How to write the system update method to a disk Create a system update disk.


In order to be able to run various update functions of the Windows operating system in the future, if it has completely gone wrong and will not start, you may need a special update disk (about those tse take).

This article talks about how you can prepare an update disk for the older Windows 7 operating system.

In most current versions of Windows, such as 8 and 10, the update disk can be created directly through the interface of their OS, either on the original CD/DVD disk or on a flash drive.

Or you can quickly choose one of the alternative options, either the original installation disk with the same version of Windows, which also has upgrade options, or create the disk using the Media Creation Tools tool.

Ale in Windows 7 is not particularly fun.

With this system, using the following methods, you can create an updated disc on a CD/DVD disc.

It’s not possible to use a flash drive, or rather, you can, of course, but for that you have to, what’s called, “shovel”, poke around in the console and in other programs.

Why do you need:

Creating a Windows 7 update disk on a CD/DVD disk

For any reason, it would be easier for you to burn the Windows 7 update disc to a CD/DVD, which you can create without additional programs, directly from the system interface.

Why do you need:

The disc will be recorded for a buck!

You can also replace the special update disc on a CD/DVD and quickly use the original Windows installation disc to burn to DVD.


In this case, if Windows 7 crashes and does not start, the update disk can be of great help to you, even without it, in the case of a completely unusable system, you will not be able to quickly use any standard update methods that can turn the system up to life.

Therefore, if you want to have an installation disk with Windows on hand, you will need different update modes.

In order to update the Windows 7 operating system in the event of a failure, you need to create the update procedure right away.

We press the Start button, then click on “Control Panel”, there we open “System and Security” and, finally, we get to what we are looking for, and “Backup and Update”.

“Creation of the image of the system”

"Create system update disk."

The Windows 7 system update disk is not a backup disk; you insert it into the CD/DVD drive, and the computer will start up (!) from the backup disk, and not from the C: drive, which is why I don’t think there will be any backup.

In addition to the backup disk, you can download the computer, since the PC operating system does not work.

After downloading your PC from the Windows 7 update disc, you can update your PC's operating system.

Click on the option “Create system update disk” and continue to the options that appear on the screen.

To create a disk for the updated system, we need a CD/DVD device with the ability to record on new disks, and we need one blank CD or DVD disc.

It is best to use disks that do not overwrite, so as not to inadvertently erase this very important disk.

When creating a Windows 7 system update disk in this way, you need to carefully sign it, as the Archive and Update program recommends, and place the information there so that evidence can be obtained from the emergency situation.

If you use a mobile device (for example, a laptop or netbook), then it is better to carry the system update disk with you.

Why can't you be near the train?!

If your PC does not have a device for recording CD/DVD discs, you will need to use an external device that connects via .

Otherwise, no way!

This external device will also be needed when updating the system in case of failure.

Therefore, it is better to take such an external device with you on trips, since the active work is transferred to the PC at home (or office) with possible disastrous consequences for the operating system.

Creation of an image of Windows 7

If the system update disk has not been created before, then it is necessary to indicate “Yes” on the power supply in order to create this disk.

Let me remind you that the system image created on the external hard drive itself cannot be updated on the PC unless the operating system is modified.

For which system update disk is required:

After archiving the system image is completed, the “Creating a system image” window will display the message “Archiving the system image successfully.”

You can only close the system image creation window by clicking the “Close” button:

In this way, we once created an image of the system - an archive of the operating system for possible future updates in case of possible failures.

To ensure that this procedure for creating a system image is completed regularly, when setting up automatic archiving, it is necessary to check the box next to the “Enable system image” option, as shown in the next step:

Now we are in trouble.

We have a system update disk from which you can run your PC under any operating system.

We have an image of the system on an external hard drive, from which we can update the operating system at the time of the last backup.

How does the operating system update work?

You will immediately feel that something would be better than you!

After connecting the PC to an additional system update disk, connect the external hard drive from the new system to the USB port of the PC.

Then select additional options from the system update menu in the system image.

It is obvious that the system needs to be updated so that the system image is saved on an external hard drive.
And that's all.

