Photos by current photographers.



Suspicion The sea is unblemished, and the sea is pure. It doesn't deprive anyone of anything... Smelling photographs by Josh Adamski

Josh Adamski is a prominent British photographer, master of daily photography.

Its popularity is due to the mystique of conceptual photography. Talented photographer Josh Adamski creates true masterpieces of photography, not only by decorating his works with digital processing, but by putting his soul into them, representing the idea and sense. Josh Adamski finishes his thoughts that he can’t sleep singing rules The creation of good photography, and there are good photographs that will spoil the garni of photography.

And its main motto is based on the words of Ansel Adams: “You don’t take a photograph, you make it,” which means: “You are not guilty of taking photographs, but you are guilty of making a photograph.”

There is nothing better than spending a day at sea.

You can have fun and enjoy yourself with your family and friends.

And sometimes you just want to take a walk on your own, listening to the calm and noise of the trees.

The sea is unblemished, and the sea is pure. It doesn't deprive anyone of anything. The images can speak all language.

And my understanding is not only photography, but photography lovers, just general observers.

Photography has witnessed the evolution of cameras, from the traditional camera obscura to the modern digital camera.
All the stinks were vicorized to capture the wonderful image.

When you think about some of the most famous photographers from rocks past and today, you understand that photography is a mysticism, and not just a “frozen” moment.
Koli William Henry Fox Talbot Vinayshov negative/positive

photographic process
, Obviously, without revealing how popular your wine will be.

Today, photographs, and therefore the specialization of photographers, are divided into different categories, which range from fashion, wildlife, interiors, portraits, prices, to… The list can be continued endlessly.

Ansel Adams
Born near the city of San Francisco.

Having made a majestic contribution to the developments of a black and white photograph.
This is the food that comes from nature.

Ansel Adams is the author of many epic photographic murals.
Having received three Guggenheim Fellowships.

Frans Lanting

France was born at Rotterdam. This work can be found on the pages of such magazines as National Geographic, Life, Outdoor Photographer.France has greatly increased in price and his photographs clearly show love for the flora and fauna of tropical forests.
Galen Rowell

With a long hand, Galen handed over the bottles to the people and the empty places.
His photographs conveyed the sultry and magnetic beauty of these special places like nothing else.

Winner of the 1984 Rock Prize.
Drawing on a wealth of familiar sights from that time.

Rowell's work was covered with depth and the accumulation of everything new in the topic that appears.

Henri Cartier-Bresson ( Henri Cartier Bresson)

A French photographer who has contributed to the development of photojournalism in many ways.
Regardless of the fact that Halsman, having recognized many failures in his particular life at an early stage, did not make him become a miraculous portraitist of his time.

His photographs were very sharp and dark, and clearly looked different from the portraits of that time. Portraits were published in many magazines at that time, including Vogue. After meeting the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, I plan to create a surrealistic portrait of Dalí, a skull and seven naked figures.
It took three years to complete the planned work. I myself have developed the philosophy of the image of people in Russia into a haircut. Considering that this is the only way to show the “real” people in the middle. Our career has created portraits of celebrities such as Alfred Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill, Judy Garland and Pablo Picasso. Hiro Kikai (


The popularity of this Japanese photographer was brought to him by his monochrome portraits of the townspeople of the Asakusa district (Tokyo).

U Early rocks in a completely impersonal manner, shutting down and carrying out everything
good hour Photography of the Asakusha people. A perfectionist in search of money, he can spend a few days searching for the right person - the subject of the loan.

Aerial photography

Talbert Abrams
The first photographs of this category were taken during the hour of service in the US Marine Corps during the hour of Another World War.

Photographic images of the squadron during the rebel activity of Haiti helped to perpetuate this myth. William Garnett ( You also need to select the correct ones to display.

It’s not easy to be a good photographer without appearing to be a professional zealot.

