Here's the Twins, there's the Twins: the whore's madness.



Horoscope of the zodiac sign of Gemini.

Which union of twins is considered ideal and far away?

Which zodiac sign will Geminis find true happiness, harmony and love?

This is the mutual relationship between hatred and hatred and the possibility of guilt from afar.

If the “Cancer” conveys to the “twins” its intuition and strength of character, and the “twins” bring the “Cancer” to the great heights of their creative ideas, then - so, on the right, we will madly go to success.

“Twins” and “cancer” are alike, not in one way, but in many ways.

It’s hard to talk about it - these are the details of long-standing stories, embellished with lots of details and marked with depth and humor.

These two Zodiac signs, offended by Mercury, are already the same.

In time-to-hour, rapid-fire interactions, the “virgo” finds the “twins” to be very accepting and generous, and the maturity of the “twins” can indicate the return of a more serious “virgin”.

However, with more than one short walk, this fundamental insanity drains closer to the surface.

“Divi” are seriously stupid people who don’t like to believe in stories, “twins” spend most of the time in the world of illusions.

“Scorpio”, which is not up to the task, and the wandering, cheerful children “twins” can be very tight with each other.

“Scorpio” can respect the “twin” in a way that is too unstable, and the “twins” can be indiscriminately impressed by the inconsiderateness of the “Scorpio”.

“Scorpio” is by nature smart to the point of stiflingly alienated and extremely jealous of everything he undertakes.

You should never try to do anything halfway and always finish the job.

The list of data from wind and earth signs cannot be recognized especially from a distant idea.

“Capricorn” needs more material things and the important “twins” need to be light-hearted and unstable, having lost all their interests.

The “twins” respect the “Capricorn” as overly generous and serious - not in tandem with the brisk walk and the virulent energy of the “twins”.

One of them is too strong to catch the other one.

"Ribs" will inevitably find the "twins" extremely restless for their "watery" way of life, while the "twins" may find the "ribs" absolutely soulless.

It is impossible to say that this is the greatest union of two souls.

Of course, the “twin” is a company’s production, and the “fish” are drawn to the essence of cold, deep and non-turbocharged waters.

Both one and the other get on one’s nerves.

The grievances of the stench of the thick leaves behind the leak and the grievances of the unfinished masters wither away from the hot food.

“Taurus” - people who are happy when they are left alone, in peace, to marvel at how grass grows - seems extremely important not to be compared to the “twins” who promise to continue the evening all night without interruption;

And don’t forget that they are two in one – lively, tireless, greedy Twins, who need to be caught. For a “till” this may not be possible.

“Twins” love to talk and catch up - and “Taurus” may always give priority to relationships.“Twins” are absolutely independent and spread around the world, with remarkable ease and ease being transferred from one gloom to another.

Tse Zovsim is not just for “bik”, Yakiy to hate the serpent il bazhly-and then there is a crambox, they can pass the gagging hands ... Ale “Gemini” is still far away, I have a new duma, I came to the same. thought

For the success of this mutual relationship, it is necessary that the “twins” are ready to embrace, and the “Taurus” is ready to think. The union of a man and a woman of the same zodiac sign can be absolutely irresistible.

And there is great confidence that everything will work out for them, so they will understand each other well and they have a lot of sleep. Ale and confidence, the bet from them will not be less.

Twins are a non-permanent sign.

These are fiery, impulsive people. And if light, harmony and understanding have been in the air for a long time in their couple, it is quite likely that necessary changes and new enemies will push them towards separation.

So much so that everyone needs to love freedom and don’t be so quick to tie yourself to a whore.

Madness in love's pants

Love to the fullest, a good job - everything will be miraculously consumed by a friend.

As soon as the partner’s mood is not so noticeable, then after friendship it becomes obvious.

And since it is important for representatives of other signs to understand what is going on with their partner, it is easier for twins to work.

Today brings renewed strength, energy and tells us that it’s a simpler day, and tomorrow you’ll come home from work, gloomy and grumpy. Sometimes your behavior is completely transferred to the streamer, and tomorrow you will have to work on something that is definitely not in your power.

And in such moments, you need to be extremely careful with your nutrition. It’s not good enough to tell your companion about the reason for this filthy mood.

