Mormoni to alcohol. Without a crap: the rules of life of the Mormons. - What you can do to dress the parafians

Are you a pop culture mischief maker? You certainly have anecdotes and funny stories about the Mormons and their unique way of living (a popular Broadway musical is based on this topic). Beginning with the fact that Mormons do not drink kavi and conclude with the three-year worship service, the Mormon way of life is unconventional, but it goes sideways.

Most Mormons should live like they procrastinate. Some aspects of their life are easier for some people than others, but Mormons believe that this way of life will make them happy at once, and will also bring great blessings later.

To help you understand why Mormons live the way they live, we have chosen three examples of what Mormons hold in high esteem in life, and what is even more important.


Among the most obvious aspects of the Mormon way of living is the great law of health. Mormons don't drink kava, tea or alcohol, and the stench fades away from the living room, no matter how you look at it. This law of health in Mormon culture is based on the Scriptures and is called the Word of Wisdom.

“As if any people among you drink wine or hot drinks, they are not good... And also: hot drinks are neither for the body nor for the stomach, and wine is not brown for people... And also: hot drinks are neither for the body nor for the stomach "(Doctrine and Covenants 89:5, 8-9).

In addition to these words, the Word of Wisdom would like to reduce the consumption of a large number of fruits, vegetables and grains. Mormons follow the Words of Wisdom as God's commandments for the blessings of good health.


Mormons give great importance to their families, they spend an hour at a time and celebrate their hundreds. The article explains the importance of the family, and there is a quote that goes well:

“In the Creator’s plan, which means the eternal share of His children, the family has been given a central place” (“Family: Zernennaya before the world”). This book was created by the Mormon prophets and it talks about the importance of families and the obligations of family members.

Mormons believe that the commandment God gave to Adam and Eve still stands: “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth” (Bot 1:28). Some Mormon families have a lot of children, but not all of them do, due to a special skin choice.

Mormon culture has a unique tradition - family home evening. This is part of the Mormon way of living: families meet on Monday evenings to spend an hour enjoying, learning the gospel of Jesus Christ and celebrating their hundreds.

Church community

Mormons often speak of other Church members as if they were their own family. (In fact, Mormons tend to refer to one another as “brother” or “sister” in the Church.) The Mormon community is organized into groups of parishioners based on geographic boundaries, called parishes. The “parish family” is working on this to begin one of the gospels of Jesus Christ, being assigned to administrative and ministerial functions in the localities and serving people (even if they are members of the Mormons) skoi Church no).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days (the official name of the Mormon Church) is a worldwide organization. Every world has its paraphas, and they all work the same way. Skin paraffia is the same model of care and organization for women, men, young people and children. In fact, any week you can find that the same speeches are discussed in different languages, in different great and small places.

This awareness is a beloved aspect of the Mormon way of life for rich members of the Church. Regardless of where they become more expensive, what places they go to and where they go, the local Mormon parish accepts and knows the place. Mormons try to live well with this, because the sign on the skin of the collection booth says: “Guards, we kindly ask.”

If you want some dignity in your way of living, you can strengthen them in this world, the way of life of Mormons is aimed at bringing happiness. Millions of LDS members are happy to be with them.

This article was written in English and published on the website Translation by Tamari Martinenko.

In everyday life, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days, or Mormons, have little disagreement with their friends, co-workers and colleagues. Even though it is always tempting to drink alcohol or drink black tea in marriage, where such traditions are considered not only natural, but also necessary for a fulfilling life, there is often an absurdity.

What prompts these wonderful people to join the team, drinking juice instead of champagne, and sipping chamomile tea from cups instead of kava? Mormons widely believe that our physical body is not just our temporary life. From whom the Apostle Paul brought forth, attacking the Corinthians, saying quite expressively: “Why do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God is alive among you? If anyone wants to destroy the temple of God, God will punish him, for the temple of God is holy, and this temple is holy.”

