Methods for the jubilation of the untrimmed sect. Jubilation of non-manly slaughter among women by traditional and folk methods

Based on the materials published by the WHO, the non-management of the sect is the widest urogenecological problem. Nearly 30 million women are suffering in our country. By itself, pathology is not considered unsafe, but it actually reduces the quality of life and calls for serious psychological discomfort. A lot of patients hesitate to tell gynecologists about their problem and seek help only with zany pathology, which they threaten with the most unacceptable complications. In addition, the deacons give pardons about the whole camp and for an hour to give pardons, so that they can take the yogo strength.

We will try to develop the widest myths about the non-human sect among women.


Nontrimannia - a sign of antiquity

The reasons for the appearance of a non-trimanny sect can be different; far from everything is due to age-old changes in the body. The hormonal background, which is blamed on the period of menopause, is effective in accommodating the weakened tone of the sich mіkhur, and the woman herself at the same time begins to suffer for incompetence. However, the ruin cannot be considered a non-standard sign of antiquity, because menopause sometimes occurs in women of the middle years, if it is not possible to talk about the old one. Non-management can be under the influx of officials, like pov'yazani z vіkom.

Z vіkom obsyag sich mіkhur shorten

Tse is not true. Changing the obligation of the sich mikhura is only rarely and may be due to serious causes, for example, fluff, but it does not in any way show up with the process of the old organism. Changing the expansion of the sich mikhura cannot be directly connected with this building to improve the homeland.

The problem can be overcome by lowering the well-being of the motherland

Some women, having stumbled upon non-compliances, try to reduce the improvement of their homeland, in order to allow them to better control the work of the sich mihur. Such a situation is incorrect and unsafe: disruption of the norms of life of the motherland can lead to deterioration of the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, increase in blood viscosity and other health problems, which will inevitably be blamed on aphids.

The situation can be corrected by singing the world, having spared the stars to save the homeland in large portions. The problem with this is not known, but the risk of coughing, wheezing, or physical tension changes. On the right, in the fact that the non-management is strengthened, if the topping of the sich mіkhur seems to be fast. The best way is to drink often and offal, literally one gourd each.

Physical vanity is overcome by non-management

Physical stress and sharp fluctuations do not overcome the problem of non-management, but rather provoke a sectarian battle. The woman is not guilty of doing sports, taking walks in the fresh air, working at the dacha and active work. Vіdmova vіd navantazhen prizvede to a decrease in the tone of smooth musculature and a set of zavoї vag, and tsі factori poslyuyut demonstrating an unrestricted cut.

It is even more important to competently rozpodіlyat nіzіchnі navantazhennya. Going in for sports should be done with a doctor, and it’s better for the complex to entrust a specialist in recreational physical education.

When not wearing hygienic pads

Sanitary sanitary pads, which are used for menstrual wear, cannot be worn if not used. The stench is not good to bury the native land in the kilkost, to go to the yakіy won at the pіdtіkannі sechі, and do not use offensive odor. Moreover, their stagnation in such a situation can lead to increased reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which can lead to infection of the organs of the septic system. Imovirno and the appearance of shkirnih hangings.

Use special urological pads, vikoristannya which do not lead to the complication and help to reduce the severity of the problem.

Netrimannya, scho viniklo in the period of pregnancy, always go through yourself

Unfortunately, it's not good. For rich young mothers, the problem of non-management is becoming an urgent one after a few years. The best thing in such a situation is to turn to the doctor, not checking for worsening of unacceptable symptoms. As a rule, with the manifestations of ailments, you can step by step to get help for an individually selected complex of rights, signs for the treatment of pelvic floor ulcers. Have you ever fakhivets to establish the cause of the problem and that will recommend a way to solve it.

Netrimannya sechі can mother one of the following reasons:

  • damaged, tied with important canopies (lowering or prolapsing of the uterus, deepening of the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic floor thinly);
  • insufficiently correct stitching of canopy openings;
  • pardon, allowed by the doctor for the hour of the surgical insertion of the pelvic organs;
  • change the tone of the m'yaziv, which winickled against the backdrop of menopause;
  • traumatic injury to tissue or organs of the sebaceous system;
  • neurological disorders that cause disruption in the transmission of impulses by the pelvic nerves (Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, rosacea sclerosis, urticaria spinal cord, newly formed in the central nervous system, past strokes);
  • infectious lesions of the sich paths (for example, cystitis);
  • vykonannya professional obov'yazkіv, scho with important physical advantages, chi partly under the heaviness of the wearer.

Lіkuvannya non-trimanny sechi sound complex. Therapy includes reception medicinal preparations, recreational physical culture and physiotherapy procedures As soon as the disease is running, the doctor may recommend surgical insertion (implantation of the implant, which helps to control the sechovi- ssion of the skin).

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Netrimannya sich in the frail vice is a delicate problem, as it is blamed for discord on the side of the vascular, nervous or visual system.

  • Causes and symptoms
  • Sechivnik and reproductive system
  • Nervous system
  • See ill
  • Methods of diagnostics
  • Ways of likuvannya
  • Prompt delivery
  • Folk methods of jubilation
  • Prevention

Today's modern medicine promotes effective faces in the face of unrelenting strife among people of a frail age.
Too many people prikhovuyut tsyu problem or zovsim іgnoruyut illness.

