Exaltation of the Cross: note that prayer in the Orthodox Church.


On this particular day it is necessary to pray for obligatory prayers

The 27th anniversary of the Orthodox Church signifies one of the main religious saints of fate - the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross.

The Saint of the Twelve (one of the twelve saints of the river cycle), the basis for which was laid not only by New Testament ideas, but by later historical facts.

The very word “exalted” means the raising of the Cross to the mountain, after it was revealed in the earth. For three centuries it was not possible to see the place where the Cross of Christ was venerated. The relic was discovered in 326 thanks to the efforts of the Holy Apostle Queen Olenya.

The cross of Christ, and at the same time two more crosses from it, on which the robbers rose from Christ, were discovered in one of the ovens, covered with earth and smithery, and a pagan temple was created for the beast. Queen Olena punished the zruinuvati of the budinok. After the ruins, when they began to dig, miraculous odors pointed at the place, and the Holy Place was soon discovered.

Podia Nabutya Chesnogo

Life-Giving Cross

  • And the miracles that took place were directed against not only the Christians, but also the Jews.
  • Judas, who demonstrated the sacredness of the Cross, having received holy baptism and baptisms under the names of Cyriacus with many Jews.
  • Later he became the Patriarch of Jerusalem and suffered a martyr's death.
  • Nezabar, in this place, the Holy Apostles Kostyantin and Olenaya founded the miraculous Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Later, Queen Olena built a temple in the city, de Bula truna Holy Mother of God

at Gethsemane.

In the same way, eighteen temples were founded in various places of the Holy Land.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross: what cannot be done

The Icon of the Exaltation of the Cross helps:

  • suffer from minor illnesses, develop ailments of the wrists and swellings, and also suffer from chronic migraines.
  • turn away from bezplіddyam;
  • remove toothache.


God forbid that God is risen, and His enemies flow out, and forbid that those who hate Him flow from flowing before His face.

As we know, we will die;

As you rise before the face of fire, so let us not perish before the faces of those who love God and are marked by the signs of God, and in merriment say: Rejoice, Most Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, banish our drunken Lord by force. Jesus Christ, in the devil has come to hell, and you have given us the Holy Cross to drive away every adversary.

Oh, Most Holy and Living Crosses of the Lord!

Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever.

Amen. Exaltation of the Lord's Cross: note It is necessary to fast at the Exaltation, so that life may be far away.

To celebrate the Exaltation in the new church, put bells and crosses on the makivtsi.

Obviously, this is connected with the Christian legend of the Holy Exaltation.

After the warto service, clean the booth of uncleanness.

For this purpose it is necessary to sprinkle holy water on the skin of the kut while reading prayers.

Previously, it was believed that on Vozdvizhenna the remaining birds would fly from distant lands (in fact, on Vozdvizhenna they fly migratory birds which showed people a lot of darkness.

After Christ was roasted, the enemies did everything they could to find the last clues that would lead to the Cross, but under which the believers did not give up hope of knowing it. The history of the Holy Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord reveals that the Roman Emperor Costiantin, before one of the battles, rejected the sign of God from the face of the Cross, and realized that he could engage in his searches. The Emperor's mother Olena decided to help you and began to take action so that the Savior's greedy punishment would be met. Vona opitala great quantity

people, and as a result she was able to know

holy place

, three Chrests were revealed, and which of them was living was unclear.

  1. The sage said that it is necessary to use Crosses on sick people, and as a result, one of them was able to heal a woman and turn her into a person’s life.
  2. In the place where the relic was found, a temple was built in honor of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross.
  3. Exaltation of the Lord's Cross - notes and symbols
  4. The main tradition of this church saint is going to church and celebrating the liturgy.

Some churches are organizing a procession.

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, a tradition that was formed by many fates, and a miraculous reward, to pray for well-being and salvation from sins.

