Day of the Virgin Mary.



On Friday, the 21st of Spring, all Orthodox believers commemorate the Resurrection of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Blessed Mary

This twelve-year-old Mother of God is sacred as one of the great saints, revered during the day by the beginning of the Russian state, as is designated on the monument to the Thousand Years of Russia, founded in Novgorod in 1862, for the reign of Emperor Alexander I.

Rebirth of the Blessed Virgin Mary: history
As the hour approaches for the birth of the Savior's world, in the Galilean town of Nazareth King David's king Joachim and his retinue Anna live, pious people who are not seen in their royal ways, but in humility and mercy.

For patience, great faith and love for God and one to one the Lord sent Joakim and Hanna this great joy - at the end of their life they had a daughter. Behind the inscription of the Angel, the fathers gave her the name Maria, which means the Hebrew “Lady, Nadiya.” The birth of Mary brought joy not only to her fathers, but to all people, because Vaughn was designated by God as the mother of the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

The fathers cherished their Most Holy Daughter like the apple of their eye and loved them no less like a daughter, but wandered about, remembering what the Angel said about her.

When three fates fell upon her, the stench brought Mary to the temple and, behind the priesthood, they consecrated her to the Gods.

This day is celebrated under the name Entry to the Temple Holy Mother of God 4 breasts (21 leaf fall art.).

Reproduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary: traditions At any divine service, the Most Pure Virgin Mary is praised, as she was honored to be the Mother of our Savior Jesus Christ, and remember about her fathers, Saints Joachim and Anna. The righteous Joakim and Hanna, according to the people's faith, are the leaders of other infertility, they are called Godfathers.

The fathers cherished their Most Holy Daughter like the apple of their eye and loved them no less like a daughter, but wandered about, remembering what the Angel said about her.

The service at the church begins before sundown, all the women light the candles and leave notes with prayers on the icon.

At the hour of the service, pray widely and ask for health for children and loved ones, for harmony

family wear

, prosperity in the family, grace in the face of illness and the gift of the ability to give birth to a healthy child. Also on this day, it was customary to help the poor by distributing food to them (bread and food, baked in the future, different views cereals, vegetables and fruits, grown with your own hands). There are a lot of signs associated with this day, which are passed down from generation to generation:

Before the Holy Orthodox Christians, they hoped to take the entire harvest and end the agricultural season;

Our ancestors noted that if a woman takes a bath before the first break of the sun, she will be beautiful right up to old age;

On the Day of the Feast of the Virgin Mary

unmarried girls

read prayers for Mayday's happiness

eliminate the cries from hedgehogs (they must be deprived of the creatures);

calling someone nasty names, or using obscene and evil words.

These are the traditions of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It has long been respected that this is sacred to all wives and mothers.

On what day do the Most Holy Theotokos sing for the strength of the continuation of the family, for Her bringing forth the Son of God.

How should one pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos?

The Holy Day of the Virgin Mary is a thanksgiving to God for salvation and the ability to overcome sin.

Believing people, having put on their holy clothes, go to the church to sing the praises of the Lord, sing Yoma, pray to the Mother of God, and light a candle for her. Until then, on this day you can deal with your troubles, sorrows, and anxieties. The beasts that were brought before her will be almost sacred.

However, the Mother of God, even in these days, never ignores those who pray to her, glad that people are dying before her.

Before the icon, read prayers, asking both for yourself and others.

Prayer of the Mother of God:

The gentlemen here sacredly bake bread with the first litera of thy name - “Blessed Virgin Mary” for every member of the family.

They were preserved until the Day of Christ under images.

If any member of the family was ill, they were given bread and holy water, which was consecrated at the Holy Nativity of Our Lady. Sometimes, to bathe them, they would drink holy water and let them drink. What can you eat on the Holy Day of the Virgin Mary?

This day is spent on fasting, otherwise you can eat fish on a holy day.

The prepared herbs were used to treat relatives and kin.

Women are obliged to give charity to people who don't have money, so that God gives them children.

the family is prosperous


A wife who is stingy with mercy, punishes the infertile.

Stoli have this day generously.

Respect what nature does for those who have given a rich harvest.

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, vipitated by God with holy prayers, dedicated to God, Kohana by God, and chosen for purity of soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who can’t you comfort or who doesn’t sleep on Your glorious Rebirth, for Your Nativity is the beginning of our salvation.

Accept your praise from us, the unworthy, and do not throw up our prayer.

We acknowledge Your greatness, we come to You in dismay and support the child-loving and kind-hearted Matir, asking: ask Your Son and our God to give us sinners a wider repentance and pious life, the ability to live pleasingly to God and our souls rice.

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, look mercifully on Your servants, who were not yet able to be born in need and Your all-powerful troubles brought them healing through infertility.

