How to properly and how to cook milk soup from vermicelli.



Rich people associate milk soup with childhood.

This herb is prepared from boiled milk.

  • The wine is even brown, juicy and childish, which helps control the fat content of the dairy product.
  • Let's figure out how to prepare milk soup and make it better.
  • Pokrokov's instructions for boiling milk soup
  • This herb is perfect as an afternoon snack for children.
  • Even just cooking it with vermicelli is quickly absorbed by the child’s body, giving it strength and energy.
  • To prepare milk soup you need:

0.5 liters of water;

  • 1.5 liters is no more than full-fat milk;
  • 6 tbsp.
  • l.
  • vermicelli;
  • 30 g vershkova butter;
  • 2 tbsp.



  • a little salt.
  • The brewing technology is improving in its simplicity and simplicity.
  • The grass is prepared like this:
  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Stir in vermicelli and cook for about 5-7 khvilins, add salt until relished.
  • Afterwards, place the noodles on a plate and let the juice drain out.
  • Pour milk into the same saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Place pasta, add zukor and salt.
  • Due to intolerance to cow's milk, the soup can be prepared in goat form.

With these tricks you can prepare a perfect and delicious milk soup.

It’s important to note that it’s better to cook this kind of herb just once, because the pasta will swell a lot.

When reheated, the soup loses its flavor and brown power.

Milk soup recipes

Such a simple herb, at first glance, can be prepared in different variations.

  • Let's pick a bunch of savory recipes.
  • 1. Milk soup with watermelon
  • Vegetarian soup with vermicelli and watermelon has an unusual bright color.
  • Let's go out and drink it thick.
  • To add spice, you can add nutmeg or turmeric to the milk.
  • To prepare the following products are required:

2 potatoes;

1 carrot;

150 g watermelon;

600 ml milk;

  • 50 g vermicelli;
  • 0.5 tsp.
  • tsukru.
  • For the cob, peel all the vegetables and cut into strips.
  • After this, put everything in a saucepan, add water and boil until soft.
  • Don't forget to add salt.

In another saucepan, boil the milk and simmer for about 4 pieces of chicken.

It is good to mash the vegetables in the puree, add to the soup and mix thoroughly.

If the consistency is too thick, you can thin it with vegetable broth.

  • Finally, season with cinnamon and add salt as needed.
  • 2. Milk soup with egg
  • This herb is perfect as an afternoon snack for children.
  • This soup is perfect for serving as a stand-alone snack for dinner or lunch.
  • To prepare milk soup you need:

The wine is still alive, looks appetizing and has a delicious aroma.

Chantly, who remembers a lot, how my mother cooked milk soup.

This grass cannot be deprived by a bayduja, neither a child nor an adult.

Milk soups come in a variety of varieties: sweet, combined, dietary, and vegetable.

  1. You can choose a recipe that suits your heart’s desire and prepares your favorite soup.
  2. It’s even easier to cook than wine.
  3. Rating: (2 votes)
  4. Boiled milk is even more delicious and rich in richness, but if it brings the maximum amount of bark, it needs to be prepared correctly.
  5. Let's understand how to cook milk and how to work.
  6. Choose an enameled or large-capacity stainless steel saucepan that is durable or has a flexible bottom.

To prevent the milk from burning, it is recommended to rinse the container with cold water before boiling.

To prevent the milk from boiling, you can place a special ceramic “wart” (sold in a local store) at the bottom of the container, or grease the walls of the container in the middle with fat or top butter.

  • It is better to boil the milk over a medium heat, stirring gradually.
  • When boiling over high heat, a lot of red substances and vitamins are used.
  • I still have no idea about how long it takes to cook milk.
  • To maintain the freshness of milk, it can be periodically boiled - this way it will be better and longer preserved.

Now you know how to cook milk.

During boiled milk, you can add other ingredients to give it a special taste and aroma. For example, you can use jam, honey, cinnamon. This grass is associated with a child’s kindergarten, mother’s “spoon for grandma,” and then with bland school dinners.

In a word, the greatest relish of childhood.

