What you can do in Minecraft - instructions for the sake of it.

Internet Are you about to create hostile situations that lurk among the enemies in Minecraft, but don’t know where to start? Below you will find a ton of ideas and a ton of effort to implement your plans, find the necessary resources and develop your

creative activities


Just start your job on the first day!

    Crocs Part 1

    There were some Experience the labyrinth.

    You can create an underground labyrinth for yourself and people on the server. If you want to make him scary, run the Herobrine mod and activate him in the labyrinth.

    We bear no responsibility for the results of your work! Become the Temple of Your Name.

    Build a temple to worship yourself! Of course, you can create a temple or church to worship someone, or you can also create rituals for yourself. Stay in Sweden. The smart people in Minecraft have been working on creating a system of trolleys for highway maintenance.

    Experiment with the creations of the Vlasny Malovnichny Highway or ask the search system for such plans. Forget the castle.

    Of course, first of all, what we will have in Minecraft is this butt... so what can be the greatest proof of the master's mastery of the game, the everyday life of the epic castle? It will be especially chic to enjoy your life in easily accessible places, for example, on the mountain.

    Visit the farm. Entering mobs for video resources is rather boring.

    More in any way

    є separation of mobs.

    On the Internet you will find clear instructions on how to do this, so you can choose the option that suits you.
    1. Awaken the heavenly fortress. When Bilbo Baggins collapsed along the roads, and now it’s your turn. Wake up folding light with all the attributes of fantasy, either a forest, teeming with ghosts, or still not safe

      burn. When you finish, you can cancel your epic hike and write about your benefits.

      Think pirate ship and island. Experience a great island with a tavern, a pirate port and a ship sailing the open sea! You can also argue on the new site, for example, the Temple of Doli. Wake up

      • spaceship
    2. and create the Universe itself. Vickory obsidian blocks in the “Creativity” mode to create a majestic black expanse, and then vikor plugins or codes to generate majestic spheres similar to planets.

      Then you can create a spaceship that hesitates, which will rise in price between the planets. I will curse the bag with lava to create the sun! Wake up the volcano. Build a majestic volcano filled with lava.

    Bonus: you can find yourself in the middle of a volcano.

    It is difficult to vikorystuvat, so as to remove the lava and so that there is light in your corner.

      Create great trees with trees in the middle. Be a tree, as in “Avatar” or on the Holy Month, a satellite of the planet Endor in “

      Zoryani Wars", at the maximum possible scale, and then fill in the roots, stovbur and hilks with budins and transitions.

      Then ask your friends to have a party in Ewok style! Part 3 Korisny models and wines Try the train system.

      You can use tracks, carriages, the red stone system and physics in the game to create an automated train system. You can work at the mine or run a regular train and a salvage station for people who bring your world. Please use the elevator. You can use the red stone and command blocks to wake up the elevator in your alarms.

      It’s actually easy to do, and you’ll find a lot of different instructions on the Internet. Shepherds for mobs are often great and cunning devices that catch and automatically kill mobs, usually by drowning them.

      There are a lot of different designs to suit any budget, so you will definitely have what to choose from. You can find a lot of master classes on YouTube.

    Make a paste for griefers.

    Have you been harmed by the griefers yet?

      It’s time to make pasta for them! Read the instructions - there are plenty of ways to do it!

      Part 4 Extraction from the real world

      Get copies of national monuments. Create folding report copies of important monuments, monuments and other objects.

      Set them up so that your family and friends can get around the world for just a few bucks. Create the atmosphere of your favorite TV series.

      Draw inspiration from your favorite TV series and create your own version of the scene. You can, for example, visit a school like in “Buffy – the Blame of Vampires”, or Finn’s little tree from the cartoon “The Hour of the Year”.

    Create your place or area.

    Create the area where you have grown.

      Consider your school, city parks, your little cabin and other places where you spent an hour. Create a situation from your favorite book.

      Open your eyes again and create a place for your favorite books – for example, Mount Samotnaya from “The Hobbit” or Moominvalley. Let your imagination know no difference!

      Create your own room. Take one room and build it on a grand scale.

      Make one block equal to 5-10 centimeters. You can travel back to the world of 8-bit characters, such as Mario and Zelda, and use Minecraft to create magnificent pixel art objects!

      Show a creative approach and create an environment that suits you and your friends. Bring a special rodzinka 8-bit music (chiptune): we kindly ask you until the nineties!

