"Fundamentals of Orthodox culture" at a secondary school outside the world. Good news for us to know “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture Why is it necessary to learn the fundamentals of Orthodox culture

Russia is Orthodox

According to various sociological studies, 60-80% of the population respect themselves as Orthodox. And when the time comes to choose for your children what is most important for them to learn from the “Basics” religious cultures and secular ethics”, only 20-30% give preference to “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”. This is despite the fact that 90% confirm that Russian culture is generally viewed positively, and leaving Russia does not pose a threat to the world. What's on the right?

In front of us, the fact that the majority of people are important in order to protect ourselves from the Orthodox, we may have an incomprehensible understanding about Orthodoxy. Since the Gospel has been read by more than half of the nominal Orthodox Christians, what can we say about the knowledge of the theologians. However, the truth is that God is One in nature and Trinity in Persons? Who are those who understand the Church as the Body of Christ? What about those whose skin bore the image of God? What is my life like?

The most out-of-the-way place. Because the fundamental truths of religion signify the culture of the people who follow this religion. Culture in a broad sense, not in any fat one, if it is perceived as a collection of various mysteries. Culture as the totality of all manifestations human activity, valuable installations, get started and get smart. As those who punish people’s songs, ways of thinking and self-expression, which means the living strategy and way of living of a person, shapes the psychology of that particular person and the people as a whole.

The religious root of a culture is not at all necessarily consistent with the elements of that culture. “Religion has been adopted” - this means that a culture is inspired by ideas that were initially religious and then became secular, and this is the normal way of thinking and life for members of this culture. In the Christian hour, when faith in God was completely excluded from married life, the Russian people continued to live by moral ideals that resembled Orthodoxy. The “Moral Code of the Almighty of Communism” is amazingly based on God’s Commandments. As Patriarch Kirill said in his speech at the 1st Kaliningrad Forum of the All-World Russian People's Council, the core of our civilization “is spiritually intelligent... without question, Orthodox Christianity is the most powerful and shaped a single centralized power in the Eurasian expanse.” That Russian world, in which life is alive, is “viris” from Orthodoxy.

It is not easy to paint a portrait of the people of Russian culture and realize that the psychology of the Russian people, or more precisely the psychology of “Russianness”, is not easy. “You can’t comprehend Russia with your mind, you can’t die with a yardstick, it has a special status, you can only believe in Russia.” This deep thought of the poet-philosopher F. Tyutchev became a wealth of broad explanations of the “mysterious Russian soul.” Some perceive it as a miracle of light, while others perceive it as the absurdity that Russia is in the expanse of light.

The identity of the Russian people carried with them the seal of church unity. We feel as one people that the words “Russia”, “Russian civilization”, “patriotism” are not an empty sound for us, no matter how we try to devalue them. For real Russians, huge interests are more important than special interests: “You yourself will perish, your comrades will fight.” To that very fact, “A friend is known in trouble” - as if in trouble your neighbor has hurt you, deprived you - he is not a friend, and he is not the right Russian! The true Russian people never harm their neighbors.

The Russian people now feel like they are part of something greater, even without themselves. You never see yourself again. Satisfying needs is not enough. The Russian will always need a great deal of energy. Without her, life is much better. This is how the Orthodox expression manifests itself about those whose sense of human life is a pose for earthly life, for the Kingdom of God.

Russian culture is fundamentally a communal culture, so it is inspired not by the idea of ​​division, competition, but by the idea of ​​unity. Not the culture is the same, but the culture in which there will be interactions with our neighbors. In the depths of people's souls there is a feeling about those who live not only for themselves, but for others, and the sense of living is in the service of others. Russian people have the power of openness, kindness, good-naturedness towards others, duty to serve and help others. Our psyche has greatly increased in love and compassion, sacrifice and loyalty, solidarity and mutual assistance, perseverance in those who suffer and a humble approach to death. This is the “genetic” memory that has been lost since these hours, since the Russian Orthodox people failed to inherit Christ.

Russian culture will be important on spiritual grounds; material values ​​and the addition of earthly goods are not the main method and sense of life. For the modern Russian people, “poverty is not a vice,” and wealth is temporary, impermanent, and sometimes brings bad news: “If you have plenty of licorice, you have trouble sleeping,” “Without pennies, sleep is precious,” etc. It is important for most Russians to talk about wealth as grief and condemnation. This is in everyday life Gospel ranks : “Do not collect your treasures from the earth, where moths and lives are blamed and where evildoers dig and steal; Take away your treasures from heaven, where no moth, no earth blames, and no evildoers rob or steal; For your belongings, there your heart will be.”(Mt.6: 19-21). We are mandarins on earth, our home is in the spiritual world. And there, in the Kingdom of Heaven, no material wealth is given to a person who does not believe in the Lord and does not approach partin I have no body and blood - it doesn’t matter partin and with God.

Representatives of Russian culture are ruled by moral purity, their deep need to believe in what is important, in goodness, in the nobility, the need to serve what is presented to them. In the spirit of spiritual thoroughness, as it is said in the Gospel: “Be thorough, as your Heavenly Father is thorough”(Mt.6:48). For the Russian world, which corresponds to the decline of civilization, it is characterized by arrogance, otherness, and the importance of spiritual life over bodily life.

Nice portrait of the Viysh, isn’t it? Only the axis of wine is no longer relevant for today, but the Russian skin will come in handy. All other people feel alienated from us, but we ourselves are far from the same.

And it’s not surprising. A culture is acquired by a people if it lives in that culture. And in us the traditional marriage, founded on Orthodoxy, has its foundation a century ago. Of course, the valuable orientations of Christianity did not immediately disappear from life. For another ten years, children have been enrolled in families that preserve a way of life that is rooted in Orthodoxy. Thus, before the Great German War, the marriage came, in which the ideals of Orthodoxy were alive. The main point about those who were the reason for the victory of the Radyansky Union in this terrible war, says historian Sergiy Perevezentsev: “The Russian character is inspired by the Orthodox tradition, since your main enemy is not inside you, but in yourself, because your main enemy is an internal enemy. Overcome the enemy in yourself, either fear, fear, or the devil that is alive in humans - and this is your main battle. If you overcome it, you will overcome the external enemy. Let us know that we have died, we understand that your life will stop for just one second, and yet you will still overcome, because you will overcome the enemy in yourself. Otherwise, the main problem is of a spiritual nature. This is the basis of the Russian feat - spiritual victory, absolute internal freedom and Christian understanding that life on earth At all times it does not play the same role, as long as there is a battle for eternal life. This kind of feat has been taught to our people for centuries, and I am confident that we will preserve it in the same way.”

What is being saved? Since that time, three generations have grown up in the Orthodox root. Only in the last ten years have we begun to rediscover Orthodoxy. Maybe from scratch, because behind our backs there is no generation of women who attended church in their childhood, who could pass on to their children their knowledge of spiritual life. It is not for nothing that our hour should be called post-Christian treasure.

And it’s just a lot of fun. Zreshtoyu, dosvid - on the right it is profitable. And knowledge about faith is now, fortunately, accessible behind the scenes. They would run into

Europe is Protestant

With the beginning of the revolution began the introduction into Russia of advanced civilizational attitudes, current American-European culture, based on Catholic and Protestant statements about God and the world. These are the same cultures that in the Soviet Socialist Republic kept the little ones in the cracks in a “harmful dependence.” The atheistically inclined part of the population recognized this culture as greedily progressive and wounded their noses. And they asked: “Are you still preserving your cultural identity? Then we’ll come to you!”

The first former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation E. Dniprov at the beginning of the 90s directly formulated the task-innovation of the current pro-American reformers: “school can become an instrument for changing the mentality of marriage,” clicked the format of “markets.” culture and market knowledge! Lighting, in a reformist way, is not “one of the main pillars of the new social ideology, which will change the mentality of marriage, a new cultural matrix, which is a significant type of individuality, a type of people.” This is essentially a warm, joyful appeal to encourage children to embrace their national identity, culture, history, and spirituality.

For perhaps three decades now, on our territory and before our eyes, there has been a battle between two civilizations, Russian and foreign, American, European - you call it a massacre, but the essence is the same. And our victory in this spiritual war is no longer visible.

Western civilization grew up on the ground of Catholicism and Protestantism - other denominations of Christianity. And the deep essence of culture at Sunset is revealed in the Catholic and Protestant vision of God, in their religious doctrines.

The Catholic faith, before the adoption by Catholics of the dogma of the Holy Trinity, led to the fact that Catholicism appeared to be richer than Orthodoxy, oriented towards the external, earthly human life. The Catholic lands themselves are home to such cultural phenomena as the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras. Scholasticism was born there, the method by which faith was brought to the stages of knowledge. At the top of Catholicism, a statement was formed about the high importance of a person’s individuality. God never goes to another plane, overrides the interest of people, faith in its boundless possibility and usefulness. People now act as creators, masters of their share, and rulers of the world. Vinik is the cult of universality and independent specialness. This is the origin of humanism.

