Anna Ioanivny's ice booth.


Improvement and self-development WELCOME MARRIAGES AT ICE BUDINKU. YA ANNA IOANNIVNA EPATUALIZED SUSPILITY In 1740, the Russian Empress held a great cleansing ceremony, which became a symbol of her ten-fold rule.

****Walk, crazy empress... Only the Dowager Duchess of Courland could not by any means transform into a wise and far-sighted politician, dedicated to the collapse of the state.

The state's policy during the period was defined by these court parties, which tried to get ahead of their competitors in the fight against the empress.

***For the name “Kvasnik”, the Empress knew the names quickly - another court temptation, Mikhail Oleksiyovich Kvasnik, was chosen for this role.

During the reign of Kalmichka Buzheninova, Kvasnik became a well-born nobleman, having fallen from terrible disgrace. Mikhailo Oleksiyovich lived in the family of the Golitsin princes until his eldest age, and was the son of Vasily Golitsin, the favorite of Princess Sophia. After the defeat of Sophia in the struggle for power, the courtier Mikhailo Golitsin, both his grandfather and father, drank from the sent one, from which side they would turn only after the death of Golitsin the Elder in 1714.

***Budinok, where the hearts of morally evil and discord unite .

The Empress took charge of the right in a big way, creating a special “Masquerade Commission”, as little preparation was needed for cleanliness.

In 2006, at the Palace Square of St. Petersburg, the screaming booth of Ganni Ioanivny was at the details of the creations behind the chairs and little ones of G.V.

Kraft, ... ***It was not enough for Ale and Ganni Ivanivna. Before the celebration, it was ordered to bring two representatives of all tribes and peoples who lived in Russia, in a national association with national instruments. St. Petersburg collected 300 such people for the cob of the cruel 1740 year.

**"Endure it!"

In Russia, from time immemorial, they loved to go out on a grand scale, including koshtivs, with which foreigners were often amazed. However, the “fun in the Krizhany house” impressed not only the foreigners, but the Russians themselves. The investment of such great kostivs and zusil on such an insignificant metabor has drilled a lot of money.

Annie Ioanivna’s idea was called a “disgrace,” and the people of Kvasnik and Buzheninova respected the humble ones to tell stories behind the shadows of that far from tender hour.

It’s clear that this dull reproach did little to praise Hanna Ioanivna, but it turned out that “sweet fun” became the only popular symbol of her government.

The creaky little booth, in the frosty weather, stood until the end of the birch in 1740, and then began to gradually fade and became known as a natural path near the city.

In the late 1740s, Anna Ioanivna died, recognizing as her successor Ioann Antonovich, the son of her niece Annie Leopoldivna.

Hanna Leopoldivna, who became regent for her young son, was immediately overthrown by him as a result of a palace coup, and during the hour of her stay with the ruler she began to earn a great right - she captured the staff of court temptations. Historical site of Bagir - the secrets of history, the mysteries of the world. a unique era, when everything was being created anew: politics, literature, medicine.

If it seemed like there was nothing difficult.

Vira Mukhina and Oleksiy Zamkov.

The life of people is inextricably linked with the dreamy light, and the light of the underground seems completely unsuitable for living.

Tim is not less, the number of furnaces on our planet is not empty: they are inhabited by rare creatures that lived in extreme minds before living, and essences that will not require any light, no more, there was no such place on the surface of the earth.

One day in 1722, Peter I especially cut the symbolic ring from his daughter Elizabeth’s white dress. Pan Petro Oleksiyovich learned about this ritual in Europe and hastened to perform it at his palace, especially since his child “exceeded” twelve years. After the Kril’s fell into the trap, Elizabeth began to be respected by her betrothed.

It’s true that if Rozmova started talking about her husband in the family, Lizanka would start crying and her father’s blessings would be taken away from her home. Until the hour of singing, the Catholic Church fought against witches as if between the right, giving priority to the eradication of heresies. The situation changed dramatically after the emergence of Pope Innocent VIII in 1484 Summis desiderantes affectibus - “With all the strength of the soul.”

The appearance of this document became a “syrnik”, which set fire to tens of thousands of dollars in Europe.

The position before Paul I in Russia is reduced to two positions. Some see him as a king, who, having obeyed everything “against the will of his late mother” and who was afraid of the crown, is a foolless child. Don't see.

We will see clearly, from the dark light.

The screaming booths were like the palace of a fictitious friendship.

