The intergaloreal balance is shaking.



Federal Agency for Information

Perm State Technical University


from the discipline “Economic and mathematical methods and models”

on the topic: “Intergaluzevy balance of production”

Vikonala student

Faculty of Humanities

Part-time department

Group IE-06C

Shilova Yana Sergiyivna

Converted: bank account

Levda N.M.

ROZDIL I Intergaluzevy balance as a type of balance models 3

1.1 Assignments to the inter-galley balance 3

1.2 Structure of the inter-glue balance 4

ROZDIL II Intergaluzevy balance as a method of economical analysis and planning 7

2.1 Butt of the inter-glue balance 7

2.1.1 Statement of the problem 7 2.1.2 Direct material expenditure ratios 8 9

2.1.3. Coefficients of external

material costs

2.1.4. Balanced obligations of production 11

2.1.5.Equally important prices 13

      List of references Pomilka: the site of the crossing was not found

ROZDIL I Intergaluzevy balance as a type of balance models

Assignment to the inter-loop balance

The current economy is an open system, based on direct and reverse horizontal and vertical connections, and can only develop successfully if there is effective management of these connections, both in the macro and micro levels. And, this is the basic need for planning (on-line, operational, strategic) and forecast.

Thus, to predict changes in the parameters of production and production, both on the scale of the country and on the scale of other regions, current economic theory recommends a vikory model of the inter-glue equal balance, divided by the American by whom V. Leontiev taught.

Intergaluzevy balance(MOB, “input-output” method) is an economic-mathematical balance model that characterizes inter-regional interactions in the economy of the region.

Characterizes the relationship between the production of one galuz and the vitrates, the vitrated products of all galuzes, necessary to ensure the production.

The central idea of ​​intergalus balance is that the skin gland is considered as a worker as well as a worker.

The inter-loop balance model is one of the simplest economic and mathematical models.

It is a unified mutually interconnected system of information about the mutual supply of products between all the production centers, as well as about the Galuzian structure of the main production funds, about the security of the people's rule with resources, etc. .

1.2 Structure of the inter-loop balance

Inter-glue balance (MBB) is a table that contains data on the production and related products of various gullies and enterprises.

As a result of balance sheet investigations, inter-loop and inter-district connections may be affected, additional expenditures, capital investment, energy, etc. may be spent on the production of a single product, the turnover is reported. material values ​​of this dominion. Balances occur depending on the plan.

These are the proportions that have been formed, and the plans reflect the actual structure and result from the development of the models.

It is important to know which units have inter-granular flows that separate the natural and varnish balances.

Skin galus is presented in the MGB two categories: as a vibrator and as a companion.

Through the number of galuzia (rows) the product vibrates, and through

Galusi number (product) that corresponds to the product.

A detailed view of the intergalactic balance in the different representations in Table 1. The balance consists of several divisions that have different economic values, they are called quadrants of the balance.

Table 1



Vitrati on


More precisely, virobnichche sozhivannya galuzyakh

(intermediate product)

Kintseviy product




living room


Disbursement of capital assets

expenditure recovery

export (+)

and import (–)

Depreciation and

pure products

gross output

The first section of the MOB. On the web i-th row j stovptsya known value x ij- quantity of products
i- galusa spent for general consumption j- and galusi.

So the value
This is understood as the variety of production processes generated in the galus number 2 and combined with the material waste in the galus number 3. Thus, the first section characterizes the inter-galus flows of waste, materials, This also refers to the viral activity of galusa, and is a square matrix of order n , the sum of all elements that correspond to the river fund for the recovery and waste of production facilities in the material sphere.

The other one was divided the final production of all galuses of material vibrancy is presented, in which case the final product is understood to be the product that leaves the sphere of vibrancy in the area of ​​the final vicoristan (for the cumulative accumulation), then the product that goes to life of state government bodies, commercial and non-commercial organizations;

capital contributions; .

change in stocks and reserves; pure accumulation of valuables, formation of the export-import balance; Appears in balance via j The third was divided j.

depreciation and newly created versatility appear * behind the curtains of material production. Indicated

In this way, the balance between the channels of material production, the balance of the aggregate suspense product, the balance of national income and population expenditures is established. . It should be noted that if gross output does not go into the above quadrants, it is presented on the balance diagram in the form of a column drawn right-handed from the other quadrant, and in the view of a row below the third quadrant.

Indicated by

Tsi Stovpets I row the gross product, zoom the scheme of the mob of important, the role of the yak for the transfer is correctly commanded by the quadrant (Tobto for the transfer of the balance itself), so for the rods of the Ekonono-Mathematical Migaluse Balance.

