Learning an English polyglot in 16 years.




Recently, the intellectual reality show “Polyglot” appeared on the “Culture” TV channel.

In this reality show, a personal polyglot and translation by Dmitry Petrov, who knows over 30 languages, serves as a compilation.
So, from Dmitro Petrov, having developed an intensive course in learning foreign languages, you can learn the skills of learning foreign languages ​​in just 16 minutes!

You are a polyglot, having asked the English language learning program, how much can be discovered.

Learn, in the first lesson, not to begin the alphabet, and then you will learn the inevitable 44 sounds of English phonetics!

The first lesson of this warm-up begins - you will learn what you have been trying to do in order to master a foreign language.

Laziness, lack of stimulus, lack of free time, incorrect approach to learning the language, which is more visible, less pulling from further learning the language - all of this, for broader reasons.

Who has the main advantage of the course proposed by Peter, at least spent an hour, a total of 16 to occupy, a minimum of complex and voluminous grammar, which creates new “chaos”.

Polyglot 1 lesson

Well, the 1st lesson: in essence, the vikorist that we spilt has three forms: hardening, curing, nutrition, and there is no difference whatsoever.

Well, the 1st lesson: in essence, the vikorist that we spilt has three forms: hardening, curing, nutrition, and there is no difference whatsoever. We either want to strengthen it, or we want to nourish it, or we want something that is not right for us, so we will resist it.

The axis begins to fold, so the more accessible scheme is available:
Shchitizhnya, I want to visit a friend.
I visit my friend every week.
I drink kava in the evenings.
My father drink coffee every evening.
Past Simpe is very easy to create, just like the word.
It is permissible to write a word - to write
The infinitive knows only the part to, the word itself is deprived of the invariable in all persons cream she (von), he (vin) - in these persons, before the word s is added:
To confirm nutrition, the additional word DO (Does - for she, he) is used.

Past Simple

Past Simple- signifies the action, how small the place is at the hour of the past, the hour of action has already passed.
Call, vikorista this hour, we indicate the moment at which the action was taken, for example: three for that (three days ago), in 2000 roci (in 2000).
It’s very easy to figure out the hour: d is added to the word in the infinitive.
He, she - don't blame me!
For example, let’s take the word - to imagine (to imagine)

To confirm the nutritional value, use the additional word DID.

Future simple
Future simple - simple hour of the future, signifies the action that will happen in the future, most often, in an unspecified future.
The Future simple is created using the addition of the word WILL before the word, obviously, without the part to.
The word itself does not expect any necessary changes.
For example, say the word - to learn

For the satisfaction of nutrition, the contents of the vikorist are already known to us Will.

When translating into Russian language, additional words into the reinsurance code: DO (DOES), DID, WILL are not transposed. It’s important to know the truth, and the difficulties in calling out are not to blame. GOLOVNE - BRING IX VIKORISTANNYA, IN MOVI, TO AUTOMATISM


For this purpose, it is necessary to add 5 quilins several times a day in order to learn and study without difficulty.

  • “The regularity of repetition is important for the number of hours you spend on training...” - as the polyglot asserts.
  • A larger table of hours is presented, not much more complicated, the lower multiplication table is similar to the multiplication table.
  • It is necessary to bring the table of hours to automation.
  • The axis of smut was made after the first lesson.
  • It is also recommended to read the following words:
  • love
  • work practice
  • live live
  • start
  • finish ["fɪnɪʃ] finish
  • open ["əʋpən] open
  • close

This is all the work you need to earn.

Well, well, there won’t be a long list of rights.

All the best to your daughter.

And remember, Dmitr Petrov’s method of learning English language can be used only as you practice.

Please download additional materials before the lesson as below.

Dmitro Petrov strongly recommends putting the table from this lesson in your head, going through the words behind the basic diagram most often.

Having developed the rules from this table to automaticity, you will stop recognizing the difficulties in composing English phrases.
For better mastery of the material in the first lesson, it is a good idea to practice the instructions that we have prepared for you below.
This will speed up the process of getting started and will help you consolidate Petrov’s table.
Often people already carry a lot of knowledge.
They have a remarkably large vocabulary of English words and expressions, which is difficult to tell on the surface, but it is impossible to summarize them in practice.

The cobs are aware of the existence of some kind of system that makes it possible to effectively differentiate them from their everyday association with English people.

This is one of the main principles of Dmitry Petrov’s method: “create a thread or a special thread where you can string all the threads.”

The author of the English method for 16 years of singing, that: "... if you learn English language, you will have 5-10 free hours in order to repeat 2-3 times a day the structure of the song from the lesson."

These basic structures, in my opinion, are the most important in English language.

Practice the basic pattern in the first lesson as often as possible.

Once you bring the table of these 16 lessons to automatism, you will be able to express your thoughts in English, without worrying about the development of any complexities and an hour to think about the phrase.


