Who is the head of power in our land.


Golovna HEAD OF POWER (head of state) Emphasizes the political strength and integrity of the power, as well as the iconic ceremonial obligations of the submission of the power both in its own country and in foreign policy, for example, when a contractual threat is imposed on the state. In these systems, where the head of the state is not the head of government, they stand above the policies of neighboring parties and represent the interests of the nation behind the scenes. Such a head of power can be a monarch (the form of government in about 30 countries) or a president, the election is mediated by the legislative body of the ruler from among the “oldest government officials” who have made significant contributions to the servants of the power.

For example, at the end of the 2nd World War, which resulted from the occupation of the country Western Europe Through parliament and a referendum, they decided to save the monarchical system or establish the republic under the president. D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Byrne, et al. Editorial office: Doctor of Economics.2001 .

Osadcha I.M.

Head of state posadova person , which occupies the most important place in the system of organs of the state, which ensures unity and stability sovereign power , which distinguishes the power from domestic and foreign policy. In monarchical powers, the head of state is the monarch; in the republican form of government, the head of state is the assembly president. Russia has a republican form of government, and the head of state is the President, who is the guarantor of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, and the integrity of the Russian Federation. Vіn means directly the internal and external policies of the power, represents Russia in the middle of the country and in international affairs.

The President is turning to all sorts of fates on the basis of legal, equal and direct election rights with secret voting.

A citizen can be elected President of Russia Russian Federation

Osadcha I.M.

not younger than 35 years old, who has been living in it steadily for at least 10 years. The maximum term for serving in the presidential seat is 8 years..

In monarchical powers (Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, Japan, Saudi Arabia), the head of power is the monarch, the power of which is transferred from one representative of the reigning ruler to another in the order established by law..In countries with a republican form of government, the head of state is the president, who directly benefits the population (Russian Federation, Mexico), indirect elections (USA, Argentina), richly staged elections (Italy, China, India)..2010 .

In presidential republics (USA, Mexico), the president is the head of the viconau.

Formally, the constitutions of most countries endow the heads of power with great powers: the head of the order of ministers, the supreme commander of the armed forces, the right of pardon, the right of veto, awarding orders and medals, and These parliaments have the right to dissolve parliament or its lower legislative initiative.

In fact, in parliamentary powers, the newly important heads of state work together.

Political science: Dictionary-editor


to become a science Sanzharevsky I.I.

2. The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of people and citizens.

The order established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation seeks to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and sovereign integrity, will ensure a favorable function pricing and interaction between the authorities of the state.

"I swear, in the honor of the President of the Russian Federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, to strive and protect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, Where is the integrity of the state, serve the people correctly."

2. The oath is taken in a private situation in the presence of members of the Federation, deputies of the State Duma and judges Constitutional Court Russian Federation.

a) assigns the Head of the State Duma to the Order of the Russian Federation;

b) has the right to speak at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) makes a decision on the introduction of the Russian Federation to the Order;

d) submits a candidacy to the State Duma for nomination to the seat of the Head Central Bank Russian Federation; put before State Duma

food from the planting of the Head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

e) for the proposal of the Head to the Order of the Russian Federation, he orders for imprisonment and imprisonment of the intercessors of the Head to the Order of the Russian Federation, federal ministers; e) presents to the Federation Council candidates for appointment as judges to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court

Russian Federation;

recognizes judges of other federal courts;

e.1) presents to the Parliament of the Federation candidates for appointment to the position of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the intercessors of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

submit, for the sake of the Federation, proposals for the release from prison of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the defenders of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

designates the imprisonment and imprisonment of prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as other prosecutors, in addition to prosecutors of localities, districts and their equivalent prosecutors;

g) forms and complies with the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the status of which is determined by federal law;

h) confirms the military doctrine of the Russian Federation;

i) forms the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

j) appoints and appoints the most important representatives of the President of the Russian Federation;

b) dissolves the State Duma in accordance with the rules established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

c) recognizes the referendum according to the procedure established by federal constitutional law;

p) introduce bills to the State Duma;

e) signs and implements federal laws;

f) goes up to the Federal Assembly with urgent messages about the situation in the country, about the main directions of the internal and external policies of the state.