ROZDIL II Intergaluzevy balance as a method of economical analysis and planning

2.1.Example of the arrangement of the inter-glue balance

2.1.1 Statement of the problem

All material production is divided into three sectors (galusi) of the economy: the agricultural state, industry and others (transport, communications).

The balance model diagram is presented in Table 2, where the skin tissue is viewed from two sides: as a producer of products (row) and as a contributor to products (stock).

The row of the table shows the variety and division of products.

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Household rulers include the non-viral sector of the economy (all state institutions that are not involved in regular economic activity and, therefore, the household kingdoms themselves).

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Vartism has been added - this is new Vartism.

This is the balance of natural values ​​for the trigalusian system in the form of table 2
Table 2.

Household Dominions

Gross production


Silk State

Added vart_st, rub

Vidomy will drink the domestic dominions of the coming fate:

de - Coefficient of consumption of halusia products i per generation of one halusia product; - Zagalny obsyag vitrat galusi products for the production of galusi products; - Gross production of living galusa;

Coefficients I create a matrix A with elements.

If it is given in valuable terms, then it will be paid in rubles for 1 ruble.


If it is given in kind, it will be given in kind (one i-th product per one product).

Withdrawal coefficients encourage direct connections between galuzes.

For example, the consumption of vugilla without the need for electricity generation, the use of metal for the uninterrupted generation of verstats, etc.

Therefore, they are called direct deposit coefficients. Also, based on the data in Table 2, the coefficient of direct material expenditures is determined.

A =

2.1.3. Coefficients of new material waste


Coefficients of new material waste

mean the gross output of galusa is necessary so that only one unit of product reaches the final product warehouse - oh galusa, then it is consumed, which is due to the production of other products both directly and indirectly through our products

The basis for the allocation of direct expenditures is the coefficient of direct expenditures.

Coefficients of external material inputs add up the matrix

with elements.

The matrix of coefficients of new material expenditures follows the formula:


- matrix of coefficients of direct material expenditures;

- Each matrix is ​​of the same order as the matrix.

Thus, for the calculation you need to know the matrix wrapped to matrix ()

Come out


We know about the additional gate matrix
2.1.4 Balanced selection processes

Considering the statement of our task, point 3, we need to know the balanced obligations of skin production (gross production) for the planned period, resulting from the consumption of domestic governments.


Based on formula (1), the balance sheet system can be written as:

, (i = 1, 2,...,n), or

If you enter before looking at the matrix of coefficients of direct material inputs, then the vector of gross output

and vector-based end products:

then the level system (2) in the matrix form will look like this:

Behind the balance sheet, the added value is significant, which falls on one unit of gross output (part of the added value), which is found in the formula:

Significantly, a new period has been added for the new gross output:

    The results of the expansions are placed in Table 3. Planned balance

Table 3. Planned balance

Intergaluz material flows

The balance model diagram is presented in Table 2, where the skin tissue is viewed from two sides: as a producer of products (row) and as a contributor to products (stock).

The row of the table shows the variety and division of products.

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Household rulers include the non-viral sector of the economy (all state institutions that are not involved in regular economic activity and, therefore, the household kingdoms themselves).

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Added vartіst

Also, following Table 1 and Table 2, moreover, having changed the consumption of the domestic dominions of the agricultural dominions by ten points, other indicators have increased: the illegal expenses of the products of the economy have increased There is a decrease in the production of Galusia, the gross production has increased.

2.1.5 Equal prices

7. Equal prices for skin gland products are calculated using the following formula:

- Price vector;

- vector of parts of added value;

The matrix of coefficients of new material expenditures has been transposed.

This formula can be written out in terms of a system of linear lines:

Added value, which falls on one unit of gross output (part of added value)

Balance in pennies

Material flows flow from domestic governments and gross output is multiplied by price reduction.

Table 4.

Intergaluz material flows

The balance model diagram is presented in Table 2, where the skin tissue is viewed from two sides: as a producer of products (row) and as a contributor to products (stock).

The row of the table shows the variety and division of products.

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Household rulers include the non-viral sector of the economy (all state institutions that are not involved in regular economic activity and, therefore, the household kingdoms themselves).

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Vartism has been added - this is new Vartism.

To maintain balance in pennies, the following thoughts must be followed:


1. In rows




2. Stovptsami




3. The amount of another section = the amount of the third section


Virishennya of the supplementary department.

    How to change the obligations of production in the skin galus, as the consumption of domestic dominions on the products of the agricultural dominions will increase again.

Explain your changes.

Intergaluz material flows

The balance model diagram is presented in Table 2, where the skin tissue is viewed from two sides: as a producer of products (row) and as a contributor to products (stock).