    Get a working computer.

    If you are truly a unique person and are willing to spend a decent amount of time, ask how to create working computers and other folding mechanical devices.

      On the Internet you can find applications for 3D printers, computers, what they use, and play Pacman games! Part 6

      Korisny tools Vickory Minedraft.

      Minedraft allows you to customize the plans of your future projects, first and foremost, so that the process will be more productive. This is a very brown instrument.

      Vickory WorldPainter. WorldPainter allows you to create great Minecraft maps as easily as you would using MS Paint, and then importing them into your game and vikorizing them. Here's another wonderful tool! Vikorist Building Inc.

On this site we have collected free plans that you can use to create what other people have done.

This is a wonderful blessing for those who are beginning to learn how cool speeches are made in Minecraft.

It’s no secret that activity in this game project is much more important than other directions. So you have the ability to create it yourself great budinok

in Minecraft or just take a walk around the new one - there are a lot of busy days in the virtual spaces.

It’s hard to think that this is the main thing, it’s just popular and there’s nothing special about it. In fact, if you have great potential, you can achieve everything that interests you, so don’t limit your creativity and enjoy the game. What’s more, the game itself has a special “creative mode” that allows you to realize all your ideas, and it will also allow you to carefully consider all the features of the life of the biggest day in Minecraft.

Great sporudi in the vastness of the world

It’s really a shame to create great things on the Minecraft turrets, it’s become something of a craze.

  1. A lot of professional artists are trying to create more and more original
  2. What are the options?
  3. , which can be not only beautiful, but also completely effective.
  4. Don’t be afraid to reconstruct your sporudii, this is a completely normal procedure, so achieving the goal can take quite a few hours.
  5. Don’t forget to write down your process and results creative activity.

The creation of the largest mechanical booth in Minecraft can be completed with a simple procedure, and if you wanted to surpass the existing options, then you will have to report the maximum.

Full freedom of creativity Now you have lost all your thoughts and ideas good hour


It’s not good to figure out your limits and get caught up in doubts.

The game "Minecraft" does not have any restrictions, you can simply eat whatever you damage, so that the resources of the good place are exhausted.

If you want to go into the history of the game, then you just need to create the biggest Minecraft booth and try to make it original.

Follow our recommendations, try to achieve all your goals and just enjoy the process.

Welcome! If you haven’t played Minecraft, you have a child you know or an online friend who is interested in this creative game about everyday life. From the very beginning, the Gravians in Minecraft were divided into two camps: those who simply have to follow the great inner light of the game, and those who create monumental mysteries and mechanisms that will enchant Ikh dovkola.

It is better to be in the survival mode, where the leather block must be obtained, trimmed and placed manually.

Others want to give absolute freedom to creativity, so that any material can be removed from inventory in just a few seconds.

CE is the main place in the Game of Thrones, completely and completely transferred to Minecraft.

The new album with screenshots of this map is guaranteed to be delivered to you.

The authors hope to fully create the light of the Song of Ice and Luna.

You can follow the progress and obtain updated versions of the map on a special website.

3. Space shuttle Houston will have no problems with this reminder of the epic space exploration. 4. Dome over bedrock

Two graves attracted the respect of the reddit community when they discovered a huge hole that stretches straight to the ball of bedrock (itself

lowest point in the world of Minecraft), and there will be a majestic dome of curses around it. This, of course, is not an architectural masterpiece, but rather a creation in the survival mode, which means that the authors had to create and install the skin block manually.

5. One block - one inch of my bedroom

This wondrous, unsubtle creation is truly hostile.

This is a model of the master bedroom

real life

with windows, a table, a wardrobe, a computer - and a stray ball of darts white the wall. One block in Minecraft is equal to one internal in-game meter, so the scale of the games is truly visible. However, this allowed the author to include in his everyday life the impersonality of all the details.

Marvel at the gallery from all angles.

6. Project of city life

Even on one residential server there will be beautiful everyday places, including roads, traffic lights, booths and parks.

The screenshots in the album are rendered with smoothed textures and a brighter view of the water and sky. 7. Galleon Surf the seas on this

garny monument

Stories of shipping Take a look at the latest album, which contains a screenshot of the ship in the middle and a beautiful sunset.

The scene of the epic battle from the Turn of the King is depicted with utmost verisimilitude to the last detail.

In the renderings it looks even brighter.

10. Freeway

Not everyone is cut out to be an architect.

