safe objects, speeches;

Rules for fire safety and electrical safety.

I’m planning to call on diyalnist, I need to get out of those who are most importantly drenched in the infusion of children - we, let’s rethink, life itself. The life of a schoolboy can be viewed from two sides: in the school school (student, different school blues, classmates), and the decision - home, yard, street, in different companies, spilnotah. Often the “friend” of life gains more power over the child, lower “first”. It is often possible to predict the greatness of life between these parts of a schoolboy's life. Trying to stick to one side, it is usually taken, as a rule, only a negative result: the deformation of the specialty of the teaching, the decrease in motivation, the behavioral problems. For this, the heads of the class ceramics worker have the same integration of school life and class-by-class activity.

Creation of a full-fledged developing center for additional groups, sections, victories of the abilities of the Batkiv team (travels, walk, lean), thematic types, Portfolio helps to form a completely healthy personality.

The school, with this, can direct the mind of the susilla to those, so that the skin child of her free time did not spend thoughtlessly, but replenished knowledge, that mysticism reached the literature, to take physical culture and sports. Cultural-mass, physical-health-improving visit for schoolchildren is a great relief against traumatism.

Perebachiti, perebachiti, de child can be injured, impossible. Sliding up respect to the point of revulsion, engaging in behavior, to avenge the element of physical violence completely otochyuchiy, which, in some cases, straightens the exercises, zapodiya bil and show your physical superiority. Increased the number of injuries in the result of fights between litigants.

Teaching a child the rules of conduct in the community can be done by the best church workers and fathers. It is important to explain, for example, that a beat is an unacceptable way of arranging stosunkivs, even if you can always do your best to try to overcome the conflict. The fathers are guilty of robbing all kinds of them, so that the child’s child, not for unknowingness, no longer for the most part, did not hurt the children with their children. And help the fathers win such a robot, maybe a classy kerivnik.

Classy kerіvnik and batkіvsk spіlnota

It is important directly rich-faceted activity of the class ceramics worker with the fathers of the uchniv entrusted to your class.

To spend most of the hour of a child at school and at home, it is important for him, so that children of teachers and fathers did not supersede one to one. It is possible, as educators and fathers become allies and one-minded people, it is possible that it is possible to solve the problems of vihovannya. Obviously, the style of robots can be democratic, based on mutual trust, mutual modality with fathers. Metoyu tsієї vzaєєї vzaєmodії є turbota about the development of children.

To the classy kerіvnik next to the memory, that the wines of calls at once with the fathers taught to create a middle ground, which vikhovuє, to secure the unity of the school, that sim'ї according to the development to the specialness of the child.

Mutual activity will follow the following principles:

Zvernennya to the sense of the Batkivsky kokhannya that povaga to her;

Dobrozichlivist that diplomacy in splkuvanni with fathers;

The position of spіvrobіtnitstva in splіkuvannі z fathers, povaga to їх specialties like mother and father, їх labor and gromadskoї diyalnostі.

The whole activity of a classy ceramics worker with the fathers of scientists can be represented by such direct forms:

Vivchennya minds family vihovannya;

Іnformuvannya batkіv about zmіst navchalno-vyhovnogo process in the class;

Psychological and pedagogical education of fathers;

Interaction with the Batkiv Committee;

Spіlna diyalnіst batkіv i uchnіv;

Іnformuvannya batkiv about the progress and results of training, education of children.

For a pedagogically literate, successful and efficient scribbling of his shoes, it is necessary for a class clerk to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, but we will inform you about new trends, methods and forms of spiritual activity, courage modern technologies wiggle.


1. Lavrent'eva V.V. Collection of methodological materials from preventive work at school // Classic Kerivnik. - 2012. - No. 6.

2. Order of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia on February 3, 2006 No. 21 "About hardening methodical recommendations about the establishment of the functions of a class ceremonial worker by pedagogical practitioners of the state ceremonial lighting installations of the subjects Russian Federation and municipal lighting installations”.

3. federal law“About education in the Russian Federation” (issued on December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ).

Addendum No. 1

An approximate list of topics for holding roses and class years in order to prevent child injuries

Topic number 1. Rules of conduct for students:

Zagalni position;

Rules of conduct at rozdyahalnyah and їdalnі;

Rules of conduct for the hour of lessons and change;

Go mozhut buti not safe.

Topic number 2. Rules road traffic:

A place, microdistrict, in which we live and there are possible overarching situations;

Choose the best safe routes to school and home. Practically busy;

Rules of conduct on the streets Now it is necessary to know the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Road rules. Practically busy;

Svitlofor ta yoga signal;

Road signs;

Pіshohіdnі go over the rules of koristuvannya them;

Rules for cycling;

De mozhna i de not possible to grati;

Rukh in groups;

Behavior of schoolchildren near the railway camps. Rules for safety on the outskirts;

Acquaintance with the transport of the city;

Rules of conduct for transport.