O Mother of God and Life-Giver of our life, be of help to us and the faithful children of the Holy Church, save our blessings, heal the sick, put away sorrow, direct courage for good.

Tim himself humbly comes to You and asks: ask us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all our sins, great and fleeting, for our suffering father’s salvation, peace, silence and piety. And everything that is so necessary for our life and salvation, ask us from Thy Son, Christ our God., preparations with a hand.

If the grass appeared delicious, it will be given to her. Yakshcho no, give the honor, for the sake of it, as if it were a state gift. At the table, elderly people teach young people about signs and rituals.

As soon as the couple retires and listens to the recommendations of the older generation, their life becomes friendly and uneventful. The crits that have been deprived of the eaten pie dissipate on the barn, so that the thinness does not get sick, is not depleted by the animals that have been fermented, and the breeding is not plucked by the birds. Obovyazkovo demands to bring in the fathers. Go to them in the evening, not with empty hands, but with delicious chastes


In order for the couple to be safe from harm, the squad wears a band with embroidered letters “R” and “B”.

As soon as it is tied up as a garment, it is untied, which is a sign of delay from the estranged. It is important that after the birth of the Mother of God a new life begins. So that the river would be safe and far away, in the old days they would drink fire.


Each person had a skip in his house, as if it had always been burning. At the Feast of the Virgin Mary they extinguished them, and then lit them up again. It was important that this would help to remove the cover of illness and illness from behind, and in new life.

take some

garnet of health that joy. Ritual for the protection of children from illness and harm

Over the old hours, people burned rich clothes and burned their worn-out clothes in them. This was taken away from them by illness, illness and disease.і It was customary to douse children with water if the stench crossed the threshold. What day do Other Austens and the autumn day of the Equivalent signify. Holyly bound with the entry of autumn until their rights. were childless.

Among the ancient Jews, having children with friends was respected by God's punishment.

During his late life, Joakim was once kicked out of the Jerusalem temple, where he had brought a gift to God together with other friends.

The righteous Joakim Pishov, who was tormented by this, felt at the desert for fasting and prayer.

And Anna, having learned about what had happened, felt in her soul and blessed God even more crazy than before.

And then the Angel of the Lord appeared to the women and said: “Your prayer is considered by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, I see above all other earthly daughters.

For her sake, all the earth's curtains will be blessed.

Call her Maria.”

This Angel also saw Joakim to pray.

“God has graciously accepted your prayers.

Your friend Hanna is about to conceive a daughter, for whom the whole world will rejoice.

The axis and the sign of the fidelity of my words: go to Jerusalem, and there, white of the Golden Gate, you will strengthen your squad,” said the righteous man.

Joachim, having unfathomably descended to Jerusalem, sent Anna, as if he had conveyed the Angel of God.

The stench told one of them about everything that had happened to them during the hour of prayer, and they decided to go to the village of Nazareth.

There, within nine months, they gave birth to a girl, who was named Maria.

They were given up to serve the Lord.

This day must begin with a walk to the church, where at the service garni and poetic chants will be read:

“Your Rebirth, Virgin Mary, brought joy to the whole world: for in you the sun of truth has shone - Christ our God, who destroyed the curse, giving blessings, and who overcame death, giving us eternal life.

To your holy people, most pure, Joachim and Anna died from death for childlessness, and Adam and Eve - from death.

Glory, my soul, most glorious people of the Mother of God.

Glory to you, Most Holy Virgin, and we worship your holy fathers, and we glorify your people with all glory.”

People's notes

It was believed that the weather that was on the Feast of the Virgin Mary will continue to be even worse. At the Feast of the Virgin Mary they also said: “Mother God folds the cabbage heads,” because the time has come to harvest the cabbage, ready for pickling. Also, the Feast of the Virgin Mary was called Onion Day, because at this hour they dug up the tsibul.

And this day was also called Pasikiv, because through the cold that came with it, they cleaned up the pasik.

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The payroll has over 60,000 prepayers.

The Fathers of the Virgin Mary were deeply religious, humble and merciful people.

My father, Joakim, was a royal servant, and my mother, Anna, was a disciple of the family of a clergyman, and was deeply involved in all religious traditions, such as rituals.

The fathers carefully followed the basic commandments of God and often brought gifts to the church.

Unrespectful at this time, for a long time, the mothers of children could not stink, which at that hour was a great sin, bearing their heavy burden of life to an important age, not bothering to ask God for mercy on their sinful souls.

Father, soon after arriving at the temple of God and making sacrifices, was dismissed by the clergyman as a childless people.

Having felt peace and greater devotion, turn to God with a broad prayer for the blessed, long-awaited child.

Having calmed down, he inevitably went to the Creator of the Light, whose prayers were so pure and dark, as if they were immediately felt, like the wine of the city for the service, having become chosen from all the people who live on Earth And, give birth to a daughter, as the whole world lies.

