Platonic concept. Platonic centenaries - what are they? Platonic love, like light absorption

The expression of “platonic love” and “platonic marriages” has become a significant part of our lives and many of them are perceived as friendships without physical intimacy.

However, why so? Not at all. To understand nutrition, it is necessary to carefully consider the peculiarities of the term, social and how to live it correctly.

History of the appearance of the term

Well, in today’s expression, most often platonic love is not a hundred, as they call it, based on romantic sensitivity, almost love and a spiritual desire, without a low desire of a physical nature.

A similar term originates from the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. In his own creative dialogue “Benquet”, he expounded the world of ideal, spiritual love through the lips of his hero - Pavzannya.

Plato explained that the addiction that arises can develop in a subordinate nature: this can be both a desire for status and asexuality. The idea of ​​a platonic relationship was also developed by Socrates with his monoloth.

The prophetess Diotima represents the Platonic tradition, which is the desire to see the divine. Plato and Diotima accepted platonic love as the most correct way to express the love of another person: to direct the path of reason and divine love.

To put it briefly, the right food is so rich and beautiful that one feels that a person who loves, breathes his soul and mind, focusing respect on the spiritual world.

Plato's "Symposium" is explained by Socrates as follows: primary love is so called, earthly, or Eros, and also love is divine.

The first type of khanya means nothing other than the physical craving of a beautiful body through physical growth and further prolongation of the family.

Divine love as a whole can take its beginning from the desire of the physical, so that the beauty of the body is also present, but step by step such love is transformed at the highest level - the love of the Greatest level of Beauty.

Such an important arrangement within an hour formed the basis for the important designation of the Platonic organization. This term also applies to Sufism.

Interest in the appreciation of Plato and his view of the philosophy of science arose in Serednyovichi. In fact, during the birth of Gergius Gemistos Pleton (France) in 1438 – 1439. Thirty years later, the theory about the Neoplatonic economy was developed by Marcilio Fitsino.

We value love as the individuality of a person, which guides her soul to greater spiritual values ​​and, as a result, ideas about heaven.

You can also imagine the English version of the term, which is similar to William Devinant’s criticism of “Plato’s Lovers” (published 1635). Criticism of the philosophical tradition of Platonic philosophy became even more popular under the reign of Charles I.

The main criticisms point to the concept of love in Plato’s “Symposium”: the idea of ​​kindness, which is at the root of truth and honesty.

Platonic love has become a short, but rather fashionable phenomenon in the English high society - especially in the sculpted Maria Henrietti, a friend of Charles I. Platonic love formed the basis of several suave masks that appeared in Caroline E. don't give a fuck.

Suddenly, through political changes and social transformations, the fashion on the theme of platonic love has come to an end.

Already in the 20th century, the interpretation of the platonic relationship changed a lot - simultaneously with changes in relationships between men and women.

Emancipation and platonic love

At the beginning of the 20th century, the whole world was swept up in the fashion and style of emancipation. The women became richly relished. Apparently, the pre-platonic relationship has become completely different.

This is due to the fact that much earlier defenses became available and began to emerge between sordid relationships with girlfriends and swindlers.

Well, physical exertion and thirst have taken over the spiritual values ​​of love. The number of separations and breakdowns of families has significantly increased, clothing fashion has changed, women have become provocative, and the concept of platonic marriage is rapidly losing relevance.

True, it is lost from the presentation of the lyricism of poets and writers. They themselves are still preserving this tradition and placing it before the platonic khan as a completely normal and presented box.

Closer to the middle of the twentieth century - the end of the 30s and in the 40s - with the rapid development of cinematography, especially Hollywood, the fashion for platonic notes began to revive again. At this hour, cinema is rapidly developing in France, Italy and, especially, in Hollywood.

Europe is gradually entering into a severe fascist regime, the United States is coming out of the Great Depression. Therefore, the gifts seem to be given to actors from the movie screens, gradually becoming a breath of inspiration for the rich.

There is a growing interest in both the philosophy of divine love and the religious desire for love. Religion becomes a guide for the rich during the difficult period of military conflicts.