Topic number 3. Fire safety rules:

Cause the blame.

Please come in if you are not allowed to stay in the apartment.

Like a child in times of guilt, burn at home, at school.

Pozhezhna bezpeka when coring with combustible, easily borrowed materials and speeches.

Rules for coring with electric appliances.

Topic number 4. Nebezpeki criminogenic character:

How to behave at home, if you are alone at the apartment;

How to behave on the streets, if a third-party person tries to tell you where to go.

Topic number 5. Safety on the water:

Rules for entering safe behavior on waterways;

Rules of conduct on water bodies at different seasons and rock;

The main ryatuvalnі zasobi and the rules of koristuvannya them.

Topic number 6. Household creatures and possible problems:

Home creatures. Nebezpeki, tied with creatures;

Come in safely when prompted to keep an eye on domestic creatures near the city.

Addendum No. 2

The plan of the work of a class carpenter for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

No. p \ p

naming the sunset



Designed in the classes of cuticles for the prevention of child injuries, selection of methodical material for the education of children in road safety, planning of work on the river


classy ceramics

Defender of safe routes for students to school and home


classy ceramics

Batkivsky collection "Children's safety"

spring, spring

classy ceramics

Rozmova at the Batkiv camps on those who followed the rules of conduct on the roads of the city.

Advice for fathers: features of safe behavior in the winter season.

stomach, chest

classy ceramics

Participation in the All-Russian action "Respect, children":

Preparation of memos, schemes "Safe Rukh at the microdistrict of the school",

Registration of the stationary "Kotochka of the safety of the road traffic",

Talk with the teachings about the safe way from the school home,

Follow the rules of the road traffic

faith, grass

deputy according to VR, class ker_vniki

Klasny anniversary, dedications Holy Day memory of road accident victims

classy ceramics

Conducting a class year, quizzes on the rules of the road traffic, training with DIBDR inspectors

stretching rock

classy ceramics

Preventive visit "Safe holidays do not come!"

zhovten, chest, kviten, grass

classy ceramics

Seminar "We help ensure the safety of children during the organization of transportation, exits between schools"


deputy director of higher education

Addendum No. 3

Robotic plan to learn how to build bikes and scooters

No. p / p

come in



Revealing children, how to make bicycles and scooters


classy ceramics


Conducted training on how to wash bicycles and scooters

spring, spring, grass

classy ceramics


Zustrich student with inspector DIBDR (grades 1-11)

stretching rock

deputy directors from BP, class cerivniki


Children's competition "My friend bicycle" (grades 1–4)

classy ceramics


Quiz "Rules of cyclists"

classy kerivnik


Vedennya suvoroku uchnіv, scho to wash bicycles, scooters

stretching rock

classy kerivnik

To the certificate of work from the anti-drug vihovannya

and prevention of wrongdoing and mischief in non-compliance with studies

class ceramics worker of Sriblyanska Svitlana Volodymyrivna

The rise of the market-related innovations that has befallen us in all the "new life" to bring to ruin the previously formed system of pedagogical infusions on children, to loosen the posture of the school, to destroy the traditional connections of teachers and sim's, to take on the growth neuroticism in the mature and childish middle. The term “labor education” means unacceptability and support for the pedagogical influx, which is fluctuating. The reasons for this opirnosti are most often due to the special features of a positive development, signs, guilt of shortcomings, negative traits of character, incorrect attitudes in behavior, ailing needs, etc. And as a disturbing result - "important" children, schoolchildren, youngsters, matured from persistent manifestations of negative authority and encouragement in behavior.
Social officials help the shortfalls of the family and school vihovannia. Everything is driven by the child’s mindfulness in oneself, building up to self-regulation, self-assertion in life important situations. Formed by a sense of innocence and selfishness. To the specialty of a schoolboy, to the yogo life world, knowledge, interests, special valuable orientations, emotional middle ground, respect is weak like this, so are schools. The litter has a rich free hour, some wine cannot rationally win, some do not have the ability to do enough work. It is necessary to fill in empty, to help the child learn self-assertion in the core activity, smarten up the skills of self-organization, plan your hour, shape your interests, smarten up your mind. Ale schob to conduct work with important cues, you need to know the reasons that lead to recovery from the behavior and training. There can be special nedolіki:

    On the basis of disorganization, indiscipline can be blamed, being put up to others can become the cause of hisism, self-destruction, distrust of people, pulling up to shkidlivih zvichok.

    Negative powers are formed on the basis of the wrong setting to work. Podlitok unique practice - blame evasiveness, and then deceitfulness, the practice of living for someone else's rahunok. Yakshto Vіn vykonuє robot nedbalo, vikaє frivolity, which leads to immorality.

Can there be wrong signs with this:

    If in sim'ї present naturally - an indulgent style.

