The Galician prince Yaroslav accepted the fate of the ruler.

Golovna Osvita Virus: Orthodoxy Narodzhennya: ca.1130 1187-10-01 )
Death: 1 zhovtnya ( Galich Read: Rurikovich, Persha Galician dynasty Father: Volodymyr Volodarevich

Children: Efrosinia, daughter, Volodymyr, Visheslava, Oleg

Yaroslav Volodimirovich (Volodimirovich) Osmomisl

(bl. -1 zhovtnya), Galich) - Prince of Galicia (1153-1187), son of Volodymyr Volodarevich.

Mother (imovirno) - Sofia Ugorska, daughter of King Kalman the Book (1070-1116).

Osmomysl means “stuffy thought”, which is why in translation from Greek osmōs - mail, vice.


also: Inter-Social War in Russia (1158-1162)


Yaroslav died in Galicia and was buried in the Assumption Cathedral.

Dying (), having deprived the head of the illegitimate son, Oleg, and the eldest and legitimate, Volodymyr - Peremishlya.

  • Nezabar, however, killed Oleg (nicknamed “Nastasich” by his mother), and power passed to Volodymyr.
  • Literary image
  • The life of Yaroslav Osmomisla is dedicated to the historical novel by Mikhail Kazovsky “Gold on Black” (2002).
  • Div. also
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Persons behind the book

1 person died

    1187 rocks died

    Died near Galicia Grand Dukes of Galicia

    Characters Words about Igor's campaign

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010. Biographical Dictionary

    Wikimedia Foundation.- Yarosl av Osmom vis... Russian spelling dictionary

    YAROSLAV (George Yuri) Volodimirovich WISDOM (close to 980 - 20 years old 1054), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1019). Pokhodzhennya. Family of the Great Prince of Kiev Volodymyr I Svyatoslavich and Princess Rognida of Polotsk.

    Friendship for the daughter of the Swedish king.

    Great Encyclopedic Dictionary Yaroslav Volodimirovich: Yaroslav Volodimirovich the Wise (close to 978–1054) Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Volodymyr Svyatoslavich.

    Yaroslav Osmomysl (? 1187) Prince of Galicia, son of Volodymyr Volodarevich. Biographical Dictionary

Wikimedia Foundation.

Yaroslav Volodimirovich (room 1201) prince... ... Wikipedia

M. Yaroslav Osmomisl.

Tlumachny dictionary of Efremova.

T. F. Efremova.


Today's Tlumachny Dictionary of Efremova

Prince of Galicia (died 1187), son of Volodymyr Volodarevich.

His characterization in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is extremely striking: “Galician Osmomysl Yaroslav!

You sit high on your gold-forged table, propping up the Ugric mountains with your climbing shelves, blocking the king’s path, closing the gates of the Danube, throwing treasures through the gloom, judging rows to the Danube.

The earth is afraid of your threat;

You set the gates to Kiev, beyond distant lands you shoot from the golden table at the Saltans.”

Everything in these words glorifies the Russian prince, and everything is historically correct.

It demonstrates the effectiveness that Yaroslav supported the Ugric mountains (Carpathians) with climbing shelves, the fragments of the military plan could hardly be reversed.

Until this time, he repeatedly took part in the wars against Izyaslav Mstislavich against the son of Monomakh Yuri Dolgoruky.

In 1152, military happiness returned from Volodymyrka and he learned of defeats from the united forces of the Russian princes under the Kerivnytsia of Izyaslav, who were in an alliance with the Ugric king Geiza.

Volodymyrko made sure to recognize his defeat, his readiness to make a compromise, which he did in order to win the hour.

After accumulating strength, you forget all your actions and, moreover, about your interests.

This characteristic style of behavior of the founder of the Galician principality appeared after his defeat by the Russian-Ugric armies.

How to finish the following: S.M.

Solovyov, then after the death of Volodymyrka, it would seem that hostility might have subsided, so that Izyaslav’s people would be satisfied.