Distrust, suspicion and susceptibility can lead to large and frequent welds, and simply destroy the valve.

The twins, who are poor, can easily survive the collapse of their lives. And it’s unlikely that I’ll try to have hundreds again with another partner.

The madness of friendship

These are wonderful friends and true friends. It’s great at once.

Sometimes friendship can become a continuation of recent centuries.

All at once the stench will begin to choke on one idea. It’s easy for them to know the output of their nutrition and energy.

If you start to get busy with one project, find something else you want to do, then friendship can lead to a lot of risks.

And if he’s no longer so sick, the stench will easily dissipate within an hour.

And if they don’t get along with everything, but in the event of a hidden burial, they can get along again and continue to be friends as if nothing had happened.

Madness in a bed The absurdity of this bet is even greater.

Alas, it’s a pity, the stench of one negative rice looms - it’s inevitable to finish the printout left over.

Therefore, if there are no people who would encourage you to complete it on your own, then it is unlikely that you will complete the project on your own. Well, things don’t always turn out well in this team’s team.

It is more difficult to cheer one on one, especially if the other has achieved something that the first does not have or that he himself has not achieved.

Madness in the hundreds The madness of the man and twins of the women become the same

70%, and the whore has 100%.

Disadvantages The main enemy of this bet is routine.

They can take care of everything they need for a long time, in order to achieve great goals.

But in the meantime, if there is no one or the other, they just start to take care of their daily meals.

There are more to come. For the twin, there is no need to be busy and he will quickly get tired.

If your partner doesn’t know a way to show his guilt to himself, you can switch to long-distance romances, find new acquaintances, so as not to end up in your favor.

New people can lead him in a different direction and convey untrue information to him.

As a rule, the task is to go to routine if the couple has large loans for the purchase of property.

At this time, it is necessary to work steadily and abundantly, and there is very little or no time left for creativity.

Also, if there is a child in the family, the twin wife may simply become a grumpy housewife. Especially if she becomes a mother.

It’s easier to bear changes in your life when most of your life is concentrated at home, it’s easier to accept a person’s different behavior. Also, a light character and a sense of humor miraculously helps to overcome difficulties.

With a lot of inconveniences, it’s much easier to turn around, because it’s far away to fire, and it’s important to understand.

Man-Twin is the kind of person who never gets bored.

The sky will glow in the middle.

And one can only guess about his unacceptability from the black humor that floats through his current heat.

This guy has a lot of acquaintances and connections, but even more than them, who have won for everything, do not outgrow friendship.

Spilling is my element.

We have a wide range of creations for communication and negotiations.

If there are two people together, then you can be careful not to get the same picture: one is always serious and reserved, and one is cheerful and careless, such is the Zodiac.

Gemini-men are built to live the life of Cancer calm and unpretentious, having decided to get out of their eternal shell.

All problems can be solved with humor and humor.

This union is the most successful.

Even though we laugh, there are so many problems that it seems that they will no longer exist.

But this itself becomes a headache, so that the containers can be lost on the same level of heat and no more.

It’s true that if there is more activity in them, then the spirting will grow much larger.

The smells may become rational and open up.

Only Lev needs to remember the headache: every time there is no need to separate the spilkuvaniya from Bliznyuk’s relatives.

The stench is sacred to a man.


It is important to call this union miraculous.

Virgo clearly does not stir up the fire of passion, and her axis burns like half and constantly searches for the same.

And even if you know - in your own home or on your side - it’s unknown.

Whose entire Twin is a man.

The madness of this can only be done with a stick and a passionate nature, which can be burned and burned, and the firebrand can be fueled by this fire.

A man and a woman, people under the siblings of twins, one after another will soon feel comfortable, even if they are of the same mind.

♊ + These two energetic natures will easily understand that they have a lot of strength.

However, their new interests, hoardings and looks at life will give them a sense of what it is like to marvel at their own image in the mirror. But this is the reverse of the medal - in addition to similar advantages, they also have similar shortcomings, and here there may be a conflict of interests.

Let's take a look at the report of the centenary model of this bet.

