It’s hard to work after 40 years.


The optimal age for the first day of pregnancy is 20-28 years, while other medicines are recommended to bring up to 35 years.

For many women, for a variety of reasons, this tendency is reflected in their older age.

After 40 years of age, it is important to develop independently for those who begin preparations before the EKZ.

However, additional reproductive technologies may not be able to help.

How effective is EKZ for senior citizens?

In a normal state of health, the state of health during the hour of ovulation leads to gestation in 30% of women.

Many fertilized eggs die at an early stage and are released simultaneously with menstrual blood.

Modern reproductive technologies have made it possible to increase the gestation rate to 40% with good maternal health and healthy tissues.

The death of embryos is prevented through genetic modifications that cannot be implanted or transmitted.

The most suitable age for women aged 40 years is the long-term EKZ protocol.

This technique involves drugs that block the production of luteinizing hormone.

  • Therefore, there is no ovulation and many follicles mature, including oocytes.
  • With a long protocol, the skin stage is controlled, which means there is less chance of spontaneous ovulation occurring, during which time it is impossible to remove skin conditions.
  • The current situation with this protocol is significantly higher.
  • I recommend you for the following situations:
  • disruption of the uterine tubes;
  • secular changes in ovaries;

the number of oocytes due to the results of quilting is small;

excess human hormones;

endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids, endometriosis;

Soon you will try to monitor other protocols.

The use of the method is useless for frequent abortions in the past, chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus.

If you lead to a change in the endometrium, then success becomes unbearable.

Regardless of the great number of advantages, a long protocol can end in failure and lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Under a long protocol, a large number of eggs are obtained.

Ale їх vikorist in one cycle.

After sealing the eggs and removing the embryos, other eggs and embryos are vitrified or cryopreserved.

Regardless of the type of protocol, a woman must strive for a healthy way of living, get rid of unprofitable habits, and eat regularly.

Obese or overweight vagina after 40 years passes the point of pregnancy and successful winemaking of a child.

Before I enter into the protocol, I need to lose weight.

Whether chronic illness, blood diabetes, or thyroid pathologies are to blame, they are either in the compensated stage or in the remission stage.

  • Under the hour of urgency, forecasts are being successfully completed.
  • Risks under the hour of guilt
  • After 40 years, the YBC will give positive results, allowing you to live your life to save money.
  • According to statistics, women often have early weekends and early pregnancy.

The frequency of overingestion reaches 42% due to illness, which led to severe infertility.

In the 1st trimester, 30% of the gestation will end.

The risk of development is also increasing.

Most often, these signs appear with high fertility after 22 years.

Therefore, if a shortening of the cervix is ​​detected, women are advised to undergo regular ultrasound monitoring of the site, install an obstetric gage, or carry out surgical correction.

In view of the high risk of postnatal pregnancy after ECD, prevention of respiratory distress syndrome should be carried out at 28-34 years of gestation.

For this reason, use Dexamethasone for injections.

If you can carry out EKZ after 40 years, you must stay in bed with a doctor.

The diet of mothers of children may be motivated by health benefits.

In addition to a decrease in the supply of eggs, the vigor of state gametes decreases with age.

Since the oocytes that are in the ovaries are laid during the intrauterine period, they age together with our body and gradually accumulate genetic defects and other damage.

For successful fertilization, clear embryos are required, otherwise there is a high risk of embryonic development delay, gestation and vicariousness.

The EKZ procedure in 40 people and more can help overcome difficulties, while embryologists reliably extract oocytes and for the complete stasis of only certain parts of the gametes.

The specifics of the EKZ procedure are being studied after 40 days.

Over the past three years, the doctors have observed the prevalence of the birth of full-fledged and long-term children as a result of ECD after 40 years and older.

Research has shown that the rate of population after YBC up to 39 years of age becomes 24%, YBC in 40-41 - 15%, in 42-43 - 6.6%, 44 and older - 1.3%.

  • Therefore, when carrying out EKZ after 40 years, donor eggs are recovered, which are characterized by high vigor, vitality and a great reserve of living language and energy.
  • It’s difficult to wait for the EKZ at 40 because of the stagnation of donor material.
  • Various additional methods of treatment: additional hatching – partial or external removal of the membrane to ensure the exit of the molded embryo; pre-implantation diagnostics – identification of genetic abnormalities before embryo transfer;
  • It is advisable to go to the choice of a doctor and clinic;
  • Reveal concomitant somatic pathology and control of human spermograms.

