The ancient Greek goddess of Olympus.


Golovna The main gods in Ancient Hellas were recognized as those who existed before the younger generation of celestials. Once it gained control over the world from the older generation, which emphasized the main universal forces and elements (miracle about this in the article The Walking of the Gods of Ancient Greece).

The gods of the older generation are called titans.Having defeated the titans, the young gods, together with Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks played around with the 12 Olympian gods.Previously, the list included Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia.

Hades is close to the Olympian gods, but he lives not on Olympus, but in his underground kingdom. - The main deity of ancient Greek mythology, the king of all other gods, the part of the boundless sky, the king of the bliskaks.

At the Roman religions

I was confirmed by Jupiter. P

oseidon - Sister of Apollo, unoccupied goddess of forests and glades.

Similar to the cult of Apollo, the worship of Artemis was brought to Greece and immediately (the Minor Asian goddess Rthemis). The close connection of Artemis with forests is similar to its current function as the patron of foliage and burning genuity. Artemis’s lack of interest can also be a dull echo of the ideas of people and article hundredths.

In Ancient Rome, she walked around in the person of the goddess Diani.

Athena is the goddess of spiritual harmony and wisdom.

She was respected as a winemaker and patron of many sciences, mysticism, spiritual studies, farming, and crafts.

With the blessing of Athena Paladi there will be places and places to go the state's life

. The functions of intercession with places and powers are closely associated with the image of Athena as the healer of the fortification walls, warrior, goddess, who, under the people, emerged from the head of her father, Zeus, formed.

Among the Romans, Athena was represented by the goddess Minerva. Hermes is the oldest pre-Greek god of roads and fields, of all cordons that strengthen one another.

Through his eternal connection with the roads, Hermes later walked as a messenger of the gods with wings on his heels, the patron of roads, merchants and trade. – Ancient Greece emphasized the productive power of nature, not wild, like Artemis, but “ordered”, “civilized”, the one that manifests itself in regular rhythms. Demeter was revered as the goddess of agriculture, as she oversees the natural cycle of renewal and decay. There's a keruvala and a circle

human life - View of the people until death.

This remaining side of the cult of Demetri replaced the Eleusinian rites. Persephone - Daughter Demetri, kidnapped by the god Hades. After much searching, the restless mother found Persephone in the underworld.

Hades, having made her his squad, waited for her to spend part of her life on earth with her mother, and the rest with him at the top of the earth. Persephone was a separate grain, like, being “dead” sown into the ground, then “comes to life” and light comes out of it.


- Patron goddess of household goods, family and community ties. The altars of Hestia stood in the ancient Greek skin booth and in the head huge life

places, all the communities of which were respected by one great homeland. Dionysus- The God of winemaking and those violent natural forces that drive people to crazy burying.

Dionysus did not belong to the 12 “Olympic” gods of Ancient Greece.

This orgiastic cult of expositions has been leveled from Asia Minor.

  • The common people's antics of Dionysus were compared to the aristocratic servant of Apollo.

  • From crazy dances and songs on the saints of Dionysus, the ancient Greek tragedy and comedy later became.

  • Gods of Olympus of Ancient Greece

  • The names of the ancient Greek gods, which everyone has heard of - Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hephaestus - are actually the lands of the leading celestials - the titans.

  • Having overcome them, the young gods, like Zeus, became the bastards of Mount Olympus.

  • The Greeks worshiped, frolicked and paid tribute to the 12 gods of Olympus, as they

  • in Ancient Greece

  • elements, honesty and the most important areas of married and cultural life.

  • Worshiped

  • Ancient Greeks

  • And Aida, but he is not alive on Olympus, but lingering under the earth, in the kingdom of the dead.

  • Who's the boss?

Gods of Ancient Greece- The most notorious of all.

He is the king of all gods. This thunderer is the source of the endless sky.

Under yogo kerivnitstvo bliskavki. This very peak distributes good and evil on the planet, the Greeks respected.