We would like to introduce you to the greatest classics of photography and examples of their work. Ansel Adams

It’s not easy to be a good photographer without appearing to be a professional zealot. (“Those that a professional photographer can talk about, and say about a professional photographer, have incomparably more significance than the power of technical mastery...”(Ansel Adams)

Ansel Easton Adams

, 20 February 1902 - 22 April 1984) - American photographer, best known for his black and white photographs of the American Sunset. Ansel Adams is, on the one hand, gifted with subtle artistic senses, and on the other hand, he is unknowingly gifted with the technique of photography.

Ansel Easton Adams His photographs have even more epic power.

You will be inspired by symbolism and magical realism, inspired by the “early days of Creation.”

Throughout his life, he created over 40,000 photographs, taking part in more than 500 exhibitions around the world. Yusuf Karsh

“If, when you look at my portraits, you become more aware of the people depicted in them, they will help you develop your feelings for someone whose work has left a trace in your brain - if you look at the photograph and say: “So, Vin “And at this point you learn something new about a person – this is truly a distant portrait” (

Yusuf Karsh)

«... (Yousuf Karsh, 23 April 1908 - 13 June 2002) - Canadian photographer of the Ukrainian movement, one of the masters of portrait photography. Over the course of my life, I have created portraits of 12 US presidents, 4 Popes, all the prime ministers of Great Britain, Russian leaders - Khrushchov, Brezhnev, Gorbachov, as well as Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Peak sso, Bernard Shaw and Eleanor Roosevel.

Henri Cartier-Bresson (2nd September 1908 – 3rd September 2004) is one of the leading photographers of the 20th century.

Father of photojournalism.

One of the founders of the Magnum Photos photo agency.Born in France. I started choking on painting.

Having given great respect to the role of the hour and the “vital moment” in photography.

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange (

Dorothea Margarette Nutzhorn,

May 26, 1895 - June 11, 1965) - American photographer and photojournalist / Their photographs, brightly, are in their hearts, the indifference of pain and hopelessness - an endless testimony of what has happened Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans, who are relieved of the fear over their heads, will experience this element And whatever hope there is.

This photograph was for many years in the literal depths of the Great Depression. Dorothea Lange took the photo during the hour of her visit to a camp of vegetable harvesters near California in the brutal year of 1936, hoping to show the whole world the resilience and innocence of a proud nation in times of trouble.


“There is a chance again - and every one of us can rely on a new one.

Only a rotten photographer realizes one chance in a hundred, while a good photographer succeeds in everything.”

“The creative skin of a people lasts two days.

Another date - if you understand why your call is valid - is much more important for the first time.”

“I believe that people’s ability to convey speech beyond the boundaries of visible greatness. This phenomenon can be observed in all genres of image-creating mystics, which we find in the constant search for new ways of explaining the world, which sometimes reveals itself to us in the mind of understanding, which goes beyond the boundaries of our common knowledge.

(Jerry Welsman) Jerry Welsman (1934) is an American theorist of the mystique of photography, a compiler, one of the most important photographers of the other half of the twentieth century, a master of mysterious collages and visual interpretations. The surrealistic collages of the talented photographer lit up the world, since the project did not already have Photoshop.

At the same time, the author

unidentified robots loses his technique and realizes that something amazing is going on in the darkened darkroom.

Enni Liebovitz (“If I say that I want to photograph someone, it means that I want to know him. I photograph everyone I know" ( Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibowitz) Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibowitz Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz


ed. 2 June 1949, Waterbury, Connecticut) is a prominent American photographer.

Specializes in portraits of celebrities. Today it is the most popular among female photographers.

These robots decorate the covers of magazines

Vogue, Vanity Fair, New Yorker and

In fact, the list of the greatest photographers is quite long, and there are only a few of them.

Which section is represented? great quantity portfolio of famous, creative and outstanding photographers of today.

12-03-2018, 22:59

To your respects, a collection of amazing works is presented, after looking at what is sure to come up with an idea about the capture process and realism.
Photographer named Mikhailo Zagornatsky first took the powerful camera into his hands in 2011.

7-03-2018, 20:14

I took on the process of starting photography on my own.
The main focus is conceptual and fine art photography.

