See the writings.

Golovna Osvita

Text: Oleksandra Bazhenova-Sorokina

Illustrations: Dasha Chortanova


- the rest are often associated with literature “for women.”

This is insanely, unfairly - today's literature would not be what it is without popular writings.

We decided to guess ten of our daily life stories that we would chant tomorrow, and through dozens of fates.

Donna Tartt

Perhaps the most successful intellectual writer of the 21st century, Donna Tartt has made headlines around the world with her third novel, The Goldfinch.

It turned out that in the middle of postmodernity and post-irony there is a place (and there is a need) for old-fashioned, serious creativity.

At age sixty-five, Toni Morrison is a living legend, a literary figure that is undeservedly little read in Russia.

One of the leading authors of American multiculturalism, like no other, claims the title of Marquez of the USA.

She released her remaining novel just after that, and actively gives lectures in the booming voice of “black America,” whose comments, before the introduction of African-American fodder for rich, advanced intellectuals, are no less important than bath of politicians and pop-stars.

In his novels, Morrison explores the identity of the African-American population of the United States through magical realism.

For example, “In Love” is written in the short traditions of American Gothic, the story of a woman who lives through slavery and is afraid to face the powerless past that swells flesh and blood.

The texts of the writing will be in such a manner that through the multiple perspectives of the heroes, the author’s thoughts about human humanity, about different types of rot, myth and khanany will be reversed.

Lyudmila Petrushevska

Allende realized that a Latina could become a worldwide popular writer, and she herself began to establish rules for the presentation of magical realism, eroticism and historical literature.

With great respect goes to her miracle book “Aphrodite”, dedicated to aphrodisiacs.

Ursula Le Guin

Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, David Mitchell and Salman Rushdie, J. R. R. Martin and other great literary worlds openly recognize the undeniable infusion of Ursula Le Guin's creativity into their prose.

One of the leading authors of science fiction and fantasy of the 20th century may discover the existence of a remote population of the planet and think through in detail the peculiarities of forms of culture alternative to human ones.

Ale not only.

In her texts, she accurately and deeply, with the wise sideliness of an anthropologist, analyzes the nature of gender, status and social inequality, discusses the differences in all their manifestations, about the ecology and politics of the colonialist ів – and put the food author of “The Left Hand of Temryavi” and the saying “Zemnomor” I started long before it became mainstream.

Olga Sedakova

Olzy Sedakova trusted “Moscow - Pivni” by Venedikt Erofeev, Ivan Paul II studied with her, and Sergiy Averintsev studied with her.

Oleksiyovych's texts give special people the opportunity to write history, whether about the women and children of the Other World or about those who served in Afghanistan.

And in the program book “War has no more feminine guise”, and in the new work about the 90s “Second-Hand Hour” it is important to separate fiction and non-fiction literature.

The emotional effect of the prose of the great Belarusian is no less than that of the novels, and what it conveys is at once a document of the era and a universal reminder to human suffering.

The poems are written, however, you want to re-read them, and now the small text manages to contain surprisingly rich information, creating light, which significantly outweighs the obligation of creation.

In the collections “Too Much Happiness” and “The Fugitive,” which were published in Russian style, one can discern all the characteristic features of Munro’s prose.

There is no more proof, no more clarity, the hour slips forward and backward, and the story can end in a word.

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Regardless of the often cleverly twisted plots and characters that are reluctant to change in the eyes of the reader, you believe the author’s every word, and you are especially careful about what is happening.

Joan Didion

One of the most prolific non-fiction authors to emerge from the school of “new journalism,” Joan Didion is a visionary of a writer who creates literature from life.

In five years, the entire series of books about Harry Potter has changed the status of an unemployed woman who lives with the help of a wife, to a billionaire.

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Steele, with 800 million books sold, is currently the best-selling writer of all time, and the fourth best-selling writer of all time.

All of these novels became bestsellers.

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Their plots, as a rule, are about how rich families experience crises and complex love stories.

Steel also tried to write children's fiction and literature.

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She is also involved in collecting funds for the treatment of psychiatric illnesses.

These books have been translated into 28 movies, and 22 of them have been made into films.

These novels are thrilling with their colorful and meticulously written characters and vivid dialogues.

The most famous of these novels are “The Most Eyes” (1970), “Sula” (1973), “The Song of Songs” (1977) and “Loves” (1987).

Vaughn is the proud recipient of the Pulitzer Prize, the US National Book Award and the Nobel Prize for Literature, and on May 12, 2012, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The writing has a lot of accolades: the Pushkin Prize for the Alfred Toepffer Foundation, the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the Triumph Prize and the Stanislavsky Theater Prize.

In addition to her literary activity, Petrushevskaya plays at the local theater, paints cartoons, plays cardboard dolls, and reads rap.