    If s_m'ya takes all-round defense by the age of a child.

    The demonstrative style of setting up to the child.

    Pedantically - suspicious style.

    Inviting style.

    Vіdstroneno-bayduzhiy style.

    Vihovannya on kshtalt "idol sіm'ї".

    Inconsistent style.

Three special shortcomings - his honesty, lazy, deceitfulness - create in a sublime change of mind importantness. The lads remember, stench rude, destroy discipline, shy to the point of wrongdoing and mischief, leading an unhealthy life. Slid vrakhovuvaty, scho girl's psyche is especially infuriating when stuck with various difficulties and difficulties in international blues. Ring out the stench to be critical of everything and everyone, only not to yourself.
In order to reduce the negative behavior of our students, a system is needed to prevent a healthy life among schoolchildren from the side of the school community.
The system of work for anti-drug abuse and prevention of offenses and mischief in education includes offensive components:

    Formation in children of the age of anti-drug attitudes, which will ensure the implementation of behavior within the framework of a healthy life.

    Iyavlennya uchnіv іz asocial sіmeynym vihovannyam.

    Revealed by scientists with rehabilitation in health and damage to the formation of the nervous system.

    Iyavlennya uchnіv іz asocial otochennyam.

    Revealing the study of the “risik” group, identifying the reasons for the behavior that is being corrected.

    Usunennya reasons for the behavior of a schoolboy:

Changing the nature of special vіdnosyn vikhovantsіv s odnoletkami and mature;
- study of "important" students see different positive activity;
-Change of the minds of the family vihovannya.
It is important that the preventive activity with the students took a part large number people: school administration, socio-psychological service of the school, class teachers, fathers, practitioners of laying foundations for additional education of children, practitioners of social protection of the population, practitioners of organizations of internal affairs. Successfully manage richly in what to lie down as a single resurrected more than participants in the lighting process.
More importantly, the anti-drug vihovannya began with post school. Such an early education of children to anti-drug addiction is motivated by the fact that the cob of chicken schoolchildren at the middle grade falls on the fourth - fifth grade, alcohol debuts take place at the sixth - sixth grade, and first the introduction of toxic and narcotic diseases is in lasah. That is why it is necessary to add to the children social skills and pass on the necessary knowledge a long time ago, before the stink of the first time to get stuck with the need to take a decision, chi varto not varto take a narcotic speech.
My work of prevention comes from the system. Practicing in this class from the first and dovіvshi yoga to the 10th class, I grew up at the same time from the children. Knowing the skin family and the skin child, I reveal for myself the indicators of a troubled schoolboy in the upcoming spheres of life:
- initial activity;
-Vzaemovidnosini with odnoletkami;
-Vzaemovidnosini s mature;
- Carrying out free time;
- setting up to practice and professional orientation;
-behavior and vchinki.
Necessary information is accumulated by students and cards of pedagogical guardianship for guidance.
Ways to retrieve the necessary information:
-Analysis of the class magazine;
-folding and analysis of social passports of families;
-opituvannya thoughts of readers about schoolchildren;
- analysis of the appearance of the occupation;
- analysis of recorded violations of discipline;
- move the schoolboy with the fathers;
- Sociometric follow-up;
- Caution;
- chat with a schoolboy;
-Request information from centers that are engaged in career counseling, employment centers of the population;
- request for information from psychological and pedagogical centers, OPPP/OPBN (providing psychological and pedagogical assistance and providing prevention of recklessness of incompetent persons),
- requesting information from the HDN;
- Request information from the next month of study.
There are no children in my class, so they can stand on the internal school control, on their appearance in the PDN and KDN. І ЗП On the face of there is no such thing as SOP, TZHS, social risk. It is necessary to differentiate the social status of disadvantaged families.
With this help, a postal preventive work is carried out: a class teacher, a psychologist’s robot with a child and fathers, a social teacher, an intercessor for the director of VR, an intercessor for the director of UVR, director work with OD inspector KDN. Cards are being developed for follow-up care, constant monitoring is being carried out for the examination of scientists, a single corrective space has been developed, a plan for corrective maintenance of skin lesions has been compiled, which may be difficult for scientists, improvement in behavior, sickness in health and the monitoring of the dynamics in corrective work is carried out. health and behavior of schoolchildren.
Spіlno z OPPPіOPBN (social pedagogue Dіdenko Т.І.) is working with the class of students from the pochatkovo school. I would like to ask you Thursday for the consultative day of our fathers, if you need a consultation and help from 14-00 to 17-00. On Wednesday, a day of patronage is held for the application of the social teacher of the school. The work of the clubs "Pidlіtok", "Professional education", "School of young people", "I'm your mother" is held, where exhibitions, a class year, talks with a psychologist, festivals, concerts for fathers of different versions of the population are held.
At the in-line primary rotation, the following bedrooms were planned:
*About friendship.
* Get a good look at the skin.
*Health and gift. Ay! De vie?
* An hour is a treasure for someone who knows his price.
* vchimosya save an hour.
* About setting up to the fathers.
*About the culture of intercourse between boys and girls
* About giving gifts.
*What is specialness?
* How to reach the delivered mark.
*About twisting.
*Sunny look? Zovnishnіy look!
*Training zir.
*My body.
* Hygiene of the young man.
*Your health is in your hands.
Prevention of drug addiction in school At the beginning, a whole plan is being formed: a series of talks, lectures with children, with fathers, with classy kerivniks. The crime of one-time actions, the elements of drug addiction prevention become the subject of discussion within the framework of special subjects, such as “Basics of the safety of life”, “Community studies” and also indirectly talk about similar topics in biology, literature, history ї thin. .
But the basis of "anti-propaganda of drugs" at school is formed by coming in, which are formulated by district, city and regional structures, such as "go down" to the beast most often in the form “intense” (the so-called decades, months “Without drugs”, “Against drugs” then). At the in-line primary school, the action “Sport for Drugs” will take place within the framework of the decade of anti-drug addiction and anti-toxicomania, and the whole school will take part in it. My students took an active part in my action. I, as a teacher of the ІЗО of the middle of the young classes and the middle of Lanka, will hold a competition of primary propaganda posters and small ones. Following the cycle of roses. My children took part in competitions among teachers at the best methodical development cool years, dedicated to these problems and district competitions of propaganda teams for promoting a healthy way of life, were shown with the help of the 2001, 2002, 2003 rotations.