5-01-2018, 18:25

In the remaining projects there are no elements of Photoshop.
The master loves to create his creations in real time, without artificial additives.

15-12-2017, 22:16

Before a new project, it takes a lot of time to prepare the necessary details and put together a creative plan.
At the moment, Burrows has only a few branches and branches in his arsenal, and has immediate plans. similar robots with entire gardens.

15-12-2017, 22:16

100-watt floodlights will be installed for great workers. Find detailed photos in our current materials! Today's collection of photographs reveals all the secrets of dear Petty Waymire on an island called Barter.

23-06-2017, 12:45

You will know the beauty of the shores of distant Alaska.
The main goal was to photograph the monstrous white witches in the snowy area.

22-06-2017, 12:18

However, after arriving at the place, Petty did not find any cleared snow, and the sea ice had not yet begun to form.
The conceived ideas for photographs happened to be laid down, and the local rulers of the sea krigs lay calmly on

21-06-2017, 10:14

The clear dawn sky is a rare sight for the inhabitants of the current megapoles, and the clear dawn sky has always been a great secret place for people, and people have always wanted to find out what is there above the sky, in the world, sprinkled with myriads of stars .
Finnish photographer Oskar Keserci is obsessed with photographing the dawn sky.

Most of the time it is cold in Finland.

At night the temperature drops to 30 degrees below zero.
The blue tints of the photographs just in the distance convey the feeling of frosty Finnish nights, Oscar respects.

On the brightest day you can recognize special wonders that spark the world’s fantasies.

A series of photographs of the master is presented in our review!

Marvel in the same way -

A collection of iconic photographs of the remaining 100 rocks that are demonstrated

grief and triumph of the human spirit...

An Australian kisses his Canadian girlfriend.

Canadians rioted after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup.

Three sisters, three “videos”, three photos. Two legendary captains Pele and Bobby Moore will exchange jerseys as a sign of mutual respect. World Football Championship, 1970

1945. Petty Officer Graham Jackson plays “Goin' Home” at the funeral of President Roosevelt on the 12th quarter of 1945.

1952. 63-year-old Charlie Chaplin.

Eight-year-old Christian takes over the ensign at the hour of the memorial service for his father.
There have been killings in Iraq just a few years before they turn home.

Veteran of the T34-85 tank, which he used during the Great Patriotic War. Rumunskaya child gives I'll shake the bag

to a police officer during the hour of protests near Bucharest.

Police Captain Ray Lewis was arrested for his role in the 2011 Wall Street protests.
The monk entrusted a sick man with a sick man who died while checking trains to Shanxi Taiyuan, China.

A dog named “Leao”, who sat for two days almost like the grave of the ruler, who perished in his greedy clutches.

A person from Southern Korea (right-handed) waves his hand from the bus to a Southern Korean who is crying after a family fight in the Kumgang Mountain, June 31, 2010. They were separated by the war of 1950-53.

The dog became familiar with its owner after the tsunami in Japan.

2011 rіk.

“Tick me, tattoo” – photograph to the marching British Columbia Regiment.

Five-year-old Warren "Whitey" Bernard ran from his mother to his father, Private Jack Bernard, shouting "Check me, tattoo."

The photograph gained wide popularity, was published in Life, hung at the skin school in British Columbia during the war, and was used in issues of military bonds. Priest Luis Padillo and a soldier wounded by a sniper during the uprising in Venezuela. Mother and son near Concord, Alabama, in the wake of a tornado.

Kviten, 2011

Boy wonder

family album

, which is known from the rubble of that old booth after the earthquake in Sichuan.

A 4-month-old girl after the Japanese tsunami.

French communities at the entrance of the Nazis to Paris during the hour of the Other World War.

The soldier Horace Greasley stood up to Heinrich Himmler for an hour looking around the camp, without being bound.

It’s amazing that Greasley has abandoned the tabir many times in order to get along with a German girl, as if he were dying.

The fireman gives water to the koala during the forest fire.