In fact, the Kiev ambassador was turned to the prince’s palace, “there the young Prince Yaroslav was sitting in the father’s seat, at the black mantle and at the klobutsa, among the Nobles and Boyars, also wearing the mantle.

The ambassador was given a stolet.

As a result of Yaroslav's active actions on the Kiev throne, another prince, Rostislav Mstislavich, one of his henchmen, and the greatest ruler of Kiev, who fought against the Galician prince, Izyaslav Davidovich, died 1161 deaths in one of the battles.

Ivan Berladnik, a duck from the Russian lands to Greece, was there to destroy his fate.

So Yaroslav put a speck on the dynastic superchkas.

There were just over 26 years.

She was a self-made person with a truly extraordinary destiny.

This could be classified as adventurers, but instead of them, without descending to primitive deception and cheating.

Yaroslav did not survive after 1161 great military campaigns, between sending his troops to support the allies?

Mstislav Izyaslavich, as reported in the encyclopedia “History of Russia.

IX–XVII centuries”, in 1168 the birth of Rurik Rostislavich in 1180 births.

1173 Olga left for Poland at once.

At the same time, the mysterious discovery led to the death of Olga?


In the “Slovenian Encyclopedia” V.V.

Boguslavsky’s date of death is set to 1183, which is more indicative of obvious evidence about the further development of the story.

They escorted Olga, who deprived Galich, through disrespect, of a man, a number of boyars, including Kostyantin Seroslavich, whose name is S.M.

Let's try to identify the middle Russian place.

To ensure protection from the gates, the wines were located behind the window wall, and thus the great places were even more compact.

According to O. Kirpichnikov and P. Rappoport, the territory of the place could occupy approximately 200 hectares.

The area is obviously small.

At the center of the place, a large fortune was erected in order to burn the unfortunate woman.

Chantly, Oleg was not brought to the square, so that he could look at his mother’s stratum.

Ale vin may and without any understanding of what is going on in the small area of ​​​​Galich, behind these sounds that reached the new place in the place of his infatuation.

Oleg felt the groans of his mother.

There were screams and threats at this address.

Then there was a faint crackle of firewood.

Sensing the approach of death, Yaroslav called to himself his sons, and to call nearby boyars and ordered to secure Galich to Oleg, Anastasia’s son.

The eldest son, Volodymyr, saw Przemysl.

Have you ever believed that what will your commandment be?

Yaroslav Volodymyrovich Osmomisl died at the age of 1187, 1st birth, having lived together with V.M. Kogan and V.I. Dombrovsky-Shalagin, a total of 52 rocks.

From the book “Kievan Rus”.

A land like never before? Kogan and V.I. : legends and myths


Bichkov Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Kogan and V.I. Yaroslav and his brother Let us finally confess to Svyatopolk Volodimirovich, to the name of the Curses.

Their names are written on coins as “Stoplug”, “Svyatopluk”, “Svyatoplug”.

It is officially customary to write Svyatopolk. Kogan and V.I. Roki Knyazyuvannya 1015–1019. Official version of the story of Svyatopolk the Accursed

From the book The Way of the Varangians by the Greeks.

The thousand-year mystery of history Kogan and V.I. Zvyagin Yuriy Yuriyovich

m. Pershoprovedets Yaroslav I, you know, Yaroslav’s hour has come.

The axis of this, singly, go to brother Svyatopolk with water. Kogan and V.I. The fragments in the description of the battle on the Dnieper clearly state: “The Novgorodians... said to Yaroslav: “as if we were transported to Nya by morning”” and “And those who came to the shore” were thrown away completely

From the books Shidnya slovovaniya i nashestiya Batiya Kogan and V.I. Balyazin Voldemar Mykolayovich

Yaroslav “Father, the third son of Vsevolod, Yaroslav, who reigned at Pereyaslav, placed the Volodymyr Star as the basis of his Pereyaslav chronicle 1212 r. It’s because Yaroslav had no interest in writing his chronicler, because

From the book “The History of Ukraine Illustrated” Kogan and V.I. Grushevsky Mikhailo Serhiyovych

29. Yaroslav Kolo the very same year as the death of Mstislav transferred into the hands of Yaroslav the whole half of his father’s land, other lands became, which already consolidated his power.