You can lead to the development of psycho-emotional disorders and social maladaptation. That is why it is necessary to enjoy the unrestricted sect among people, for whom it is necessary to undergo a retelling diagnostics and consult a qualified specialist.

Causes and symptoms

Uncontrolled sechovipsannya (incontinence) is most often manifested in people over the age of 45 years and may be late at any time. The reason is the destruction of the work of the sechivnik, but nervous system or transferred earlier ill.

Sechivnik and reproductive system

  1. Ailments.
    There is no reason to blame for such illnesses as urolithiasis, prostatitis, cystitis, as well as cytology of the sieve system of a benign or evil nature.
  2. Injuries.
    The reason for the development of incontinence can be different injuries, transferred operations, age-old changes.
  3. Anomalies.
    Genetic and anatomical changes can be the cause of uncontrolled secession.

Nervous system

  1. Illness.
    The cause of the development of the disease can be stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, impaired blood circulation of the brain, sclerosis, epilepsy.
  2. Intoxication.
    Non-humans suffer from people who regularly get alcohol and drugs.
  3. Injuries.
    Netrimannya sechi can be blamed after suffering injuries of the ridge to the brain. Sometimes the cause of illness is the birth of the central nervous system.

The reason for the development of ailments may not be vilіkuvany early age enuresis, which is characterized by a non-negotiable cut at night. Cream the discomfort of the ailing, especially the troubles do not carry.

However, with an inappropriate juxtaposition or presence of such a thing, it can lead to serious changes in the robotic sciatic system.

Regardless of the cause of the development of the disease, the symptoms in patients are similar. Seeing an inconsistent spore, it seems that there is a third-party object in the slash fur, often blamed for deurinization.

See ill

Distinguish these types of ailments:

  • urgent;
  • stressful;
  • confusion.

We will expand the most - the stressful type of illness, with a new one, there is little vision of a cough, a laugh, or an important vanity. For the urgent type, it is more common to see a section, with which there are present parts, call for a section.

With the appearance of the first signs of illness, they should undergo an obstezhennia and take a consultation with a urologist, which will recognize the faces that will help to relieve the uncomplicated cross-sections of people.

In some cases, it is necessary to undergo singing procedures, at the advanced stage of illness - surgical intervention.

Methods of diagnostics

It is possible to determine what caused the development of the disease only after a qualified diagnosis of the sick person.
For which patient to pass:

  • analysis of cross section and blood;
  • ultrasonic follow-up of the organs of the sacicular system;
  • X-ray of sich mihur and nirok;
  • cough test.

Fahіvets vyznaє a way of additional doslіdzhen rіven the vise in the urethra, kіlkіst sich, interval of an hour, necessary vyporozhnennya mіkhur.

If the cause of the illness is due to a disorder of the nervous system, additional consultation with a neurologist is required. After the passage of the obstezhenya, the doctor prescribes preparations and in the form of a non-trial section or other ways of treatment.

Ways of likuvannya

In case of non-compliance, therapy is prescribed by the doctor individually and to fall due to the type of illness. Likuvannya may be complex in nature, most of the time it is impossible to do without taking medications. Ale, in certain situations, it is enough to change the way of life, to uniquely stress situations and to move out of shkidlivy zvichok.

Often the cause of ailments is zaiva vaga patient. Changing the diet, straightening the decrease in the vag, living brown products let me forget about non-compliance.

Іsnuє the complex is right for the Kegel technique, which eliminates the zmіtsnennyu m'yazіv small pelvis. Yogo vikoristannya allow to get sick without taking pigulok.

Even though the methods were overhauled, they did not bring a good result, so it was necessary to switch to drug preparations.

Healing the etiology of illness, the sick person is prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics.
    Such preparations are relevant for infectious diseases of the sichovovividny system. Biggest effective drugs- Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin.
  2. Antispasmodics.
    Antispasmodic drugs and spriyat znyatyu court, relaxing m'yazіv sich mіkhur, mіstjat dyuchі speech - propantelin, oxybutynin, darifenacin. The most effective drugs are Flavoksat, Tolderodin, Trospium.
  3. Alpha blockers.
    In case of non-mania, scho viniclo and natomist growth of the prostate, Alfuzonin, Terazonin, Uroxatral are prescribed. It is directed to relieve spasm of smooth tissues, inflammation of the sciatica and the adoption of uncontrolled sechovi- ssion .
  4. Stress type of illness before taking antidepressants.
    This action is directed to the blockade of nerve impulses, yak provoking spasm of m'yazіv sich mіkhur. Vykoristovuyut so zasobi - Imipramin, Duloxetine, Depsonil.

The validity of drug therapy determines the drug. Most often, the course of likuvannya becomes three months. In the case of an ailment, homeopathic preparations are prescribed (Urilan, Enural).

Prompt delivery

For the presence of a positive result after passing the course of drug therapy, it will be necessary to perform prompt intervention. Medicine knows over twenty ways to exalt the non-management of a surgical path.

The most advanced methods are:

  1. sling operation;
  2. piece sphincter.

The first method of directing the urethra trimming for the help of the installed sub-hour of the operation is the stitch. Such a procedure does not mean any complexity, but it is considered the most safe. Operations for the installation of a piece sphincter are carried out more regularly. After such a vtruchannya it is possible to complicate.

About surgical exaltation intimate problems Tell a practicing doctor-andrologist in the video below - wonder if you can find out more.