Protestantism, which emerged in Europe in the first half of the 16th century, countered the opposition to the Roman Catholic Church, continuing the strengthening of people in the sight of God. The key to the faith of the reformers was the idea that the Lord does not give in to people’s affairs. God created people, having already determined the share of everyone - who was destined for salvation, and who was destined for death, and the murder... And people are worried about their earthly problems and solve them independently. This manifestation of a significant world meant the development of civilization in the Sunset.

How can you understand that people have been favored by God and have been blessed? The criterion chosen was the level of success of the person in the marriage, the level of his wealth in advance. Now those who want to save themselves for eternal life have taken up raising capital from earthly life. On this basis, capitalism was formed, which, according to Protestants, could play the role of the Kingdom of God on earth. Everything has developed into a hedonistic civilization oriented toward endless cohabitation.

Everyone wants to reach the number of victims, so people begin to deny earthly success by using other means. And here is one of the roots of individualism, which has already become a calling card of European culture. Protestants fight alone, Orthodox Christians fight against the Church of Christ.

Almost all Protestants insisted on the fact that the order of the soul is possible without any special faith. This means that a person can betray his soul with powerful voices. Here is another reason for the atomization of modern European culture, the absence of human beings there that are still preserved in Russia.

Such realities of modern marriage, such as democracy, liberal values, tolerance, human rights, are also based on the influences of Catholicism and Protestantism. If one yearns for “paradise” on earth, even if one’s “first neighbor” were to desire it, the religious underpinnings of the European marriage turned out to be impressive. Religion, perhaps as “lightened” as among Protestants, evokes in people the tension of internal forces and self-denial. And in marriage, self-denial became a vile tone. Step by step and incomparably, sin ceased to be evil, and the sinful life began to be taken over by the virtuous. The Europeans were in trouble; they had atrophied that organ that is indicative of divine worship. -obov'yazki, don't-believe anything."

Our great civilization lived from 1.5 to 2 thousand years ago. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Babylon, Mayan Indians, Aztec tribes. The collapse of civilization follows one and the same scenario: the achievement of material prosperity, the beginning of great cataclysms and the appearance of barbarians. European civilization has already absorbed the fate of 2015 since the birth of Christ, turning, in essence, into Christ. We are now anticipating the “Decline of Europe”, which, according to the forecast of the German philosopher Oswald Spengler, which he made at the beginning of the 20th century, will occur in 2018. Global historical process change civilization and go your own way.

“Perebudova” in Russia set one of its main goals to change the traditional cultural paradigm to a new one. There is no need to describe the results, the stench is noticeable to the skin of those who are sick. It has now become entirely clear that if we are destroying the foundation on which our civilization stands, we will be destroying Russia. And to protest against the teaching of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” at school means to come to terms with the fact that Russia will soon become a number of peripheral European powers that “do not reach” the liberal-democratic ideal. Instead of valuing your power and deep culture, the natural and wholesome culture of a healthy human being.

However, this is not the worst result for Russia once we have lost our cultural identity, which is based on Orthodox faith. “That’s just the order, the order is in front.”

Beyond the World's expansion of Islam

Europe is already giving in to Muslims. The number of adherents of Islam in European countries reached 6-8% even before the arrival of migrants from the countries of the Middle East, which is intensively followed by the same fate. In addition, the popularity of the middle class of Muslims in some cases exceeds the popularity of Europe. Integration of Muslims, apparently in 2-3 generations, is not observed in European culture. Danish psychologist Mikola Sennels, having taken this problem into account, asked: « Is it possible to integrate people of Muslim origin until their final marriage?” strongly suggests “no”: “The psychological explanation is really simple. Muslim culture is fundamentally worse than massacre. This means that Muslims need to recognize major changes in their identity and values ​​in order to effectively accept the values ​​of their marriage. The change of basic structures in one particularity is a complex psychological and emotional process. Obviously, very few Muslims feel motivated to complete it.”. Muslims have no intention of integrating; they want to preserve their cultural identity. It’s good to go for testing, we’ll carry it out in 2013. Berlin Center for Sociology mid 12 th. migrants in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria and Sweden, two-thirds of Muslims in Europe place religious orders above the laws of the countries in which they live. According to current forecasts, the number of Muslims in Europe will approach 50 hundred people by 2030. As confirmed by Mikhailo Delyagin, director of the Institute for Problems of Globalization, the United States of America plans to create an Islamic caliphate (power) on the territory of Europe by 2030. Such a brief stance is relevant to the world’s suspenseful political space.

Every religion these days does not receive such respect and does not shout as much as Islam. It can be called the most powerful and life-giving religion of reality. Every other religion does not have such a large number of believers who passionately and self-sacrifice their faith. Islam is seen by them as the basis of life and the world of all speeches. The simplicity and inconsistency of the foundations of this religion, the clarity of the date of the whole world and the understanding of the picture of the world, the prosperity and the establishment of the world - all in all, we will add Islam for new followers iv. Regardless of the great number of different currents in Islam, among all Muslims there is a constant belief about belonging to a single community of people united by a strong faith, sacred traditions and hidden interests in the current world.

The dogma of Islam is simple. A Muslim must firmly believe that there is only one God - Allah. Allah is of absolute value, and everything is superior in relation to people.

Islam does not know the grace of God, which is given by the Holy Spirit, for such help Orthodox Lyudina You can fight against sins and demonstrate the full obedience of God. Vіn knows the way to say “nі” calmly, as an Orthodox ascetic does. Well, calm down and be physically excluded from human life. What is characteristic of Islam is the non-normative regulation of all human life - starting from the people until death. This regulation is based on the additional Shariah (“the proper way”) - the establishment of norms of morality, law, and cultural orders that signify all the lives of a Muslim. The individual and family life of believing Muslims, and all married life, politics, legal issues, court, cultural way of life - everything is still subject to entire religious laws. Islam for Muslims is not just a religion, but a different way of life.

It is customary for “neighbors” in Islam to respect only those of the same faith - in contrast to Orthodoxy, where this concept is extended to everyone who requires help, no matter what the stink may be. The reason for this importance is that Islam does not know the living idea of ​​Godliness, which reminds the wishes of God and people with true warmth and love. All those who follow other religions are infidels for a Muslim (they call themselves devout). The tradition of Islam has a strong sense of intolerance towards infidels. Under Islamic law, non-Muslims are not citizens with rights in Islamic countries, as the indigenous inhabitants of these countries are. An Islamic power may discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims. Sharia still guarantees wrongdoers the formation of rights, in exchange for which they do not have the right to be awarded to the ruling power, as long as they do not support its ideology. True, an infidel can become a full-fledged citizen - if he accepts Islam, at the same time using the Muslim way of life (wealth, lawless wives, five times prayer, etc.). Otherwise, if there is no return, wickedness is punishable by death according to Islam.

In Europe, where traditional religions - Catholicism and Protestantism, are weakening and changing to postmodern ideology, the implementation of the strongly fragmented Sharia concept of creating a "Worldwide Islamic" is already beginning caliphate". A significant part of the author of the billions of Muslims shares the position of the Egyptian mullah Salem Abu al-Fut: “Nation of Islam” will turn around and gain new positions, no matter what, no crisis, no matter the danger of Sunset . You can't go out of your way. In due course, Allah will destroy the Byzantine Empire, destroy Persian, and Allah will also destroy Zahid. This is an unambiguous arrangement. Islam will not only conquer the lands of Zakhod, but the stench will definitely be Islamic...” “The decline of Europe” has already begun.

Islam in Russia

The age of Russian civilization is close to a thousand times. Another 500 - 1000 rocks would not be enough in our stock. As soon as the people leave their Orthodox roots, the acceptance of post-Christian European values ​​will work for us and contribute to the Islamic civilization, which is actively expanding.

The processes of Islamization of the population have already been launched in Russia “on an industrial scale.” The expansion of Muslims to Russia has been going on for a long time, and the areas and areas of residence are clearly chosen at random. Their numbers are growing, for example, in the Khanti-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, part of the Tyumen region, which accounts for more than half of all naphtha production in Russia. There, they are wary of the mass acceptance of radical Islam by Russian students and middle-class students. Monk John (Izyaslav Oleksandrovich Adlivankin), a leading priest of Dushepikluysky, has been dealing with this problem for more than 10 years. Orthodox Center Saint John of Kronstadt. Below are a number of quotes from my analytical research. It’s really good to honor these dads, who care that it’s not a burden for their children to know the basics of Orthodox culture.