Annie Ioanivna was especially close and in love with her friend Avdotya, no longer young and from Kalmich.

Her nickname was given to the beloved land of the Empress - Buzheninova.

Avdotya really wanted to get married and the Empress promised to rule over her beloved roaster.

The betrothed received the 50-year-old prince Mikhail Golitsin, who was promoted to the throne through his marriage to a Catholic.

A nobleman from a long-standing family served the empress kvass, for which he was called Golitsin Kvasnik.

Unbelievable activity on the square between the Winter Palace and the Head Admiralty, according to some data, the construction of the Krizhany Budinka took place from 1 (12) sich to 6 (17) 1740 years, and for others - it was completed before 1 sich. They didn’t spend pennies on fun.

Everything was done on a grand scale.

The booth is 2.5 sazhns wide, 8 sazhns wide and 3 sazhns tall, according to our standards it is 5.5 meters wide, 17 meters wide and 6 meters wide.

They polished the walls with charcoal sands, which were already very quick, and the walls became completely transparent.

The entire budinok is filled with marmur.

There was everything in his house that was not enough for his mother in the house.

And the fireplace, in which the firewood was burning, and the anniversary on the fireplace, and the table, stools, light, windows, sculptures, there was a lazna, in which they steamed and hung cards for a pleasant time. Below I will briefly describe the booth by a member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, professor of physics GEORG WOLFGANG KRAFT.





Genvar's month is 1740

174 1.

LODYANGO BUDINKU and EVERYTHING THAT WAS KNOWN IN ANY WEEKDAY SPEECHES AND CLEANINGS At the same time, they applied gridded figures, as well as various notes about the excess in 1740 in all EV P O P E It's cold , Wigadan for myslivtsev to natural science via GEORG WOLFGANG KRAFTA St. Petersburg Imperial Academies of Sciences and Physics Professor. FROM THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Mysticism , comes alive FROM THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES before creativity such , speeches like to the people ; і family privately bark A rozvaga bring can richly carnage matter herself , nature Not vibrates mayzhe neither і alone dear or else sorry speeches і what b bark people . to your up to date mysticism make fun , images act Not koristi acceptance nadati і moment Lead between , like this matters above rozvaga what , carnage mysticism my force ; і diya show required і korisna us vitality drive , tabletops korisna і At the same time, they applied gridded figures, as well as various notes about the excess in 1740 in all right unproduced asked hardness they rich artists .

Here V St. Petersburg koristi richly more famous on right Isolde did it right . Bo mi bachili h pure ice prompted booth , nature like this rules ale - the greatest architecture roztashovaniy , і For non-abian his mind і sharpness year buv , shob like this extreme world just like that for a long time stand , yak our urgently booths , carnage shob V Saturn yak V number star rescheduled buv . Perche O Budov whoa budinka praise today proposition having committed sir Chamberlain , Oleksia Danilovich Tatishchev , comes alive naivishche on That dovil , і required At the same time, they applied gridded figures, as well as various notes about the excess in 1740 in all why memorable budovaya nimbly morning was expected view you're welcome і generosity I IMPERIAL Greatness blessed і Everlasting memory Sovereigns Empresses GUNNY IOANNIVNI , yak great Monarch pre-war , і Inodes At the same time, they applied gridded figures, as well as various notes about the excess in 1740 in all alone only rozzazhennyu shilyayutsya fuck off their tributes his by my grace bark deprived . behind accepted whoa Namiri V the rest months 173 9 Roku rosochato bulo non-gay , і zi all sorts of jealousy matters Budova I'll steal on ice Don't see rivers before Imperial wintering budinkom , why bula that date , what requirements At the same time, they applied gridded figures, as well as various notes about the excess in 1740 in all budovaya materials , comes alive itself hard і Zhitka water there V closeness met .

The Neva River supplied the necessary materials for the collection of materials, and it was only necessary to choose such a place as cThe memory of Budova could be carried.

Every day, everyone was allowed to walk in this place, and marvel, but then there was extreme tightness, so it was necessary to put a guard there, so that in front of the supernatural people who came there to look around, la deyakiy order.

To explain the reason for each wooden booth, wooden sticks were built and connected with bars.

In front of the booth there were 6 krizhany turned harmats, like the wheels and masts of the krizhanizh.The predictions are in size and size against the copper three-pound molded and drilled boules.These guns were shot several times, each time with a quarter of a pound of gunpowder placed in them, and at the same time the core was pumped in. ; Such a cannonball pierced the presence of all the Imperial court staff and pierced the workman's head two inches. They stood in

Now we’ll marvel at the order in which the room was tidied up.

