Hollywood makeup. Hollywood makeup is easy: Pokrov's instructions Hollywood arrows on the eyes

Today's makeup artists have a large number of ways to apply makeup, among them classical techniques. One of them is Hollywood makeup. The names of the wines are not without reason, because of the love of make up of Hollywood beauties. A skinny girl inevitably wants to master it, believe me, she lies to you more than once! What kind of makeup is Hollywood style, how to apply it correctly, what subtleties you need to know and what kind of decorative cosmetics to use, let's find out.

Features of Hollywood makeup

Before you create Hollywood makeup, you need to know about its features:

  • Hollywood-style makeup conveys a perfectly even face tone.
  • Hollywood eye makeup tends to resemble classical dark tones, and the eyes are expressive. There are 2 variations: i.
  • Behind the rules of makeup, the emphasis is due to the formation of spots on the eyes and lips. In a Hollywood make-up, both eyes and lips may be affected by active qualities, but still remember about harmony: if you chose smokey ice, for lips choose matte textures, if you choose thinner lines on your eyes ki, you can earn so much money. Most often, makeup artists use bright red lipstick.
  • They appear to be well-prepared, and their eyebrows are clearly defined. To make the curl more effective, you can apply it.

We can create Hollywood make-up on our own

This type of makeup most often appears on the faces of red eyes. In order to try it on yourself, it is not at all obligatory to be an actress or a model. Such a make up Extended additions evening image, enhancing the beauty of any type of appearance. The color scheme is universal and suits brunettes, fair-haired beauties, but is equally good for blondes. And the fact is that the technique for creating Hollywood makeup is very simple; you can easily apply it to your skin with your own hands. Now we will take a quick look at the subtle application of decorative cosmetics at the skin stage of movie make-up.

We create the perfect tone for Hollywood makeup

As a rule, the makeup of Hollywood stars is used like evening makeup, which is why cosmetics with light-colored particles are commonly used. These are the ways to keep your skin fresh, and to expose you in a positive way. Pokrokov's scheme for applying cosmetics to the skin looks like this:

  1. Apply foundation to skin before makeup. This will match the color of your face and make it easier to apply the next layer of cosmetics.
  2. Vikorist and concealer, mask the dark color under your eyes.
  3. Use a corrector to remove the imperfections from the appearance.
  4. Apply a foundation with a thin ball that perfectly matches the color of your skin. It’s easier to coat with a yak sponge, for example.
  5. To create a more visible appearance, apply a light highlighter to the area above the lip, under the eyebrow and around the outer corners of the eyes.
  6. Apply a thin ball of powder to the face, and cover the T-zone area with a ball of veil powder to prevent unnecessary shine.
  7. Apply a little blush to your face.

If you are being monitored by cameras, don’t be fooled by highlighter, apply it precisely, otherwise your appearance in the photo may have dark spots.

Farbuem eyes in movie theater style

The technique of creating Hollywood eye makeup can be two variations of the same as we already mean. We understand that you are offended.

Hollywood Smokey Ice

This kind of Hollywood eye makeup goes well with nude lips, otherwise your image will be brighter, as can be juicy shades of lipstick: burgundy, peach, red. Golovne, so that we don’t over-emphasize the image of the Vyshov, here your subtle world will help you. Choose classic shades for smoky eyes: light gray for the inner eye, graphite for the middle of the smoky eye, and black for the outer eye. Step by step instructions offensive:

  1. Apply foundation to the skin under the shade. These decorative cosmetics reveal color better and last longer.
  2. Take a light gray shade of eye shadow and, using a fluffy pencil, apply it to the entire crumbly crown, giving special respect to the inner bundle.
  3. The graphite tint is applied to the middle of the dry face, preferably with a flat pencil. Kindly blend the fluffy pencil between the colors.
  4. Use a flat pencil and graphite stain to line the bottom layer, distributing the shades evenly.
  5. Take the black shadow and a small angled brush. Draw a wide arrow along the growth line from the middle of the century to the outer corner of the eye. Earn money yourself in the lower hundred.
  6. It is prepared with black ink and can be quickly processed to create a rich curl.