The author’s expert assessment: the number of the Islamic population and immigrants from the Caucasus in one place is 20-25 hundred thousand, compared to the number of Muslims in the world, and in the urban area – about 40%... Analogues The statistics are clear in the region.

« History shows that the Islamization of a country begins when there are a significant number of Muslims, and they begin to assert their religious rights and privileges. And if a politically correct, tolerant and culturally diverse community begins to follow the lead of Muslims in their favor, other trends begin to appear.

When reaching 2-5% of the population, Muslims begin to engage in proselytism among marginalized communities, ethnic minorities, and Muslims.

When the stench reaches 5%, it begins to spill over into the socio-cultural atmosphere in proportion to its 100% share in the marriage. And they themselves: they are beginning to introduce the concept of “halal”, to create and sell products for Muslims, thereby to secure work places for themselves, to organize trade routes, restaurants “for their own”, cultural centers. At this stage, the stench also develops in contact with power structures, trying to negotiate with the most sympathetic minds until the end of Shariah norms».

Once the Muslim population reaches 10%, they begin to resort to illegal methods of achieving their privileges.

When we reach 20% of the local population, we are preparing for the beginning of Islamic raids on the streets, jihadist patrols, and the burning of churches and synagogues.

After a 40% surplus, people may become victims of periodic terrorism. If there are more Muslims - over 60%, the population - non-Muslims - will begin to experience re-examination, persecution, ethnic cleansing, their rights will be reduced, they will begin to pay additional taxes, and all will be legally bound by Shariah provisions.

When 80% is reached, the power is already in control of Muslims, Christians and other religious minorities will be aware of regular abuses, violence, and purges sanctioned by the power are being carried out in order to expel the “infidels” from the country. “Or I will primus them until they accept Islam.

And if the methods of reversing history bear fruit, the country will move closer to becoming 100% Islamic, and it will become “Dar-al-Islam” (budinok, land of Islam). “Today, as Muslims believe, they will have a new light, and all of them will become Muslims, the madrasah will become a single foundation, and the Koran will become a single scripture and ritual until the day is over.”

Three more years ago, in the middle educational places of Ugra, which I have seen, I was aware of the song of continuity - a completely natural continuity of different mentalities and cultures, but in the rest of the river or two - there may be none. Not to the one who lacks anything, but to the one who has already sufficiently defined the status quo. Nowadays it is already possible to confirm: definitely for the measles of the Slovenian and Russian population. I’ll add: let’s talk about the world of children and children.”

“Pillow’s “disputes” on religion, as a rule, end in another fiasco for Russians who know little about their faith and culture. It is no less true that the post-Soviet indifference to religious issues plays its role, but it is not customary among believing Orthodox Christians to bring their internal conflicts to external discussions, to the submission of representatives to Islam. His young followers do not delve into any theological knowledge, but rather tinker with the terminology of their reactionary polemics, which in various ways inserted anti-Christian phrases and concepts into their fragile minds. . In specific minds, everything takes on a completely ethnic meaning. Even today, among the majority of Islamic followers, the concept of “Russian” is completely synonymous with “Orthodox” and “Christian”. This is the classic hatred of Islamic radicals. Naturally, those Russian and Slovenian subordinates who were brutalized before Islam - radical, in the absolute majority of cases - are especially susceptible to aggression.”

“The processes that are going on are part of the global struggle. This is a tactic that has been practiced by thousands of people: the Janichari were, apparently, the children of Orthodox Greeks and Slavs raised in Islam. It is possible, without any metaphor, to confirm that in the quiet, “orderly” places of Siberia there are already tens of hundreds of such “Janichars” - young people from Russian families who accepted radical Islam and many of their ardent ones. nephews and around the native land. Their number is inevitably increasing, since the political stakes themselves have been made on them...”

“Today’s young people, who have endured endless violence from television screens, are deprived of the respect of their relatives and the well-honed unreasonable ones, need support, POWER. And this “power” primarily comes from the clouded evidence of such pranksters in Islam: aggressive selfhood, multiplied by a sacred idea and group encouragement, may be the ideal option. Still, it is not Islam, not the religion that gave light to the great culture with its doctors, architects, mystics and mystics. It’s not about faith, but about self-denial. Young people identify themselves in these minds as members of gangs - and as a result, they often emerge.”

“A special role is played today by the obviously active mechanisms of “tolerance” and “liberalism”, which are exported in all possible ways to the knowledge of the younger generation. Liberalism, which stands for the people's right to make independent choices, leads today's young people to a position that fatally lowers the suspense-power institution of attack and conscription. And the model of “tolerance”, which reaches this point, expands this right to everything, to those who, in a reasonable civilized marriage, have no such right in principle. Forming all this aplomb of a young person ready to be “exclusive” in religion.

And to infuse the modern traditions of the traditional family world with “juvenile justice”, which is an organic part of the package of liberal values, - a provocative rebellion of children against their fathers, transforming it as a result into a rebellion about these religious traditions. And this new “culture of mutual generations” creates a new ontological basis – a religious basis. Our hour has stopped everything: initially religion shaped culture, and now culture molded religion. Wahhabism, as well as many other inadequate forms of religiosity, are completely satisfactory in this regard.”

“The prospect of social claims of mass migrants has been entirely predicted, so is there any other way to overcome these religious views, which are fundamental to the prevailing Islamic movements. We can talk about two global and offensive stench “parts of one”: the creation of the Islamic caliphate and the protection of good Muslims from living on the territory of a non-Islamic power. The implementation of the first in the form of Wahhabism is already known to us, and the other, in its current interpretation, simply conveys the Swedish Islamization of living spaces that have opened up again.”

It’s all happening, not here, far away, and not at the hour of tomorrow, but here and now. U current Russia Centers are being formed, including the upcoming Islamization of the state. You sing, why aren’t you bothered? What about your children? Do you still want to talk tolerantly about migrants' rights in the European way?

Monk John writes: “I don’t dare to introduce other places for global nutrition here. But this is impossible, I understand well - the situation is a dead end. Then, perhaps, we can highlight other potentials and realize that Russia is an Orthodox land, how do representatives of Islam always remember their faith?!”

And at this hour in our schools...

“Osvita” is a term that is similar to the word “image”. Image of God. The goal of human life is to awaken in oneself the image of God, to become like (as much as possible) the Lord. As Saint Basil the Great wrote: “Our world is a school of intelligent souls.” School learning shapes a person’s thoughts.

The remaining ten years of Russia became part of the Sunset. We throw in our traditional values ​​in order to cover all areas of life in a positive way. The reform was especially important for the educated children and young people. The establishment of rights became more important than the establishment of obligations. Multiculturalism and tolerance became important and friendly. Leadership growth, planting competitive type On the other hand, it was not turbos and mercy that brought about the world. Mutualism was replaced by co-habitants, the feeling of being united with one’s own people was reduced to self-sufficiency, collectivism was replaced by individualism, patriotism was considered a relic of the “soviet” movement...

The system of Radian lighting - which, although we do not remember, was recognized most of all in the world - is being adjusted to the current standards. Vitchiznanyan Obvyta, with yogo Bagatovsky traditional lecyclopedism of that fundamental, to be overwhelmed by the approval, at the PIDGOTOTISTRY OF ABOSED VUZTIKOVEL, ABOM COMPLIGH “KALIFIKOVANYASHICHIV”. The axis of the document, which signifies the strategy of reform of Russian lighting: it is recommended to establish “minimal standards of commonwealth”, which are reduced to “the requirements of correct reading of maps, explained by foreign language, correct filling of tax declarations”, “love of Russian mysticism and literature, as well as tolerance of other social them group.”

The reform of education dealt a strong blow to the historical and cultural strength of the Russian school, resulting in a deformation of historical memory and Russian identity, a change in the Russian mentality and change and on the basis of information. The sharp decline in awareness of these jaundices - under the guise of this advancement - has led (it has already led, look around!) to the stupefaction of the cultural-psychological acceptance of youth, the formation of the “clever”, “fragmented” myslenya, at the edge of a narrow glance at life, oriented towards the rest of the world and hope for success. As a result, the number of people who can think analytically and think on a large scale is rapidly disappearing, and thus the level of understanding the interests of the state will rise even more. It is easy for such people to be in the minds of the current information war. Marvel at the Ukrainians, who have surpassed us in the reform of education - how easy it was for them to “fool their brains.”

