Turkey fillet stewed with vegetables.

beauty and health

Turkey, stewed with vegetables - this is a wonderful substitute for chicken.

  • The turkey meat is soft, tender, and more decadent.
  • And the stewing of tomatoes and the whole dance in the mouth.
  • You can simmer meat in a frying pan, saucepan, multicooker - whatever the occasion, it will turn out even more delicious.
  • And tomato sauce complements your side dish - it goes well with boiled rice, mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge.
  • warehouses
  • 1/2 eggplant
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 cibulin
  • 2 tbsp.


roslin oil

600 g turkey meat

1.5 tsp.


0.5 tsp.


250 ml water

1.5 tbsp.


tomato mouth


Pour 1 bottle of dill into the frying pan.

Stir, change the heat, cover with a lid and let simmer for 20 minutes.

What does our Indian associate with?

A great mischievous bird, whom Americans are passionately respecting and preparing to be holy.

During the hours of the SRSR, it was impossible to obtain food from the divisional border.

Only with a trusted grandmother in the village, but not everyone was able to know such a postal owner.

It was rare for anyone in this family to make poultry stew.

At this point, the idea was formed that turkey meat is tougher and has a specific smell and taste.

This is not true!

Turkey meat has little flavor compared to chicken, which is familiar to us.

For savory berries - tender, savory, dietary, hypoallergenic meat.

Perfectly suitable for any kind of gourmet - whether a toddler, a girl on a diet, a summer person or a physically active person.

Turkey comes with various spices and additives, vegetables and side dishes.

If you place a bunch of pork pieces on one plate and the savory meats, a gourmet can taste them.

Turkey with vegetables: basic principles of cooking

You can get poultry from the meat departments of supermarkets, or you can get it from the old farming state or from the peasants in the countryside.

At the first time - you remove the already cut meat - you want fillet, chicken, steak or steak.

For the other type, the shortest type has a carcass without feasting weighing 8-12 kg.

To trim the poultry, the gentlemen will need a gentleman with a culinary pick.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

Fillet or butt of poultry;

The whole turkey is what the oven plans to bake birds;

Whether seasonal or frozen vegetables - chasnik, zucchini, eggplant, watermelon, celery root, cibul and carrots;

Spices, spices for relish or with a recipe;

Casserole or saucepan with a heavy bottom;

2 tbsp.


purified dormouse oil;

100 g fresh or frozen peas;

100 g green kvass;

Salt pepper;

Casserole or saucepan with a heavy bottom.

Method of preparation

1. Cut the turkey fillet into portions, add salt, pepper, and herbs from Italian cuisine.

If you are ready to succeed, then try some aromatic spices - basil, tarragon, thyme, oregano, marjoram.

2. Place the meat aside for marinating.

3. Cut the carrots into cubes and cut the zibula into cubes measuring 5x5 mm.

4. Heat 2 tbsp in a saucepan and saucepan.


olive oil and brush the turkey fillet until golden brown.

5. Add tsibul, carrots and grease 5 hvilins to the stewpan with meat.

6. Pour tomato juice over the meat and leave it on low heat for 15 minutes from the moment it boils.

Don't forget to stir occasionally.

7. Add peas and asparagus kvass and stew 5 more chickens.

Serve the turkey with vegetables either as a separate herb or with a side dish of mashed potatoes and pasta.

Garnish the eggplant with parsley leaves.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

Fillet or butt of poultry;

You can replace the bean kvass with boiled kvass - pick out the new, tasty and sieve herb.

Casserole or saucepan with a heavy bottom;

Spices, spices for relish or with a recipe;

The turkey is stewed with vegetables.

For tomato-syurd sauce

Add a top-spicy flavor to the syre.

If you want to add unique, Christmas notes to the herb, then try any hard cheese with a touch of flavor - Poshekhonsky, Gruyere, Parmesan.

100 g fresh or frozen peas;

Siri with moldy will add a French flavor.

Well, if there is a democratic option, then vikoristvoyte love of melting sire.

As a base, try the previous recipe for “stewed turkey with vegetables in tomato sauce.”

10 minutes before the closing date, add|add| 200 g solid or processed siru.

Stir, leave|doki| Sir, I will not give up at all.

Gasiti 5 hvilin.

Serve on the table on scoops of greased bread, with any garnish or just for satisfaction.

5. Grease the meat in a saucepan.

6. Gently coat the zucchini, carrots, peppers, add zucchini and blanched cauliflower.

7. Add tomatoes and stew vegetables for 5 minutes.

8. Place meat and vegetables in tomato sauce in a saucepan, add sour cream and simmer for 15 minutes.

Serve as a herb on its own or with boiled potatoes.

Turkey in oven with vegetables.

Get ready for the miners

In essence, this recipe is identical to the previous one.

Unity of allegiance - the turkey and the vegetables need to go into the potters in the oven.

It’s not just to save time, gentlemen - the oven itself starts working, and it imparts a songful purity, holiness and national flavor.

The ingredients and technology are identical to the previous recipe.

The fillet is coated, the vegetables in tomato juice, and the sour cream is placed in the pot.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

If there is not enough liquid, add a squirt of water to the skin mold.

The miners are turning away from the cold oven.

It is important not to overheat the oven, as the roasting pots may dry out without heating evenly.

Simmer the meat for 1 year at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Serve hot - either in portions on plates, or in the same pots.

Rice, wheat or Greek porridge, boiled potatoes - any side dish will be authentic.

Here everything is already lying in wait, gentlemen.

Turkey with vegetables in French.

Tournado with mushrooms

Salt pepper;

Tournado – whole roll with filling.

