What is the name of the bottle for mulled wine?

Golovna Country house


Golovna 350 rub.

Kelikh for mulled wine "Margot"

Golovna 1800 rub.

Kelikh for mulled wine "Winter"

Golovna 600 rub.

Set for mulled wine

Golovna 2000 rub.

Kelihi for mulled wine "Winter dragon"

Golovna 820 rub.

Kelihi for mulled wine "Dreams of the Maharaja"

550 rub. Quiet the cups

Golovna Where to buy:

livemaster.ru 250 rub. Or you can add “clean”, prosori

kelihi for mulled wine

And decorate them yourself.

Kelikh for mulled wine 110 ml.

Kelikh for mulled wine 240 ml.

Kelikh for mulled wine 250 ml.

Kelikh for mulled wine 285 ml

Golovna Kelikh for mulled wine 310 ml

Kelikh for mulled wine Riva

Golovna 93 rub.

The basis of mulled wine is wine.

Golovna If you do not drink alcohol, you can drink a drink based on red grape juice.

When choosing wine for mulled wine, remember a couple of rules.

550 rub. Young dry wines are best suited for drinking, even though they have an unobtrusive taste and aroma that can easily be transformed with additional spices.

Golovna Drink old or stale wine without savoring it.

Mulled wine can be light or intensely rich and spicy.

The finest varieties of wine for mulled wine are Merlot, Mavrud, Dolcetto, Saperavi.

The “hot character” automatically conveys the solution that is used in mulled wine dishes.

The “hot character” automatically conveys the solution that is used in mulled wine dishes.

On the pages of the site we will also talk about utensils for making wine, but in the meantime let’s think about what is better to drink from. Zagalnovіdomі are pleased to be raised to high standards from a thick wall with a great handle. Being esthetes at heart, we carefully looked at the presented photos and made the following conclusions: so, prices for such items, including the famous Irish Coffee, are available in abundance, if you can find them in the glints - where you are closer to nature, where the cold autumn rain is ix At night, the quiet of the home and the living fire of the stench are especially humming? It's time for sale Original bottles made of thick plastic

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Tim more, what

in elite kelikhs

Kelikhi for Glintwein - the subject of the table dishes with the bagatoi izstorіyu, punsuly say, yaka ogi by the Creator of the Kanoni vicoristovy, with the vicentennic cichs of the monastery abo Krishtalvich for the serviruvanni.

The special shape of the kelikhs - a deep bowl, sounded to the bottom and widened, cut from a thick, heat-treated glass, a glass handle for handiness on the side - allows you to retain the heat of the brewed drink for a long time, revealing a bouquet of aromas of spices and alcohol.

Kelikhs for mulled wine are thinned, can be used as a substitute for Irish Cava (Irish Coffee), American Cava Latte, emphasizing the “hot” nature of these drinks.

Popular among residents of Northern and Central Europe, in Alaska, and mountain resorts, which are sprinkled with spices and the subtle taste of alcohol and high-quality kava, cocktails lift the mood well, give a boost to Heights and energies calm, sparkle, and harmonize people who are tired from everyday life and work.

Kelihi for mulled wine: the history of the journey

The glorious tradition of drinking mulled wine stretches back to Serednyovichi itself.

In Ancient Rome, warriors enjoyed cold wine, flavored with various spices, before campaigns.

Creating a quiet atmosphere near a restaurant, cafe, or booth is the main goal of the organizers of parties and friendly get-togethers.

Beautiful crystal stones for mulled wine will help to enhance the purity of the floor, to make the holy table stylish, rich, and elegant.

Metals are hand-made for the purpose of wealth, glass - for the home.

The main thing for setting the table when serving mulled wine is to bring the dishes, textiles, and serving items into a uniform style: quantities for alcohol, sweet drinks, water, beer, spoons, forks, knives.

  • Table setting: basic concepts
  • A stylish set of kelikhs for mulled wine will help create a welcoming atmosphere at the table, and its classic shape will enhance the aristocratic relish of the rulers of the house and the house.
  • How can you drink mulled wine from slimy dishes?
  • Do you know that for rare alcoholic beverages you need a special type of vessel that allows you to reveal the savory and aromatic fruits of the poured fruit?
  • The bottle for the cocktail has been incorrectly selected and the alcohol should be sealed before tasting and drinking, add some extra rice.
  • What types of containers are there for drinking:
  • kelihi for hot drinks (not lower than 65 degrees): mulled wine, punch should be wide at the bottom and narrow at the bottom, thick with barrel handles, can be placed on the legs or presented in the form of bottles with thick walls, served until table with a glass or metal spoon ;
  • brandy glass or snifter is suitable for local alcoholic drinks such as cognac, calvados, brandy;

The list of original containers for serving the table is not limited by the presented options, harikeins, glasses, wine glasses, classic faceted flasks - all of them can become a single composition on the table, if you choose them d style and design.

Navigating between a large assortment of containers, it is easy to buy kelikhas for mulled wine and decorate them in your own style using the decoupage technique.

So a simple serving item can be turned into an original gift for young people, friends or loved ones.

Shopping club WESTWING is your traveler to the world of design and stylish decoration of kitchen and restaurant space.
Promoting popular branded goods at reasonable prices, helping to realize your ideas and fantasies, and implementing projects in the comfort of your own home.
Buy sets for mulled wine in the catalog of the WESTWING shopping club, choosing by design, decoration, size of capacity, it will be simple.
It is enough to understand that in order to create a clear, clean and friendly atmosphere, it is necessary to create the right choice of wines, mulled wine and other drinks that will fill with all the spectrums of taste and aroma.

On cold winter evenings, nothing sparkles so much as a cup of aromatic warm mulled wine, punch, hot pot, or grog.
Residents of the Scandinavian countries, Great Britain, and other European countries have long appreciated the way they can make wine warm.

Serve mulled wine, Irish cava and other hot alcoholic cocktails in special kelikhs.
You can say that keliha for Irish cavy and mulled wine is a symbiosis between kuhl for tea and wine keliha.

Such kelikhs look like they are working hard.

The handle helps to protect your hands from hot water, since the temperature is between 60-70 °C.

To stir the Irish Coffee kelikha, add a cinnamon stick, or replace it with a cinnamon stick, as described in the recipe.