1. The President of the Russian Federation can implement annual procedures to enhance differences between the authorities of the state power of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as between the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

If a suitable resolution is not available, you may refer the dispute to a superior court. 2. The President of the Russian Federation has the right to suspend the acts of the bodies of the final government of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the same time as the validity of these acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws

i) forms the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

, to international demands of the Russian Federation and the violation of the rights and freedom of people and citizens until the final decision by the Supreme Court.

a) the current policy of the Russian Federation;

b) conducts negotiations and signs international treaties of the Russian Federation;

c) signs the instruments of ratification;

d) accepts the credentials of diplomatic representatives who are then accredited.

1. President of the Russian Federation and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. In case of aggression against the Russian Federation or imminent threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation shall introduce a military force on the territory of the Russian Federation or in other localities with urgent information about the Parliament of the Federation and the State Duma.

3. The military regime is determined by federal constitutional law.

i) forms the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

The President of the Russian Federation for the conditions and in accordance with the federal constitutional law, to introduce on the territory of the Russian Federation or in nearby localities a supernatural state from unofficial information about the Federation Council this is the State Duma.

a) the nutrition of the community of the Russian Federation and the supply of political support prevails;

b) crowns the sovereign cities of the Russian Federation, gives honorary titles to the Russian Federation, other military and other special titles;

c) a pardon is in progress.

2. Instructions and orders of the President of the Russian Federation obligatory law for the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

3. The instructions and orders of the President of the Russian Federation are not contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

The President of the Russian Federation may be immature.

1. The President of the Federal Autonomous Education of the federal federal to Viconnia is driven by the warehouse of the oath of the oath of the ie, the Vikonnnya Iza Zakinchennya, the Termin of the Yogo Grinder for the Positan, the Ovsyaga is a console by the President of the Federal District Foreign Affairs.

2. The President of the Russian Federation accepts the new importance of the new government at various times, the persistent absence of health in the country is necessary to re-importance or release from planting.

The election of the President of the Russian Federation may take place later than three months from the moment of the pre-Russian inauguration.

3. In all cases, if the President of the Russian Federation is not in a position to resign his obligations, their Head immediately resigns to the Order of the Russian Federation.

The President of the Russian Federation has no right to dissolve the State Duma, call a referendum, or introduce proposals for amendments and revisions to the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1. The President of the Russian Federation may speak with the Rada of the Federation only on behalf of the Supreme Duma, who has been accused in the state’s health or committed another grave crime, confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation about the revelation of the actions of the President of the Russian Federation as a sign of malpractice and the determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation about until the established order is established and the link is formed.

2. The decision of the State Duma about the suspended sentence and the decision for the sake of the Federation about the President’s convict’s imprisonment will be accepted by two-thirds of the votes of the total number in each of the chambers with no initiative six one-third of the deputies of the State Duma and for the obvious establishment of a special commission established by the State Duma.

The structure of the district can be coalitional, since it consists of two or more political parties and single-party ones - from one party.

In Israel, with a population of 7.5 million, in early 2006, a new government was formed with 25 ministers. The USA has 14 federal ministries for a population of 300 million. Japan has the same number of ministries with a population of 120 million. The Russian Federation has created an institution of important representatives of the President in 7

federal districts Zagalna quantity federal bodies

Vikonacht's increased from 67 to 81. Representation of 24 federal ministries lost 15 Monarchy:

a long time ago - similar, Roman, centralized, middle-modern, early feudal, Stavo-representative, absolute and current-constitution.

Supreme power operates monotonously and passes, as a rule, at recessions: “The Power is I” – King Louis XIV of France.

The oldest is the Japanese monarchy - 125 monarchs.