In the case of evil resolutions, it is possible to remove the sich mіkhur, this piece is installed piecewise, which is prepared from a part of the intestine.

Folk methods of jubilation

In order to relieve the ailments, it is necessary to clean up the factor in the first place, what to provoke. For relief, I will become ill and prevent recurrence of illness, stagnant attack:

  1. Creep.
    Allows you to relieve inflammation of the sieve organs, put on a spasm of the musculature of the sieve michur.
  2. Tsibulya.
    Vіdvar on the basis of the luspinnia of the cybuli to allow to change the frequency of the mimicry sechovipuskannya.
  3. Polin.
    Tsya roslin is good for warm baths from heating the small pelvic bones.
  4. Shavlia.
    For a liter of okrop, you need five tablespoons of dry grass leaves. It is necessary to drink according to the curse three times a day.
  5. Plantain.
    for 250 ml. sprinkle 2 tsp herbs, leaves, pour roslini and let it brew, drink in front of the hedgehog 1 tbsp.


Most of the time, there is no strife among people - a problem of a psychological nature. If you ignore such a show and do not engage in jubilation, you can blame serious problems in the robotic sac system.

Іsnuє risik development of ignition and infectious processes, dermatological problems.
For that, at the first signs of illness, it is important to go to the doctor in a negligent way. Such a manifestation, like an unstoppable sect, may be evidence of a serious illness. Ailments can be easily diagnosed at the first stages of development.

It is important to eat properly, to act in the presence of shkidlivy zvichok, in case of ailment of the sechostatic system, it is necessary to seek qualified help, and go through the latest course of healing, appointments as a doctor. Be-yakіy zhittєvіy situatsії namagatisya less nervous and nalashtovuvatisya on positive emotions.

To help the body cope with illness and for the prevention of non-management, follow the physical rights. Watch this video and find out about one effective simple way zmіtsnennya m'yazіv pelvis.

Diet when squeaking at nirkah: basic principles of eating

According to medical statistics, about 7% of the entire adult population of the world (people and women) sing at nirkah. Often similar ailments are asymptomatic. Moreover, many patients do not suspect that the stink of stones in the organs of the sich system is not suspected. But no matter what, with the first symptoms of pathology, or if they are manifested, it is necessary to carry out a treatment, which is based on a diet when squeaking in nirkah.

Spozhivannya singing set produktіv and vіdmovі vіd shkіdlivih іngredієntіv is also recommended for the prevention of the development of illuminating pisku in nirkah. Before that, choose a specific diet, determine the type of salts that have accumulated in the nirkah.

Diet principles

Diet when squeaking at nirkah transfers the same correction to the diet of people and women. At its foundation lie the following principles:

  • daily it is necessary to drink close to two liters of water;
  • є products that do not sweep salt;
  • eating may include a minimum of meat;
  • regular control over the quantity of dairy products;
  • vіdmovu vіd spozhivannya konservatsії, oskіlki її vіdmі vіd zustrichaє rich salt;
  • increase in the number of products, which should be taken by vitamin A (carrot, harmelon and others);
  • the daily diet is guilty of including the intake of vitamin B6 or magnesium;
  • їsti recommended in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • reduction to a minimum of the reduction of products, in which vitamin C is missed.

Cream of that eat properly transmitting a more active way of life, the shards of the post-industrial movement will speed up the process of singling out the piss of the nirkah.

Universal diet for a mixed warehouse

Diet is meant for them, like the very salt they brought to the establishment of squeak at the nirkah. Won the lesser world to lie down for the one for whom it is assigned: for a man or a woman.

Quite often, in the organism, the sand and the stone are settled from day to day different types salts. For example, the core can be formed from calcium oxalate, and the outer shell - apatite carbonate. The exuberance of that diet in similar types of diets is chosen strictly individually according to the warehouse.

Although an accurate diagnosis has not yet been made, it is necessary to increase the amount of the affected motherland. Її obsjag to lay a deposit on the basis of equal profits. Crane and lingonberry morsi, as well as teas based on medicinal herbs, demonstrate good efficiency in the plan for combating the cob stage.

Diet with oxalates

Oxalates are absorbed in the nirkah due to the active production of oxalic acid by the body. When such a pathology is blamed, a diet is recommended, which includes products, so that such an intake is determined. Obviously, when eating, it is necessary to turn off the strains, in which oxalate is eaten. For the treatment of ailments and її prevention, follow drinking a pool of mineral water.

  • zvarenі m'yasnі and ribnі virobi (can be cowbass and sausages);
  • milk and dairy products for a vignette of depression, if the patient has an increase in calcium in the body;
  • wheat, greek, barley, groats;
  • pasta;
  • more fresh vegetables;
  • apricots, bananas;
  • all compotes;
  • kvass, fruit drink;
  • tea and German kava.

When oxalate deposits are detected, it is impossible to live:

  • salted fish;
  • liver, nirki and other by-products;
  • zalivni stravi, the basis of which is gelatin;
  • reduce the health of the siriv;
  • mushrooms, sunytsyu, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, kvass;
  • pears;
  • broths based on meat, ribeye and mushrooms;
  • whether salted and smoked products;
  • caviar, pepper, hot sauce, horseradish;
  • preserves;
  • chocolate, figs;
  • mitzna kava, cocoa.