Arrows like a film director

The makeup of Hollywood stars, such as these, is always recognizable to thinner wings. Repeat them in a simpler way, for which the mass of decorative cosmetics is essential. We recommend using a marker liner, especially if you are using the arrows facing up. I’ll help you get through this equal to the line It will be simpler, less rare and by substituting an olive, you will remove the deep black deep color of the line. Step by step follow these steps:

  1. Apply a light beige shade to the entire top layer.
  2. Hollywood eye makeup highlights the appearance of thick, luxurious eyes. If your edges are thin and short, you can glue the stitching stitches: fix the stitching by holding it in the middle with tweezers, apply a thin ball of glue, apply the yam stitch close to your reference stitches squeeze.
  3. With the black sheep, go through the center of the eye along the line of growth to create an unmistakable stitch of the overlay stitches behind the skin.
  4. Liner draw an arrow, slightly pulling out its tip. The thickness of the line is average.

Robimo Hollywood lips

The final stage is juicy red lips. Apply red lipstick to your lips, and then follow with red lipstick with a creamy texture and fill your lips. Start the lipstick from the philtrum in the center of the upper lip, moving up to the corner of the mouth. If you want the lipstick on your lips to be wiped off longer, apply olive oil to the entire surface of your lips, using a vikorist as a base. You can use either a pigment, but for such a texture you need to specifically scrape the skin of your lips. Then the matte lipstick goes on perfectly.

Makeup for the style of the red kilim track is ready. We hope that our photo selections will inspire you to create Hollywood makeup, and the schemes will help you achieve your goal without a clue.

Easy for his wife and a leader among other makeup techniques, especially Hollywood. Every woman would like to put it together for an evening out or a photo shoot. Don’t be surprised by your fancy name, wear it on your own, without going to the trouble of getting help from a professional makeup artist, it’s enough for your skin to rehearse and add the necessary decorative cosmetics a few times.

What is classic makeup from the Hollywood tech?

First of all, laconicism is always combined with bright noble tones and unpretentious contours. In classic, rosy makeup, this makeup is usually noticeable, like black arrows on the eyes and red lines. lipstick. Well, at the moment there is a change in this type, for example, when makeup is applied to the eyes in the style of smoky eye. This is an excellent option for exiting the world and entering any local area. The invisible advantage of Hollywood makeup will always be its versatility, so you can combine it with any evening choice and your image will be unpretentious. Also, this technique can be used with any kind of combing, starting with small curls and ending with a strict bun.

Cosmetics that will be needed for Hollywood makeup

Being a representative of the fair half of humanity, she has in her arsenal a basic set of decorative cosmetics that she uses every day. In order to independently apply evening makeup at home, you need to spend a little more and add foundation, concealer and mascara to the store for a few simple steps:

  1. Cherne pіdvedennya. This is the best way to give a marker a boost, it is ideal for beginners and helps to draw a neat arrow;
  2. Red lipstick. Be careful when choosing a color and give preference to something deeper and more noble;
  3. Olive for lips in different lipstick colors is necessary in order to maintain a clear contour;
  4. Highlighter. Jaudin Hollywood makeup does not look complete without a healthy fur skin;
  5. With overlays and glue, you can choose not a whole plate, but bundles, so you will achieve a more natural look and maximum thickness;
  6. The palette is pigmented for precise contouring. This technique enhances the thinning of the neck and nose, and is also necessary for a visual change in the shape of the face.

arrows for eyes

For the average person, in order to buy more money than to discard, you may need close to two thousand rubles, but still invest your money in professional and delicate cosmetics in specialized stores, which cost a little more expensively, and also make-up. from here the frozen parts will look more clearly and expensive. .

Secrets of Hollywood makeup

There are a number of professional tricks that will help you make your makeup more lasting and enhance your advantages, while making the most of your shortcomings.

1. The powder is applied to the lipstick through a server to help preserve its staying power throughout the evening, and since you don’t have matte lipstick on hand, then when applied without a server you will be able to remove any glossy finish. bypass effect;

2. If you remove a bright black arrow with a flat tip, you can easily create an official business style;

In order to add emphasis to the eyes, move lightly along the arrows, adding light shades there.

4. Dark-haired girls will best suit the look of shade with a slight shadow effect on the lower part, as well as gold and bronze highlights to subdue the look and make it seem mysterious.