  1. It is important that if this day you have a great desire to reach the Greater Powers for your duties, then you will have to deal with it.
  2. There is a low tradition in connection with the Exaltation of the Holy Cross:
  3. This day the villagers respected the end of warmth and the dawn of autumn.
  4. The doors of the hut and the shed are fenced off so that snakes and evil spirits do not get in there for winter hibernation.
  5. It is not recommended to piously remove forests, as it is believed that on this day the forest plant respects all forest creatures, so you can put it on your eyes and cause harm.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross - note

Since ancient times, people have noted that, following the admonitions of the saint, it is necessary to prepare for winter. Є інші folk signs

  1. on the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross:
  2. If a snake got into the booth, then this is a sign of evil.
  3. It is important that the reptile symbolizes the Swede and the serious illness of some of the people who live in the house.
  4. People believed that in this holy place the souls of the dead fly like birds and fly on behalf of their living relatives, so on this day it is recommended to feed them with bread.

It is important that the cat in everyday life is a harbinger of happiness in the near future.

  • It is good to have a sacred need to give the sockets of a homeless creature, who will bring you well with you.
  • If a person found a sacred cross, then this is a sign of a great disaster, fragments of a fallen object are a symbol of suddenness and turmoil.
  • From every uplift you can take away from every misfortune.
  • This is important for those who believe in the holy bond and note:
  • encourage the geese to fly high - a sign of high flight, and for good measure;

cranes fly high and curl - prophesy the warmth of autumn;

The summer wind here sacredly makes the summer warm; the setting wind is avoided for several days - the weather will soon get cold; At the end of the month, the red bell rings at the gathering - the weather will be dry and clear. Rituals for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

There are a lot of ancient rituals that people perform to change

shortest b_k different spheres, since it is important that the meat of the slaughtered creature is eaten, all the prayers that were previously said are accepted.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross – icon

In the image dedicated to this saint, in the center of the entire composition of the decorations is the Cross, which is located on a similar platform, and is seen by the ministers of the church.

The icon of the Exaltation of the living Cross of the Lord includes images of believers, as a joy to the fact that the shrine has been turned.

In the background of the composition there is a temple. Let us show you some of the important details every day. The Icon of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross has great power to work miracles.

I will need to pray before her.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross - prayer

  1. Prayer texts, fermented to the Greater Powers, have great power, as they are read before the icon of the Cross.
  2. There is evidence that they help to get rid of various illnesses, improve your life, conceive a child and solve other problems.
  3. Prayers of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross are prayed out of a generous heart in home minds and in churches.
  4. It is important to believe in what you believe will happen, and

Vishchi forces

give you any further help you need.

Akathist of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross

The song of praise is read from the beasts to a specific saint, so that the divine nourishment and search for peace can be helped. The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is holy, at which hour the akathist is read..

  1. Having described what the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord means, it is necessary to review the rules for reading the canons:
  2. The text must be spoken out loud, so that every word can be understood.
  3. This is important so that it can be better established on the spiritual level.

It is better to read the canon while standing, looking at the icon, but if your health is poor, then you can sit or lie down.

Anyone who cannot remember the text can read it.

People can predict this day as the cross on which Jesus rose.

The whole name is holy, which signifies the 27th of the spring - the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

On the day of the Cross, the Empress Olenya and the Jerusalem Bishop Macarius were married.

At that time, excavations were carried out, as a result of which three ridges were found.

The Cross of Jesus was designated when a woman became ill for help.

Another legend says that, having reached this cross, the deceased was resurrected. Empress Olena fell asleep over 80 churches, which became evidence of the earthly life of the Savior - in the places of his people, the blessed and venerated Virgin Mary. Saint Olena brought a piece of the Life-Giving Tree to Constantinople.

Then his son, Emperor Kostyantin, gave a decree to build a temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ.

The great temple where the throne of the Lord was kept.

On what day is it necessary to open churches for the All-Nights to take place.

The pilgrimage ends with a liturgy and a local demonstration of the Cross.

Orthodox Christians should spend their time at church services, pray for their relatives, repent and turn to the Cross. After the church service you can gather at the same table. At the end of the hour, people gathered all over their homeland to dine on cabbage pies. For a long time, it has been customary to cleanse the living areas with the help of holy water. Cultivating authorities

Give this day a little effort.

Vidzhene water

negative energy

and to ward off unkind and evil spirits.

On this day, the ancestors made their fortunes and believed in their ancestors.

It was necessary to make a wish for the day, marveling at the play of the birds as they flew by.