The row of the table shows the variety and division of products.

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Household rulers include the non-viral sector of the economy (all state institutions that are not involved in regular economic activity and, therefore, the household kingdoms themselves).

Stovpets – shows the structure of expenditures and the structure of victorious resources.

Vartism has been added - this is new Vartism.

Table 5.

    They increased the domestic dominions' income for the products of the agricultural dominions again, and insured their gross output through the coefficients of new material expenditures.

It is clear from the table that the rate of infection in cutaneous galusa has increased.

Intergaluz material flows

Replacing the end product of the galusa with the intermediate product of the galusa and the final gross product.

How to change the balanced prices for the products of skin galus, as it has been given the potential for the rural kingdom to double.

    Explain the changes made.


    Alesinska T.V., Serbin V.D.

    Basic methodological textbook for the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. Linear programming."- Taganrog: View of TRTU, 2001

    Alesinska T.V. Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. Linear programming." - Taganrog: View of TRTU, 2002

    Model intergaluzevy Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. balance Leontieva Abstract >> Finance Enter Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. Model

  1. intergaluzevy Leontyeva Let's take a look at the galoozes of industry, the skin of which vibrates its Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models.

    products the product. intergaluzevy Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. Matrix equation (1.5.3) is called models Leontyeva and allows you to verify the knowledge of three... Through the number of galuzia (rows) the product vibrates, and through dynamic intergaluzevy Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. ...

  2. Addendum >> Economy models Vitrat.


    2. intergaluzevy Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. characterizes viral ligaments. Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. balance Addendum >> Economy models virobnitstva and rospodil

  3. Addendum >> Economy models (2)

    in full communication.

    ... The greatest expansion of the matrix economic-mathematical intergaluzevy Mizhgaluzeviy the concept of a system of national accounts Enter Coursework >> Economics Through the number of galuzia (rows) the product vibrates, and through as a tool for surveillance and forecasting 2.1 Methodology of research Head of the guide from the senior lecture on the course “Economic and mathematical methods and models. ...

in the system of national accounts at the concept... Abstract Economics


To describe the economic system as a whole, then under the balance model there is a system of equalities, which determines the possible balance between several economic objects that vibrate, a number of products total demand for this product.

Using this approach, the analyzed system consists of economical objects, from which the final product is released;

The first part of it is absorbed by other objects of the system, and the other is removed beyond the boundaries of the system as the final product.

If instead of the concept of “product” we replace the concept of “resource”, then under the balance sheet model we can understand the system of equalities, which indicate the type of availability of the resource and its value.

Intergalore balance is one of the most important types of balance models.

The basis of their information security of the economy is a matrix of coefficients and resource expenditures for specific directions of their use.

In the MOB model, this role is played by the technological matrix table MOB, which consists of coefficients (standards) of direct costs for the production of a unit of generated products in physical terms.

Let's take a look at the MOB diagram at the boundaries of these great warehouse parts.

There are several parts that make a variety of economical changes, they are called balance quadrants and are indicated by the numbers shown on the diagram.

The first quadrant of MOB is Shah’s table of inter-galuz material connections.

Indicators placed on the crossbars of rows and columns, and the values ​​of inter-glued flows of products and on the surface are indicated xy, where / and j are the numbers of vibrating and dormant galus.

Thus, the value of x32 is understood as the variety of production processes generated in Galusia 3 and combined with material expenditures in Galusia 2. Thus, the first quadrant behind the form is a square matrix of order n, the sum of all elements as and similar to the river fund, the expenditure of resources for the production of material resources spheri.

Thus, the basis of the MOB within the framework of a single model is the unified balance of material production, the balance of the aggregate suspense product, the balance of income, the financial balance and the balance of expenditures and income of the population. It is especially important to note that if you want the gross suspended product not to enter until the four quadrants considered above, the views of principle diagrams

The MOB in two places appears to be the same, the right-handed one is located in the other quadrant, and the one appears to be a row below the third quadrant.


These lines and series of gross output complete the MOB scheme and play an important role both for checking the correctness of the completion of the quadrants (that is, checking the balance itself), and for developing the economic and mathematical model of the MOB.

If, as shown in the diagram, you designate the gross product of a given galusa with the letter X with a lower index equal to the number of that galusia, you can write down two important relationships that demonstrate the essence of MOB and its the basis of its economic and mathematical model.


First of all, by looking at the balance sheet according to the items, you can make an obvious conclusion that the result of material expenditures of both livestock and mentally pure products is comparable to the gross product of this plant.

