Quote from Warcraft III.


  • Aphorisms and quotes from gri
  • And I’m still alive, I’m red and warm!
  • Why should I bother with the undead, crush them with authority?
  • Fight in the dark!
  • I summon up the strength of the wind, the earth and the fire!
  • The hour rejoices, and the priest is gone.
    “You still can’t figure out why I took Jaina away from you?”
  • - You took away from me everything that was dear to me.
  • I have lost my sprague of revenge.
  • We must all live, but we are far from dying!
  • Everything is not as bad as you think - everything is richer, richer.
  • Soon you will understand everything.
  • You realize that our whole history is nothing more than a rehearsal for the coming battle!
  • Where is the tavern here?!
  • Speak up, fool!
  • Let my ancestors take care of me!
  • For ten thousand years I have not raised wives!
  • You don't know the spirits!
  • If you have a headache, then there you go!
  • If you have no problems, then you are already dead.
  • Since I have wings, why do I move pawns?
  • Pay your taxes and sleep well!
  • This is where your journey ends, boy... Here, on the ice, at the top of the world - here inglorious death awaits you!
  • And why am I not a general?
  • Let me press you!
    There’s no one left to hang!
  • Isn’t it a shame for you?
  • I'm going to ram!
  • - The crooked fog is dissipating... And how the body is wonderfully cold... The fire of demons has died out in my veins... I am freezing...
  • - No, old friend, you killed us...
  • Whoever comes before us with a sword, it’s easier to shoot them!
  • The dead are waiting!
  • The dead serve you!
  • I give up - we spend an hour!
  • My blade is of the blood!
  • My sword is the head of an orc from the shoulders!
  • My hammer will crush your faith!
  • Pray for Svitanka!
  • I won’t give that musket to anyone!
  • We caught the witch!
  • Can we burn it?
  • We are strong, but you can recognize yourself, demon.
  • If death is destined for us, let it be so.
  • Hire us now!
  • Mi garni lads, Skoda, cartridges obmal...
  • We need all the light, really!
  • The war will be fought tomorrow with a hangover!
  • Ours on the right is right, but we know the enemy!
  • I can’t stand, the other docks are working... I’ll lie down.
  • I can’t shoot my head off! You can't create here!!
  • No one dares punish me!
  • Well, good night!
  • Where did that fierce fuse go, with which you fought?!
  • Well, punish me!
  • Well, attack!
  • Calm.... How much in this sound the heart of the undead was angry...
  • The bottom of the cauldron has been pierced by the coolant!
  • The slave who has put on the leader's robe!
  • The size of the hammer doesn’t matter, but the brand needs to be consumed drop by drop!
  • The light gives me strength!
  • The light shows me my way!
  • Smiley, my young friend!
  • Then I will become clear!
  • Only a few creatures will not be harmed!
  • Do you like me?
  • You ruined my peace!
  • You miraculously fit into the test.
  • Having killed the father, having given the earth over to the ruler of the darkness... The King of the Dead will quiet your... enthusiasm.
  • You, me and the mortar - the axle and everything you need to win!
  • Frostmourne forges to force the souls of mortals.
  • Your soul has become first.
  • Frostmourne is bloodless!
  • It's good to laugh at the one who shoots first!
  • What's that smell?
  • A-ah, ours!
  • I’ll hit two of them: one on the head, the other on the bottom of the trumpet!
  • I am watching the Great Darkness!!
  • I put the hood back on my eyes.
  • I am born of children!
  • I will pray to serve!
  • - I deserved to die as a Swede...
  • - Don’t think about it!
  • Your death will not be a shame!

I will put an end to your suffering!