Diet with phosphates

Phosphate sand, which accumulates in nirkah, is salt of phosphoric acid. Eating with such a pathology transfers a lot of products, rich in vitamins A and B. Such a diet ensures safe delivery of food.

  • m'yasni, riba that bird;
  • no more than one egg per day;
  • salo;
  • dairy-free cereals;
  • bread;
  • green peas, watermelon;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour fruits and compotes on their basis;
  • crane and lingonberry morsi;
  • German tea and kava.

For the presence of siege deposits in the presence of phosphates, the following turn off:

  • be like smoked meats;
  • salinity;
  • milk and sour milk products;
  • all fats, cream oils;
  • potatoes and other vegetables;
  • spices;
  • juices and compotes from fruits not listed in the previous list.

In addition, it is necessary to live around the virobiv, rich in vitamin D. A good deal of friends, who drink, are selected strictly in an individual order, out of evidence of the strength of the sect.

Diet with urate

Through a decrease in the pH level of the section, or an increase in acidity, it is experienced by similar sections of acid. In addition, before the urate piss is settled, a great relief to purine and alcohol is produced. A similar illness often occurs in people, as if they are suffering from a transcendental vaga. In view of what has been said, it is more effective to exalt the urate squeak in nirkah for the help of the child.

Eating with urats before baiting the offensive:

  • low-fat meat and ribs (not more than three times per day);
  • dairy products, including non-salted cheese;
  • be like cereal;
  • bread based on wheat bog with additional visivok;
  • vegetables, including sauerkraut;
  • fruits and compotes on their basis;
  • German tea, better than greens.
  • m'yaso young creatures;
  • by-products of the liver type chi movi;
  • smoked products;
  • canned;
  • animal fats;
  • legumes;
  • mіtsnoї kawi, cocoa.

The exuberance of pisku in nirkah is always commended for the dominance of the singing diet. Such a pіdhіd priyaє shvidkomu vyvedenniâ z organism of crystals of salts, scho not razchinilis, tim itself ahead of the development of sechokam'yanoї ailments.

In addition, for whatever descriptions of the diet, you can live like a grown-up, so Vershkov oil. Next, guess what the diet of the diet when squeaking at the nirks is to blame for the recognition of the doctor.

The most effective faces in the non-manly slaughter of women of a frail age

For a frail person, it is not uncommon to lose control over sechoviprosy. Such a pathology is often blamed after 50-55 years of age, but it is more important to watch out for women. Non-manic slaughter among women of a frail age and people bring significant discomfort and lower life quality. It is blamed on the appearance through the fatty degeneration of the sich mihur, the disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses, the weakening of the smooth tongue fibers.

Too many people to be ashamed of such an intimate diet go to the urologist. Alternately, you can recommend preparations that are effective in a specific skin condition, taking into account the cause of the infection and the specificity of the organism.

List of liqiv

Іsnuє impersonal medical benefits, effective in case of non-manic intercourse in women after menopause, people of a frail age and navit children. In the period of menopause, the estrogen level decreases, the mucous membranes become thinner, there is a risk of injury and infection of the organs of the sechostatic system.

The preparations help to relieve spasms, change inflammation, block pathological nerve impulses in the pelvic organs, increase the severity of slash mihur.

In people of a frail age, as a rule, a mass of various ailments is diagnosed. And the faces that zastosovuyutsya for likuvannya non-trimanship, may side by side it is impossible to accept them without the recognition of a doctor.


This drug in the form of French generics is a skin tablet of 5 mg of active speech oxybutynin hydrochloride. Vіn poednuє in sobі power M-cholinoblocker and myotropic antispasmodic. Faces help to relax the tension of the m'yaza-detrusor of the sich mihur and reduce the frequency of mimic rashes.

Driptan indications are non-negotiable, neurogenic in nature, often found in cases of multiple sclerosis. Another indication is enuresis in children of 5 years of age. Take one tablet three times a day.

Spasmex - chains, at the skin warehouse with 30 mg of trospium chloride. May be M-cholinergic, ganglion-blocking and spasmolytic. Chi does not flow into the central mechanisms of regulation. The drug trichi is taken for production or 2 times in the fallow time during dosing.

It is recommended to recommend for idiopathic or mixed non-human infections of non-hormonal and inorganic nature, in people with a frail age with Parkinson's disease. Spasmex is prescribed for disorders of the cervix in connection with lesions of the spinal cord, pink sclerosis, after a stroke. Vіn can be included in the complex therapy of cystitis with imperative positives.


The main drug is solifenacin succinate (at a dose of 10 mg). Cycles are treated with an M-cholinergic receptor inhibitor. Preparations of this type of vicory are used in case of urgent non-treatment slaughter with the presence of hyperactive slash michur. Take licks of 5-10 mg once a day. Assign to patients from 18 years old.


The drug of creations on the basis of mirabegton and can be used as an antispasmodic with a prolonged release. Recommended for special occasions 18 years old. We are ill at the summer vіtsi are assigned the same dosing, like we are young. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd bugatіh zabіv, dose correction is not needed. Indications before zastosuvannya in these liqiv are the same as in Vezikar.

Vitaprost forte

Vitaprost and the candle Vitaprost Forte are released from the sight of the piglets. At the base of the likiv is a drawstring from the prostate of statuary bugs. It is accepted internally for the day, and a candle is placed against the night. It is recommended for various manifestations of prostatitis in people, including those who have no mania in the acute period.