The main secret and rule of Hollywood makeup is accuracy and clear lines.

It’s not good to get embarrassed and give up, because it didn’t work out the first time. It is important to read physiological characteristics Continue to practice your denunciation.

Techniques inspired by Hollywood makeup

First, before applying cosmetics, thoroughly cleanse the skin, you can do this with micellar water or any tonic that cleanses. It is necessary to be careful before applying any kind of makeup, since everyone has already removed the appearance in advance, so that you can soon achieve a perfectly consistent tone of appearance. Let's move on to applying makeup:

Hollywood makeup techniques

The Hollywood makeup technique is as simple as possible and is ideal for those who don’t normally wear makeup. The most important thing to learn is small symmetrical arrows, which you can learn from video tutorials on YouTube from other bloggers.

Video: Hollywood makeup techniques


Their cunning choices and effective make-up, why not bring this into life? Hollywood makeup is not at all difficult to create on your own and can be used as a reference on any occasion.

Subtleties and basics

Before you apply the Hollywood star makeup on yourself, you need to carefully consider its basic principles and sequence of actions.

  • The appearance may be ideal, and the tone will be rich and precisely harmonize with the skin and neck.
  • This makeup is truly classic, so the emphasis should be on the eyes with the help of a bright “smoky eye” or bold wings.
  • Lips are visible, or less noticeable, often in shades of “nude” or matte red.
  • Particular attention is paid to the preparation of razors and strands, often twisting bundles or hand-stitching with piece strands.

Ideal skin

First proceed until the skin is cured, and be sure to use a rich, fatty cream. Hollywood makeup can be powerful and in this case it will be an excellent remedy against dryness, as well as a rich base.

  • Apply foundation behind it, making it both thick and matte.
  • There are a lot of thick correctors in both dark and light shades. With its help, the base part of the makeup is formed. The light color shows the zones of transfer, selection, and formation of visible stakes under the eye. The lower part of the face, the side parts of the face and all those areas that show signs of hardening need to be darkened.
  • Correctors are applied in simple lines, which can then be carefully blended with a sponge. At the beginning there are light plots, followed by dark ones. Particularly textured, you can proceed to the offensive stage.
  • Hollywood makeup conveys an evening appearance in the world, so here it would be advisable to quickly apply powder with light-colored particles, which miraculously refreshes the appearance, makes it velvety, and the tone is perfectly even.
  • The remaining step here would be to apply a small amount of blush on the face, just a single stroke on the side of the skin.


The line of razors in professional make-up closely matches the contours of the lips, giving them special respect.

  • Using a special mascara for hair preparation, thoroughly tint the hairs, rolling straight up.
  • Use shades to visually enhance the thickening effect.
  • The outer line of the eyebrow is decorated with olive, and special respect is given to the ends.
  • Finally, apply wax and carefully comb the hairs.

"Smoky Ice"

The makeup of Hollywood actresses offers two options for the design of eyes, skin in its own way, but for style it is recommended to combine wings with succulent red lipsticks, and a “smoky” option with lipstick, which is especially expressive for the simultaneous presence of two sparkles accents. For the classic version, black, light gray and graphite shades are used.

  • Be sure to apply a clear base under the shade, so that you can let it sit all evening, avoiding the undesirable scuffing and loosening.
  • The lightest tint is applied to the entire outer layer, followed by graphite, which highlights the middle and black, which darkens the entire outer part of the eye, all lines are clearly shaded. “Smoky Eyes” does not tolerate bursts and incomplete transitions, the line on the lower part may gradually fade into shadows at the upper part of the eye.
  • Using a flat, beveled pencil, draw arrows on both centuries using a black color of shadows.
  • With such bright eye makeup, you can apply false eye makeup, just coat your eyes well with ink.


Hollywood makeup looks as effective as possible. It is proven that girls can clearly draw arrows with the help of rare eyeliner, and fashionistas are recommended to add a special felt-tip pen for these purposes.

  • Cover the top layer with a base and coat the surface with light beige shades.
  • Then you can glue the lines, best done by stitching, by filling the stick line with black olives.
  • Now you can work on the arrows, walk along the line of growth, stretching the tip tightly, evaluate the result of the pull-out, and then adjust it to full symmetry.
  • After this you can prepare it with black carcass. The eyes will become more swollen with additional powdering and repeated preparation. This procedure can be repeated several times until the bag comes off.