I... am... dead... people...
I am deprived of the shadow of my great greatness!
I love the dead.
The stinks are so cute.
I'm not vindictive, I'll write it down.
I serve the light!
All phrases from Warcraft III and excerpting the shortest answer

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] everything is definitely silent, but my loves: Emorous, Evil is approaching, Fight or fight!!!
My blade thirsts for blood!
Walled up!
We're not living anywhere!
I am the leader!
So! We're not living anywhere!
Work taboo!
My blade thirsts for blood!
Come on!
(Blade Master)
Madam's request!
Who wants to fight here?!?!
Zazvichay people are getting swedish!
Since I have a wing, why don’t I fly?
We were created to serve you!

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Mikita Korotaev[expert]
As the Face of Death said: “But there’s no price for me! I can’t get insurance!”

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Bevaldin Vova[expert]
Need more gold!

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] It is necessary to wait for a ziggurat Novruz Zairov

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] For Ner'zul! Novruz Zairov
for the horde!

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Vlad Bistretsky Novruz Zairov
I won’t give the musket and squad to anyone

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Andriy Kiselov Are you guessing?!

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Oleksandr Gavrilov Are you guessing?!
Ax: “Goblin is a proud bird, until you kick it, you can’t fly” :))
Yahiko Rinos

Confirmation from Egor chertkoff[guru] Uuuummm)) Are you guessing?!
Favorite phrases
Max Samusenko
Call me a robot?
Is it not a shame for you?
[Zitkhannya] You will have to fight.
Well, get rid of me.
How to click several times:
Chi ti king?
And I didn’t vote for you.
So do you!
Press on me!
The robot is not a wolf, the forest is not dead.
We caught the witch, how can we burn her?
I pinched my horse gently.
It hurts more.
My hammer will crush your faith
Is it not a shame for you?
I have an unknown fear.
My heart is in the spirit of battle.
When attacking:
May justice be achieved!
There is light in my world!
Death to the Unfaithful
The hour of the hammer has arrived!
I hit two of them: one - on the head, the other - on the back of the trumpet!
Is it not a shame for you?
Don't desecrate me with your cursor!
Whoever is not with us is against us.
Goblin in the containers - canned food "Dragon's Dream".
Better yet, don't make me angry.
I have an unknown fear.
Uther [ed.]
Know the wrath of the Light!
Is it not a shame for you?
I'm too old for anyone.
Are there not enough orcs for us?
Otherwise my halo is dark - marvel, huh?
Zbroya is the best judge!
Girsky King
Who wants to fight here?
The war will be fought tomorrow, with a hangover!
Is there any fault here? I think this needs to be embraced. Like our beloved chef, both the drinkers and the non-drinkers drink to someone else’s drink.
- Review of the film “The Diamond Arm”
Is it not a shame for you?
What the hell are you doing here?
Where is the tavern here?
Let's get drunk!
top secret
I pinched my horse gently.
Kindly, kindly.
It’s cool for the gods to shine, the world is cleansed of filth.
- for any books
Your misfortune invites me to be concerned!
If you don’t give me peace, I’ll turn you into brainlessness forever!
Is it not a shame for you?
I'm not going to waste mana on any nіsenіtnitsa (Yarzhan horse).
Pathetic fool.
For my dad!
Pizno beg for mercy.
For my dad!
(With a different intonation).
Now I'm really angry.
Adored before their lord
The stench is taken away according to its merits.
Becoming a prince is not so easy.
I will glorify my kingdom. The light shows me the way., get rid of it, pure alcohol.
Jaina [ed.]
Is it not a shame for you?
Don't let me think about it!
I'm not a warrior.
Chi not zhіnocha tse on the right.
I don't need to know anymore.
I sense a change in the magic of the world of Warcraft.
I pray for my dad.
It looks like things are not going well.
Is it not a shame for you?
I hate violence
It was necessary to become a peasant, like my father.
The salary is pittance, but the service is not great.
I will hire a good rack from the royal homeland.
Is it not a shame for you?
Any injuries?
Tampon... Scalpel... Charming stick... Ho!
Roztin showing: having fallen ill
[sound of sparks]
Well, let's be alive?
The hour rejoices, and the priest is swedish.
Side effects: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, itching, hallucinations, loss of fluidity, coma, death.
Well, let's try it.
If I'm tired, then I'm finished.
Is it not a shame for you?
I bit the language.
Garmatny rozrakhunok
Well then, punish me
Will you order me to open the fire?
It’s good to laugh at the one who laughs harmata
Catch the shot!
- You, I am the mortar.
- The axis and everything that is needed for victory.
- If it wasn’t with you... nothing would have happened!
- We can defeat the dwarves.
- So we are dwarfs!
- A-ah... Well, then...
Battery, oh-oh-oh-oh-hot!
- Sight fifteen, pipe one hundred and twenty!
- Bam-bang, and turn.
- Posted for the film “Fun in Malinivtsi” (Yashka the Artilleryman)
Is it not a shame for you?
- Tell me, uncle, is it not for nothing?
- Well, obviously, it’s not for nothing.