These actions are part of the great promotion of a healthy way of life among children and adults. “Earlier, there was smoking, alcoholism, and now there is drug addiction.” Such a formulation of the problem is closer to the reader and understands it better. Behind the words of one teacher: “How can we say to little children: “Drugs are bad”? And the stench still does not know what drugs are! So, we ourselves, in principle, do not know anything. Teachers-innovators turn on the text extinguished the propaganda teams, for example, such calls: “Generation nехt robs health, new life, new century without drugs, and you?” The replacement part, as a rule, is organized in schools independently and is composed of a series of class years, competitions in small children and works, lectures by medical professionals and medical practitioners for students, teachers and fathers. The main problem of work in this way directly, in my opinion, is based on the fact that it is necessary to achieve the desired result, so that the protruding maw is a combination of characteristics: having gained authority among children, having the necessary information and giving it right, tobto. used to be a professional. “Rozmova can be serious and high equal". Due to the circumstances of the teacher consider their unpreparedness until the end of the work And at the same time, it is critical to be critical of the effectiveness of the work of other fahivtsiv - psychologists, doctors, militiamen, if you don’t have to be prepared to communicate with a child audience and don’t have to demonstrate the necessary level of professionalism. Vchitelі vchiteli dominuvannyam dominuvannya formal approach to lectures and conversations, which is manifested in the fact that doctors and representatives of law enforcement agencies to try to get a larger audience "at one time", volіyut lektsії rozmov, sho many times reduce the effectiveness of entering I to such. “On the first hand, we had representatives of the prosecutor's office ... That's all dry, like ... But the conversation with the narcologist did not pass without a trace.
More closely, below the spivrobitniks of drug dispensaries, yakі come for a plan at the day of prevention, vchiteli pratsyyut s inspectors vіddіlіv at the right of juniors, yakі are engaged in school. A positive report of spivprats with doctors and representatives of law enforcement agencies is accepted by the teachers as good luck: stink, in other words, “strangers”, but in another way, they are professionals and can show “no matter what I threaten”. Some children have a thought that, sing-song, we would find the future not with “self-sufficient people in cribs, jackets, and white shirts”, but with “we live” as a drug addict. For whom we are supported by video films. Dosvіd so-called "fire method" dієvіshiy. It is important to get enough food: Chi can you just talk about the problem? Why is the school (and society) not guilty of proclaiming as an “alternative, as a bula for children”? "Why don't you give me your information?" In addition, scientists demonstrate great knowledge about drugs, sometimes they themselves become a treasure trove of information about those other drugs and theirs.
The problem is reformulated in this way. “The robot is a sensation, as it is necessary that the correct (accurate) information is given in the correct order.” Leading discussions about those that, perhaps, it is already necessary to attach to the robot s informing children and informing about drug addiction and drugs an indicator of the inefficiency of visits, like at school. Based on an analysis of interviews with teachers, a guiding strategy for the prevention of drug addiction in schools can be slandered with a path of demonstrating the terrible consequences of drug addiction: showing stories and original films, films with “live” drug addicts, ex a course to drug dispensaries, a ditbudinka or a visit to museum exhibitions and pato . . So it is necessary to victorize those channels, through which it is possible to broadcast images directly, which to perish in agony (otherwise it is not possible to overdose), which people only virodkiv, etc. drug addicts. Pointing result - shock, fear. “What is more terrible for our children, the stench is better, more often they take it” Fear is necessary to shine not only like the image of a drug addict, but also like drugs that call to their life. Especially tse wild when working with 5-6 classes, as they are not yet ready to take on stingy scientific images. 13-14 years are critical for this sense of the century, if the stench of insecurity cannot be understood: on an individual pidkhid“Kohos, maybe, it’s true that you need to lie, you’re angry, you’re angry, don’t go. And if, perhaps, the sheets will be strong, so that you don’t zalyakaesh the axis of the cym, but only tear it up, if you want it all the same, a lover of good vidchuttiv. That’s why it’s necessary to practice directly here individually.” The peculiarities of the “teacher-student” relationship in modern schools play a vital role in the adoption of drug addiction problems, in the choice and adaptation of higher education models. Vchitel, let’s be honest with the one who’s blamed, he’s older, older, different, a representative of the next generation, in a third way, father. Like and fathers, who were tormented by the problem of drug addiction, the shards came close to the district, budinka, pid'izdu and could bump into their own children. Ale, like all grown-ups, the stench of victorious moralizing and spiritual models for the improvement of their positions "burn", wanting from the position of the teacher themselves to evaluate these models as ineffective.
Ale, the most protirichchya pov'yazanі z generational vіdmіnnosti mіzh teachers i uchnyami. The vectors of generational powers are determined by the specifics of adaptation of fathers and children to the few social and economic minds (social development, ideological vacuum, the relationship of respect from the side of support to the problem of fostering children is available to look around the system of socialization just), as well as the peculiarities of the fathers' approaches Let them give children the stench that they stink at their childishness. The rest became possible only for the breakup of the Radian ideology, the start of social and political freedom for the vlasnogo style of waving (as a rule, the cost is less boldness, more freedom, openness, sincerity, rozuminnya, obviously satisfied bazhan children too).
Readers are in solidarity with the fathers in the fact that modern children are more informed, free, individualistic, mobile (easily attached to modern minds - “chameleons”), pragmatic, etc. Especially concern for readers is the decrease in intellectual equanimity, and this problem is learned in children.
The educational model in schools is also influenced by the disorganization of the internal school life (the collapse of youth organizations), and the decrease in the authority of the teacher “I myself am a teacher of putting on such a meeting, which we ourselves cease to respect”, and dissonance between values ​​that are cultivated in schools and that is confirmed by the old . middle - at home, on the street, near ZMI, etc., that social expansion of the population that penetrates to schools. Before the truth, everything was equal... the moral foundations were accepted the same. And now to bring the values ​​​​of life, and to that the skin of a child is a mystery, unfortunately.
Everything is indicated on the teacher's robot, which is shown in the need to search for new pedagogical formulas. So, for example, according to the warnings of the readers, the current student is an individuality and specialty, but not a part of the team. Terrible is becoming for learning and improvement in behavior.