As the leading ideologist of current Russian school policy said: “The skin of a person has the right to such illumination, as long as it is possible to ensure the existence of the ruling moral code.”. The world has already passed by at the entrance. І denied the marriage of legalized bearded girls, legalized soft drugs, which legally pay the taxes of public booths, legalized euthanasia, legalized “families” from three fathers and other rules of the “free” that one

Now, if international tensions flare up, we need to revive nationally oriented education, such schools, which would formulate the representatives of Russian culture, patriots of our time, creators of our Yiysk civilization. Moreover, it is necessary to use the term “the point of uncertainty”; if it has not yet been passed, then it is very close. The Russian world is threatened by the insecurity of “pre-stroke” implementation. Our civilization, weakened by the acceptance of European liberal values, based on the doctrine of “human rights,” will be swallowed up by the civilization of Islam, which is actively expanding its influx. Only a power that is built on the basis of our traditional Orthodox culture, a power whose ideology values ​​Christian moral values, can resist this expansion. However, Orthodoxy needs to be taught to both children and adults, and not as a cultural, but as a scientific discipline, as it should be for everyone, no matter what. Only in this way can we ensure the high spiritual and intellectual potential of our people, which is necessary for the mental development of the nation.

Alas, it’s a pity that you didn’t see it. And in us secularism, religion is strengthened as a power, human rights are being violated... Well, well... Let's stock up on popcorn.

Galina Russo , candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, catechist

Why did His Holiness Patriarch Kirill say that the introduction of a new elementary subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” into schools is of utmost importance for Russian education? - Because the current crisis of the World is experiencing not only a protracted reform in the country, but also a deep spiritual and moral crisis.

The school itself (directors, teachers) talk about this crisis in no way: it’s all the same to criticize your power and spiritual work. On the other hand, we don’t want to sue our dear, suffering school. There are so many problems! If we take the problems of finance, we can bring to mind the new development that is gradually settling down, the wave of various new additions to the school...

The uninterrupted reform of schools can be compared with the uninterrupted relocations. Understand the situation: a family (either an organization or an enterprise) has been on the move for two dozen years. Don’t be able to settle down, get in control, get over yourself, as it already seems: be gentle, you need to move again... Aside from reforms - inevitably, the school doesn’t choose them. Therefore, it is critical to discuss reform school coverage It’s just as unproductive as you convince yourself that you don’t accept the increased intensity of school lighting. And the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren depends not so much on the Minister of Education A.A. Fursenko, but on the school itself: from the director, from the teacher. Here I would like to remind you again of the words of the Holy Patriarch Kiril that the introduction of the subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” before school is of the greatest importance for Russian education.

What are the problems of laying down the foundations of Orthodox culture in schools?
The axis is short and has a splinter shape.

1. Lack of information among fathers about their right to choose the required module of the complex course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (ORCSE). Most fathers do not know about the meta and teaching of the subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” (OPC). We readily recommend the “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”, at the extreme - the so-called “Fundamentals of Secular Religions”. Well, most often there is a situation that can be described as “choice without choice.”

2. Unsatisfactory training for readers of the complex course of ORKSE, and also for readers of the military-industrial complex. Preparations took place at incredible speed, often formally, without understanding the specifics of the objects (the so-called modules) of the new world.

3. Problems with the financing of ORKSE: the presence of overdue payments to teachers for conducting lessons in ORKSE, including in the defense industry. Schools have to deal with restructuring and optimization of their financial capabilities, so that we can withdraw from foreign financing.

4. Dire shortage of “years”. For the purpose of shortening any items, should the trace be sent to ORKSE? Formulated with such a method of nutrition, anyone can be trained against studying at the school of the fundamentals of religious culture. To strengthen the anti-religious position, it appears that schoolchildren are so interested in subjects and lessons.

5. A small number of the class were recruited by the military-industrial complex. If, for example, every class has two_three such children, and at school there are ten_fifteen, then it is simpler to enroll them in the “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”, rather than deal with the problem of the subgroup of students, the jokes of a teacher from the military-industrial complex, a place to occupy too bad.

6. Availability of spaces for the adjacent insertion of ORKSE modules. The “exit” is the same - enroll all children in “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”, and thus do not require additional accommodation to take part in the “small number” module.

7. There is a shortage or a lack of initial-methodical aids from the ORKSE, including the defense industry, for those who have chosen the same basic subject(Module).

However, all these problems are not insurmountable: over 20 years of painstaking reform, the Russian school has amassed such a wealth of evidence from the difficulties that it sometimes seems that the main problem of our school is to solve difficulties, and not to ignore them. Have a good life and give some good knowledge.

All the problems that have been dealt with can only be solved in one mind - as the school will establish a regime of the greatest hostility for the study of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.”

Apparently, everything on the right is realized in singing minds: even friendly, friendly, not very friendly, unfriendly, even unfriendly. For the military-industrial complex, the school has formed a regime of the greatest hostility.

Why and how did this situation arise? - In my opinion, the main problem of introducing a comprehensive ORKSE course to school is aimed at counteracting the normal introduction of the defense industry complex (within the framework of a designated comprehensive course) on the side of opponents of the foundations of Orthodox culture.

In what and how did this antidote appear?
Opponents of the introduction of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” to school, at the beginning of testing the comprehensive ORKSE course, threatened the experiment with risks.
The first battle against them was formulated as follows:
“The clergy will come before school!” And so, according to opponents of the adoption of Orthodox culture from schoolchildren, “it would be a direct violation of the Constitution of Russia.” With this, the evil one was afraid of sending a message to the Constitution:
“Article 14 of the Basic Law of our land states that religious strengthening of the state is equal before the law. State and municipal secondary schools may employ individuals who have special pedagogical and professional training, on a permanent basis engaged in schoolchildren's skills and education. The arrival of clergy to state and municipal schools is prohibited by the provisions of the Constitution of Russia, as well as by the general norms of professional and pedagogical activity" (“Book for Fathers.” M.: “Osvita”, 2010 . P. 5).
What is the untruth and deceit of this “fight”? - The rather broadened, tarnished Constitution of Russia.

A.Ya. Danilyuk, the editor of the cited “Book for Fathers,” states: “The arrival of the state and municipal schools of clergy is included in the provisions of the Constitution.” If you want to read the entire text of the Constitution yourself Russian Federation, Such words cannot be found there. You won’t find them there for a simple reason - they are not in the Basic Law of our region and cannot be.

Why? - the proof is given by paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution itself: “The State guarantees the equality of rights and freedom of the individual and the citizen regardless of status, race, nationality, language, descent, town and city, place of residence , put before religion, perekonan, trust before huge associations and other situations. Any form of deprivation of the rights of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, political or religious power is being defended.”

“Everyone is equal before the law” (clause 1, article 19). This means that the affirmation of A.Ya. Danilyuk, which the fathers cry out to them that “the clergy will come before school!”, is of an unconstitutional nature. Clause 2 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state guarantees the equality of rights and freedom of people, regardless of the “posad status”, “religion, conversion”, and other reasons.
A.Ya.Danilyuk, perhaps, will insure that those who are busy with their own problems will not check his message to the Constitution, but take his word for it. Perhaps, the author also hopes for those who still retain in the minds of rich readers and fathers the concept that has lost its legal force - “the school is strengthened by the Church.” The orderly legislation of Russia does not have such a situation. Well, the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not mean the arrival of a clergyman before school, but the anti-church firmness of the “Book of Fathers”.

Opponents of the military-industrial complex quite broadly tarnish Clause 5 of Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Lighting”: “In state and municipal lighting installations, bodies that manage the field of lighting, creation and action There are organizational structures of political parties, suspense-political and religious movements and organizations (unification) are not allowed.”

What is not allowed by the Law “On Lighting”? - The creation and activity of organizational structures, moreover, not only of religious entities, but first of all of political parties. In other words, paragraph 5 of Article 1 of the Law “On Lighting” protects the development of activities, for example, the division of any political party or any religious association with everything necessary for their functions New plantings and installations.
The arrival of a clergyman before school is not protected by either the Constitution of the Russian Federation or the Law “On Lighting”. As for the regular teaching of any subject at school by a clergyman, education and the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture,” there are no legislative barriers. Moreover, since a clergyman or another representative of the Church has a high qualification category and training, then he is prohibited from contributing to the school and directly violating the Constitution of Russia.

If you remember the 14th article of the Constitution of Russia, on which the “Book for Fathers” is written, then you should not forget the 28th article of the Basic Law of our land: Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to speak Study individually or together with others, regardless of religion or In accordance with this, it is important to expand religious and other activities similar to them.”

It is important to note that this article of the Constitution has no restrictions that it does not extend to state and municipal lighting installations, or to schools. It’s no coincidence that the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev on June 21, 2009 at the famous meeting with the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kiril and the leaders of Muslims, Jews and Buddhists iv (on which the principle of the decision was made to introduce subjects with spirituality into the Russian school moral culture) collectively referring to the 14th and 28th articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

One of the principles of government policy in Galusia is “the protection and development of the system of education of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and peculiarities” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (clause 2 of Article 2). Orthodoxy, as we say, the Law of the Russian Federation ї " About freedom of conscience and about religious communion" (1997), plays "a special role in the history of Russia, in the established spirituality and culture." glorious culture of the peoples of Russia at the school it is necessary to learn the foundations of Orthodox culture.