These scenarios are followed by films and cartoons.

Create Petrushev's translation in 20 languages.

The remarkable works of Petrushevskaya - experiments with mine, fantastic and fairy tales.

Lada Vesna/

A book of great importance and so far only one completed bestseller.

His novel “Zuleikha flattens his eyes” was published in 2015 and won the prestigious “Great Book” award.

Yakhina has already taken up writing another work, also historical and about the Radian era.

In these words, the most important is the period from 1917 to 1957.

Breuninger writes a column in the literary magazine Literratura and contributes to Harvard.

I was inspired to write just one novel - “The Radyansky Union did not have Adderall.”

There are a lot of critics, who have been shortlisted for a number of awards.

According to the critic Galina Yuzefovich, writing gave hope to Russian literature.

It is only possible to verify this after the publication of another work by Breuninger. It turned out that it would not be easy for women to make their own way in the future. At the end of the century, the sphere of activity of the excellent state was the household, household, and other crafts, such as sewing and embroidery.

Activities in mysticism and science were strictly human, and women were given the opportunity to become a muse, a helper, and not a creator. As Vira Pavlivna said in Chernishevsky’s novel “What Work?”, women were deprived of “being members of the family,” “governesses,” and “giving any lessons.” Of course, in the past, prominent women appeared who broke the stereotype that they said, but they were guilty, scandalous, and sometimes even obscene.

To be fair: the wife-writer and the doctor were not taken seriously by the marriage. So George Sand put on a human suit and changed his name. And well-meaning people encouraged JK Rowling and the Brontë sisters to take human pseudonyms, so that viewers would have due respect for her creativity. In the worldі Some women managed to earn their own names from the literate middle class..

With their success, they clearly showed that not only men can become distinguished writers. Literature - as a reflection of marriage, it will change at once. The 20th century has a lot more women in all fields, including writing.

Women's literature became popular, they began to be respected and valued.

In 1909 the birth Selma Lagerlof became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature.

Her creativity dates back to her childhood: she herself wrote “Nils’s Miracle with Wild Geese.” In 1955, in the USSR, the kazka was turned into a full-length cartoon, “The Enchanted Boy.”

When talking about wives in literature, one cannot help but remember two true “record holders” - Agatha Christie and Margaret Mitchell. When you hear the word “detective”, your memory brings together two names – one man and one woman: Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie

Every woman, as soon as she gets ready to write, will have her own room.

When you hear the word “detective”, your memory brings together two names – one man and one woman: Arthur Conan Doyle and

Writer, literary critic.

It’s really easy to choose the “best”, “most successful” and “most productive” writings. With great respect goes to her miracle book “Aphrodite”, dedicated to aphrodisiacs. Kozhna has made a significant contribution to the literature, increasing the status of women in the writing sphere, and in marriage.

This article does not necessarily have information about everyone. There are things that you can’t help but guess.і For example,.

It would seem, without even knowing the name, that she is one of the most famous and titled science fiction writers, and not just about women. It turned out that in the middle of postmodernity and post-irony there is a place (and there is a need) for old-fashioned, serious creativity. Even often, women’s creativity is associated with romance novels and sentimental verses, so we would like to say about an author who might be appreciated by the rich.

Before speaking, the cartoon “Tales of Earthsea” by the famous studio “Ghibli” was created by the works of Le Guin. Let's move on to Skhid. Iran has given the world's talented wives: Anita Amirezvani Marzhan Satrapi .і It’s a shame not to live in the historical Fatherland, but it has taken away a deep trace from their creativity. We can now look from the outside at those marriages that seem so different to us and so closed.

One more name:

. In 1988, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel “In Love,” and in 1993, she received the Nobel Prize for Literature as a writer, “who has gained an important aspect of American reality."Their works reveal for the rich that side of a married life that seems so distant and unknown. In his novels, Morrison makes it clear how cruel the world can be in relation to those who are unlike others, how the success of those standards is formed not only by our self-importance, but also by how we can traumatize with our own eyes. baths of those who do not agree with them .

How many more monstrous names are there: Donna Tartt, Antonia Byatt, JK Rowling.

He, a prominent politician and a national reformer, was close to literary activity. Vaughn wrote in her memory: “I can’t write a clean pen without feeling like I’m about to burn him in ink.” The Empress had a great collection of works, was a full-time author of the satirical magazine “Everything”, and five operas were staged for her libre.

Few people today know a cavalry maiden Nadiya Durova like writing, and now Pushkin himself choked on it and spurred it on to literary creativity.

It’s important that she was the prototype of Shurochka Azarova from “The Hussar Balad.” This woman went through the Great Patriotic War of 1812, commanded a squadron and was assigned to the famous headquarters captain.