Joakim and Hanna gave the promise of consecrating the will of the Creator and seizing the child, with all the ferocity of religious rites, knowing about her mission and significance on Earth - becoming the Mother of the Savior of mankind.

The Orthodox Rebirth of the Blessed Virgin Mary marked the beginning of a new period in the life of all people on Earth.

Icon “Revival of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

The life path of the Mother of God was not easy, she experienced a lot of grief, suffering and torment, bachachi, as she dies of the crucifixion on the One Christ, her beloved son, from whom she invested all her knowledge, soul and heart. So you may not be able to see much. Young girls pray for the creation of a new family and the ability of mothers to have healthy children, mothers for the health of their children, for the healing of family and friends from illness and disease.

On the Icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary the moment of the appearance of the light of the future mother of Jesus Christ is painted.

Everyone who prays in front of this icon about the salvation of a sinful soul and repentance for breaking the Commandments of God is granted forgiveness.

  • Orthodoxy created the following icons in honor of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
  • The Glinsk Icon of the Mother of God is known for its miraculous powers, which has healed many lost souls.
  • Vaughn helps women overcome gynecological illnesses and infertility;

Isaac's Icon of the Birth of the Mother of God was marked by people between the branches of a weeping willow, on a river birch.

The inhabitants of the nearby village carried him to the temple, and then, at that place, where they found him, they built a new temple, which is still in existence in our time.

Vaughn was a sick woman who hated little children;

The Lucian Icon of the Mother of God is named in honor of the Prince Lucian, who was the first to worship her, in whose place he founded a new church and created a monastery. It is famous for its miraculous, savory wickedness and protects children from illness. Here is the text of the prayer:

“Hey, our Queen is Lovely, our Hope is unbreakable and our Intercessors are invincible!

Do not turn Your face from us, for the shame of our sins;

First, extend to us the hand of Thy motherly mercy, and create for us a banner for good.

  • Show us the abundance of Thy help and hasten good in every cause;
  • Our ancestors noted that if a woman takes a bath before the first break of the sun, then her beauty does not leave her until old age;
  • , prosperity in the family, grace in the face of illness and the gift of the ability to give birth to a healthy child. , the girls got ready to have fun, read prayers about the future of a happy family life, about the birth of healthy firsts, and glorified the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • The young people met their relatives: the young squad wanted to show off their finest culinary herbs, and their friends showed off the creatures that had been grown by fate.

The Lord is always with you!

Other names for the saint are “Friend of the Most Holy” and “Osenini”, since on this day in the folk calendar autumn begins.

Christians have long flocked to the Mother of God, who became the common cob between God and the human race, and asked her for the blessing of that blessed one.

History of the saint

The Holy Church rightly calls Joachim and Anna the Fathers of God, because Jesus Christ was born from their daughter the Virgin Mary.

The traditions associated with the people of the Virgin Mary are not described in the New Testament - the Holy Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in the first day in a church recitation, which shows that the fathers of the Virgin Mary were righteous people from the family of the king David is the Anna of the line of the high priest Aaron.

By God's special providence, they lived to old age and were childless, not caring for those who, throughout their 50-year life, prayed to God for the granting of offspring to them, humbly submitting to the will of the Lord.

The friend was already embarrassed by the childlessness, and she cried out enormous condemnation;

The fathers named the girl Maria and wooed her in love to the Lord.

And if the child reached the tricern age, Anna and Joakim led them to the temple of God here, so that the Viconty would be given to the Lord to consecrate the child given to them for the service of the Creator.

The Most Holy Virgin Mary, with her purity and honor, surpassed not only all people, but also angels, became a living temple of God and, as the Church proclaims in the hymns of the holy day, “Heavenly Doors, which introduce Christ from the All-Light for the salvation of our souls.”

Feast of the Virgin Mary: what can you eat? Fasting on the day of the Feast of the Mother of God is only preferable to the fact that it sacredly falls on Wednesday and Friday. song days

. In this case, the church allows the use of fish and seafood. The feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on fours, but it is not Easter Day, and then the gentlemen can prepare both songs and meat.

In every homeland, it is customary to make sacrifices in honor of whose saint

  • Great Steel
  • .
  • It is important that the rich gentleman prepares for the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that the harvest of the coming fate will be generous.
  • So don’t forget to give nature’s gift by placing a bag of apples, pears, plums and grapes on the table.

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary: why can’t you work?

Don’t do any important physical work: leave work around the house, garden and city for later.

It is not possible at the table on the pretext of sweeping away the cries: because after the hedgehogs lost bread, they gave it to their creatures.

You cannot quarrel with loved ones or conflict with those who are far away: if the situation is close to critical, try to resolve any contentious moments in a peaceful way.