Hollywood makeup (photo of the result above) is practically completed, but the correct choice of tone on the lips is an important warehouse image. Here you should rely on the internal impressions and if you want something bright and truly Hollywood - feel free to give preference to the bright, bright-red, pressed wine. You can immediately see the girl in the crowd and seem happy. Makeup artists recommend that you carefully enhance the accent of your eyes, as they are even stronger, and choose a light, creamy lipstick to enhance them even more.

You should cleanse your lips afterwards with a scrub, possibly based on cabbage and honey, to make them perfectly smooth. Don’t forget that matte lipstick shades do not stick, but enhance dryness and other imperfections on the lips.

Apply lipstick in one ball and blot it a little with a paper tip, powder your lips with a little bit through this paper tip and you can apply another ball, now the lipstick will drip much longer.

Advance preparation

Having learned how to apply Hollywood makeup, you can start applying it. It is imperative that the fakhivtsi here give maximum respect to the first stage, only such a ready-made result will be truly hopeless.

  1. It is necessary to carefully clean and prepare your skin, and for this purpose, use soft foam to wash it off, as it will help remove all excess makeup and excess fat.
  2. Next, choose a good soothing toner, apply it so that the skin relaxes and regains its natural tone after the washing procedure.
  3. If there are obvious defects in the appearance of peeling and different hairstyles, it is better to add a little makeup to the procedure and quickly scrub, which will thoroughly cleanse the dark skin.
  4. At the end, apply an ointment cream.

To keep the image consistent, there is no need for haircuts, manicures and haircuts in the Hollywood style. It's very easy to make - just wrap a skein around a large roller and use some varnish. On one side they can be fitted with an effective hairpin. For manicures, sparkles give preference to all shades of dark. This look is especially garnished with wine and dark cherry deep colors. The stench harmonizes wonderfully with bright makeup and gives their wearers even more “brilliance.”

It’s no secret that in order to create an effective image, celebrities benefit from the services of an entire team of celebrities. Next, we will look at makeup techniques from the bottom line and the secrets of bright makeup.

Hollywood make-up

How to remove makeup from Hollywood one by one:

Preparation of the skin

Before Vikonanny, I will put on any makeup with a trace of the base. You will be able to apply shades, powder, and blush on your face more deeply, the tone will be more vibrant, and the color rendition will be as natural as possible. In the description, it is specifically stated that the base should be divided into a similar cream, creating an even layer on the surface of the skin.

Before applying makeup, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin.

  1. Using a beveled pencil, starting from the lower part of the face, apply a tone as close as possible to the color of the skin, and then with a thin ball of corrector under the eyes, overlapping the blue-violet shades.
  2. To smooth the skin, you can apply color powder to the appearance of the bags to correct the color.
  3. To model the appearance, you need to quickly apply dark powder to the main tone and go over the face with a flat pencil, from the crown to the lip curls.

Eyebrow correction

Eyebrows set the tone for makeup. To create a Hollywood style, you need to study the shape and reinforce them with a special shade or ointment on a wax base. To clearly define the eyebrow arches, brush the hair color according to the color of the skin and paint the lines under the eyebrows, and then shade it.

Brow Makeup

Eye makeup

After completing your facial makeup, you can start painting your eyes:

  1. To ensure that the shadows lay evenly, you need to apply a base primer to the entire surface of the dry mat. You can apply shadows with your fingers or a pencil, or with a thin ball, so that color transfer and durability are maximized.
  2. For eye makeup, select 3 shades. The lightest one is applied to the middle of the dry eyelid to create a highlight.
  3. You need to use a darker color to show the inner and outer corners of the eyes, and also apply it to the middle of the lower eyelid.
  4. Use a classic brown color to create the shadow of the front shade, blend from the highlights to the crown area.
  5. Then you can start adding makeup to your head - arrows. They need to be painted with black gel eyeliners and a special thin pencil. Draw a thin line along the edge, draw an arrow from the inner cutter to the outer one, and extend it to the crown zone.
  6. As a dark brown shade is placed under the lower edge with a beveled pencil. For greater diversity, you can see the inner corners of the eyes with light shadows.