Ale is ours milk loxin recipe– the relish is incredible, which will please both children and their parents. It takes no more than 20 minutes of precious time to prepare the savory, rich and deliciously barky herb. Classic milk soup with lokshina

This recipe for preparing milk loin is suitable for young children.

  • Good nutrition for summer and weakened people.
  • Lokshinka will help in times of pennilessness: the recipe is economical, and the crust of the soup is delicious.
  • Learn this recipe
  • cook rare meat like
  • soup,

I'll give you a lokshina of milk:


  1. The pasta is cooked this way and served on top.
  2. Ingredients:
  3. milk – 400-500 ml;
  4. lokshina - 150-200 gr.

(shaking my middle hand);

tsukor - 15 gr.;

salt - 5 gr.

Oliya vershkove – 15 gr. How to prepare milk loxin

  • Prepare 1 liter of milk, 150 gr.
  • Sticky watermelon of sweet varieties, with savory flavor, 1/3 bottle of lokshina.
  • Don’t forget about topping oil: you don’t need more than 10-15 grams.
  • Peel the skins of the vegetables, remove the meat and inner lining, and then cut into squares, circles, bars, etc. Thin straws are easier to cook, and large pieces look more efficient.

Bring the milk to a boil following the classic recipe.

Add salt, and then throw in the chopped vegetables.

Cook until cooked, then add watermelon.

Cook for another 7-10 khvilins.

After removing from the fire, put a sliver of top oil|mastille|.

From childhood I know the taste of a milk loaf, but not everyone knows how to cook it.

The classic recipe was used to delight children at school and at home.

The vermicelli soup is miraculously moist and imparts vitality and energy. Yogurt can be prepared with added potatoes, watermelon, eggs, rosemary and other dried fruits.

  • Serve it like a licorice snack - everything depends on the method of preparation.
  • It’s better to learn how to cook milk loxin in a number of ways, so that in the future you will be able to please your loved ones with new gifts.
  • Classic recipe
  • Milk soups – a wider variety of children’s snacks.
  • Vermicelli is easily absorbed by the body, giving it strength and energy.

You can have them as a midday snack, complement the herbs with fresh berries, jams, all sorts of sweet sauces, and condensed milk.

If you need to boil soup following a classic recipe, then take the upcoming set of products:

  • half a glass of water;
  • second liter of milk;
  • five tablespoons of vermicelli;
  • two spoons of tsukru;
  • small piece of olive oil (taken at the top).

Boil the water, salt for relish and sizzle the vermicelli onto a splinter of khvilin, then throw it onto the drushlyak.

Bring the milk to a boil, add salt if necessary and place the pasta on two sheets.

This vermicelli soup is prepared on the basis of thin egg. You can also use puree, which can be served for lunch or dinner as an independent herb.

The soup nourishes the body well, looks very appetizing and the aroma is even more appetizing.

The child, when satisfied, eats such grass as

can be prepared from the following products:

The time has come to learn how to prepare vermicelli for this dish! Boil the milk, stir in the zucchini, and add until relished.

  • After boiling, add the liqueur and stir.
  • five tablespoons of vermicelli;
  • Lightly beat the eggs with a fork and carefully pour them into the milk broth.
  • Boil three hvilini, stirring regularly in the pan.
  • Serve traditionally with top butter.
  • Milk-garbuline soup

This vegetarian soup has a rich, bright color.

The thick consistency is miraculously rich.

A positive color is given to the herb not only by the watermelon juice, but also by carrots, which are mixed with potatoes for richness.

If the herb is being prepared for adults, then nutmeg and turmeric can be added to the milk. For the sake of which there are spicy notes

  • .
  • Prepare with the following ingredients:
  • half a glass of milk;
  • carrot;

watermelon - approximately 120 g;

With rice and oatmeal

For the rice version, you can add black berries, half a raspberry and raspberries. The stench adds a sweet taste to the grass, becoming a wonderful alternative to tsukr.

  • For preparation, take the following ingredients:
  • liter of milk;
  • puffs for rice;

salt, my favorite berries.