On this day, the girls cast a spell on their betrothed, and in Autumn it was customary to give gifts to the betrothed, who became friends in the spring - after the end of the agricultural work.

In the villages there were simply feasts on the streets.

  • The head chastuvannies received pies and bread from new grain.
  • Note
  • It is clear that people always watched the weather changes during the winter, and already knew how to prepare for the winter.
  • In autumn, the 21st spring is holy, the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the signs were written on the step:
  • The day seems reasonable - this weather will continue until the end of the day.

Vranza fog - following the rainy weather, as the fog spreads uncontrollably - the weather will be cloudy.

  • As the snow falls, there are still 40 days left, and the winter seems cold, since the morning sun dries the dew on the grass - it’s not good to wait for a lot of snow in the winter.
  • If the weather on the Feast of the Virgin Mary will be sunny, then the autumn will be warm and clear, without planks, if the sky will be cloudy that day, then the autumn cold will come with planks.
  • Proverbs, orders, nursery rhymes
  • First the Most Pure One came - nature became naked, the Most Eternal Friend came - she took the unclean mosquito, the Third Most Pure One came - the forest became leafless.
  • When the Most Holy One came, the tree was clean, but when the Intercession came, the tree was bare.
  • The Most Holy One came and brought unclean matchmakers.
  • The sleeping person sows and waters the other one.

At the Feast of the Virgin Mary they said: “The Mother of God is putting away the cabbage heads” - so the time has come to harvest the cabbage, ready for pickling.

On Friday, the 21st of Spring, all Orthodox believers commemorate the Resurrection of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Blessed Mary

The Day of the Virgin Mary is sometimes called Onion Day - this is the hour of gathering the late maiden, which is traditionally respected by the wife's work.

The Feast of the Virgin Mary is also sometimes called Papikov's Day - because of the cold, it is time to clean up the pasik. All aspects of this saint, history, icons and prayers, we will look at this article. This concept is not mentioned in the Scriptures, the details of which come from the apocryphal text of the mid-2nd century, “The Proto-Gospel of Jacob.”

According to this legend, the place where the Resurrection of the Virgin Mary took place is located in Jerusalem.

In whose town lived a pious friend, Joakim and Anni, whom the Lord had formed into the great-fathers of the Savior of the world.

Joakim came from the house of King David, and Anna came from the priestly family. Annie's niece, righteous Elizabeth, became the mother of John the Baptist and the cousin of the future Virgin Mary. Righteous Joakim was a human being, looming

great quantity


All the lives of your righteous friend, regardless of wealth, were taken over by the spirit of reverent love for God and mercy for neighbors.

For this, the stench of the stench was vindicated by hellish love and affection.

They were oppressed by one sorrow: the stench was childless, which the Jews respected as a sign of God’s punishment.

After the fate of St.

Joakim presided over the banquet, upon which the priests, elders and all his acquaintances called.

On this banquet he raised his Blessed Daughter, showing it to everyone, asking the priests to bless her.

Christians began to celebrate the Holy Day of the Mother of God until the 5th century.

The first riddles about him are read in the Patriarch of Constantinople Proclus (439-446) and in the breviary (liturgical book) of Pope Gelasius (492-426).

Saints John Chrysostom, Epiphanes and Augustine also wrote about sacred things.

And in Palestine there is a popular story about the fact that the Holy Equal Apostolic Queen Olena built a temple in Jerusalem in honor of the Resurrection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Icons of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feast of the Mother of God with selected saints.


Kinets XIV - cob XV century. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Prayers for the Resurrection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Troparion of the Mother of God, tone 4

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, Your miraculous image is suffused with the verb: look mercifully on Your servants and Your all-powerful troubles are indispensable. Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, unfaithful beasts who have gone astray on the paths of right instruction, encourage old age and weakness of strength, guide the young in the faith to holy maturity, guide courage to goodness, bring sinners to repentance smell the blessing of Christians, comfort the sick, make sorrows more expensive . You, the All-Merciful One, because you are unmistakable, because you are a sinner, because you are bitter and unworthy of God’s forgiveness, for we will be of help to us, and not in any sin of selfishness, restlessness and devilish tranquility that rots God: You are the Representative of the Lord, who is not born again.

If you want, you can bestow upon us the blessed gift that You faithfully sleep and Your Rebirth magnifies more gloriously.

Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady of the Theotokos, who, despite the infertility of the monastery, was celebrated and the purity for the sake of the soul and body of Yours, was honored to be the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Him the ninjas in heaven travel and the great to the Queen, the end of the eternal reign is crowned you.

Tim humbly comes to You and asks: obtain for us from the All-Merciful Lord God the forgiveness of all our sins, free and unmerciful;

to our sufferers, salvation, peace, silence and piety, peace and quiet hours, the sedition of the evil is indecent;