Turning to the concept of the divine, it is on the everyday level, shallow, platonic love enters into everyday life. I was especially impressed by the physical inability of people to deal with one another: the buildings destroyed by war, totalitarian regimes, etc.

Deep literary works appear, dedicated to the theme of unfortunate love and platonic love.

The statement about platonic love is rooted in the interpretation in which it is based today: the meal is on the rise, the meal is presented, it will not require any physical intimacy - sometimes it is turned off.

Often platonic relationships are associated with bearings that cannot be traced back to further developments, so they are more likely to be deprived of bearings - platonic.

This is a hundred-year-old woman with great difference among women and hundreds of women who, from a bet, are in official love.

Platonic notes today

Nowadays, a lot of respect is given to what platonic tributes actually mean today. Most often, there are truths that can be rejected for any number of reasons for further development, and it is impossible to protect oneself from love.

It is the orderliness and reliability of such denominations that take the mountain: people are deprived of good friends, or they tend to fall in love with each other.

It’s cool that the current interpretation of platonic terms is practically untenable for the terms of a friend’s bet. Then the love is perceived as a union, in which the lowlands are but obligatory - in the concept of the platonic family it is not switched off.

Although in general physical intimacy was not turned off by Plato, it was simply due to common philosophy that it was also presented and had the character of divine corruption, and not physical life or reproduction.

Today's interpretation of the fact that such platonic conclusions from the protracted article has not changed much.

It’s true, there are couples in the same veins - between homosexual couples, which for any reason cannot be together, or, being together, the concepts of divine love and spiritual love are understood.

There are a lot of similar pairs that seem to confirm this very philosophy, obviously about it.

Psychologists about platonic behavior

When approaching the interpretation of love, it is obviously different, I want to come out of everything with a single concept of love offered and divine.

The current interpretation of platonic love is largely dictated by Hollywood films and French festival cinema. Before speech, the rest actually dictate the fashion of this concept.

Psychologists do not have the same idea about the drive of platonic points, but practically the same thing in one: the troubles of a hundred years old become the cause of deep depressions and worries that do not lead to positive results.

Such things are most often idealized and interconnected on earth. As a result, people begin to suffer from lack of fulfillment, and they seem to feel mutual.

The concept of the divine and the ideal is far from always stagnant in practice, which often leads to negative consequences when people become fixated on one thing and the highest, ignoring the earth.

Why bring the stench of the cleansers and why don’t they overstep those who receive it, let’s bring even less? Today’s psychology strives to “ground” people and embrace their problems, rather than abstract them from them.

New-fangled currents of yoga, esotericists and others often begin to cry about the absorption of light, which leads to the rise of real problems.


What are the results? The concept of love, in addition to many other philosophical concepts, has changed a lot since its inception.

It’s just that a different understanding of the term has appeared, but the implications are also global. After all, the world is on the lookout for a new round of platonic wear and fashion for them.

There is so much to be found in military activities, after which mystique and culture are simply explained by the stories of platonic fruits.

Platonic love requires complex and deep understanding, which requires special understanding and respect. However, first of all, you need to get stuck at the presentation of the centenary, in order to avoid the ideal interpretation, after understanding what you want?

Why do you need such hundreds of dollars? Most often, no matter what their symptoms may be, the stench is overwhelming and leads to depression.

The truth is, it’s impossible to get a long way out of this situation - never mind what is correct in terms of morality: platonic waters can be connected with other earthly waters. It’s true that it’s also difficult to do it, but it can be problematic.

Platonic love, which always flows into a sexual relationship, is just an option for rich “similar” peoples and “children of the world”, where relationships before sex can be punishable by death. A girl's honor and innocence are valued even highly among such people, and spending money on an affair casts a flame of ruin not only on the girl herself, but also on her family. Moreover, young people, except for girls, who live under such conditions, are deprived of nothing else but to love only those with soul and heart, who can never give a passionate kiss. The intensity of passions and emotions is no less, to say the least, even greater. With no way out, the sexual energy of the dead accumulates in monstrous verses, songs and paintings.

Platonic love, like light absorption

This option platonic kohannya The physical ligaments never outgrow, so they simply don’t engage in activities for the sake of their light perception.