For this purpose, it is advisable to use some kind of meat - kachina breast, pork, cowhide.

The Indica stitch is ideal for this purpose.

Deyak virobniks do not see the stegnova tuft.

It’s not scary - it’s easy to hide from the meat with the help of a knife.

The meat goes on a turnado, and a wonderful broth comes out of the brush.

1 quilted turkeys 800 g – 1 kg;

8. If there is any leftover olive oil, grease the sliced ​​tsibul.

If you are vikorista shallots, then it is not necessary to trim them - coat them thoroughly.

9. Add coarsely chopped carrots, zucchini, and eggplant.

Grease the vegetables.

10. Turn the roll over the saucepan with the vegetables.

Add 1 bottle of water and extinguish for 1 hour.

11. When feeding, pick up the threads.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

You can simply serve it with stewed vegetables, but for this purpose you can use some kind of side dish.

Turkey with vegetables in French.

Tournado zi zlivami

Turkey is a good companion for vegetables and fruits.

Turkey with vegetables in French.

For the roll, you can use prunes, dried plums, or fresh fruits.

Plum gives the meat a specific sourness and smell.

Salt pepper;

If you smoke prunes, a characteristic smoked aroma will appear.

Quilting turkeys with 800 g – 1 kg;

10 cibulin-shallots (you can vikoristovuvati zvichaina cibulin);

3 large carrots;

10 prunes or 2 pieces of dried plums or 10 large plums;

1 bottle of water;

2 tbsp.


purified rose oil.

1. Remove the stalk, add salt and pepper to the pulp, add your favorite herbs.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

This dry marinade has 30 minutes.

2. Peel the vegetables.

3. Place 1 whole carrot on the flesh of an individual steak.

After that, when the turnado is ready, you can eat carrots.

You've lost your job.

4. Roll up the meat and sew up the bird’s skin.

5. Grease the meat in a saucepan.

Place on a plate.

Salt pepper;

6. Coat the shallots whole, the carrots with large blocks.

7. On the vegetables, turn on the turnado, add|add| plum.

Pour water and leave to simmer for 1 year.

Submit s|iz| boiled rice, mashed potatoes watermelon or potatoes, s|iz| boiled colored cabbage.

Turkey with vegetables.

Goulash with watermelon and potatoes

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

A variation of thick eel soup or another herb with American and Italian notes.

500 g broccoli;

500 g green peas;

Casserole or saucepan with a heavy bottom;

1 bottle of tops – adjust fat content according to your discretion – 10–20%;

Turkey with vegetables in French.

Place on a plate.

As a base, try the previous recipe for “stewed turkey with vegetables in tomato sauce.”

1. Cut the meat into pieces, brush it and place it on a small plate.

Salt, pepper, add|add| herbs.

2. On the excess olive oil, coat the finely chopped cibulin.

Add peas and broccoli and extinguish 5 hvilins.

3. Turn the meat into a saucepan until the vegetables are finished.

Pour tops and simmer on a small fire for 10 hvilins.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

Serve with boiled rice, pasta, potatoes or simply for pleasure.

Turkey with vegetables.

Chili with kvassole

Fast forward to Mexico.

Chili is a hot and spicy herb, although the strength of the hot pepper can be adjusted for a rich taste.

Fillet or quilted turkey – 800 g – 1 kg;

700 g of fresh or canned tomatoes;

1 sweet pepper;

Place on a plate.

Salt pepper;

2 cibulini;

5 cloves of chasnik;

500 g boiled or canned kvass;

Zira, oregano, rosemary, hot red pepper - to taste;

Salt|salt|, black pepper;

1. Peel the vegetables and cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the turkey meat into small pieces and brush it.

3. Add tsibul, chasnik, sweet and host pepper.

To prepare turkey and vegetables you will need:

Gotuvati 15th century

Don't forget to stir.

4. In a saucepan, add grated tomatoes, spices that are left over, 1 bottle of water and simmer for 1 year.

5. Boil the kvass, pour onto the pan and place in a saucepan until the turkey and vegetables are served.

Gasiti 15 hvilin.

Serve with hot corn bread or tortillas.

Turkey with vegetables.

Salt pepper;

Vikorist's steam room

For shanuvalniks healthy food.

With this method of processing products, all vitamins and minerals are preserved.

And what’s important is not an ounce of fat!

500 g turkey meat;

Indian - it’s delicious, democratic and unpretentious.

She sells all kinds of vegetables, mushrooms, side dishes and sauces.

And what is important for a pregnant woman is that the turkey does not require a lot of time and effort to prepare any specific preparations before processing.

Straws from turkeys do not require any special tricks or culinary skills. Smut - add fresh meat, vegetables and other ingredients. Save the finished product in a cold place. by the materials zhenskoe-mnenie.ru Turkey with vegetables - a selection of dietary and Christmas recipes for turkey with vegetables


admin others play off

herd from poultry, other herbs, for the sake of berries

What does our Indian associate with?

A great mischievous bird, whom Americans are passionately respecting and preparing to be holy.

During the hours of the SRSR, it was impossible to obtain food from the divisional border.

Only with a trusted grandmother in the village, but not everyone was able to know such a postal owner.

Rarely in any homeland did they prepare herbs from this...

[email protected]

Administrator Zastillya-online

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Prepare the required ingredients.

Drain the turkey fillet, dry it and cut it into medium-sized pieces.

Pour a small amount of olive oil into the frying pan, heat it up and add the turkey slices.

Over high heat, brush the meat 2-3 times per skin side (until golden brown).

Place greased turkey slices into a saucepan, add salt and pepper until relished.

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