At noon the power of the Pechenizka was broken, at sunset the Polish one. Kogan and V.I. Pechenigiv was immediately pressed by Turkish hordes:

From the book Satirical history from Rurik to the Revolution

Orsher Yosip Lvovich Kogan and V.I. The fragments in the description of the battle on the Dnieper clearly state: “The Novgorodians... said to Yaroslav: “as if we were transported to Nya by morning”” and “And those who came to the shore” were thrown away completely

Yaroslav the Wise Before Yaroslav, his brother Svyatopolk was prince.

At the end of the day, Svyatopolk began to kill his brothers, hoping to earn the respect of the people. Ale youma was not spared! Kogan and V.I. To the one who went through the world, slaughtering so many brothers;

Thanks to the fact that killing my brother stopped bothering me

From the book Rus' bogatyrska. Kogan and V.I. Heroic century

Kogan and V.I. Yaroslav the Wise There is a ruler who was highly valued in Ancient Russia, which I would like to confirm is the very famous “Wise” - besides, Yaroslav was the only sovereign figure who would be honored with such an honor.

The most visible onuk

From the book The Alphabetical Transfusion of Russian Sovereigns and Monsters of Their Blood Kogan and V.I. Yaroslav the Wise There is a ruler who was highly valued in Ancient Russia, which I would like to confirm is the very famous “Wise” - besides, Yaroslav was the only sovereign figure who would be honored with such an honor.

Khmirov Mikhailo Dmitrovich

197. YAROSLAV Osmomisl VOLODYMIROVICH, Prince of Galicia, son of Volodymyrka Volodarevich, Prince of Galicia (Div. 51), for a love affair with a Ugric princess, unknown in his name. Born in Galich (Chervensky) close to 1135 rubles; Kogan and V.I. having risen as a prince after the death of the father, fighting with Izyaslav II, the great

Yaroslav Kesler Civilization theory is the basis of chronology The civilization story is an anthropogenic technological revolution, which clearly changes the state of our civilization and transfers it to more high level of development. Civilization is developing

From the book History of Princely Russia. Kogan and V.I. From Kiev to Moscow

Shamborov Valery Evgenovich

8. Yaroslav the Wise The Latin Church, under the rule of the Russian one, was located in any land of the Swedish and general Christians. The methodology has already been developed. .

The bishops of the small army were in power, and the kings and princes pushed for the reinforcement of their warriors.

Drive it systematically Yaroslav Volodimirovich (Osmomisl) (?-1187) – Galician prince. .

Participant in feudal wars of the 12th century. Fighting against the separatism of the local boyars. The two daughters conquered Kiev and planted the “handling princes.”

Fortune-telling in the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is like one of the most powerful Russian princes.

Having known a lot of foreigners


Orlov A.S., Georgieva N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd view. M., 2012, p. that Ugric book.



In 1154, Izyaslav Mstislavich died, and Yaroslav’s father-in-law and the old ally of the Galicians Yuri Dolgoruky became prince in Kiev.

He died in 1157, and from his death good connections between Kiev and Galich began.

Izyaslav III Davidovich, who sat on the Grand Duke, patronized Yaroslav’s dearest lord, his cousin Ivan Rostislavich Berladnik, who wanted to sit on the Galician table.

In 1158, Izyaslav decided to go to Galich, and Yaroslav met with his formidable enemy Mstislav Izyaslavich, son of Izyaslav II.

Yaroslav Volodymyrkovich (Osmomisl) - Prince of Galicia (died 1187), son of Volodymyr Volodarevich. At 1153 rub. fought against Izyaslav II Mstislavovich, Grand Duke of Kiev, through the places buried in Volina by his father, which Yaroslav did not

I want to turn it around.