But opponents of Orthodox culture are afraid of the revival of the historically priority position of the Orthodox Church in Russia and do not want to mark the evidence of official legislation about the special role of Orthodoxy. Russian history and culture.

Another important principle of the government’s policy in lighting is “freedom and pluralism of lighting” (Law of the Russian Federation “On lighting”, clause 5 of article 2). Why can we talk about freedom of education if Father’s schoolchildren say that “the clergy can come to school”?! (It turns out that freedom and pluralism are only for atheists?)

What's so bad for a school that an Orthodox priest would come to a defense-industrial complex lesson before school? - It’s not scary that you should teach children about the pranks of their fathers, start them to tell their readers again, avoid dirty words, explain the meaning of the word “sacred” in the Sovereign Anthem of Russia or in The song “Holy War”, as well as the news about Is the church-state holy? Why should school be afraid?

Another “fight” against opponents of Orthodox culture at the school: “Why shouldn’t this course be changed to direct propaganda of Orthodoxy?” (“Radyansky Siberia.” No. 217 dated November 17, 2011).

I have the utmost respect for those who are talking about it. The newspaper is going to talk not about the defense-industrial complex module, but about the entire comprehensive ORKSE course! The fear of opponents of the spread of Orthodox culture in front of the propaganda of Orthodoxy outweighs all reasons for the benefit of the comprehensive course of the ORCSE. And so as not to “risk it”, they are already ready to take part in the entire comprehensive course of the ORCSE!

What do the words “propaganda of Orthodoxy” mean? - This word is based on hours of open persecution against the Russian Orthodox Church and on believers, if M.S. The Khrushchevs were tasked with conquering religion from the USSR. Having voted against plans to encourage communism, this atheist declared: “We will not accept religion in communism!” And in order to confirm his plans, he promised to show “the remaining Radyan priest on the TV station.”

Khrushchev voiced his war-atheistic plans to the whole world - and he was suddenly released from power. And until the end of the 20th century, as a symbol of the revival of the Orthodox culture of Russia, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was erected in Moscow!

Last year, when the Athonite Chens brought the Belt of the Virgin Mary to Russia, over three million people rushed to this great Christian shrine. Skoda, what A.Ya. Danilyuk, the author of “A Book for the Fathers”, without knowing the Muscovites who stood in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior: what stinks do they fear that their children and grandchildren would learn at the school “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”?
It also begs the following question: “Although millions of Orthodox fathers, who already brought their children to the Orthodox faith and culture through Holy Baptism, they themselves did not make their own bright choice and did not know what kind of living Do you want to guide your children with a lie? Provide food at any of the father’s school gatherings: “Who of the father’s baptized their children?” – Wash your hands. Then give them the following question: “Would the fathers want you to raise your hand so that their baptized children would learn the subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” at school?”

If the father’s gatherings are held in such a manner, then the hundreds of fathers who have collected the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” will be incomparably greater at once. And there is no need to tinker with the input of the mechanism for selecting the ORKSE module. Moreover, if the school is so committed to the clear choice of fathers, then Protocol No. 1 from the 1st fall of 1998 to the Convention for the Sake of Europe “On the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms” will be truly implemented, Article 2 of which:
“No one can be granted the right to light. The Power, in carrying out any functions that it undertakes in the context of enlightenment and education, respects the right of its fathers to ensure such enlightenment and education as is consistent with their religions and philosophical reconsiderations.”

Opponents of the adoption of Orthodox culture at school argue against religion like the Fathers (div. “A Book for the Fathers”), and the readers of the complex course of ORKSE. On the first page of the introduction to the “Book for the Reader” there is an attack against religion: “Religion in its many aspects does not form the basis of natural knowledge and should not be interpreted as a science” (“Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secularism” "Ethics. A book for the teacher. Grades 4–5" ) .M.: “Osvita”, 2010). Since the hour of persecution of faith, the Church and the religious order of the “Books for the Reader” have drawn the mossy dogma of military atheism: “Science is against religion.”
Religion does not support atheistic interpretations of what is still unknown to science (problems of cosmogony, zoogenesis and anthropogenesis). Religion does not agree with the representatives of the so-called “scientific atheism”, as they respect that only they have a single true materialistic view. If you want to instill in the reader that religion is the best thing to teach science, then you should continue to fight against religion, declaring to yourselves that it means freedom of religion.

On page 8 of the “Book for the Reader” there is another attack against religion: “...religion can have a destructive potential, since religious activity is directed against the foundations of married life, accepted order both normal and also against the physical and mental health of a person.”

A great description is given to religion! Who on earth would want to contribute to the ambushes of religious culture?! It is important to note that the structure of the “Book for the Reader” is clearly influenced by one thing – it is not religion that is destructive, but sectarian and terrorist pseudo-religious movements and currents.

Quotations from “A Book for the Fathers”, “A Book for the Reader” and the introduction of such a phrase as “propaganda of Orthodoxy” into the huge debate about the testing of ORKSE - this can be seen from the fact that there may be a direct antidote to rebirth Orthodox culture of Russia.

The school fights (can fight!) against drugs, against drug propaganda, against crime, against violence propaganda. And the newspaper “Radyansky Sibir” is being taken over by “Orthodox propaganda.” Here one quickly recognizes another dogma of the war atheists that scourges religion: “Religion is the opium of the people.” For the past 70 years, the USSR has been fighting against religion - real opium has penetrated into our country, into schools, into everyday life, and on such a scale that it is important to equalize the whole.

It’s worth remembering what the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko said about the vestments associated with the advancement of ORKSE at the 19th International Educational Readings (25 June 2011): “ This course is still being actively discussed. Having said a lot about this today, Yogo Holiness. In fact, we often talk about the vestments that are laid down in this course. We talk a lot more often about those vestiges that appear, as if there was no such course, and even in reality the vestiges are definitely not smaller, but greater.”

What are the steps that are taken into account by the lighting management bodies and directors outside of the city lighting installations“to understand the meaning of “poboyuvan” and “rizikov” during the testing of ORKSE”? - Vigilant control over the development of the “secular character of illumination”!

Who has this control?
- clergy not allowed to go to school; the fact that the comparison between readers of the foundations of Orthodox culture and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church has a rather symbolic, less constructive character; There are still no methodical data on the defense-industrial complex (all obvious methods of compilation are only for all six modules at once, and therefore there is no need for a thorough analysis of the defense-industrial complex).
- in fact, there is a free choice of the subject (module) of the military-industrial complex by fathers (legal representatives) and students.
– The one who explains the work of mass information is carried out “through one gate” – for the benefit of secular ethics.
This is how a regime of the greatest hostility was formed to promote education to the school of “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.”

And at that time, when tension and anxiety associated with the spiritual and moral crisis of all humanity, appear more and more often in school. We are threatening the mass exodus of children from the computer light, and the appearance of live gatherings with loved ones. Please trust children to the information included in social measures allows you to manipulate their information. The school is committed to providing “high-quality services.” Through the war, the traditional Russian image of the school as a nursery of enlightenment and spiritual and moral education is being lost.

Who can contribute to the subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”? - That teacher who has completed course training and (or) retraining for APKIPPRO and NIPKIPRO, as well as having received a recommendation from a particular centralized religious organization in the region.

In support of this principle, the Interreligious Council of Russia, established in 1998, acted in support of this principle. huge organ, which will host representatives of four religious traditions of Russia - Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. The Interreligious Rada of Russia recognized the importance of giving centralized religious organizations the opportunity to recommend students of elementary courses, subjects, disciplines of a religious-cognitive nature.

U Novosibirsk region The centralized religious organization of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Novosibirsk Diocese. Also, for a thorough introduction of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in schools of the Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, the teacher of the military-industrial complex needs a recommendation from the Novosibirsk Diocese.

The practice of recommending the reservation of the emergency, the subject of the Vikldati objects of the relay-pіcalious character, Masza at the Bathah-Voropic regions, and the set, in Nimuccini. And therefore, neither Germany itself nor sovereign system The established lands have not lost their secular character. We, in Russia, have a common practice of recommending from the side of a religious organization to a reader who wants and is preparing to contribute to the military-industrial complex, which is a relic of the ideological panorama of atheism in the system of illegal education.

The education of schoolchildren has a significant impact on the eyes of their readers, their spiritual and moral level and patriotic mood. The younger the child, the greater responsibility lies with the teacher. A course of spiritual and moral awareness is necessary for us as educators, in order to look at the actions of speech with a transformed look and think about the correctness of our judgments and actions. And “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” is not required similar work above yourself. Because “individual ethics”, according to the honorary authorities of “Books for the Reader”, “in immediate marriage is reinforced by religion” (P. 16), and people can “formulate a powerful scale of moral values ​​and priorities” (P. 215).
In accordance with the new order of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the basic course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics” in 2012, the organization of work from the introduction to school of a new elementary subject “Essentials” “new Orthodox culture” in the Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region needs to be fully developed.