The blue titans became friends with their sister. Their four children were named Elithia, Hebe, Hephaestus and Ares.

Zeus is a terrible monster. He steadily became involved in love affairs with other goddesses. Not missing earthly girls either.

Zdivuvat them to Zeus. He stood in front of the Greek women, either with a plank in sight, or with a swan's head.

The symbols of Zeus are the eagle, grim, oak.. This ancient Greek god has become empty and has earned the glory of restlessness. Hermes helps mandarin makers and traders.

He is the messenger of the gods of the earth. It was on this very heels that the enchanting clouds began to shine.

The Greeks attribute the Hermes rice to spontaneity. He is cunning, intelligent and knows everything

Foreign languages.

If Hermes stole a dozen cows from Apollo, he deserved his wrath. Once it was forgiven, the fragments of Apollo were filled with the wines of Hermes - Lyra, who gave the gods the gift of beauty. Ares.
This God will separate the war and everything that is connected with it. Massacres and battles - under the representation of Ares.
You will always be young, strong and handsome. The Greeks painted him as a powerful and military warrior.

Vona is the goddess of knowledge and sensitivity. Aphrodite steadily rouses her son Erot to fire arrows to ignite the flames of fire in the hearts of people. Erot is the prototype of the Roman Cupid, a boy with a tsibule and a sagaidak.


    For most people, sleepy Greece is associated with the most beautiful beaches, blue sea and the gloomy mountain peaks.

    However, in Hellas you can get a complete picture of what this beautiful land has become for the rich.

    Greek actors

    Trojan War

    Troy - a place in which they doubted to be richly centuries old, which is considered to be the fruit of the imagination of myth-makers, was located on the birch of the Hellespont, which is now called the Dardanelli.

    A wonderful legend, which is dedicated to endless speculations, hypotheses, super rivers, scientific exploration, archaeological excavations, was many kilometers from the coast, and in its place there is nothing different from the Turkish town of Gissarlik. Mount Athos, the main stronghold of Christianity Holy Mount Athos.

    In sleepy Greece there are no people who snore and

most important places.

There are so many islands, resorts, monuments of history and architecture, places of worship, monasteries that can gift anyone - whether a historian, an archaeologist, a mandarin, a tourist or a pilgrim. Excursions to Greek vineyards and wineries

The blue titans became friends with their sister.Аїд -

He is the messenger of the gods of the earth. God is the ruler of the kingdom of the dead.

Antey- Hero of myths, velet, son of Poseidon and the Earth Gaia.

The earth gave its own blue power, but no one could resist it.- God of the sleepy light.

The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man.- God of treacherous war, son of Zeus and Geri

Asclepius - God of medicinal mysticism, son of Apollo and nymph Coronides

The symbols of Zeus are the eagle, grim, oak. Boreas

If Hermes stole a dozen cows from Apollo, he deserved his wrath.- God of the morning wind, son of the Titanides Astraea (dawn sky) and Eos (rank dawn), brother of Zephyr and Note.

We portrayed ourselves as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity. Bacchus

- one of the names of Dionysus. Helios (Heliy ) - god Sontsya, brother of Selenia (goddess of the Month) and Eos (rank dawns). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of the dream light.

- son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most wealthy Greek gods. Patron of mantras, crafts, trade, villains.

Gods of Ancient Greece I have the gift of redness.

- son of Zeus and Geri, god of fire and forge control. Respected as the patron of craftsmen.

Hypnos- deity of sleep, sin of Miki (Night).

Yogo was portrayed as a winged youth. , the young son of Gaia Uranus, father of Zeus.