♊: At kohanni


However, their new interests, hoardings and looks at life will give them a sense of what it is like to marvel at their own image in the mirror.- It’s easy to get acquainted first, even if twins are a strong-willed and affectionate zodiac sign, both of them can easily make contact.

Because of the passion between them for a little bit of love, which is greater than everything, a difficult period awaits them at the end of the day.

Due to the similarity of temperaments, both the man and the woman felt that they had developed an ideal partner.

By balancing the impulsiveness of both natures, small matters and everyday problems will be enough to bring the leader down from the podium.

♊ + Unfortunately, conflicts and inconsistencies will certainly be present in this homeland, since partners are not willing to act alone.

Geminis can be kind when they are with weak people, they tend to be accepted, but in representatives of the powerful zodiac sign they are especially jealous of themselves for their strength of character. As a result, the continuation in this family is three-fold, until one of the bets is not to get tired of trimming the defense, use your mind and accept the rightness of your man, or just anyone else.

The welding of this pair will not be serious, if the stench develops, the containers will not noisily cleave, but will give the advantage of quickly clearing out the different sides.

You can’t be alone for long without one stink, so as you’re just bored, you can continue the sputtering like nothing ever happened.

It’s important to value your friendship – they don’t meet people who are similar to themselves, especially among representatives of other zodiac signs.

  • It’s important to value your friendship – they don’t meet people who are similar to themselves, especially among representatives of other zodiac signs.
  • Video: TWINS ♊ Zodiac sign
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It’s important to value your friendship – they don’t meet people who are similar to themselves, especially among representatives of other zodiac signs.

  • It’s important to value your friendship – they don’t meet people who are similar to themselves, especially among representatives of other zodiac signs.
  • Video: TWINS ♊ Zodiac sign
  • Sichnya
  • fierce
  • birch
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  • sickle
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leaf fall
Reporting madness
sign of Twins with your partner,

what does horoscope analysis include,

chakram and square of Pythagoras

Typical twins at the bottom

The character of the Twins has a lot to do with their patron planet Mercury and the element of the Wind.

Mercury gives priority to intellect and specialization in the characteristics of Geminis. And the element of widespread interest has been awakened, ideas have been buried along every visible horizon, gradually changing their directions, like the wind.
Representatives of the sign of the Twins, seemingly softly, are not boring. What's on the right, what's on friendship, what's on the centenary.

It seems that there is nothing simpler than tying the knot with the Twins: the stench is always at the center of respect, open for spirting, positive and fun.

However, this is where the first shepherd begins to shine: we look at just one side of the identity of the two Twins.

  • The color and variety of spelkuvaniya wear, like the Bliznyuks, a superficial character.
  • And if you let anyone into your special space, opening the gateway of your folded speciality, the stench will not immediately become so bad.
  • And the gateway is preparing a lot of surprises for unprepared candidates from the partner.
  • Checklist of short-lived Twins
  • Are you ready to accept the Twins' decision to change gradually?
  • Can you sacrifice your tired comfort for a change in situation and new enemies?
  • Are you ready to deal with dozens of different issues at once?
  • Do you need to explain that half of this will be brought to an end?

How can you tell us about spaceships if the flowers are not clogged and the whiteness is not washed?
And they are always flirting with new representatives of the pre-painful status.

And they can also get very angry when urgent problems arise.

The turbulent emotionality of their tension and sharpening the foundation of the drain.

  • The natural intelligence of Twins in their element of the Wind:
  • with Gemini, Teresa and Aquarius

It’s not important for the twins to cross the threshold of friendship and start dating with their wide range of acquaintances.

The fiery sparks of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are ready to flare up under the Spirit of the Twins.

The transmission of this fire is bubbling up for the Twins and the partner of the sign of Fire, however.

Those who remember this link in both ways - absolutely sure.

  • As soon as the bedrooms are not burnt and how long they will be able to encourage you to lie away from the furnishings.
  • Young and unmarried partners are rarely allowed to grow beyond their hundredth birthday.
  • Therefore, as a well-advised and wise couple, there is a great chance of success.

They are immediately affected by passion, spiritual interpenetration and greedy, otherwise useful, healthy - everything that does not allow the old days to go out.