- Didu, what happened to the other Warcraft?

- The sun was shining brighter, the sky was brighter... Those orcs were no match for anything!

burn, fuse, burn!

Take it away, you bastard.


  • I won’t give the musket and the squad to anyone (laugh)
  • etc.
  • Below is a small informative article that contains some phrases from “Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne”, as well as other games in the series.
  • What will be presented here are not short remarks that the characters say during the hour of their activation, but for the purpose of understanding.


  • This faction is allied with the inhabitants of Azeroth and Lordaeron. To fight the stench of vikorysts, it’s better to use heavy military force and magic. Next, we have identified the characters that should be on this side.
  • Humorous words of a doctor
  • “The robot is not a wolf, the forest is not dead.”
  • In the game, it is necessary to keep up-to-date with the use of wider additions.
  • However, many of them are present only in the localized version.

“We caught the witch, can we burn her?”

I'm going back to Monty Python.

  • D"oh. A look at the main character from the animated series "The Simpsons".
  • Paladin's Pearl
  • The next one in the list of phrases of heroes from "Warcraft 3" is Paladin.

He is a warrior who is master of defense mysticism.

  • When located in close proximity to friendly corrals, the effectiveness of the battle increases.
  • The range of features can be called:
  • renewing the health of allies with the help of the flow of divine energy;

promotion of the protection of friendly units, disorganized;

six allies are resurrected, whose bodies died in order.

  • Among the most common phrases you can see:
  • "I hit both of them: the first - on the head, the other - on the back of the trumpet."
  • "Don't desecrate me with your cursor!"
  • The game has a lot of popular situations with a break in the so-called 4th wall, when the characters can go all the way to the grave.
  • "The goblin in the containers is the preserve of the Dragon's Dream."

Always hangover

Another great phrase from "Warcraft 3".

  • The King of Georgia is one of the most powerful characters in the attack plan.
  • Before yogo zdіbnosti lie:
  • a magic hammer, capable of stunning an enemy and causing any harm;

spell "thunder strike".

“Is there any fault here?”

A bit of scientific magic

  • basic renewal of the health of the unit, as indicated;
  • You may notice the effect of other spells cast on the area;
  • With the help of spiritual half, the strength of the attack and the defense of the allies are promoted.

Among the modern phrases you can see:

  • "Tampon... Scalpel... Charming stick."
  • "It showed that he was sleeping sick."
  • “Well, let’s be alive?”
  • “I will fight with a metal hand from heaven!”

Click on the cursor, which is also the same as for the cartoon “Toy Story”.

Aje no darma...?

  • The harmonic expansion is a tight and far-reaching unit.
  • Vіn is also effective when attacking the enemy.
  • Ale at the same hour is even stronger and flowing.
  • Before yogo zdіbnosti lie:

fired with a special charge, which creates the effect of the fog of war on the defense point and to demonstrate the arrival of the enemy unit;

Among the most common phrases can be called:

“Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing? Well, first of all, it’s not for nothing.”

You can also often adjust the mixing of rows with

literary works

with identified characters and units.