Ruled the world of gods and people and was dethroned by Zeus. Mom

- Sin of the goddess of Night, god of slander. Morpheus

- one of the blue Hypnos, the god of dreams. Nereus

- the son of Gaia and Pontus, the ancient sea god. Note

- God of the wind, depicted with a beard and wings. Ocean is titanium

, son of Gaia and Uranus, brother and man of Tethys and father of all the rivers of the world. Olympians

- The supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, along with Zeus, lingered on the top of Mount Olympus. Pan

- the forest god, son of Hermes and Driopi, a goat-footed man with horns. Respected as the patron saint of shepherds and woody goods. Pluto

- God of the underworld, who often aligned himself with Hades, and also in the dark like Volodiv, not with the souls of the dead, but with the riches of the underground world.

Plutos- Sin Demetri, the god who gives wealth to people.

He is the king of all gods. Pont
- one of the senior Greek deities, the offspring of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of the rich titans and gods.

- one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, who reigns over the sea element. For Poseidon, the earth's surfaces were also subordinate,

punished with storms and earth-cowards. Proteus

- Sea deity, son of Poseidon, patron of seals. Mav is the gift of rebirth and prophecy.

Satiri- goat-footed creatures, demons of generosity.

Thanatos- Separate death, twin brother of Hypnos.

Titany- The generation of Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.

Typhon- a hundred-headed dragon, the people of Geyu chi Hero. At the hour of the battle, the Olympians and the Titans were felled by Zeus and killed under the Etna volcano in Sicily. Triton

- son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident in his hands and a twisted shell - reg. Chaos

- endless empty space, from which we started to win for hours found gods

Greek religion - Nikta and Ereb. Chthonic gods

- deities of the underground world and generosity, relatives of the Olympians. Before them were Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus and Persephone.

Cyclopi- Veletni with one eye in the middle of the chola, children of Uranus and Gaia.

Euro (€)- God of the descending wind. Yeol- King of the Winds.

Ereb- isolation from the darkness of the underground world, son of Chaos and brother of Night.

Erot (Eros)

- God of Kohannya, son of Aphrodite and Ares. U

the most recent myths- the force that hid the order of the world blamed itself.

Athena (Pallada, Parthenos) - Daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat armor.

One of the most popular Greek goddesses, the goddess of fair war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge. Aphrodite (Ciferea, Urania)

- Goddess Kohannya ta beauty. She was born from the love of Zeus and the goddess Dioni (according to another legend, she came from a sea tree)

Hebe- daughter of Zeus and Geri, goddess of youth.

Sister of Ares and Elithia. She served the Olympian gods on banquets.

Under yogo kerivnitstvo bliskavki. Hecate

You will always be young, strong and handsome.- goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, patroness of chakluns.

Gemera- The goddess of daylight, the isolation of the day, was born by Niktoy and Ereb.

She often pulled away from Eos.- the supreme Olympian goddess, sister and third squad of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Aida, Hestia, Demetri and Poseidon.

Hera respected the whore as her patron.- The goddess of household fire and fire.

Gaia- mother earth, the predecessor of all gods and people.

Demitra- Goddess of kinship and agriculture.

Dryades- lower deities, nymphs, who lingered in the trees.

Diana-goddess Polyuvanna

Elithia- Patron goddess of birth.

Irida- the winged goddess, Geri’s assistant, the celestial being of the gods.

Kaliope - muse of epic poetry and science.

Keri- demonic essences, children of the goddess Nikti, who bring death to people.

Clio- One of the nine muses, the muse of history.

Clotho ("spinning")- One of the moirs, to spin the thread of human life.

Lachesis- One of the three moira sisters, which signifies the share of the skin people even before the people.

Summer- Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis.

Mayan- The Georgian nymph, the eldest of the seven Pleiades - the daughter of Atlas, the god of Zeus, from whom Hermes was born.

Melpomina- muse of tragedy.

Metida- The goddess of wisdom, first from the three squads of Zeus, who conceived Athena.

Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory.

Moiri- Goddesses of the share, daughters of Zeus and Themidi.

Muzi- Patron goddesses of mysteries and sciences.