The position of a wife in the marriage was already in the favor of Nadiya, and this became one of the main themes of her works: she was passionate about the rights of the even more disenfranchised woman. She was a warrior both literally and figuratively, and was lost in history as such. Another talented woman from the past - Evdokia Rostopchina . The area of ​​her literary activity is even wide: she wrote poetry and prose, was engaged in translations, and created songs. Their creativity was highly valued in the minds of that time. Teffi It’s hard to call it unknown, this is the most beautiful satirical writing of the 20th century. The treasure also has a lot of reach: over 10 books have been filmed, and in the 90s it was difficult to know a person who had not read their novels.

Today, more and more often, women in literature receive well-deserved respect and appreciation.

And it’s even quieter.

Women don’t just write well, they write well. I would like to believe that in the future we will need even more new books and more new names.

Creativity without cordons

However, if a person is engaged in creativity, then it is not at all important to become like one.

We know about the most famous and most successful writings that changed the “rules of the game” established by people.

Jane Austen (1775-1817)

Jane Austen is called « first lady"English literature.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Already in her youth, Jane began to write ironic parodies of fashion, literary works about social events and implausible romantic stories.

Jane very warmly mocked the narrow-mindedness and clicheness of the authors of that time, as well as the outdated views on marriage. « "Jane Austen", main roles: Anne Hathaway, James McEvoy.kinopoisk A gentle humor and irony permeate these later, “adult” novels, which have become classics of world literature.

Among them

Mind and sense", "


The main characters of this story are pierced by a guilty independence behind the shadows of that time and often convey almost the same thoughts of Austen herself, who died unmarried, which was rare for the lady in her life .

“Pride and Advancement” with Keira Knightley.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

kinopoisk Jane Austen is one of the first writers who was published under the authorities and has little popularity among contemporary writers, and the number of screen adaptations of her works and biographies is one of the writers' hearts., a plot that has become classic and has been extensively played out in literature, theater and cinema, and has also given rise to an important and relevant topic: the responsibility of the creator for his creation.

"Frankenstein", main roles: Robert de Niro, Kenneth Branagh.

Vistava "Frankenstein", main roles: Benedict Cumberbatch, Johnny Chi Miller.

kinopoisk George Sand (1804 – 1876)

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

There's Aurore Dupin, great-great-granddaughter of King Augustus the Strong,

who wore a man's suit, smoked cigars, openly changed kokhans, got involved in politics and called herself a “communist” - so the woman was clearly ahead of her time.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Aurora, from her childhood, received a miracle of illumination, and also early began to reveal redness and free-thinking. After her mother tried to see her marry an unloved person, the girl rebelled and they were sent to the monastery for training.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

On 17 occasions, Aurora married Casimir Dudevant, who struggled with his own feelings and difficulties in connection with his unmarried status. Recently she gave birth to two children, but suddenly the separation of her friends (the earthy nature of Casimir and the tallness of Aurora) began to erode more and more.

At 27 rocks, Aurora left the man, went to Paris and completely abandoned the life of literature.

She started out as a journalist, wrote two novels in collaboration with fellow Kohan resident Jules Sandot, and wrote the third novel herself, taking a human pseudonym

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

. Throughout her writing career, George Sand published nearly 30 novels, including books for children. Vaughn was able to gain popularity for her life, although many people knew that under the pseudonym there was a woman. The writer herself took revenge on this literary task, becoming the first female professional writer.

When Charlotte's brother and sister-writers Emilia and Enn died one after another in two deaths, Charlotte was left alone with her ailing father and began to become more actively involved in literature in order to provide for him and herself.

“Jane Eyre”, main roles: Michael Fassbender, Mia Visikovsky.


Charlotte was also serious about getting the girls ready, she put in her time and finally wanted to open her wife’s school.

Her heroine Jane Eyre, being very similar to her creator and having even a strong personality, inspired many feminists and became a spectator for inheritance.

Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848)

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Emily Bronte's life was even shorter: at 30 years old she died due to the dry spell. In that hour, she managed to write just one more novel - wow!

This is a strong, romantic and divine novel.

, inspired by human passions and natural elements. It is called the standard of late romanticism and the leading romantic creation of these times. « “Wuthering Heights”, main roles: Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes. kinopoisk

How to describe the axis

Participant Emily Brontë sings to Dante Gabriel Rossetti: This is a diabolical book, an incredible miracle that has united all the most powerful women of the world.”і It’s ironic that everyone knows Emily herself and her novel, but only philologists and even pedantic poetry lovers know about Rossetti. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) During the interwar period, Woolf was one of the most important members of the London Literary Society and was a member of the Bloomsbury group.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Writer, literary critic and translator, a leading figure of modernist literature of the first half of the 20th century, pacifist and feminist, who does not divide into labels "hetero" (1925), "homo" (1927), . Woolf appreciated that in a patriarchal matrimony, female scribes required encouragement to practice and often thought about outsider matrimony, where female scribes create a virtual special space for themselves. Some of it was published by Bloomsbury and publications Hogarth Press. She brings novels to those who are known to her:"Mrs. Dalloway"

"To the Lighthouse"

Virginia Woolf became one of the central voices of feminism in the 1970s, and there was a lot of attention and attention to all aspects of creative writing.