These ideas can be written down in the form of an upcoming relationship:

It is clear that the amount of intellectually pure production Zj is equal to the amount of depreciation, payment of the net income of the galusa. Spіvіdnosheniya (1) hoards the system from the level, which represents the warehouse of the products of all parts of the material sphere.

In another way, looking at the MGB scheme in rows for cutaneous galus, you can see that the gross production of other galus is the same as the total amount of material waste of galus that goes along with its product , and the end products of this galusa:

Formula (2) describes the system from the regions, which are called the regions of the division of products of material production along the direct lines of production.

It was generally intended that the basis of the information security model of the MOB should be a technological matrix in order to replace the coefficients of direct material costs for the production of a unit of manufactured products.

This matrix is ​​the main economic and mathematical model of the MOB.

It is reported that for the production of a single product, a large amount of waste of intermediate products/galuses is required, which is traditional a0. It should be stored during the production process, in the galusa and remain stable for an hour. The quantities a are called coefficients of direct material expenditures and are insured as follows: Aij = xij / Xj, i, j = 1, …, n (4) The coefficient of direct material costs shows the quantity of products

i-th galusi

it is necessary, since it is necessary to invest more than direct expenditures, for the production of one


galusi. Based on formula (4), the balance system (2) can be written as follows:
If we introduce the coefficient matrix of direct material expenditures A = (ау), the vector of the gross output X and the vector of the final output Y, then the level system (5) in the matrix form will immediately appear:

The level system (5) or in matrix form (6) is called the economic-mathematical MOB model (Leontiev model, or the “withdrawal” model). Model of inter-glue balance: X = AX + Y

  • de A - matrix of coefficients of direct material expenditures;
  • Y – rhubarb will drink end products, equal output of galouze X = B Y .
  • For additional service at

Intergaluzevy balance online modes

it is possible, perhaps:

  1. find out the coefficients of new material expenditures; signify the vector of gross output;
  2. fold the intergalul balance, fold the intergalul balance diagram;
  3. check the productivity of the matrix.
Here A is the matrix of direct expenditures, the coefficients of which, and ij show vitrati i-th galusi vibronitsa unit of virolated products j-ї galusi. Enter the value B = (E - A) -1. Matrix B is called the matrix of new material expenditures, the coefficients of which b ij show the new obligation products i-th Galusi, which is being vicorized for the selection of one
products j-th

galusi. In order to ensure linearity, the effect of widening the X pop-up, changing the end pop-up by the value Y is calculated as follows: X = B Y C=A-B denotes the matrix of indirect vitrates.

Butt #1.

trigaluse economical system
a matrix of coefficients of direct material inputs A and a vector of final products Y are specified.
Butt No. 2. The intergaluzian balance of the trigalusian model of dominion is given: Significance:
1) technological matrix;

2) matrix of coefficients of new expenses;
3) date
economic analysis
cutaneous composition of the matrix of coefficients of external vitrates;
4) calculate the gross output X' for the new range of terminal products Y';

Decision.We know the gross volume of production x i;productsx 1 = 20 + 20 + 60 + 100 = 200
x 2 = 20 + 40 + 60 + 80 = 20020 20 60 100 200
20 40 60 80 200
20 0 10 70 100

x 3 = 20 + 0 + 10 + 70 = 100
Spozhivannya *

Valovyi issue

x 2 = 20 + 40 + 60 + 80 = 200 We know the gross volume of production x i; Virobnitstvo The row of the table shows the variety and division of products.
1 2 3
1 10 5 15 70 100
2 20
3 30
Using the formula a ij = x ij / x j we can determine the coefficient of direct expenditures: 30
a 11 = 20/200 = 0.1; a 12 = 20/200 = 0.1;

a 13 = 60/100 = 0.6;
a 21 = 20/200 = 0.1;

  • a 22 = 40/200 = 0.2;
  • a 23 = 60/100 = 0.6;
  • a 31 = 20/200 = 0.1;
  • a 32 = 0/200 = 0;
  • a 33 = 10/100 = 0.1;

b) We calculate the return matrix (E-A) -1:

Butt No. 3.

One of such schemes is shown in Table. 2.1. In this scheme, the data is presented in penny units (rubles), at the expense of the natural inter-glue balance, looked at in total.

1. In the basis of the schemes of interglue balance of production, the accumulation and accumulation of the suspinal product lies under the aggregate product on the intermediate and finite. The entire national dominion is represented in sight


pure galoozes.

Clean galuz -

This is a common thread that unites all the production of this product regardless of the proper ordering of enterprises.

The skin tissue appears in balance as if it is vibrating and calm.

(intermediate product)

When analyzing inter-glue balance diagrams, three balance quadrants are visible, marked on the diagram with Roman numerals.

