Prayers for those to get married.




Family is the same temple, and you don’t want to be alone in temples.

That’s why girls feed a lot, as the strongest prayer is to get married.

In the wide area of ​​the river, there are no strong or weak prayers.

The broader word is the stronger the word. And still ready to join forces with the Almighty. How to read a prayer to get married

The room is quiet, as if you were praying at home.

The same humming music, third-party sounds.

Calm down, calm down.

Think about the ones you really want.

Oh, All-Merciful Lord, I know that my great happiness lies in the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I enact Your holy will in all.

Celebrate Yourself, my God, with my soul and my heart: I want to live up to You alone, for You are the Creator and my God.

About the holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wisdom of wisdom, Christian guardians of faith, Idol forest twirlers, the Divine champion of the Gospel, Christ God, who There’s no point in having fun, the crowning glory of childishness and martyrdom is embellished!

We pray to you, holy martyr, be a fool about us until Christ our God.

It is with the most blessed dawn that you will have fun first;

Pray to the All-Merciful One, who blinds our eyes with a word, grant us relief from the illness of our eyes, both physical and mental;

by kindling with your holy prayers the dark darkness that has come as a result of our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace with our souls and bodies;

Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, and for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet grain will be given to the dishonest.

Think about the ones you really want.

Oh, great servant of God!
Oh dear little girl!
Protect me from pride and selfishness: let intelligence, modesty and value embellish me.
Holiness is disgusting to you and gives rise to vices, give me love for prudence and bless my practice.
Because Your Law commands people to live with honest love, then bring me, Holy Father, to this calling, sanctified by You, not for the honor of my lordship, but for Your consecration, for You Yourself said: It is not good for people to be alone and who have created this the squad as a supporter, having blessed their growth, they will multiply and populate the earth.
Feel my humble prayer, which from the depths of a girl’s heart overcomes You;

Give me an honest and pious man, so that in love with him and in grace we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever.


Also pray for a successful marriage:
Holy Great Martyr Catherine


O Saint Katerino, virgin and martyr, true Christ's name!
We pray to you, as the special grace that was before me of your words, most youthful Jesus, that I received: as having disgraced the tormentor with your wisdom, you overcame fifty turns, and having drunk their heavenly dreams until the light of true faith put it to us, so that's it, all the approaches of the scorching tormentor were torn apart, the world and the flesh were seized with peace, the manifest Divine glory of the day, and to the expansion of our holy Orthodox faiths, the judgments of the day are formed, and with you in the heavenly the tabernacle of the Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ is glorified and glorified throughout all ages .

To the Righteous Philaret the Merciful

Troparion, tone 4:
Abraham inherited from the faith, Job went from the terp, Father Philaret, dividing the prosperous lands to the unsafe and sparing the terpirs.

For the sake of which you are crowned with light, the hero of heroism, Christ our God, pray for our souls to be saved.

Also pray for a successful marriage:
First calling of the Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Supreme Follower of the Church, all praise to Andrew!

Glorified and magnified are your apostolic works, we commemorate your blessed coming before us, we bless your honorable suffering, which you recognize for Christ, we honor your sacred power, we honor your holy memory and believe that the living Lord will forever be with us. bі perebuєsh, where You do not deprive us of your love, for you love our fathers, since by the Holy Spirit you have seen our lands to Christ.

Also pray for a successful marriage:
We believe, as we pray to God for us, all our needs are freely given to God.

So we confess our faith in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, through your prayers grant us everything we need for the salvation of us sinners: so as you, even before the voice of the Lord, deprive your darkness, unfailingly your trace vav Ti, i Don’t forget to look for the skins of us who are not your own, even before the creation of your neighbor, and don’t forget to think about the mountain calling.

About the great saint of God and the blessed wonderworker of the good faith of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, intercessors and guardians, and about all of us, zeal for the Lord, prayer books!

We come to you and pray to you with hope: bring your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners and ask us from His goodness for all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith in justice, hope in goodness, love without hypocrisy, piety without mercy, in their right, the world peace, fruitful land, blessings, health to souls and bodies and eternal salvation.