What is needed for:
- Provide the fathers with a free choice of the defense industry,
- provide readers with good methodological material, and students with basic aids,
- organize information and methodical support for the development of the defense industry,
- improve the organization of the work of the lighting installations themselves, which contributes to the defense industry,
- create a friendly mind for the successful implementation of the well-chosen primary subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in the school curriculum.

So far, unfortunately, there are no sympathetic minds for the implementation of the rights of Orthodox fathers to fully instill in their children the foundations of Orthodox culture in foreign countries.

What word can be used to characterize the regime of hostility for the selection and teaching of “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in school?

More precisely, the word was found in “Schodenniki” by the writer M.M. Prishvin for 1918–1919: not known!

“Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” as a basic subject in school is not recognized at all!

Chi does not defend itself. Chi is not oblique. But it’s simple - you don’t know!
“Fundamentals of secular ethics” and “Fundamentals of secular religious cultures” are recognized, but “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” are not recognized.

The service of a teacher is associated with great responsibility. Acting teachers feel their responsibility before God for entrusting them with the education and training of children. Those who are not given anything - feel their responsibility before the current history and future Russia. But, unfortunately, there are such teachers who clearly reinforce learning after learning: they alternate between passing on more knowledge to the students. The crisis of the Russian system of education will become irreversible, since the most important part of Russian readers is placed in the third category.

The Russian Orthodox Church is doing its best to help the Russian school get out of the crisis, but, unfortunately, the anti-religious “secular principle” of illuminating how important weights on the legs does not allow the school to collapse in the face of spiritual and moral healing and transformation. It is necessary to regulate the church-state relations in the sphere of enlightenment, education - more precisely, the identification of areas of subordination of the parties in the case of high organizational, management and replacement tasks in case of contamination of the military-industrial complex and distribution of the computer relations between interested parties.

On the 17th of June 2012 the river will be fulfilled, as signed by the Agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Light, Science and Innovation Policy of the Novosibirsk Region and the Novosibirsk Diocese of Russia The Russian Orthodox Church in the sphere of education and spiritual and moral education of children and young people of the Novosibirsk region. There are also provisions for the improvement of the efficiency of testing the defense industrial complex. Unfortunately, this document is no longer visible to most schools and readers.

In the meantime, the atheistic “secular ethics” is rampant at school. What is “secular ethics”?

The handbook “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” for grades 4–5 (M.: “Osvita”, 2010) states: “Secular ethics admits that people themselves can determine what is good and what is evil” (Lesson 2. p. 7).
His Holiness Patriarch Kiril, in his Nine Day Message, said:

“Today’s headaches are tested not in the material, but in the spiritual realm. Those insecurities that lie on the physical plane cause harm to bodily well-being and comfort. While complicating the material side of life, the stench is now not giving rise to an underlying harm to spiritual life. The spiritual world itself reveals the most important and most serious luminous cry of our hour. Tsey viklik directives for poverty moral sense, placed in our soul by God. Today's people are trying to convince themselves that they and only others have measured the truth, that each person has his own truth and the person himself determines what is good and what is evil. Divine truth, and therefore, based on this Truth, the difference between good and evil, can be replaced by moral liberality and permissiveness, which ruin the souls of people, and reduce their eternal life. As natural disasters and military actions transform into the ruins of externally controlled life, then moral relativism rises up in the conscience of people, causing them to become spiritually disabled, contradicting and breaking Divine laws “The connection between creation and the Creator.”

In conclusion, I would like to confirm that the anniversary of the 20th International Day of Religion Reading in Moscow, dedicated to the theme “Enlightenment and morality: the revolution of the Church, the commonwealth and the powers”, will be accepted a number of problems associated with the implementation of the school subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”. A thorough presentation of the foundations of Orthodox culture in the Russian school, as Holy Patriarch Kirill said, is of great importance for the share of Christian education and directly addresses the interests of millions fathers and their children.

Total sample size: 1800 respondents.

The totality has been determined: the economically active population of Russia has been 18 years old and more.

Feeding: Do you praise the introduction of the new subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in Russian schools?

Comments from respondents:

So, within the framework of the obligatory language program

"The secularism of the power conveys to us the failure of the Church to be handed over to the government of the Power, that is, the authorities. Until illumination, so that the truth is known, is of no significance. Under such a drive, history and the Russian writer can not be taught tur, biology, chemistry, etc. It’s not an absurd proof about those who cannot have a religion in a secular state?

“From our life, the Russian cob is increasingly coming out. Our people often replace the Russian “Wow” with the American “Wow”. We have only one Great Theater, the oldest in all of America! The Russian spirit lives on, and the stronghold of that is Orthodoxy 'I! !!"

“It’s high time - Orthodoxy deserves to be given respect and deep learning. Why wasn’t it introduced earlier?”

"The whole history of Russia is connected with the fact that she was Orthodox. Boris, Glib, Dmitro Donsky, Alexander Nevsky, Sergius Radonezky, Ushakov are other Russian saints. Russian literature, culture, painting are based on people, vihovani from Orthodoxy This gives us the knowledge that we are allowed to understand the culture of the Russian TITLE people not superficially!

"Orthodoxy is the basis of Russian and an important part of secular culture. It is emboldened by humanism, tolerance, and peace. To heal and those who are in our country "The propaganda of evil and violence is incongruous, and it is manifesting itself in the youth community. And, perhaps, educating young people into Orthodox culture will help to put some of them on the right path."

Yes, optional

“So, for the sake of the children and fathers, there is freedom to choose.”

“Russia unites people with rich religions, so it would be more appropriate to introduce the subject “Fundamentals of Religion.”

“Faith in God, knowledge of Orthodox culture shapes the specialness, the character of a person, putting his neighbors to his end, helping to firmly evaluate one’s actions, protecting from defilement. I respect that the cultivation of Orthodox culture is one of the krokiv on the way to God. On the path to God, a person must go on his own for the sake of his soul and heart; he cannot be forced on this path and in obligatory order. good hour. These are spiritual values, not an object!

“People, little by little, have to figure it out on their own, to indulge in anything else. Orthodox culture is in the middle of our skin, and it’s our responsibility to awaken in our souls early too early. “Obov’yazkovo” we were taught communist principles, and what happened , we are at once. Whatever faith may itself blossom in the soul."

“Optional! The constitution of our region enshrines the right of every person to choose their religion, and to learn only the foundations of one religion - unacceptable. I want to be Orthodox and even if my children learned this subject, lest the rights of others be infringed upon schoolchildren who follow other religions."

“Schoolchildren (especially in high school) are overwhelmed by various subjects and disciplines and cannot master all subjects, so we need to first think about the development of professional skills, and then master them in the classroom. rovaditi learning the fundamentals of Orthodoxy optional , but there may be some electives that are not available to anyone, and sometimes schoolchildren don’t have time to learn about the basic disciplines. If you want to try, you can.”

No, we have a secular power - religions have no place in school

“To be bound by the norms of morality and ethics!”

"Education of Orthodoxy in school can lead to the development of inter-ethnic relations, especially in multi-national regions, in addition, I respect that religion - a special feature of the right skin family - cannot be forcibly imposed on її education at school (how many military suffering in the history of mankind... and all for the sake of faith).
And for those who want to deeply embrace Orthodoxy, there are Orthodox gymnasiums.”

“The main thing of the Russian Orthodox Church is the growth of power, through which there is a waste of faith. Once (1917) this already led to a great disaster. The requirement is that the church attract people to the servants of the truth, and not just as a piecemeal for the help of another power.”

“The violent implantation of Orthodoxy, as we warn everywhere, greatly discredits the Orthodox religion. It is obvious that the state is foolishly trying to compensate the Orthodox for the lack of a national idea.”

“Religion is an opium for the people, especially in our region. Especially in the 10-11th grades, they laid out the foundations of all the main faiths in the marriage course. and so I will add all kinds of heresies and without religion.

“It’s scary to realize what’s going on “in the localities.”

“It’s time to vantage the over-extended school program. Spoil the children!”

No, schoolchildren may learn not only Orthodoxy, but the foundations of other religions

“My children are Orthodox, and I would like them to know the Orthodox culture, but I respect that it may be a good choice.”

“I respect that the choice of religion is the same as the choice of place of residence, only with the fates you realize that here you are good, and here you don’t have to fall asleep. Therefore, I respect the wrong ones to impose on a child who I still can’t comprehend and comprehend, and what do you need? If you need it, then you will eventually come to religion. And the child needs love and respect for his Fatherland, to the utmost, in whatever stature, to the power in which he lives, or not ki. More povaga to other lands and religions, and to other people!!!"