Naiadi- nymphs-guardians of waters.

Nemesis- daughter of Mikita, goddess, special share and payment, who punished people according to their sins.

Nereids- fifty daughters of Nereus and oceanids Doridi, sea deities.

Nika- Personification of victory.

They were often depicted with a wreath, broadened in Greece as a symbol of triumph. Nymphs

- Lower deities in the hierarchy of Greek gods. The forces of nature were taken into account.

Nobody- Daughter of Demetri and Zeus, goddess of kinship.

The squad of Aida is the queen of the underground world, who gave away the secrets of life and death. Polyhymnia

- muse of serious hymn poetry. Tethys

- daughter of Gaia and Uranus, squad of the Ocean and mother of the Nereids and Oceanids. Rhea

- the mother of the Olympian gods. Lilacs

- demons of women, singing birds, changing the weather at sea. Talia

- the muse of comedy. Terpsichore

- the muse of dance mystique. Tisiphone

- One of them. Quiet

- The goddess of share among the Greeks, the companion of Persephone. They were depicted as a winged woman, standing on a wheel and holding in her hands wealth and ship's kermo

Urania- One of the nine muses, patron of astronomy.

Themis- Titanide, goddess of justice and law, friend of Zeus, mother of gir and moir.

Harity- Goddesses of women's beauty, giving birth to a good, joyful and eternally young beginning of life.

Eumenides- Other hypostases of Eriny walked around like goddesses of kindness, who ran away from misfortune.

Erida- daughter of Nikti, sister of Ares, goddess of roses.

Erinia- Goddesses of revenge, born of the underground kingdom, who punished injustice and evil.

Erato- Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry.

Eos- Goddess of the morning dawn, sister of Helios and Seleni.

The Greeks called them “horny-fingered”. Euterpe- the muse of lyrical singing. She was depicted with a flute near her hand. It arouses casual interest, intrigues and compliments. It combines the fortune telling and current world

. Numerous books have been written about him and countless films have been made. The pantheon of Greek gods is a reference to the history of Ancient Greece.

Representatives of the younger generation of celestials in Ancient Hellas were respected by the head gods.

If they took the right to control the light from the older generation (titans), they respected the natural elements and universal forces.

Having gained victory over the Titans, the young gods, under the leadership of Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus.

We know about the 12 main Olympian gods and goddesses, their lieutenants and companions, whom the Greeks worshiped! The king of the gods and the firebrand deity. Representative of the endless sky, the king of flashes and thunder.

Zeus has unlimited power over both people and the gods.

The ancient Greeks wandered around and were afraid of the Thunderer, in every possible way appeasing him with extreme sacrifices.

Zeus was known to the unborn even in the womb, and all the misfortunes brought him to the greatest and most powerful wrath.

Brother of Zeus, king of the sea, river, lakes and oceans.

We emphasize masculinity, boisterous efficiency, fiery character and unearthly strength.

The daughter of Zeus, the beautiful goddess Kohannya, who easily began to squirm within herself and sank herself.

In her hands was the great power of love, the pure power that she bestowed upon the gods and people.

Goddess of fair war, wisdom, patroness of spiritual pursuits, mysticism, agriculture and crafts.

- God of Kohannya, son of Aphrodite and Ares.

Pallas Athena was born from the head of Zeus in full uniform.

The leaders of her life will continue to live in the same state.

For her knowledge, she became the most authoritative celestial among the pantheon of Greek gods.

- Sin of the goddess of Night, god of slander. The patroness of agriculture is the goddess of generosity.

There is the guardian of life, who taught the people the peasant practice.

Nobody Vaughn will replenish the Komori and replenish the reserves.

Demeter is the infusion of the primary energy of creativity, the great mother who gives birth to all living things.

- The supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, along with Zeus, lingered on the top of Mount Olympus. Goddess of forests and glade, sister of Apollo.

Patron of roses and generosity.