The reality show "Polyglot" caused great resonance among the couple, thus launching the TV channel "Culture".

What is the increase in public interest in this project?

Just by the name you can guess what language we mean about foreign language, or more precisely about English language.

Let's talk about everything in order.

What is the value of the Polyglot project?

The format of this show allows viewers to not only monitor the progress of the participants, but also actively learn English during those same 16 lectures.

Then you can also watch the video, get acquainted with the additional materials, learn about the job and start speaking English in just a few years.

The developer of the “Polyglot” system and the compiler 16 from English is a renowned linguist, polyglot (30 languages!) – Dmitro Petrov.

Meta for the project - learn English language in 16 years.

Petrov's method is to penetrate into the English language, to feel comfortable in this language environment.

A group of 8 students, most prominently, will take part in the intellectual show.

All participants of “Polyglot” either do not know English language at all, or there may be inconceivable statements about it in school programs.

Whatever the case, they have to learn English from scratch in 16 lessons.

Already in the first lesson, students begin to learn new words and master English.

Intellectual reality show on the TV channel “Culture” with an intensive course in learning the English language.

This polyglot contains over 30 languages. This is a compiler Dmitro Petrov - psycholinguist, synchronous translator, compiler, author of the book “The Magic of the Word”.

The group of students has 8 individuals.


actors Volodymyr Yepifantsev, Ganna Litkens, Darya Ekamasova, Oleksandra Ditina, Anastasia Vvedenska;

jeweler-designer Mikhailo Milyutin;

mystical knowledge Alisa Gorlova;

writer, screenwriter and TV program "Cinema Magic" Oleg Shishkin.

What should Petrov himself say about this interactive course:

“In order to thoroughly polish the English language, do not wear out life.

To learn to speak professionally, you also need to spend a lot of time, strength and energy.

Let’s just learn to understand people, be sensible, and most importantly get rid of the fear that rich people have, even if they are afraid and have the ability to understand mine, for which it will take no more than a few days.

What I am preaching to you, I have tried on myself to reach a great number of people.

The word for every word is the basis.

The list of words that the skin of a person is constantly victorious does not exceed 50-60 words.

And, of course, thousands of others, but less than 10% of people take root.

We can talk about today, about tomorrow, about last year.

We can strengthen, feel, nourish.

Enter table with 9 clusters: crosses and zeros.

Lesson #3

Most of us know the great number of English words.

We have been informed and informed by our equals.

English words float through.

However, they can be equated with the dispersion of nastins, as they themselves are scattered, but the systems are not.

The existence of the system requires that they be used effectively, so one of the basic principles of our system is to create a thread, a thread, where all the beads can be strung.

Lesson #4

The list of the most important words that are most often used in English language, Dmitro Petrov proposes to develop using additional basic schemes and bring them to automation.

You must speak without hesitation, because of satisfaction, figuratively, Dmitro Petrov respects.

If you give respect to grammatical constructions and a lot of words, then success is unlikely.

And as soon as the language is perceived not as a helper and a dictionary, but as it is alive, lively, more vivid than the bright images that the bariers know.

Petrov strives for this very approach when working with students at the studio.

Lesson #10

At the tenth lesson, the project participants will continue to work more freely and creatively on those that they need to work on.

Of course, not everything comes out exactly and correctly, but Dmitro Petrov is in no hurry to correct the grammatical remarks of his charges: he wants them to learn to recognize the contentment of speaking English, but they can improve first

The brand needed to be polished.

Lesson #11

What I am preaching to you, I have tried on my own to reach a great number of people: I am a professional translator, a professional linguist, I am engaged in simultaneous translation of a number of languages, starting with others... And step by step I have developed some approach, some method nіzm... Moreover, it is necessary to say that one should beware of such progression: the skin of the skin feels less intense, less than an hour.

- How many languages ​​do you know?

Є 7-8 basic European language, from which I constantly work as a translator, as a depositor.

Well, I’ll collect 2-3 dozen other words that I can use in a situation, if necessary.

- And what, did you pay to borrow all these things for a fee?

So, if we are talking about another category of language, it is entirely correct.

Life is enough for any language.

Let me explain what is needed for this.

Aje what is this language?

In front of us we have a new look at the world, at the excessive reality.

It’s important to switch in order to start clicking - as if you are changing one program to another - adjust to another program.

What is needed on your side is our first motivation.

- Well, to be honest, it seems to me that only a little bit of me was interested in learning it, because, in principle, I started reading it all hour since kindergarten, and I still don’t know if I want it.

Now I really want to learn English!

Well, lenki - this is the state and the power that is important. Everything we have, we can accept. Because it is unrealistic to fight against lint.

In front of us we have a new look at the world, at the excessive reality.