Detrusitol and Urotol

Tolteradine hydrotartrate in the preparation Detruzitol helps to relieve the spastic tension of the walls of the sieve michur. Zastosovuєtsya zasіb in case of non-mania in women and people, as there is no organic pathology. An analogue of Detruzitol is Urotol, which can be stored in the same amount of active speech (tolteradine).

Pantogam and Pantocalcin

Tsі zasobi mіstjat calcієvu sil hopantenic acid. Vaughn maє nootropic and anti-sudomain diyu. The preparations are recommended for zastosuvannya in case of various ailments, including in case of non-manic intercourse at night and day.

Vikoristovuyutsya faces with imperative urges їx contraction and weakening. Assign from vіku vіd dvoh rokіv. Trivality of jubilation - up to 6 months.


This drug is considered the strongest tricyclic antidepressant. Yogo basic speech-iminodibenzyl hydrochloride - effective blocking of the intoxication of neurotransmitters and cholinolytic activity.

Tablets are also vicorist for treating enuresis in children, and sometimes they are recommended for old untreated sech. Since the drug may have a lot of side effects, the necessary dosing is recommended by the drug on an individual basis.

Be-like faces, recognized for normalization, I will become, if it is diagnosed that there is no slaughter in people of a frail age, it may be contraindicated:

  • damage to the work and organs of vision (nirkova and liver failure);
  • povna zatrimka in the current section;
  • intolerance to the main and additive components that are included in the stock of medicinal products (including lactose);
  • virazkovy colitis, megacolon and rupture in the intestine;
  • closed-cut type of glaucoma;
  • weakness to bleeding;
  • damaged robotic heart;
  • myasthenia.

From the protection of the following, it will be put up to exaltation, whether it be some kind of transference for people with polyvalent allergies. First of all, it is necessary to consult an allergist.

Negative effects

Side effects of preparations, indications, schob to change the non-compliance of the section, sound develop in different violations of the principles of admission. Ale іnodi blame nebazhanі efektі і on zvuchaynyh doses:

  • disruption of the rhythm of the heart rate (tachyarrhythmia);
  • arrival of infection of the sechostatic system;
  • development of cystitis;
  • constipation;
  • headaches and confusion;
  • allergic reaction;
  • boredom;
  • bіl at the dilyantsі thoracic kіtini chi belly.

Even though there are similar symptoms, faces should be pinned down. It is necessary to go back to the doctor to review the dosing or choose another drug.

Middle woman different vіku wider urogenecological disease - no slaughter. Especially often traplyatsya after 45 years. After some time, call the woman to the sechoviparous, and the woman does not reach the toilet room. Є different effective methods, how to excite the non-trial sect among women at home minds.

Important! The problem is described, if the woman gains control over the m'yazami sich mihur. On the ashes of the important speeches, under the hour of laughter, or the chant of the cut is seen in passing. It's a pity, it's most likely to be done at the day time.

Causes of illness

The main factors that are added to the zbіy in the body:

  • vіk, old;
  • missing estrogen;
  • disease of the craniocerebral and spinal nerves;
  • disease of the central nervous system;
  • the result of injury to nerve stovburіv, which regulates sechovipropulsion;
  • sports ambition;
  • a robot tied with an important physical practice;
  • great vaga;
  • ushkodzhennya spinal cord;
  • manifest illness ( diabetes mellitus, cancer of sich michur, stroke, chronic cough.

Important! Zagostryu tsyu ailments wrong eating, drinking alcoholic drinks, deyakі faces.

What a likar is rejoicing

The great young woman is suffering from such an illness. To be ashamed to talk about it, not to know what kind of doctor to turn around. In times of mimicry sechoviperation, a specialist in a higher profile is needed - a urologist. The very same drug will help in diagnosing and treating problems.


Іsnuyut raznі situatsії or provocative factors, through yakі women can experience mimic spasms of sich mіkhur and sichovipkannya. Let's take a look at the widest.

Stress-free section

Netrimannya sich, caused by stress - the most widespread cause of pathology. From the medical treatment, they see the preparations, which will help to solve the problem that has developed:

  • beta-adrenergic agents (Mirabegron) - to reduce the decrease in m'ulcer tone of mihur;
  • M-anticholinergics - Oxybutynin (atropine group);
  • Duloxetine is an antidepressant that improves the speed of sphincter pain. Mostly stop for healing, and relief of symptoms. Best effect can be taken from the complex with rights;
  • estrogen - hormones that zastosovutsya in the period of menopause, with concurrent age-related atrophic vaginitis.

When coughing

Sometimes you can get a noticeable cough, which can lead to secession. It is necessary for such a time to take a course of likuvannya. Mimovilne seen sich when coughing rejoice in such a rite:

  • Kegel gymnastics - a conservative method of exercising, specially developed to improve the right way to measure pelvic ulcers;
  • therapy steep-free - tse vikoristanny vantage;
  • magnetic stimulation of the organs of the small pelvis and the pelvic floor, which affects the mucus;
  • zastosuvannya likarskih sobiv (protizapalnі, antibacterial, hormonal);
  • in lonely cases, surgery is performed (“sling” operation for the pain and the call until the sight is seen).