“This is a goddamn club. What is the difference between the “History of the CPRS” and the “Foundation of Orthodox Culture”? In principle - nothing! And so, historically, our Slavic religion is paganism, not Christianity.”

“But what about zeal and brotherhood? Read - so teach the basics of all religions. Who will read? The priests have something to do, and the “teachers” - they start, how. To what they themselves don’t know? And so what? what will happen to our children? I am against it, I want to understand that if today we don’t introduce the course “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy”, then in 10 years, without feeding anyone, our schools will read “Fundamentals of Islam”.

Important information

“It’s all the same to me: the more this wise man knows.”

“No, the call hasn’t brought corista yet. We were all marched out of the church en masse, now we’re pushing it into it again.”

“Beloved, don’t go too far with the club, but with the zagal – I’m putting it positively.”

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What does a school need “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”?

The scandal surrounding the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in Russian schools is gaining momentum, and the results of our survey show that the majority (61%) of Russians say “so” to this innovation. More details...

The teaching of the military-industrial complex in secular schools does not comply with the legislation of Russia and completely corresponds to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. So, at st. 44, paragraph 3 says: “The skin of the goiter is concerned about the preservation of historical and cultural decline.”

The teaching of the military-industrial complex in secular schools does not comply with the legislation of Russia and completely corresponds to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. So, at st. 44, paragraph 3 says: “The skin of the goiter is concerned about the preservation of historical and cultural decline.” Orthodoxy is a religion, as 74% of believers adhere to. Cultural decline The Russian Orthodox Church is rich in diversity. How can you protect and pass on those you don’t know during downturns?
In 2007, several amendments were made to the Law on Lighting. Art. 9, paragraph 6: “Illumination can ensure spiritual and moral development, education and the skill of preparing students.” Art. 14, paragraph 2: “the place of illumination can ensure ... the formation of spiritual and moral specialness.” The subject of the defense industrial complex is closely related to the implementation of these articles of the Law.

The Olympiad of the Russian Orthodox University is included until the start of the school Olympiad for 2016/2017. Dedicated to the role of Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia.

The Olympiad of the Russian Orthodox University is included until the start of the school Olympiad for 2016/2017. Dedicated to the role of Orthodoxy in the history and culture of Russia. It seems like an absurd situation: the school doesn’t offer a subject, but the Olympiad is still held. It is necessary to comply with the proper rules to overcome the pain when entering the VNZ. For example, reading 100 points instead of the actual one result EDI by subject. If the fragments of the military-industrial complex are not visible, then there is no sense in carrying out anything properly.

The introduction of the defense industrial complex does not in any way limit the rights of representatives of other religions, since the subject of study is the spiritual and moral aspects of Orthodoxy.

The introduction of the defense industrial complex does not in any way limit the rights of representatives of other religions, since the subject of study is the spiritual and moral aspects of Orthodoxy. As the Holy Patriarch Kirilo of Moscow and All Russia declared at the Local Council, “... we and the representatives of non-Christian religions have different manifestations about God and about His position before people, different traditions, etc. They are mocked for life. Moreover, the basic moral manifestations of traditional religions have a lot in common, which allows them to easily resist the cries of moral nihilism, aggressive godlessness, interethnic, political and social warfare. reapers. Unusually, participants in the interreligious dialogue strongly condemned terrorism, supported the traditional family, advocated changes in the morality of the economy, criticized the vicious policies of certain parties, and promoted the interests of the religion. of the rotten communities in discussions about sovereign power.”

All over the world, students in schools learn the culture of the land where they live. In the establishment of Russian sovereignty and the development of culture, Orthodoxy itself played a key role.

All over the world, students in schools learn the culture of the land where they live. In the establishment of Russian sovereignty and the development of culture, Orthodoxy itself played a key role. The Church Slavic language influenced the formation of the current Russian language. It is only possible to understand ancient mysticism, literature, history, those by which our ancestors lived, what moral laws they were subject to, only in the context of the spiritual tradition of Orthodoxy. Military-industrial complex is not a religious subject, the course is based on moral traditions and ideas with an alternative to other traditional religions and secular ethics. Therefore, there is no talk about the violent brutality of the world, as the military-industrial complex represents the activities of ZMI.

The need to educate children about religion is to successfully bring to light the guilty countries. In England, under the Education Act and the School Standards Act, all school programs are required to have a religious component.

The need to educate children about religion is to successfully bring to light the guilty countries. In England, under the Education Act and the School Standards Act, all school programs are required to have a religious component. In the state schools, obovyazkova does not lack religious awareness, but also collective Christian prayer. In Hamburzi (Nimechtina), a religious subject is obligatory for learning. In Canada, religious and secular initial mortgages are financed from the same budget. In Poland, devotion to the Law of God is such a compulsory subject, like mathematics and Polish language. In Greece, there are lessons in the Law of God, such as prayer before taking the cob, and obligatory ones. The National University of Athens is involved in the preparation of books on religious lessons.

OPK is not just an informative course, but a subject that allows the school to focus on us first Vykhovny Zavodnya. Information without moral and moral values, strictly religious, is emasculated, it is impossible to develop a valuable individuality.

OPK is not just an informative course, but a subject that allows the school to meet the highest standards. Information without moral and moral values, strictly religious, is emasculated, it is impossible to develop a valuable individuality. About the extent to which knowledge without morality can lead to, having outlived the fate of his acquaintance “Day of Wrath” back in 1964, Pivnich Hansovsky. In the epigraph of the work there is a fortune-telling dialogue with a note: “Head of the Commission: - You read many books, know a lot of mathematics and can do some work. Do you respect me, why bother you with people? Otark: Yes, absolutely. Do people even know what else?”

Promote your fact

Evidence for the fact that the contribution of the military-industrial complex in secular schools may be blocked.

The rector of the MDPU, who carried out the examination of new programs, noted that the results obtained directly from the defense industry program are already being implemented in other subjects.

The rector of the MDPU, who carried out the examination of new programs, noted that the results obtained directly from the defense industry program are already being implemented in other subjects. That is, because of the infusion of culture in another world, including Orthodoxy, ethics, the infusion of Orthodoxy into the history of the region, the artistic decline of Orthodoxy is realized in the lessons of literature, history, literature, and subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. The military-industrial complex will be duplicated by those that are studied within the framework of other subjects.

Kerivnik to the Department of Community Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Borukh Gorin appreciates that the teaching of this subject is in line with the concept of a single community nation.

Kerivnik to the Department of Community Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Borukh Gorin appreciates that the teaching of this subject is in line with the concept of a single community nation. Schoolchildren are guilty of feeling “foreign” in relation to their studies, which suggests a different religion or adheres to the standard of atheism in the family. This same subject can lead to further conflicts in the religious world.

The Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, which has carried out an examination of new programs in the military-industrial complex, has decided that it is not possible to introduce this subject as a compulsory education.

The Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, which has carried out an examination of new programs in the military-industrial complex, has decided that it is not possible to introduce this subject as a compulsory education. The basic standards are consistent with the medical standards required for studies. An additional subject can be supplied only after changing the years of training in other disciplines. For this reason, it is necessary to cancel all the tested plans that are already backed by the initial mortgages.

The Ministry of Education has not yet determined who among teachers can contribute to the defense industry. Every pedagogical university does not prepare teachers for this subject, and in schools they are “encouraged” to become mathematicians, biologists, and scientists.

The Ministry of Education has not yet determined who among teachers can contribute to the defense industry. Every pedagogical university does not prepare teachers for this subject, and in schools they are “encouraged” to become mathematicians, biologists, and scientists. The truth of such a statement raises doubts. As of today, there is only one assistant (the author is Father Andriy Kuraev), officially recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. Insurance coverage for children is 10-11 years old. For middle and high lanka there are no initial aides.

Representatives of the regional Health Foundation indicate significant psychological problems that may arise in families of schoolchildren.

Representatives of the regional fund “Health”, who initiated the collection of signatures about the defense of the military-industrial complex from schools in Russia, in addition to the violation of Art. 14 of the Constitution and Art. 2 of the Federal Law on Education indicates significant psychological problems that may arise in the families of schoolchildren. Family structure, values, way of living may not be compatible with what is involved in defense industry lessons. As a result, a student who has mastered the school program well may find himself condemned by his family for the “incorrect” understanding of good and evil, the basics of life, etc. The child experiences disorientation in the system of moral guidelines , what, according to psychologists, can lead to the development of early psychological pathologies in children

60% of schoolchildren spoke out against the contamination of the military-industrial complex, focusing directly on the cultural development of their children.