The film “Godinnik” with Nicole Kidman in the role of Virginia Woolf, imdb

Vona suffered from severe attacks of mental illness (manic-depressive disorder) throughout her life and laid hands on herself, drowning in the river in 1941, in 59 years.

Agatha Christie (1890 -1976)

Agatha Christie is one of the most famous authors in the detective genre, her books are among the most published in the entire history of mankind (after the Bible and Shakespeare). « The famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot from his first novel - Stiles has a mysterious mood" « 7 years later, a charming and rather intelligent old woman, Ms. Marple, is born.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Following the words of Agatha Christie, she copied the image of Ms. Marple from her grandmother, as

“she was a kind person, but she always looked out for the brightest of all, and with such regularity her cleanliness was justified.”

And the letter also showed that the complexities of detective stories were chewed and analyzed in her head as she spent her evenings knitting, with friends and family. On the cob of writing, the novel was ready and leftover."Killing in the Similar Express", main roles: Albert Finny, Ingrid Bergman, Sean Connery.

Christie published over 60 detective novels, 6 psychological novels (under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott or Westmacott) and 19 collections of novels.

16 її p'єs was delivered near London.

Agatha Christa's books have been published in over 4 billion copies and have been translated into over 100 people around the world. « I also set a record for creating the maximum number of theatrical productions..

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Until now, Aja had never thought about a career in writing.

Mitchell worked as a reporter for a local newspaper in Atlanta and left prison with a leg injury.

Todi Vaughn started working on the novel, as she was working on 10 rocks.

The book about the fatal American beauty Scarlett, who lived through the hours of the war of Night and Day, about her misery, sins, love of life, about the “day of the gods” for the good old aristocratic marriage of planters has once again become golden fund of world literature. The legendary film adaptation of the novel about Vienna Leth with Clark Gable in the lead roles also brought its popularity to the work, which is also a classic cinematography.“Blown by the Wind”, main roles: Viv'en Li, Clark Gable.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

« kinopoisk Astrid Lindgren (1907 - 2002)

If you don’t know how to make children love you before reading, give them Lindgren’s book.

It so happened that Lindgren loved children deeply and did everything for them. About the benefits of a sweet and hollow girl in my life

Peppi Dovga Panchokha

She revealed her sick bottom, little Karen.


She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Having already shown up, not without the help of my daughter, she once told my mother that a little man was flying to the Lilyonkvast estate before her to play with her. For this story, Lindgren has earned the informal title of “the world’s grandmother.”

m/f "Malyuk and Carlson".


During her writing career, she created over 80 works for children, including

“Carlson”, “Mio, my Mio!”, “Roni - the daughter of a robber”, “Come to Kalle Blumkvist”, “Emil s Lennebergi”.

Ursula Le Guin (1929-2018)

British writer, screenwriter and film producer, best known as the author of a series of novels about Harry Potter.

She was born in the family of the priest George Austen, a enlightened and intelligent person, who herself started her children and wanted intellectual achievements in her everyday life: amateur performances, long readings of novels, musical concerts, etc. .

Shanuvalniks lovingly call her “Mama Ro.” Books about Potter were a huge success and sold over 400 million copies. The Stinks became the best-selling book series in history and the basis for a series of films that became cinema's other best-selling film series. Rowling was working as a research assistant and a transfer secretary for Amnesty International when, during an hour-long train ride from Manchester to London in 1990, she came up with the idea for a novel about Harry Potter. Recently, Rowling's mother died, she herself was separated from her first man after an episode of domestic violence and lived in a house with a small child in her arms, until she published the first novel in the series.(1997), which I wrote at a small cafe in Edinburgh.

Over the course of a year, she wrote 6 sequels – the rest were
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

(2007), - as well as 3 additions to this series. Rowling immediately began writing for older readers, releasing the tragicomedy “Vacancy of the Vacancy” (2012) under a pseudonym. Robert Galbraith - crime novels “Poklik Zozuli” (2013), “Shovkopryad” (2014), “In the Service of Evil” (2015)."Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - the first part. kinopoisk"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2 - the last part. kinopoisk

In five years, Rowling went from living on social assistance to becoming a multi-millionaire.

It is the best-selling author in Great Britain, with sales totaling over 238 million pounds sterling.

2008 year

Sunday Times Rich List