Therefore, I want to give you some good news: in addition, our course is compact (it will take 16 months or more, until the end, as I am sure, if you will help me and complete the deadline, we will be with you just speak English) you will probably have to work on your own, but there’s another good thing: you won’t have to sit for hours and do all kinds of lessons.

First of all, it’s unrealistic - people have grown up and don’t work hard for years, no matter what they do.

I will ask you to repeat for decades every day the chants that I will teach you at the end of each activity.

- My name is Anastasia.

It seems to me that I value the daily routine of the environment.

Because, as soon as I start to read and study books myself, all the schemes begin: what to start with, and then, all the words... I can’t improvise anymore, I spend the whole hour figuring out this scheme in my head and thinking about what needs to be presented there.

Absolutely true!

Our goal is to achieve this so that the scheme does not need to be designed.

- My name is Oleksandr.

I am deeply impressed by the fact that there is a great range of different methods and schools.

I have a huge amount of information in my head, but I still can’t understand the past, the future and the present.

I get lost in these forms and, of course, after 10 weeks my spivrozmovnik seems OK... :) Well, maybe you’re getting philosophical before one o’clock?.. We’ll put things in order along the course.- My name is Oleg, and I may sing a song, of course, because of the drive of the wrong words...

The cob is similar: my name is Oleg and I’m an alcoholic :)

- I’m scared all the time, I’m afraid, I can’t concentrate, because I know right away “your mind is mine.”

- My name is Alisa.

I was always interested in marriage and marriage, so that I could take courses and just keep my language up to date.

The language was fired up, quite rightly, so let’s take it as it should be.
Any information that we can extract from a linear form (a list of words, a table, a diagram of some rules, words) – this evokes what we call the student syndrome: learning, forgetting.

Following the logic of the story, we can speak either about today, or about the next day, or about the past.
We can either strengthen, or re-feel, or instill, instill.
The first axis contains a table with 9 possible options.

Let's take it as a word.

For example, love.

The functionality of the word is provided by the system of borrowers:

I, you, we, they, he, she.

You love means “you love” or “you love”.

Sometimes Milkovo insists that in English everything starts with “ti”.

Nothing like that!

In English everything starts with “vi”.
In English there is a word that means “you”, but it is also used to refer to people who are devoted to God, prayers, the Bible, etc.
This word is thou, but we cannot write it down, because our rare nose knows.

Now, as the third revelation, here we have the letter s:

In any case, no matter what we undertake, in my opinion, all forms of the word must be given to the vidraz, so that the viraz can develop a voluminous structure.

And it’s not like this, today we learned it, in a month - an hour, in a river - a new form... All at once, in the first place!

Read the report about the clock from the statistics.

There's a video there.

Dragunkin explains everything in a very clear way 🙂

In order to complete the last hour, add letter d:

I loved

he loved

she loved

To make the next hour come true, an additional word is added: I will love;

he will love;

she will love.

- What about “shall”?

This structure is the most important, the most important, the most important in English language.

Master it - enjoy, having mastered half of the language.

Negative form for the next hour:

I/you/we/they/he/she will not love.

Meals at this hour: DO, DOES available.

Nutritional form of the past hour: DID.

Food in Maybutnyom: WILL.

A system of coordinates has emerged: from the very beginning I appear, I FIRM, I NUTRITION, and I LOCK, then I sip, what BULO, what WILL BE?

This is a list of 50 - 60 words, which is why people are constantly victorious (and, of course, 1000 others, but they occupy 10%).

And the correct words: love, live, work, open, close... And yet the other half of the words, which are called and exclaims reverence, because from childhood everyone remembers these tables with three forms, hundreds of them If...

So the axis, in fact, is the basic list that we need to master and bring to automatism, the other half is 20 - 30 incorrect words that we need to master.

Quite incorrectly (super incorrectly) the word see:

I don't see. It doesn't.

Nothing has changed yet.

And in only one case (confirmed in the past hour) out of 9 possible ones, the “unnecessary” saw form appears:

This is the form of the word as written at the bows: see


Moreover, incorrect words can only survive, because in the course of history they are so often contradicted that they inevitably come to grief.

The third form of the word, which we will come to later, is the participle (reduced, completed, etc.), which needs to be combined with the form of the word.

In all other 8 cases, whether the word is correct or incorrect is not important.

Should I say, “in the arrival” and “in the coming” in English at the same time?Understandable by sight (thorough view/incomplete view) is more common in Russian language (Slovenian language):

Come, come

There is no such thing in the English language:

With regular repetition every other day, this structure will begin to work automatically, something that may not have happened for many years.

Therefore, it is given in a more detailed manner and the relationship is explained.

If there is no single three-dimensional picture, problems arise that lead to the fate of rich people.

(That’s where we’ll end our first task, and I’m already convinced that you’ll have a bunch of tricks to try to destroy this structure against automatism. 34 Good bye! 4,79 Ratings:)
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