Then the robot update program will start working automatically.

You just need to be patient, and always do not vacate your PC until the update ends.
Once you have completed updating the system from the system image, you need to remove the system update disk from the CD/DVD drive, think about paying for the service (!), and get it back in the right place before the onset (in short, there will be no more !) .

And then restart your PC.

Since everything went well, then to our joy the system will return to the way it was at the time the archival copy was created.

And what is missing?
So, there was no mercy.


It’s impossible to complete the repairs, but you can’t do it too much – that’s the popular wisdom.

The same goes for archiving and updating the data system.

A variety of methods and methods can be continued indefinitely.

What is important to us is not so much the understanding of the methods themselves, as recognition of the fact that both the operating system and the data of the users need to be archived.

You need to work periodically, don’t forget to work, don’t get lazy about working.

And then we can be more confident that the system and data will be complete and safe.

So, perhaps, it is impossible to discount the greatness of the fall from the shells.

You may have mercy, or you may not.
Tim, who archives the operating system and powerful data, is blessed much more and much more often.

Verified beforehand by millions of PC owners.
Made practical.

I hope to join the majority of lucky people.
– Have you ever decided to archive your operating system and your data?

Greedy times?!
Last year?!
Last year?!

- I’ll earn money today!

system upgrade

Theme for computers or laptops,
With Windows OS installed.

And after the “AutoPlay” window appears, formatting

disc – press the “Create disc” button next to the initial insert.

This deposit will have a scale.
As soon as the world has created a disk of renewal,

be filled with green color.
Until the disk is created

I'll explain.
All you have to do is press “OK” on this tab.

І tab will close.
In the “Autorun” window, the final result will also be shown. You can open the folder from the created update disk,
by clicking on the active button in “Autorun”

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

I still.
You must ensure that after you upgrade your computer using the upgrade disk, you may lose some files that are important to you.

Be it photographs, videos, music, text documents.

To avoid costs, it is necessary to transfer such files to external media.

On a flash drive or disk.

Most homeowners, when their operating system breaks or freezes, usually just install a new one.

If this is not the case, then you will need to re-install all the software and drivers for your device.

In some cases, such processes can take up to an hour.

The most important solution in case of emergency is an update disk for the Windows 7 operating system.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

In fact, such a disk is the point of updating Windows and a small amount of perfection for the operation of the OS.

Customers need to troubleshoot Windows production lines, install programs, drivers, update and run services.

If your computer becomes unusable and no longer starts up correctly, you can use your disk to update Windows.

This makes it easy to avoid having to worry about the software and drivers required for the operation of rare devices.

The Windows 10 update disk can help with a variety of serious problems with the system: if it doesn’t start, it starts working incorrectly, you need to update the system by downloading it (turning the computer back to the exit stage) or if it’s corrupted later Go create it.

As you may note, in the previous and main way for Windows 10 to update the creation of a disk, such a disk is located under the same name as a flash drive or other USB storage device, without the ability to select a CD or DVD for this purpose.

However, if you need to create the update disc yourself on a CD, this option is still present in the system, just in a different place.

Then you will no longer have to select a drive from a blank DVD or CD and click “Create disc” to burn the updated disc to a CD.

This will not appear on the flash drive, but you can create it in the first way - just set the password for the disk in the BIOS and lock the computer or laptop from it.

Vykoristannaya vonantazhivaya flash drive or disk Windows 10 for updating

It couldn't be easier to create an installation DVD containing the OS.

In this case, the update can be carried out on any computer, regardless of the version installed on the new OS and the license.

In this case, such a storage unit with a distribution kit can be used on a problematic computer as an update disk.

For whom:

As a result, you will end up with the same Windows 10 update that, if you select the disk from the first option, you can also fix the same problems by starting or running the system, for example, vikorista, update the registry for I will help the team line and not only that.

How to create an update disk on USB - video instructions

And finally - a video in which everything described is shown in person.

    Well, if you have lost your food, don’t hesitate to put them in the comments, I’ll try to confirm.

Comments (160) to Windows 10 Update Disc

09/15/2018 about 09:06