The situation is important: unimportant in appearance, strong or weak character, and, obviously, the dominant and other role of the Twins in the veins, the most important part of the work from burning the fiery sign lies on them.

Therefore, the initiative, both explicit and implicit, should not deprive them of any connection with their partner.

The greatest pairs of elements in the distance are Wind and Fire:

Gemini woman and Aries man

Gemini-man and Leo-woman

Pleasant madness is a sign of friendly elements.

As soon as the spark slipped out from the first contact, it was necessary to try to ignite it further.

It is recommended that if the Aries partner has a character similar to Pythagoras, decisions will be made more smoothly for him.

Everything is harmonious if Aries is the elder, and Gemini is full of energy and intensity.

The welding is going on, and then the fire is going out.

If it’s too much, then make the Twins respect Virgos even more boring, frivolous and serious.

Just like Divi Bliznyukov - over frivolous, uncollected and empty calls.

However, in the singing minds of the Twins, they can breathe a new spirit into the soul, which is due to mutual interest.

The intellectual approach of both can lead to the development of this interest among the community, which threatens to move into much more.


Unique Capricorn!

This is your Boa constrictor.

If a couple with Scorpio has the role of the “Boa Constrictor” and you can play with him as you want, then if you match with Capricorn the “Rabbit” you will have the same role.

Ale hardly chi tse you zupinit.

What is more hypnotic is in Caperosis, in its actions and words directed to you.

And you have already sunk in his eyes and are ready to give you everything you want.

Nothing good will ever end except your broken heart.

Well, this clearly indicates that you chose from Sagittarius’s comments all the most negative things and built up your respect for those speeches that you are especially familiar with.

And this is your truth.

However, a particular couple already has subjectivism in their veins, since the opposite objective picture has the sign of Sagittarius, as well as anyone else, we cannot be classified into the category of bad and good.

Signs of slaughter and slaughter of people.
All bones appear differently.
Moreover, it is sometimes surprising how “bad” a person of the singing sign can be when paired with a partner with problematic insanity and how she can turn into a “good” person in a harmonious pair.
For the “13th” sign, let me skip the comments, because
There is no connection between this term and astrology.
Let’s marvel at your growth with your partner:
Madness is average 53%
Physical: 82% - crazy

Emotional: 52% - peretin
Intelligent: 30% - retin
Sertseviy: 36% - not crazy

Creative: 68% - crazy

The most obvious disadvantage at first glance in this pair for the most part is the difference with a real advantage of 13 rocks on your cost and with which your initiative itself is separated.

Now you have doubts about the confirmed process on the side of the person.

And here I would also like to point out that there is no growth that can be dealt with until the end of the century and, despite the fact that the partner is 13 years older, the person has not reached the beginning of hundreds of years and continues to fade at the same time.
Here he was hot to Zrobita Small Vidnet: Bagato DIVCHTS WITH PAYANNE SHODOS The forecast of mutual dushy, and Yak VIN to stand up to me in Men, adhee vsim Choloviki, I want to have my own diyki?
How can I deal with the fact that I am the eldest, even if all people want a younger partner?
So there is no sense in the formalized “all people want.”
Є individual design for the skin pair and skin partner.

I, Flora, we are looking forward to seeing a number of strong moments of significance for your person, which appear regardless of age/children/situation, etc.:

- you and the Wind, which allows your Fire to burn stronger

Why it happened that you stumbled on the borders of separation, I won’t undertake to say.

What we have here, after all, is not a Battle of Psychics.

Well, judging by the breakdown, I’m sorry to say that this sinusoid of hundreds of hundreds of days in a couple of two “Protections” still supported the emotional body, on which the idea will most likely be hundreds of days.
And this is especially special for you, Flora, the most stressful and combative side.
It’s not easy for a person, but it’s more difficult for you - you, like the nose, in front, 2-4-6 chakras, are involved in these veins much more.
In connection with this and the highly detailed speeches about your boyfriend’s hardship to you, we are afraid that your suspicions are that you may not be able to date for separation, even if it is not without cause.
I really doubt that people of your age are just throwing out such solutions, so the only joy is that we can help you achieve separation if you try to call out spontaneously impulsively and under which wrath your man is afraid Sign the covenant pamphlet.
Don’t forget that Sagittarius and 11111 are in the same hour.
Having grown fond of it in the right way and having relieved for a short hour of healthy stupidity and any other feelings, you reject those you want.
I wish you good luck, I want to call this situation out of the way.