Boil the milk.


The grains are sorted out and washed, then thrown into a saucepan and simmered over low heat for fifteen khvilins.

Wash the selected berries and add to the rice.

You can also buy frozen products.

Bring to a repeated boil and cook for another five minutes.

Then add a small piece of olive oil and place it on the table.

The option made with oatmeal is no less tasty. Dieticians are happy to prepare such a soup by first boiling the plastic in water.

  • Ale tse umova neobo'yazkova.
  • The soup can be prepared immediately with milk.
  • The option of diluting milk with primary water is allowed, in which two parts of milk are diluted with one part of water.
  • Bring the selected liquid to a boil, add zukor and chives until relished.
  • Sort through the plastics, throw out any waste that is being washed, and rinse thoroughly.
  • Add to the saucepan and cook for twenty minutes.

Rinse the fish fillet and place it in a saucepan, add a liter of cold water and bring to a boil.

Boil for about a day for a small boil.

Thaw the shrimp on the head, clean the tails, shells and heads. Wash the pepper.

  • After boiling, add the liqueur and stir.
  • Cut into two parts and trim the skin, if it is too hot, then you need to remove it.
  • Strain the fish broth through a sieve, cut the fillet into small pieces.

Fry the chili pepper in olive oil.

Then pour in the broth and stir.

Then add coconut milk, grated ginger root, and after five minutes of low boiling, add fish fillet and shrimp to the soup. Boil five khvilins, add soy sauce, lemon juice, zukor.

Fill a loaf of rice with dill for ten pieces or follow the instructions on the package, cut into pieces, place into serving bowls, and pour the coconut milk soup for the animal.

This kitchen tool will make it easier to prepare a lot of herbs, and vermicelli milk soup is no problem.

Milk soup with vermicelli is a wonderful, life-giving snack for the whole country, which successfully replaces porridge, and it is a delicious lunch or evening for people who are trying to maintain a healthy diet and to reduce congestion.

Milk soups are recommended in many food systems for people who suffer from diseases of the herbal system.

This, melodiously, is one of those herbs, about which one can say that there is practically no harm in them, and only one measles.

Blame episodes of lactose intolerance.

It's no secret to rich people that milk soup with vermicelli is very popular with children.

  • It’s enough to know its stable presence on the menu of children’s kindergartens.
  • And whose explanation is entirely logical, why it’s worth loving him.
  • Aje zdebilshogo tse sweet soup.
  • The vegetables can be cooked without the rind, as this ensures their taste and the herbs must be as nutritious as possible.
  • You can also drink low-fat milk.

Recipe for milk soup with vermicelli

To prepare vermicelli milk soup you will need for one serving:

milk - 1 bottle,

Fried vermicelli for soups - 1 tablespoon,

water - 20-30 grams,

  1. a teaspoon of butter - a teaspoon,
  2. salt, tsukor until relish.
  3. Multiply these warehouses by the number of family members who will eat the soup.
  4. Preparation:
  5. During the process, add zuccor and a pinch of salt.
  6. This helps to balance the flavor of the soup, without overpowering the saltiness.
  7. It is important to place the cucumber in front of your likenesses.

This is easy to understand by how sweet you are, for example, when you like to drink tea or kava.

If you put two teaspoons on a cup of tea, then you can put spoons on a bottle of milk in the soup.

After 3-5 minutes after adding the vermicelli, remove the saucepan from the heat, add butter|butter|to the soup. and cover with a lid.

Let the milk soup sit for about 5 minutes, maximum 10. During this hour, the vermicelli will soften the rest and seep with milky flavor.

  1. Milk soup can be served on the table.
  2. Wait for us to be warm.
  3. Before we speak!
  4. I don’t know what it was like in your childhood, but in mine there were such wonderful pasta sprouts, like little flowers.

My mother often cooked us milk soups and chicken broths with these little chicken noodles.

If you find these little packets in the store, feel free to prepare milk soup with them for the recipe with vermicelli.

The stench is also very easy to cook and is very chewy and suitable for children.