It’s difficult to argue about those that the state of our physical body and our spirit are closely related to each other. Willpower was required in order to feel the strength of the spirit, if the body was weakened by illness, or if it was suffering from something else. In this case, as well as in the end: the sum and suffering of the spirit with great complacency will lead to illness in the body. And the fact that Jesus Christ, during the hour of His earthly ministry, gave great strength to save people from their physical ailments, there is a lot to say about this.

For the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Holy Last Days, there is no doubt that the loving Heavenly Father, for the well-being of His children, reveals His will from all the urgent nourishments of life on earth. And, of course, the problem of raising our bodies to holiness could not be deprived of His posture of respect. Through the revelation, the prophet, God gave people the hope of health, known as the Word of Wisdom, from whom we can learn what we are guilty and what we are not guilty of working to keep our bodies healthy. The main idea is that in order to absorb the fruity products and avoid the fact that it harms our bodies and rings the bell, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol and drinking hot drinks, which are used to respect the heart. ny tea and kava.

I, as I think, and many other Mormons, have more than once had the opportunity to catch the pitying and sad looks of people who respect themselves as free to eat and drink, which will be tempting, and less deprived of the joys of living as a slave of foolish rules. However, in reality it turns out that the stench itself is innocent. Those who are morally wrong are those who follow caring and careless traditions; inappropriate physical - constant complicity with the awkward speeches that have become stale among them. “In consequence of what evil thoughts are now going on and will be in the hearts of the convicts in the remaining days, I precede you and guard you, giving you this Word of Wisdom, as if it were revealed...” - to such guarding, given by God through the prophet, you must heed. And if we love the damn advertisement that promotes kava, that is the source of bliss, we must begin to think about the fact that the distributors of whose singing are already talking about our happiness, and that these companies are working to produce stale caffeine for more More trusting people and make money on their weakness? In whose world it is easy to appear as a victim of doubts. And it’s really hard to understand whether the truth is true. Nowadays, doctors always come up with a clear idea about what is bad and what is harmful for our health. So, some doctors may have doubts and have mercy. That's not God. Having listened to New, we never seem fooled.

Unfortunately, we often find it difficult to justify our weaknesses, sometimes by telling them the reconvolution of scientific knowledge, or simply by saying firmly that “at all times people drank and were healthy.” Brigham Young, another prophet of the Mormon Church, said in his testimony: “It may be said that the people who drink alcohol and drink are healthy, but I suggest: the stench would be even healthier if they did not drink anything, and so the stench is small b the right to be blessed, obligated to those who strive for the sake given in the Word of Wisdom.”

Of course, not always and not for everyone, understanding the Word of Wisdom is easy, and the main area of ​​its focus is our appetites. Perhaps its role - to teach us to control our diets and addictions - is no less important than preserving physical health. Even a human being, who lives only to be satisfied with indulgences and addictions, cannot reveal his deepest brilliance. Many of those who first become aware of these things, in addition to the physical problems of speech that have become common, face the problem of irrationality and hostility to other people. It is more difficult for young people, for whom the role of the “black sheep” is especially difficult, to destroy the Word of Wisdom, so as not to lose popularity in the eyes of those who are distant, especially the powerful. But over time, it turns out that being faithful to your ideas attracts more people than you try to do directly for more.

And people who understand that alcoholism and chicken are not worthless, but they respect that if it is peaceful to work, then nothing terrible will happen. Although it is wise to note that people who insist that in life it is necessary to try everything, in practice they only try the worst. It’s impossible to eat something stupid. It is impossible to mother this family and preach freely at once; it’s impossible to eat freedom from deposits and familiarity with a narcotic high; It is impossible to preserve the purity of the body by accepting unclean and dishonest speech in new things. In order to enjoy free will, it is not necessary to constantly give in to your desires and make the wrong choice. “Everything is possible, but not everything is good; “Everything is permissible for me, but nothing is my mother’s fault,” said the Apostle Paul. It is important to distinguish good from evil, and not try one or the other.