Sometimes you just need to dig. In one direction. Let's go for two months.

Line the roads (up to 8 in-game miles) with slats and roll them down the road on a trolley.

You will spend most of the year with generated landscapes, but later the whole trip can be compressed into a three-dimensional video.

The builder of the improvised highway by using mods for the trolley and changing some textures, but the achievements are still great.

I really wanted to pay tribute to the creator of Minecraft, Markus Persson, since the game was on

early stage


11. Mines of Moriya (Volodar Kilets)

Another twist on the motifs of the “Volodar Kilets” franchise – this time the ruins of dwarven mines from the Brotherhood of Hoops.

12. Babylon

The place of the Bronze Age with the little houses raised to the sky under the desert sun.

Take a look at the epic screenshot. 13. Mirror's Edge Reddit contributor Lord_Pancake meticulously created minimalist designs with the parkour background of Mirror's Edge.

However, some fans will not immediately be able to view this map in Minecraft from the reference screenshot from Mirror's Edge.

14. Nanny

The pixel art in Minecraft is simply magnificent (one block is worth as much as one pixel), and these giant statues that depict characters from the Internet culture game have been buried as much as a lot of money on the richly koristuvach server.

What can be more beautiful for a 20-meter Nyanket? 15. My Little Pony.

And gravets Thegoon3 move on

coming rhubarb

You may think that the 3D model is simply imported into the game (a wider range of full-scale models), but a friend of the map creator sings from the Reddit community, but that’s not the case.

You can climb like a ship, climbing block by block.

18. Mousecraft

This gravet has become a whole apartment on a grand scale.

Don’t forget that one block is one cubic meter, so the refrigerator here is full of curls.

Without details - a broom and dustpan, an aquarium, a hedgehog in the refrigerator - chew this card and transform it into another masterpiece.

Would you like to increase the popularity of “Sonic” in a trivial space?

Then go through this mini-game with control points, boosts and spring pressure plates that work on the red stone.

23. Seascape

Just the impersonality of the great garnih chovnі.


24. Babylonian Tower

A current interpretation of a well-known biblical story.

You can know the chair, which indicates that the cabinet is made up of 7 million blocks, its height reaches 100 surfaces, and it is illuminated by 90,000 lamps.

From the middle it looks simply miraculous, especially under the dome.

25. Winter Palace This is just part of “the greatest place in Minecraft in history,” according to the words of Reddit and YouTube contributor Rigolo, who is one of the creators of this masterpiece. Close to the palace itself, the place is above all a cluster of other monstrous spores.

Remember, however, that it’s not so easy to bring this life to the end, and we won’t mind reading about the delicate work with a red saw;

From the middle it looks simply miraculous, especially under the dome.

Even if you hardly want to show up, we’ll catch you from the shepherd of the powerful, inexorable vibrancy.

Are you dreaming of a villa on top of a mountain that overlooks the ocean landscape and is a bit like Tony Stark’s mansion?

From the middle it looks simply miraculous, especially under the dome.

This is a wake-up call for you.

This modern layout is ideal for a multi-million dollar player who wants to use a swimming pool, a beach, a personal bar and fly a power helicopter at the same time.

From the middle it looks simply miraculous, especially under the dome.

For us, mere mortals, this is nothing more than a distant fantasy, but we would like to often be able to incorporate it into life within Minecraft.

Although modest, yet even quiet, the monastery exudes the modesty of square meters with its charming earthiness.

From the middle it looks simply miraculous, especially under the dome.

Simple and comfortable rural life - no more, no less.

Ideal for lazy home get-togethers in the company of a good book that taps on the windows and all controlled by a number of creepers who, as you firmly believe, will inevitably follow you. Oh, so, collapse in the middle carefully - the place is in the booth and it’s really not very rich. This machine simply cannot help but be offensive.

Rotating on the aphids of the leaves of the mountain and the lake, which is asking for an easel, this canvas is an ideal place for entering the merits of retirement after a long and successful career. The luxurious booth, however, is not limited to the right, because until then you will still be amazed at what it is..

You already know that, no matter what gravets, you respect yourself, let’s say that the genre of the game is sandbox.

This means that, as quickly as possible, you can create everything that is useful, using the materials available to you, and every single task, apart from living, never ends.


For the garden you can increase the price of light, take up watering, fishing, gardening or contact other people online.