The survey showed that most of the fathers were willing to study one of the subjects of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Thus, less than 30% of the Batks voted for the defense industry. The majority (42%) took the subject “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics.” Another 18% voted for the introduction of the subject “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures.” So 60% of the fathers were inspired by the new subject of the defense industry. The reaction to this choice of Father’s schoolchildren is extraordinary. Those who were inspired to support the defense industry, overwhelmed the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus, Patriarch Kirilo hastened to declare that the subject of secular ethics is atheistic morality. In the opinion of the fathers, who were inspired by the military-industrial complex imposed on their children, the introduction of this discipline could provoke conflicts between children on the religious level. Since previously the students of the younger classes did not appreciate the diet of the one who believed in the homeland of their deskmate, now the child is seriously concerned. Such a country could soon be able to stop the work of extremist organizations from recruiting young people, and even now, from early childhood, a subset of children will be born into the faith.

The defense-industrial complex program is designed to disrupt the placement of the younger generation before school - the credibility of the initial process may be affected.

Religious postulates often fundamentally diverge from current scientific understandings based on scientific research. In the defense industry, educators teach students about the divinely created world and original sin, in biology - about sour photosynthesis and the Cambrian vibration. In the activities of the military-industrial complex, children will learn that “everything is God’s will,” and from literary creation they will learn that the skin of a person is the forge of his own happiness. A teacher from Orthodox culture affirms that Christians should begin the week with prayer, services and communion, and a physical education teacher - with a bottle of water, exercises and jogging. Happy with the Orthodox faith, human life- this is the result of the will of the Almighty, and the topic for senior classes “Anatomy of a Human” is beyond description of the process of completion. Members of the military-industrial complex casually criticize the provisions of teachers from traditional subjects and simply present ideas that other teachers are familiar with. Violating the authority of the school for religious propaganda is unacceptable! In addition, certain religious and ethical norms can become the cause of childhood psychological trauma, affect the potential of schoolchildren for their future self-realization, and the search for special recognition in the world.

Promote your fact

In 2010, an experiment was conducted in various regions of Russia that completely confirmed the “success” of a new school subject - “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.”

No one has ever produced any data that would confirm the song “effectiveness”, but after declaring what should be given to all children, a scandal broke out. As a result, half of the decision was praised - they introduced a new subject under the title “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics.” There, among the modules there is a military-industrial complex.

It is important to say what was not in the interests of the church. They wanted there to be no alternative to the defense industry. Back in 1999, Patriarch Oleksiy II said openly:

“To clarify the difficulties with the teachings of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Faith”, call the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, without excluding teachers and directors from secular teachings based on an atheistic basis.”

It’s also a shame to simply implement this project. In truth, the military-industrial complex is a propaganda subject; it does not teach about Orthodox culture, but rather promotes a religious cult. To get to this place, it’s enough to marvel at a typical defense industry lesson at a secular school ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agPFRgc458A). Apparently, the teacher does not teach children about culture, but he himself washes his brain.

It’s easy to say that the military-industrial complex is a unique subject only because the author is a clergyman and missionary, and not a scholar of religion or a cultural scientist. U 4 statistics federal law“About freedom of conscience” it is stated that the power:

“will ensure the secular nature of lighting in state and municipal lighting installations.”

It is not entirely clear how one can be safe if religious obscurantism is imposed on fourth-graders, at the expense of the ignorance and trustworthiness of the fathers and the authority of the teacher.

At the same time, we can also say that while there is still a choice, the military-industrial complex is slowly becoming more confident. Metropolitan Kirilo of Yekaterinburz and Verkhotursky stated that less than 14% of Ural students received the defense industry. And in the Komi Republic it’s less than 10%. On the Internet, over 80 thousand signed against the defense industry’s publication. osib.

And they don’t care about those that this subject, without question, is supported by power. And as if the head teacher of the school was calling through those who, in my opinion, few people chose the military-industrial complex.

What is covered in these lessons? First of all, there is no need to talk about those that Orthodoxy is simply a religious cult, part of the history of Russia. There it seems that Orthodoxy is the truth and that none of the biblical traditions are the truth, that all sorts of “miracles” are truly small and different.

Moreover, the most important Russian Orthodox Church is promoting the collection of other subjects, such as the “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures.” Alina Naumova, a student’s mother, learned what she learned in class at the secular school:

“The director promised us that during class we would teach about all religions. Well, the teacher, who teaches this course, recently believed it herself, and also teaches the children more about Orthodoxy. I speak on the topic of “sin and punishment.” The blues are like this. I tried to change the “lower degree”, but the reader pleased me to sing at the temple and confess. Vaughn previously did this, then she took advanced training courses and is thinking about how she can explain such complicated things to children. I’m not against the lessons of Orthodoxy, but I don’t want my son to be told dark tales.”

Key nutrition: what else do you need at school? Children can acquire basic knowledge and then choose where to go next. Religion is a special feature of the right skin. Chantly, we’ll figure it out ourselves in no time. Here they are trained to make the “right choice”.

Now about the defense industry. Anna Sitina from the Moscow region said what she did with her daughter after taking these cultural lessons:

“Before entering work, she began to christen me, my atheist father, my grandmother and my communist grandfather. Let us know our guts. My daughter explained - a reader from the defense industry said: you need to work so that your loved ones don’t die uncontrollably. I am now demanding that my daughter be treated to this wondrous object. The school is not guilty of getting into the soul of my child. Come and get busy with knowledge. Rashta is not a school “eparchy”.

Perhaps the reader connected “spirituality” with Woland’s assertions about the fact that people are “raptly mortal.” Of course, a lot of people think that this [propaganda of the Russian Orthodox Church] is driving children away from the religious cult. However, unfortunately, it also happens that children who are in trouble simply start yapping.

The most important thing is that such teachers are not fired. It seems that these are the most valuable. All of our employees also undergo training courses. If they hire practical teachers there, then it is important to say how they are prepared there. It is not excluded that priestly missionaries are engaged in this, as they are intended to collect Orthodox children at any price, and for that purpose, plundering is one of the best options.

The axis is already 3 years old in schools. How can Russians care about religious propaganda at school? In 2009, according to data from the Levada Center, as many as 70% were positive about subjects that would teach children about religion. Of course, what matters is simply familiarity with all religions, which tell, for example, the history of religions. Protea in 2013 was supported by only 22%.

These results should be told to priests and officials about those who need to be more active in promoting religion. The feasibility of implementing defense-industrial complex in other grades of the school is now being seriously considered. Metropolitan Kaluzky and Borivsky Kliment stated:

“We repeat the desire of millions of people to include up to a new standard a new educational sphere, within the framework of which children from Orthodox families could learn Orthodox spiritual and moral culture, so that this subject is included in the main program and covers the entire period of schooling from 1 to 1 1st class."

As you can see, it’s not about yakus anymore full program, and about the Orthodox propaganda Pip is not to talk about those who are Orthodox so want their child to know the cult, they could send her either to a special initial deposit of religious training, or to a week-long school. The priests need it to be for everyone, but for those who don’t need it.

The head of the professional staff of teachers Andriy Demidov about the situation, which he knows well:

“I got the impression that the Russian Orthodox Church is trying to expand and eliminate the defense industry module at the school, but the dads don’t need it. If the military-industrial complex is expanded right up to the 9th grade, then the opponents of this subject, and the Russian Orthodox Church, will increase in scope. When the military-industrial complex began to give up and the fathers were given a choice between this subject and secular ethics, many chose the military-industrial complex. The school administration, under the influx of the Russian Orthodox Church, lobbied the military-industrial complex, and people rejoiced under soft pressure. Having clearly shown that instead of studying the military-industrial complex lessons during the hour, there is an aggressive imposition of the dogmas of faith. The dads were disappointed."

It is important to note, however, that, regardless of the critical respect of competent people, this subject has yet to concern anyone. Perhaps, through criticism of the subject, it is absent from all classes of the school, but such an idea will certainly be relevant in the near future.

“The diocesan centers orient investors towards religious goals: the churching of children, the advancement of spirituality in the meaning of the church word. I do not appreciate the methodical effortlessness of the institutes for advanced reading qualifications in the system of the secular Ministry of Education, so that this course can serve as a suitable scientific base.”

Can you talk about the scientific base in this section? Subject for fourth graders. No one in this hour could think of the fact that, perhaps, it is necessary to start looking for light food early, especially in groups, if there is a choice between secular ethics, Orthodoxy and Islam. With such success it would be possible to write to the first class, for example, “Ontology in middle-class philosophy.”

The point is that the main building is not closely related to the lighting. Children do not lose any real knowledge in these lessons. U the best looking guy They just waste an hour, in the end - to become believing fanatics, who were inspired by the guesses of the readers who “believed.”

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