Unlimited Sich at night

Often it is an hour to sleep, if the m'yazi is weakened, there is a mimovilne sechoviperation. In order to get rid of enuresis, try to carry out trioma in the main ways:

  • conservative - regular vykonannya are low in the right, investments in the training of m'yazіv crotch;
  • medication - the use of medicinal preparations that allow you to reduce sphincteria, reduce the number of sections that are viroblyayetsya;
  • surgical - an operation to open a special loop, relieve pain symptoms and relieve positive symptoms.

How to exult untrimanly after a gentle slope

Weakened m'yazi after a gentle plea will be restored in a day's time. If the pathology did not go away on its own, then it is necessary to extort, as if conveying:

  • therapy for morning sickness;
  • gymnastics for Kegel, training of the sphincter of the sich michur;
  • physiotherapy for the treatment of pelvic ulcers;
  • medicinal treatment.

In the last few steps, after going to the fakhivtsya of wines, you can signify a cardinal approach:

  • loop operation;
  • gel operation;
  • operation of zmіtsnennya pubic-mіchural ligaments.

What to delight in the summer season

For women of a frail age, for the cob, a complex of rights and diet is prescribed, which allows them to mitigate the pelvis:

  • Kegel gymnastics, special ring for the uterus;
  • exclusion of tea, alcoholic drinks, coffee drinks and products;
  • vikoristannya gaskets, pіdguzkіv.

Mimovilne sich sich from the body in 50 years of life can be due to stress, increased activity of sich michur, incompleteness of the process of sichovipkannya, ovnishnіy infusion. For the litigation of the obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to defend the factor, which, having entered, and zastosovuyut a complex likuvannya:

  • prescribe antibiotics;
  • preparations that inspire the building of control of the sechoviperation, hinder the vision of the sechi;
  • recommend a special complex of rights;
  • introduction of physiotherapy;
  • jubilation with a surgical path;
  • folk secrets(Expansion option).

A recipe for alternative medicine, which will help you quickly get rid of the problem:

  1. 1 st. l. pour 250 ml of okrop on the last crop, put it in a warm place for 2 years and cover it with a carpet.
  2. After the end of the hour, drink the nasty.

Jubilation with folk traditions

Іsnuyut conservative methods and solving problems that are described. Traditional medicine has not been left behind. As a result, there is no need to cut through menopause, pathological canopies, or for other reasons, it is necessary to pay attention to folk ways to solve problems.


Herbs for jubilation of the unrequited slaughter of women:

  • nastiy shavlії (sound a tablespoon of dry herb brewed in a glass of okrop) is taken in 250 ml trichi per day;
  • leafing a tree of steam, brew in sprinkling. Nasty drink 100 ml trichi per day;
  • just drink a bottle of fresh carrot juice;
  • zrobiti nastiy zvіroboyu, obov'yazkovo profiltruvati. Drink during the day to replace the tea and other drinks at the unimproved kilkost;
  • grow vineyards on the basis of fresh or dried blackberry berries. Drink 50 ml up to four times a day;
  • make a tincture on our crop and process. Nastiy helps Shvidko to effectively deal with the problem of non-management of the sect. Drink 300 ml per day, at a time (do not use it for sprats).

Special rights

Netrimannya sech vinikaє through impossibility to control the pelvic floor mucus. That is why it is necessary to slander the m'yazi. For the purpose of expanding the specialty, Kegel is right to help women deal with the problem that is being described.

Important! Right the Kegel, so that the stench showed the result, follow the vikonuvati regularly. The stench is to break the deposit at the dressing room, to see the health of the entire sechostate system.

Robiti has the right to do it simply: it will take up to 100 times a day to squeeze and roztiskati m'yazi pikhvi. You can work lying down, sitting for an hour of walking. You don’t remember the rush, you know the hour for the right Kegel to move on the robot.

What is needed to grow:

  • normalize your vagus;
  • Designate a type that teases the mucus membrane of the sich mikhur: citrus fruits and chocolate, tomato and ocet, dairy products, spices. Shkіdlivy in case of non-trimanny sechі alcohol in viglyadі, cavi.

How to train mikhur

Next, get used to going to the toilet for the right schedule, so you can’t call for an hour before the session. It is necessary to stimulate sechoviprosy different methods, to die at the future control

Likuvannya medicines

Medicinal preparations for non-treatment, like vicorist for any illness:

  1. Anticholinergic drugs. Faces help to relax the sich mikhur, to improve yoga.
  2. Antidepressants. Help people to calm down, accept the problem and start actively fighting it without fear and hysteria.


Therapy of this kind of pathology should be carried out with the help of various drugs, which can be prescribed depending on the cause:

  • Imipramin, Tofranil, Duloxetine (antidepressants);
  • Ditropan, Ditrol, Oxytrol (anticholinergic drugs);
  • Trospium, Darifenacin, Solifenacin, Botulinum toxin A (selective anticholinergics).

More drugs may have contraindications and side effects. The diversity of some of the factors may include the effect in others. It is recommended to zastosovuvat for the recognition of the doctor.


Driptan is an antispasmodic, which gives positive feedback. Designate what wine you have style terms relieves discomfort, is easily removed from the body for two years and may be indicated for any age category. The only yoga nedolіk - drowsiness. Z side effects you can see the following factors:

  • trials of taking pills can lead to caries (women with dentures can not survive);
  • headache, boredom;
  • pogirshennya zoru, podvischennya full-time vice;
  • arrhythmia;
  • allergy.