Here you can religiously do household chores, household chores, and cooking.

However, it is only necessary to work for reasons of necessity.

What you can’t do at the Exalted Cross of the Lord

The main defense is welding, husky and likhosliv. You cannot give free rein to your negative emotions. Take care of the crowded gatherings and important entrances.

I can’t get started with planting sprouts, sewing and handicrafts.

For this day I couldn’t walk to the forest.

The whole name is holy - the Exaltation of the Honest and Living Cross of the Lord.

On what day will Orthodox Christians divine two meanings. As you write the Sacred Transmission, the Cross of the Buv Pridbanii 326 fate in Jerusalem.

Golgotha ​​became a mountain, and the Savior was devoured. And another idea - the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia, having been in the fullness. In the 7th century, the Greek Emperor Irakli turned to Jerusalem.

  • The resentment was fueled by those who raised the Cross before the people and raised it.
  • With this they executed him to all sides of the world across the river, so that people could bow down to him and share one by one the joy of the holy day.
  • People's notes
  • Holy Exaltation of the Lord's Cross
  • How and be holy or
  • the date is important
  • , on the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord on the 27th spring, also a lot of respect was given to the signs.
  • The Acts of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross on the 27th verse of the day are perceived ambiguously.
  • Moreover, there are things that are not clear context, and even the realities of life are categorically different from our ancestors.
  • We recommend that anyone read the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.
  • Speak, woman, about cabbage - Exaltation has come!

Podia Nabutya Chesnogo

On Vozdvizhennya first lady - cabbage! On Vozdvizhennaya, the captan with fur coat was destroyed, and the hat was pulled down. Whoever does not fast the Exalted Cross of Christ will have his sins forgotten!

I want the Exaltation to come for a week, but it’s all Friday-Wednesday, the song of the hedgehog!

  • On Vozdvizhenya, autumn and winter are rapidly collapsing.
  • On Vozdvizhenya the remaining birds fly out for the winter.
  • The door on the Exalted door is locked so that the vipers don’t get into the booth.
  • Whoever is on Vozdvizhennia near the forest is lost. Don’t start your hard work - everything will go to waste. On the Exaltation of the Booths there are evil spirits.

You have already understood what the Holy Exaltation of the Lord’s Cross means.

Also, there are many things to say, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the icon helps with what.

The Icon of the Exaltation of the Cross describes the creation of the Queen Deer of the Holy Cross, upon which Jesus Christ was Rose.

After the Resurrection, Resurrection, and Ascension of the Lord, the Lord's provision for the Savior's cakes was spent. Queen Olenya, the mother of Emperor Kostyantin the Great, decided to find him only in 326 years after desperate searches. The Icon of the Exaltation of the Cross is known for its miraculous properties.

After fervent prayer to the Holy Cross, illnesses subside. The exaltation is one of the great church occasions. So that bad luck passes you by, follow the tradition and the sign of a saint.

Shchoroku 27th Veresnya

Orthodox Church

I can guess what happened so many times in Jerusalem - the miracle of the creation of the Cross, upon which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Around the Exaltation of the Cross, whose day signifies another nationally holy day - completion.

woman's summer

, or the Third Autumn. Therefore, there is a lot of tradition and the hallmark of the saint is both religious and national in character. Traditions of the Exaltation of the Cross

As is otherwise sacred in the Church, the main tradition on the Exaltation is the formation of temples and churches, the hearing of divine liturgies.

There are many places where it is difficult to pass through.

Note the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Both for believers and for those who are far from religion, the notes of this day were even more important.

And a lot of flamboyant speeches created a sacred sense.

The 27th of spring is the last day of the woman's summer.

It was important that autumn was beginning to crumble ahead of winter.

In Russia, this day was popularly celebrated as cabbage. The women who served cabbage pies on the table were respected by the kind rulers.

25.09.2017 07:19

Young girls and boys were getting ready for a party that day, the girls were setting the table, and the boys were choosing their bridesmaids.

The 27th spring without signs was foreshadowed by the onset of cold weather: the birds were leaving for the day, the witches were lying down in the barlig, and the snakes were going into their holes.

We believe that the Orthodox saint will always have a spiritual sense.