The word of wisdom, recorded in section 89 of the book of daily revelations “Doctrine and Covenants”, is the main purpose of knowing about the law of health. There was no official tarnished Word of Wisdom, other than what was given by the guides of the Church in the early days, when it was said that under “hot drinks” black tea and kava were consumed. It is possible that this very fact argues against the admissibility of Mormons’ consumption of these and other products. For example, Coca-Cola and other similar drinks are popular among the world. The Church never took a sung position with this drive, encouraging the parishioners to quickly choose with their gift, switching from timidity to prudence. At the same time, Mormon church members are constantly calling out to be inspired by any kind of drinks that will take away cheap drugs and speeches that call out calls. Here I would like to mean that the Word of Wisdom was given “as a principle with a blanket, adhering to the possibility of the weakest and weakest of all Saints, who may or may not be called Saints.” Possibly, this is one of the reasons that there are not so many direct boundaries in this place - the actual barrier, as you might have already guessed, is applied only to alcohol, tea, black tea and kava - and the skin may independently determine and how weak he is , or strong, and in what way he is ready to limit himself, and also to show his wisdom in choosing between what is ready to live, and what is better to see.

Ale, worry about your choice, be sure to remember those who are healthy - this is far from the only legacy of fidelity to the Word of Wisdom and, more than everything, it is not the most important.

“And all the Saints who remember that after following and completing these words, walking in obedience to the commandments, take away health in their bodies and brains in their bones;

I will find wisdom and knowledge of great sorrows, and will find sorrows;

And run, and don’t get tired, and walk, and don’t weaken.

And I, the Lord, give them obedience, so that the angel of ruin will pass over them, like the children of Israel, and not defeat them.

So, be it a good idea for all these people to save a few pennies for themselves! What do you think?

This article was written by Anna: my life is mixed: with accounting, how to bring in income for food; journalism, where I can realize my creative ambitions; family, which gives me the ability to love and understand my faith, and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Holy Remains, which allows me to get closer to God, and here, in my opinion, my life is bright, calm and hymn I'm looking forward to tomorrow so I can't lie down external furnishings.

Joseph Smith fell asleep The Church of Jesus Christ of Our Saints on the 6th quarter of 1830 in the town of La Fayette (New York) Natalia Golitsina (London)

Few people know that Great Britain has one of the oldest Mormon communities, founded in 1837. If the Highway M61 at the Zakhidniy part of the county of the Lancashir I Pryazzhash, the mirakhko choreli, in the senses of Nazvichyn, was blurred in Bili Kolir Budylya with a leap spire, Yaki Vincha, to set a gilded angel.

This is the awakening of the missionary center of the Church of Jesus Christ of the last days of the holy days, the followers of such people under the name of the Mormons. This church was founded in 1830 by the American preacher Joseph Smith. He also wrote the Book of Mormon - a kind of Gospel, given to him by the revelation of God, in order to return to his Christianity the primary purity.

Great Britain has approximately 190 thousand Mormons; They include up to 370 congregations, scattered throughout the country. And although the Mormons in England have a reputation as practical and respectable followers of the Christian covenants, there are not as many myths and conjectures about anyone as there are about these people who have not sung and fallen There are people who save a river supply of hedgehogs in their booths in case of an unsatisfactory end to the world. Everyone thinks that Mormons practice rich marriage.

If the Highway M61 at the Zakhidniy part of the county of the Lancashir I Pryazzhash, the mirakhko choreli, in the senses of Nazvichyn, was blurred in Bili Kolir Budylya with a leap spire, Yaki Vincha, to set a gilded angel. This is the awakening of the missionary center of the Church of Jesus Christ of the last days of the holy days, the followers of such people under the name of the Mormons. This church was founded in 1830 by the American preacher Joseph Smith. He also wrote the Book of Mormon - a kind of Gospel, given to him by the revelation of God, in order to return to his Christianity the primary purity.

However, the head of the current affairs of the British Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, David Fewster, in an interview with Radio Liberty, categorically explains this idea:

This is not true! No one in our church practices polygamy. We have not tolerated polygamy since 1890, since the official declaration of the head of our church was published, which denounces wealth in such a way as to be consistent with our doctrine. Those who consider themselves Mormons and practice polygamy should not remain until the Church of Jesus Christ for the remaining days, so that the stench does not become stronger. Be any paraphian of our church, who would dare to practice polygamy, subject to disciplinary restrictions and expulsions from the church.