The battle at Terebovl was not decisive, but Izyaslav entered without taking the disputed places from Yaroslav. At 1158 rub. Yaroslav became involved with Izyaslav Davidovich, who lived near Kiev, through the ousted Galician prince, Ivan Rostislavich Berladnik, who was Yaroslav’s enemy, from whom the lost Galician volosts were turned over.

In an alliance with other princes, for the support of the Ugric king and the Polish princes, Yaroslav saw Izyaslav as Berladnik, ale marno. Izasyaslav, Bachachi Bіdu, who was reconciled by the Olgovichi Chernigyskiy, the Union, Ale Potim, the Berladnik, the princes were requested by the princes Yaroslav Galichani, at once with the Polovtsy, the peaks of the I Berendei Pshov on Yaroslava. Ostanniy, with the allied prince Mstislav. Nezabar, for the sake of the Berendeys, Izyaslav moved towards Bilgorod.

It was not for nothing that Yaroslav, the wiser and wiser ruler, took away the name Osmomysla (to mean it as a whole).

Undeterred by all his might, Yaroslav had the opportunity to know the opposite side of the Galician boyars, who, behind the butt of the ruling Polish and Ugric nobility, were surrounded by a powerful and rich aristocracy.

The brotherhood between Yaroslav and the boyars was especially evident when Yaroslav broke up with his retinue Olga, daughter of Yuri Dolgoruky, who died in 1172. having mixed until the end, together with my son and Volodymyr.

Yaroslav was now in love with another woman, Anastasia, and gave preference to her son Oleg before his rightful son.

A party of dissatisfied boyars ruled in Galicia, stabbed and burned Anastasia alive, and the prince hesitated to take an oath that he would live with his retinue.

However, against the coming fate, Olga flowed from Galich to Volodymyr-Suzdalsky.

Yaroslav was able to renew his power over the boyars and reconcile with his son Volodymyr, but he continued to give precedence to Oleg and, dying (1187), deprived the head office (Galich) to his illegitimate son, Oleg, and to the eldest and legitimate, Volodymyr, little Peremyshl.

The Zemstvo Council of Galicia does not dare to disobey this order. Literature about Yaroslav Div.

Yaroslav Osmomysl himself (bl. 1130-1187) successfully continued his father’s right to collect all Galician lands into a single state.

Volodymyrko was in arms (for worship) on Sophia the Ugorsk, daughter of Kalman I, or Kolomon I the Scribe (1070-1116).

As can be judged at face value, the Ugric king from the Ariadian dynasty was a wise ruler and a well-read man.

The son-in-law came to the court, so the nickname “Osmomysl”, for one version of the version, means “who is very mindful”, and for another - “who knows all of us”, so he is not at all stupid.

Yaroslav Osmomisl became a sworn enemy in the person of his cousin - the exiled Galician prince Ivan Rostislavovich Berladnik (behind the seat of the town of Berlad).

The fate of the life of Ivan Rostislavovich, who laid claim to the Galician throne - 1112-1162.

Izyaslav III, who sat on the Grand Duchy, patronized Berladnik in the hope that, having taken the Galician throne, he would return to Kiev all the places buried by Volodymyr.

Previously, Prince Yaroslav Osmomisl led a wise and subtle policy, forming alliances with numerous enemies, for example, with the son of Izyaslav II Mstislav Izyaslavovich.

As a result of his rule, there was a fall, which was ruined by the constant decline in numbers, and Galicia became richer and richer, with an increase in new territories.

Banishing the inner enemy

Izyaslav III, stormed by Berladnik, formed an alliance with the Polovtsians, Turks and Berendeys, attacking Mstislav, who was entrenched near Bilgorod.

The prosperity of the princedom and the death of Yaroslav

Having seized his principality from external and internal enemies, Yaroslav put in every effort for the economic development of Galicia.

Under his rule, crafts flourished and foreigners were recruited into service.

All the trade that went through the Danube lay with Yaroslav Osmomysl, the rest of which was in the Volodymyr port of Malich Galich.

The principality was especially active in trade with Bulgaria and Byzantium.

Yaroslav Osmomysl, whose biography ended in Galich in 1187, was also buried there.