  1. Come into the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in sorrow and in troubles, day and night, that we can cry out to Him, let us feel the sick cry and let us know that ours lives in death.
  2. Ask the Church of the saints and all the powers of the Russian world, peace and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death.
  3. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all Russian cities from all evil, and all the faithful people who came before you and worshiped with might, be blessed with the graceful effect of your friendly prayers, and all their prayers for the good icon.
  4. Hey, miracle-working saints!
  5. Do not disrespect our prayers, which we have presented to you, but be intercessors for us to the Lord and make us worthy of your holy salvation to eternally take away and the Kingdom of Heaven to fall;

May the gloriously incredible love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who worship God in the Trinity, forever.


Which holy icons should we pray to in order to get married?

Saint Peter icon.

Fevroniya icon.

The Lord preserve my future with this physical day and spiritual day.

Let me go, my man, my faithfulness saves me all my life.

Let us feel as if our people are not weakening, but instead they are still growing and growing!

I will say in the name of Christ that my friend will be merciless and the most distant in the world!

My family doesn’t need anything.


We pray to you, holy martyr, be a fool about us until Christ our God.

“You, dear Lord, will always know what my future children will need.

If it is Your will, please come and give me a companion in life.

I’m already tired of the self-importance.

Someone has come whom you want to send, but only to appreciate and love me in the right way.”

“Oh, All-Merciful Lord God!

Rule me as you please!

Kerui, just give me one thing - one thing, who loved me as much as I love you.

I pray that You will give me the most beautiful person, whom I would always protect, listen to everyone, and not know anything about anything.

Being at the mercy of a man, we glorify You, now and forever, forever...

I read a prayer in front of the icon of St. Catherine.

It's so good, it's so good now, but then I got out of hell.

And the fun will be remembered for a long time.

With my whore I am already happy.

Irina: And the icon of Katerina helped. I’m ecstatic, because nothing would have worked out for me without her help.

And I’m so happy that I already believe in all the wonders that can only be discovered!


And I just asked God to give me a man.

He gave it as a gift.

Kerui, just give me one thing - one thing, who loved me as much as I love you.

It’s true, for the first time of my stay.

Nice man

I got caught.

Really good!

I don’t tell him that he is the best, because the best is not with me, and has long been friends.


Icons cannot help unless you truly believe in God.

And it’s not a good idea to start earning money!

Who should you pray to to find your soul mate?

You can turn to the Savior, the Mother of God, the patron saint, the protective angel with songs about love.

Burying methods

The traces are carefully placed in their place, and the instructions are clearly stated.

There is no way to help if we are talking about the ruin of another family.

It’s not good to ask for your own happiness for the sake of other people’s mischief.

Every time there is no trace of religious people turning to magicians, occultists, psychics.

  • Such help can avoid mischief, remove the sinful trace from the soul and share of a person.

Do not use deceptive methods to vlashtovuvat osobiste zhittya.

Deception, blackmail, and coercion will not bring happiness.

Prayer of Ksenia of St. Petersburg

  • Ksenia Peterburzka’s prayer about khanna more than once helped the girls achieve happiness.

Prokhannaya before the rank will help make peace with your friends after welding.

Prayer of the Matrona of Moscow

The miracles of the Matrona of Moscow, her gracious help in the search of a kindred soul, created in this family throughout the country.

  • Matrona's prayer for the long-term acceptance of the sustra.

“Mother Matronushka, look at my heart.

Help me find my betrothed, who is asking me and running around without a care.

  • Help me find someone I love and who cares about me.

I ask you, you who suffer, humbly, to fall to the feet of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Ask him to grant me a family life.

Let us not be deprived of the richly suffering grace of God in our vale.

  • In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Nina, and always, forever and ever. Amen."
  • Prayer to Peter and Fevronia Saints Peter and Fevronia have been respected as patrons of this family for a long time.
  • Their life is filled with love and fidelity.- miraculous. There are a lot of stories about how we can help you build a healthier life Shkdlivikh zvichok


Prayer for love and marriage before marriage has long ago helped young girls and mature women in search of their betrothed.

Prayer of Paraskeva Friday

  • Saint Paraskeva gave the monastery value and spiritual purity for her life.

This image will help you find a long-awaited betrothed or betrothed, bring peace to your family, and give a wonderful birth to couples who have fallen out of love.