Determining the reasons for the behavior that should be taken.
The activity of a psychologist is to reveal the causes of behavior that are being corrected.
At the identified reasons for the behavior that is being observed, a high-school psychologist, a kind of victorist with the method of psychodiagnostics, will be of great help.

Crimia of psychodiagnostic methods of revealing the causes is determined by victorious experimentation of the “important pidlet”.

* Scheme of carrying out the experimentation of the "important" training by a classy kerivnik, a psychologist and a social teacher.
1. Introduction:
*loved and hated objects;
* reasons for high school successes and failures;
*voted with readers;
* the fate of the hromada robots;
* Vipadki porushennya discipline.

2. Plan for the future to continue training, choosing a profession, building up the future difficulties and seriously assess your ability.

3. Blueprints with one-liners:
* perevaga of one close friend or a company of friends;
* becoming among the comrades (“the soul of the company”, “re-reviews”, “izgoy”, “square is the same” thinly);
*criteria for choosing friends (for singing special features, for sleep, bury, shdo dozvіllya, rose, etc.).

4. Buried in the present and past:
* Under the chim inflow, the vibir was choked;
* Yaki achieved results;
*why do you chi іnshi zakhoplennya zanedbanі too thin.

5. Vіdnosini with fathers, vіdnоsіmеynі stosunki, warehouse сім'ї:
* who are the names of the first;
* About whom forgetting to guess;
* who is engaged in yoga vihovannyam;
* The closest member of this family;
* s kim u sіm'ї konflіktnі vіdnosinі that cause konflіkіtіv mіzh іnshimi іm'ї, stavlennya before them pіdlіtka.
* In times of sim'ї, scho broke up, z'yasovuєtsya, in what way was a child, if it happened; yogo setting up to the separation of the fathers; chi pіdtremuєtsya їm contact іz tim, hto pіshov іz sіm'ї.
* (Characters of Batkiv).