Asexuals are not people who want to be. Well, I just don’t want to, in which case medicine recognizes asexuals as healthy people, because there is no need to deal with physical or mental problems. It is now customary to consider asexuals as the fourth sexual orientation. All asexuals can include those who have never felt the need and those who voluntarily and willingly have sexual desire, arising from various motives and spontaneity. Many religions and religious movements value asexuality as a greater spiritual element, directly linking the concept of “holiness” with the existence of not only sexual life, but also sexual thoughts and fantasies. However, these beliefs and religions do not prevent people from loving one another, but instead, “pure”, “immaculate” love no longer floats. The Buddhist nirvana is completely asexual (which, in fact, means freedom in the world). A number of asexuals believe that the presence of “primitive beliefs” in them makes them spiritual, and in addition, there are asexuals who respect the highest spiritual position.

Platonic love is like illness

Platonic love is like illness, but it is impossible to develop sexual activity through physical or mental illness, which blocks sexual desire.

Platonic love - like love is inseparable

Sometimes the devotee simply does not have the choice to love the object of his passion platonically, the remainder of his kohan (kohan) does not seem to share with him. Platonic love- this is on the surface, when the heart beats faster, only thoughts about those who VIN (or VON) lived on Earth. In this version, platonic love is pure, it does not rely on love as the object of its adoration, it does not require reciprocity and any kind of sacrifice.

As you see yourself, options platonic kohannya It’s a dream, and obviously (platonic love) has the right to sleep. Before the speech, I remember in my youth, I was already in love with one guy, and our relationship with him never crossed the line of platonic, and it feels deeper and stronger, I remember to this day.

Olena Gordina
Women's magazine JustLady

Marina Nikitina

Higher and less physical desires of love are called platonic. We respect that I call this kind of love in honor of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

In our time, platonic notes are not needed more often. It is important to recognize platonic love and often differentiate it from friendship.

Why do people love platonically? What is the essence of this high thought?

Kohannya according to Plato

Already in the third century BC, Plato described love, adding sexual context as a celebration of love. Once upon a time, the philosopher was an idealist, and the earthly economy was influenced by the images of the heavenly, ideal economy.

Platonic love is pure and immaculate love between two people.

Plato separated the spiritual and physical warehouses. The less physical and material there is in a household, the more ideal it is. According to Plato, the soul retains the knowledge of ideal, disembodied love, but earthly love conveys bodily contact, which cannot be true.

According to Plato, love is a desire for beauty and beauty. What is the happiness of life, and what is not the result of heterosexual marriages. The food is needed by the soul, and not by the body, which is intended to satisfy the needs.

Sexual desire is not a matter of desire, but an instinct. If a person loves true love, he will rise above all earthly things.

It’s interesting that Plato himself spoke about spiritual affairs as about exchanges between two people. He described love before a wife as a way to continue living. The purpose of a woman is the birth and care of children, and not a spiritual connection with a man.

Over the course of thousands of years since Plato's time, the concept of Platonic philosophy has been supplemented and expanded.

In our time, platonic love is most often perceived as intimate heterosexual relationships that include sexual contact.

Reasons for Platonic cohannia

Why is it being robbed in such a way that two people, whom nature has endowed with the ability to physically cohabit one another, rob each other of their khan?

Reasons for platonic sex between a man and a woman:

The lack of separation is felt. If a person is fucked, she is not deprived of any other choice, as platonic mothers feel like a kohanoi, but not a loving person. This time he has a sexual desire, but is not completely satisfied. Unfortunate attempts to work are mediated through creativity and other activities.
Vik. In childhood and early youth, people do not feel sexual desire through immaturity, but rather experience affection, sympathy, and spiritual closeness. The first relationship in childhood and adolescence is often platonic.
Vihovannya. Conservative fathers defend sex with children who have not reached the age of seventeen years, before becoming friends with a specific person. In this case, platonic relationships are an instant manifestation, love will be supplemented with a sexual connection, as only we can do.
Asexuality, cravings. In this situation, people who have ceased to be alone as sexual partners or have never been them, love each other tenderly, and have sex without fear.