Take 5 mg 2-3 times a day.

Three contraindications are seen:

  • deyaki disease of the intestinal tract (intestinal atony, virazkovy colitis);
  • children under 5 years of age and individual intolerance;
  • closed-cut glaucoma and bleeding.


Positive feedback from wealthy women, as they suffer at a fleeting sect, witness about the effectiveness of Spazmeks. The drug sprays a decrease in the tone of the mucous membranes. Likuvannya tsimi pіgulkami vyznaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєє іѕ іѕ місіяців.

The drug may be contraindicated and side effects. Farrowed for:

  • tachyarrhythmias;
  • myasthenia;
  • hutches of the cutting;
  • glaucoma;
  • in the period of lactation;
  • pid hour of vacancy;
  • children of age up to 14 years old.


Oxybutynin is an antispasmodic that zastosovuetsya with cystitis, enuresis, weakness of sich michur. The drug relieves spasms, makes the mucus more elastic, control until the sacs, change its size. May mean a number of counter-indications and side effects, zastosovuetsya for the recognition of the doctor.

Victory to Pesaria

Spetsіalny medichny pristry z gumi. It is inserted into the pouch up to the cervix, in order to create an additional pressure on the walls of the urethra, to lift the m'yazovu wall.

When the spray is placed on the urethra in the closed position, it means that the homeland in the slashed miter is reduced when the pressure is on. Attachment of the first type should be fixed permanently.

Prevention of illness

What is important for prevention:

  1. Quit smoking (change the number of cigarettes).
  2. Soak up less drink throughout the day.
  3. Take a look at the medicinal preparations, they are taken steadily. Mimovilne sichovipkannya є pobochnoy dієyu bagatioh likіv.

These are the main methods of cultivating a non-tribal slaughter among women at home minds. It is necessary to submit to the doctor and determine the cause of the pathology, for the sake of the urologist, start drinking the songs of herbs, work on the right Kegel. Even if the likuvannya does not help, at once from the doctor it is necessary to develop a further strategy.

This is a manifestation, for which it is more typical for mimicry to start a sechovi- sion at the hour of sleep.

See that cause of enuresis

Main classification:

  1. 1 Pervinniy- for a child who suffers for more than 5 years, because the mental reflex did not vibrate in her, or else it didn’t have a dry period before a quarter (that’s why a child from a nation was thrown dry less than 3 months sleep). Up to the tsієї groups can be seen and grown-ups, yakі mayut enuresis poserіgaєtsya vіd narodzhennya.
  2. 2 Second(psychogenic) - a child’s suffering began to suffer for a non-manly sich, but with this vine to stably control the emptying of his sich mіkhur (the period of stability is important for the term from the quarter to the pіvroku). Tse means that the child has a vibrational reflex of sporozhnennya, but if he got involved, or weakened through the possibility of infectious ailments, or important mental trauma (for example, vtrata batkiv). All vishchezgadane are worthy and mature.

Other classifications of enuresis in fallow land

Convenience is more complicated:

No complication– after the analyzes were carried out and the results were not revealed, the annual results were not revealed.

hardening- there is no need to cut viniclo through various infections of the paths that lead to the cut, it was revealed that there are anatomical changes in the cuts of the cuticle, or the manifestation of disorder in neurology (butt is the manifestation of myelodysplasia or small dysfunction).

lung– over a period of 7 days, more than one or two non-compliances were recorded.

Middle– for a 7-day interval, there are 5 uncontrolled sechovipuskans.

heavy- in a child, one or two episodes of non-mania per night (most often it is guarded in children, as they have contracted illness from the recessions).

Dennis- enuresis, which is less common in the daytime (most rare view, less common in 5% of children with enuresis).

Night- mimicry sechovipkannya only occurs at night time doby (the widest type, 85% of sufferers suffer from enuresis).

Zmishaniy- Netrimannya sich can be like a day, so it is at night (for a large number of ailments, which affects 10%).

neurotic- come to a group of secondary enuresis and blame it through a strong psychological shock experienced by stress, streaks or a little fear.

neurosimilar: the cause of primary enuresis is the obstruction of the maturation of the central nervous system and the sechostatic system and the mechanisms of the vibromination of the sechi, disrupted by the rhythm of vision of the antidiuretic hormone; secondary, and, may be blamed through trauma, intoxication, or illness, through the disruption of the mechanism of regulation of cross-sectional vision.

Also, the causes of enuresis can be:

  • presence of endocrine diseases, epilepsy;
  • acceptance of medicinal benefits such as "sonapax and valproate".

Don’t confuse the terms “non-trimanny sich” and “non-trimming sich”. Not utrimannya sechi means that a person wants, but can’t be seen to control and control the process of sechovi- sion through the pelvic floor and nerve endings, which is supposed to be for their regulation. Chi is not morning, but the daily rank is not tied to sleep.

It should be noted that enuresis is more often blamed on a woman. The reason for blaming enuresis in women can be:

  1. 1 part canopies;
  2. 2 post-days of important speeches;
  3. 3 surgeries in the pelvic organs;
  4. 4 hormonal beats;
  5. 5 m'yazi znahodyatsya postіyno have tension.