There are no everyday limitations - neither in space, nor in opportunities. It is necessary to establish a mode of play in which all resources for development are readily available at any time. The game itself, through a great spectrum of possibilities, attracts more and more people around the world, and many of them are willing to devote most of their time to such activity, as the everyday life of other disputes that delight the eye and allow you to perfect your architectural skills!

No matter how busy it is, this game, which at first seems like a waste of time, requires reporting information on all the nuances.

If you wanted to devote your free time to being alive in Minecraft, it is necessary for everyone to know all the details of the report.

Meta - creating such a neat - it’s simple and easy to fill, because the basic box-box doesn’t require much effort and resources for creation, and at the same time your daily routine doesn’t require a lot.

It’s enough just to put up some walls, a couple of windows and doors, create a cover and doors - you’re done! Naturally, such a dispute seems to be meager and uneasy, so as to snatch you away from the first gaming night when the evil gaming mobs arrive. Thus, the basic booth retains its main function as a protectionist.


from the outside looking in

– on the right is another row, and we can start thinking about it later, if there are enough resources in the meantime for its modernization.

A creation greater than a quiet life

Step by step around the basic structure, it will be possible to install new ones, high walls with more added materials, take away the old ones, remove the quiet ones, divide the living space into rooms and insert wide windows so that the cabin becomes quiet. This is where we save valuable resources that can be stored in the screen area.

So, in the near future you will become a professional worker, and you can consider yourself a professional worker and designer.

A great advantage of the Minecraft game is the presence of either time frames or spacious frames, missions for speed and other warehouses for any other game.

The main component for your daily life is obsidian, which is impossible to know without reaching a point.

Obsidian is obtained by the most valuable type of possession, for example, with a diamond pickaxe, search and type of diamonds for which can also be a significant benefit.

Having seen obsidian, you need to know the maidan that will fit the dimensions for the portal.

The obsidian frame - the basis of the future portal - is made up of four blocks horizontally and five that stand one on top of the other vertically.

To activate the portal and possible movement to Ender, it is necessary to set the base of the obsidian frame on fire, for which the igniter is used.

To create an igniter, you need to use one piece of gold and one flint.

As soon as you ignite the base, you will notice how the portal is tightened with a serpank. You need to stand in it yourself in order to initiate teleportation. The process itself takes only a few seconds and is a bit confusing.

Thus, you know in Ender, there is a great number of resources available that are not found in the ordinary world: a bright stone that glows, an incinerator that increases the flow of the sand of souls and easily occupies a block and what makes up all the Inferno as a whole.

All villagers are good traders, so it is important to maintain friendly relations with them, otherwise it will be impossible to establish trade ties with them due to very high prices. When unpleasant things happen violent acts

As they approach the village residents, their guard, a tall golem, enters on the right. So, you can find such settlements on the map by simply paying a small price for the world, or you can create one yourself. To have a complete village in Minecraft, you don’t need to joke

great quantity

materials - enough without the mother having enough special stuff. It is necessary to plant this plant, and from this the new villagers will appear. It’s enough to just leave them alone for one or two nights, and they’ll take over the everyday life of an entire village.

To work in this village far away, I will completely lie down in front of you.

Knowing about how to spruce up villages in Minecraft, of course, is not enough.

Considering a whole complex of spores, it is important to know how to properly protect them from any troubles of the inhabitants.

Here are some recommendations that can be followed when placing various objects on specific types of farms.

Any type of farm will provide you with food products and necessary resources, as long as you know how to create and manage them correctly.

It is important to know that all creatures must be periodically conditioned so that they can multiply, and all crops will require regular watering or close access to water.

The building of the Vlas castle

As for food about farms, there is no clear answer about how to build a castle in Minecraft.

Ale Bazhanna's mother, her castle is thrown into the skin lover, who has experienced the taste of the gris. To strive for such reliability and time to design, it is understood, is not for everyone, but for those who miraculously realize how much effort will need to be spent. However, the process resulted in a beautiful, grand castle.

When building a powerful castle, it is important to protect the architecture and those without certain elements the building itself will not turn out to be a castle.

The first such element is defense.

It may be a sprout.

Its shape, color and size again depend entirely on your imagination.

However, be aware that you may have a tall and narrow vertical sporuda, which will allow your mother to take a good look from its highest point.

, they are given to persons so that their fathers and guardians do not worry about themselves.

This look will allow you to shoot more accurately at the enemy.