29 February 2014, 15:18

It’s so mellow, who cares about food, what is platonic love? As we understand, these are hundred-year-olds who lack sensitivity. The stench is driven primarily by the spiritual, the love in which people value the spiritual and spiritual qualities of their other half.

What is so platonic?

The skin of a person will guess that the word platonic, melodiously, resembles the name of the famous philosopher Plato. It is no longer clear why Plato was associated with Platonic khans, and perhaps instilled such khans in the souls of the ancient inhabitants.

Plato was alive in the 5th-4th centuries. He wrote countless books, more than half of which appeared in the dialogue between Socrates and an unknown person. One of the dialogues was held in the hut of the poet Agathon back in 416 BC.

At a party, a person started a topic about the farm, about those who run the farm? What does the word “love” mean? How can I get rid of it earlier? Kozhen from the guests said his word to his leader.

Socrates asked: what can a woman know if she wants to achieve something beautiful or to get rid of contentment? At that time, “love” is associated with physical intimacy. Once love, beauty and promises come to pass, and in its place comes physical trouble.

Who can think that such a collection may be called Socratic, since it has been admitted, but also including all the information from his teaching Plato, and such books were named in his honor.

As older people, we can often feel that in their hour love was completely different.

Different people may feel differently. What we sense from our grandparents is that they have lived in platonic affairs for a long time. Some say that the platonic relationship is not necessary for long, and others - that it itself may cease to exist, as soon as hundreds are shaken and the like seems to be the brightest. But still, people are busy with food. What kind of platonic bastard is that? Kohannya, what the hell is this?

What do you think is ideal?

Let us now try to understand why the kohanna is called “platonic”. Once you have learned from whom, you can ask: Why is there a dream? If we have fallen in love with a person, we have sexual instincts, we can confirm that the platonic love simply does not sleep. So, can we talk about those things that are right now? Why is sex so important?

If a girl has hooked up with a guy, and at least one kiss at least, she may well think about the seriousness of their hundred-hundreds. The girl is not to be astonished at others; she herself must judge whether she is ready for such a shortcoming. If you respect that you should stream more quickly, explain to the boys that you love, then everything will be understood. In times of strong pressure and the threat of separation, the shortest solution will be one - end your hundreds, I want a man who respects himself and does not blackmail the girl. Why is there no need to succumb to provocation? This is clearly not true, they feel like they want too much closeness.

And these are the situations when people are on platonic grounds. In these situations, girls may be reminded that the boy is not dealing with sexual tension, but with proper khanna. Also, those who don’t understand, then need to explain why the boy doesn’t want closeness.

If a young person has had bad experiences in his youth, the girl can explain that nothing terrible will happen, that it would be a shame to lose money, and we won’t make fun of him. A possible option for education and religiosity is that every boy maintains principles that he rarely violates.

If a girl loves a boy, then check as much as you need. You can just think about the lovers who slept on platonic dates much longer, or talk about the baby’s future with your other half. As a rule, if a farmer wants a child, it is carried out on both sides.

The skin is unique in its own way, and you can’t put anyone down for the count, because most people don’t know what the big deal is, and they try to learn about it from their friends and acquaintances. You need to sometimes think about how you could simply love someone else while sitting next to him on the bench.

Showing love can be different. The platonic connection has a place in classic books and in real life. What is important under these meanings, what platonic love looks like today and how not to waste it - read below.

What are Platonic notes: history, reasons

Wikipedia defines platonic relationships as those between a man and a woman, based on romance and spiritual heaviness, which are not supported by sex.

Important! The craving for platonic veins in this form is avoided among religious fanatics.

The name “platonic love” resembles the name of the great author of such a concept – the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who was alive in 427–348. to sound e. In one of his works under the title “Banquet”, he described the concept of such a banquet, giving information to the monologue of the hero of the work – Pausanias. The robot describes ideal love, that is, it is calmly spiritual, and not physical.

There are explanations about the origin of the khanna and the duality of its manifestations and representations:

  • we pull;
  • asexuality.

In the short version, the meaning of “platonic love” is based on the concentration of the mental and emotional process not on the externality of the object, but on its inner, spiritual light.