Signs of the classical monarchical form of government:

1. The founding of a single-acting head of state who has been selfish with his power forever.

2. Decline order of attack of the supreme power.

3. The legal absence of the monarch.

1. Types of monarchy: Absolute monarchy:

2. The Supreme Lord has the right to be in charge of one person. All the sovereign bodies that interpose the power of the monarch do not exist “A self-possessed monarch, who is not guilty of anyone in the world about his official record”

3. Constitutional monarchy: The monarch's office is surrounded by a representative body. The restrictions are established by the constitution, as approved by parliament. The monarch has no right to affect the constitution: England, Denmark, Spain, Norway, Sweden.

4. Parliamentary monarchy: The order is formed from representatives of the singing party, who took the majority of votes during the elections in parliament.

5. The leader of this party becomes the head of the state. At the legislator's, vicona's and

ship's gilkah The reign of the monarch is both practical and symbolic.

Legislative acts are adopted by parliament and formally signed by the monarch.

1. Establishment of a unilateral or collegial head of state.

2. Choice of meanings of terms.

3. The exercise of sovereign power is not subject to sovereign judgment, but to the entrustment of the people.

4. Liability is the decision of the Supreme Power.

5. The legal authority of the head of state in cases covered by law.

Type of republic:

Presidential Republic: in the hands of the president, the new importance of the head of state and the head of the order. The parliamentary method of protecting the president is forming the order. Subordination to the President, and not to Parliament.

The revelation of greater importance to the head of state. Classic stock

- USA: the legislator is in charge of the parliament, the president is in charge, the prime minister is in office - there are no ministers. The order is formed by the president, as a result of the elections, especially what belongs to his party.

The President has the right to dissolve parliament, the supreme commander, and vote the military and superintendents. Parliamentary Republic:

The supreme role of organizing sovereign power belongs to parliament.

The order is formed by parliament from the number of deputies that belong to these parties, which may have the most votes in parliament.

The order bears collective responsibility before parliament. Once the majority of members of parliament have lost their trust, the order either goes to the office or, through the head of state, attempts to dissolve the order.

The head of the state is surrounded by parliament, which is the main form of parliamentary control over the royal government.

Napivpresidential republic or mixed:

Russia, Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, France.

The strength of the presidential government is supported by the presence of effective approaches to parliamentary control over the activities of the presidential government in particular.

The order is presented both to the president and to parliament.


Ø Asia (Bhutan, Japan, Thailand);

Africa (Morocco, Lesotho, Swaziland).

ü Members of parliament are appointed by the monarch (under the parliamentary monarchy, where parliament is elected by the people);

ü Members of the order are appointed by the monarch and the order bears special responsibility before the monarch;

Parliamentary monarchy- This form of government, where the power of the monarch is surrounded by parliament.

ü Other great bodies of sovereign power (parliament, government) function alongside the monarch;

ü Parliament is elected by the people;

ü The order is formed by the party that has won the most seats in parliament;

ü The order bears responsibility before parliament;

ü This is the principle of sub-rule;

ü The main functions of the monarch and the noble are of a ceremonial nature.

3. The legal absence of the monarch.

A monarchy is called absolute because the supreme sovereign power is the single head of the state - the monarch, without being bound by any organ of the sovereign power (England, France, Russia - at different times).

The form of government, if the power of the monarch is surrounded by a representative body - parliament, based on the Constitution (Great Britain, Norway, Denmark and others).

Transitional form of government from absolute to parliamentary monarchy.

The principle of the political system of the United States is a presidential republic.

The population of the region is represented by the Congress.

This organ has two chambers. State representatives and party officials sit there and are involved in lawmaking. The laws that are adopted have a counter-obvious force for the entire population of the region.

Thus, the head of power under the US Constitution is the President.

How many presidents has the USA had?

The current US President D. Trump is 45 years old.

The first head of the state was D. Washington, who was elected in 1789 after the War of Independence.

The United States has precedents where a close relative of a great leader of a state has become president. For example, the sixth President Adams was the son of another President D. Adams. Onuk the head of state W. Harrison B. Harrison became the 23rd president.


the most important elements

The state mechanism is the head of the state.