Prayer for marriage and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskevi Friday will help valuable girls find their soulmate. It’s not for nothing that in Russia this great martyr was called “Babina Saint” - she stands up for women’s turbots and domestic dominion. Closer to the Intercession, the girls prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: “Matusya-Paraskeva, cover me as you know!”

“Called Saint of Christ, Great Martyr Paraskeva!

Who should you pray to to find your soul mate?

Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, and for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet grain will be given to the dishonest.

Prayers to the Savior about khanna can be found in the church near the icon.

On Svetanka before going to bed, pray to the Lord to grant the miracle of love and reciprocity.

You can write a prayer in your own words and wear the note like a talisman on your chest.

The ferocity may go to the heart to its greatest strength.

The daily word of prayer is a concentration on the prayer, a prayer for help in one’s troubles, troubles, and anxieties.

I’ll hurry to write down my wishes on a paper.

This will help you sort out your thoughts.

You can paint point by point the spiritual dreams of the person you would like to be your other half.

It’s important to think about this, how to study as a friend of life, for what it’s needed.

In the meantime, the girls are ready for the most important tasks, and in the race for the status of a married wife, many people forget about the most important thing - about faith in God and prayers.

And at this hour, the prayers of the building are asked no worse for the best matchmaker.

A strong prayer, for example, is a prayer to Mikola the Wonderworker about marriage and the special life that has long helped rich girls and women to find a happy family - a good and loving man, children.

Turning to the Lord and the saints with prayer and marriage is apparently completely normal and absolutely necessary, since a girl does not get along well with her particular life.

If prayer is perceived as a powerful force, then such love will inevitably become happy, long-lasting and meaningful, and it is not without reason that people’s wisdom speaks of those that true love settles itself in heaven.

How to ask Mikoli Ugodnik about marriage

The prayers with which the believing people flock to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are of a universal nature, just because St. Nicholas is one of the most famous saints.

It’s already a long time ago that the girls ask Mikola Ugodnik to help them with their most recent husband and obligingly refuse any help - for the mind, for praying broadly, for a broad heart.

Praying to the holy elder together is not obligatory due to the formality of a special Orthodox prayer (although the second prayer, the text of which is given a little below, only floats).

You can formulate your lament in your own words - a headache, so that it goes beyond your big heart.

It is important to pray with Mykola the Pleasant of his icon by the light of a burning church candle.

Preparation before the current prayer ceremony

The prayer ritual based on the most obvious marriage requires advance preparation.

  • Basic rules that you must follow during preparation:
  • do not cut your hair for 40 days;
  • get rid of any complaints from your partner, and no longer engage in intimate contact for 40 days;

complete the fast - also lasting 40 days.

On the 41st day, the girl who wants to make friends must go out into the open field.

While walking there, it is necessary to cross each other and bend on all 4 sides, and then direct your route to the nearest temple or church.

Church stage

At the walls of the liturgical pledge, you are required to light a candle in front of the icon of Mykoli the Pleasant, say your prayer and read the prayer for your marriage.

Advent text:

Coming out of the church, the girl walks backwards. The doors of the entrance doors will begin to close and will stand upon the holy banners. Home stage

Having arrived home, Vikonavitsa was first to blame for everything in the quiet place of the hustka that covered her head in the church.

For the coming 7 Sundays, this khustka needs to be put on the head and already in the house of the blessing of Mikoli Ugodnik about the most recent marriage - for which it is necessary to add an icon with the image of the saint to the temple, as there is no one in the shrine.

The girl, who has done everything right, may be together with her future boyfriend for the past seven Sundays.

This prayer ritual for marriage is one of the most powerful. report description ritual!

What does fasting during the hour of prayer mean?

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Prayers for marriage.

Strong prayers for marriage

STRONG PRAYERS FOR ZEMIZHNITY The love spell of a loved one with prayers even expands the ritual of white magic to the khannya. :

  • Magic words to bury the god inside you without any inheritance for yourself and read them at the temple.
  • Call on, they will reveal for you the magical words of how to marry a kohanna of a person or to find your soul mate, who will become friends with you, for which you need to independently read the most powerful spell - a prayer for kohanna and a Swedish wife.
  • It is necessary to earn money from the church after reading
  • all the strongest prayers for marriage

3 times in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, read a prayer on the other half, once read a strong prayer to Mikola the Wonderworker about marriage, Read the Matronushka’s prayer once so that you can marry your godfather, The ritual ends with a strong prayer to Seraphim of Sarov about marriage and marriage for the future. A prayer for a friend after the death of a person or separation from a person is read in the same sequence.