All Mormons pay church tithes. Why doesn't this extra pressure tighten them up?

Thus, according to the biblical order, according to the biblical law, every member of the church is asked to contribute a tenth of his income. I have been in our church for forty years, and never once have I been bothered by the misery of this place. Regardless of those who say that the church tithe is a voluntary sacrifice, I myself have always wanted to give back, and I give it without any pretense. You are unlikely to know a person among us who respects our obedience.

And yet another broader statement about the Mormons. It is important that they live near the end of the world.

The very name of our church – the Church of Jesus Christ of the Holy Remaining Days – seems to be something we are in such a state of turmoil. But it is true that our worldly perception is growing as Christians embrace the New Testament. We believe on the Day of Judgment and the coming of the Savior, but this has been transferred. However, we cannot imagine that the Apocalypse could come at any time. We are encouraged to live in such a way as to earn our contribution from the prosperity of every marriage.

Mormons are addicted to alcohol (this is understandable), but why are they forbidden to drink tea and kava?

At the beginning of the 19th century, the head of our church, Joseph Smith, received a revelation from the Lord that alcohol and tobacco were unpleasant for believers. There was also talk about the vigor of vegetables and the death of meat. Hot drinks were also judged to be bad for health. This revelation was given to fate in 1833. Up to this list we drank hot drinks, hot tea and kava. The reason why we still get tired of these songs is the belief in those who protect us from being like God. I want to increase your respect for such a cool fact. Speaking about everything after 175 rocks, it can be noted that the average miserable life of Mormons is nine rocks higher than the average miserable life of the population of the USA and Britain. Mormons are more likely to suffer from cancer, compared to the Muslims of some countries. And the reason for this is our wise dietary code, which protects us from drinking tea and kavi.

Is it really important for English Mormons to live in England and not drink tea about the fifth year?

Ha! The food is really good... You know, I have never drank tea in my life and I honestly don’t know its taste, and, to be honest, I never felt that I was being spoiled, although many people in England drink it. We were just tired of having tea. It is possible to treat us as unique, not similar to others, but there is no need for us to feel it.

The phrase “Mormons are Christians” is at least a clarification. Moreover, the clarification is not the concept of “Mormons”, but the concept of “Christians”. In other words, in order to understand whether this phrase is true or false, it is necessary to know what is meant by the word “Christians”. Who do you respect if you say “Christians”?

As “Christians” you have the respect of everyone who considers themselves a Christian, including Mormons, and of course, Christians. Ale, the meaning is even more crafty and take it apart. Even if I call myself a “boy” and respect myself as a boy, it doesn’t mean at all that I am a real boy. So there are a lot of atheists, who call themselves Christians for the same reasons, which were born in the traditional Christian country, and not, say, in the traditional Muslim country.

Since, as a “Christian,” you respect a person who is after Jesus Christ and wants to inherit them, then, as if it were not surprising, the same Muslims will successfully destroy the remains of the stench of Jesus. Christ, respecting him as a prophet in the sight of God (only under whom do not respect Yogo for the Son of God and do not pray to Yogo).

How then do you know who is a Christian and who is not? The Bible tells us clearly about how the concept of “Christian” was born, and who belongs to this category and who does not.

Based on the book of Acts 11:26, the word “Christian” was first used in the administrative center of the Roman province of Syria in the city of Antioch (which is also the city of Antakya on the day of Turkey). This was a kind of cry, as the leading people, who at that time lived in Antioch and had no relation to the successors of Christ, became victorious in relation to the successors of Christ. This is an important point, because most people, as a rule, have no time, no need to delve into any theological subtleties, first of all to figure out a new name for a certain group of religious people. Names among the people, as a rule, are given for some characteristic sign, and in the early Christians such a sign was those who called out the name of Jesus Christ, so that in their prayers they would pray to Christ. So, for example, the Apostle Paul wrote to Christians at Corinth:

“The churches of God that are in Corinth, sanctified by Christ Jesus, we call upon the saints, who invoke the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in every place, in them and in us” (1 Corinthians 1:2).