Important! If there are small red spots in the middle of the mucous membrane of the apple, you can use a special Burro olive. Yogo vikoristuyut for malovuvannya internal gain. In this manner, not only the red blood is removed, but also the eyes become larger.

Final stages of eye makeup:

  1. Finally, it is forbidden to formalize everything. The lower and then the upper hairs are ground on the bud, directly moving closer to the crown zone. You can also wear false ones.
  2. As a highlighter, you can quickly apply baked shadows, but you need to apply them on part of your face. Why, you can walk over them upper lip, little bits under the eyebrow area and along the back of the nose.

Eye makeup is one of the main stages in creating an image

Gubi and vilitsi

Hollywood makeup cannot be seen without red lipstick:

  1. To begin with, you need to create the contour of your lips using olive oil to match the color of your lipstick.
  2. Carefully draw a line along the contour. Apply a thin layer of olive oil between the lips to create a clear and beautiful shape.
  3. Then smudge the ointment in the center of the lips and apply a long-lasting lipstick to the entire surface.

Now you need to see the faces, for which it is best to quickly apply blush. Take a dark-red color and apply it with a pencil to the area above and below. If the shards of vikory were used to paint the lipstick, then the red blush will be pre-river. Hollywood style makeup is ready!

Increase your respect! In order for the red lipstick and the whole image to look impressive, you need to pay attention to the whiteness of your teeth.

Moreover, whether the girl is a brunette or a blonde, you can change the tone of your lipstick and blush. Brunettes with green or brown eyes will appreciate a chervy color of lipstick in a warm shade, and fair-haired women with pale eyes and porcelain skin will appreciate the cool shade of fuchsia.

To complete the evening Hollywood look, it is essential to create a garnish of curls.

Hollywood curls

How to remove makeup from your eyes

As a makeup artist, share your secrets of applying cosmetics:

  • Makeup artist K. Kardashian recommends applying concealer at the earliest possible moment, because the shadows will crumble and stick until then. We also recommend washing your makeup brushes frequently and using baby shampoo.
  • Beyoncé's makeup artist recommends applying 2 types of concealer: a rare one, and one to smear with a varnish. ring finger then dry, spreading with a pencil. In this manner the effect of rozsharuvannya appears.
  • Master M. Fox should apply growth serum to the eyebrows and do not pluck for 52 days to regrow even hairs.
  • Many Russian makeup artists recommend applying oil instead of highlighter. On top of the foundation, lightly splash, apply oil to the protruding parts of the face, removing the natural skin.
  • British make-up artists, who work with a lot of glitter in Hollywood, recommend applying a few mascara to create the desired effect. Buvaє, why are the stinks squealing 5 different types instantly and have the effect of overheads.
  • If you choose lipsticks of neutral shades, which will make you look invisible, you can apply a little bit of red lipstick to the center of your lips, and with this method, apply a live lipstick to your lips.
  • Apply highlighter to the inner corners of the eyes and blend behind the lower eyelid to give a youthful and fresh look.
  • Another high-visual makeup artist shares his technique and recommends using a few shades of blush: erysipelas and reds look ideal on the “apples” of the cheeks, and peach and orange tones on Worn throughout this zone - on the upper parts of the face. And finally, you can add matte bronzer to the parts of the face that protrude, the back of the nose, the face, the forehead and the chin. There is a slight smear effect.

Makeup for Hollywood stars

Another beauty tip: to make your foundation light, you need to mix it with day cream, and to make it thick, mix it with loose powder.

Far and near, apply celebrity makeup

The Oscar ceremony is one of the most important occasions in the beauty industry. We work on the images of the stars with the utmost care for the world. Mostly, the makeup of the eyes looks hopeless, and sometimes the efforts of makeup artists turn into a complete fiasco.

Nearby make-up of stars with a red line

Film actor K. Dunst looks unostentatious and carefree with such makeup. Such an expression that the makeup artist was in a hurry, the eyes were painted unevenly, and the tone of the lipstick did not suit her at all.

In D. Lo’s makeup, however, even with a rich color scheme, the pearly pearl does not look harmonious.