The innocence of the goddess is closely connected with the idea of ​​the people and statues.

  • Between the 12 main Olympian gods and the Greek celestials there were no less significant and authoritative names.
  • The God of winemaking and all natural forces that spoil the happy people.
  • .
  • Eirene is the goddess of light, worth more than the Olympian throne of Zeus.
  • Dike is the patroness of truth, the goddess who does not tolerate deception.
  • Tyukhe is the goddess of luck and successful fortunes.
  • Plutos is the ancient Greek god of wealth.
  • Enyo is the goddess of fierce war, who speaks out to the fighters to bring confusion to the battle.
  • Phobos and Deimos are blue and companions of Ares, the god of war.

Ares- The largest Gir massif near Greece (2917 m).

In ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain, the place where the gods lived with Zeus.
In connection with this, the Greek gods are most often called “Olympians.”

Aphrodite steadily rouses her son Erot to fire arrows to ignite the flames of fire in the hearts of people.

  1. Gods of Ancient Greece- the head of the Olympian gods.
    God of the sky, thunder and sparkles, which the whole world knows.
  2. Under yogo kerivnitstvo bliskavki.(In Roman mythology - Jupiter).
    - Squad of Zeus.
  3. He is the king of all gods. The patroness of the whore who buries the mother at the end of the night.
    (In Roman mythology - the goddess Juno).
  4. Aphrodite- God of the seas.
    (In Roman mythology - Neptune).
  5. This God will separate the war and everything that is connected with it.- The God of the underground kingdom of the dead is the name of the very kingdom of the dead.
    (In Roman mythology - Pluto).
  6. The blue titans became friends with their sister.- Goddess of family, patroness of agriculture.
    Its name means “Mother Earth”.
    (In Roman mythology - Ceres).
  7. - God of Kohannya, son of Aphrodite and Ares.- God is the sun, the light of truth.
    Patron of mysticism, warrior and patron of muses, herald of the future, god-healer, also cleansing people who carried out massacres.
  8. If Hermes stole a dozen cows from Apollo, he deserved his wrath. Apollo emphasizes the Son.
    (Phoebus in Roman mythology).
  9. Zdivuvat them to Zeus.- unoccupied, forever the young goddess of water, the goddess of fertility, the goddess of female fertility, the patroness of every living thing on Earth, who gives happiness to the whore and help with the canopies.
    (In Roman mythology - Diana).
    - God of Fire, patron of the farrier’s craft and hired master farrier.
  10. He is the messenger of the gods of the earth.(In Roman mythology - Vulcan).
  11. The Greeks attribute the Hermes rice to spontaneity.- The goddess of organized war, military strategy and the wisdom that Athena gave them.
  12. The symbols of Zeus are the eagle, grim, oak. In addition, the goddess of knowledge, mysticism and crafts.
    Virgo warrior, patroness of places and powers, sciences and crafts, reason, justice, guilt.
    (In Roman mythology - Minerva).
    - God of war.
(In Roman mythology - Mars). - The goddess is beautiful and beautiful.. (In Roman mythology - Venus).
- the god of trade, profit, reasonableness, propriety and redness, which gives wealth and income from trade,
On the upcoming games: running, stribki, pankratiya (wrestling without rules), discus, list, stribki, ristannya (drives) chariot.
For the hour of the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was established between the fields.
The games were held over 5 days, once every 4 days.
Athletes trained in Olympia 10 months before the start of Zmagan. - The goddess is beautiful and beautiful..

Peremozhets (“Olympionist”) was given a wreath, a palm tree, and a sacred olive from the Acropolis.