So no matter what, let everything turn out in the best way for you, Flora.

And with the added joy of the situation, you will be recognized for yourself.

We are grown up people (you are 41 and less than 31) of the same zodiac sign (twins) with 71% of the totality of the chakras, and we have

Don’t think, I’m not a nymphomaniac and I’m not turbulent, I’m a first-class woman, I’ll add more, but at the same time I don’t enter into the articles of a hundred without feelings, advance recognition of a person, etc.

I have never had sex for 1 night, and I am not happy.

It almost seemed like there was going to be some real sex.

Therefore, until I turn 31, I only give positive (or even a little bit of variety; I won’t lie) sexual evidence.

At the moment, we have a few months at a time, although we know one of two fates.

I’m not fit to talk about friends.

Ale mi two however new signs... It’s true, for a mature person.

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign?
I started burning again and found out about the twin men as I only found out about those who smelled like twins.

I don't like womanizers ;).

And then it suddenly became clear that the most trusted person was my twin.

Every now and then I don’t rush to judge such worms, but, from an objective point of view, I don’t dare to guess in such holes.

For the man in this pair of problems, it is necessary to convince himself, his companion and others, that there is more to it, and the women - to firmly reject the evidence, wisdom and turbot of the kohanoy people, who represent the older generation.

I cutaneous tissue is valuable.

Ale, I repeat, it’s not good enough to plan for a strategic perspective.
This way you can just sum up the whole romantic picture.
Although it’s not surprising, that couple, about which I spoke above, looms a century-long explosion to bring more, below you, there are already a number of strong equals of gravity and also a mirror combination of signs (only the elements of the Earth), crossed into same “vibevalny” rubizh at 3 Roku.
I think your story will be appreciated by many readers.
The meeting of a man with a glamorous madness, at the peak of “another youth” and the result of an unprecedented effort, and with which the ruler has a bit of a hot temperament, what is not your share?
However, with my own pessimism, I cannot help but acknowledge the fact that, unfortunately, people no longer have a “third” youth)) Therefore, Hanno, be happy at once and enjoy the moment.
Although you don’t want to turn off the development of your notes from a larger category, the bottom line is that there is a lot more to it.

Just be careful that if you become physically obsessed with each other, you run the risk of completely exhausting them and not knowing more one in one.
So anyway, your analysis will be competent and accurate, therefore, you have already identified all the prospects for yourself.
A very cool site.

Having treated your fathers, it turns out that they are a practically ideal couple: a lion and a twin

Physical 96% - maximum

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign?
Emotional 97% - maximum

I’m amazed at how much I got along with my boyfriend!

Very good site!

Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened before, 14 years ago :) My husband and I had a boa constrictor and a rabbit, and the boa constrictor got drunk... what should we do now?

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign?
We have children, there are separations, bad things, and constant conflicts, but to be honest, we understand that there’s nothing to talk about.

However, it is important for me that if you are happy, you also want to live in joy:(

We became friends very young, physics was a sign))) Dates of birth: 01/01/1982 and 06/16/1982.

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign?

Because of this, but the nourishment from the implementation of creativity is stuck, one respects one another - calls, claims, images.

Ainura, it seems to me that if you use the term at 14 rocks and the children will catch you before parting from my side, it will not be entirely correct. 06.06.1988 20.08.1985
I will force him to try not to say something nasty.
Singingly, you already know that the Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit are the most difficult pair of ears. 80%
And everything continues here until the end of the day, until the boa constrictor is ready to endure hundreds of days, or perhaps he will not be able to see him, or because he has not yet signed up with a new partner. 84%
At any time: Having allowed his time, the hundred-hundred-hundreds of buds will burst forth and it is the will of Udav to complete them. 57%
I'm flying! 88%
You seem to think that the physical chakra is not very good. 89%
What time is it approximately? 10%
And what do you see in us? 18%
Partner 08/20/85, me 06/06/1988, there is no great madness.
I am waiting for confirmation with great impatience. Dina, it seems to me that you’ve already been drinking for a little while, so you’ve got a lot of respect for physical insanity, since you have 80%. Most people would be happy about the results of your relationship with your partner (about 61% of them are above average):
date of people
Biorhythms/Chakri 3 3
Physical 5 5
Emotional 1 3


In the past, as has already been discussed more than once, the behavior of people with a deficient temperament 1, especially human ones, is characterized, first of all, by the fact that with all their behavior they try to make others lose their temperament and tell them that their temperament is greater.