Socrates explained Plato's theory that there are two types of spirituality:

  • earthly - supreme;
  • divine.

Earthly love is affected by the physical pull of the two last articles with the method of creation. Divine love arises like earthly love, starting from physical heaviness, and then moving on to a higher level of spirituality.

In 1469, Marcilio Fitsino had a theory about Neoplatonic religion. It is because of the uniqueness of the individual that it is possible to reach a new level of spirituality, to reach the soul into space, to reach closer to the idea of ​​heaven.

The reason for this understanding is the need for humanity in spiritual growth. To achieve this type of skin condition may not be due to skin peculiarities, but for this purpose it is necessary to carefully control your emotions and body.

There are currently a number of reasons that can lead to this type of problem:

  • suvore vyhovanya, which protects the articles of the hundred to the fullest or presents the article act only as a way of propagation, and not of the removal of satisfaction;
  • Informed by the view of sexual life - people may not be subject to such information between people through singing circumstances (physical violence was inflicted on a person, or, being a child, she could be subject to a statutory act between fathers and this called out to her du);
  • psychological and physical care, which do not allow one to lead a normal life;
  • the presence of physical attraction between people of different articles;
  • The fear of Zipsuvati Stosunki is a little cholovіk і Zhinka, to spend the hour comfortably at once, to the same close to feel like calling the INAKSHE IT I can not have to get burnt by friends, Ale Kokhantsi does not manage to do not;
  • asexuality - one or the other partner may not perceive any sexual desire.

Platonic love has existed both for a long time and now. There are a number of types of platonic connectives. The current interpretation is that platonic love does not lack a spiritual desire, but rather the ability to perform a statutory act.
For example, two elderly people with state dysfunction will be tempted to add more days to the day, enjoying too much spiritual relaxation. Another bright side is the connection on the side, even if the partners are located far from one another, which does not mean that there is no physical attraction between them, they just can’t work together with each other through unbroken circumstances.

Nerozdilene kohannya

These connections, just like the other ones, have two sides. However, one participant in these activities is active, the other is passive. The active participant senses the passive one, idealizes him, presents his beauty, beauty, etc. Moreover, the other one may tell about the price without knowing or blatantly ignore the first one.

Stosunki on the road

This type of connection, shvidshe, vimusheniy zakhid, nizh shlyakh, obrazovaniya samosіno. When there is tension, call such notes from platonic ones to move from physical ones.

Important! The connections with the wind can be difficult to endure for a distressing hour. And it is not necessarily mutual that they are supported by romance - but there can be friendly leafing.

In old age, people's interests change and they develop a desire for spirituality. Platonic connections can be established between a couple who have lived together for a long time. At this point, things are no longer important, and there is more pain between people.
In addition, platonic ones can seem to burn between even older people. This is due to the particularity of human existence. People suffer alone, because their self-esteem suffers and feels like a full-fledged member of the marriage.

Spiritual closeness

By choosing this type of relationship, partners are directly afraid of physical intimacy. Most often, this occurs in couples who belong to different religious communities, which bring spiritual regeneration to the forefront, and physical contacts are both important and important.

Do you know? The appearance of “blizzards in the abdomen” is explained by science, as the process of inducing adrenaline in the blood of the people.

The advantages of such victories

The main advantages of such drains:

  • the external union of two conflicting souls;
  • the possibility of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • advancement equals self-development of both features;
  • mastering precise self-control.

Understanding the specific terms that the platonic sensibilities are drawn from is problematic. Everything depends on self-control and spiritual development of both participants in this process.
In general, a platonic connection can be established within 2 months, until the interest of the participants is stimulated, up to dozens of times, when people one for one become a necessity of life.

How to encourage a hundred percent

Here are a few tips that will help you maintain spiritual closeness with your partner:

  1. Do not concentrate your respect on physical activity.
  2. Show respect to your partner.
  3. Give up more high feelings.

Platonic love is a treasure trove of specialness with the method of self-refinement and advancement of the level of spirituality. In their manifestations, such messages can have a different character depending on the reasons that led people to such a choice.

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