The Apostle Paul’s feral fervor to Christianity began with the very fact that he was baptized and immediately fervently prayed to Christ:

“Father, what do you want? Arise, baptize yourself, and wash away your sins, calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 22:16)

This practice for the first Christians did not depend on the kshtalt zabaganki - for them there was a whole lot of principled nutrition. The stench was not seen in the practice of bestiality before Christ to be told in the face of persecution and inevitable death:

“Ananiya Vidpov: Lord! , laying hands on him, saying: Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, having appeared to you on the road like you, sent me that you might receive your sight" (Acts 9:14-18)

"Saul spent many days studying in Damascus. And immediately he began to preach in the synagogues about Jesus, that He is the Son of God. And everyone who heard it marveled and said: this is not the same one who drove those who had been imprisoned from Jerusalem what do you mean "Am I here? I'm here." for this they came to bind them and bring them before the chief priests" (Acts 9:19-21)

Such a rank, the initial characteristic of Christians, was that the stench of their special and ardent prayers grew until Jesus Christ.

Well, it means that Christians simply have to do it - it’s enough to know that the stinks of their prayers call out the name of Jesus Christ, in other words, the stinks of their prayers cry out to Jesus Christ no matter what. This is the meaning as shown in the Bible itself.

The first axis to achieve this significance is the Catholics, the Orthodox, the ancient churches, and many Protestant sects of Christians. Neither Mormons, nor Jehovah’s witnesses are like that, because in their prayers the stench grows only to the Father and, for example, the prayers say “we pray in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ,” but there is no stench even to Jesus Christ Himself brutalize and Let me tell you, it’s not right to be so timid.

Ecology of living. I also say: Do you know that many yogis drink unique traditional tea and kavi? Without seeming to talk about energy drinks. After a cup of coffee and tea we feel a surge of strength and strength, then what’s the problem?

Do you know that many yogis drink unique traditional tea and kavi?

Without seeming to talk about energy drinks.

After a cup of coffee and tea we feel a surge of strength and strength, then what’s the problem?

The whole point is that caffeine and other stimulants do not provide energy, they do not draw additional energy from our energy reserves.

The body saves energy during special periods- Stress, fatigue, vaginosis, climate change, illness, and much more. And we spend it for free No special need, just to encourage you.

We would appreciate having a supply of firewood for the winter, and we would indulge in plenty all summer long without doing anything. And then it suddenly appears that in the severe frost there is no way to heat the coarse.

What can replace traditional black and green tea?

In our time there are no alternatives. Herbal teas, rooibos, ginger drink, Russian ivan tea, Indian masala tea and much more.

With herbs, however, you need to be careful, the stench may have its contraindications.

Yakshcho You can drink Ivan tea and mint as much as you want, then wide motherwort and superb are strong herbs that cannot be grown steadily.

My friends drink wonderful fermented teas from literally everything that grows in their dacha - leaves of apple, cherry, raspberry and Jerusalem artichoke!

The simplest processing - and on the table there is a tasty and brown drink.

I'm starting to drink tulasi(I brought supplies from India), collect the herbs(I pick most of it myself) Ginger tea or else tea with spices Inodi sagan-dailya.

When I fly to a dacha or a village, I simply go out into the field or into the city and collect random leaves. I don’t drink kava, I don’t drink black tea, it’s only a lie before work, I rarely drink greens;

If you don’t have enough energy, there is a wonderful alternative – these are sprouts!

The grain is alive, it has already given rise, - e. She herself is energetically infused with the hedgehog, just a concentrate of energy.

Do you realize how much strength it takes to grow quickly, to break through to sunshine and vigor?

Not to mention that sprouts contain a lot of vitamins and other essential elements. Try turning them on in your menu and within a week you will feel like you have a fresh energizer battery.

I don’t eat sprouts because there are a lot of fresh vegetables, berries and herbs, and immediately switch to salads with sprouts.

Don’t forget to add spices to reduce this, ahem, effect. If you don’t like salads, you can chop the sprouts in a blender and add them to juices and smoothies. For days I’ll soak up a portion of it. Join us! published

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