Australia 2009 rock.

The father of the dead son of the 9/11 memorial.
It's the hour of ten short ceremonies on the territory of the Light shopping center.

Jacqueline Kennedy at the oath of office of Lyndon Johnson when he took office as the President of the United States.
Immediately after the death of a person.

Tanisha Blevin, 5 years, shakes hands with Katrina, who suffered in the hurricane, Nita Lagarde, 105 years.

Helen Fisher kisses the hearse that is carrying the body of her 20-year-old cousin, Private Douglas Halliday.

The US Army is landing on the shore at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Normandy, 6 chernya 1944 rock. Relation to Another World War, Abolition Radyanskiy Union
got together with my daughter.

The little girl is going to tell her daddy first.

A soldier of the Sudanese Free People's Army at a rehearsal for the parade before Independence Day.

Greg Cook hugs his beloved dog after he knows him.

Alabama after the 2012 Birth Tornado.

Photo taken by astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission.
1968 r.

Please admire this photograph.
This is one of the most noteworthy photographs that have ever been taken.

The child’s crooked hand reached out from the mother’s womb to squeeze the surgeon’s finger.
Photo of the 9-year-old girl Kim Fuk on the 8th of June 1972 has since become history.

First, Kim took this photo 14 months later at the hospital in Saigon, where she rejoiced in the face of the terrible ordeals. Who, as before, remembers how on the day of the bombing she fled before her brothers and sisters, and cannot forget the sound of bombs. Some soldier tried to help and poured water on her, not suspecting that he would make his guards even stronger.

Photographer Nick Yut remembered the girl and sent her to the hospital. At first, the photographer doubted whether he should publish a photo of a naked girl, but later realized that the light might ruin the photo. The photograph was later called

3 rd 1984 Indian place Bhopal suffered from the largest man-made disaster in human history.

A gigantic plague of darkness, thrown into the atmosphere by an American plant producing pesticides, covered the place, taking away the lives of three thousand people that night, and another 15 thousand in the coming month.

More than 150,000 people have been affected by the disease, including the vulnerable children born since 1984

Surgeon Jay Vacanti at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, together with microengineer Jeffrey Borenstein, is developing a detailed technique for growing a piece liver.

In 1997, fate allowed a human ear to grow on Misha’s back, vikoristic cartilage.

The development of technology that allows you to cultivate the liver is extremely relevant.
In Great Britain alone, 100 people are waiting for a transplant, and, according to the British Liver Trust, the majority of patients die before receiving a transplant

Although they were known to have low standards, American soldiers talked to them, rode on them, and tried to snatch shit from prison toilets.

Zokrema, who had grown up, said: “The stench bothered us: crustaceans, like dogs, and yapping.
We were guilty of barking like dogs, and if you didn’t bark, they beat you in your face without a single sting. After this stench, they threw us in the cells, took away our mattresses, poured water on our beds and tossed our sleep in this liquid, without removing the hoods from our heads. And everyone was steadily taking pictures,” “One American said that he was calling me.

“Having painted the woman on my back and kneading the statue into a gannet position, trim the hairy scrotum in your hands.”
The terrorist attack of June 11, 2001 (often simply called 9/11) was a series of coordinated self-destructive terrorist attacks that began in the United States of America.

According to the official version, the responsibility for the attacks lies with the Islamic terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Republican soldier Federico Borel García images before death.

The sign screamed at the great shock of the marriage.

The situation is absolutely unique.

During the entire hour of the attack, the photographer took only one photo, with which he took his attention, without being surprised by the pranksters, without being surprised by the model.

November 13, 1985. Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano - Colombia.

The mountainous snow and mass of dust, earth and water with a total thickness of 50 meters literally wipes out everything on its path from the face of the earth.
The number of dead exceeded 23,000 people.

The disaster took a great toll on the whole world, often with photographs of a little girl named Omair Sanchez.

She fell asleep in the paste - up to her neck in the liquid, her legs appeared squeezed into the concrete structure of the booth.