To cast a love spell on a church in a church, you need to buy 5 candles for additional prayers

– 4 to pray to the saints about marriage and love, and pray to yourself for the health of the icon Pantelemon.

First of all, pray to the saints from afar and read strong prayers and say magic words before the church, so that the future man will love you more than life and will never bring joy: Lord, in the name of the Father, and Sina, and the Holy Spirit, Mykola Ugodnik, Kazanska

God Mother

, help me (name your name) - this is the best and strongest way to get along and get along by mutual agreement.

Prayer for the marriage of the Kazan Mother of God

Light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Color of None” and read a strong prayer for a Swedish wife:

Bring us sinners to a quiet, turbo-free life;

then we will pay for our sins.

O Mother Mary, our gracious and Swedish Intercessor, cover us with Your troubles. Protect yourself from enemies visible and invisible, soften your heart evil people

, what will stand up to us.

About the Mother of the Lord our Creator!

This root of childhood and the everlasting color of purity and beauty, let us help the Germans

And we are overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, let us follow the path of God’s truth.

By the grace of Thy Son, change our weak will to obey the commandments,

Let us get rid of all troubles and misfortunes and we will be vindicated

By Your miraculous intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son.

To us we give glory, honor and worship to Nina, always and forever.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

With prayer until Mikoli the Wonderworker, all Orthodox Christians on Earth are fighting for help.

This very old and good prayer for marriage was bestowed upon Mikoli the Wonderworker.

Having placed a candle on the white of this icon, continue the church rite in conjunction with the reading of this prayer:

O all-holy Nicholas, saint of the venerable Lord!

In your life you have never seen anyone in the past,

May you not see the servant of God (him).

Send your mercy and ask the Lord for my Swedish wife.

I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in the mercy of God.

Bow down in front of the icon of Mikoli the Wonderworker and go to the next icon of Matrona to read a strong prayer in the distance when marrying a khan of a person.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for marriage

Matrona Yak and St.

Katerina is already very quickly helping to make friends with the power of the prayer of this great saint, so that doubt no longer arises in any of the people.

People pray to the matron for a variety of reasons, in order to renew the struggles in the family, those who need to break up, go to her with prayers, and women and girls read a prayer in order to get married.

Light the third candle next to the icon of the Holy Matronushka and say the magical words of the prayer to the Blessed Matrona about your marriage:

O blessed Mother Matrono, my soul is in heaven before the Throne of God in the future,

And from our youth we hope to celebrate the anniversary of our sins,

And with your prayers we took away grace and great mercy,

Let us glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Nina and always and forever.

Having finished reading the text of the prayer to Matrona, form a prayer about marrying a Swede and continue the ritual of white magic so that the Swede gets married.

It took a little time and time, having finished reading these strong prayers, you will definitely come to the end of whose fate, which has no name, you will definitely understand.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov about marriage

These are strong prayers for marriage to Saint Seraphim of Sarov to complete the rite of white magic for a long and sweet marriage. Having reached your icon, light the church candle and say the magic words of the prayer to the love spell: O most wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, to all who come running to you, quick-hearing helper!

rich in sins, your help and the comforts of those passing by.

Receive your kindness to us and help us to safely preserve the commandments of the Lord, to cherish the Orthodox faith, to offer repentance for our sins zealously to God, for pious Christians to prosper gracefully and for you to pray for us before God. twa.

Їy, the holy of God, feel us, to pray to me with love, I do not smile us, vimagayut your stack: Nini I help us in the year of the death of your prayers, not the same these powers, and with your help we will be honored to inherit the bliss of the abode of heaven.

How can you return to your khan the girl or woman that she left you?