Half of it is calm.

There was a retrieval table on which there was a mirror, a number of chandeliers with candles, which at night were smeared with naphtha, guts, and all sorts of dishes, and on the wall hung a mirror.

In friendly, the Bulf is visible to the Bulf with the Zavsoi, the post -illum, pillows of the ie, two shoes, two Kovpaks, a stool of il Roboti Comel, in a lying decimal fire for Nafta Namazani Bagato Divyv Gorli. And from the bitter cold from the beginning of the month of January to the very beginning, the birch trees were constantly trembling, and then the windows stood until that hour, without any water damage.

At the end of the month, the month began to fall until the fall, and began to fall, especially from the midday side;
Moreover, the largest ones from the collapsed kryzhina were taken to the Imperial Ice Palace.

On the 6th (17th) of 1740, the famous St. Petersburg siege of Prince Golitsin-Kvasnik with the fryer Buzheninova took place.

A unique Krijana fun, with many rivals for luxury, played for all the rules and traditions, with ancient ceremonies at the arena of the Duke of Courland. The guests at the party were two representatives of the skin tribe that inhabited the Russian Empire. ,

The youngsters were in full swing, riding in cages on the back of an elephant, then the Ukrainians rode on oxen, the Finns on ponies, the Tatars on pigs, the Yakuts on dogs, the Kalmiks on camels and others.

Usyogo had 150 pairs.

Today's first singer Vasil Trediakovsky reads his ode, dedicated to the day.

It started like this

"HELLO, Having become friends,

Fool and fool



NOW THERE IS EVERYONE'S GUILTY TO BE CONCERNED." The young people after the saint were deprived of their lives in a krizhany bedchamber, on a krizhany bed, under the watch of the warty. They were released only in the early hours, still alive in the cold.

Count Panin said to him when he arrived:

Varto say a few words about Prince Golitsin.

Mikhailo Oleksiyovych came from a noble boyar family, which, with the arrival of Peter I before the reign of Peter I, lost his position in sovereign activity.

The prince was appointed to serve in the army, and not in the guard, which had little priority, and forcibly rose to the rank of major. At fifty rocks, Golitsin spends his squad and is outside the border. Towards the end of his life, he made friends with the Italians and accepted the Catholic faith.

Having returned to Russia with a new retinue, the prince enters before human eyes and murmurs about changing his religion.

In Sichna 1740 rub. An infinite amount of human energy was thrown into the construction of the palace complex, the material for which was supplied from the Nevi River.

Professor of physics, member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences Georg Wolfgang Kraft in his monograph “Reference and soil description of the Krizhany Budinka”, which was published in 1741, there is no talk about high value whom the ice, the building vitremati the majestic vice.

The ice was poured onto large square slabs, which were then given architectural and decorative finishing. The slabs were installed one on top of the other, first pouring water over the skin of the masonry row. The water in this fall acted like cement cracks, mercifully freezing the blocks one by one. In this plan, the weather was in the hands of the organizers of the area - the winter of 1739-1740. It was very frosty. At the end of the day of the Kryzhany booth, someone will be ready, but to ensure order, a funeral has been organized. Project and plan of Križany Budinka. 1740 The size of the kryzhany booths is approximately 17 meters for the cover, over 5 meters for the cover and over 6 meters for the cover.

The creaking little booths on both sides are flanked by tower spores and look like sharp pyramids with round windows, installed on double-tiered pedestals.

In the middle of the pyramids there were hanging paper-decorated lamps with candles, which at night the people who were at the towers were spinning, for the excitement of the people who came to marvel at the wonder of the Križans on the bright side.

The masters of the masters created another no less beautiful composition with ice - the right-handed one in the booth of lookers caught the elephant with the Persian who was sitting on his back, and the two Persians who were standing next to him.

The figure of the elephant is small due to a well-thought-out design: during the day the elephant may release fountains of water, and at night - fiery naphtha tar boilers.

Also in the middle of the elephant there was an empty tank, where a man was sitting, who heard the sound of a trumpet.

The entrance to the territory of the complex is decorated with krizhany gates, decorated with krizhany vases with flowers and birds.

Handing the ice out of the gate, two dolphins, like an elephant, splashed streams of oil that burned, which was supplied by the pumping system.