(intermediate product)

In quadrant I, the structure of the combined products of the skin specific galuzzes, generated by other galuzes, is revealed.

Quadrant 11 shows the structure of the terminal vicinity of the fermented product.

Quadrant III has a different structure of gross domestic product (GDP).

Table 2.1

Galuzi-living people

Kintseve vikoristannya

Galuzi - virobniki



Valove accumulate Balance accumulate export- import Together


release Crotch Quadrant I – this is a table of inter-gular material connections.

release This data is placed in a square table of size x i. The section “Kince production” of quadrant II depicts the types of kinetic growth in the sphere of material and intangible production.

  • By area
  • material production

The following types of terminal wikis are displayed:

The column “Export-import balance” shows the amount of all exports with a “+” sign and all imports with a “-” sign.

The column “Together” summarizes the data of the front three partners.

The total value of quadrant II “Kintsev vykoristannya” is the gross domestic product.

Here, for the expansion of GDP, the method of final growth is used, which transfers the sum of expenditures to the final surplus, gross accumulation, and net exports of goods and services. The “Valovyi Vypusk” station is stocked with products X

1, issued by the galuzzi for the intermediate surplus, the terminal surplus, gross accumulation and the export-import balance.

Quadrant III breaks down the vartic structure of the gross domestic product. Sumarna valova added vartіstє gross domestic product.

Here we use a separate method of GDP growth, which includes depreciation,

salary i, indirect taxes and profits.

To subtract GDP from the sum of indicators, subsidies are raised. The static model of the interglue balance is consistent with Table. 2.1 is expressed as two systems of levels.

j = 1, 2,2.1. Looking at the diagram of the intergallar balance along the rows of the skin vibrating area

, bachimo, what is the gross output j galusi

To subtract GDP from the sum of indicators, subsidies are raised. The static model of the interglue balance is consistent with Table. Xj

historical amounts of material expenditures of dry galusies (2.1) і (2.2), , which is similar to the products of galusa x, -, as well as the terminal products of this galusa, which goes to the terminal vikoristan.

In such a manner

The principles of the interglandular balance scheme contribute to the well-being of the skin area


Fragments in the intergallar balance of the table. 2.1 The data is indicated in the varsity units, then the values ​​in the columns can be added. These diagrams show that the gross output is the same amount of intermediate material expenditures that are associated with it, and the gross amount of the given diversities, then. Summarizing all the details of the Rivne ( 1. 1), dimensions and numerical values ​​for the same model. i The coefficient of direct material inputs in formula (2.4) is dimensionless. j It shows the amount spent in rubles on the sector's products ( 2. 1) і ( 2. 2) , what is vikorystuvuetsya how to spend the sector under the number

for your products the price is 1 ruble. Z urakhuvannyam poznachen (2.4) system of ranks You can rewrite it in Viglyad: How to send the matrix of direct material expenditures A , vector of gross output X

and the vector of the products of the terminal


Linear programming."

for formulas

then the system of ranks (2.5) is possible in matrix form.

Federal Agency for Communications


UDC 33

before. E.Sc., Associate Professor

Model of intergallovy balance: Navchalniy pos_bnik/Sib. holding University of Telecommunications and Informatics. - Novosibirsk, 2010. - 40 p. Let's take a look at the diagram of the inter-glue balance (hereinafter referred to as MOB) at the boundaries of these great storage parts (Table 1.1.). - Novosibirsk, 2010. - 40 p. The inter-gauge balance has several parts that have a large economic value, they are called balance quadrants and are indicated in Roman numerals in the diagram. I MOB quadrant i і j - this is the check table of the interconnections between the joints for the selection of products on the production line. I V is a square matrix that consists of ( n+1 ) rows that (

In the MOB model, this role is played by the technological matrix table MOB, which consists of coefficients (standards) of direct costs for the production of a unit of generated products in physical terms.

b) We calculate the return matrix (E-A) -1:

Skin galus is presented in the MGB two categories: as a vibrator and as a companion.

Galusi number (product) that corresponds to the product.

A detailed view of the intergalactic balance in the different representations in Table 1. The balance consists of several divisions that have different economic values, they are called quadrants of the balance.

) stovptsya.
This section is the most important part of the balance, since there is also information about intergranular connections here.

Indicators placed on the crossbars of rows and columns, and the values ​​of inter-nodule flows of products and on the outside are indicated

, de

- it’s clear the numbers of galuzes that vibrate and work together.

VelichiniModel of intergallovy balance: Navchalniy pos_bnik/Sib.

Velichinicharacterize the intergalactic supply of raw materials, materials, heat and energy, and the creation of vibrational activity.

So the value