Therefore, before speaking, people with temperament 1 are the most sensitive to physical health.

Because this “single” makes them gradually compensate for the lack of temperament.

And, of course, for such people, the most often sickening, and in extreme cases, illness, is the physical connection.

Hello, dear creators of this wonderful site.

I chose myself based on your method of an ideal partner.
Yogo date people 04/03/1968.

Please me, be kind, so that I can know this person.

I stand for understanding and for your testimony.

My date is 06/05/1976


Good afternoon! I was surprised by a number of couples, many of whom had passed their mother's day, and this pattern emerged - often in couples, where there is an emotional dissonance of the mother's vampire-donor... So who has a lot of energy, and who has lack... Log in tens of couples Let's go beyond the rack of emotional dissonance?

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign? Or maybe I’ll have mercy... Let’s paint the butt for me on my hundred-year-olds.

I - 06/18/1986, partner 03/24/1976 - there is practically no meaning.

Good day everyone! Call me Natalya. I'm looking through all the videos, which I think may be confirmed by the master and me (I've lost the video for a couple of years). Dyakuyu.

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign? After reading MUSI’s video… I would like to inform you that I recently became acquainted with a very nice homeland.

Self-sufficient, successful... I,

The author of the story, however, if there are no inconsistencies in the horoscope, if there are deep emotions and wants one of the three equal equals of the couple, and Pythagoras does not show dissonance.

Here I had a chance to read that if all three lower biorhythms are crazy, this is the shortest option.

This gave me the idea to marvel at the spiritual diagonals along the Pythagorean squares.

Before the speech, yesterday I read the contact group and one of the advance payments asked for the addition of the same level of “spirituality” of the partners.

I’m still thinking and guessing that this can be practiced in a lot of outbursts.

Going out into these yourself is like a couple.

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign? Alexander, unfortunately, the theory of madness from the horoscope gives a chance for more or less serious annoyances to only one pair out of 12 possible pairs of new signs.

This is a pair of partners-fish.

Well, in general, there is a thought that in some episodes the water signs will converge one after another at the final hour, but not the signs of other elements.
Well, you can try this statistic simply: No one is protected.

However, I had the opportunity to watch out for worms, love affairs, and then the complicated separations of new earthly and fire signs.

My food - all our infrequent (thu-thu) welding is done from its initiative and looks approximately like this - VIN: “It’s less noticeable, it’s dry before me, yours is almost not wide,” and everything is in the same spirit i.

This, of course, even better illustrates that everything is good, but not so and can be reconciled.

It seems like a joke to tell me - a girl, intellectual stupidity, I don’t see any kind of yoma, like this, a human rhubarb of sympathy.

Why weren’t both of them previously known for hundreds of hundred years with their sign? How to soften it up, even under the minimal recommendations of the author, is how reasonable our couple is to approach.

And in general, your thoughts are so hot about us.

I am 06/05/89, VIN 07/29/89
Thank you for everything!
Evgeniya, dammit.
For the sake of the fact that we know in particular you are of the same mind from the research theory and, what is important, the practice of madness.
Let us summarize your summary for the readers.
Signs: Gemini and Leo - the most productive union of the elements of Wind and Fire, the type of relationship “Elder brother and younger brother”.
"Elder brother" - you, Evgeniya.
Chakras - three high values ​​in emotions, intuitions and in the highest chakras:

Physical 44% – not crazy

Well, with the drive “yours are almost not wide” then.

Another hypothesis about the initiation of conflicts by your boy.

The point is that there may not be any initiation at all.

And there is no conflict.

How do you evaluate it?

But in reality, there is a search for signs and confirmation of destruction on your side.

By the way, such behavior is insanely not logical for a person.