  • "- We can find gnomes. - We gnomes! - A-ah... Well, then...".
  • Another post of an artistic, humorous picture about the Holy Grail.
  • Now let's talk about a couple of phrases of orcs from "Warcraft 3".

More precisely, it will give respect not only to the Alliance, but also to the Horde and the evil spirits.

New stock

Vikoristanny of popular languages.


Immediately the thought subsides that I am dead.

A better life.

  • Warcraft 3 has an army of undead named after the Scourge.
  • Her warehouse contains thousands of corpses, dead bodies, ghosts, necromantic sorcerers, witches and tales of mortals who were cursed.
  • This faction appeared to the followers of the Scorching Legion, who wanted to help throw light on the horrors, ahead of their inevitable invasion.

Frazi vovkulak from "Warcraft 3"

  • The ghoul belongs to another faction of this game.
  • And the skinny ludoger, who renews the health lost for the destruction of the bodies of the dead, who eats wine. Before yogo zdіbnosti lie:.
  • an order to his novices about the extraction of gold resources.

The vovkulak themselves can produce wood;

eating the bodies of those killed on the battlefield restores health;

Vikorist's expansion of the fierceness of the ghouls, the building unit will increase the fluidity of the battle and move their units by exactly a quarter of the obvious indicator.
Some modern phrases can include:

"Mine is scary."
This development of expressions gives direct reference to various comical manifestations of zombies in films and games.

"I love fresh meats."
This development of expressions gives direct reference to various comical manifestations of zombies in films and games.

So the legend about those who zombies really love to eat other people has taken root
sira rechovina

"I want to eat."
sira rechovina

A demonstration of another popular idea about the fact that the dead are tormented by hunger, which is impossible to digest.
It is worth noting that the game has a lot of characters, whose humorous and sarcastic expressions help solve the mystery.

However, the material of the pouch from such butts appears to be extremely great.
And that’s why you shouldn’t be interested in the specific information about the characters and their phrases.

Ran into the warehouse їх)) Radіyu)))
We caught the witch!

Can we burn it?
We caught the witch!

(Robitnik to the Alliance)
Mi garni lads, Skoda, cartridges obmal...

(Strilok to the Alliance)
(Mislyvets behind the heads of Ordi)

One head is good, but two are no longer beautiful.
(Mislyvets behind the heads of Ordi)

What does it smell like?
Wow, phew!

Rotten dog!
(Wolf Leader Ordi)

Why are the orcs talking about electric pigs?
(Shaman Ordi)

Let's add potatoes, salt... and set the aquarium on fire!
(Medicine Doctor Ordi)

I’ll hit two of them: one on the head, the other on the bottom of the trumpet!

The war will be fought tomorrow with a hangover!
(Girsky king)

Do not rule me with anger, but I rule with anger!
What am I telling you?

(Chariv blood)
Damn the evil spirits, run out of pure alcohol!

A dead body has a healthy spirit!

(Face of Death)

I need to change the operator... The line is always busy!

If you have no problems, then you are already dead.
(King of the Dead)

I want to live forever!
(King of the Dead)

Bye go out...
(King of the Dead)

Since I have wings, why do I move pawns?
(Volodar Zhakhu)

I'm not vindictive, I'll write it down.
(Volodar Zhakhu)

I will reveal you to the faceless darkness, and then I will kill you!

Everything is not as bad as you think - everything is richer, richer.

(Volodar graves)
When mortals endure, they endure until death

The more I know people, the more I want to be a creature.
When mortals endure, they endure until death

When mortals endure, they endure until death

As a bonus, here are a few more quotes from American McGee's Alice.
When mortals endure, they endure until death

When miracles melt into madder, the mind turns into madness.
When mortals endure, they endure until death

(Cheshire Whale)
When mortals endure, they endure until death

Only a madman can bring success to the suffering.
When mortals endure, they endure until death

For a dikun, white is the measure of his self-worth.
When mortals endure, they endure until death

Ale mi don’t dikuni...

Do not hesitate to find a way out.