Only people were recruited at the Olympic Games. The participants, covered in olive oil, performed naked. The ancient Olympic Games ended 395 r. AD, if Olympia was devastated by two strong earthtrusses. In 1896 n. Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the idea of ​​ancient smagani and organized the first
The effort was made to expand and on the landings.
today Coins "Olympic Games" and great Olympics of Russia Portraits of the participants of the First Congress of the International Olympic Committee (IOC): in the center is Pierre de Coubertin, the right hand of the new one is General A.D. Butovsky (the founder of the IOC for Russia), the left hand of them is the tar skip and the emblem of the Russian Ol Imperial Committee.

Two participants are depicted II Olympic Games

(1900 r. Paris - France) from Russia on aphids Eiffel Tower, left-handed in front of them - the emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee The tradition of the Olympics was overcome by Russian athletes

ON THE. Panin-Kolomenkin(1871-72 – 1956), who became the first figure skater on horseback at the IV Olympics in London (1908).

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games gold medal
was won by a Russian athlete.
Summer Olympic Games 1912. Official name - Games of the V Olympiad - Olympic Games that took place in Stockholm (Sweden).
Russian football team
Born in 1949 And even before the end of his sports career in 1971, he played for the sports club "Dynamo" (Moscow).
Born in 1957 - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, multiple champion of championships and cup tournaments of the USSR, Volodar of the European Cup, champion
Olympic Games
L.I. Yashin is a Hero of the Socialist Party, awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Ensign of Labor, medals, the Olympic Order of the IOC and the Golden Order of FIFA.
The image depicted is a stylized image of a football field, right-handed - a portrait of L.I. Yashin, at the bottom there is a soccer ball with a facsimile signature, at the top of the stake there is the inscription: “LEV YASHIN.” Striltsev Eduard Anatoliyovich
(1937-1990) - one of the greatest Radyan attackers in the entire history of football, playing for the Torpedo team.
In 17 rocks he makes his debut in the national Soviet Socialist Republic, in 18 rocks he is the highest scorer in the USSR championship (b. 1955), at 19 rocks - Olympic champion
(1956 b. Melbourne - Australia).
The greatest football player of the USSR (born 1967, born 1968), member of Grigory Fedotov's scorers club.
On this occasion, the prestigious Russian prize “Strilec” was named, which has been celebrated since 1997. awarded to the best football players of the region. E.A. Streltsev was awarded the Order of the “Sign of Poshan”, and the Torpedo stadium near Moscow was named after him.
The coin depicts football players at the moment of the final match
Olympics in Melbourne, which took place on June 8, 1956, between the teams of the USSR and Yugoslavia and ended with a 1:0 score on the score of the Radyan team.
  • Inscriptions: under the images of the kangaroo "Melbourne", below the stake "Olympic Champions 1956".
  • The coin was issued in 1997 for the 100th anniversary of Russian football.
  • Vice-champion of the Olympic Games 1968 rock (5 km, except Kulakova’s fall 500 meters before the finish line allowed the Swedish Toina Gustafsson to get ahead of the Radyanskaya Lizhnitsa) and 1980 rock (4x5 km relay);
  • Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games 1968 roku (3x5 km relay) and 1976 roku (5 km);
  • Won all possible gold medals also at the 1974 World Rock Championships near Falun (10 km, 5 km and 4x5 km);
  • Dvorazova world champion in 1970 in 5 km and in the 3x5 km relay;
  • 39-time champion of the USSR: 5 km (1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979), 10 km (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 177, 1972 (1977, 1978, 1980, 1981 ), 30 km (1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980), 4x5 km relay (1967, 1969, 1970, 177, 9 1979, 1981).
  • Vlasnitsa First World Cup 1978/79
  • Awarded with the Orders of Lenin, 3 orders “Sign of Poshan”, “For Services to Vitchizna”, IV degree, Order of the IOC (born 1984) for services to world sports.
    Meritorious Master of Sports of the USSR, Merited Pratsivnik physical culture Russian Federation.
  • The most beautiful athlete of Udmurtia of the 20th century.
Smetanina Raisa Petrivna(born 1952) - Radyanska Lizhnitsa, 4-time Olympic champion.
In Innsbruck (1976) she won two gold medals in the 10 km race.
and in the relay race, and was another at a distance of 5 km, at Lake Placid (1980) won at a distance of 5 km.