Inheritance for a woman during EKZ after 40 years

In 40 years of age, a woman’s fertility decreases not only, but also the birth rate of her baby, and the majority of patients have a concomitant somatic pathology.

  • Therefore, the birth of the EKZ after 40 years is associated with certain effects that can have an unpleasant effect on a healthy woman:
  • Hormonal imbalance: IVF after 40 years ends after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, aimed at removing a large number of eggs.
  • Moreover, medications cause endocrine disruption, which are differently tolerated by women;
  • Risk of high gestation: EKZ in any person is associated with a risk of development of high gestation, but after 40 years, the prevalence of guilt in a few babies and their population decreases, to the extent that excess weight gain may worsen and serious health problems may arise;
  • Non-genuine gestation: the frequency of weekends with ECD after 40 years of age increases significantly, less with ECD in younger adults;
  • High risk of development of genetic defects: oocytes after 40 years of age develop with low viscousness and accumulate various defects, which can lead to intrauterine development.

Varto notes that the risk of development of complications in ECD after 40 years can be reduced through thorough medical investigation, selection of a qualified and experienced doctor, further recommendations of a specialist, as well as fasting Great control over your health, both on your own and the doctor’s.

Vіk - not a child’s birth, if you go to therapy with sufficient reliability, then you can reach the desired goal.

ECO – dream or reality after 40? For reproductive medicine, a patient’s age after 40 years is not a serious barrier. Positive results

  • ECO after 40
  • - Absolutely real, but to achieve them we need more careful diagnostics, an individual approach, continuous monitoring of the reproductive system and how a woman can endure pregnancy, which has begun.
  • The language, of course, is far from being about 100% success.
  • According to the statistics, the more positive EKZ up to 35 years becomes 35–48%.
  • And some of the positive results of IVF after 40 largely depend on the fact that the eggs are determined by the protocol.
  • ECO after 40: donor egg quality?
  • Menopause doesn't take away choice
  • What EBC protocols can be used for insurance after 40 years?

Why is the short protocol of the EKZ after 40 years so short?

Natural cycle

Positive ECO after 40

Select your account

  • Visnovok
  • Your own donor egg?
  • Applying for EBC with donor eggs after 40 is as easy as before.

From now on I want “my own” - a 100% genetically native child.

But the statistics do not lend themselves to women’s desires and efforts.

There is a lot of moisture in the reserve of eggs, which changes sharply with age and becomes oocytes.

15% Table.
6,6% 1. Egg supply
1,3% The decrease in ovarian reserve is confirmed by a decrease in the rate of natural gestation in older reproductive age.

This data can only be interpreted this way: the ability to give birth to a living child with the help of EBC after 40 from a wet egg.

Ale hour gayati ne varto.

It becomes more difficult to deny a positive result.

It’s not less important to influence the result of vagrancy.

It is important to consider the somatic health of a woman - the lower part of the body, the cardiovascular system, endocrine organs, and the uterus.

In women after forty and under the hour of pregnancy, concomitant pathologies often appear, for example.

  • Vinoshiti ditin is more important.

Often, “age-old” vagusness (not only after ECD) is accompanied by hypertension and preeclampsia.

As a matter of fact, IVF after 40 years from a donor egg gives excellent results.

And some of the positive results of IVF after 40 largely depend on the fact that the eggs are determined by the protocol.

In some reproductive centers, vaginity occurs in 50–65% of cases.

  • Expansion, if necessary, to additional additional technologies – , .
  • Persha helps the embryo to lose its membrane and gives it viability.
  • Another thing is to trace the chromosomal complement of the embryo.
  • The correct approach to medicinal support.
  • Menopause doesn't take away choice

    Number of related illnesses.

    Bright displays.

    What EBC protocols can be used for insurance after 40 years?

    To obtain a positive EKZ result after 40 years, it is necessary to select a specialist who has sufficient evidence of the EKZ performed and other work with long-term patients.

    As a rule, good clinics have doctors who specialize in elderly patients.

    An important factor when choosing an EHC center is the availability of a celiac hospital.

    The problem still exists after forty years.

    It is your fault that mothers have the ability to seek specialized medical and hospital assistance at any time.