Jennifer Lopez

And with the movie theater D. Barrymore, the makeup artist clearly overdid it and made her the heroine of the film.

Drew Barrymore

Makeup artist W. Thurman managed to apply nude makeup and gave the actress the effect of sick eyes.

W. Thurman

It seems that makeup artist K. Heigl decided to fire the actress and paint her with flattened eyes. How else can we explain this makeup with the magnificent amount of blush and concealer?

The best application of makeup from the red track

Appearing head on on the red road, actress M. Robbie was completely drained. Perfectly even skin, beautiful eyebrows and lipstick that is precisely matched to the tone - the makeup looks careless.

Make-up artist C. Blanchett did a good job of voicing it, and the actress’s skin glows in the middle.

K. Blanchett

Makeup artist A. Jolie did his best: the actress has the perfect tone of expression, garni ochi lined with arrows, and plump lips do not need bright lipstick.

Makeup artist K. Winslet selected the ideal soft russet tint for the actress’s eyes.

K. Winslet

On P. Cruz, wearing gray matte shadows and nude lipstick looks wonderful.

Having learned the secrets of famous masters, you can learn the mysticism of make-up and create your own make-up, without going to the lengths of make-up artists, no worse than those in Hollywood.

Zmіst statі

Hollywood means the same thing to the state of California. The global sensation has a territory that has been devastated by the anonymous film studio and where the anonymous film industry is interfering. When we talk about Hollywood, we think of the American film industry. 1930-1950 marks the Golden Age of Hollywood, and at this time the new order in the making of motion pictures was put in order.

Gold is a hundred years old for Hollywood

Golden Age of Hollywood. When you think of just three words, you can see elegant, toned human actors in laconic suits and charming female actresses with perfectly styled hair and sparkling makeup. Films with old retro cars, imaginary decorations of everyday houses, beautiful houses of the last century - all about that wonderful age of the film industry.

Tim, who wants to learn the tricks of makeup and create an image similar to Marilyn Monroe is our article for today. Before speaking, the eyes of today’s cinema gather this image: , Child von Tees, . This flavor can be chewed endlessly.

Makeup in Hollywood style

What is typical for such makeup is bright lips, plump lips, an ideal even skin tone and visible eye liner.

Therefore, those who need to do their best work should level up the tone of the accusation. Using a sponge or pencil, apply the obvious foundation to us. If you want to create the effect of a dark skin, then for this you can use a special foundation or foundation. We have light-colored particles in stock that will give your skin a light shine.

If your skin has a lot of unevenness, then apply it to the corrector and blend it well.

After you have adjusted the color of the face to perfection, without using any water or chervonin, paint the line of edges with olive. And remember one rule: if your lips have smooth lines, and you reinforce them with a contour (and this is simply necessary in Hollywood makeup), then the line of the razor does not have to be strict. Otherwise, your appearance is not harmonious.

The shade definitely needs to be a nude or light brown color. The stench is not to blame for the strong smell, which is a feature of laconic Hollywood makeup. New head has lips. Apply all light tones under the line of the razor itself and as a base. If you don’t like dark tones of shadows, then if you have very large or deep-set eyes, apply shadows to the entire crumbly area, and if they are close-planted, apply to the middle, starting from the outer corner of the eye.

After the shadows comes the line of eyeliner. Colors are better than dark ones, but if black and brown eyeliners don’t suit you, then choose your softest color. Draw a clear line from the inner eye to the outer eye. If your eyes are close together, bring them in, starting from the middle.

The mascara aims to give you the maximum possible volume and refill. This is not the only way to create this type of makeup. That’s why the stench lingers, but it’s even thicker and darker.

Use a little blush to shape your appearance and give it a light, almost invisible color. To do this, apply it under the face and blend well.

Hollywood makeup suits lips. Using an ointment for lips, outline the line evenly and clearly. You are allowed to extend a little beyond the boundaries to visually plump your lips. After this, lightly powder your entire face, including your already coated lips. And whatever you do, apply matte lipstick in a bright red color. Lipstick doesn't need to shine, so lip gloss doesn't need to be fake.

Your Hollywood makeup is ready. Cheerfully bow down to the chic evening cloth whatever the tract's arrival.

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