I won a medal in the relay race, in Sarajevo (1984) I won two medals at distances of 10 and 20 km, in Calgary (1988) I won a medal in the 10 km race.

  • and bronze at a distance of 20 km, in Albertville (1992) she won a gold medal in the relay.
  • Five-time champion of the world.
She won over twenty gold medals at the USSR championships (1974, 1976-1977, 1983-1986, 1989, 1991) at various distances. Awarded with the Orders of Lenin, Labor Red Prapor, Friendship of Peoples, “Sign of Poshan”.

Meritorious Master of Sports of the USSR. The most number of women in the entire history of the Winter Olympics (10 medals) The first athlete (both women and men) who managed to win medals at 5 Winter Olympics since then
Awarded with the orders of the USSR - Lenin, Friendship of Peoples, trichy "Sign of Poshan", Russian Federation - "For services to the Fatherland" III Art.

and IV Art., Poshany, Ukraine – Order of Princess Olga, III Art., International Olympic Order of the IOC. Andrianov Mikola Yukhimovich (1952 – 2011), prominent Radyansky athlete - gymnast, absolute champion of the Olympic Games 1976
, Volodar 7 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals Olympics 1972, 1976 and 1980 rubles,

world champion born 1974 (Kiltsya), born 1978 (fighting riches and rings), European champion born in 1971. (kin and support stribok), 1973. (Vilni right and support strip) and 1975 r. (struggle against riches, right to the right of the supporting stribok).
Peremozhets Zmagan for the World Cup 1975-1977.

Bagatorov's champion of the USSR. Awarded with the Orders of the USSR: Lenin, Labor Chervonogo Prapor, "Sign of Poshan".
champion Rodnina Irina Kostyantinivna (b. 1949) - a renowned figure skater, Merited Master of Sports of the USSR (b. 1969), competed in the pair figure skater for CSKA in 1968-1972. z Ulanov O.M., and b. 1973 - from Zaitsev A.G.
champion Rodnina I. K. - champion of the USSR in 1970-1971, 1973-1975 and 1977, Europe and the world in 1969-1978 and 1980,
born in 1972 z Ulanovim A.M., born in 1976 and 1980 from Zaitsevim A.G. Zaitsev Oleksandr Gennadiyovich(b. 1952) - a renowned figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (b. 1973), competing in the pair figure skater for CSKA with Rodnina I.K. champion Zaitsev A.G. - champion of the USSR in 1973-1975, 1977, Europe and the world in 1973-1978, 1980,.
born in 1976 that 1980 r.

Pakhomova Lyudmila Oleksiivna

Gorshkov Oleksandr Georgiyovich

born in 1976 that 1980 r.

Matsesti (Matsesta - “fire water” - sirkovodneve tsilyusche dzherelo in Sochi)

In the image of the young Zhinka in Antichny Shats with a glechik on the shoulders, the Vona Viliva water, it was not for the sinking of Kant - the fіgurki athletes, I represent the winter for sports: Figurne Katannya, Skeleton, Snowboard, FriStail, lick Track, short track, Tu Kerling at the bottom there are two rows - written: "SOCHI" and the date: "2014", below them - five Olympic rings.

Google Doodle

2 serpnya 2018 - Holy Holy Mount Olympus
Pod description:
On the 2nd of 1913, 105 years ago, three climbers (Swiss photographer Frédéric Boissonnas, his friend Daniel Baud-Bovi and the Greek mystic Christos Kakkalos) climbed to the peak of 9,573 feet (2,917 meters), .
I walked to the top through deep holes and steep climbs in foggy and rainy weather.
On one of the peaks of the mountain, which they called “Peremoga,” the climbers made a note with a description of their convergence and a map of the convergence.
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