    Vik is a shortcut for the vascularity of the EKZ, which can be successfully achieved in a minute. With the help of new additional reproductive technologies, it is possible to understand motherhood and give birth to a healthy baby both after 40 years and until this century.

    Golovne – .

    A woman's age is important for successful implantation of a fertilized egg in an empty uterus. The younger the woman, the more functional the endometrium of the uterus, less bleeding. A woman after 35 years of age, who had previously suffered from several gynecological illnesses, may have had abortions or operations on the uterus, the endometrium may not be optimal for smoothness and successful implantation.

    With age, hormonal levels change, which creates many problems not only with natural conception, but also with EBC tests. Without hormonal stimulation, the procedure is rarely successful. It is important that implantation is carried out successfully, in the “age-old” vagina for the risk of loss of pregnancy, frozen vacancy, anterior uterus, pathology of the placenta from overstaying to release.

    This very factor is one of the most important when choosing the EKZ protocol and in a specific skin condition it has its own peculiarities.

    The most successful, according to statistics, are the EBC protocols, up to which a woman enters up to 30 years.

    The success rate of the protocol from the first try is 50-60%.

    Up to 35 years of successful first protocols are collected from 35-40%.

    At 38-39 years of age, a woman has about a 25% chance of suffering from the first attempt of extracorporeal impregnation.

    After 40 years, the possibility of developing the disease the first time with correctly performed EKZ and the correct stimulation scheme chosen by the doctor is about 7-10%.

    Women take eggs either after stimulation with hormones, or in the natural cycle, at the moment of maturation of the follicle using ultrasound. The average statistical indicators of success throughout the century are as follows:

    • up to 35 days - a little more than 35% with the stimulated protocol and a little more than 15% with the natural cycle;
    • up to 40 days - a little more than 25% with the stimulated protocol and a little more than 10% with the natural cycle;
    • after 40 years – no more than 10% with the stimulated protocol and no more than 5% with the natural cycle without stimulation.

    Women are more likely to overestimate their reproductive potential.

    Up to 30 years are expected, but everything is still ahead, and you can start to feel uneasy, but the medicine is based on nutrition, which is theoretically possible in 50 years.

    That is why representatives of excellent status, attracted by the right and their careers, are especially interested in not rushing to the YBC.

    Then, at 45, it becomes clearer that the emergency reserve is even small, and the capacity of oocytes does not allow the rejection of normal and strong embryos.

    If you want to conceive a child from congealed wet eggs, it is not good to procrastinate from animal birth to a doctor - the skin of your life will change the chances of positive results.

    The cutoff age for conceiving your egg is considered to be 40-43 years of age.

    This is how EKZ holds song benefits for “age-old” wives.

    First of all, such embryos take root more quickly, and the level of vacancy is less important when the oocytes are contaminated with unwanted cellularity.

    The risk of birth of children with genetic pathologies is also reduced and is almost zero, and even for egg donation, young, healthy women with good genetics and health are selected.

    Otherwise, women will not experience a hormonal “shock” when the ovaries are stimulated.

    Donor embryo

    This method of reproductive complementary medicine is recommended for cases of total human infertility and occasional infertility in women.

    It is not possible to recover female oocytes of good quality in the required quantity, and in this case the spermatozoa of the human are not able to replenish the oocyte using the ICSI method (from the introduction of a thin naked sperm under the membrane of the egg), the method is recommended in any case.

    In cases of genetic insanity of partners, vaginity cannot occur in the case where both the person and the partner are absolutely healthy and their biological material is of good quality.

    And then donor embryos come to help. The method is recommended for women with a normal uterus and endometrium in order to increase the chances of success.

    • Donor embryos take root, in practice, much more smoothly, less easily, and for the woman’s immunity, such an embryo is not half foreign (as is the case with ECD from wet eggs or natural conceptions), I’ll bring it up.
    • However, in cases of infertility, which were previously considered completely hopeless, this technique itself allows the couple to find the joy of being fathers.
    • For women over 40 years old
    • As we have already realized, the age-old exchange is not over.

    As a rule, a woman has one death up to 40 times, or a number of chronic illnesses.

    The stench can become a daily membrane, and in some cases it can threaten the life of a woman in any situation (for example, heart failure, illness of the liver, liver, swelling).

    Therefore, the main feature of the EKZ for “age-old” patients lies in the extensive and detailed medical care that can take place at the preparatory stage.