In front of the Krizhany booth they placed a number of Krizhany harmatas and mortars, from which they shot several times. The screaming complex was miraculous during the day, sparkling and shimmering with farbs in the passage of the sun, which penetrated through the thin ice and transformed the spores in the middle, and at night with light candles, barvisous lekhtars, tar flakes and fireworks kiv. Incredibly, the Kreely Booth and the others overcame great admiration with their scale, beauty and technique of sculpture, becoming the very true creations of lofty mysticism. Even though one is waiting for the most joyful celebration, here the picture looked much more curious and even wilder., and this year she danced her folk dance to folk music.

V.I. Jacobi “Fun in Krizhany Budinka”, 1878, Russian Russian Museum

At the meeting, the curse of that roaster fluttered with verses written from this drive by Vasily Kirilovich Trediakovsky:

“Hello, having become friends, fool and fool,
More... - that’s the figurine!
Now is the time for us to have some fun,
Now all the burnt people can go crazy.
Khan's son Kvasnik and Buzheninova-khanka
I can’t see anyone, even if it’s gone!”

Those who called Golitsin and Buzheninova here “Khan’s son” and “Khan’s son” did not mean it casually.

During the reign of Annie Ioanivna, the war with Turkey fell (1735-1739), in which the Crimean Khan, a Turkish subject, who was respected no less as an enemy, came out against Russia than the Port of Osman.

In such a manner, with similar brutality to the temptations that were taken from the client, the empress ridiculed the Crimean Khan. At the end of the dinner, the young people were again put in a cage on an elephant and accompanied by the same wonderful cheerful cortege, with the bells ringing, roaring, torment, and barking, they were taken to the Krizhany booth, where, having put them in bed, they were deprived for the night. And so that the young people would not leave their crummy apartments sooner, the cabins were ordered to be taken away.

The Frenchmen were frozen and the fryer was taken to warm up.

The queen's external appearance is important for women.

This is what Princess Ksenia Dolgorukova wrote about her: “... She looked terrible. She was such a small person.

The two-meter tall, eight-pound niece of Peter the Great, with traces of pockmarks on her face (pockmarks!), could be “disgusting to look at!”

Hanna Ioanivna, together with her beloved Biron, aroused fear with denunciations, strata, cakes, sent and ferocious fun.

Turning back to Moscow, the prince carefully captured his Italian and change of faith.

The empresses acted at a moment's notice.

Golitsin was brought to St. Petersburg and planted in the secret office, as "additives from addiction."

At the order of the Empress, the love was torn apart, the squad was sent beyond the cordon.

And the prince himself is demoted from the “pages”, unimportant for life, and appointed as a court temptation. His job was to please the queen with roasts, serve her kvass (the courtiers called him “the kvassnik”), and sit in the tsar’s office. So the axis, the Kalmichka-fryer, was expected to be married to the great prince, and now the curse is Golitsin.

The Empress's idea to make friends on the frying pan of the zostrila is out of the blue among her neighbors.

At the gate there were miners with golden leaves and leaves.

The bird birds were sitting on the Krizhan's laps.

On the sides of the booth hung two Gostrokintsian pyramids.

In the middle of the pyramids hung great eight-fold lekhtars.

At night, people climbed into the pyramids and turned the lamps, which were glowing, in front of the windows - to the satisfaction of the spectators, who were calmly humming.

On the right side of the booth, standing next to a life-size elephant, screamed.

After a long dinner, the dancing began: the couple danced their national dance to their national music.

The funny sight supernaturally quieted the empress and the noble spies.

After the end of the ball, the young couple, who were accompanying, as before, a long “train” of guests of different tribes, arrived at their Krizhany Palace. There, with various ceremonies, they were laid in bed in Krizhana. And they put a guard in front of the booth - because of the fight, so that the friend wouldn’t decide to be happier

before the wound

deprive yourself of your not-so-warm and comfortable bed.

Further, one of the participants picturesquely describes the share of Krizhany Budinka as follows: “While the bitter cold from the beginning of this month until the very beginning of the month was continuously chewed, then the same budinka stood until that hour without any harm. 1740 starting from the fall and becoming sick Little by little, especially around midday, fall down.

There were legends all over the world about Kryzhany Budynok, myths and fairy tales were created.
People marveled that they could live in the ice “in the bitter cold.”
By pouring water over the pans, you can “gurd” them.

That krieg can be sharpened, drilled, hewn, furred and “by the method of anointing with naphtha” - the fire can be scattered, and at the same time “fired”.

Ale mooned and wise, mournful words that condemned.