Help is strong and reconsidered in order to turn the kohana back after separation and re-awaken her love and interest in yourself. After separation, go to the church and perform a ritual of white magic to return the kohan to the kohan people. Having bought a candle in the church, put the change in for the ransom (they said to put it on the candle). Over the course of 3 – 7 days after the day you call for the Kokhan to turn back to you, your feelings and love will seem to be completely renewed. Zmova to turn the kohan which needs to be read Turning the man home after welding and separation will help a strong force on turning the kitchen and hundred-year-olds to read, which is necessary in household minds - the girls’ everyday life lived together with the man. Look for robot and

Swedish way

How will the supernitsa try to turn the kohan man with the help of a call to turn the kohanya and warm centurions as before (before the moment of separation). The letter to turn back the one who threw you away is read daily, so in order to turn the people around with the help of an unimportant monthly cycle, any day should approach the week of the great church saints. Terminovo phoned you, and the answer is very fast.

It is necessary to read this document so that you can call the person on the phone, write, or come to the person who calls you. This ritual can put pressure on your loved one and make him worry not only about your sleep, but also call you on the phone and come to you in a hurry. Call on the phone to call someone who you need to know about you and call immediately.

To independently perform a silent ritual of telling fortunes to yourself, go to your alarm window until the window is open and read The action calls for rotation and understanding even stronger and begins immediately after its completion. Regardless of the fact that you are in love, even in another place, this guy will have a strong desire to care for you and will not disappear until he turns to you.

In the case of war, all methods are good, and the choice depends on the result. And how did the khan of the people go to the level of supernitsa? Here The best beauty of the Zbroya You can independently read the strong command to turn the Kohan, this method is even stronger and more reliable than any Kohan can resist. This ancient family ritual was turned back a long time ago after the welding of a man with a squad of dogs from the house It’s a good idea to get married, after reading it you can quickly get married.

The money on the tsvintari is divided into kohanna and is collected for all life. You can read a love poem on the golden earth either during the day when the light is white or during the dark day when the light is bright. All the strong spells on kohannya that need to be read on the tsvintar are called the quintuplet love spell on the eternal kohannya and are related to black magic.

In order to independently perform a love ritual on the continental land and read a strong sentence, you will need to a sweet person and deeply love the one for whom you are ready to perform a ritual ceremony.

Call to open the great mystery of the black wedding and you will learn the most beautiful words of love, as you can read on the page.

Vibravshi and vikonavshi

This help will help you quickly come to terms with any person who doesn’t give up on your thirsty misfortunes and quickly renew friendships with her, like they were before the welding.

Read the prayer for reconciliation at the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Soon after completing the ritual, you will make peace and will no longer get stuck with any kind of friction, constantly finding compromises that will dominate you. Light the candle and bow down and read the white prayer - a prayer to make peace with what you need

When your family begins to get into arguments with a person and you feel like you need to change, correct this situation and restore happiness

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, accept this prayer on behalf of me, Thy unworthy servant, and lift it up to the Throne of Thy Son God, may He mercifully be our blessings.

I come to You as to our Intercessor: feel us, why should we pray to You, cover us with Your cover, and ask Your God the Son for all our blessings: I will make friends of love and blessings, children of the ear, the grieved of patience, the sorrowful of complacency, and give us a rose mu i kind, the spirit of mercy and kindness, the spirit of purity and truth. Protect me from pride and selfishness, give me love for practicality and bless my hands. Since the Law of the Lord our God punishes people to live honestly, then bring me, Mother of God, to the next, not for the honorable honor of our Holy Father, but for the baptism of our Holy Father, for He Himself said: It is not good for people to be alone and to create your squad as a supporter Having blessed their growth, they will be fruitful and populate the earth.

Є Holy Mother of God, feel the humble prayer from the depths of my girlish heart: give me an honest and pious man, so that in love with him and in goodness we glorify You and the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever Ikiv. Amen." 100% better way to get the right food

in your life and update your gifts in your family!

Diya strong amulet kohannya We have already verified a lot of women and men.

With this help you will not only find your soul mate, but also you will be able to remove the welding and negativity from your family, for which you need... Hear on video a strong prayer on the Swedish and in the distance close that it is impossible to develop genetically in order to give rise to other species, and pure species - the origins of life, to those that can develop. The woman is, without a doubt, the gift of life. This is the only key aspect of a person.

And this is more surprising and extremely dubious, the derogation of a woman in religion.

In religion, a woman takes on the task of raising children in order to conquer the divine will.

The church is strong