6. Vidhilennya in behavior (minuli):
*truancy to take
* Dribne hooliganism
* palinnya and liquor
* familiarity with various intoxicants
* run out of the house
* Chi buv if you get caught or taken to the police (like a buv, then if and for what).

7.Nayvazhchіshi podії in the past that reaction to them. The presence of suicidal thoughts in the past.

8. Transference of illness: how the stench is indicated on the trainees and on the camps of the middle of the same people. The presence of a right person in the past has a disruption to sleep, appetite, self-perception of that mood.

9. Sexual problems(It is explained in detail that a psychologist, a social educator and a nutritionist should not speak on their own, but with the help of a method, it is possible to experience it because of this drive and take into account a newer statement about your character; known ones will not be transmitted):
a) the first zakohanist and pov'yazanі z cim psikhіchnі trauma;
b) assessment of one's own likability;
c) the cob of stately life and the attachment of fighting against one’s sexual inadequacy.
For the early diagnosis of behavior, which is being observed, a card of warnings has been broken down, as it should be done once a quarter by a top-notch scientist, a social teacher and a school psychologist in full. The card is given as a guide to help identify the sphere and stages of the unfavorable child, to become the basis for the development of the corrective program and the designated stage of efficiency.

The card is a guardian of learning from respite from behavior.
F.I. learning ________________________________________________________

No. p / p

Caution Criteria

Do not be afraid








Initial duty:
- bayduzhist
- nebazhannya read
- low success
- Difficulties in mastering primary programs
- systematic failure in
one or more items

Vzaєmini іz odnoletkami.
*Positions in class:
- isolation
- opposing yourself to the team
- disorganizer station
- a camp of a microgroup gang, which is composed of "important" uchnіv.
* Vzaєmini with singletons:
- Zhorstoke reasons for weak ones
- unimportantly staging to one-liners
- affiliation to tієї chi іnshої youth group

Vzaєmini іz grown up.
*With teachers:
- The conflict nature of mutual relations with one or the other dekilkom teachers
- rudeness, rudeness
- Lack of tact
- nonsense
*Z fathers
- Conflict nature
- nonsense
- rudeness, rudeness

Free time spent:
- having thrown to work at the group, sections, studios
- Mostly spend the free time at home (with friends on the street)
- live alcohol drinks
- fire
- Earn one's living






Put to work, professional orientation.
*Choose a profession (for high school students):
- ignorance of one's abilities and strengths;
- Professional insignificance
- inseparability of these characteristics, which are necessary for the chosen profession
* Setting to work:
- Negative setting to work
- non-compliance with labor obligations at the school
- non-compliance with labor obligations at home
- unsatisfactory setting to work

Behavior and vchinki.
*At school:
- absenteeism
- Poor school discipline
- obscene like
- jargon
- psuvannya shkіlny lane
- View of lessons
- beaters
*In homeland:
- leaks from home
- non-standard household shoes
- naughty
- nonsense
*Protipravnі vchinki:
- vagrancy
- rejection
- gambling
- drug injection
- prostitution
- stealing
- Vimagannia
- psuvannya myna
- zapod_yannya corporal ears
(as a result of beats)

Appearance of schoolchildren of the “risiku” group

For the complex control of the children of the “risik” group, the disadvantaged family of the social teacher and the intercessor of the director of the school work and vikoristovuyutsya such a shape.

The list of students of the “risik” group and students, how to perebuvayut any kind of professional accounting.


Call, im'ya learning

Change to form

Publication date

Reason for putting on oblіk

P.I.B. Batkiv

Home address

Enlightenment of school students with day-to-day activities at the dozvіll.


Call, im'ya learning

Name the group, the club, the section. Їхнє misfortune.

Employment by day

Unsuccessful studies for _____ quarter.


Call, im'ya learning


Do not grasp objects.

Controlling the implementation of lessons by students who are weaker to absenteeism.