The term "head of power" is superior to the definitions of art. 14 of the French Constitutional Charter dated 4 June 1814, which stated that “The King is the supreme head of the state”, as well as the draft Württemberg Constitution (Berezen 1817), where in §4 it was stated that “The King is the head of the state " ". Previously, the maxim “The King is the head of the state” was enshrined in the constitutional legislation of the rich European powers. The scientific literature gradually confirms the position of similarity in all essential elements of the competence of the heads of constitutional monarchies and presidential republics.

Over the course of many minds, the term “head of the state” began to spread to the president of the republic, becoming a legal name for the one-sided bodies of the state power, which distinguish the power as a leader.

First of all, the head of the state does not structurally belong to the bottom line of state power.

For example, in paragraph 1 of Art.

55 of the Fundamental Law of the Federal Republic of Russia of 1949 states that “the Federal President cannot enter either the government or the legislative body of the Federation or any land,” in paragraph 1 of Art. 30 of the Constitution of the Ugric region, 1949. by the editors 2011 it is established that “the posad of the President of the Republic is inconsistent with other sovereign, large and political posads and other important ones.”, part 2 of Art. 84 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic 1947 it is stated that “the post of the President of the Republic is absurd no matter what,” and Art.

38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, 1922 by the editors 1998 r. - “It is unreasonable for the President of the Republic to interfere with other professional activities.” ;

The constitutions of most countries legally enshrine the political role of the head of state, which lies in the fact that he is the supreme ruler, the main representative of the state in international affairs, the guarantor of the nation national independence, territorial integrity, a symbol of the unity of the nation and power.

For example, in paragraph 1 of Art.

99 of the Constitution of the Argentine Nation, 1853. by the editors 1994 It is stated that the President of the Republic “is the Supreme Head of the Nation and the head of the Order, politically responsible for the secret government of the country”, in paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of the Constitution of Ireland 1937 by the editors 1995 r. it is stated that “the President of Ireland shall have the first place in all other functions of the state...”, part 1 of Art. We wish the elective corps to be in power in the republics.

In the constitutions of powers with a monarchical form of government, as a rule, there are provisions that the monarch, as the head of the power or as the formal head of the crown, is not responsible for his political, civil, criminal and administrative affairs reliability.

Another special feature of the status of the monarch is that the constitutions of the countries establish the power of the monarch - his affiliation with the sovereign (official) church.

Thus, in Great Britain the monarch's obligatory affiliation is transferred to the Anglican Church, in Denmark, Norway, Sweden - to the Lutheran, and in Thailand - to the Buddhist.

The term "head of power" is superior to the definitions of art. For example, in paragraph 6 of Part II of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark, 1953. It was stated that “the King is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.” Upon the replacement of the monarch, the head of power in the republic is the president, who exercises his duties on the basis of a mandate determined by the results of elections (direct and indirect).

Their greatest importance as heads of state is the same.

current science

There are a number of legal forms of the head of state, for which functions the head of state determines: 1) a single monarch who has fallen from grace (Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Japan); 2) a single monarch, who is ruled by a ruling family (dynasty) (Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia);

3) a single monarch of a federal power, elected to

definition of the term

monarchs of the subjects of the federation from their middle (Malaysia, United Arab Emirates);

4) a single-acting president, elected by the people, parliament and representative college for the establishment of the term (Brazil, India, Italy, Germany, Portugal, USA, France);

5) a collegial body that sets a deadline for parliamentary decisions.

9) a single-acting or collegial head of a state, who, having seized power illegally, then usurped it through the path of a sovereign military coup.

The institution of the head of state is gradually evolving.

This has led to the fact that the term “head of state” no longer makes it possible to fully characterize the essence, functions and competence of this body, which is under the authority of the parliament (which in all countries is the most representative law pressure body) defines different functions and assignments to different legal status.

Therefore, based on what has been said, it can be stated that in most current countries there is a single head of state, whose constitutional status depends on the form of sovereign government adopted in both countries, the nature of the current political regime in the region, as well as other situations, including This is based on tradition.

For example, in Ukraine, the President as the Head of the state has three statuses: the representative of the state in domestic and foreign political affairs, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the leader of foreign political affairs.