Correct products for enuresis

There are no special orders for eating with enuresis. It may be enriched with vitamins (especially C and ascorbic acid - stinks oxidize the cut), minerals and brown rechovins. It is better to give water without gas, juices, compotes from dried fruits (the stench is not sechogeny). Supper may be as dry as possible (for example, dry porridge is rozsipchasta - buckwheat, rice, millet, you can add tops of butter, boiled eggs, bread with jams or with syrup and a bottle of weakly brewed tea). Supper may be about 3 years before bedtime. The optimal number of meals per day is 4 or 5 times.

Zasobi folk medicine for enuresis:

  • On the sechostatev system, it’s good to plant a variety of zvіroboyu, centaury, plantain, wood, dog’s drop, lingonberry leaves, shavlії, omanu root, blackberry yagid and ozhini, weaving fruits of herbs, and new crop.
  • A year before Tim, like going to bed, children need to go to pee. So that the night of the night does not grow dark, it is better to turn on a small booklet and put a mountain man on a bed.
  • In the middle of the night, don’t wake up the child more quickly, so that you don’t wake up the central nervous system (the child thinks about those who wake up and oversleep the “important moment” for everything). If, after all, you did wake up the child, then you should wake up again, so that she doesn’t rob her of “her own right” sleepy (for such a time, the ailment is less likely to get worse).
  • Stimulus. It is necessary to get the child. For example, let's start keeping a calendar of nights: if it's not dry, then let's get a little sun, wet - a hazy. Tell me, after 5-10 nights without uncontrolled secession, there will be a surprise gift.
  • Obov'yazkovo is necessary to follow the temperature in the room (for a cold one, the feeling of being a child is described more).

In the rest of the world, many women are more and more often confronted with the problem of non-management of the sect. For more young people, this problem is relevant for women in their 40s, and it can also be in the young age.

Cause a disease to develop

Even more often, there is no strife among women, the reasons for which the blame is placed on obov'yazkovo for the choice of the correct method of litigation, connected not only with physiological disorders, but also with stressful camps. For the presence of any pathologies and damage to the robotic system, various damage can be determined, on the basis of which and the main causes of illnesses can be classified:

Most often, there is no strife among women of a frail age, and in a young age, they can be due to various reasons:

  • ushkodzhennya pelvic floor;
  • operations on the sechostatic system and empty stomach;
  • radiation dії;
  • vaginess;
  • natural canopies;
  • improper diet of eating;
  • menopause;
  • negative mental state;
  • implantation of singing antibiotics;
  • infectious disease;
  • superfluous vaga.

Lіkuvannya non-trimanny

For a century and a stress-free section, they rejoice at the choice of conservative and/or surgical methods. Exaltation of ailments can be more pronounced after a detailed history is taken and the symptoms of illness have been diagnosed. With all the help, it can be founded on the elimination of impersonal factors: the implantation of certain medical benefits, chronic illnesses, centuries.

Training of m'yazіv sich mіkhur

The treatment of illness can be conservative and surgical. Conservatively, the treatment is carried out without the need for an operation, which is why it is awarded for the selection of special medical benefits and a change in the way of life. Likuvannya can be founded on the basis of the following methods:

  • Behavior of jubilation. The main meta of this therapeutic injection is based on the use of factors, which are injected into the damage, which are caused by negligence. Illnesses, as if they rejoice at such a rank, are guilty of a strict way of life: implantation of the sinus colic bones of the motherland, control over the work of the intestines, exclusion of locks, intake of alcoholic drinks and kawi from the diet, relief from smoking, normalization of the vagina.
  • Training of m'yazіv sich mіkhur. In most cases, there is no strife among summer women and young girls, causing serious psychological discomfort. In this case, the doctor is obliged to lay down the plan of the Sechovipuskan. For the obvious positives in the planned hour of ailments, it is necessary to stream the shortness of the sphincter for the respiratory tract.
  • Trenuvannya m'yazіv crotch. Stress and age of non-compliance, it is necessary to rejoice with the victories of physical rights, in order to accept the significance of the sphincter. The traditional therapeutic day in this day is the transfer of the activity carried out once a day. Assigned, the first results begin to appear only after 1-2 months of systematic borrowing. Jubilation of this type is often given Garni results.
  • Celebration of victorious medical care can be recognized in case of non-compliance, be it of any type, regardless of the reasons. Faces allow you to increase the working size of the sich mikhur. As a rule, drugs are prescribed from the group of antispasmodics and antidepressants. The doses of this type of medicinal preparations are applied to the skin condition individually. Trivality to the course of jubilation can become troch more than 2-3 months.

Surgical treatment is carried out in that case, as conservative therapy does not give positive results.

Surgical treatment is carried out in different cases, even though conservative therapy does not give positive results. At the stage of development of medicine, the following methods are used:

  • The introduction of special gels to increase the volume of sich mikhura. Using this method allows you to reduce the spread of the enlightenment of the Sich. An operation of this type is carried out with the help of doctors of the disease.
  • Anterior plasty (colporrhaphy). One of the most extensive operations, yakі vykonuyutsya at netrimannі sechі. However, її suttєvim nedolіlі є those, scho efekt vіd this іrgіchnogo vtruchannya z hour zastupovo znizhuvatisya.
  • Colposuspension according to Birch. The operation is performed abdominally. The healer beats the lining of fabrics, which will leave the villager, to the m'yazіv of the wall of the empty lace. Carried out under the influence of general anesthesia.
  • Sling therapy. Expansion method that allows you to avoid pathology on the trivalent term.
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