Call, im'ya learning

Number of missed lessons

The role of anti-drug vihovanni vіdvoditsya sim'ї is great. Hundreds of sights of upcoming directives in family anti-drug preventive assistance:
The development of knowledge of that rose by grown-up members of the family in the need to take a strong position in terms of risk of drug addiction in that middle, in which growth that child is mating.
The goal of primary anti-drug preventive work. It is important to conduct it through two main forms: conducting conversations, reading lectures by fahivtsy at the father's audience (lecture-information form), that family consultation on higher, psychological problems, development and behavior of a child. The remaining form of work can be more individual, but there are a lot of problems with this, character (problem-oriented and individual form of primary preventive care).
The grievances described in the form of the primary preventive work are implemented through the school, carried out by teachers - classy kerivniks, social teachers, and organized by the intercessor. director of the school of higher education. The most such form of active primary prevention is possible, if coordination and care of the Batkiv University, as well as the planned nature of the consultations of the Batkiv from family problems of control, and the safety of the intercessor. director of s vyhovnoї work. Depending on the plan of preventive internal school work for conducting such talks and lectures, specialists in the problems of drug addiction prevention from the Centers for Social and Psychological Support and Rehabilitation, specialists in the narcological service can be requested. The prevention of inadequate treatment of children from irradiated children in early alcoholization - which is directly related to the tasks of primary preventive care for children of the "risik" group of early alcoholization and narcoticization. Tsei directly transfers to the robot with conflicting (dysfunctional) sims. Under any circumstances, the effectiveness of such forms of primary preventive activity, like lectures at the Batkiv camps at the Batkiv University, will inevitably decrease.
The main problem that readers have to deal with, regardless of the type of school, the region, is increasing distrust of the fathers to the readers, until their information and assessments, the "nebazhannya" of the fathers include the school until the family graduation. “Most of the fathers from any kind of families take over the school like: “Don’t eat me for the first time.” “Your father cares that my child is the best, the most beautiful, the most intelligent. May I smoke? So you can't do that. My p'e? Nikoli. There is not much to say about drugs there.”
Therefore, the effectiveness of traditional forms of work with fathers is reduced: father’s collections, individual prayer of the father to school (or for the sake of prevention), seeing the family at home. As a rule, the first two forms slander "prosperous" fathers or fathers of "prosperous" children.
In the rest of the fates, the readers will indicate a sharp decrease in the batkiv collections. The fathers actively seek for the education of children up to grades 5-6 and then renew their respect for success in grade 9; in the most complicated, intermediate period (grades 7-8) do not sing. There are even fewer batkiv-enthusiasts, but they show initiative and take part in the organization of collective visits for the class or the robotic batkiv committees too.
When discussing the causes of such a situation, the readers are divided into two groups, depending on the one on whom they put the blame - on the school chi sim'yu. From one side, such as the fathers are not always ready, due to the different conditions (for us in front of the economy), to take the fate of the wounded children. Often the fathers themselves about those who have children, for example, take drugs, or about those who have a daughter, they themselves first recognize themselves as readers. “Fathers work from the wound until evening. It’s practical not to stink children, obviously, it’s very strong. The stink of the big stink at once bezpritulnі, sit at home and walk along the street, on your own. If you didn’t feel like it, you practically can’t bring good security to your fathers at home.” Psychologists, like at school, which some of the teachers themselves state, that the father had a complex in front of the school. “They seem like:“ I'm afraid to come here to tsієї, to tsієї establish, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of twinks, I'm afraid. I work at a car factory for a milestone,” one mother said to me, “there is noise, din. Ale, I feel good there. At school, I’m like a string taut, I’m afraid of school” (reader, Naberezhni Chelni). To the memory of one of the readers of the Samara school: “It’s not a secret for Adzha that you never come to the father from the kind, we call out on some hot tracks.” Imovirno, tse pov'zano and z tim, scho, as before, cherish the old methods of authoritative pressure, yakі already shrug not vyrishennya, but її zastrennyu (problems).
It is rare for readers to know for themselves that they are mating with a father like a child, that they need to be vihouvated. “What is a school for dad? Tse zagali darkness! You will feel guilty as a poor, unfortunate child, how to start a life ... expanding it with laws on children, hiba scho otozhnyuyuchi yoga with a child. Two children!"
One of the best and worst manifestations of the crisis of the psychic model is ceruination a huge prize for the child between the school, the fathers and the team of friends. The readers complain that the children have become "incomprehensible": alone at home, at school - another, on the street - a third. The most safe zone is the street. Previously, the mechanisms of ideological development were practiced here (a team, a team, then), now the internal closed rules are being panned. “The stench (fathers) are less likely to go to school at once, you can understand them the same way. The stench is brought to school as a resting place, to teach them sensible and kind, but we ourselves are so difficult. From i come out tsі knives: family, school, power. Shkіlnі batkіvskі zbori - one of the channels of otrimannya іnformatsiї ії about narcotics, order zі ЗМІ, dosvіdom povyakdennya pozerezhennya that splkuvannya. As a rule, specialized lectures are given by narcologists and representatives of the police at high school and class batkiv meetings, where information is given about the signs of drug addiction, about contact addresses and telephone numbers, for which you can take advice and help. what. Prote vchitelі skarzhatsya on nebazhannya batkіv hearing similar lectures: "already enough information", "nabridlo" skinny. “It is more important for us to go to Batkiv’s gatherings, it’s more important for the fathers to bring down the lighted, waving children and seem to be different, that they don’t pick up and hang around with those. Otherwise, wiguks are about those that are specific, so you don’t need to mention them. My child, our children do not shy away from this. Tobto deshcho negatively navit, I said b. The situation changed for the rest of the hour, if the incidence of death due to drug overdose became more frequent. Prote zatsіkavle priynyattya іnformatsії ї vchiteli poserіgayut tіh vypadkah, if the problem is presented professionally and competently, and not superficially and formally. Vikonannya zavdannya shdo "reporting" such information that the respect of the fathers is aggravated by the low father's complexes and bar'eriv, like vishtovhuyut the problem of the possibility of drug use in their children for the sake of their respect. In the dark, the fathers do not know their own strengths, but they rely on the school for great hopes. Readers, analyzing the situation in their families, state that today's fathers cannot bear or can not be able to recover, the pro school cannot replace fathers and cannot change family (only having spared fathers the rights to a child).
More value is gained by such forms of work as a family consultation, social assistance from the side of the service social assistance. Zavdyaks of prophylactic help sіm'ї secure real social and legal protection of children, we are in front of their families, the fathers are drugged, children are spared the father's sight, they acquire antisocial attitudes and the antisocial way of life. The development of this direct prevention of interventions is also from the formation of other social support services for children (services of care, shelters, social and rehabilitation centers). Nini at the development of which directly robotic vinyl glass is a new legislative basis, the Federal Law "Pro state system prevention of recklessness and non-compliance with the law. "However, within the framework of this Law, it is necessary to impose a specific change in the relationship between fahivtsiv in various departments in the prevention of drug addiction. sіm'ї, if the child began to get used to psychoactive speech.
includes the promotion of primary preventive and social preventive approaches. The primary preventive approach is based on the methods of family counseling, on the basis of psychological social support sіm'ї for the establishment of permanent contacts of the father from the district psychiatrist-narcologist. The socially-preventive method is based on the interaction of the school with the district commissions for the defense of the rights of non-executive ones, with the inspectors for the prevention of non-primary offenses, to which the most significant is the term rose in the district of the school. pidlіtkіv, scho drugged, yakі can get all new children to drug addiction. Such an early preventive work, oriented towards the influx of drugged drugged groups, undoubtedly increases the ability of the child to control the child's behavior, as it entered the "way of the first trials".
Primary prophylactic assistance to the family, in such a child "entered on the path of the first tests", the mother is to blame for the already complex nature of the educated fahivtsiv of a different profile. The primary preventive work of a teacher - a class nurse, a school psychologist, a social teacher in the case of obv'yazkovo is supplemented by a primary preventive help from the side of doctors, herself, a medical sister and a school doctor. The best way to help them is if they are carried out through organizations at the school medical office of the internal school drug post. At the same time, it is possible to organize the first preventive appearance of children and children, mark them in the case of toxic and narcotic diseases; in the event of a new one, pre-clinical diagnostics of toxic-narcotic sleep disorders in schoolchildren can be organized. Consider, as a specialist, who organizes a secondary preventive assistance to a drug addict, who, at the stage of rehabilitation, turned to a world-class professional education, is a specialist in the narcological service. Same wine through deputy. director of a school with a high school work can get a school psychologist, social teacher, honey. the sister of that high-class doctor until the social and psychological support of the drug addict, who is being rehabilitated, and also yoga sim'ї. When given secondary preventive assistance, the district psychiatrist-narcologist, through the provision of prevention of non-compliance cases (ODN) and the territorial commission on the right of non-permanent persons, can administer such ї and different forms of social and preventive assistance.
We have seen such a form of implementation of a complex secondary-prophylactic and socially-prophylactic approaches when giving assistance to the family, in a child, there was a process of treatment due to the drive of drug addiction and turned to the beginning:
- carried out at the school medical office of the control dolkarskoy and likarskoy (test) diagnostics of toxic-narcotic disorders and the knowledge of the fathers with її results;
- help through the internal school narcotic post at the school medical office to help the fathers with the test control of possible toxic and narcotic disorders;
- consulting fathers about the peculiarities of mutual relations with a child, as it passed the likuvannya that was rehabilitated at the stage of rehabilitation;
- molding on the basis of volunteering of groups from fathers, children of those who are being rehabilitated at the stage of rehabilitation, for psycho-corrective assistance for them according to the program of the initial seminar-training (school psychologist from the best members of the father’s group ї podtrimki).
At the end of the next repeat, at the hour of this time, there is a lack of competence and nutrition, the formation of anti-drug attitudes in children, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a healthy life, according to the interaction with the faculty for the need for advisory, specialization and social and legal ї help.
Material, chosen by me on this topic, available to the skin caregiver at any hour for a new hour.
The system of work with pidlіtkami can be steady, starting from the 5th class, and conduct a classy kerіvnik, without checking, if our pіdlіtk becomes “important”, it’s more likely to commit law enforcement. Most often, be with your children, some of them will tell you all the same about you and say thank you. And what is wrong with our robots?

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