    In addition to the main analysis and research, women after 40 will definitely need to undergo genetic testing.

    Remnants of the risk of birth of children with genetic abnormalities after 40 years are progressing, embryologists carry out pre-implantation implantation of embryos, including all embryos with chromosomal abnormalities and beyond healthy embryos.

    A geneticist can determine the diversity of healthy offspring in a particular woman and perform a karyotyping analysis.

    It was great for a friend, but now calling “mature” vagrancy no longer appeals to anyone.

    Everyone knows that the chances of pregnancy with skin cancer in a woman are lower - this is due to the limited number of eggs and the ability of the body to conceive and carry a baby.

    Fortunately, for reproductive medicine, bringing a woman into adulthood is not a barrier, and EKZ after 40 years has helped rich couples experience the happiness of fatherhood.

    In order for the result of the EKZ procedure to be positive, the couple must prepare for a long time before the protocol, carry out the necessary fastenings, take tests, and prescribe hormonal medications.

    According to statistics, a positive result of individual implantation occurs in less than 45% of cases, and this may be due not only to the age of the woman, but also to the type of egg produced in the country.

    • Egg cellulitis for EKZ: is it a donor?
    • The skin of a woman who agreed to the procedure of impregnation in a sample, confirming that the doctor allowed the vicorization of the eggs of another patient (donor) is as simple as praising the decision to adopt someone else’s baby ka.
    • An absolutely skin-potential mother wants to give birth to a child in terms of genetics, so she will never again be so careful with the capabilities and resources of the body.

    The supply of female tissue cells is rapidly changing - this fact is confirmed by the reduced chances of conceiving in a mature woman.

    Menopause does not mean that women should forget about vaginosis - in such a situation, doctors recommend using donor biological material and eggs from a third-party woman.

    This is also an option for surrogate motherhood, in which case you can choose a donor client.

    EBC after 40 years with a donor egg gives women a wonderful chance to experience the joy of motherhood, the rate of gestation becomes close to 55%.

    Patients who are donors undergo careful, complete restraint, which allows reproductive specialists to remove excess biological material.

    When selecting women with donor eggs, doctors carry out medical synchronization of the menstrual cycles of two patients, which is necessary in order for the body of the recipient (the woman who needs to remove the fertilized egg) problems with accepting the embryo.

    ECO after 40 years with a wet egg may be due to the fact that the woman does not suffer any concomitant illnesses, and the biological material is confirmed by investigations without chromosomal abnormalities or damage.

    • Long and short EKZ protocol: which is better than choosing after 40?
    • The selection of the ECO protocol is carried out on an individual basis for the skin that has developed.

    This should be kept in mind for a long time, the history of individual implantation procedures (in cases where the sample is not fresh), the presence of contraindications before the initiation of hormonal therapy, the presence of frozen embryos, and the results of cervical closure nki.

    Most often, when carrying out individual pregnancy of a woman over 40 years ago, reproductive specialists use the following protocols:

    EBC from stimulation;

    • ECO in the natural cycle.
    • Stimulation of advanced ovulation in the protocol

    Stimulation of the maturation of several cells in the ovaries is carried out with special hormonal drugs - this is called a stimulation cycle in the EKZ protocol.

    In this case, the protocols are short and long.

    IVF in a natural cycle after 40 years in women is carried out with the use of a minimum amount of hormonal drugs or without them, which causes inflammation.

    The main drawback of this method is that within an hour of puncture it is possible to collect only 1-2 eggs.

    The advantage of this method is that it is possible to repeat the test already in the next cycle, if the ECO was unsuccessful.

    It is practically impossible for women after 40 years of age to carry out this procedure, as the method is complicated in terms of ovulation stimulation and there is a low chance of a positive result.

    • Positive result of piece sealing after 40 years
    • When ECO is performed after 40 years, positive results of the procedure are only possible in the following cases:
    • The friend couple went through very few necessary procedures, including a spermogram of the man;
    • correct choice of program protocol, which is important for the ovarian reserve in the ovaries;
    • use of additional technologies for necessities;

    the presence of concomitant chronic illnesses of the mother;

    good indications of a man's sperm count.

    EKZ for the first time after 40 years is no longer a myth, but thanks to modern reproductive technologies and the assistance of highly qualified medical personnel, many women have fulfilled their dreams - they have become mothers!

    Women in this sport

    Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site